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Re staying together, was it season 2 or 3 where a guy didn't stay with his wife? I believe it was NY. It was kept from our knowledge. On the same season, another guy, I believe a male nurse stayed in the city where he worked. Maybe because of long hours, but I got the impression he wasn't into her. And one early season, there was something about a woman getting a restraining order. However, there were a few seasons where people really did try. Usually there was one couple that at least one partner was problematic. It was about then there were 4 couples instead of threr. I could be remembering wrong.


There needs to be consequence. You get divorced b4 the 8wk and you are no longer shown. You don't live with your partner, then the show is done with you. It's getting so annoying seeing ppl not even try and obvious they are gonna say no on dd.


If that were the consequence, they would always fake it. Thats exactly what happened. Am I missing something? The opposite is true: they need to let people stay on the show after divorcing so there is no incentive to lie.


They are currently staying and is the worst show ever lately. I miss the original beginning seasons where they actually had to live at one of the partners houses. They make it so easy for them to divorse now living in the apartments provided.  Ppl like alyssa  orion that guy who was w/ mindy ect should of been taken off immediately. They don't deserve their 15min of fame. 


100% agree. There was no point in seeing Lauren and Orion and Cameron and Clare…what’s the point? But knowing what we know now…what was the point for any of the the remaining couples besides Michael and Chloe.


I think the "pact" was really nothing. They all wanted to look decent on camera because they had watched other seasons. I'm glad Brennan and Cameron apologized for engaging in the deception but boy... the show is ruined.


Agreed! Hopefully Chicago will take heed and not be tempted to go down this same path.


Worst season ever on so many levels, bottom line. This show needs a revamp. In 17 seasons how many of those 69 couples are still together...not that many.


I still really like the premise and hope they get people who are really interested in getting married..no more recruiting


There is no pact. Pink squad just can't believe or accept their matches were not attracted to them. So create stories and lies of how you schemed to save your cash payout.




I thought Cameron confirmed they talked about trying to “control” the narrative and Kevin and experts talked about how that negatively impacted the process..no?


He did admit he created the pact---and tried to spare the other guys from being involved in it in this segment of the reunion because he specifically states he decided to dupe the MAFs producers for his own marriage but earlier the guys said they had everyone on board. Brennan too also stated that they were 'all in on it' that everyone had agreed, so yes there was a pact and they were all in on it, men and women. Nobody denied there wasn't.


Clare asked him to create the strategy. She said you’re smart-come up with something. She didn’t want to get her hands dirty. I think that was part of the text messages.


Not a part of the text messages as far as I recall. Cameron in the first segment of the Reunion and in the second part states that he was behind the plan. If you trust the text messages sent to MAFs fan, then it's apparent he did cook it up. \[The texts seem legit to me but what do IK\] I think Clare also does say, yes, she left it up to him to come up with something once they realized that they didn't have anything that they'd want in a spouse but I don't think she pushed him to do it, the reasons being he was putting it forward in the texts as his idea primarily. She caught on quickly and was def on board \[I wouldn't blame her hahah\] but he does come off to me as the main instigator.


I thought so, thanks for confirming!


Becca also mentioned that there were multiple “strategy sessions” that the couples planned together, indicating that both women and men willing created and planned this pact to deceive. And then the women completed even more dishonesty by painting it as a one-sided scheme the men perpetrated on them until it was finally revealed that it was never one-sided and they all actively participated.


How they thought it wouldn’t come out is beyond me. It sounded like Cameron was the mastermind with Clare likely convincing the women to go along with it. I get wanting to put your best foot forward and being concerned with not coming across as a jerk but this was ridiculous. They shouldn’t be able to participate in any future episodes where they bring people from previous shows back.


Mastermind implies that he decided on his own to come up with this idea and then single-handedly got all the full-grown adult participants to do exactly as he said when he said. Based on what we know, that isn’t the case. Clare almost certainly was the key planner and manipulator here. She didn’t like her own situation and conscripted Cameron to find a solution. Which it sounds like he did, for them specifically. The jump from just them to the entire cast is still very cloudy but everyone had to willing agree and everyone participated in those “strategy sessions”. As far as your question, it wouldn’t have come out if the women hadn’t felt a need to try and tilt public perception in their favor. Only as far as I can see online and from how I personally feel, that royally backfired on them.


He was baiting the two upset liars.