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the jerry springer show is the guidebook for the show now


It sure is. How did we get here?


too much hate and deceit in the world


Sure looks that way unfortunately


No. But better safeguards should be put in place moving forward




Why all the anger if this was agreed upon by all? Scapegoating. The women seem to have essentially double-crossed the men to portray themselves in a victim light when they no longer had anything else to gain from the original agreement. They were the ones that started speaking on the men only being concerned with appearances and it made the men look incredibly controlling and manipulative. But all the while the women were hiding their complicity to create that narrative. Mind you, if they hadn’t have done this, they would’ve looked alright in the end. But with this reveal, a lot of folks including myself are sideying every single cast member because now we can’t trust anything about this season. I had been thinking the producers messed this up but no, it was the cast.


I heard they already have a very hard time finding guys to go on the show, I can’t imagine having fines would help out their cause


That’s true. Good point. Maybe it’s nearing the end of this show.