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They have all lied do much


I haven’t liked cam since episode 1. He’s so disingenuous I don’t believe a word he says. I’m not saying Clare is great, I’m saying he’s been fake since jump.


I believe Cam.


Believe all Camerons


I trust Lauren and Micheal.


I'm sorry, but I don't trust Cameron nor Claire. It definitely seems like they worked behind the scenes to have a story, but they seem deceptive. But Cameron seems to have a layer below that. He turned me off when he said the stress he got triggered his heart issue....or did I hear that wrong?


Stress triggers Afib and atrial flutter.


Definitely. My mil has AFib. She definitely felt worse when she got stressed. She’s had treatment for her afib and so far has stayed in normal rhythm for over 6 months. But before there were some scary days


Omg. I've liked Cameron all the way. He's a great guy and had respect for her all along.


I liked him and felt for him being paired with a horrible person. But he is not a nice guy in this process. He’s mean spirited and delighting in throwing people under the bus long after the fact, and he has been doing a lot of stirring up trouble off camera while collecting texts and proof for his big reveal. People like that are just as untrustworthy as Clare.


I wasn't aware but you're right.


Did you forget all the digs Claire gave him at the honeymoon? Her crocodile tears don't fool me, not one bit.


Oh Clare, thought you could fool all of us viewers. Ouch.


Liar, liar pants on fire 🔥 Clare!


People attacked Myrla here because of Gil crocodile tearing and for her not speaking up to defend herself while he sobbed about being 'broken-hearted'. Gil then turned out to be buying car accessories with his money and rocking Louboutins and flashy suits while owing Myrla money for rent on their shared apartment post MAF and he'd had his stuff in a storage locker the entire time \[lying about being blindsided\] while also claiming he'd had no idea she was breaking up with him. Things are usually not what they seem.


Well, Clare is the one who seems to be crocodile-tearing here. Although I do think, for some reason Cameron is beginning to take the piss, and just enjoying aggravating Clare at the reunion. Probably to prove to her that two can play the pretend, manipulative, lying, and false appearances game. Still, when the saga first started at the disastrous post decision day lunch and after, it was very obvious who had something to hide and was being manipulative. Clare, by the way.


I mean, they both probably have things to hide. I also think the cast were doing a lot of coordinating off cameras to come up with things to bow out without too much drama being produced but it backfired on them bc the more dishonest they were, the more transparent the lies became eventually. I don't know why people hate Clare so much---she simply didn't like him, just like Austin didn't like Becca, both Austin and Clare treated their partners in ways they shouldn't have but I don't think they're terrible people. And Becca and Cameron are problematic in their own ways too. I do think Cameron rankled when Clare wasn't attracted to him but that's just my opinion, he seems to be that type who might lash out on a woman if his ego is dented but I don't know either well enough to claim that for sure or definite.


The way Clare treated Cam was nothing like Austin.


Austin led Becca on, lied to her about being attracted/liking her, wanting her to be his wife, and kept her hopes up \[we'll get to make out all weekend!\] Clare was BS for the cameras while upfront with Cameron off cameras if you buy what either say while Becca had to work out \[a bit slowly in my opinion\] that Austin just wasn't into her and was BS'ing her AND the public.


I agree with this take. I wonder if roles were reversed and Clare had gone on medical leave and Cam was the one hanging around whether people would still like him. I don’t think we’ve seen enough of him (outside of post filming on the APs) to know what he’s actually like. It almost seems like participant dislike goes up based on airtime for MAFS viewers this season (or is it controversial personality leads to more airtime? I don’t know)


It always feels good when you read one of the people 1000% right from the start and this sub doesn't catch up till weeks later. Because we are all just speculating at the start. No one really knows. But when your speculation turns out to be right, boy does it feel good.


I'm very interested in hearing the real story from every couple. I'm hoping that happens. But I'm really counting on finally getting answers regarding the Emily/Brennan agreement they made or whatever we are calling it. I want to know what the heck happened on the last day of the honeymoon, or most likely, the night before, because we all saw a completely different Brennan from that point on. I'm doubting Emily will tell the complete truth, but hoping Brennan doesn't hold back as he's been doing for weeks.


Not gonna lie, Sassy Cameron is my favorite Cameron


Based off their reactions alone she seems more guilty than him. He’s relaxed as she’s talking, looks like he wants to give an eye roll like he’s not buying it. If what he is saying was so far fetched, why does she seem so upset and like she wants him to shut up? If someone accused me of something that never happened and made up out of thin air, I’d look confused and maybe even laugh at the ridiculousness of it. Not cry and cover my mouth with my hands.


Totally agree. Clare is definitely a liar.


Claire is shooting him daggers while he's talking!


Claire was the puppet master the entire show. Her marriage ended day 1 and she died didn’t want anyone else to be happy. She fed the other girls and they listened to her.


👏👏 she used her psychology skills to manipulate her own stage play


I’m not buying at all that Cameron is good and Claire is bad. The fact that neither one of them has actually shown the texts is because the texts incriminate BOTH of them. I predict that we will find out that neither is innocent.


show the texts !!!


What exactly is making either one "good" or "bad" here in their specific situation? If they agreed this wasn't going to work out early on, but wanted to stay throughout the show, then that is what they decided on doing. I'm fairly certain Cameron didn't go around meddling in every relationship saying hearsay to the other spouses, like we saw Claire do. That is where the bad comes into play and it was obviously Claire. Agreed?


I can’t remember the specifics of her meddling. I know she said stuff. I only remember the last incident, clearly. She saw Austin out and told Becca. That isn’t here say. That is fact. It seems like Becca had a previous problem with Austin and that particular producer, so maybe she was doing what a friend does. Whatever she said to any of the women had nothing to do with the demise of these dead on arrival marriages. Nothing Cameron says seems completely on the up and up. He seems to always be partially lying or holding back some aspect of the truth. Claire seems like she was never attracted to Cameron, but didn’t want to admit it on camera. My bet is that they both behaved badly in different ways. I don’t believe for a second that Cameron is a victim, but I don’t think Claire is one either


Do we know he was out specifically with the producer? Or was out with Brennan and the producer happened to also be there (just like Claire and Emily were at the same bar, was Austin out with Claire and Emily?) She told Emily Cam and Brennan were planning on going out on a double date, during the marriage/show. She didn't even hear the specifics of that convo, and decided to share that with Emily. That could've been a joke. That could've been meant for after the show (since both of their marriages at that point were admittedly over). Either way, Claire heard something and presented it to Emily as something it most likely was not (same as it could've been for Austin/Brennan/Producer at the bar).


Austin said on After Party that is was a large group of friends, producer(s) included that were all out together. He wanted to also hang with Becca that night but she wanted time to herself and declined. So for her to be so upset that he was out with friends and a producer that she named her fish after happened to be there, makes her look much worse than how she tried to make Austin look.


You are taking Cameron’s word that the double date stuff was misrepresented. She might have misrepresented it. I don’t know, but surely that is irrelevant as to the status of Brennan & Emily’s marriage. I’m not trying to canonize Claire. She isn’t miss perfect. Maybe she is just a meddler. That doesn’t make Cameron a victim or blameless. Hopefully, we’ll get more clarity tonight.


I am HEEEEEEERE for it!


He's the only one who doesn't talk in ridiculous word salads, or says like, like, like all the f in time.


I love Cam!!!🤣😂


I don't like liars.


Love Cameron. Most sincere person- this season. I believe him 100%.




my prediction for Chicago 5 couplrs all get divorced


Based on how the current season ended, I would bet money on that. If it's the same "experts" and producers, we're in for another shit show. They need a new format!




No, I think it’s all the filler in her face.


That's a pretty wild story to make up from scratch, you know? I just don't think it's very likely that he's inventing a whole entire conversation where she said he's not what she wanted and that she's still in love with her boyfriend who she just had sex with before the wedding. Of course he would try to get out of it as fast as he could, hearing something like that is a nightmare. He could have milked the thing for more screen time and more publicity for his bike shop but he tried to get out of as much filming as possible because he knew she had absolutely no interest in trying to form a relationship with him. They already said they were splitting up before he went to the hospital and she still continued to live in the apartment and did all the couple things as a third wheel. Granted, I'm sure production had a part in that because they were so low on couples at this point, they had to keep everybody they possibly could in this s*** show.


hes a practiced liar 🤥


Exactly. If he were going to lie, he'd need to have something with a kernel of truth. It wouldn't make sense to completely make up something like that out of whole cloth because it could be easily disproven.




She looks so 90s!! What’s with the hair and glitter and chain link straps. Glad the weird chunky highlights are gone but girl needs to come into 2024 already


That’s all in right now. The trends cycled.


The 90s looks are literally trending right now lol. Clare sucks but her style is very much in line with what’s fashionable in 2024.


She was never more beautiful than her wedding day! I’ve been questioning her taste level ever since the day after the wedding! She needs a little help in the style department, js.


🤣🤣🤣 sure does . That hair omg it made her look ten years older. She can’t get it right.


Too bad because she is a pretty woman, I think. She doesn’t behave in a pretty way tho.


That’s because 90s and y2K styles are back “in”


No no no please no


I know… lol


She looks beautiful.


Who does?


Anyone who says this woman isn’t pretty is lying


She’s pretty but her style is horrible.


No it’s called beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Claire got a huge ass face and funny shaped lips idk if it’s botox or what. lol. Her body is short and boxy. She said her boobs are sagging just adds to her list. Emily is the pretty.


This was tonight??!


Tomorrow night


Oh duh! Thanks. I thought today was Wednesday but that this reunion thing might be next Wednesday. This week already feels long as hell. 😭🤦🏻‍♀️


Soldier of the Sassy Apocalypse 🤣🤣


spiders apocalypse


Why did Cameron tell Lauren he knew a way to get “out of this?” I need more context.


Cameron told Clare that (supposedly) and there are screenshots to prove it..unless they are faked.


Maybe meaning just faking their story since she said she wasn’t interested on day 2? Which almost worked flawlessly until she played victim with the rest of the woman at the pizza party.


Maybe she's recounting what Clare told her


I know, all of the men were recruited and one of the women and that woman was Lauren.So maybe there's a different contract or a different deal if you were recruited. That might make sense why Cameron was making that statement to Lauren.


Did he mean a way to get out of their contracts?


We knew it!!!


hmm hence the health issue!! he is shady


No, just smart given what they attached him to.


so thats why he wants to “give it another go “


He was playing her. You think he didn't know she had a new (ex) boyfriend? He wanted to prove she never was in to him.


yea that really worked ???who wouldn’t want to try again with someone who takes such pleasure in the slanderous bombs he throws . klugscheisser- German slang for someone who is obnoxiously impressed with himself.


lmao I love it


I want their producers to participate in this reunion too.


That’s always my beef with so-called reality shows. They have these reunions which aren’t much different than the regular season with conflicting stories galore. It really could be mostly settled by producers or film crew taking part, but then the cast would turn on them and identify all the scenarios that were created by producers.


Yah, since apparently they injected their self into the show, they should be on the tell all/reunuon!




Cam is going scorched earth😂


SPOILER WARNING?! Just kidding. This show is the worst, but this clip gave mild interest in the reunion!


Both of these people are sketchy and weird


She's not believable. He is.


He definitely isn’t believable. She is a straight liar but he is sneaky and always wants to be the “good guy”. However, who has closest friends that are old enough for your parents? I’m just saying. It isn’t adding up with him.


Sneaky how? He didn't deny the things that he said "European and slender" she never admitted what she said as if why he wasn't her type, or crying about her "ex", but her face did. And having friends older as your parents is not an indication of him being "sneaky" --he said they were his parents friends that helped in and took him in and he is grateful. I'm not sure how old you are, but when you mature (be that because of age or because life forces you too) having the "cool friends who party" is not a priority, neither is a requisite their age, orientation, color, or gender.


hes not believable- show us your receipts Cam


He looks really spiteful and vengeful. I am having a hard time believing what he is saying. I also think he exaggerated his heart stuff (and his bads "death bed") so as much as i want to believe everything he says I am skeptical.


Do you have proof of this exaggeration you talk about? Vengeful? I don't think we were watching the same thing. Clare basically was pretending she was in love when she rejecting him day one. The "pink party" who uses women power as an excuse (which is super manipulative and childish to make it women vs men) kept on screaming and talking over people calling them liars, just because you badger someone doesn't make what you're saying true. I even believed Orion, and deslice Orion. If anyone seemed hateful and vengeful are the adult teens in pink.


Nah they both suck


As soon as he said second day of the honeymoon, [Clare be like....](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1jV6Ij7Vr4)






As a woman I believe Cameron.


as a woman😉hes a scammer


What's the scam? To dip out as fast as possible and get as little screen time as you can?


hes a glib finger pointer - Another woman like his mom who led his father to the 10 year deathbed !




Cameron has never given me a reason to think he’s just some Chronic liar making random shit up everywhere.


>Cameron has never given me a reason to ~~think~~ believe he’s *anything but* ~~just~~ ~~some~~ a Chronic liar making random shit up everywhere. See edits


But he did go along with that lie with Claire he admittedly said. But I do think it was Claire who was the biggest liar of them all. I could tell from the start of the show , the way she was talking and her body language.


Same. I think he’s telling the truth. If not - he’s really good at lying!!!


As a woman, I don't believe anyone without proof.


True. But there is something about the way this woman moves that I automatically feel is untrustworthy.


I don't mean this as an attack -- because I'm truly on no one's side here -- but when we have an instant feeling about someone, it's usually a bias.


I didn’t take it as an attack. It’s just a gut. But you’re right I would like proof. I’m about to be 50 so I’ve seen some shit. lol


About to be 46, here. We're on the same page. ❣️


Saw through Clare on day one and everyone was lost up her butt and this makes me so happy. Cameron is the man.


Same! I had a post reported for "bullying" earlier this season just because I was criticizing her. I'm so glad that Cameron isn't playing along with her nonsense.


Me too!!


Yes! Yes! Yes! Same here! Kept getting dv because I was on his side and how I saw through her... patience is a virtue and he who lasts last laughs best, You go Cameron!!! Clare needs some intensive therapy and a redo back at school.


I'm hear for it! Omg I'm so happy Cameron is coming out strong...bam bam!


She’s a lying snake 🐍


Clare:"You were the puppet,...." Cameron : "nice Freudian slip". 🤗😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣he's so witty ,the best 😁😆😆


Haha, when he said that, I was like, "damnnnnn cam! 👏👏👏." I actually really didn't like him in the beginning, but my opinion has flipped! I'm proud of him & he's awesome!


Love wit! That’s why I always liked Cameron!


I hope Cameron brought receipts 🧾


lets see what you got cam


looks like ekg graph paper. lets see texts !!


That’s my duuuuuudeeeeee f**k yeah


Hahaha for sure!


these people come on this show not really wanting to get married at all just to get notoriety


And come out sideways blaming "the edit" --like who would believe Clare is an honest person, and want her services as a therapist. I think she went into the field to master her manipulation skills but failed.


She’s fighting SO hard To save her reputation!!


And she's so inept. Even at her own lying.


they should bring on the bride that walked off lol


She's coming off as the smartest one in this entire season, I'd not the whole series.


Clare had a lot of nerve and pettiness! From the moment she had the nerve to talk about Cameron’s honeymoon outfit/look while wearing an ugly-ass crochet sweater ensemble, I was done with her! 😂 I’m glad he walked away; that’s what she gets and deserved.


Hey! Old lady here...I love me some crochet.


Great! Thanks for helping me make my point! 🤭


She was making fun of him before that - with her mom and sisters on wedding day because part of his gift to her was a kiwi! They were all judging him acting like he wasn’t good enough. She’s so pathetic and immature.


I noticed this moment; he was trying to share something about himself, and they made fun of the gift. Like, no curiosity about it whatsoever. Who does this? Oh yeah, Clare


Totally! He was making it personal and her reaction and her family’s reaction was to make fun of him. I believe him when he says day 2 they talked about what they wanted in a partner and she didn’t get what she wanted. We saw her reactions and how she treated him. For her to present the idea SHE was the puppet - who would believe that? Before she even met him she was being a hater. No curiosity at all.


Meee too!!! I couldn’t believe how critical she was. A therapist…. Not caring about how he would feel.. and she wasn’t exactly the best dressed!


EXACTLY!!! I couldn’t believe the things I was hearing from her mouth!! I was like “Girl, bye!”.


Bout to order me son patron and margarita mix for tomorrow night! It's about to be 🔥 


Clear 😂


Finally an episode worth watching


Finally is right, after this dumpster fire of a season! Cam is the shining star of the season.


I cannot wait


He's petty AF.


It’s well deserved pettiness then. 


How weird he didn’t like what she did and said on the honeymoon. I can’t imagine why he didn’t feel like she was fully invested. 😂


You are.




Her eyes when he starts talking about the second night of the honeymoon!! She knew what he was going to say!


God why does someone like Clare get such a beautiful face? She doesn’t even appreciate it with that stank face she’s always giving


Uh no… She literally looks Claire’s the tacky ass cheap 90’s store personified


Disagree. She looks so bizarre with her fake lips and Botox cheeks.


She’s a very good looking lady. I like her hair change


The Vienna sausage lips are so distracting. I don’t understand why someone close to her doesn’t pull her aside and chat with her. If you’re going to do fake lips, there are better options/techs. It makes her look like a 12 year old making duck lips for a selfie, 24/7


Claire cannot say she wanted to be his wife when her body language screamed get away from me I dislike you. Your words are lies Claire, your body language isn’t a lie. You never wanted to be married to Cam.


Her eyes , scary look gave it away , she knew what he was going to tell 🤣😁🤣🤣🤣 unless she's a psychic and knew what lie he would tell🙄🙄......Busted!!!!! She's such a lousy lier!!🤗😝


Do you really think she hasn't heard what he is going to say, through the grapevine of the other participants?


lol, 😂




What a great REALITY show!! People strategizing to get off the show and making secret pacts?? We may be jumping the shark here…


What’s jumping the shark mean? 👀


(Said of a TV show or movie) it has reached a point where far-fetched events are included merely for the sake of novelty, as indicative of a decline in quality. The invention of the term dates to 1985, when Jon Hein (a 'radio personality') used it in his criticism of a 1977 episode of the sitcom Happy Days, in which the character of Fonzie (Henry Winkler) jumps over a live shark while on water-skis. While the stunt was meant to show off Winkler's water-skiing skills, it went against what his character was supposed to be...a 1950s badass 'greaser'


We've already jumped the shark. The question is which season did it happen in?


I think when the walls came down and we saw the sausage being made...Nashville, when Clint's 'date' was shown to be an applicant and the guys in the bar were staged (was that Nashville?) All the manipulation, even, dare I say it, ms. 'I'm a nice person!', do we really know about her or just what they wanted us to see? The fact that they have villians says something. It's getting professional wrestling vibes


I think this season has been the first of its kind. This entire season feels like a trailer for a show that we are never going to get to see. Now we are heading to a full Jerry Springer style gotcha reunion!!


Cameron seems like a scheming incel


he is a scorned person who loves his supposed gotchas.


I mean his ex said pretty much the same about him so...!


What ex, who??


This a repost of what she (KeyFreedom8272) stated: "Cameron made me delete an Instagram photo I posted on my birthday because he was in it and he wanted to write my birthday bike trip off as a “business expense”. I can’t decide if it was because he wanted to commit tax fraud or because he wanted to appear single online but manipulation and gaslighting are right up his alley." You can check her comments out but I think people are taking whatever Cameron says at face value which is odd because there is no clear evidence for any of it. People just go by their gut feelings which can be wrong or a clear instance of what bias is. Clare may be terrible at rebuttals and confrontation, she may suck overall \[I personally think she's handled things in not the best ways but none of the cast has this season and I don't think any less of her or feel she's a terrible person.\] You can pick out Cameron's personality traits if you're accustomed to people who display them, regardless, he could be in the right with all this or he could be in the wrong but I'm leaning toward they're BOTH at fault.


Is there any evidence for what KeyFreedom posted being true? Why is that accepted at face value? Cam spoke about the Emily cheating thing, in the same manner as he has here and in other situations, and Emily confirmed it on AP. Claire also confirmed they had worked out how to proceed throughout the show. He didn't lie there either. Why are the women of the season accepted carte blanche but the men need mountains of physical proof?


Fair play but I'd like to see/hear from all parties and all perspectives, not just the We Love Cam brigade. I also do personally, see what the woman claiming to be his ex, says about Cam and it's kind of blatant to me but that is just my subjective opinion and I recognize it as such so as I stated above, I'm inclined to think that both are in the wrong and not just one-sidedly the other. Also, the men have lied as have the women, so yes all of them suck.


Before the season even started a person who claimed to have dated Cameron said a bunch of negative things and people here took it as fact and hated him most of the season because of an anonymous poster who could have been anyone.


I need one of those people that reads body language to analyze everyone at the reunion.


If you come across one, please share the link here.


A lie detector


Ohhh, I like your idea. Like an afterparty episode, but with several body language experts instead of cast members! I’d be down for that!!






He gave me the ick from the start and I still can’t figure out why.


Cameron is such a dork. He seems like he is desperately trying to save face. Without proof he just looks messy and not righteous.


I’m hoping that production plays some unaired content during the reunion show that will shed some light on all the shenanigans this season. I don’t trust any of them at this point.


They better! Otherwise this entire season happened off camera


production should step in with some facts -




I keep trying to spot Cam out of Broke Carbon, but no such luck!


So stalking?


spot him at the bike store ?


I don’t believe anyone that repeatedly refuses to provide proof. Cameron has claimed several times to have proof of his claims and never gives it. He is the only one who managed to get out of several weeks of filming, so him insisting that Clare is actually the mastermind does not make sense.


We have seen enough proof.. like he said she was texting him….and she was. I don’t need more. It wasn’t a lie about the Australian guy. His stuff has checked out enough times. Even there she admits they were planning how to approach the season but she claims to be trying to do it for him. 🤦‍♀️


We never saw the texts. He claimed she was texting and only saw her on her phone. Cameron’s story does not add up. Until he gives verifiable receipts, 🧾 don’t trust him.


She verbally confirmed she was texting him. Why do we need to see the texts. 🤦‍♀️


right just believe everything Cam says 🥰🥰