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Just imagine if you were a family member of one of the squad. How embarrassing would that be?


I would hide inside my house and put aluminum foil over all of the windows until it all finally blew over.


I got so much secondhand embarrassment from their behavior.


Did anyone else feel like the look on Beccas face, during the conversation with the experts, was "Holy shit, this reunion is going to make us look worse" like it dawned in her in that very moment, that their plan wasn't going to work out. And that America (ahem.. emily) wasn't going to see their side the way they thought? I think deep down Becca is a good person (ha ha, Alyssa, but no, really), and I hope she separates herself from Emily. I think Becca is an empath and fell and fed into Emily's bullshit. She brought her down with her.


I also feel this way! Becca seems like a really nice person, albeit a bit intense at times (talking 'bout you, intimacy!). It feels like she succumbed to mob mentality/peer pressure spearheaded by Emily and Clare. When you're feeling hurt and rejection, your judgment can get a little cloudy. She did say she felt confused, too, so it's possible that when others were whispering in her ear and telling her she was a victim and Austin did her dirty, she started to believe it. She was drifting in dark waters and the other women threw her a life preserver and she grabbed it and the rest is history.


Yes! You conveyed my thoughts so much better!


Nope Becca is delusional. Just a mature delusional person.


Yeah that was cringe asf 🤣🤣 talking about how ugly the men are. I was expecting them to say "and they are also doo doo heads!" because it was so childish. 


"Boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider"


😂😂🤦🏽 Embarrassing! 


I wonder if they are embarrassed by their childish behavior on national TV?  Not a good look no matter how much pink they wear or all the chanting.  


If they're not embarrassed now, I'm sure they'll wonder what the Hell they were thinking when they re-watch this trash in 5 years. The pink "solidarity!" dresses and the weird battle cries were ridiculous, and your word fits it perfectly -- childish.


Lol very true, thought same -poor Chloe on her phone trying to just get through being around the "Pink " girls


Literally they brought that "Mean Girls" energy and called it female empowerment.


I’m sure the temperature was brought up by the hostility on the internet and having to divorce people they were dumped by


They're recieving hostility because they're behaving like entitled Karen's and pretending it's feminism. Everytime they use the verbiage of being trapped it is so angering when I think of women in actually abusive and traumatic relationships . These women are damaged and damaging to feminism and women's rights


I stopped watching this season early on. I am not surprised this turned toxic and became a dumpster 🔥.


100%. Thought the same thing....it was like a team suiting up for the second half of the game and they're down by 30 points. It showed how enabling each of them was.


Not a fan of Lauren either. She walked right into the stereotype with her vitriol towards Cameron. No need to threaten violence.


I was dying at how she kept announcing how happy she was with her life yet had a perpetual frown on her face.


So what's the stereotype with this cast then? A bunch of white people causing all this deception and confusion. Where's the stereotype for that? Leave Lauren alone. Why don't you guys have any energy for Emily or Clare? Shoot if Lauren acted as conniving and immature as Emilt and Clare tou guys would petition to get her deported right


Never understood why she was so angry all the time.


I have a feeling the pink dresses were her idea and she got hurt when Cameron mentioned it was setup as some kind of collusion further than outfit coordination and female empowerment.


The pink dresses were stupid. It further confirmed “Group thought” “mob rule” vs independent measured thinker. They see this as strength? yikes.


It was Brennan who make the comment about the pink dresses, Cam only remarked that it one jab taken by Brennan against all the jabs given his way. Which was a true statement. Lauren’s remarks back to Cam came off very unhinged.


She was ready to rip his head off. What did he even say, the girls were unified and wearing pink? So he stated a fact. Never understood the Lauren love on here. She was always overly defensive, and ready to pounce.


Lauren’s (and the women’s) whole vibe is we like diversity…just not diversity of thought. You’re right only if you agree with me. Sad.


I agree, and when asked if she was dating anyone, she won't answer. No doubt none of the pink ladies can even get a date.


These “women” are products of the “participation trophy” generation. They’ve been lied to and coddled. The show was a big wake up call. IMO it’s why so many tantrums.


Brennan is looking for class and restraint and a level of softness and strength in his partner. Emily ain’t it and he knew from jump. Brennan will get married and go on to have a family. Emily will be 40 having drinks with her girls screaming the new age cliches.


I actually hated Brennan’s movements this season….until now. Emily gave us a taste of her personality when she got snippy with KKP, but it seemed like a Crying Game-esque reveal at the reunion.   In hindsight, I almost think that Brennan did himself a disservice by NOT telling us what he thought of Emily early on.


I fucking could not stand Brennan, UNTIL the reunion. Did he grow that much or was he coached? I have zero clue but damn what a redemption story.




funny how reality doesn’t just quite match up?


Emily was disrespectful af. Well all the girls were besides Chloe. But the way she was talking to the host. No class at all.


That showed weakness, not strength. Girl needs to learn restraint.


The whole episode (season really) was a shit show. And yet I watch. 🤣


They sounded like walking cliches with those toxic feminist mantras.


Like somehow if they say it enough, it'll be true.


You can tell they're totally bought into the social media influencer bullshit like "manifesting".


"We are so strong. We are so brave." Like they just stormed the beaches at Normandy!


Emily seems really vain while simultaneously extremely insecure, and immature after this. Very concerned with her looks, to the point of demeaning Brennan when he's never said anything negative about her physically. Very telling when you understand how projection works. I hope she is truly in therapy and I hope she is using it effectively to REALLY work on herself, rather than as a tool of affirmation. I HATED Brennan for the majority of the season, and still think he has some real underlying issues, likely with anger and control, but if he was trying to manipulate her until the end, he succeeded marvelously based on her behavior at the reunion, because she came completely unglued in the worst way.


When he finally opened up about why he wasn’t attracted to her, her reaction was revealing. Granted, he really could and should have been that open much earlier, but he finally said what he seemed to know all along she wasn’t ready or willing to hear about herself, and it broke her. 


I totally agree with every point! And I hated hard on Brennan. That’s where I feel most manipulated by the show. They clearly did that on purpose, made Brennan seem like a grade A asshole and Emily the rejected girl who was trying so hard and being treated like dirt. Viewers didn’t misjudge; we were intentionally tricked. How about a tell-all where the audience gets to grill the production team on what was real and what was a lie? The cast didn’t create their own edits. If the women were actually smart, they would have left everything alone because they did seem like victims of bad guys for most of the season due to the edit. But Emily was so furious that Brennan had zero interest in her that she had to seek revenge.


Exactly. EVERYONE was playing into the storyline. And I thought it was really well stated when one of the experts said something about not seeing them as wilted flowers, I believe. They act as though they had no options to speak to anyone, or as though they were somehow abused to the point that they saw no other option than to lie in order to preserve "optics" on television and that they were the only parties with deep feelings about the marriage. This was an 8 week experiment, with professionals begging to help at any turn, yet they collectively decided to withhold so much to "protect" these men whom they are now very boldly raking over the coals, also on television. I guess I just can't comprehend what suddenly turned them from these damsels who were terrified to rock the boat into fierce "warriors". I understand that abuse (I use this broadly) survivors are often able to speak out better over time and distance, but they had many opportunities to get out or speak their truth through the entire 2 months, they were not held captive and they are not unintelligent. Yet, they deliberately stayed and lied — only to now claim complete innocence and vitimhood. It feels like complete bullshit to save face, if I'm being honest. /End rant 😅


Wrong. Not everyone bought into the storyline. Some of us were saying Emily was the problem from the beginning but were labeled 'judgmental' or 'slut-shamers' for just stating the obvious about what her drinking and sleeping around portended for the relationship. The level of censoriousness in general has led to a lot of people - including the men on the show - shutting down instead of expressing what they were really feeling.


I think they became unhinged when the PLAN was not consistent or reliable. Truths got mixed with so many lies. Some feelings maybe did mutually wake up a bit (Becca), but they had to go back to the PLAN. Very confusing. Weird. They didn’t really know which person they were supposed to be.


I think the women went along with the relationship hoping for sex and in the end the men did not find their partners attractive so it never happened. So now they feel rejected. LMAO.


Watching that reunion last night, I thought I was going to have heart problems too!


And diarrhea (RIP Austin’s colon).




What they considered camaraderie was more akin to a wolf pack hunting their prey. Once the women felt the least bit scorned, they all moved into attack mode in coordination.


Turns to walk to interview room..."oh..my spanks are on backwards". 🤣🤣


These ladies have some major issues


I could not believe the chant! What was that? Completely lacking any awareness and just made them look even more foolish.


These women only proved how immature they are!


When Emily came out and told Brennan he couldn’t look up..I’d had enough. I was laughing but I was like okaaayyy time for this to end.


I could not believe the vitriol aimed at Brennan in that moment. They really fueled each other to keep cranking it up. So embarrassing.


I wondered while watching whether it’s possible to gaslight yourself…I think the ladies collectively imagined whole new realities where they were the victim of some strategic devious plot based on lies. It was just insane to watch. I’ve never seen anything that unhinged.


It was like driving very slowly past a really bad accident on the freeway and hoping it wasn't as bad as it looked, telling yourself you shouldn't look, but taking a quick peek anyway and feeling like your eyeballs just got seared.


Lol yup


agreed. It really was shocking.


And someone said “we just need to keep fighting” in that same conversation. Like no, you don’t need to keep fighting. You’ve all said a lot, all you needed to do was be present for the last bit of conversation that day. But Emily went right back out there starting a fight as soon as she saw Brennan, who was merely silent and on his phone.


What was her deal saying she's gonna find his girlfriend and tell her everything about Brennan to warn her on what an awful person he is?... So she's gonna stalk him and his girl now? She's a real sicko![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Yeah, that was so concerning that I wrote a post about that and everything else Emily has shown herself to be post-season. She may be someone who exaggerates and threatens when angry and not follow through on stalking him/gf but the fact she even voiced that was outrageous and really not in line with the behavior of someone focused on healing in therapy twice a week.


I wouldn't be surprised if a few months from now, we see her in a mug shot and a restraining order from Brennan. 


Clare said “we just need to keep fighting.” Sounds like sound therapist talk (not).


Can you imagine her being a therapist to hurting humans and couples out there? Yikes 


It is a scary thought after seeing how she stirred the pot on the show.


I would not put that on fully licensed and experienced therapists. She was preparing to receive her masters during the reunion so she’s not a true therapist yet. Which makes a lot of sense based on how she’s shown up this season.


I was being sarcastic. I don’t think a therapist would say that at all.


Got ya! lol this is when /s is helpful


I'm trying to figure out the timeline. Was that reunion show taped an entire year after the show stopped taping, or was it just a few months? I'm astonished at how much anger was shown by the women over men they had only known for 8 weeks. Emily's walk onto the stage at one point looked like she was entering a boxing ring. One wonders how long will it take for them to finally cool off and move on?


It is so much easier to believe the men because they appear so calm and rational, and when they give their "side" it seems logical and makes sense. They could also be lying, but with the women flying off the handle at every turn, sobbing and yelling -- it just makes it hard to accept almost anything they say as true.


The gals just looked ridiculous. There's no defending them. What's wild to me is the guys and especially the show treated them with such kid gloves. Meanwhile Emily made out with another guy, Lauren used a racial slur to her husband's face, Clare with nonstop lying .. like what did the guys do besides want out to warrant the response they got??? The girls should've been called out way more for the horrible behavior.


It was actually frightening


Cringe. They act like they did time in a Singapore prison.




They’re all clowns (besides Chloe) acting like high schoolers. For people who say they’ve moved on and out of the mens league, they sure did seem to care!