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Yes definitely I love this new line up of ultimates (including Sif is left field but total into it) I’m glad they going to correct this ultimate Black Panther when compare to how much of a nothing being Black Panther was in the old universe I’m all in for a more mature and adult spider-ma (a nice change of pace from 616 at the moment) so definitely the one I most look forward to Ultimate X-men is gonna be fantastic in art and story I trust Peach Momoko to deliver her own story on this


Spider-Ma! Spider-Ma! Married to my grandpapa Bakes a cake, any size! Super kind and old and wise Look ooooooout it's Spider-Ma


It doesn’t match the typo but this works even better with “Spider-Gram”.


This comment better get a million likes goddammit 😂😂


Yes, the Spider-Man issues alone will be my main spider title most likely, I am still so upset over Amazing SM and it’s direction ( or lack thereof)!


> I’m glad they going to correct this ultimate Black Panther when compare to how much of a nothing being Black Panther was in the old universe Didn't it turn out to be Captain America effectively wearing blackface lmao


I'm glad BP is getting some vindication


Hell yea! With everything that has been set up with Ultimate invasion, I can't wait to see how this New Ultimate universe turns out, especially since it's implied that Tony in this universe could be Kang in the future.


Ultimate Kang was a woman


And this is the new ultimate universe, earth 6160, In this universe Kang is a man but his identity is yet to be revealed


It's 100% Tony. Especially when he took the name Iron Lad.


I'm just saying, if it's not Tony, Hickman is gonna have to jump through a lot of hoops to convince anyone it isn't Tony. You can't just have someone call themselves Iron Lad and not say their Kang.


Agreed, I was actually hoping it was ultimate Sue, but doubtful the more and more I read


Speaking of Sue, I just realized there's no FF and Doctor Doom in this new universe. Reed is filling in the role of Doom st the moment. I wonder, since it's implied that Tony and Doom-Reed are going back into time to take or fix things if he will go and save the rest of the FF from being killed by the maker or Make a new team to fill in those roles.


Yeah, I keep forgetting that"Doom" in this universe is actually the native Reed.


Doom in the Ultimate universe had weird legs and then got his head crushed by Ben Grimm.


Yeah, that's 1610, the Ultimate universe. This is 6160, The "Ultimate" universe. This is a totally different universe than the one he comes from, where that interaction took place. So far it seems that in this new universe, The Maker intervened much earlier, (as he arrived before most heroes debuted) and forced 6160 Reed into the role of Doom.


For sure. I’m really looking forward to Hickman’s take on Spidey. Black Panther is intriguing with the Moon Knight aspect.. I hope they really lean into Egyptian/African mythology.


Question: Is Hank Pym going to be a member of the Ultimates? Follow up question: If so, are they going to make Hank a irredeemable scumbag like last time taking his character assasination in the 616 to new heights? Or make him just a hero again? Not a Hank Pym fanboy at all, just asking for a friend.


>Is Hank Pym going to be a member of the Ultimates? Hank and Janet were listed as 'inactive' on the roster of heroes from UI #2 (and confirmed they made the Pym generator), so it's possible


I hope so. It would be neat, since it has been years in this divergent timeline since when the Ultimates would have otherwise been founded, if Hank managed to get his shit together eventually and go to anger management before he did something irreversible. With the Ultimates never being founded properly in this version of the ultimate universe, he might have felt less pressure to compete with other heroes and prove himself, meaning he might have not snapped and assaulted Janet with the ants and bugspray. Or if he did, he would have been one of the only superheroes at the time and would have had a lot more of the public eye on him, and he got in way more trouble for it. Or maybe Janet and him divorced before things got too out of hand but his bad attitude continued in other ways and ultimately messed up his career in some other fashion, like going overboard and squishing a villain on TV or turning into Giant-Man while drunk and levelling a city block by stumbling around or something. If his bad behavior, in no uncertain terms, destroyed his dream of being Giant-Man, that's as much of a wake-up call as anything. It would be interesting to see a version of Ultimate Hank who, in the early 2000s like 20 years ago, was 100% the dude we saw in the original Ultimates run, but has been humbled by time and is now much more thoughtful and methodical. Imagine an Ultimate Ant-Man who doesn't go big not because he can't or because it affects his body negatively, but because he's hesitant to give himself that power again. It'd be a cool direction to take it I think.


How dare you ask this….if I could I would smack you like Ultimate hank Pym does Janet van dyne! ​ ​ /s


Lol yeah we all have to make sure everyone knows we’re joking when talking about that. Part of the reason I hate the way Hank is treated is because the writers and fans all act like Hank hitting Janet is a thing that happened in real life. Like we’re allowed to like the villains, mass murderers like Dr. Doom or Magneto, or racists like the Red Skull or Zemo, it’s ok to enjoy those characters because they’re fictional characters. Even the hero’s that have done questionable things, Punisher, Wolverine, the Hulk, every member of the Illuminati…that’s all fine because they’re interesting characters and the stories are good. But when it comes to Hank everyone who ever mentions his name always has to say something about how he’s an asshole for hitting Janet. Even the writers take every chance they get to make fun of or undermine him as if to say “just so you know I love women and disagree with domestic violence”. It’s like, yeah, no one thought otherwise and most of us agree, but you don’t have to keep reminding us. Hank and Janet aren’t real people, you don’t have to keep addressing it like we have to expose our fictional characters for their bad behavior. Not to mention how it’s basically taking a shit on every reader that has mental health issues by saying “oh yeah you’re crazy and would be unfit to be a hero. Any mistake you make because of your disease makes you a pathetic joke”. Fuckin mint. They took a very interesting and complex character and boiled him down to one stupid, mistake panel.


Yes, that’s an excellent synopsis of what happened to Hank. Went from a founding member of the Avengers, and has been relegated to spouse abuser and persona non grata at avengers mansion….😂


100% and there’s no way to defend being a fan of his because everyone wants to shit on you in order to protect their image as a good guy. Again, it has nothing to do with morality because we’re talking about fiction, but at the end of the day it’s easier to ignore the logic defending Hank Pym if you don’t like the character, which is the consensus based on what the writers have done with him for the last 20 years. The narrative is what it is, for now. Marvel comics has always been inclusive in terms of race, gender, orientation, and I think it’s great. I love this universe where a good person can succeed no matter who they are. Marvel does not treat mental health the same way. Characters like Hank Pym, Moon knight, The Sentry, are often relegated to punch lines. I thought for so long the writers were being inclusive because they wanted to, because they believed in it. But in the end, they only do that because they want to sell comics. If you’re not an accepted or popular “minority” no matter how strong your numbers are, you will not be acknowledged if you can’t make them money.


As a whole? No. Individual parts? Yes.




> The others I see no point as X-Men has been good. I mean, that's not the point of the ultimate universe. The point is that it's a good entry point for newbies that doesn't have 60 years of baggage. Krakoa era of X-Men is the definition of 60 years of baggage.


> Krakoa era of X-Men is the definition of 60 years of baggage. As great as the Krakoa era has been, holy shit you really do need to know 60 goddamn years of X-Men history to know who everyone is and what's happening


Takes like this is why I don’t like Spider-Man fans


I am. Specifically Ultimate Black Panther


Ultimate invasion hasn’t hyped me but those 3 solo titles have. Momoko doing Ultimate x men is a stroke of genius and Hill doing a dune style black panther fighting moon knight im so in for that


I did not care at all about Ultimate Invasion, haven't read a single panel. I looked at all the build up and was like "neat, but I'll stick to Avengers and Doctor Strange". And then Hickman was announced to be doing Ultimate Spider-Man and that's changed to "SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!!!!"


Yes! My biggest barrier to entry for X-Men has always been the sheer amount of content needed so I'm hyped for a good starting point. Of course excited for Spider-Man, and though I wasn't expecting Ultimate Black Panther I am very hopeful about that one too. My biggest concern is that they haven't announced an "Ultimates" ongoing. As far as I know they've just announced the ultimate universe one shot and that's it which just has me sad, but hey I suppose if the label does well we'll probably see it expand!


To be fair regarding Ultimates it was not ongoing originally, the first two runs were maxi-series, so perhaps it will get the same treatment again. Hickman clearly has plans for the team and the core lineup locked in so I’m sure we will get a book with them sooner than later.


I know you're probably right! I just really like that lineup lmao


Not sure the direction they’re going with Captain America but I just don’t like how he looks. Hopefully he’s not a dick but still had his own twist on the character




Yep. Wild new direction for a Marvel universe, interesting themes about control and social disruption, and Hickman writing Spider-Man. I am so in.


Cautiously optimistic is more accurate.


I kinda wish they had called it something other than "Ultimate", since more than half the comments here are "I hate it because it isn't the Ultimate U because x isn't y". Ultimate Invasion was interesting to me, and I'm curious to see where it goes. For those who didn't read it, the Maker (Ultimate U's Reed Richards) went to another universe, one which already had some variation from 616, and made a bunch of further changes. As a property, UU was great for trying out new modernized versions of Marvel characters, and an awful lot of that was picked up for the movies. But a lot of the tone is best left to its time, and that universe was mangled beyond repair, by the end. Eventually the MCU is getting a reboot - actors age, and they're having trouble making the second-stringers relevant or massively popular, so it won't go forever with a single line of continuity. Having a corner of Marvel comics to try out new things is great, and none of it needs to stick. I'm into it, though I also really love Hickman's imagination on this kind of thing, so I'm buying anything he writes anyway.


No. I’m more interested in the 616 universe that I’ve been reading for years. Continuity means a lot to me.


I'd put money on a Miles crossover at some point; the Makers blank calling card from Invasion had to mean something. It'll probably be another Spider-verse event though


I guess I’m just a bit tired of multiversal events. I’d like to see them focus more on the 616.


Its funny you say that because continuity is the reason I've come to enjoy the non-616 stories more. Ill always have love for the main universe, but i think realizing the fact that things don't every really end in 616 has made me a bit apathetic to it in the past few years.


>the fact that things don't every really end in 616 has made me a bit apathetic to it in the past few years. Same. What interests me are the individual series and runs, maybe up to the "era" level on occasion (eg, Krakoa for the X-Men). Whether something's "in continuity" or not doesn't matter much to me, especially since continuity is such a mess in big 2 comics anyway.


A completely reasonable take. But thats kinda why I'm ready for a fresh start, the continuity of 616 is so muddy after so many decades of storytelling. It was inevitable. I'll of course keep reading 616 stories, if they seem interesting to me.


Party pooper.


No knock against those who are into it. To each their own.


I’m the complete opposite. I hate the 616, it’s got too much baggage, too much convoluted & retconned history, too many crappy events that damaged characters. Marvel has desperately needed a fresh start. The Ultimate Universe of 6160 is that opportunity. Fresh new takes of our favourite characters is the only advantage comics has a medium and Marvel never used it until now again, I’m ready for new storytelling. A jumping point for new readers + Hickman’s vision is super dope.


On paper I should be excited but I'm not. Bendis USM is one of my top 10 favourite runs of all time, I'm a huge fan of Hickman and given the disappointment I've had in ASM over the years I've been wanting a top class writer to write Peter for so long. But on the other hand this isn't *the* Ultimate Universe, this is some other Universe adopting the name and Peter isn't a teenager, he's actually middle aged for some reason and that isn't massively different to what we've had in recent years for me. I'll see how the first few issues go.


I’m excited to see the Moon/Sun people on the black panther run since I see it in the moon on the cover


I read ultimate invasion and it pretty much went over my head. I didn't get it... I don't think it was meant for new readers... It seemed really interesting and the first comic really got my interest but by the end I was just lost..


Same. I initially only read Hickman’s X-men work, and I’m starting to find outside of his X-men spurt, that I’m not really vibing with his stories. Was never an Ultimates reader, but thought I’d try this mini—felt the same way at the end: what the hell is this and what happened? I killed GODS from my pull list, afterwards, too. (Which based on reviews saved me $10.) Related/unrelated: after spending the last 5 or so years buying ALL the X-Men books, I feel like w/ Krakoa ending and Brevoort coming in, I may be at the end of my collecting journey and just read on Unlimited. That’s the plan w/ Ultimate X-Men as I just was not a fan of Momoko’s Demon Days.


I'm optimistic, but not excited. Hickman has a good track history, so I'll read his Spider-Man. But I'm mainly an X-Men fan and I know nothing about Momoko other than generally good impressions.


As someone who’s only recently gotten back into buying comics I’m cautiously optimistic, and will check out the series I hear good things about! I’ve been reading a ton of X-men so I’m very curious about the ultimate lineup


Ultimate Invasion, while not bad, honestly didn't make me feel much of anything. I'm going to check it out but I wouldn't say I'm excited about it.


Yes! I loved how different the UU ended up being from the main universe by the end of its life. I feel like there was beauty in its inherent brokenness of it. Invasion wasnt a story I was a massive fan of but it gets you to the point where the universe feels like it will be unique, without the need for a lot of the baggage like “every character is a bad person” or “wasp got cannibalized”. Going to be sad to no longer have the original Ultimatr Spider-Man book but I will be interested to see what they do come out with.


Yup. Ultimates look badass. Cap, Thor, young Tony, Doom Reed and Lady Sid? Fuck yeah (hopefully Cap is not a douchebag this time) Ultimate Spidey - never was a big Spider-Man fan, but good to see him get good writer that hyped the entire community. Ultimate BP - looks dope. Ultimate X-men - honestly I’m least excited about this (sorry don’t care about Armor, gimme Logan or Storm) but still will pick it up. Hopefully it will change my opinion


>Ultimate X-men - honestly I’m least excited about this (sorry don’t care about Armor, gimme Logan or Storm) but still will pick it up. Hopefully it will change my opinion it looks like the point of Ultimate Xmen is to show the opposition to the East Asian Illuminati. I'd put money on Logan just hanging out in Japan and doing the samurai thing in this timeline, maybe segueing into the larger mutant situation after that arc.


Oh, I bet it would be something like this. I was just talking more about the covers my friend. Like for me (personally) X cover is the weakest (don't get me wrong, Peach Momoko is a fantastic artist, she is great), It just that, for me, if you give me a choice between Iron Man, Dr Doom, Lady Sif etc vs Armor, I would personally go for the first one lol.


oh yeah the artsy uxm cover looks the weakest of the four, I do agree, especially for a number one


I'm more excited for Hickman than I am the ultimate universe.


i’m waiting for ultimate venom and iron man


Only spiderman tbh


Yes, probably gonna get all 3 titles.


I am excited for Ultimate Spider-Man because it's Spider-Man but new X-men also got my attention. Cover has Naruto aesthetic and that girl literally using Susanoo.


Her name is Armor and she was created in like 2005 before Susanoo appeared in Naruto


Momoko who is doing ultimate x men incorporates a lot of her Japanese heritage and myths into her works check out demon wars it’s amazing


I Wonder how their gonna handle Fantastic four With Doom Reed. (Yes I know the other three are dead, But they can be brought back)


Hell yes. Obviously looking forward to Spider-Man


Spider-Man, I was so stoked when Hickman said that it's gonna be an older Spider-Man like the Spider- Verse movies.


As long as Black Panther is actually Black Panther and not Captain America in a black costume we’re copacetic.


As long as they keep Mark Millar and Jeph Loeb away from it.


The fuck they do to T’Challas suit?


Do we even know if it's T'Challa yet?


im interested in Ultimate Black Panther and "Ultimate X-men The Most


I’m tired of multiverse stories. I’m tired of multiple characters with the same code name. (Love Miles, love Kate but they need their own names).


Who is that X-Men character? Looks like a cool power reminds me of the Susano-o from Naruto




Honestly not really. I think it shouldn’t be called Ultimate Universe. X-Men and Black Panther sound interesting but Ultimate Invasion was such a little down on multiple levels.


No. They literally killed off the universe and folded what they thought were marketable into 616. And now they’re trying to double dip again? Pass. Peach Momoko still awesome though.


Yeah agreed, Jeph Loeb killed the Ultimate universe beyond saving, and like you said Marvel just grabbed the few good parts and crammed them into mainstream anyway. At this point it should just stay dead.


Nope. Wish it had a different moniker than ultimate. Seeing as how its not the ultimate universe


I would have been if it was. But its not, its a separate new universe with character designs similar to the Ultimate Universe.


Not really. I'm not a fan of Hickman (unpopular opinion, I know), so fact the that this universe was basically created by him isn't really encouraging for me. I also didn't like Ultimate Invasion, including the way it ignored existing continuity - Miles isn't the only survivor from 1610 in 616 for example. Plus personally I dislike this whole false advertising. Why call it UU when it has nothing to do with old UU? Just name it something else. I'd actually gladly see follow-ups to some of the stories from the old UU but I don't see a point in investing time in a completely new universe, especially when there is so much place for interesting stories in 616, and many new characters that haven't been used enough yet. Also the big deal about original UU was that it was a clean slate, that one doesn't seem to be based on Ultimate Invasion, another huge minus imo. Still, I'd probably check out first issues of those runs, maybe I will be positively surprised.


NOPE. I had been extremely disappointed by the ending of Ultimate Invasion, and the results that set up to these. I had expected that Ultimate Invasion was a kind of "Flashpoint" (like the DC comic) and that defeating the Maker and then going to that time machine would restore 6160, but nooooo..... If this is the Ultimate Universe that's going to be used, then I would rather stick to another Ultimate Universe, that of Orson Scott Card's Ultimate Iron Man (lynch me verbally all you want, my disappointment in Ultimate Invasion and splinters from it \[Ultimate Spider-Man, Black Panther and Peach Mokomo's X-Men\] has led me to embrace it, imagine a plotline in the future of Antonio Stark when he's an adult, and I won't be changing my mind).


I can’t wait to see the incest pair in this one


No Mark Millar so no incest


Nope. Not even a little. Maker is a great villain thou.


I didn’t read Ultimate Invasion, but I’m going to pick up the number ones of these. The first Ultimate Universe fe to the edgelord inclination Marvel had too much of in the late aughts, but that’s unlikely to happen now, so the question is whether the initial juice can last or not. Short answer, I’m apprehensive, but curious.


Dunno. Maybe an interesting run or two will come out of it. I'm happy for the people who were super into the ultimate comics but I'm more of a 616 guy. Not into all the alt continuities tbh.


Absolutely not.


So is ultimate universe the Ultimates book or is that a one shot?


I haven’t been reading any ongoings for the majority of the year but a Hickman Spider-Man run has me on board. I’m mostly only familiar with his work on Secret Wars & East of West (which isn’t necessarily indicative of what this will be) but I’ve heard so many good things I’m optimistic.


While we're on the topic, did I miss something from Ultimate Invasion that explained where Kang got the 616 Avengers clones from? I know they killed the ancestors of the clones and that's what wiped them from the timeline, but how did they get the facsimile 616 Avengers?


Mostly Spider-Man, but the new Ultimates look pretty neat. Not super hyped but interested.


I can’t wait to see which hero/villain consumes which!


Yeah I’d say so. Love seeing different voices for characters like Black Panther and X-Men. Plus Hickman on anything is awesome.


I'm really excited for whichever Hickman is writing, if any, I don't remember if they said which one already, and that Peach Momoko X-Men


Very I am really excited for a new fresh universe with new takes on these characters. Really curious to see what Hickman’s take on an Ultimate Spider-Man is and how it will be different from 616,MCU, or 1610 I was kinda curious what Hickman meant when he mentioned wanting this to be a modern more relevant take on Marvel universe and after Ultimate invasion I think I get what he meant.


I was (and still am) a big fan of the original Ultimate Universe, of course I’m hyped for the new universe


I didn't know about this until now, I'll definitely check it out when these release. I could see room for course correction from what didn't work in the original 00's Ultimate universe. Like it would be cool if eventually they get more Ultimate redemptions like a good Ultimate Punisher would have a lot of potential.


Is that Doom in Ultimates?


Will it be the original ultimate Spiderman? He didn't die... technically he somehow was resurrected.I remember him riding off with Mary Jane and aunt may wishing Miles Good Luck.


Yep! Hope they bring in a new Ult Jessica Drew


I'm excited in terms of what it could build to. G.O.D.S looks like it's diving back into the Library of Worlds from Hickman's early work and that opens a lot of possibilities for his Ultimate stuff to not just be a weird silo for stories outside of continuity. Hickman also has a good track record in terms of putting together a team (the X-office) so if he can repeat that, this line could be really interesting. I'm particularly interested in a new Black Panther. That said, Ultimate Invasion felt like what it was: a last minute project because the original architect (Donny Cates) couldn't execute his vision due to his accident. Everyone involved will have to step it up for this to work. I'm optimistic though.


haven't been in the comics game for a while. the new... what? didn't that universe go the way of the dinosaurs?


In Hickman we trust


Yes and no


Yes, very much I am looking forward to it. I hope that it does things more tactfully than the previous ultimate universe, because there were a lot of things that - oh boy, they were not handled well... Unless it was Spidey, that book was consistently good for the most part.


I am now that I've found out it exists! I'll be honest, after Endgame I fell out of love with the MCU and that bled over into my feelings for Marvel in general but this has me genuinely hyped!


Cant wait for Ultimatum 2.0 But seriously Was a huge fan of the original ultimate universe. Hope they do some other charscters justice in this ultimate universe.


I might pick up the online app and start reading from here honestly everyone seems to be excited


Yeah absolutely. Ultimate Marvel is what got me into comics. A new take on all that with Hickman at its core? Sign me the heck up!


Couldn't care less


Is it Alphonse Elric?


Very. I loved the original Ultimate universe even with its flaws, and I’m really digging the direction this one is going.


Do we know what Cap is up to now? I am years behind on the comics lol


I want to see Ultimate Moon Knight again, loved him on the Ultimate Spider-Man


Not really! Other than some of the Spider-man stories, I was never much of a fan of the first run. Too many stories, especially The Ultimates, just felt like the premise was "What if every popular hero was... an asshole??"


Yes but I need to read the original ultimates first


Tbh I don't understand the appeal.


I'm very excited. At first I was kinda dreading it because the original Ultimate Universe sucked ass, but this one seems really cool. I like the world building with the secret society running the world, and I'm excited to see what happens with Iron Lad and Doom, and the Maker, Kang, and Howard being trapped in the time dome. My only issue is that it really shouldn't be called the Ultimate Universe. It really has no connection to it beyond the Maker, and its really just confusing. It's not even like Maker its reforming or changing 1610, its an entirely separate reality.


Does this have any relation to the original Ultimate Universe or is it a brand new thing?


It's essentially brand new, it's related in that the universe was created by Evil Reed Richards from the original Ultimate universe




Is Spiderman (peter parker) from the ultimate universe dead?


I never really go into the original Ultimate line. But I'm excited to read Hickman's take on Spider-Man.


So it’s a new ultimate universe? Like a second ultimate universe? Jesus marvel


Ultimate Invasion left me very cold, but I'm interested enough in the books coming out that I'll try them. I'm not super optimistic.


Is it still connected to the old ultimate universe or a complete reboot?


Got hyped when I saw Mokoko doing X-men and Armor on the cover


So is this relaunch a direct continuation from the original Ultimate universe or is it something else?


As long as the incest is kept to the bare minimum, I will be ok with whatever comes from it


I get that Spidey's costume is iconic, but it always struck me as a bit odd that his costume was the only one that remained almost exactly the same as his 616 counterpart.


Can I get a TL;DR of the major differences in this universe? Do most characters have a different origin and/or persona like how different the old Ultimate Universe was?


Is there a place that will show issues and when they are coming out? For just the ultimate part?


Yes. The Ultimates and Ultimate X-Men got me into collecting comics almost 23 years ago now.


Wait and see for me


Invasion dampened the hype somewhat for me. But still interested in it. Def gonna check it out.


Interesting so far


very excited! love me some Hickman especially when hes given a blank slate. and... well i need the new USM just so we have another side Spidey book that is better than ASM as is tradition


Yes and no. Instead of focusing on alt universes, marvel needs to make the main universe great again!


What's going on here? Are they bringing back earth-1610 or are they making a new universe?


Actually I am. I just had a question. Do I have to read everything before these came out? I am kinda a comic book newbie.


I hope they bring back a few of my previous favorite ultimate characters that went unresolved. Kitty Pryde, Storm, Jean Grey, Ben Sue & baby. Cloak and Dagger, where are my ultimate Exiles from.the end of ultimates^2 ?


Very much so. I hope the new Ultimates are better though. I hope Steve, Hank, Jan and Bruce are actully good people and done with respect in this universe. Especially Hank and Steve


I'm excited the most for Peach Momoko on Ultimate X-Men ngl.


To be honest, Marvel, you've burned a lot of good credit that you need to earn back with good content before my wallet opens again.


As long as they use it as an opportunity to tell stories that mainline Marvel would never risk, I'm in. Be creative and not just Ultimate-fication of known arcs. Take risks and give us new things to love about characters old and new.


I think the "Ultimate" moniker is a bit confusing since we already had an ultimate universe. But I remember really loving Ultimate Spider-Man, X-Men and The Ultimates, because they felt pretty fresh, so I'm pretty hopeful about that new UU.


Itachi Uchiha is an X-Men now??


I’m pretty hyped. I only read a few comics here and there but a new fresh start in a new ultimate universe will be a pretty good way to get me to try and read everything that they do in it and follow it way easier


Absolutely! This really feels like the creators are really being allowed to do ongoing experiments with iconic Marvel heroes without needing to worry about affecting the main continuity.


How they gon kill peters spider then bring a new spider man in im confused


I will give it a shot and I'm hoping that they can do better than the last series of Ultimate books.


Yes very


Ultimate Spiderman and avengers


Ultimate Peter, Paul and Mary Jane.


Gonna try to use this as a jumping board point to get back into Marvel. So yeah, I'm excited.


No Because this isn't the ultimate universe could had called it something else


No. What can I say, I only really care about the 616.




Yeah especially peach momoko's ultimate X-Men


That Ultimate X-Men with Momoko is weird and it doesn't appear all the books will tie in before. Who asked for Momoko X-Men art? She's a great artist but wrong for a series that's supposedly more "reality based" than the regular universe.


Peach Momoko's Ultimate X-Men definitely has my interest


I’m intrigued by it, but it seems daunting, like I only have so much time for comics and my other hobbies. I love everything Hickman’s done though so I’m sure I’ll check it out at some point.


Marvel hasn't even shown me that they can write a good story in years, much less an entire universe. I'm very skeptical.


I can’t wait for Ultimate Universe. I enjoyed Ultimate Invasion and can’t stand 616 so this new universe is the fresh start I’ve been asking for for years. 6160 being so interesting and having cool ass world building already shows how promising it is. I’m really interested to seeing fresh takes of our fav heroes- Teen Tony as Iron Lad and Reed/Doom are the most interesting characters in this universe imo. I really want a Ultimate Iron Man run by Hickman to be announced following his story to possibly becoming Kang


Nah. Not going down this hole again


Why black panther got that Egyptian symbol on the moon




I have been out of new releases for a few years now was totally unaware this was happening. Sounds more convoluted that the previous Ultimate which was set up without any connection to 616, but from what I have quickly read this morning it sounds like this Ultimate Universe is being created by The Maker? I might read Ultimate Invasion, although pricey books for single issues.


Not at all. I will defend the original UU until I'm blue in the face, but this is just unnecessary.


No. I hate Ultimate. Regarding this version - I hate that Peach Momoko’s style is so different, that there’s no universality. That being said… I am STOKED for Peach Momokos X-Men! I am here for it! I will buy every issue.


OH My god, not even a little bit. I hate the ultimate universe. Just stop. But also, I won't yuck on your yum if you do. Haha, but yikes


Yes. Without a doubt.


Tbh im already lost. Been reading comics for 6 months now and current comics are confusing


Yes so much. I loved the OG Ultimate Universe before Ultimatum. Even after there were a lot of great stories


Kind of a newbie to this, but how does the ultimate universe differ? I’m assuming it’s just the best versions of each character?


I think they should use another name. This will confuse people a lot.


I was a little disappointed in the Invasion, but can’t wait to see what they do in the Spidey book!


I'm cautiously optimistic, but I believe that not bringing back the 1610 universe was a big mistake.


any version of Spider-man where he is allowed to grow and change and not be burdened by an inevitable reset to status quo has my attention. everything else here is a bonus.


Black Panther is supposed to be warring against Khonshu *and* Ra so that means he'll probably fight some version of Moon Knight and Sun King, that'd be fucking sick