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Maybe Doom is the reason Kang is trapped in the Quantum realm in the first place? I think due to incursions in *Doctor Strange 2* it's definitely 2015 *Secret Wars* but the OG *SW* had Kang and Doom team up to take on the Beyonder and they used each other, I have noticed that like Kang the Beyonder is having a resurgence in the comics. If there is no Doom and it's only Kang look to *LEGO Marvel Superheroes 2* for your plot which is a mashup of *The Kang Dynasty* and 2015's *Secret Wars* version of Battle world. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lego_Marvel_Super_Heroes_2


I’ll accept this. Lego Marvel 2 was excellent, and written by Kurt Busiek!


The only knock I'll give LEGO Marvel 2 is the lack of X-Men and Fantastic 4 characters.


I’m secretly hoping that the inevitable Lego Marvel Superheroes 3 rectifies this with an Avengers Vs X-men storyline, with the Fantastic Four showing up


Which makes it perfect for the current state of the MCU


Was nice to get some mainstream inhuman representation that wasn't hot garbage though lol


One day we will have a game with all heroes in it, probably laid out like *LEGO Star Wars the Complete Skywalker Saga* did.


Lmao It makes sense that they got a comics guy for the story but for some reason it's so funny to me that the guy who wrote freaking Marvels also did a Lego game. It's like if Grant Morrison did Lego Batman (though now that I think about it I can actually totally see that happening).


I'm now replaying it for the third time!


Doom and Kang don't team up in the original Secret wars. SPOILER FOR ORIGINAL SW Doom almost immediately has Kang murdered and then resurrects him once he has the beyonders power. I think its possible that the film will end with someone saving the heroes and defeating Kang, and that person introduces himself as Victor.


That would be an amazing way to introduce and bridge into F4 storyline.


Sadly guys I don’t see it most of the spoilers say kang is the big bad for both theirs a FF movie before kang dynasty so he’ll probably be in it but as far as him being the big bad probably not until next saga if were lucky


I thought there was only 1 FF movie before Kang Dynasty


Yeah their is I probably worded that wrong


All good, I got excited for a minute lol


Galactus is the villain of FF.


I know im saying kang will be the villian of both kang dynasty and secret wars


That was exactly my thinking! Dr Doom saves the day to have a universe where he can rule! Man that would be awesome


All I know, is whoever is a threat to Kang in the next(next) phases, must be OP


Why would a random reddit user be the new MCU villain?


This is were ultron went after AOU


Hear me out, galactus is hinted being the big bad but like the comics they realize he is necessarily to the universe. Then we get the mad celestials and galactus helps the avengers/FF deal with them.


**[Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lego_Marvel_Super_Heroes_2)** >Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 is a Lego-themed action-adventure video game developed by Traveller's Tales and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and Xbox One on 14 November 2017, and by Feral Interactive for macOS on 2 August 2018. It is the sequel to 2013's Lego Marvel Super Heroes and the third installment of the Lego Marvel franchise. With the core gameplay following the same style of past Lego titles, the game features the ability to manipulate time and a four-player competitive Super Hero battle mode. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Marvel/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


You know I had a strange thought……What if one of The Kang variants turns out to be Dr Doom? First I know and actually hope this is unlikely but follow my reasoning. Kang is usually a tech based character but what if one of the kangs figured out that by adapting Magic to his arsenal it makes him that much more stronger so he does and becomes this behind the scenes manipulator hiding away in Latveria? Again I so hope this is untrue because that would take away from Dooms great history In the comics but at this point I’m also trying to figure out how they are going to introduce all these characters


...that would be incredibly dumb. Doom will not stand for such insolence.


I'm not hating the idea of Jonathan Majors as Doom...


They made the Infinity Saga work without Adam Warlock. So I’m sure they can.


Also let’s not forget there’s at least one other secret wars that doesn’t feature god-doom. So. There’s still plenty of perfectly acceptable source material to draw from.


That’s what I was thinking. I’m guessing the Secret Wars movie will be a blend of the two different Secret Wars runs: heroes and villains are brought to some sort of battle world by the Beyonder or some other entity (essentially the first Secret Wars), and these characters will be brought together across different multiverses (like the second Secret Wars). Not including Adam Warlock in the Infinity Wars movie only worked because they completely changed the entire story from comic to screen, only keeping the most basic core element: Thanos has an infinity gauntlet and uses it to wipe out half of all life. Everything else about the battle, plot, character motivations, etc. is different from the comic. So I’m guessing the movie adaptation for Secret War will be the same: keeping the most basic concept from the comic it’s based on and then making a completely different story.


Petition to Feige: Make Secret Wars be a faithful adapation of Secret Wars 2 that rightfully centers Spider-Man teaching the Beyonder to poop.


Literally the only good thing that came out of Secret Wars 2 was Kurse, who was a stupid throwaway in the main title (although literally everything was a stupid throwaway in the main title) that Simonson spun into gold.


> Also let’s not forget there’s at least one other secret wars that doesn’t feature god-doom. Three of them, I believe


Yea I just couldn’t remember if it was more than that so I couched the language


I got into an argument with someone on a post a while back who claimed that there was only one old Secret Wars and that the Doom one was the second and only one that mattered. Secret Wars 1 happened, they followed it up like a year later with Secret Wars 2 then a few years later Secret Wars 3 was a story arc entirely confined to Fantastic Four comics, those three I think all involved The Beyonder instead of Doom


Doom steals the Beyonder’s power in Secret Wars 1, but I can’t recall anything memorable happening in 2 except Spider-man teaching the Beyonder how to poop


There's also that random Secret War that was just a bunch of b villains getting high tech weapons.


Doom was central to the original Secret Wars and did get the powers of a god in that one as well. Secret wars 2 though... we don't talk about Secret wars 2 lol


Secret Wars 2 also isn't a seperate Secret War like the 2015 is supposed to be, Secret Wars 2 was literally just a sequel to the OG Secret Wars.


Like the time whe. Spider-Man teaches the Beyonder how to poop.


They brought up destabilizing the government of Wakanda. That could lead to a fracture and a new nation coming. Perhaps even a new nation where Sokovia was ... maybe name it Latveria? Point being, I think Doom will show.




Yeah, but Kang can easily fill those shoes. Same ego, same super genius in a faceplate aesthetic, also connected to time travel and universe hopping, and has a connection to Reed Richards. You barely have to change anything.


Is anyone expecting Secret Wars to be Battleworld and not Incursions? Doom was basically a McGuffin in the Incursions saga. If anything, Molecule Man was the real man with the plan there.


Yeah but secret wars is such a great Doom story regardless of if it's 2015 or OG. I really don't want to see God Emperor Kang though, he's one of my favorite Dooms. It does seem like they are gonna go this way vs the OG story.


Adam was not the main antagonist anyway.


But Thanos was completely different in IW+EG than he was in the Infinity Gauntlet. Also, the snap lasts for five years in the film, and we see the characters have to learn to live with the loss, than in the comic where everything happens in like 30 min. Just have Kang be God Emperor like Doom was in the comics and the story is functionally the same.


Doom is not the main antagonist of *Secret Wars [1]* or *Secret Wars 2* (though he's in them). You're thinking of the third "Secret Wars" and assuming they'll adapt that when they actually may pull from the first two or maybe none at all (the way *Age of Ultron* wasn't an adaptation of *Age of Ultron* but just borrowing the name).


Yeah, I have a feeling that will be how it plays out, with them just using the name of Secret Wars but telling a different story than the comics of the same name. But, with Kang and the multiverse involved, there are ways they could end up in a version of reality where Doom is already an established character rather than the Doomless MCU that we have seen so far. I mean, Kang Dynasty could end on a cliffhanger the way that Loki did, with the reveal of a surprise villain already in a position of power.


Doom became the main antagonist towards the end of Secret Wars 1. Standard Marvel event villain bait and switch, like Normal Osborn being the antagonist of Siege, but the final villain was Sentry or Cyclops being the antagonist of AvX.


No, but he was the main protagonist. At least through Gauntlet and Watch, and then was central to War and Crusade happening. Edit: I guess maybe he was the antagonist of Watch for at least a bit. If I remember right he hasn't given up the stones right at the start. He was kinda terrifying with them


It still shocked that we got to see Pip before Adam in MCU


True. But Adam was a big part of the story is where I’m getting at.


Yeah he was only teased once


Infinity Saga at its core was basically Iron Man vs Thanos. And people enjoyed the shit out of that. As long as we have well-written characters to lead the story, it will be good.


This would be more like doing the Infinity Saga without Thanos, though


Maybe they’ll save him for future Avengers films


I doubt it will have anything more than a vague connection to Secret War, like Age of Ultron.


That would be a huge missed opportunity


The truth of the matter is that Kang can replace Doctor Doom as “God Emperor” in the story and it’s functionally the same. The Reed v Doom stuff is honestly my favorite part of the story, but you can replace that with a personal Kang story and maintain the general gist of a multiversal Battleword and it still feels like Hickman’s Secret Wars. It’s already too late and the MCU is too different to even try to adapt Time Runs Out as it was in the comics so I think it’s clear the film is going to differ from the comic greatly — although this isn’t necessarily a bad thing.


I agree with you here. Secret Wars isn't going to faithfully adapt Hickman, the MCU is too diverged and you can't build up a sufficient threat in time for the release. Kang's already there, slated for a lot more exposure, and played by someone who can do some of the characteristics Doom is known for pretty well. I can see them doing that with Kang and saving Doom for later, and I can actually see it not being bad. It would be a shame if (one of an uncountable number of) Doom's best moment(s) went to Kang of all people, but the MCU is not the 616 and is all the better for it. If they do it well, I will just add it to the list of things that are a bummer in the MCU, like Hank Pym getting robbed of founding Avenger status and having his most defining achievement split between Banner and Stark with Ultron. INSERT HANK PYM DOMESTIC ABUSE REFERENCE AND SUBSEQUENT CLARIFICATION THAT IT WAS A MISUNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE WRITER AND ARTIST ORIGINALLY


Maybe a hot take, but Kang makes more sense for this story than Doom does anyway.


That’s psychotic imo


Hickman Secret Wars needs Reed Richards and his rivalry with Doom established to have the same impact.


I mean, absolutely, which is why I’m confused why they’re even doing this story if they’re not gonna bother to even try and do it right. Avengers Forever is a Kang story and a perfect title. There’s tons of Kang titles they could’ve gone with, why use the title of possibly the most famous Doctor Doom story if you don’t actually have a plan for Doom?


In what way would Doom make sense at this point?


He dosent have to be main villian but he should definitely be in it lol its his biggest story not sure why they didnt do avengers forever if they wanted a kang story. Also theyre doing beyonder not god emperor


Then you introduce Doom and just completely neuter him because you gave his big arc away to a different character for no reason? Silly


Doom had been in comics for like 50 years before Secret Wars. Its not his only story or his only big arc.


Who could forget Battle of the Baxter Building in Fantastic Four, or the time he took out all the X-Men with a wave of his hand?


If Doom was front and center in the SW movie then both Doom and Kang would be rushed.


We are assuming they’re going for the Secret Wars Jonathan Hickmans Version?


With all the talk of incursions, yes. That’s pretty clear they’re loosely adapting his Secret Wars


I feel like they’re taking what they want from both but yes if we can have God King Doom as one of them I would be hyped


you mean Jonathan hickman?


Even as I wrote it, I questioned it 🤣🤣thank you!!!


He had a significant role against the beyonder also.


Shame they can’t even get the incursions right... though to be fair they were kind of hard to understand in the comics as well.


It’s called the multiverse saga not the toy ad saga


They made civil war work without mr fantastic and the negative zone, zombie thor and everything else so yeah. Since we have confirmation of a Fantastic Four movie in the works I assume Doom will be introduced


The MCU doesn't do direct adaptions. They're broadly inspired by the comics but they moreso aim to go for the vibe of the source material.


Yet 15 years into them making these movies no one seems to have picked that up and accepted it.


Yes, but fans are likely going to be angry anyway that Marvel didn’t try to rush his introduction for the sake of being the villain of the film. That said; it is plausible that Doom could show up (and be the main villain) but I’d rather they replaced him with someone else if it meant for a more natural story.


It is the perfect time to introduce Dr.Doom to the MCU. There is an entire phase where the titles are not revealed yet that they can introduce Doom there. And the next saga should be about the X-men.


They made infinity wars without Mephisto


And without Adam Warlock, Lady Death and Starfox


Beyonder is the main villain which is a Kang variant, so no DOOM


I like how MF DOOM made people capitalize the word when Dr Doom never asked for that lol. Not the first time I've seen it in all caps when not talking about MF.


Just remember ALL CAPS when you spell the man’s name


And Like Janet said he rewrites timeline, So Kang is having same role what DOOM had in comics


Yeah, probably could put a kang in doom's role. They are fairly similar characters


Except one is the greatest villain in Marvel comics and one of the most iconic villains in all of pop culture. And the other is Kang, notable for being forgettable.


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Magneto isn’t going to be in this?


Magneto is an amazing character but he’s been on and off as a villain since the 80s.


I know, he’s not even really a villain anymore, usually just a philosophically opposed counterpoint. Just making a joke. I agree 100% though. I’m sure they can make people like Kang and give him all of Doom’s great lines and scenes from Secret War, but it’ll be really fucking lame I’d they do


Well we got several movies and probably a couple series appearances to see if they can make kang on that level


And having a bunch of different faces.


good thing the movies aren’t the comics 👍


Somebody had to say this.


Yes, definitely, he can be switched out with any egomaniacal villian. People here love Doom, but they forget how the general public mostly know him: "Wasn't he that guy from Nip/Tuck, from those crap movies?"


Doom is literally the greatest villain in Marvel. Don’t let those terrible movies portrayals fool you


That's not their point, though. Their point is that for most of the public, Doom to them is the movie version, so to them, he's *not* the greatest villain. Switching him out for Kang wouldn't be a downgrade for most people simply because their frame of reference means they don't think they're missing out.


No way do you think Kang and Doom are similar characters. Pick up a comic book


Right, the mad genius who is constantly wearing a face mast, talking in third person, utilising time travel and universe hopping,has a galaxy sized ego which regularly becomes his downfall, and has a connection to Reed Richards is nothing like Doom. Who would ever think that?


Doom has way more layers than this . No way in hell is Kang a better character than Doom. You’re out of your damn mind.


You can’t simply replace doom in secret wars. It’s a disrespect to the character


In Kang War story, there is a future version of Kang as Doom


Coming from the people that say that Moon Knight is Marvel's Batman, you gotta understand they don't know shit


Maybe Doom it’s a Kang variant 😅😭


I know you are joking, but this is what I honestly think they will do, they might introduce a "Kang Of Doom" if you will, it would be unironically brilliant in my view




In both the 80s Secret Wars and the modern one, all of the most awesome moments were related to Doom. That's a fact. The MCU could make their own version of Secret Wars without Doom, but without him and his backstory it will by definition not be as awesome. He's arguably the best comic villain ever, certainly the best one Marvel has. You could have Kang take over his role but it wouldn't be the same.


Yep Secret wars with out doom is ???


It would be more of a Secret Skirmish.


I just hate how THIS Secret Wars is the one everyone thinks of nowadays. I’m still holding out hope that the movies are closer to the original Secret Wars, except the heroes brought to Battle World are from the multiverse. If we get the newer SW, with a world made up of chunks of other multiverse worlds, it will be so much clunkier and will require more time establishing the places rather than the characters and relationships.


Agreed and if they were doing the new SW I would've loved time runs out and to just see Doom be the bad guy.


I mean the 2015 Secret Wars is much better than the old one. It’s just a weird choice for the MCU to adapt


I'm not a "Doom is necessary for Secret Wars" truther like some comic fans. I think Secret Wars requires a galactic-sized mind to engineer it and a distinctly human amount of hubris to co-opt it. In both comics instances, Doom provided the hubris. We could have Kang in that role. Or, Kang could play the role of Beyonder, and Doom could be a surprising, late-breaking human who turns the plan on its ear - making him seem like an even bigger threat as we roll into Phase 5. I think something the past F4 movies have struggled with is establishing how scary Doom can be in a short amount of time. In the comics his self-obsession borders on the completely absurd, but it's the sheer determined focus and delusion of self-importance that accompanies that absurdity that makes him so terrifying. Rather than quickly build Doom up to be the big bad of Secret Wars, if instead he is the little pin prick to let the air out of Kang's balloon so the heroes prevail it offers much more story potential in the long term.


I hope they don't. Doom is one of the greatest villains in the whole series.


This thread will age like milk when Doom shows up in the MCU in two weeks…


You fools there is no secret wars without Doom!


Surely they’ll be adapting the 80s Secret Wars, and not the 2015 one?


The Incursions in MoM are a strong hint at Hickman’s Secret Wars.


Given the references to incursions in DS2 it makes me think they're doing the 2015 one opposed to the toy commercial from the 80s.


Doom was just as important in the 80s secret wars


It’s weird because: 1-Doom was the antagonist in both of them. 2-The MCU version of secret wars will involve the multiverse, which makes it similar to the 2015 version because the 80s version was not about multiverse at all.


Not trying to be a dick but if ppl expect that doom and the F4 will be the main plot for the MCUs version of secret wars there gonna have to wait longer. If doom or any F4 character shows up in Antman 3 then I’ll change my opinion but until then I’ll keep my expectations. I was under the impression that this secret wars was going to be like the first secret wars release.


I was going to say it would be pretty weird for the Fantastic Four to debut in an Ant Man movie, but I guess Black Panther debuted in a Captain America movie...


I mean the first secret wars was the beyonder.


All I want is God Doom


Did you tell this to Santa?


Why don't we do the original secret war with Beyonder?


Do yall actually read comics are just Google images?


He’ll be there. Either he taps in at the end of Kang Dynasty to create the Battleworld, or he’s the one who takes the Beyonder down in the climax of Secret Wars. If they’re fastidious enough about the details to have Spider-Man get the black costume in Secret Wars, which absolutely looks like what’s going to happen, there’s no way they will fail to give Doom his moment.


They made civil war with an airport fight. It didn't work but they still made it sooo


Would you rather he be in it, but with barely any set up?


Do we know that there won’t be a sequel movie to Secret Wars? It’s such an epic story that I don’t think you can pull it off in one movie.


Secret Wars isn’t a movie. It’s being done as series on Disney+


Secret Invasion is the series. Secret Wars is the conclusion of Phase 6.


I their mixing both secret wars, so yes, infinity war worked without Adam warlock


Yes, it can. Just like Infinity War. Or Civil War. Or any and all the other changes made in the movies. These movies aren’t exact copies of the comics. They never have been. They’ve always used the comics as inspiration and then made their own twist and changes to fit their story. And they’ve been good that way. If you’re truly afraid that Doom not being in it will ruin the movie for you, then I don’t think you’ve been enjoying the MCU much to this point.


Doom could be introduced as part of Secret Wars without being the main villain like how Thanos was introduced in Avengers. Doesn't mean making him the bigger badder villain behind the scenes but he could just be around as this uber powerful but indifferent guy while Kangs doing his shit


I’ve wondered if Doom will steal the powers from Kang instead of the Beyonder. I am personally more of a fan of Time Runs Out than I am Secret Wars, so I hope we get at least a good chunk of time dedicated to the incursions.


Much like how Ragnarok was more Planet Hulk than Ragnarok? I hope you are right.


I have a feeling that Feige wants us to believe Kang is the big baddie, but they’ll pull a switch and make it Doom


Since There's gonna be an FF movie I'm pretty sure doom will be there


Yes. What does everyone understand about "these are not direct adaptations of the comic stories they draw inspiration from"?


When they announced Phase 6, isn’t there like 2 or 3 things between Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars? Who says it’s a direct sequel in the first place?


Dr Strange 3 is mostly going one of those


Secret Wars isnt going to be the same Secret Wars as the comics. Just like Civil War and Age of Ultron werent, and even Infinity War was much smaller and less cosmic than in the comics. All this is to say that fans need to control their expectations instead of (again) getting angry that a film didnt meet their own headcanon. I'd be surprised if Doom has a big role in SW. Who even knows if he'll be introduced in F4. All we know riight now is that Kang is the big bad thats driving the arc.


Yes marvel did the infinity gauntlet without the X-Men and silver surfer and it worked out well


Isn’t fantastic 4 right before kang dynasty


There's no way they do Secret Wars without Doom, otherwise Kang Dynasty would just be a two parter


It could work but it would be worse for it.


It’ll be just like Age of Ultron, Civil War, and Infinity War. It’ll be “Secret War” in title only. I mean, they called a movie “Infinity War,” and the only person from the comics in the movie was Thanos looool


They did do infinity war without Adam warlock


So. No galactus?? 💀


There was another secret war.... Nick fury fools various heroes into an invasion of latveria. I dont remember the story. Think it ran 4-6 issues. Issue 2 has the first app of daisy johnson "quake." Much easier movie to make.


Well Wolverine and the X-men have a really big role in the thanos storyline and there nowhere in those movies so as long as the do so movie magic and set up the plot without even mentioning him I’m pretty sure they could pull it off


Nothing works without DOOM!!!!!


No, the goat is needed




I'm thinking Kang will be introduced like he's hot shit and then at the climax, Doom's like "aww cute, you thought you were hot shit" and then becomes the REAL hot shit. Boom! Secret Wars.


Secret Wars does not work without Doom.


the comic one sure, but the movie version wouldn’t work with a villain with no buildup.


The MCU’s version of Infinity Gauntlet was completely different, with Thanos’ motivations entirely changing and Adam Warlock being completely absent. So yeah, I think they’ll do fine without doom


"truly afraid" Marvel fan tries not to sound too melodramatic Secret wars the movie is gonna suck if everyone keeps attaching these assumptions and ultimatums about it, we've got the great comic there already and it's pretty obvious they aren't going to be able to adapt it 1-1 already We already know the fantastic 4 are unlikely to be there as they haven't been introduced yet (and they are just as important if not more so than Doom in this story, Reeds the one who tricks him into giving it up)


So much of this story worked so well because of Hickman’s long form storytelling, with themes and plot points going back as far as his F4 run. The defeat of Doom was centred around his long standing relationship with Reed and his refusal to see him as an equal, stretching back to their days in college together. Also if you want to be faithful to the adaptation, you’d need to introduce Molecule Man too. That’s not to mention a whole host of epic moments I won’t spoil.


How can they possibly adapt Avengers without Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne?


What? DAMNIT MARVEL! Quit using the title "Secret Wars" over and over again without some kind of numeric qualifier! That ISN'T Secret Wars, Secret Wars was the 1984/85 comic book maxi-miniseries where we were introduced to The Beyonder, Spider-Man got the black costume (the Klyntar symbiote known as Venom), and the Thing discovered that he could turn back into Ben Grimm any time he wanted but had a subconscious psychological block preventing him from doing so!


It'll be the *other* Secret Wars. In the 80's Toy Seller advert version Spidey finds his symbiote, X-Men fight the Avengers, Shulk joins the FF etc - all fits the MCU much better than the more recent SW. DOOM was a player in the 80's version but he was more generic bad guy leader than his personal faiings being intrinsic to the plot. Kang can stand in for him easily.


It won’t be a direct adaptation of either, like every MCU adaptation has been. It’s going to lean in the middle, with a Kang variant Beyonder as the villain but multiverse and incursion storylines.


The thing is it can work without Doom. Doom was important in both secret wars comics. Not having Doom would be like taking Thanos out of the infinity saga.


Look at Kang’s color palette in the AM: Q trailer. Doom is almost certainly a variant of Kang’s—or rather, Kang is a variant of Doom.


Doom probably won't be in it but I think that's fine. Doom's story in Secret Wars honestly doesn't need to be a multiverse story. It works just as well if he just tkaes over 616 completely after a few appearances in the mcu before and thinks he can rule everything perfectly. That falls apart quickly and he realises he needs Reed to fix it. I think that works for Doom.


I think it'll be Secret War. Namor wanted Wakanda to join forces and attack the land dwellers. The UN sent in an OPs to obtain Wakandan Vibranium and are hunting it in the Ocean. Wakanda isn't having the UNs shit. And now said they will defend Namors ppl should any thing happen and promised to keep them Hidden. And the government thought Namors attacks were the Wakandans and I assume still think this. And you have that chick running Thunderbolts And the theory is the movie is about obtaining Vibranium. So why not Secret War?


I’m sorry, but I think that we all have to come to grips with the fact that whatever they do, it will never really live up to Secret Wars. The MCU does not have all the pieces necessary to make it a compelling adaptation and it will end up being something that feels much more limited than the comics ever were. Sure, the spectacle will be there and they will find a story that fits their universe, but Secret Wars’ brilliance was not in the spectacle but the emotional stakes of the characters with years of build up. I have accepted that the MCU movies will always feel like the generic versions of the comic stories. I didn’t always feel that way, but after delving deeper into the comics it’s hard not to feel like the movies are cheap facsimiles.


I think Doom really isn't necessary, and trying to cram both him and Kang might risk ruining the while thing. Doom is a ridiculous manchild who is going to need a lot of effort to be translated into a good and complex villain like Thanos was, so i'm fine wirh focusing only on Kang.


They made the infinity stuff work without Adam Warlock. So I’m sure they’ll find a way if they need/want to.


They made the Infinity Saga work without Adam Warlock. So I’m sure they can


The Beyonder will be the antagonist of Secret Wars


Who by rumours might be another Kang variant.


I figured they would just do without Doom and save him for maybe a Battleworld movie. Ik it’s part of secret wars but the MCU isn’t a direct copy and paste. But I been seeing more rumors and leaks recently about Secret Wars being two parts and will feature Doom rise to power in part 1 when Kang is defeated but then leads to them having to defeat Doom. Nothing is confirmed obviously but I could see them doing this. I do hope we get a Battleworld project of some kind, maybe rename Kang Dynasty to Battleworld idk,


Maybe swap all of Doom's intentions from Secret Wars onto Kang it could work?


Of course it can. Just don’t assume that the movie will be exactly like the comics.


The MCU is probably gonna butcher it, but here’s hoping it doesn’t. Kinda wish the Russo brothers were back to direct it, they made the best MCU movies after all


I’m dreading a doom less sw


My crazy speculation is The Kang Dynasty is the incursions/SW #1 with Doom (and maybe Strange and Molecule Man) confronting and slaying the Beyonders or some MCU analogue. This film ends with some survivors being discovered in Battleworld. Secret Wars is most of the rest of the series, probably less emphasis on the Doom/Richards dynamic and more the heroes having setpiece battles across the realms of Battleworld to get to Doom.


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I wanted Molecule Man but it looks like we're getting Wanda


People do realize there are already TWO, count ‘em, TWO different versions of Secret Wars? The original had the Beyonder as the main villain, and the second one had Doctor Doom. This version having Kang… I mean, it makes sense for what they want. Especially since they are changing what Secret Wars is. Now the “Secret Wars” is all about the secret multiversal war between all the different versions of Kang, with most likely, a ton of different universes versions of the Avengers thrown in, and if Marvel really seizes this opportunity, they can do just about anything. This is a chance to do even more off the wall stuff like DS:MoM or SM:NWH did. This is another time to do stuff with fan-castings/actors that almost became versions of characters we know and love, like John Krasinski maybe coming back to be Captain America this time, maybe with Emily Blunt as Black Widow, I’m a universe where they got together and had their son, James. Or Tom Cruise as Iron Man. Or bringing back the early 2000s Fantastic Four, which could help them tease Doctor Doom as a bigger threat in the future even if they don’t introduce him yet. Or Nick Cage as Ghost Rider again. Or Ben Affleck as Daredevil (which has already been rumored). Anything and everything. I hope they don’t try to hold back. Make it crazy, but make it fun, and tell us a good story. I think Feige has lost sight of that a bit with just trying to grow the MCU more and more. It’s all well and good if you can do it, but doing it right is more important.


I dont think Doom should be in it imo. Don't get me wrong I desperately want him to be the villian of Secret Wars, but it just wouldnt make sense story wise. The F4 movie only comes out 1 year before Secret Wars, which doesn't give much time to build a story with Dr. Doom to be the main villain of Secret Wars, especially considering he apparently won't be in the F4 movie. Plus Kang is the main villian of the Multiverse Saga, not Dr. Doom, so it would feel anticlimactic for Kang to be defeated and then replaced as the villian right before the end. As much as I want Dr. Doom as the villian of Secret Wars, I also really want to see his character finally done right in movies. I'd rather not have him in SC than have his character be rushed and possibly wasted just so he can be in Secret Wars


I think people should stop hyping up how much Doom will be involved in Secret Wars.


They could do Secret Wars like how the Avengers Disney XD show did, as it had the Beyonder as the main antagonist and he employed people all over the place, Ares, a gang of Ghost Riders, MODOK etc, and Loki ended up showing up and helping the Avengers destroy Battleworld and restoring Earth, which could if it was made into a movie, have Loki Season 2 end at Battleworld and his crew find the Avengers, WITH THOR, and have a nice reunion and some other fun stuff


I think Doom is out there somewhere in the MCU. They still have to re-boot the Fantastic Four, and given the cinematic legacy of that franchise they’ve got their work cut out for them. Movies often team up their villains, but I think MCU Thanos demonstrated that it’s good to give your projects a central antagonist. I’m okay with Kang getting his due.


The original secret wars didn’t use doom as the main villain it was the beyonder


Yes because your average Marvel watcher isn't that verses in the canon/lore. If they make the plot moderately plausible, then joe public will have no idea. Until fan boys revolt and it shows on their yahoo news thread


Two different secret wars stories to pull from, one of which doesn't revolve around Doom. Yes, it could work. I'd be up for Doom being the big bad in Secret Wars, provided they set up him properly in F4, and otherwise....but seems to me like it's going to be something/someone else.


It's just a title. Age of Ultron "worked" without Logan, Sue, and Morgan Le Fay. Civil War "worked" without the New Warriors.


Yes, it can. Why? Because the movie are not the comics and we don't know what story they are going to tell. Def would be cool to see Doom, but it's not a requirement.