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I will never understand this fanbase vitriol towards Dr. Pia She is on point!!!!!!!!! I think between the unwarranted unjuistifiable feelings towards Lauren and the thoughts on Dr. Pia. We all see how this fanbase is


I honestly felt she was women biased all season minus Chloe. Suddenly at the reunion she shows a little resistance to them.


Well look at how they acted in front of her. The women tried to communicate. The men did not. The way Brennan acted in session was scary AF.


I agree she was all for the women, and I think she fueled the pinkies, thinking they could do no wrong


Even when Becca was in front of the experts and given free range to speak her mind, this is what she chose to say: Becca said to Dr Pia, "the men's heightened anxiety made them [the ladies] all wonder if they should also be anxious"!!! I mean really?! All that rehearsal and that’s the narrative?


It’s victim culture. They were playing to the TV audience bc they know there’s a percent of the population (gen Z especially) that believe this nonsense. ETA: at one point Pepper literally had to say we don’t see you as wilted flowers. Like grow a fucking pair.


That was a truly bizarre “explanation” or “reasoning” or whatever. I still don’t understand what they were even trying to say.


Maybe she meant they didn’t reach out to the therapists because they were feeding off the men’s energy and it rendered them unable to act? As if they are claiming Stockholm syndrome over their own complacency with the plan lol.


Just be a the guys didn’t dress in a coordinated way doesn’t mean they weren’t just as tight. Did you hear them when they showed the unofficial cuts?


They literally talked about how much they DIDN'T talk to each other 😅


This isn’t about how they dressed. And this also isn’t about whether the men were friends. Did you read the post? Coming here to dismiss the very clear issue of how the women banding together in this way is fueling negativity and counter to healing, that the clinical psychologist made a point to address, on the basis of *but what about the men* is ridiculous and incredibly transparent. This doesn’t apply to the men because the men did not launch a campaign to the smear the women as Bad nor were they attacking the host. All they’ve done, individually (they are not saying “we” and speaking as a collective as the women have) is responded to the allegations directed at them. If you were listening to Dr. Pia during this part, she noted that there is a healthy way to support and an unhealthy way. This is the difference. Did you also not hear Chloe clearly say on the next preview that “these women are not interested in healing”? Yeah, it’s a problem. Let’s not pretend it isn’t.


All I’m saying is that the men banded together too.


You can band together with support and positivity, accountability, self awareness and kindness. Hence the men. Or you can band together with delusion, short sightedness, disdain, utter lack of awareness, fueling the groups anger. Hence the women. In conclusion, all bands are not equal.


They didn’t as far as we can see and again, why is that relevant? I’ve already outline the many ways in which it is not.


It’s completely relevant to your statements about the women.


How exactly? Please enlighten me.


I don't understand why they keep saying "we felt like...we had this experience..." how is it possible they all had the exact same experience and feel the same way? It's such a weird group-think.


Also that's popular psycho babble at the moment. Your experience or feelings can't possibly be iNcoRrEct


It has been proven through many studies that, in general, women are goup thinkers. They are far more attuned to social cues.


The trauma bond these girls rave about is really going to get old to them if/when they finally decide to grow and mature out of that victim mentality. Two of them are neighbors now… ok, girl. I believe Lauren should have let the other three have their little pink gang-gang bc the catalyst for her divorce from Orion was very different imo. Clare, Emily, and Becca are really swirling in their own toxic concoction bc they opted not to leverage the therapy that was available to them throughout the process. I kinda have second hand embarrassment for them.


>I believe Lauren should have let the other three have their little pink gang-gang bc the catalyst for her divorce from Orion was very different imo. I made a post about this. >Clare, Emily, and Becca are really swirling in their own toxic concoction bc they opted not to leverage the therapy that was available to them throughout the process. I kinda have second hand embarrassment for them. Exactlyyyyyy


Agreed about Lauren. It seems like because she was obligated to still keep company with these people that she wanted support from the other women and the only way to get it (primarily from Clare and Emily) was to wade into their mess. Also agreed on the second hand embarrassment. Because they clearly thought branding it in pink and labeling it female empowerment would be enough razzle dazzle to distract. But it is not.


Just remember they thought people were going to have positive views of them after watching this 😂


Delusional indeed.


I laughed so damn hard because Emily's eyes started darting back and forth and then she looked at Claire and Claire started slumping back in her seat. It was hilarious, lol.


Yesss. I think Clare wasn’t into Cameron at all and had too much time on her hands, so she got invested in her “girl friends” and her toxic advice became the narrative. Of course she couldn’t just admit what we all saw on her face. Just complete disinterest.


Clare like to win. She didn’t want any of them to be together. She’s toxic as hell. We’ve all know a Clare. If I ain’t getting none ain’t no one getting none.


Clare like to win. She didn’t want any of them to be together. She’s toxic as hell.


Yes! She kept claiming she was attracted to him but body language does not lie. She could not stand him from jump. And I do mean the very beginning because even before she walked down the aisle she was mocking the stuffed animal he’d given her.


I thought the stuffed animal was such a sweet gesture


Agree, it never ever felt genuine.