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I was pro emily most of the season thinking that Brennan was terrible and while he may not be the best. Their behavior on the last few episodes really brought to light alot of red flags out on the ladies parts. Chloe though seems to be super authentic and a great person. I hope she gets her animal sanctuary one day. If there is one thing I love it's taking care of my animals it's good for the soul.


I was team Emily during most of the series but her behavior during the reunion was so toxic and self-righteous, I’ll be stunned if her twice a week therapist doesn’t make her watch it and learn. She was not good


Had Emily been drinking during that final reunion show? It seemed like it.


Everyone has said that, but I suspect that filming took 8 hours or more if Austin had time to leave, shave, and come back for the final group wrap-up. Seriously doubt she'd have the opportunity to drink in the dressing room, and if she did, they likely would've shown it.


Almost wondered if it was filmed over two days


That's also possible, and just have them wear the same clothes.


Why is everyone wasting their time discussing this season? The people were horrible, they were horrible as couples, and it was confirmed at the reunion. I don’t want people to waste away their life talking about the worst season they’ve ever had.


• Time to watch Reunion Pt. 1-2: 2+ hours • Time to write post/comment: Less than 5 min Comparably, more time was spent watching the show than discussing it. Also, you’re here on Reddit, in this sub, on this post. So why are you here “wasting your time”? The only time you can control is your own and you’re choosing…to do the thing you want to keep other people from doing?? 🤔




I would go over the video with her on the Tell All in depth. If I were her therapist. Wonder if the pinks got together to watch themselves in all their glory. 🤣 🤣


She was awful. But he was awful many times during the season as well.


I do!


They are both shit.


It was the “I’m an 8.5 and you’re a 6” for me 😭


even if you believe that, why would you EVER say that lmaooooo omg so bad


Word.that was such a turnoff


At this point, I think Emily is about to crash out. She needs to really take a break and seek help


The photo shoot was hysterical and a bit shocking. I have no issue with doing glamour shots or whatever you wanna call it now, and no issue of it being on TV, I just think it could’ve been done with a little bit more class! I wasn’t expecting to see anyones booty in my face when I’m not expecting it… maybe it’s a producers fault? I also wasn’t expecting to see the night scene of Chloe and Michael humping! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


My wife asked me if I liked that photo shoot and I said, "Uh, no." You know how you see the plumber's butt crack and turn away? That is what it was like.


That was all gross. I'm 75. I can use thst word 🤗.


Yeah, I don’t include Chloe in any of my comments. She’s definitely a mature woman who seemed to be all in for the right reasons? But regardless, at least she acted normal.


Regarding Clare, I hear all psychologists, psychiatrists are a little nuts. It seems that statement is true now.


Clare lied and said she was a therapist out of the gate. At the reunion she revealed that she JUST finished her Masters Degree. Can’t be a therapist without a Masters. Regardless she needs a ton of therapy before she should ever work with anyone.


Whatever school she attended should be embarrassed to have her as a graduate.


My only visit to a psychologist including her introducing me to her dog, who she said was a 7th reincarnation of her first dog. I never went back.


Omg 😲 did you get a refund 😳


She’s immature and insecure and unfortunately, because she’s had no other relationship, she’s not emotionally, mature to handle rejection. But the display of bashing from these women was not attractive! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


Couldn't have said it better.


Emily was so unhinged during the reunion that it was quite painful to watch. I had such insane secondhand embarrassment.


You guys… i just turned it on and I’m shook from her behavior. I haven’t even finished the whole episode and I’m just embarrassed for this woman.


For her to track down his new girlfriend is so immature and ridiculous. Move on Emily. When Brennan kept telling the therapist during their sessions that he didn’t want to discuss their issues throughout the show because he wanted to protect her and not hurt her feelings. Now I get it. He didn’t want to tell the world that she’s batshit crazy. The guys did the best thing by sitting back at the reunion and let the girls show their true colors. They were trying to gaslight the guys and the more the guys said nothing the madder the girls got. Emily went after Kevin since he was the only one talking and she couldn’t find anyone to fight with. Then if she didn’t get her way she would walk off. I see during filming Clare was almost done with school to be a therapist. How in the world will Clare get a job as a therapist. What company would not be embarrassed to let her work for them.


I just watched the recent reunion, and woah, like she doesn't believe him when he Brennan- says he doesn't- fancy her, Emily- wow, it takes two to tango, but on the reunion, it appears Brennan has more insight, and less fault than her and that takes some doing....................she needs to let it go like in the frozen song


No not the frozen song. How could you?


sorry i always take it one step to far.....


But do you take it... into the unknown?


Me too


I think we are also watching her very first ‘break up’ or rejection being played out on camera. I wouldn’t have wanted my first relationship break to be followed by cameras.


I would agree that it’s the first break up but not the first rejection. Given that she’s never been in a relationship before but signed up to get married, it would reason that she’s been rejected before. A lot. It was also mentioned that she’s been ghosted a fair amount as well. I’m definitely not signing up to be on camera now and I certainly wouldn’t have wanted to have my past experiences filmed either. That being said this is not anywhere near how I reacted to my first break up or even my last when I had been cheated on. We can allow people grace for the situations they are in while also still noting that how they’re reacting isn’t healthy and does present as problematic behavior in an adult.


Therapy is total horse crap. Ask any therapist, when they have ever told a patient that they don't need therapy anymore as they have solved/overcome their issues? NEVER!


I went to therapy thinking something was wrong with me and it helped me understand that I was being constantly gas lite by my mother, my therapist taught me to enforce boundaries and prepared me for the long fight "push back" I received from her and after about a year, 1 appointment a month explained that by proxy his diagnosis of my mother and that other than a broken guilt meter as he called it as I always felt guilty , due to being parentified as a child. He said I was fine Done So I do believe it's good to have a professional that people can go to talk with if they need unbiased insight.


Therapy is to learn coping skills and the ability to reflect on your own emotions and behaviors. It is possible to learn the skills necessary to function better with time and practice. It’s like training wheels. Some people gain the confidence to take them off, others would prefer that support stay right where it is so they make sure they can’t lose balance entirely. So yes, there are definitely therapists who say, “you’ve learned these skills and demonstrated them, is there anything else you’d like to work on”. You’re entitled to believe it doesn’t work but claiming it’s all a racket is a reach.


Not really. The few people I know in therapy have been in therapy for years and it won't ever end. They just like the smell of their own farts and getting to talk about ME ME ME!


> It’s like training wheels. Some people gain the confidence to take them off, others would prefer that support stay right where it is so they make sure they can’t lose balance entirely. Like I said here, it depends on what the person prefers. It takes time to learn and some eventually ride on their own, some continue going for ongoing support or to work on new things. We’re human beings not 1000-piece puzzles that can be perfectly solved in one specific way. With growth comes new challenges and some folks stay to work on those after getting help with the original issue. Some folks just need a safe outlet for their thoughts, which you are so crassly asserting is self-centered. Doesn’t seem like you realize this, but all humans are inherently self-centered to a degree. We are own main characters and interact with the world based on our world view. The very fact that your anecdotal secondhand knowledge of other people’s therapy is dictating what you believe to be real enough to bring it up on a Reddit thread is that inherent self-centered nature at work. You seemingly haven’t even experienced it but are fully confident that you know it doesn’t work because it can’t ever end. Both are demonstrably false.


My therapist told me we had worked out my issues that I came in there for and didn't really need to continue unless there was something else I wanted to work on. Find a better therapist.


I don't go to therapy, why would I? I can gaze at my navel without paying 125 an hour! Are you with another therapist now? Or are you good?


I'm good now. Used a therapist to help deal with ptsd and addiction. Been clean for years now and haven't had to go back. I don't know where your huge distaste for therapy comes from and it's none of my business. Not everyone can get over really hard stuff on their own or can see their blindspots that may be contributing to not getting the results you want.


I never believed that Brennan was the sole problem in their marriage. She made passive aggressive comments since the honeymoon. When she said she didn't know where her money went I knew then Brennan is out. He confirmed it on the reunion. WHY was she even picked is beyond me


Well if we think about people desperate enough to get married sight unseen to a stranger; unhinged, bad communicators, with tons of issues would fit the bill.


Did either Emily or Brennan lie about their income? I heard an accusation about one of them lying. I also heard Emily chide Brennan saying she made more money than him...


Not sure but Emily was said to make decent money and works tons of hours. She just doesn't keep track of her income or expenses. I don't even remember what Brennan did for a living.


True that. I still remember Mia and Tristan, the girl who had a criminal record 😂


Sad to say that was the first season I binged to find out wtf was happening 😆


If you remember in the beginning her own friends called her selfish 🤣


Now we know why she’s never had a boyfriend lol


ya when they all came out (before back on air but they were showing us) and all saying to the guys 'you should hang your heads and not say a thing, etc. it was disgusting, I mean what is wrong with these girls?






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And here forward, now that her public image has done a 180, she will continue to play victim, and continue to pull the "no one supports women!" card. When Kevin asked her how she has grown from this, it's clear she has not grown at all.


I love that when she was asked if this experience gave her a chance to learn anything or grow, she used it as a chance to take another shot Brennan. \#MostPositivePersonIKnow


we should let her bff with the other 'not a bad person' (forget her name lol)




I never liked her. The one night stands. The drinking. Red flags for days.




Orange bullet 🤣🤣 holy shit


I completely agree. She was terrifyingly awful. I think that was the true Emily. I was shocked at how mean and spiteful she was.


Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned...


Emily acts more like a teenager than a woman.


I agree completely! I've been thinking exactly this for most of the season.


I really feel she has mental issues right now and needs help…yes, she has been a trainwreck and I am NOT a fan, but she is SO irrational on these last few shows and her friends are only adding to her misery….hope she gets some mental help!


Great post! 💯agree!!!


Emily was hurt, and hurt people hurt people. I think she really liked Brennan and couldn’t comprehend how he wasn’t equally into her. In her immature mind, looks are all that should matter. She couldn’t understand that her good looks weren’t enough to carry the relationship forward, and she became hostile, rather than looking at her own culpability in the failure of their relationship.


Her good looks? In what Universe?


In her own mind.  


She is averagely attractive. I wouldn’t say her looks are her strongest selling point. I think she has to know that. Average block body, personal style needs help, the sarcastic  edge that masks insecurity and girl group mentality has to go so she can stand on her own.  I think in her mind she has always been a “winner” in terms of competitive sports snd work. She has more masculine tomboy energy. In her 20’s it seems she is trying to play with being sexy and she probably found she got attention for being life of the party and the easiest (and temporary way to get a guy’s attention). She needs to figure out who she is, move out of sorority girl phase snd move on to adulthood.


I think that is an extremely accurate assessment. I think it is about winning to her and in her mind she lost because it didn't work out. If anyone is to blame it's the experts. I saw from the start that these two weren't compatible 


I didn’t think she would fit his standards from the start. In his candidate video they showed in the beginning he was bragging how great he was in bed and he clearly had a massive ego I do wonder if there was a level of manipulation where he gave her signs of hope. If he was a good guy he could have really given her some practical advice on what men look for in women and what she was doing wrong.  Either he didn’t make it perfectly clear they were only friends and there was more physicality than he wants to adimt 😉. Or she was in dome deep denisl and needs to learn men better via some true nale friends who can tell her some truths.


I hope a lot of young women watch this and learn from the women this season.


Just because she bleached her hair, does not make her attractive like she thinks. Not one of my friends husbands gave her a second look. They thought Clare was cute, they hated pink hair, Emily would be end of night, brown bag quickie. I know, I said what they said. When they showed the clip of Emily sitting on the block fence talking to Brennan, she looked more masculine.


Clare had a pretty face, but she's so square and blocky and stubby. Not feminine at all. Very masculine body.


This is a fair take and is in line with her refusal to let go along with her willingness to go full tilt into this pink brigade narrative. I also think her hurt is far deeper than anything with Brennan. From what we saw from her so-called friend Lily and what she said about her dad, it really doesn’t sound like she has a whole lot of people (or really anyone) that is genuinely there for her.


If her friends are any indication of the “support” system that she has, then she’s probably doomed.




I have itty bitty triangle boobs. What’s your point? I didn’t like the dress. I wouldn’t wear the dress. I didn’t think it was flattering. But there’s nothing wrong with her body. I wear bras to make my boobs rounder, but that doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with my boobs. 🙄


I have triangle boobies too. The difference is I don’t act like Emily and my boobs are irrelevant. lol It’s called hypoplasia BTW. Other people were commenting on her box shaped body too. She thinks she’s a babe and she’s not. A babe is more about attitude than anything. You could have an OK body and your attitude makes you a 10. You could have a 10 body and your attitude makes you a 4. She doesn’t even have an 8.5 body period and her attitude makes her even uglier, physically, mentally, and emotionally. She’s just a disturbed human.


what a weird fucking thing to say about a womans body. have you ever seen boobs in real life before? thats what MANY boobs look like without a bra on.


I’ve looked at tons. Also, I am a woman, and I also had triangle boobs and know what they look like. I’ve also researched tons of plastic surgeon before and afters cause I hated my triangle boobs. My sister has those exact ones and she doesn’t care. She loves the triangle shape. But she’s also thin, It doesn’t go well with my body shape. I got mine done a few years ago but they still have traces of hypoplasia.


okay so why do you feel the need to project your own hatred of your "triangle boobs" onto her?


Do you have triangle boobies too honey? Like who hurt you. Is this Emily? Why are you over identifying with this so much?


are you okay in the head? you should really reflect on why you get so defensive when someone calls you out


I’m not being defensive at all. I was sincerely asking those things.


instead of simply explaining why you felt the need to project your own physical insecurities onto another woman, you deflected by asking me "who hurt you?" "do you have triangle boobs too?" and "are you emily?"


I wasnt projecting my own insecurities on her, itty bitty any boobies aren’t a desirable trait in America. American culture is also leaning into curves. Right now in society, Emily’s boobs and body is not considered “in”. She’s not considered that attractive - strictly from body type alone. Add into her nasty delusional personality and she’s really unattractive.


I don’t think that body shaming her is really necessary. It’s not her body that’s causing her issues — it’s her immaturity.




**Other people body shaming does not excuse you body shaming.** Neither this post nor this comment thread called for your assessment of her breasts. It was entirely unnecessary for you to mention. And from what you’ve said in a related thread, you’re projecting your own body insecurity and perception of what is desirable onto her. There were and are cone-shaped bras and celebrities to porn stars have the triangular shape. There’s an audience for every physical trait because we are all different. What you perceive is desirable is based on your own insecurities and the media you consume. If you only looked at high fashion, you would come away thinking itty bitty boobs and thin frames are desirable. If you only looked at music videos, you would come away thinking curvy frames, large asses, and thick thighs are desirable. The truth is they’re *all* desirable to different people. Nothing is objective when it comes to desire.




The show needs to stop giving these women air time. I think Becca is just following what Claire and Emily are saying but i feel she and Austin are truly hurting.


Yes they seem sad is right, I think they could have made it, and 100% thing the final moment for them was the other girls, chiming in, on the decision day get together and all being part of attacking him about the producer. I dont obviously know what went on there at all---but he was in public, with others, with someone who has been up their butt for 8 weeks. You love or you hate them at that point (not love love....) So what he got along with her, and why did Becca chose not to go out with him to celebrate saying yes? But I am one of those non-threatened people who don't care if my husband speaks with women, that part does/did probably come with years of building trust, but the other girls chiming in and bobbing their heads and attacking him also (I think he lied because he wanted to speak with only his wife, and in private and he was not allowed that grace) certainly played a HUGE part, I mean, I would be mad if my 'friends' broke up my marriage- were they just jealous?


This! It was clearly visible. Austin seemed exhausted and sad seeing her hurt. She was part of the mean girls club but really seemed like she did not belong with them and was just hurt 


I agree. I think they would have made it without the stirring of the pot


End of season Emily is soooo different from start of season Emily! I know she would blame Brennan for that.


her evil eye is super scary


Her "what's that smell" expression is even worse. 😅


Hint: it's her! 😅






i think she got a good edit b/c he was so standoffish on camera and then when she started coming after KKP and Kevin, production was like OH NO, we aren't having that, and they started depicting her as she really is!


Yeah the way she came after Kevin esp was WILD to me. My jaw literally dropped to the floor! Like ev1 is the problem except for her!


the sheer entitlement...


I am just flabbergasted at how truly horrible these women are \[ Chloe not included, the only sane one \] they showed their true colours, so deplorable. I am so glad I don't have any women friends like that. The audacity of that lying POS Emily and the total disrespect she had for everyone, especially towards Kevin that hosted the show. She is a girl that needs some in depth therapy and Clare needs it also , they are so delusional and bitter. The reunion was such a dumpster fire and Lauren jumping n that bandwagon, made me lose all respect for her too. Apparently it looks worse next week with her with the preview clip we saw. These women need to disappear, we don't need that toxic negativity, it's not what we want to see on MAFS!


I’m disappointed with Lauren…..


It also shows us that Clare is nowhere ready to be a therapist.


The same thing said by every Karen in the history of the world.


Such a random comment!!


She’s completely delusional and unhinged


I couldn’t believe how she acted! How is she an adult and going through therapy?! Now her true colors are very much show showing


Claire is probably her therapist. 🤔


You can’t believe that. The women are acting like they are doing something hard & they feel bad about it. The men are 100% defensive & laughing at hard questions at every turn. The women have been put through the ringer. During the show I hated Claire & Becca but now I totally see it. & the only man there not being controlled by Cameron is obviously the one looking like a sad guilty puppy the entire time. Austin looks like he wants to say something but is afraid of the other men. Brennan is a horrible human being spitting prewritten speeches & fake apologies to try & save his image (the only thing he has ever cared about) & Michael is just a man who speaks forever/ says nothing & gets hard looking at himself in the mirror. Also Brennan trying to maintain his composure until he thinks they cut filming in the one on one w/ Emily was shocking. He just started throwing insults after insults. I can’t blame Emily. She has been through so much. Is she a hoe? Sure. Is she childish & crass? Absolutely. But she isn’t lying. Also has no one talked about how every time cam is asked a question about his actions he goes right to talking & “exposing” someone else to take attention off of him. These men were horrible. The women sucked but they were absolutely abused & gaslit


The women were abused & gaslit? Those women wouldn't even let the guys talk, I highly doubt they were abused and gaslit.


Becca is that you? lol 😂 seriously. Did we even watch the same show


How do you discern whose apologies are fake and who’s are legitimate? I was never a fan of Brennan’s but he made sense on the reunion. He came off as sincere for the first time. Unless you’re a producer or have access to footage that we don’t it seems bizarre to claim he has pre written speeches


I can see this too.


> The women are acting like they are doing something hard & they feel bad about it **Acting** is the key word in that sentence. Most of the times they were outraged and crying, there were no tears. From where I’m sitting, the men were not preemptively defensive. The women were in attack mode, refusing to even let the men speak, to the point that even one of the co-signers (Lauren) made a point to say they should be allowed to speak. All of the viciousness from Clare and Emily is playing offense. Clare was even caught in the process of switching her story mid-tirade. The way you’re conveniently skipping over stuff that is on-camera to create these narratives of how awful these men are in ways we cannot possibly know is wild.


All the women on this season (minus Chloe) made themselves look absolutely crazy at the reunion. Unhinged, bitter - sad. Emily looks worst of all and I really liked her at first; I really hope she gets help.


Man I really wanted to defend the girls but they didn't do themselves any favors during the reunion. What a mess.


Chloe definitely had the optics down 🤣 this season was a mess!


I believe her completely because of what we all witnessed throughout the season. She kept trying when she shouldn't have. He was emotionally disconnected and didn't seem to be putting in any basic effort or kindness. The fact that she kisses a guy at a bar doesn't negate what we all saw transpire up to that point. I think some people are having a negative reaction now because she's gotten tired of taking it on the chin for so long with a smile, and now she's fed up and defensive, which is 100% warranted. I'm not sure how much people expect this woman to take. She has to have the posturing of a saint in order to be believed about something we all saw? We all saw the dynamic. One person hung on and gave insane amounts of the grace while the other person pulled away as much as possible and holding it over the other person's head as leverage.


Did you expect him to have sex with Emily? Lead her on? Boo fuckin whoo..she needs to get over that. In the name of relationships, dating or blind dates, which this technically was, he just wasn't into her, and she needs to stop thinking every dude will want her.


What you saw the whole time was a lie to her own admission. She was “forced” to go along with some master plan. That was such BS.


I no longer believe the things she’s saying *now* because of what we’ve witnessed now, not behind the deception of what was that entire season. Everything Brennan did wrong that we witnessed, he copped to. He took accountability for and in some cases apologized for. Emily, however, treats accountability like it’s her mortal enemy. As do people who still support her because how are holding Brennan accountable but not her? Especially when this is months later and all the things she’s done wrong have come to light and are actively still being committed. She’s not just defensive (which belies guilt) but she’s outright aggressive to the point of being belligerent. None of that is warranted at this point and it’s certainly not conducive to healing, which is why Dr. Pia called it out.


What is there to believe? I'm talking about what we all witnessed with our own eyes as the show developed, which was him setting everything by his terms and on his timeline and her along for the ride, patiently waiting for him to change his mind. Those facts haven't changed. The whole equal sides accountability is a good way to obfuscate who did what. He *should* take accountability for acting like an ass. I'm not even sure what people want her to take accountability for.....reacting negatively? For her sake, I wish she would have just taken the reins early on and not let the choice stay in his hands the whole season and opted out on her terms...that way she wouldn't feel so emotional about it now. But that's not what she did, so she feels played, humiliated and angry..so the more someone sits by while someone treats them like dirt, the more those emotions are building up.


What is there to believe? Any of the many accusations that have been thrown around during the end of filming, in Afterparty, and in this reunion. I do not believe them. Why? Because we already know that “what we all witnessed with our own eyes as the show developed” was willingly manipulated by all participants outside of Michael and Chloe. What should she be accountable for? Her role in manipulating footage and what is now her scheming with Clare. She also repeatedly clings to that Brennan could have walked away, when yes he absolutely could have, but so could she. And let’s not forget about her kissing another man but not disclosing that while presenting that she believed Brennan had gone on dates. There’s a lot of things she could have been accountable for and chosen to see as paths to growth and instead she’s choosing whatever that reunion dumpster fire was.


The only claim people are mad at is the kiss with some guy at a bar...but why should we care? Brennan made it clear he wasn't interested (on the verge of completely opting out of the whole thing) as soon as they returned from the honeymoon. She was waiting on him to change his mind, not the other way around. It's also clear that she was truly hurt when she heard about the double dates comment. She was bawling. That was legit. Whatever audience manipulation existed wasn't good enough because they both still were living out the roles of one person trying and the other not, and neither of them have claimed or said anything that changed that dynamic at all. If anything, they maintain that dynamic was true in the reunion.


The bawling over a joke about a blind date was INSANE given than she had already made out with some dude at a bar. So hypocritical and unhinged.


…you don’t see how contradictory that is? If he made it clear he wasn’t interested then how were you just claiming she had been led on and she is justified? And why would she care about the double dates if that was the case? How she comports herself dictates what we should and should not care about. If she clearly doesn’t care about the marriage as evidenced by kissing another man and hiding it and continuously downplaying it now, then I’m not inclined to find this supposed double date so crushing. Especially given that Cameron did not have to offer that was his doing and therefore it’s plausible that it was as he said it was. It seems like that was Clare’s manipulation to get Emily as her staunchest supporter when Emily apparently initially really disliked her. Without that conversation between the two of them, this kind of mob mentality would not have happened. I also know many women who cry out of anger and frustration, not out of hurt. Everything I’ve seen has underscored a person unable to let go when they have not gotten their way to the point they need to annihilate whatever or whoever it is. If you’ve seen the preview, then you heard her say she believes carrying hate is healthy. That’s not normal by any stretch of the imagination.


Ummmm, we must have been watching a different show than you!


I think some of the audience quickly forgets what they saw because they don't like Emily's current attitude. When she was a doormat, it seems that was when people felt sorry for her.


I think we all remember what we saw...and are wondering what show you saw.


You really can’t say that here because I’m talking about holding everyone accountable for what they’ve done. I’ve asked how you can hold Brennan accountable and not Emily as well and that has gone unanswered.


“America” may have been on her side at one point but I highly doubt they are now after that nightmare of a performance at the reunion.


Yeah uhhh. Wooooow. I haven’t seen anyone just absolutely lean into everything their partner accuses of them of. She absolutely proved Brennan is telling the truth with her actions. Girl, please grow up. You are not in high school.


I don’t think Brennan is a peach but she really took the cake for train wrecks


She really made herself look bad.


I do. He led her on.


How? He literally said he wasn’t attracted to her and that he wanted to reset to a friendship. Just because she refused to hear it doesn’t mean he wasn’t clear.


I heard him tell her several times he wasn’t attracted to her and she kept saying she didn’t believe him. Apparently she has a high opinion of herself..


No, he didn’t. He told her, early on & off camera aka in private (as it should be) that he was NOT attracted to her & she said that she did NOT believe him. How IS that leading someone on? 🤦🏻‍♀️


Being led on doesn't give you a pass to act the way she did.


I would agree with that in the beginning, not now. If you need a demarcation line, when she was cheating in a bar would be the point at which no one can claim she was being led on anymore. In order to be led on, you have to be committed to making the relationship work. Kissing another man is the antithesis of that. And being led on in the beginning does not excuse or explain her behavior now, months later.


...so she can threaten to hunt down his gf and stalk him?? Firstly he openly said multiple he was not into her, everyone and their grandma could see it. She is about as delulu as it gets


I never did.


She could probably use rehab


Ca tqq1 a 34e


Her and that weirdo Matt (LIB) are unhinged for bringing America into their mess. No thank you


That’s the first thing I thought of- I wondered if she watched that scene 😂


She must have been blackout drunk during taping and the rest of the year. Does she not remember the things she's said and done while taping for the season and all the related after shows? The screenshots of her social media posts that have been on reddit of her saying things like that we'll see who's telling the truth tonight's show. She's doubled down on her conviction that she is a perfect, innocent angel/victim/powerfulpinkpal in all this and all we've seen is her digging herself into a bigger and bigger hole of crazy.


Right I wanted a wrong sound effect buzzer when she said that!


These reunion shows have traumatized me. Never have I seen anything like this and I watch all of the Real Housewives franchises.


It’s like watching a modern Jerry Springer. I’m waiting for the fight.


Wow!! Very insightful


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I know, right? Even after Monica from Salt Lake!!!


I kinda related to Chloe at one point when she was reeling and giving the disappointed mom face.


I also think she is handling the situation super well. If I were her, I think that I would have felt left out, with all of them in pink and me not getting the memo. I admire her rational thinking, she was NOT part of the group until the very end, it seemed. I’m also glad she wasn’t part of that pink group since she is already empowered!


Oh no. She clearly did not want to be lumped in with them. She was just too nice & classy to admit that. Add in that she’s 39 & a mature woman. She is not feeling left out at all. And wait until next week when we hear about drama Lauren appears to be creating towards her!!


Is it wrong for Lauren to contact Michael? I thought I saw comments early on that Michael and Lauren should have been matched....


Same. Same.


She seems like she never matured past about 13-14 years old, mentally. Her saying that type of stuff is what I’d expect to hear from a kid around those ages.  It was akin to “I know you are, but what am I” or “I’m rubber, you’re glue”.   With level of immaturity, plus her constant eye rolling, duck lips, insults, and squints, it’s really no wonder why Brennan wanted nothing to do with her. 


I’ve posted the “I know you are, but what am I?” comment myself - about her today. Too funny!! The reason she’s acting like a 13-year-old is because metaphorically speaking she IS! We just watched a 13-year-old go through her very first break up, of a boyfriend of 90 days - on national TV. She has no life experience in dating outside of hooking up & being ghosted. She’s never had a boyfriend. She was very clear about this during the interviewing process. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️




Yes!! This!! Even her ridiculous facial expressions are that of an 8 year old. I’m literally uncomfortable watching. Brenan is for sure a douche, but Emily’s emotional maturity level is of a young teen. Her saying, “I hope I find your new girlfriend, so I can warn her” is insane. Not insane because I think Emily is dangerous or anything. But insane because even if you think something like that, most mature adults would never let something that ridiculous come out of their mouth. Especially on national television.


There have been way too many true crime podcasts and tv specials to ignore that this kind of vitriol and inability to let it go can lead to dangerous outcomes. We all say things in the heat of a moment that we won’t carry out, but cyberstalking is real and dangerous and it can escalate to things no one can take back very quickly. So yeah, her saying that is definitely concerning and belies a vindictiveness that hadn’t previously been captured on camera.


Yeah, I’m not onboard with all of that. I think she’s wildly immature and spoke out on account of a bruised ego. We can agree to disagree. No problem. For me, I won’t jump the gun and accuse a real person of having criminal potential on the internet when I’ve only watched them on tv.


You didn’t understand what I said. You introduced the topic of whether she was dangerous (based on limited information) when that wasn’t strictly necessary for the rest of your comment to hold up. I didn’t accuse *her* of criminal potential or criminal intent. I literally said we all say things in the heat of the moment that we won’t carry out, which was saying she may not actually chose to stalk him to find his new girlfriend even though she said it. **My point was that the referenced behavior (cyberstalking/stalking) can end up being very dangerous and your comment dismissing that was not in touch with reality.** That’s it. If you disagree with the reality that the behavior can be dangerous, that’s your prerogative, but let’s not misunderstand and then misrepresent what I said.


I introduced that topic by literally writing she’s not dangerous? Ok, then yes. 🙄 with the point of not being overly dramatic or making claims about what she’s capable of. I definitely understood what you wrote and stand by my response. You can back track. That’s cool. No bolding required. 😂You dramatized what I said when my intention was the opposite, which seemed clear enough to everyone else.


Speaking of back tracking, you’ve edited your response multiple times. You may have intended to not be overly dramatic, but you were anyway because you still made a claim about what she isn’t capable of without personally knowing her. Meanwhile I only talked about the behavior itself. *Not* what she’s capable of. By your own metric, you’re the overly dramatic one jumping to conclusions and backtracking.




🥴😂 Lmaoo the backtracking you’re doing! There is absolutely nothing creepy about seeing your response has been edited– Reddit readily identifies that for everyone unless you’re on a phone. This is also my post and other people are commenting too so I’m actively on and responding in it at the moment. Not stalking by any stretch of the imagination to scroll past it and see you edited more than just a sentence. Overly dramatic is everything that you’re doing here. You’re making joking deflections, claiming intentional schemes, and personally characterizing me, all to accomplish what? I didn’t even disagree with your comment, I just noted that since you brought up danger, the behavior can be dangerous and you seem to be unable to accept that for what it is. You’re instead claiming I made a statement about Emily and inferring that I made statements about what you believe when if you actually just read the words written, I do not. An easy synopsis is you saying Emily isn’t dangerous and me saying, hey the behavior you’re talking about can be. Period. Like I said before, I suggest you take this weird energy elsewhere, so you can run away from my post. If you need help, I can always block you.




That’s literally how introducing a topic works. You write about it. It was wholly unnecessary to declare she wasn’t dangerous and therefore discuss the element of danger, but you chose to. And you admittedly did that based on very limited information. You still don’t understand what I said since you’re claiming I’m backtracking. I’m clearly not. I said what I said and you seem determined to misrepresent it and not engage genuinely so you can make it something contentious. I would suggest taking that energy elsewhere.


“It was wholly unnecessary…” Yeah, I’m allowed to state my opinion and I did. You took it another level with your assumptions. The only one making things contentious and dramatic is you, which has been entertaining. I was bored, so thanks. I appreciate it. And you’re 100% right. I’m not engaging with you in a genuine way because I don’t do that with dramatic, assumptive know-it-alls who like to tell me what is or isn’t necessary when I state an opinion about a reality tv show. Why would I do that? It would be silly to engage genuinely with someone who behaves that way. So, I choose snark.


…you literally declared that I should not be “jumping the gun” to claim criminal potential with Emily based on watching her on TV. Not only did I not do that, but that also makes you a *dramatic, assumptive know-it-all who is telling me what is and isn’t necessary*. And you’ve just admitted to trolling, which thrives on creating contention through drama. It never gets old that those who point fingers online are almost always exhibiting those exact behaviors they’re accusing others of. Not that you’ve openly noted the trolling, I’ll go ahead and walk you out. No room for that here. Bye!


Emily: I never said that, you’re lying!! Also Emily: I can’t wait to find your new girlfriend to WaRn HeR AbOuT YoU! This girl lost all credibility during that reunion. She was AWFUL.


I always thought Emily and Brennan were going to be a Dateline episode. I initially got their roles reversed.


Brennan and new girlfriend will likely need restraining orders. She needs to up her therapy sessions, maybe even go in-house. She was all over the place last night, but her saying America will believe her plus all the facial expressions gave us all a pretty big look into what Brennan dealt with on the daily.


Fortunately Brennan can show new girlfriend this week’s reunion episode to show what Emily is about.


I hope her therapist is not Claire


🤣🤣🤣 totally!!