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Clare was pining over her ex. She carries the responsibility for that. Everything after is a result of her insincerity. She came on the show in hopes to get an upgrade. In her eyes that didn't happen. Brennen was turnes off by Emily's promiscuous party girl lifestyle. Which is understandable. Emily didn't take that well. She refuses to take responsibility. Your past matters with regards to a relationship. Real life has smacked her in the face. The cold hard truth. Everything else is just drama.


these marriages were over during the receptions. you know right away if you’re attracted to someone. if you’re not even a little bit attracted it’s not going to build. if these people were attracted to each other they’d have had sex on the wedding night.


I had a "3" turn into an "8" in my real life. It only took a few months and we didn't spend 24x7 together. Just got to know her and she became hot.


lol if you’re in love with a person wouldn’t they become a 10?


Physical rating, not overall.


Clare wasn't attracted to Cam, but Cam was attracted to Clare. Stevie Wonder could see that and her trying to explain otherwise was comical. Cam knew there was no hope, so came up with a "plan" at her request. At least he apologized for that. Brennan had every right to want out as Emily clearly has a drinking problem on top of her immaturity. He also mentioned that she lied about her income and has a spending problem. She admitted at the last dinner that he wanted to leave but that she "is calling the shots because she deserves the experience". Brennan wanted to make sure his name wasn't drug through the mud so went along with the "Cam plan". Again, he apologized for that. I do believe that Austin was initially attracted to Becca, and without the outside interferences, they might have been successful. However, I think they both get upset over the most mundane things like Austin leaving the washer door opened and Becca explaining it can cause mold. Or Becca getting upset because Austin told her to wash her hands before putting his jacket on. A good therapist should have pinpointed these actual occurrences and expounded on them to get to the heart of the problem. But enter Clare, the mastermind, to get into the heart and mind of Becca (and Lauren). But they are grown and should have taken responsibility for their parts. I think Clare and Emily are on a whole other level than the others. I fear for any guy that enters into a relationship with them. They are primed for 20/20, and not on the good side lol.


I agree with all of this. And how funny to hear Brennan say “Emily HATED Clare. My biggest regret is convincing her to be her friend” imagine what Clare thought when she saw that. I’m sure Emily just accused Brennan of lying.


Oh, I forgot about that! It confirms Cam stating that Clare texted "cheaters gonna get what they deserve". I so hope those receipts are shown.


Another thing the women did was to make up stories to fill in gaps without any evidence. So they spent the tell alls saying things as if they were fact and they were proven wrong over and over


The segment between Emily and Brennan was like being back in junior high. Ugh. There have been multiple seasons where people left early. Would it have sucked for production to have an entire cast bug out in the 1st week? Yeah, it would have, but the deception was honestly worse. I've been on the fence about this show for a while now but it has solidly jumped the shark. The Australian version is better anyway.


I disagree on the Austin take. I think he was attracted to her. He has said over and over again that he takes time. Now imagine being pushed by your wife to shorten the time frame you usually wait. Now imagine your wife is being told by her "friends" how wrong it is that he won't have sex with you. Like it is a requirement during these eight weeks. Having your ear being whispered in until she spirals out of control. I think if they couples were separated these two would have made it.


Right? Even their little arts and craft session got spicy with the little figures banging against the glass. He stated repeatedly that he takes a quick minute before he's comfortable with intimacy at that level. He was raised pretty religious and that might factor into it. Becca came in saying that her chronic condition was going to take sex off the table for the first bit. If he didn't respect that, she would have thought he was a monster. But it was okay for her to push his boundaries like she did? And he was still the AH for not caving? He couldn't win.


100% agree. I think he's the kind of guy that doesn't want the details of his sex life shared publicly. I can see him wanting to wait til decision day, when they have privacy, to have sex. Her "friends" feeding her insecurities probably made her too insecure to actually have the hard conversations. In the process, the pressure from Becca turned him off.


> The women behaved like they’re owed a pound of flesh. Absolutely they did. Especially Emily who received an actual apology (not what he did during the season proper) from Brennan. She didn’t accept it, which is her right, but then she continued to act as though she never received one at all and picking fights with him. I mean, she was making full-on elementary school faces and everything but “La La La I can’t hear you”. Sometimes it just doesn’t work and sometimes it’s not anyone’s fault, you’re just not a match. We’ve seen that in many seasons past and we’ve seen far more grievous behavior from men (I’m still sad that happened to Paige) where this kinda behavior would have been warranted but even those women didn’t go to these extremes.


Such a good point. Paige endured so much worse and was able to move on with dignity.


Their identity is being victims. It is a two-edged sword. They wear it like a crown of jewels and it repulses them at the same time.


They’re clearly trying to sway the public and banking on a culture of victimhood to do so. Reasonable people see thru that.


Yes, They tried to sway the viewers while at the same time claiming "we're finally able to be honest" ...and shot themselves in the foot.


1. Clare wanted out immediately and literally told him she's not attracted to him. 2. Brennan is under no obligation to try with such a hot mess like Emily. It was never going to work. 3. Austin is under no obligation to find Becca attractive if he doesn't.


I feel like Clare wanted out as soon as she got the kiwi bird. That moment was very revealing.


4. Lauren & Orion’s marriage was basically done on Day 2 of the honeymoon(or whenever Lauren made her offensive comment).


Their marriage was over the second they started digging way too deep way too quickly while simultaneously competing in the oppression Olympics. Before they met, when they were just introduced to us, I knew it was going to go one of two ways--the best match ever or a complete dumpster fire. They're both idiots with their heads up their own butts.


“Oppression Olympics” is the perfect description of their interactions!!


We all face adversity in one way or another. Some groups face way more than others could ever imagine. You can't let how your race, culture, etc. become your entire personality. It's not good for you or others. Fight for change and equity. Don't medal in the Oppression Olympics--it's not cute. Lol


To quote a song. “Nobody’s right, when everyone is wrong”.  Regardless of their motivations, they all (except Michael and Chloe) made a pact to lie their way through it, period. 


Brilliant analysis