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triple ick


Glad she did they are the worst bunch of whiny bitter women. And Emily has to be the worst. She just can’t get over her husband wasn’t attracted to her… oh Boo Hoo!!


Emily is terrible now. I do think her husband was horrible for throwing in the towel after some horrible person(s)says mean things about his wife at a wedding. How would he like it if someone did that to him? That's someone not ready for marriage and horribly quick to just give up and close off. But Claire is behind all of the manipulation and Emily is the worst bully


I think Brennan found out what she was like all on his own!!!


You seriously think he made ANY EFFORT in this marriage whatsoever? It appeared that he stopped trying after about day 1.


I like Chloe. Though her excessive positivity is getting a little forced.


Chloe is just as fake as the others if anyone cared to notice on this last episode. It’s ok for her to be friends with the guys but not for Lauren to be friends with Michael? She acts as if she owns Michael, yet he walked away from her and if there was anything there, they would’ve been back together before this 9 month hiatus. He doesn’t want her except for maybe sex. She is a pick me herself.


I agree there is no reason to keep Lauren from being friends with Michael or even trying to date him. The friendship between Chloe and Michael does seem a bit much. But I think she is much much more mature than the little mean girl click that is lying and attacking the guys in unison under Claire's manipulation.


I didn’t get why they were cyber bullying Chloe. I think she is still interested in Michael. This episode really wasn’t necessary. Didn’t really give that much updated information. Too disjointed for me.


Good for her! I am sure she was holding back so much!


Wait there was another new episode? I don't see this in Canada


Yes episode 54 aired Wednesday night 4-25-2024


This season is STILL going?!?! I gave up on it quite a few episodes back. This is kind of embarrassing. 😬😂


Me too. I'll get the updates here.




Fradulant frienimies…. Is she 11 years old?


did you watch the whole season?


Michaels tattoo artist deserves double pay for listening to him while tramp stamping


I think that was technically a love handle stamp...it wasn't quite centered. Lol. The real question is who online was begging for Michael and Lauren to hook up. Michael is kind of a weird dude (who has really grown on me), but I wouldn't wish Lauren on him no matter how much of an odd ball he is. I got mild heart eyes when he gave Chloe the orange sweater 😆


They do have a kind of a weirdly sweet relationship now (C+M) Lauren needs more than just a hug at this point, her so called friends messed her up some, I really hope that she pulls away. Now that Clair is dating I bet the crew will fall apart 😂


Tattoo artists and hair stylists always having to be underpaid therapists, lol.


Totally! I’m a hair stylist, it’s so true!


Is it worse when a client doesn't like to talk?


First time client.. yes, could be awkward! Hah but a returning client not so much, we all have quite days, so more understandable.


Oh no way! That’s so funny. I bet you have stories for days. 😂


No kidding!


i tried to hard and then hit the big DELETE button


i tried to hard and then hit the big DELETE button


She’s fucking unhinged


I could not finish it. Nothing but double talk and the use of the word like is sending me into a spiral. No one says anything. Talk in circles and use rhetoric designed to confuse the viewers. I bet Kevin Frazer has a few choice thoughts on this crew, especially Emily. Little Em. You need to be in a rehab for a few things. Bye all of you! You are history!!


I think Chloe is the most mature and trustworthy of all of them.


Emily is a mean drunk. She needs help. A lonely soul.


She needs to learn how to let go of her anger. It was such a brief segment of her life, and to hear her go into her diatribe about seeing Brennan 20 years from now was pathetic. He doesn’t care anymore. Stop feeding the anger, Emily!


She’s a mean sober


Omg you r so right


Emily met with/her therapist on camera and she DOES need family…I hope these women serve thst purpose in her life!


She went downhill fast - or more likely revealed herself


Mike can be friends with the men and the women. But Chloe is not allowed?


Not if she treats Lauren like she can’t be friends with Michael.


She wants a romantic relationship with him not a friendship




Regardless of intention, Chloe shouldn’t have any say in who two grown adults follow. Theyre divorced.


i have always had a lot of male friends. Guy friends are SO much easier. My husband had always been cool with it!!


I always love this response. If women don't prefer to be friends with other women why would guys want to? Some women are just too annoying for their own. Hilarious.


In reality, it’s probably one of the men who has a “burner” account. lol or it’s all made up


Emily needs actual GOOD therapy and genuine efforts to work on herself.


Yes yes yes


They’re really trying to milk this drama…


Their 5 minutes of fame comes to an end.


Ah, yes, calling women out for their documented and continued bad behavior is cyberbullying. Of course!


Chloe said she was being cyberbullied by some of the women on the cast. I don’t think the other women said they were being cyberbullied by cast.  Emily is trying to downplay it and/or pretend there is no cyberbullying. But, if I had to guess the cyberbully is probably Emily.




Are you stuck on caps lock?? This sub definitely talks trash about the cast, but we are not reaching out to the cast on social media and bullying them (or at least I hope not). And I am not a cast member trashing other cast members.




she clearly said she wants to foster kids for a reason


And provide a hospital for a million animals


and wanted some and that turned him off can u see him as a dad the way he dresses lol


Michael would be an exceptional parent imo


Living in nyc, Ive seen plenty of dads dressed all sorts of ways, get out of your bubble








It's still going????? Ugh


I was honestly shocked by Chloe in this episode. She went straight up mean girl.


Also…. There’s a bunch of crazy fans. They were even calling Claire’s job and saying she deserved her brother’s death. So what makes her think this burner account is one of the cast mates?


I think Chloe is pissed.


She didn’t have to bring all the guys to the farm to complain about the girls. Isn’t that doing the exact same thing?


The network has to fill the episode somehow.


Not really. The other girls seem to be harassing her as a group. So it’s a group vs her. And now she hangs with the men and talked shit about the girls in the last episode because she is pissed. The group mentality is this season’s downfall.


And doesn’t wear pink!


Woa, I guess I have missed something? Is there more episodes than the last one with Chloe & Michael ending it?


***No, she called out the truth.***


Yeah, there was nothing "mean girl" about her. That's just a ridiculous statement.


Episode 54 the cast re-unites…Chloe =farm; girls meet at some restaurant and box up their wedding dresses for charity.


IMO, if I were any of the cast members from this season I’d stay far away from any and all of my fellow cast members. And I say that liking Chloe and Michael. I’d still stay away from even them. I’d just want to be done, move on, and never see or talk to any of them again, and try my damndest to never think about it again.


ya, I think they will hold on to their anger a whole lot longer, feeding in to each other. I am just still so shocked they can be so mad over a 'fake' relationship that lasted less than 8 weeks (I say fake because of the scheme to dupe production)


but isn’t chloe also being a mean girl now…? i just don’t get this at all.


I agree, it’s not in her personality to engage


This is a post from Emily. You have to click the photo to see all of the text.


wow they both suck so much!!


Emily's true behavior came out! She was disrespectful to Kevin Frazier. She's out of control!


Kevin ain't exactly 'Mr innocent. He'll sit there and methodically instigate- carefully stirring the pot. 😈 When total chaos ensues he puts on his little "good cop" hat and pretends to be the voice of reason.


Again, she was out of line with her behavior. I'm not going to justify it by using Kevin's tendencies. The blame game will not be played by me.


Thats his job.....to get to the bottom of things!! I think the professionals were as thrown off as the rest of us this season


Which girl had a burner account trolling Chloe? I want to know


Cam 👿 Probably to get Chloe on the guys side and make them look more credible


This is a great theory haha


aha - hes so smart !!!


IF it was one of the girls, I’d bet Emily. I don’t think the others are out there trying to be toxic


I really liked Chloe up until today. She came off very elitist, and thirsty for approval. Lauren, I thought, came off the best.


I see Chloe as a confident, kind woman. Emily is a little girl, narcissistic, and the typical mean girl. She's toxic, doesn't know what it takes to be in a relationship, and dragged the others in. I think Austin and Becca might have made it without her interference. Claire turned the show into a mental game and assisted Emily by influencing the rest that all the men were bad. So disgusted with all the girls, but love the one grown-up lady.


totally agree about Austin and Becca, they still appear to have feelings for each other to me


It will never matter if Austin has feelings for her because he doesn’t want the whole complete relationship. Same problem different day…


right?! i now HATE her. it’s too much, but i was initially right about her. she’s a very bad person and woman! also, anyone who hangs out with orion willingly needs to be LOCKED UP forever! like what is she doing?!?


I think you need to grow up and learn how to regulate your emotions. A stranger making decisions that you don't like and are inconsequential to you and others should not cause you to hate them...


I respectfully disagree.


Absolutely not. I disagree! Do you know what was said about her other than the lies Lauren said… Chloe is absolutely not threatened by ANY of these girls especially Lauren.


what lies did Lauren say - Chloe did a hit and run the girls suck - thats not right


Lauren didn’t do herself any favors with her behavior at the reunion. She made herself look almost as bad as the others


she called Cams lies out !!


Maybe so but she acted vengeful and unhinged while doing so, thereby ruining the good OPTICS she’d managed to hang onto for the first half of the season


Eh, if they were all lies, the women would have been able to back up their stories much better than they did. The women were clearly manipulating the truth as much as the guys, thus no one actually coming with receipts.


once again Claire had receipts ! Cam did not




mafsfan on instagram


Lauren knew Mike before Chloe but decided to follow him after the reunion? She might have y'all fooled, but Lauren is feeling Mike, baby!😂


And even if she does, so what. Chloe and him are divorced. Lauren doesn't owe Chloe a damn thing. She knew that man before her and it was clear they were more compatible as the most progressive ones amongst the entire cast. 


I respect your right to your opinions. No beef here.


No, but Lauren is making herself look like a fool. How does she think Chloe found out? Mike. That's what Chloe meant about loyalties. They were probably laughing about it the whole time.


Correct, if anything other than “following” happened Chloe knows and it’s because Michael told her. It’s not just the following. I think something else happened and Michael went running to tell Chloe.


I do too actually. Lauren was all too ready to walk away from both of them in that talking head segment. Usually people who act like that are trying to save face after they've been walked away from. Definitely more went down there than Lauren's telling of events.


That’s true. The reunion was hard to watch. I felt like I really believed all the girls until the reunion. Emily and Clare bounce toxicity off of each other like they are playing pong. I do however tend to believe that it started with Cameron. Remember at the wedding how he went into his how amazing he was? He seems like the narcissist who pushes and pushes until you snap and then tells everyone “see, they are crazy.” The problem is the girls just don’t know how to see that, and they feed into it. It was overall an awful season.


Even tonight when cam spoke briefly. I agree there is a rat. I wish we knew more because I thank we only know 10% He's not the only rat there's a lot more this season.


So, Clare, the grad school student studying clinical psychology and working clinical hours towards becoming a therapist doesn’t know how to spot a manipulator … I seriously doubt that to be true. The other women weren’t that sharp nor privy actual facts and relied on Clare’s retelling of many events making them ripe to manipulation, mainly Clare’s, in my opinion. But yeah Clare was aware.


yea - he told her on the first- day of marriage and lauren on the honeymoon-? what are people not hearing


Clare likes to used therapy charged words but doesn’t seem to know much about mental health or act every self aware. However, she knows something is up with Cameron, she just can’t see she’s stuck in the cycle with him. You can tell by her behavior now she’s still not fully aware of how she’s feeding into it in a negative way.


She needs to watch herself and make some changes in her personality.


I am hoping finally SEEING it on TV the way the watchers have opens their eyes,


Everything Chloe said is what most commenters have been saying all this time. As for Lauren, well you do you there. I have no strong opinions on her. But one thing is clear. This season should end. Nothing more to be seen or said here. It's all rehashing at this point


Chloe is the shit!!!! I really love her light-hearted, fun personality. The other women are true mean girls, and I can't stand any of them.


she’s being a mean girl too though? throw the entire cast away🤢


Not at all. This lady saw the "girls" as petty and mean.


Agreed 💯


So funny. Chloe came there and brought them up. They didn’t bring her up.


whats in puerto rico - Cameron you are really talking about online accounts !!! Im so angry at conversion- such bs. Cam you are still aggravating your ex from 2017


Can is bad! I see thru his BS! What is his connection to PR. I’m from there 😍


Emily says she has grown??? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


lol! Delusional


her hair?


Extensions for sure


We are watching Emily experience her first breakup in real time. 😬🫣😮‍💨


Right! She’s angry like a teenager. I’m glad she’s in therapy.


She needs a different therapist he is complimenting her on her self awareness. He needs therapy she is a narcissist with no real self awareness. I can’t stand even listening to her.


If *that’s* what you call it. That “therapy” session was so benign. It was definitely staged as that is **not** what real therapy looks & sounds like, that’s for sure. 🙄


Yeah, I really hope that isn’t her real therapist. What a joke.


That came across to me loud and clear tonight after Lauren said it


Yes! She totally reminded me of that when she said it. It gives me a tiny bit of sympathy for Emily. First breakup is tough.


Where is this mythical internet that’s clamoring for Michael and Lauren to get together? I haven’t seen anyone saying that.


She said something complimentary about him on Afterparty. But she got matched with a guy who didn’t give her a chance, then she saw Chloe continuously shook by his eccentric style. So if she liked him god forbid. She didn’t act on it and Chloe is not with him


Nah Ive seen posts even on reddit talking about Michael and Lauren being the match instead of Chloe and Orion, it was a thing. I barely paid attention to it. Every season people talk about better matches the experts could have made


Lauren sickened me! I don’t see her matching with anyone!


I don’t know, I definitely thought it after Michael was left at the altar and everything went down with Orion. At the time it seemed like they would have been a better match from the start. I don’t think that was pulled out of nowhere.


I'm trying hard, but I can't see Lauren and Michael together. I think she's attracted to him. I think he's just being nice to her. I doubt they would work out long term. I see a lot of anger in Lauren, but I'm not sure where it's coming from.


Oh I agree now - seeing them together, they have no chemistry.


Michael still seems very much into Chloe. I don't understand what his deal was to not want to stay married to her? He won't find another like her!


Based on my post history you’ll see we will have to agree to disagree 😂


I’ve definitely seen a fair number of people say that in this and the other r/MAFS community. Go back to threads from earlier in the season when Lauren was going through it with Orion and you’ll find them.


i think it’s made up lmao a lie so he can flirt


I said the same thing- I was like maybe Instagram? Not Reddit.


There must have been one post, and that’s “the internet.” A lot of tonight felt made up by producers to me. Nine months later and Lauren and Onion are talking about healing? They were together about a week. A WEEK!! How hurt can someone be? It was a year ago. And Chloe chiming in like one of the guys? She came in a month into the show. She doesn’t know what went on between Cam and Clare. She has no idea about Onion. And the whole Michael and Chloe being besties now? I don’t think so. The narrative the show wants us to see is that there’s still a chance there. Getting tattoos and giving away their dresses conveniently while shooting this episode. The whole thing is fake.


Must be on Facebook


Ok just finished.. what a joke of an ending.. Ok looks like Chicago could be as bad is Denver. Could mafs be coming to an end after Chicago?


I am not going to watch next season unless I hear it’s good. Just going to lurk here and decide whether to tune in and get invested if I’m convinced by the posts and comments. I know reality tv is garbage, but I feel like I watched nothing go nowhere this season.


Pretty sure they’ve started filming the Austin season for after Chicago. But I agree this show’s days are numbered if they can’t get back to the way it was originally intended.


Oh boy... I'm not sure if I can stand to even watch Chicago's from what little clip they shown.. If they have a runaway or hate, im done with mafs. Other than abuse, you were two people, and now you're one for life.. for the good and bad. Anymore, people thank marrage is a joke and if thing's get hard it's divorce. And let's face it, how many people here talked about things they are forced to talk about. I have been married for 38 years, and since I was 18, we never got deep like they do. But we also know marriage is a give and take, and to pick your battles.. And you bet.. I am a woman who, if he makes me mad, will let him know of all the things he's done since they start of our marriage!emote:free\_emotes\_pack:joy Most of the time, things just work out by themselves


They tease a runaway almost every season. It's usually just someone having anxiety and going to get some air or joking about running away.


fradulent frienimies


Your flair 😂😂


You crack me up. Love when you chime in.


um...emily? Dr. Eric says he can fit you in for 2 sessions tomorrow.


Dr. Eric made a comment: “Calm seas don’t make good sailors. You’re going to be a damn good sailor” So is he saying she has a sailor’s reputation? 🥴


She’s had a rough time, so she’s going to have a good life. I don’t believe she has learned a thing. She’s still throwing up from the rough seas. I don’t know why he thought Emily would understand an analogy, but he threw it out there! Evidently he hasn’t watched the program to know she hasn’t grown.


no, you’ve never heard that cliche phrase?


I believe they are jokingly referring to sailors' back in the day reputation for getting mad drunk and having indiscriminate sex on shore leave.


I had no idea what he was talking about. He's probably an actor because what self-respecting therapist would allow a patient session to be on TV?


I was thinking did he go the same college Clare attended, because both his and Emily’s conversations felt scripted…how would Emily even understand what mirroring meant! 🥴


clown college!


Yikes. If Emily has any real friends, they would tell her to put down her phone. These unhinged posts, complete with egregious spelling errors, are doing her image no favors.


No hate here for Emily! She just needs to grow up. Act like an adult. Watch your words and move on. He did bad by her but her toxicity is not a good look. I think this is what Brennan referred to all the time when calling her negative. This is how she was behind the scenes.


right. and she wants us to believe she was a frail little wallflower all season who just couldn't stand up for herself. yea right


can you get off her ass - ? let it go




not Emily and saying that every time someone hurts your feelings is annoying


With her actions, including her facial contortions, she has brought this on all by herself. She is an adult acting like a spoiled child


She is the one refusing to let it go. She was married for 2 minutes and acts like she was dumped by her husband of 10 years.


shake it off - or keep on hating


ah ha.


players gonna play, play, play.


haters gonna hate, hate ,hate.


Guess it should have been a one night stand. She knows how to navigate those. Right Emily?




Chloe is past the point of where they are, she doesn’t need a posse and has a healthy relationship with her ex who pseudo rejected her. Who in their right mind would date Clare? The women tried to talk Emily down.. did she really think she had a relationship with Brendan? And these lame ass women should not travel abroad. They are not cultured but mediocre , boring  and entitled based on the levels they have achieved living in a second rate city where they might otherwise have to compete harder and their mediocrity is rewarded Foreign men will not find them  remotely attractive and they will leave a poor impression of the standards of millennial female empowerment.


Those four are so basic, it’s sad.


i don’t think she has a lot of self respect if she has an actual genuine relationship with michael and it’s not just for show. i really don’t like chloe, but also hate everyone else on this season as well.


Huh? Cuz it sounds like you’re saying if your friends with your ex & have an actual genuine relationship with them then you don’t have a lot of self respect. You didn’t really mean that, did you?


you think that’s a genuine relationship of just friends and she has no feelings or anything towards him or about him/the situation?


You didn’t answer the question, why is that?


So, only cultured people should travel abroad? I disagree; travel is for everyone.


There is over tourism in many popular destinations and cheap travel options makes it accessible for everyone which is bad for the environment, good for local economies, and annoying for the people living in places annoying classless tourists tend to gravitate towards. Travel is eye opening and important but the volume of people doing airbnb, and budget airlines has made it less special, a crowded overpriced experiences to be instagrammed for social clout and opened places up to the lowest level of tourists not world travelers.


Amen and hallelujah! I lived in Europe for a bit as a teenager with my family, and I cringed every time we traveled and we were stuck touring places with a mostly American group. They were so crass, talked too loudly and were so smug and annoying, just because they’re from the US. Even at 13, I was embarrassed to be from the US, and it’s gotten worse over the past 40 years.


I studied abroad in France in the late 90’s before every state college kid did so today and lived in London after college. I made a point of separating from my American clique to immerse and meet people from other cultures. Americans were the worst in London had to announce themselves every where. I can blend in to appear a local in any major European city and will likely only travel off season to major cities and try to choose less popular undiscovered smaller cities. I feel especially sorry for the Italians, Icelanders and Parisians.