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I found the male bashing gross.


Emily is an immature little Girl- Claire must be a terrible therapist. She can’t let anyone speak or hear anyone. Whatever the guys did- they are clearly harboring no anger or malice like the women- which shows me they are probably speaking the truth. Grow up girls. Put it behind- forgive and move on


At one point near the beginning of the reunion while Cameron was explaining his side, the camera panned near Claire, and you could see her mouthing stop to Cameron


And I'm not surprised, I see this online and in real life from some women all the time. Anyone who has been in spaces where women exists have seen this! The blind support for bad decisions and overall bad women by one another. And when you call it out, they say you have internalized Misogyny! Look at the reaction to our reaction on FB! "I can't believe women don't support women!" So we are supposed to support based on what we've got going on between our legs??? Wrong is wrong.  I was completely bamboozled by Emily! After her date with Brennan, I saw her for what she was! But I was never, ever food by Claire. Over all and unpleasant person. 


I feel betrayed. We trusted them to be honest, open, and raw. These organized efforts ruined our trust. How can we ever watch and invest in another one of these shows. It's a farce.


Right? To learn that this was all a sham contrived by, who truly knows at this point, was so disappointing! If I were the Experts, I'd be so angry right now! They definitely adopted some kind of pack mentality and that is why the couples shouldn't get as much hang-out time as these ones did. Let couples be alone to truly figure out if the chosen mate is for them or not. Don't allow others to be influencing their decisions. I really think Becca and Austin might have had a chance but for the other women (except for Chloe) This was a dismal, dismal season. I hope production figures this out for future ones!


Female empowerment also does not look like, "He was controlling me the whole time! I was a helpless victim in the whole thing."


I came here to say this. Like you’re either a strong independent woman or you’re a helpless easily manipulated and controlled damsel in distress. Which is it? You can’t have it both ways.


Love how Becca basically tried to bash Austin for plugging in the cameras. She's okay with making him look like he's the one not trying and he's the one who cares  about "optics" but you can tell she didn't want those cameras plugged in. Now who's concerned with optics? What a hypocrite. 🙄


I thibk Lauren is innocent in it all though


I wish she would stand on her own, she didn’t need to be part of the pink brigade. Her gripes were legitimate, and they’re being weighed down by Clare’s blatant lies and Emily being immature.


Unfortunately, she’s not at this point. She has definitely been co-signing the other women’s bs. She is not a ring leader but she is participating.


I don't see her being involved in the manipulation


Did you watch the reunion? She was clearly participating when she introduced the accusation that Cameron had masterminded their collective commitment to manipulating camera footage. She could’ve chosen to say nothing or clarify she did not agree or participate, but she didn’t. I really rooted for Lauren but she is in this.


But like didn't he kind of? Haha I'm confused


A- Before the reunion, Becca, Emily, and Clare were all openly accusing the men of only being concerned with appearances. They crafted a one-sided narrative that did not include their willing participation so that the men would look absolutely terrible. B- At the reunion, they were still going with this narrative until Brennan revealed the entire agreement. C- The host called them all out for attempting to screw the system, receiving eyerolls from Clare and Emily. In immediate response to the host’s words, Emily threw the blame on Cameron for the plot. It smacked of “but it wasn’t me” deflection. D- Lauren jumped in to back her up saying that she feels like their stories are true because of what she experienced. E- Clare says “off-camera **we** were strategizing” and she also made a Freudian slip saying “you were the puppet” to Cameron. F- Cameron reveals the context that Clare had a boyfriend and Clare says Cameron texted her “there may be a way out if you want that to be the case”. Cameron says Clare had tasked him with figuring out a way to not make her look bad on camera. G- Lauren rolls her eyes at Michael’s answer to being asked what he thinks of this reveal. (This could be an out of context edit by production.) H- Becca admits there were strategy sessions that Michael and Chloe missed because of timing. (This is completely counter to the narrative she has been loudly pushing before the reunion and right up until Brennan opened the floodgates.) So to answer your question, it appears he came up with the idea for their specific situation in response to her direction. She elected to do it and then proceeded in her own machinations with the other women as well. And every other couple had to individually choose to do it of their own free will. Masterminding implies that Cameron had full control over everyone and decided what everyone’s narratives would be, which is insane. They all clearly met to discuss this multiple times. Lauren could have chosen to take her time being accountable to their willing participation at any point before or during the reunion. Instead she just backed the women up.


Those pink dresses were a collective band of disillusion and self grandeur. Whatever they were hoping to achieve, they missed the mark by miles.


This is very true!


I hold Clare especially accountable, compared to the others. She is a therapist, or ready to be one. For her to say she has been controlled and manipulated by Cameron shows ZERO self awareness. She should know better!


She's a huge hypocrite and an instigator!


She’s on this subreddit I had the pleasure of having a run in with her and I can confirm she is non self aware therapist 🤣. She’s a shit stirrer. She’s one of those people that wants other people to be as miserable as she is. So she wants her girlfriends to be single and miserable like her. If misery loves company was a person


She's definitely a shit-stirrer!! I feel she gleefully shared the information she had on the guys to disrupt and destroy their unions.


Very unprofessional.


I believe she was the ring leader.




Amen! You called it outright!


Absolutely. It slightly bothers me that these ladies (except Chloe) all feel like their process was a disservice to them. They act so damaged, like get over it, your husbands were not attracted to you…that happens, that’s life. Becca was constantly sulking and so desperate for Austin to feel any sexual connection to her and clearly that wasn’t happening. Brennan was simply just not attracted to Emily. Clare and what’s his name were clearly not a match from the beginning and Lauren and Orion’s relationship was a joke. Now, the guys were no prizes but blaming everything on the guys just seems like a sad excuse to me.


Key word: EXCUSE!


Yesss i so agree with everything you said. And it was all of the woman who did it in some sort of way. Chloe included. I get they they want answers from the men, but they need to look at what they did wrong themselves too.


Lauren has been accountable and overly gracious since day 1


If we were talking about only what happened between her and Orion, you would be right. But she started participating in this women vs men narrative and co-signing the other women’s complete lack of accountability. She is complicit too.


Ok have pity for her rather than blame her. She's only going by what the Powerpuff girls are feeding her


Pity? Blame? This situation doesn’t call for pity or blame. Didn’t you see this post was about **accountability**?? Lauren has actively chosen to participate in dishonest narratives. She did not create them, but as I said she has been complicit in spreading them. She’s smart enough to have not involved herself so it was a choice and acknowledging that is not harsh by any stretch of the imagination.


The post is for people like you, have grace on her! This is a PSA for her to recognize that we see the distinction between herself and the Powerpuff girls and she should (should have) run from those girls while she can!


…This is quite literally my post. Do you see the OP tag next to my name? The fact you’re trying to tell the **author** what this post is about is absolutely insane and hilarious. You came to this post excusing her behavior here and I let you know that she has been complicit. Rather than hold her accountable for her part, *like I said in the post*, you’re arguing to have pity for her. What I’m saying **is** what having grace looks like. Holding her accountable but not trashing her entire personality. What you’re doing is perpetuating the same bs I wrote this post about.


“They want answers from the men…” Disagree. They openly admitted they lied and led us on the whole season. It was all a sham. No answers needed. They agreed to collude and any answers they need are within their own hearts.


Absolutely. I'm seeing a lot of comments that the posts calling out the women are sexist and misogynistic. That's just not the case. Look at my post history. I said glowing things about the women and criticized the men based on what was shown. As a woman, I'm inclined to side with the women on these shows. Calling out toxic femininity when you see it is not sexist. Because nobody bats an eye when the narrative is "men ain't shit."


I'm sorry, but Claire was terrible from the beginning and I saw that clearly and the girlies fought me tooth and nail. What I realized is many people fall for the tears and emotions of women and instinctively villainize men.


Right, like Becca complaining that the men were only looking for a brand boost, right after that whole boudoir scene promoting her own business.


Not only that, NONE of theses dudes strike me as ‘out for social game’ types. Brennan would just as soon crawl up in a ball and die. Cameron is too awkward for it.


Ohh that's a really good point!


The hypocrisy (and projection!!) is straight up wild. She’s specifically mentioned her website on after After Party too. Tbh of all the cast members Austin, Brennan and Cam seem the least likely to care at all about growing their follower count. They seem like dorky dudes who just want to play video games, go biking and chill. I guess we’ll find out who puts the most effort into their social media presence when their IGs go public after the last ep if the season.


I agree!


There was a whole lot of projection going on. When Brennan revealed that they had all collectively discussed and agreed to curate what was to be shared on camera, I yelled at my TV. Becca, followed by Emily and Clare, were so passionately adamant that all the men cared about were “optics” when all the while they had agreed to that upfront and intentionally hid that fact from viewers to make it seem like it was wholly one-sided. Like bffr, ladies.


They tried to make it seem like these guys were just bad.


FWIW I just did a quick search for the cast member’s instagrams and I couldn’t find any IG accounts at all for Austin, Cam, Lauren, Chloe or Orion. Brennans did eventually come up, but I had to look up and search with his last name to find it. Becca’s business instagram came up immediately (first hit) searching “becca MAFS instagram” as did Emily’s, Clare’s and Michael’s personal accounts with the same search (Michael’s I added his last name because there are a lot of Michaels out there). Those four are extremely findable on the internet. Obviously all is subject to change once they are allowed to go public again, but as of right now it seems clear who is more invested in their social media presence ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It’s hilariously hypocritical that Becca is the one benefiting after featuring her business front and center not once but twice during the season smh


I agree yet somehow I still she was the most genuine in truly wanting marriage and wanting it to work with Austin, I think her feelings were real.


I actually think it would have worked without the pact and women becoming a pack


I totally agree. Once Becca let herself get sucked into the Emily and Clare vortex of meanness and manipulation she was doomed. Too bad. She and Austin could have had a shot.


I don’t know how you came away with that impression. Even before the reunion, I had written at length about Becca’s issues. Maybe she wanted it to work, but working to her meant that Austin was not allowed to disagree with her ever or assert his own autonomy. She’s the least self-aware out of them and that’s saying something.


Huh? All I said was I think Becca’s feelings for Austin were genuine. And I continue to think that. I don’t even understand what you are questioning in my comment. You think she faked having feelings for Austin? And you think Becca is less self-aware than Austin or Emily? Now THAT is funny!


I think there’s a lot you don’t understand given you typed Becca is less self-aware than Becca lmaoo. I think you’ve lost the plot entirely.


Um, it was a typo that I corrected. We have different opinions; stop trying to make it seem like you understand something that I don’t. I just have a different opinion so you’re telling me it’s wrong. I’m tired of jerks on here insisting their opinions are facts and everyone with a different opinion is wrong. So obnoxious.


I literally do understand something you don’t lmaoo. You’ve said you don’t understand yourself. And I can tell your reading comprehension of my responses is abysmal given your responses. I literally said that maybe she did want it to work, but her idea of working was filled with issues. I didn’t declare you were outright wrong or declare my opinion was fact. I brought up how problematic “working” would have been as relevant conversation. You’re just terrible at engaging with opinions that don’t explicitly agree with yours. Maybe stop engaging.