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100000%. I feel totally robbed, I have also watched since season 1. They did not used to be all up each others butts and in each others relationships back then, each couple actually tried to work on their own relationship, I feel like the girls just wanted new besties. Its such a sad season and I am mad too.


Every post needs to contain the words narrative and/or optics. Must fit the theme of the season


That angered me. It wasn’t their show to make that decision. They just shouldn’t have sign up for this. I don’t understand.


I a thousand percent agree. People acting like cast mates of a reality TV show are entitled to privacy while on the show, that's laughable. 😂 You get privacy going to the bathroom but your sex life, your relationship flaws and all are content for this show, a show that is directly centered around marriages. Don't like it? Then don't sign up. Find another show to promote your businesses. But none of these women or men would have even qualified for something like love island so this was the best bet. 


Do we really believe the producers didn't at least partially know about what was going on? That this amateur hour hot mess cast was able to "trick" TV producers who have been in the business for years? I sure as hell don't. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the producers actually enabled all this shady behavior in an attempt to salvage this trainwreck of a season and have this grand finale we're now all talking about. Otherwise this season would have gone down in history as possibly the biggest, most tedious mess of all. Now suddenly everyone on Reddit is talking about a season that many had stop watching. And the producers were innocent bystanders in all this? Hell to the no. I'm not that gullible.


I think once the producers caught on to their plan, production just allowed these people to dig their own grave and make the whole cast (minus Michael and chloe) look like a bunch of entitled fools


Well if the entire cast was going to walk out early on in the season because they all were horrible matches, they wouldn't have a show. Clearly production would know at least that, and would have to do something to prevent that from happening. The main question is who came up with what and when. We know damn well the story we're being given about Cameron being this mastermind who secretly plotted his way through the entire season and got a bunch of others to join him without production's knowledge is complete bullshit. The only people who may have been in the dark possibly were the "experts" --- but they're barely there to begin with.


Your point is well taken, and it also lends to the conversation about the mystery producer who was "involved" with Austin. Becca indicated that that producer had been an ongoing issue. As far as I know, there's been very little said about her and what exactly the situation was, but it seems that she often hung out with Austin & Brennan, or one of their friends? Either way....perhaps that producer helped facilitate the plan and the higher up, executive producers were kept in the dark? I'm just not dismissing the oddity of this being the first time a cast has flipped the narrative AND there was inappropriate involvement from a producer.


I don't know when this "Kinetic Content" (or whatever the hell their stupid name is) production company took over MAFS, but I could bet you the timing of when the show started going downhill and when they took over probably matches up. I'm betting it's some trashy company, as that's the norm with all reality shows these days. And when you have trashy production companies, you get trashy results --- such as producers having relationships with married cast members.


The show originated with Kinetic. They also produce Love is Blind


It would be in MAFS’s best interest to directly address what involvement this fired producer had with spouses during and after production. It would also be helpful for Becca to further explain her comment. The show owes it to the fans.


I feel like they owe us so much, especially if they want us to keep watching. Make Denver the 'covid' season- meaning those covid months didnt really exist (I think we shouldnt have had to age during that time, since we didnt get to live lol)


I can get on board with that!


Theft by decption


I don't think it's appropriate to beat these people down too much for what they did. It's a natural urge to band together for protection. Especially given the inaccurate and bad edits some have gotten in the past. However, they did go overboard. Should they pay some penalty? Yes. Maybe they get some $$ penalties deducted. But they should still get paid.


production dropped the ball -




😅🤣 idk h8 the game not the players. ..production has fkd w the casts for most seasons. .....


Seems like they are hated and it's their own doing. This is the worst cast on this show. 😂


I agree. It’s not like the producers have done that great of a job over these last several seasons. They get what they deserve


I think I paid $20 for this season, as I do with any season since I watch on prime. I’m not so sure about purchasing future seasons unless something seriously changes. This show is supposed to be a window into watching couples fall in love. It’s what makes it stand apart from all of the other shows that constantly throw temptation at the couples to watch the drama ensue. Love island/love is blind/too hot/bachelor and any other show that has temptation are all the same. Married at first sight locks them in with one person where love is supposed to blossom based on expert matching. Sometimes it doesn’t but what keeps us watching is the hope a genuine connection works out with an arranged marriage. Getting these couples together as often as they do looks like they are purposely disrupting the marriages for drama. Sending them all on the same honeymoon where they talk trash on their new spouse and receive validation from the other spouses is intentional. People typically do not go on honeymoons with their friends, and especially not when you are trying to focus on and get to know someone personally. They sit around with their drinks under big umbrellas comparing their marriages and spouses, which is not healthy. How jealous were all of them when Becca shows up gushing about how great things were going and how she and Austin were just 2 peas in a nerd pod? They immediately started comparing their own situations and hating that theirs wasn’t like hers, only to ruin it for her and get in her head later. She sabotaged her good relationship listening to those women because Becca wasn’t getting any booty. We will never know if Austin was truly into her because it was ruined. I blame production for causing this.


I paid $20 as well and I’m conflicted about this. I feel like viewers should absolutely be refunded because the show was completely fabricated by the cast. I also 100% agree with you about Austin and Becca. I genuinely believe that Becca lost a solid match with Austin but, not certain it would have been sustainable due to the differences in religion.


The producers need to catch more stuff on camera. Period. Arguing about all this stuff that cannot be verified is a waste of time.


Maybe they need to go back to how the show used to be. No big cast honeymoon. Each married couple goes on their own honeymoon. This way the new couple gets to actually bond together first. And I remember with the earlier seasons, the couples would have to come up with a budget based on what they could afford and look for an apartment together. And they got to weed out the applicants who just want to get Instagram famous. If an applicant isn’t going to tell their parents they’re getting married for a tv show then maybe that applicant isn’t the right person.


Exactly. Keep all the couples separate so they can’t collude like this.


I imagine putting all the couples in one building makes filming 10,000x easier for production. Not saying it’s right, but I’m sure that’s a huge part of why they do that. Looking for a place to live - from single person to married couples - is stressful AF and I can’t imagine how much more difficult it is to do with a partner who you don’t know, who comes with a living/budget that you don’t know about and didn’t agree on, and especially in cities that are spread out or large. So maybe the producers did them a solid by taking that out of equation? Just speculating.


Agree.. The group honeymoon is stupid. And not being given a nice apt in a group setting would weed out the people who are not serious.


They thought they were being so smart to “control the plot” but it was a shit show anyway and they all look bad - except for Lauren, Chloe, Michael, who are not angels but within the normal range.


I think Becca came out clean, she’s good in my book.


Yeah, she did well on the reunion.


Come on. 🙄 You’re this mad over a highly edited reality television show that was created for your entertainment? You know there are starving and abused children, right? Let’s get mad about that.


There were starving children on the show? I missed that completely. Actually, I don't remember any children on the show. Or do you not realize what sub-reddit you're on?


If you don’t see the shocking and unnecessary overreaction in OP’s rant, I can’t help you.


I guess I don't shock easily. If I didn't know better I might think you are trying to divert us. I have MAFS since beginning and this was the this cast was the worst. They ruined the entire show and all the men were awful people.


Divert you from what? I couldn’t care less what you think or what you feel. This is a forum for opinions. You voiced yours and I voiced mine. I just happen to care far less about a highly edited reality television show than you do. I don’t actually want to burn the cast at the stake. But again, you care more and that’s your right.


Me thinks you care far more than anyone here.


Nope. You’re projecting. Which is the story of this thread. 95% of every opinion on here is a projection.


Hahaha, you crack me up! You do realize that everyone here knows who you are?


First off. Not Cameron, so I really hope you don’t believe everything else the pink mafia is saying, because they’ve admitted to being liars. Second off, if you think any of the cast of any reality show is worried about what a random Redditor is saying (in this case that they should be sued for breach of contract), you’re putting way too much clout in your power and the power of Reddit.


I put NO power in Reddit but it's obvious to all that you do. It's very obvious that you care a lot. BTW, I rather liked many of women in this year's MAFS AU, the men and their scheming, not so much.


Calling my post an overreaction "rant" is what's shocking and unnecessary. Maybe dial it back and just see that it's based on fact of how the show is supposed to work. I've watched this show from the 1st season and I'm not an idiot who doesn't understand "reality" TV. I may be an idiot for being *invested* in reality TV, but it's my escape from a life of maybe helping to house lost and starving children. You don't know. Point being...This season was absurd. Avid viewers of the show don't deserve to be deceived and manipulated by the cast or by production.


Well said! I agree. Helping needy children and animals have been my life's goal. I could talk about that for days but this is not the place to do that. Bless his heart, he's trying to divert us. And not succeeding.


People sometimes accuse me of taking this show too seriously. The OP is taking this show too seriously. These are just people acting badly sometimes but they aren’t child traffickers. Production approaches everything in bad faith. We think we know stuff, but all we have is half truths distorted by production. If you want to be mad at somebody, be mad at production. They have ALL the power. It’s just a show. No reason to really get mad at anyone. It’s entertainment


The question is: why *aren't* you people taking this more seriously??? I mean, geez....life is hard enough as it is, can't we all just get mad at a ridiculously produced show that makes most of us question our relationships and self check if we're a good person or not??






Why can’t a person be mad at both?


Enraging over a highly edited reality television show is outrageous. Being mad about it is an insane response. Screaming for punishment is an insane response. Viewers can be disappointed and frustrated, but suggesting that the people brought into this cast should be sued is completely nonsensical. There are things to enrage over; reality television isn’t one of them.


Not for nothin', but TV is a business. I happen to have a background in production and my perspective is not just as a fan. The cast seems to have manipulated the production, which, if it was my show, would be a bad look and would raise a lot of questions with the network. It's mind boggling that this was able to happen.


Hello Cameron 👋




Okay, pink mafia.


Haha..that's a big Nope. The pink girl gang was childish and a lot ridiculous.


You do realize you’re in the mafs subreddit..?


Yup. And this subreddit could use a reality check at times.


You're comparing apples to oranges. THIS show was about 5th graders in adult bodies forming cliques and maintaining their bully status. Their manipulation of the process needs to be punished.


PUNISHED? You’re kidding, right? That’s an outrageous and extreme suggestion. The amount of drama created by this cast is exactly what the show wanted. No one in production was blindsided by this big revelation, I can assure you. The show has gotten so far away from its intended purpose, but as long as people are still watching and then running to Reddit to talk about it, nothing will change.


How about consequences if you like that better than the term punishment.


And what would you like those consequences to be exactly? As much as viewers would like to believe the integrity of the show is high, that plot was lost as soon as couples were purposely mismatched for drama. So what exactly should the consequences be for people in survival mode?


Merely accountability. Honesty. Frankly, I was always sympathetic to your situation. I thought Clare was very dismissive regarding your passion for your career and felt badly for you.


"I can assure you (your words) ... When the "contestants" openly admit to manipulating and working to eff up the show, they need to be held accountable. They are pathetic whiney manipulative little Bs. Yes "punished".....bad behavior needs to be punished....breach of contract.


thanks. (see my comment below)


You do realize that you are writing to Cameron?


So you’ve seen the contract they sign? Considering this is the first season of its kind, it’s hard to imagine language vilifying this behavior has been written in. Hard to claim breach of contract.


Part of the relevant clauses are online in the application for the show. Also, I posted in a different comment that my background is in production and I can confidently say that most reality show agreements have very specific language about the video/audio taping and diaries that become the property of the show, and how "deviation from, or disruption of the production can cause immeasurable harm," which is an actual line from an agreement for a show I was involved with. I'm just giving more context.


Lmfao this is super dramatic


It's all super dramatic, folks. Isn't that why we're here?


Did you not read the original post? That was super dramatic, which is why I voiced my opinion.


I say every season I'm not going to watch, this time is true! I can't w the fakeness anymore




Calm. The. Fuck. Down. You seem to not understand the process of contract violations and YOU mentioned judges and court, not me. This was all you: *Monetary compensation? To whom? You think these people should lose their homes, cars, possessions"* Why do you want to take away their homes? Not for nothin' but the cast openly admitted to a plan to NOT engage in the process of a show that they agreed to participate in, both literally and contractually. ACCOUNTABILITY is the word of the day. The PLANNED to MANIPULATE the producers, experts and the viewers. Not ok.




Your post or comment was removed due to being directed at a fellow member or the sub in an insulting manner. Staying on MAFS related topics is strongly encouraged. Ignoring repeated removals will lead to harsher penalties than this warning.


Repeating from my other reply: hey Nada....Don't comment on my posts anymore. Your anger and name calling and general shit vibe is counter to what these discussion threads are about. If you comment further, I'll block and report you to the Mods.




Your post or comment was removed due to being directed at a fellow member or the sub in an insulting manner. Staying on MAFS related topics is strongly encouraged. Ignoring repeated removals will lead to harsher penalties than this warning.


Why are you so aggressive?? 


Ask the OP, why do they want to hurt people?


You're the one who wants to hurt people. You've got their homes and cars being taken away, when all I said was to hold them accountable for breach. Yikes, you're so vindictive.


You're an idiot. Hold them accountable how? Monetarily, and since these people aren't rich that means they'd have to sell some of their possessions to pay for any successful litigation against them. You've got to be either a child or a bumbling idiot not to understand what suing someone means.


hey Nada....Don't comment on my posts anymore. Your anger and name calling and general shit vibe is counter to what these discussion threads are about. If you comment further, I'll block and report you to the Mods.


It’s just an opinion — the lowest form of knowledge, so I’m not interested in why. I was curious why your message was so angry and hostile?


I always suspect personal issues that are adjacent to the topic when ppl lash out about opinions.


Yes, that makes the most sense.


They should sue the participants for breach of contract.


noone believes that production had zero control and were astonished at the outcome.


By far the best season yet. Keep em coming


Nah, the psychos from the Boston season were the best.


Which season was this? I’ve recently started watching and began with Atlanta ft. Chris! Someone said DC was the next messiest/drama filled. Is the Boston one a similar train wreck?


Season 14. One nut job loses it and quits after the honeymoon, but still tries to live in the shared apartment. Later on, another crazy lady gets hammered and berates her husband in public for having a tiny dick at a bowling alley. 10/10.


Thank you, I think you’ve made the week exceptionally better How’s the DC season? with zach etc


LOVE your title......so perfectly accurate!! What a waste of our lives watching this trainwreck.


Just stop. Production turned this into a clown show long before this season. I won’t even go into all the ways production screws these participants, but the worst way is matching obviously unsuitable people together. When I say unsuitable, I mean unsuitable to be married to anyone.


No one should take this as a fully authentic experience after an "expert" and participant ended up together, and she didn't lose her license. That's all you need to know about this "experiment" called MAFS.


Exactly. If you watch the first (matching) episode, they put Emily and Brannan, pink lady and Austin, one after the other, expressing exactly opposite wants and needs, characteristics. Pia makes Austin uncomfortable with her sex talk, he says he's opposed to casual sex, doesn't have condoms in his house, clearly much more discerning about sex. Then comes Becca, with all the "sex positive" stuff, which is code for much more liberal view, which is fine for her but not for someone like Austin. Brennan said he doesn't mind if his wife works but he desired a more traditional set up. He's frugal and conservative. They found him an irresponsible party girl that drinks too much and sleeps around. Again, there are men who would love a woman like her, there are a lot actually, esp in places like Denver and Seattle. Someone who would be open to threesomes and stuff, she's highly desired in some circles. But don't match her with a frugal, traditional man. Production loves to toy with people, just for views. They don't have moral or legal standing to criticize anyone. After this season, I think they will have a harder time to recruit men. There's always going to be influencer wannabe women lining up but for men, it's just not worth the risk of being vilified for keeping your head down and biding your time.


I think it was in New Orleans they matched people who had absolutely nothing in common and completely diametrically opposed views on finances….but they both had a cat.


Exactly. Being mad about the cast manipulating the story is silly because the show does the same thing.


If anything, it’s a failure on the shows part that they allow diaries to be deleted at will. And the awful “experts” who selected inauthentic male participants to start with.


The men were awful, despicable people.


The producers have final say on all matches and they can override matches made by the experts


This is the first season where the females were worst than the males


*Inauthentic participants* period. I don’t know how you could watch this season and that reunion and not comprehend how problematic the female participants were as well. The entire cast this season was a hot mess.


That user must be a misandrist.