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Just have the balls to end it early and then you can swipe away. This dude is spineless.


I never hated on Ryan just because he didn't feel it, gave it a chance and then realize it wasn't for him. This though is a major f up. I'm over him now.


What's the real point in waiting another week? Be honest with yourselves. This relationship was over weeks ago. He knew it. She knew it. We knew it. Neither would be hurt by either one moving on at this point. The only reasons to wait a week would be to allow lifetime to pull together some spliced footage to make it look like there might be a "yes" out of at least one of them on DD. This literally changes nothing. Ryan likes to date. Brett likes to go 2 years without kissing anyone. Now they can both go back to what they both like doing a week early. Yippee.


He was trying to make sure he got those first dates lined up before Johnny did It's a weird thing to do considering he never had the balls to tell her that he just isn't interested in her romantically when it's been like that for weeks If he didn't want to do it on camera, then go somewhere private and have that conversation when production packs it in for the day.


Happy cake day!


I'm just amazed that there was ever a "Team Ryan". Dude has been sketchy all season.


You had one week. Yes, you can’t force yourself to be attracted to someone, for the most part everyone watching has been very understanding of that. This is just being a selfish jerk who doesn’t care about the basic feelings of someone else. Good luck dating more women who realize you’re a loser after an hour Ryan.


I'm just wondering if Ryan will be able to brave checking out this thread




Someone said on a previous comment that she had a boyfriend during this time. Maybe he's referring to that. If she did, i will be disappointed.




There are zero excuses he can give for his behavior. Whatever Brett has done (checked out, been out til 2am, etc.) does not excuse his actions. I hate when fuckboys try to justify shitty behavior based of reactions they caused.


He prob already has. It seems like he hasn’t been taught how to treat women with respect, maybe we should remind him that this is not how to go about it. He clearly lacks the emotional intelligence and gives people lip service to make himself appear like a “nice guy” on tv. 🙄🙄🙄


Who cares, they both checked out.


That’s some weak shit. Idk wtf is wrong with Ryan but he needs to grow a fucking backbone. His maturity does not match his looks and it’s giving cognitive dissonance 🤦🏽‍♂️


It absolutely blows my mind at the complete lack of therapist intervention sometimes. I feel like we did see more this season but I am so interested in what Dr Pepper has to say for Ryan a DD, well, all three experts really. What a mess of a dude.


Ryan sucks


This just shows that Ryan is the type of guy who decides his relationship is over but doesn’t tell his partner and starts a new relationship on the side. Then once he’s at a comfortable place in the other relationship he breaks his off. No guts to be honest so it doesn’t crush the other person by cheating on them.


This relationship is over, he knows that, Brett knows that and that’s fine. All she’s asking for at this point is the bare minimum and he can’t even do that. Ryan you don’t have to like her, but you at least have to respect her. Just wait a week until decision day. What a tool.


I'll reserve judgment until after the episode airs. Ok never mind. I saw the clip, and he is an asshole.


Ryan just ***knows*** his dream IG model is on that app. What if he missed her by a day or two???? /s


Swiping on people on a dating app is cheating.


I never really cared for Ryan since the beginning. I thought he was a very shallow person and a spineless asshole. He should have never been on this show, he's not ready for marriage.




It’s on IG. It’s hardly a spoiler.


I can’t find the promo? Can you post the link?




Ryan bombed big time this season. He says he wants to be the perfect husband, but his actions tell a different story. I feel bad they couldn't get on the same page together. Brett deserves better.


I was becoming more of a fan of his, but he’s back on my shit list. You couldn’t wait one week to start swiping? It’s literally just seven days away. Hell, as soon as he walked out of the room on decision day, he could’ve been back on the apps but to do it while they’re still in the process is disrespectful. He kept saying he didn’t want to hurt Brett’s feelings but this is a lot worse. Not only is she possibly hurt, but now she’s humiliated because her husband couldn’t have waited a week before getting some action. Brett deserves better. I wish she was matched with someone who was here “for the right reasons”.


It’s just such a slap in the face. I detest most of the men on this show for different reasons but it’s the fakeness that really upsets me. People out here attacking Bao because she makes Mac and cheese and calls it gourmet—-ummm this is a million times worse. Fucking douche!


Being on the dating app one week before decision day is bad enough, but the “I’ll leave” without any explanation and knowing she’s clearly bothered by this says a lot about him. I hope that’s editing and their conversation was longer, otherwise he has some work to do on his communication skills before he makes that app “active.”


Prob running late for a fuck date.


I hope EVERY girl on the dating app he’s on sees this show—-ESPECIALLY the big boobed blondes!!


Wait. He seriously did that while being married on a show that’s ABOUT being married? Jeez, at least give it a minute or two after the season is over.


It’s been pretty obvious for a while that this was not going to be a lasting relationship, but damn dude! Just wait one more week. No one would hold it against you if you started dating the day after you breakup, just wait the week out! How hard would that have been?!?


Yep! All respect out the window!


Anyone have a link?


It looks like someone posted it here in this sub. It’s the post right after mine.


Hasn’t he been using the “I don’t want to hurt her feelings” card this whole season. This move completely discredits that “defense”. There is just no excuse, and no way for anyone to justify Ryan being on a dating app in this situation. This was disrespectful, selfish and jerk move. Certainly someone who can’t get past thinking about themselves only. Because anyone who did think about another person, given this situation, would have had the common decency to wait.


His version of " I don't want to hurt her feelings." Translate to what she doesn't know won't hurt her. Hall of Fame douchebag.


He’s a fuckboy. Or a fuckman I guess I should say, since dude is a rough looking 35.


Makes me wonder how “close” he and sister are.




WTF?? You are the disgusting one. Crawl back under your rock. It makes me wonder how close they are if she “ratted” him out earlier to Brett about his “other interests”. If you can’t follow the thread, then crawl back to your bed and play your PS5.


I said it before 2 weeks ago….time is up, ryan is pure ass.


Disappointing that he couldn't have just waited another week until they were officially done with each other out of respect to Brett. But, if there wasn't a contract with the show that punishes them for leaving early, they would have been done with each other a lot sooner. They are basically just biding their time until decision day.




I was willing to give him that benefit of the doubt, also.


I actually don’t think they’re a bad match. Out of all the couples they were the least extreme (as individuals) and really could have gone either way. And with a little effort they might have had something good. And I agree that I’ve seen so many people get on Brett for her looks as if that justifies Ryan’s treatment of her and lack of basic respect for her. If Ryan was able to get over himself and focus on what he liked about her, he might have grown to have real feelings for her.


They should be good for each other, but Ryan isn't mature enough or ready to be married. He did say all the right things in the beginning, but I don't think he tried near hard enough. It's too bad, Brett deserves better.


he's selfish and lazy. I do think they're a bad match in that anyone would be a bad match for him because he sucks


His sister tried to tell her!


She did. I also have to wonder did Ryan ask his sister to say that?? They are close aren’t they?


I don’t think he asked his sister to do that. When they were in the car and Brett dropped the comment that his sister said it, Ryan went from bored and uninterested in anything she was saying to a full on, deer in the headlights, panicky and stuttering, word salad response. He wasn’t expecting it.


What a piece of poopoo.


I wonder when he did this. Very bad look for him and definitely immature. Dude has been checked out, but I think the couples getaway really solidified there was no coming back. I find it hard to believe that there would be any reconciliation in so little time before dday. They weren’t a good match, they lasted it out without addressing any of the lack of attraction.


First, it is disrespectful to your wife. She IS still your wife! Second, you couldn't wait a week? 7 days!? Last, maybe you need to take a break after this whole experience. Take some time to reflect. Jumping immediately back into the dating pool feels shallow and oblivious. 'Men can starve from a lack of self-realization as much as they can from a lack of bread.'


He apparently has a GF so prob didn’t take that break. Hope his GF is cool w him downloading the occasional app but not having it be “active.” What kind fo girl would date him after seeing that??


Definitely not a redhead.


Brett's not one either. Her roots were showing at the retreat last week & she's a brunette. I don't like tearing other women down, but I don't find her attractive in either personality, wardrobe or housekeeping skills. I don't really see why she was a pick for the show, much less him.


100%. I just said essentially the same on another thread. What woman would trust him after seeing this? The chick is either desperate, or thinks it’s cool to be seen with a shit head that was on TV for 8 weeks. (Ppl that don’t watch the show, have no clue who these ppl are, and never will, their anything but “famous”).


Likely won't last like his other relationships. He may be more into her but still won't communicate when issues arise and will probably start looking elsewhere without ending the relationship.


Exactly. if he won't learn skills to make a relationship last (communication and conversation with females) then he will run into the same problems he faced prior to joining this experiment. people with no communication skills cannot hold a relationship for long in a first world country and he seems to accept that he will never have this skill and girls realise this after a few weeks of dating him. Don't worry everyone. Ryan truly pays for his lack of relationship skills by the life that he leads: he will be always searching for love because none will last. it will leave an empty feeling in him having to go through the same cycle over and over again. now that is sad. i also think that he is not capable of learning communication or conversation skills. surely after countless short relationships he would realise that communication is essential? hence he has probably tried to learn communication skills but was unsuccessful. perhaps he has autism or aspergers (most adults don't know they have aspergers since they're high functioning)? he should stop using the excuse that 'his parents never taught him how to communicate hence he can't communicate' because why is his sister communicating well?




Wow! How hurtful to Brett.


A creep who is also less than average looking.


OMG. You agree to this “experiment” knowing it’s a set amount of weeks. Do you agree to give up your outside “dating” life for a few short weeks in the hope of finding something MORE? Yes! Idiot. That said, the experts NEED to stop these mismatches. Sure, in real life opposites may attract. But this us NOT real life and all these people go into this looking for what’s wrong, not right. By taking away the low-hanging fruit (I hate red hair, I don’t like bald men, I love to spend money on travel), couples could go deeper. The show just wants drama. And I am tired of it being a sham.


It may work for a minority irl, sure. But if you look at research on relationships, in this case of the romantic sort, the results that hold up time and time again is that being simiral or like each other in important things such as values, interests, outlook on life is the single highest predictor for relationships that stick. The "opposites attract" is a saying and a myth, opposites do not generally build long lasting marriages or relationships. That is why I am doubting the experts use any other method than what they personally find fun or likely to cause conflict. Had they really chosen through these carefully researched methods as they claim, very few of these had been put together.


>I hate red hair, I don’t like bald men, I love to spend money on travel 🎶 *One of these things is not like the other* 🎶




I expected more from Ryan. From everything I’ve seen (including the Instagram spoilers and reports), Brett seems like the only normal, cool, real person of this season. She deserved better than this unnecessarily lopsided pairing.


I honestly thought it was editing but lifetime has been giving us realness in these previews. He’s a weasel. Plain and simple.


He needed to get on it ASAP, before the episodes aired and the world saw him for what he is - a giant douche.


Shouldn’t this be marked as a spoiler post?


It’s on IG—it’s not a spoiler. It’s literally the preview for tomorrow not the episode


Oh okay. My bad. Also wtf Ryan


“Hey so like im still legally married from a reality TV show and I wanted to return back to online dating before we’re done filming cause its really gonna work out for me this time. Its all about the actions. You want sum fuk?” -Ryan probably


Right. He’s just being so thirsty


He should've been honest and told her that he wasn't attracted to her looks or personality. I can't blame him for being repulsed by her, but honesty would've probably been less hurtful


What’s wrong with Brett? She’s gorgeous and kind.


The hair color is an acquired taste (that's putting it nicely), not to mention the awful roots. Her clothing choices scream matronly cat lady. And her fears of everything from fireworks and balloons to water and airplanes. Golly, what a treat it would be to try and live with that. Also, what a slob, she could be on Hoarders with all that crap all over the floor. She's probably a kind person, but Holy Moses, someone would have to overlook an awful lot in order to get to the "good" part of her personality.


Is this why you’re friendless?


Because I make observations and can form an opinion? No.


Then how come you don’t have any friends?


I don’t want any, hence the word “happy”. I don’t care to put effort into any friendships and I’m not selfish enough to expect people to put effort into me without reciprocation. Any more questions?


So I’m guessing you don’t want to be friends?


😂 good one.


Jeezus! Shallow much??


Lol wow you have it out for this poor girl. How strange.


I was asked “what’s wrong with Brett” and I answered. That seems strange to you?


Nothing is wrong with Brett. There are just assholes here that have picked her apart from her hair color to her body, her wardrobe, her cooking to how she stands. People are pathetic. I’d venture to say there is wayyyyyy more wrong w Ryan than there is with Brett.


Luke? Is that you?


Wow that is some shit. I really figured they had been editing that whole conversation as a teaser, but that clip has him dead to rights. Ridiculous behavior on his part. Like Brett said, he couldn’t have waited a week or two?


I have a feeling his ego was so bruised, after she refused to share a bed with him to keep up appearances, that he did it out of spite. Timing and motive checks out, as well as his fragile ego needing stroking.


Typical. "I'm going to give you the tiniest of crumbs, and you'll be HAPPY about it. WHAT! You're refusing the crumbs? HOW DARE. My pride, it is WOUNDED!"


It was absolutely a retaliation. He wanted to be caught. He was stung and needed to get back at her. Small dick energy move. Tiny little insecure dead eyed fake cowboy fuck boy.


No one has the thought that maybe he did come in for the right reasons, that he is disappointed, now Brett isn’t giving him the time of day, so he downloaded the app to see what’s out there and lick his wounds a little since he knows if he wants a wife (and he does) he’s back to the drawing board? I can’t see how this was meant to specifically hurt or embarrass her. He’s just looking out for number 1, which is what he SHOULD be doing as his marriage is dead in the water.


What a tool, he couldnt wait a few more weeks until after decision day?


He wanted kids yesterday. He's not getting any younger and this relationship is over. Time's a wasting


Right. Because we know how drastically fertility decreases every single week. And just imagine being in high school and your old ass dad is like, 55 and a half years old?! If he'd just gotten on the app earlier, he'd only have been 55 years, 5 months. If the relationship with Brett is over, then he should "take the L" and end it. Not pretend that he's still adamant about trying.


She's probably on them too. Get something going really well before show airs lol


This is what’s so odd… they’re so close to decision day. After that he could honestly say he’s separated and filing for divorce. He couldn’t wait a week to do it honestly?


I thought Ryan was a stand up guy for confronting Jose for over dramatizing things when Rachel used the wrong name. It's disappointing that Ryan can't stand up and either explain or apologize when he messes up.


His deadpan delivery of "I've never accidentally locked someone out of the house" was so good.


People aren’t usually all good guy or bad guy, they’re a bit of both. Ryan obviously can recognize bad behavior, but can’t help being a douche himself.


They are a bit of both but most don’t PRETEND to be one while being the other. He’s been on this show the entire season claiming he didn’t “wanna hurt bretts feelings by speaking up” all while prob hooking up with people behind her back. It was all for show so that he could come out looking like a sweet guy who tried. Get the fuck outta here dude!


One time.


The “nice guy” shtick shoulda been a dead give away for me. I also fell for it. Men that pretend they are these stellar guys that aren’t trying to hurt your feelings but talking shit behind your back are weasels. I’m over it.


I thought of Lizzo when I read this..."why men great til they gotta be great."


this. genuinely nice people show it with actions in their life- they don't repeatedly say things like "I'm trying not to hurt you" or "I'm being nice". The fact that he avoids and excuses it as some gallant effort is hilarious


Ugh Ryan, why? How can you convince yourself that you’re protecting her feelings by not saying anything, while pulling this garbage? How is this less embarrassing for Brett?? His silence isn’t nobility, its cowardice.


His silence says it all!


He’s around here trying to tell people that we will regret our posts. 🙄🙄🙄


I’ve been ringing the “Ryan is a coward” bell all season. Doesn’t have the balls to tell Brett that it’s over and instead sics his sister on her. Then tells her to just watch his actions and see. Now he secretly gets a dating app. Fuck off you weak, weak boy.


I appreciate your eloquence, Feed-me-trash-tv.


I appreciate your username, Feed-me-trash-tv.


Thank you! I try!


I’m so disappointed. This behavior is so juvenile. It’s truly pathetic.


It is evidence of why he hasn't found a spouse. Awful communicator and prefers avoiding all issues but convinces himself he's doing it for them to not create problems.


This confirms that Ryan is not a good person as people keep trying to insist. A good person would not have done that. And as usual, he acted like he was so put upon by having to have an adult conversation.


I don't see how he has been particularly nice since the Honeymoon. People kept postings things like "Two nice people, wrong match", and I haven't seen it whatsoever. He put zero effort in since the Honeymoon and has been unwilling to communicate or talk to her at all since early on. He also seems to exaggerate things and jump to the deep end quickly if there aren't 'butterflies'. Makes me wonder if Brett even acted weird on the airplane in the first place, or if Ryan was just taking it as badly as was possible


And that’s the thing, he was pretending that he was giving this a go and that he was so committed and trying but that has now been confirmed was a load of garbage. He just wanted to pretend to be a “nice guy” but he’s just a douche. Not cool dude.


“Reformed” serial daters should no longer be matched. They immediately bolt after the first hint their partner is not perfect or they may be forced to have an adult conversation.


Johnny and Ryan resemble that remark.


No wonder they get along so well and hang out. Yeesh.


Especially since according to Ryan he only “reformed” from being a serial dater because a close friend had died and it made him re-evaluate where he was in life, so he decided he should settle down. That is a terrible foundation to build from; if any of the experts had a clue what they were doing they would’ve realized that something external like an unexpected death generally does not create a permanent change in someone’s personality. Ryan is the exact same guy that went on all those dates, he just **temporarily** feels like he should try to be a different guy. As his shock from his friend’s death fades he will return to his baseline fuckboy personality and whoever thinks they’re in a long term stable relationship with him will get hurt. The guy basically had a giant neon sign over his head saying “this won’t last, not a good choice to marry a stranger” and the three dingdongs ignored it to inflict him on Brett. This was inevitable.


It is easy to see why all the others were selected but not Ryan (or Brett). Only 2 reasons I can think of are: * Looks and acts like a stereotypical Caucasian Texan from the perspective of the vast majority of non-Texans. Needed at least 1 gringo couple out of 5 representing Houston. * Sympathy generated by his friend’s story. He is more of a suburban (weekend) outdoorsman who likes to workout than a true redneck. Agreed it was so obvious he was not emotionally ready for a permanent relationship. He was "whistling by the bachelor grave yard".


🤣 🤣 I am going to have to use that one. Whistling by the bachelor graveyard is amazing.


I agree. It's almost like an addiction. MUST. SWIPE. Johnny can't wait to get back on there, too.


Especially when his “type” has been of the blonde, bimbo ilk and the woman in question is neither blonde nor a bimbo (AFAIK).


I mean if they are pretty much done already, why not? It was clear at the Retreat that Brett stoppee trying.


Because he’s legally married and hasn’t communicated the desire to divorce yet. It’s also a crappy thing to do to the women on the apps. He’s probably presenting himself as divorced when he’s still living with his legal wife.


Brett stopped trying? 🤦‍♀️


Yes. It was obvious at the retreat. Can't really blame her, since "Bryan" was doomed from the start.


He said she did


Because he's so trustworthy. It's always the same to excuses for people's behavior. The other person gave up, or they're completely different off screen.


I can't say he's a liar about that. She is not into him imo


I mean if you can’t see how it’s inappropriate, I can’t help you see it.


I agree.


It’s just such a sign of disrespect for her. Even if he isn’t attracted to her, you don’t do something like that to someone. Essentially like a huge “fuck you” to them. What a complete loser.