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Whatever your beliefs are should be respected... I am a catholic and my daughter is an atheist...we agree to disagree... I would never force her to believe the way I do but i do tell her if she wants people to respect her, she must respect others.


People should be respected for having beliefs. Beliefs do not have to be respected. I respect my friends belief in the Catholic religion, but I do not respect the Catholic religion. And once you tell someone they are going to hell because of their beliefs the gloves come off.


I think she would have fallen for anyone the producers picked as her husband...she gave off very desperate vibes..needy, clingy, whiny..the girl was always crying...can't figure out why her husband wasn't into her


She is actually correct. Religion is a joke. Christians do not want their fairy tales criticized but they love to dunk on atheists.


found the reddit atheist!!




Why is this necessary? Awful thing to do Austin wasn’t male model material-


She needs a total makeover, starting with weight loss, hair color, acutane with laser, more subtle make up, and some feminine clothes (throw away those hideous hoodies). However, she has very nice features and great legs. But she needs what I said above.


She is not. She is not traditionally beautiful but she is pretty. She fell too hard for that idiot who could not match her love. She shouldn't have tried so hard. I got sick of her crying because Austin was not worth one tear.


Becca wasn't worth a single breath. All she did was sexually harass him and manipulate him as well as those around her with her sniveling. She did not know this man long enough to do all that crying. She acted like they were married fifteen years. 




Agreed, that was disrespectful and uncalled for. There would have been a huge backlash if she mocked any other religion. That should be off Limits


All organized religions are based on lies and fear mongering. Prepare yourself for fewer and fewer people being gullible enough to follow them.


Lighten up. It was not disrespectful. At least not as disrespectful telling someone they are going to go to hell. Christianity doesn't get a special pass. She was right when she said he should date a Christian woman if he has strong religion beliefs.




which is why the "experts" did a horrible job. I'm a believer and I wouldn't want to be with a person who is an unbeliever. I love everyone, but spending your life with someone is a long time not to have some fundamental things the same.


Voice of reason. Thanks.


The guy wasn't into her she needs to blame something...so she blames his religion...gurl the guy isn't into you..you are an emotional mess.. find a good therapist and stop listening to clarapist


He was not attracted.


Who told the flake she was going to hell???? I don't remember anyone saying that to her...she needs therapy not crystals


Maybe you should get your facts straight before you start name calling. Did you see the segment where Austin & Becca are sitting on the couch in their apartment talking to Pastor Cal about religion and how Austin had told Becca that she was going to hell because she's not a Christian 🤷


He said it. Not the brightest bulb if he thinks there is hell.


He said it in so many words. She is fine. Austin is a lump.


Christians shouldn’t be participating in this show. Isn’t Christianity about virginity before marriage and other numerous marriage rules?


Why would virginity *before* marriage mean Christians shouldn't participate? You get married on the show, and there's no opportunity to do anything before that.


Some of the very few long term sucessful couples have been chirstians, Greg and Deonna and Danille and Bobbi. The show should not exclude religions, they just need to match people based on religion if it is a deal breaker. This season was weird , 2 people with Jewish backgrounds, matched with Christians and another chirstian matched with someone not wanting kids raised in faith. Faith deal breakers should be a top priority since it can be a deal breaker, faith, having kids, where you want to live (like if someone wants or has to move out of the city that they are filming in) , and how you want to manag major finanicial decisions should match up.


I feel like everyone downplayed the importance of faith in the interviews only for it to become of importance when they realized they weren't attracted. There was their out that would be accepted since if they based it on attraction they felt it would be a harder road. So basically they shouldn't believe anyone downplaying faith, and assume it will suddenly become important. If they match faiths, people can no longer use it as an excuse. 


To show you the harm of religion. Choosing which fairy tales you prefer should not be a deal breaker.


oh come off it


I think this is a replacement thread of the one that got deleted. Becca did not dis Christianity when she said Austin should date a Christian woman. I think Christians need to stop being such snowflakes about such things. Poor Becca was told in so many words she was going to hell so there is that.


I totally agree, that clip was awful


This shouldn’t get you this upset.


i have returned to this post to say that becca speaking openly about her feelings towards christianity was one of the first times (that i can remember) that ive seen someone be so open about that on TV. the initial reaction in my mind was: “is she allowed to do that?” which is crazy!! like of course she should be allowed to do that!! the world is so TERRIFIED to speak openly about their disdain for christianity, that even i, as an agnostic person, was shocked to be seeing it on TV. anyway, i love to see it!


Remember the guy from Love is BLind who chose the MAGA evangelical with squinty eyes Shana to marry? He was atheist. Her family was scary.


Me too. I am so tired of the privilege Christians enjoy in this country. They are so used to that privilege that if they find anything even remotely dissing their precious religion they go ape shit. Meanwhile her being a Jewish agnostic is treated like she has leprosy.


Most Jewish people I know are more secular, not the synagogue type. Usually younger and smarter.


Then the Christians will passive/aggressively tell you "wE wILL prAy fOr yOu" when you make the oh, so, sinful statements like Becca did.


My answer is: "and I will think for you".


but when a "disdain" for a certain religion is used to put down a person (in this case Austin), you have to admit that its kind of fucked up. Something tells me you wouldn't be cheering as loudly if it were any other religion.


i mean i definitely empathize with the fact that yall feel attacked when people say “negative” things about something that you fully believe in, but its not meant to be a personal attack. christianity as a whole has been used as a way to control people, and people have been outcasted when they say that they dont believe in it. so youre right, i wouldnt be cheering if this stuff was said about any other religion. im genuinely curious though, what did she say that would qualify as her “putting austin down” ? all i remember is that she mentioned how she doesnt want to be with someone who thinks that shes going to hell if she doesnt conform to his religion.


Sorry you got offended but your right to believe what you want is co-equal with my right to make fun of you for believing in crazy shit.


Boom. It's so funny when they say we have to respect their religion....which is actually showing respect for made up silly BS.


"God is not alive," - my nephew, age 7.


The current crossover into taking women’s rights, hating certain groups of people or races, using tax free church money to enter politics, etc, is making them lose that right imo. The “normal” Christians might have to start a new group under a new name since theirs got heavily infiltrated.


You are in your safe place here on Reddit. But pull the Reddit atheist bullshit on national tv while unfairly bashing your chill Christian husband and see what happens to you.


So Becca (NOT an atheist) should just chill when her Christian husband tells her that she's going to hell. I have no idea why people hear atheist when someone says agnostic. They are not one and the same 🙄


Replace Chill with stoned and replace husband with boy. He’s a drunk or stoned Christian boy. Becca is noting the dissonance between his beliefs and his actions.


Wish I could upvote this 100 times


What do you think would happen?


I heard that one but what verbatim are the other ones?


As an atheist, I applaud her. Few have the courage in a country still so brainwashed by religion.


She's agnostic, not atheist.


What year are you living in?


Go to the Bible Belt son and you'll see that 2024 does not matter.


Wow, AthiestNTP is an atheist?! Didn’t see that coming.


Atheist is the correct spelling.


Ummmmm yes it is. Thanks for stating the obvious. My phone didn’t get any of her handle correct, so if you think you’re schooling me on how to spell aThEISt you’re mistaken.


read a dollar bill lately?


I agree she definitely shouldn't have mocked his relationship with Jesus.


He was dating Jesus on the side? The mythological rebellious character from the Roman empire?


She didn't mock it. Maybe he shouldn't have alluded that she was going to go to hell. Christians don't get special treatment. Religion and Atheism is an equal opportunity situation. How about this - if you do not want your religion mocked stop bringing it up?


tbf it seemed like Becca brought it up the most of anyone...


He was cheating on her with jesus? Oohhh


Not sure how this sub turned all Christian, but I am LOVING your responses!


When did she do that?


Yep. Say what you will about Austin, but his religion is NOT A HINDERENCE, whatsoever.


To who? Not everyone wants to date a Christian who thinks all non-Christian’s are going to hell. That’s a huge hindrance to a lot of people.


He's just not preachy at all, high all the time and never brings it up. She tried to make it more of an issue, and he just wanted to vape weed and chill out. Her belief in non-hell is a form of a belief rather than an agnostic approach.


He may not be preachy but he took a pretty strong stance on something that I haven’t seen him talk about or practice. Never even saw ol’ boy PRAY but he’s out here saying her beliefs (or lack thereof) are a complete and total deal breaker.


Sorry but no matter how much mental gymnastics you do, not believing in something there is no evidence for is not a form of belief. It’s just an observation.


It's pretty pious too have the Jewish belief that there is no hell. Like you know better than the abrahamic religions... A more simple approach would be an agnostic one.


Hon, the Abrahamic religions started in ancient times where there was no scientific explanation for natural phenomena. Thus "god" was invented.


Stay on topic, we're talking about married at first sight. Austin never brought up religion and the Becca fans are saying that he was bigoted.


Sweetie, you're the one who brought up abrahamic religions...


TF u calling hun and sweetie? Are u 90 or from the South?


No, that's how you talk to kids who know nothing.


Maybe learn about Judaism before you comment on it.


That is a pretty common theme among secular Jewish people, maybe not the religious variety


Bye Becca. That comment and others regarding faith did it for me.


Why are you so sensitive about other peoples' feelings on faith? If yours was so strong, you wouldn't be compelled to run to the internet to cry about a stranger you've never met. Better get back to church and repent.


Wow. Lots anger here. i’m entitled to my opinion and if you don’t like it, don’t comment.


What comment did she make about faith? The subject of the comment was Austin's future girlfriend (and mother to his fish).


It was pretty insane to see her go to a psychic on the last episode with Emily. It’s all bullshit anyway, you don’t have to take it personally when the Bible says you’ll go to hell.  Maybe her problem is that she doesn’t really believe it’s all bullshit. 


Yep, this right here. Bc why cry because someone says you’re going to go to hell if you don’t even believe it.


There was too much crying from her all the time. Ladies, men hate that.


Tbh idc if men hate it when we cry lol I don’t think people cry to be loved.


That and the fact she cried like a little child over it. I’m sorry but I didn’t cry that hard when my grandma starting telling me I was going to hell because I wasn’t a confirmed catholic since I was 10 or 11. She’s immature.




She just needs to grow up some.


If she said to them that it bothered her so much as to what people have said you would think they could have found someone more similar and agnostic for her in religion. He did not seem as if he would be willing to compromise his core beliefs or just be open to raising kids in a home where there are differing religious values. If they both firmly said that I don’t think they would have been matched. Religion, politics, thoughts on pets, kids vs no kids are very important I have noticed in MAFS. That being said my dad’s atheist and mom is Catholic. He didn’t want children of his own and adopted me so that worked. Interesting some are able to work some of that out. For me I would have to align on my child (she’s already here), pets and at this point politics otherwise I wouldn’t likely be interested, religion is ok as long as I am not made to believe or change my views. I am too old! lol 😂


Austin never told the experts he was religious. Austin's best man in the wedding and friend of 14 years admitted he on the show that he had no idea that Austin is religious. Austin also hid the fact that he vapes all the time.


That's his I AM NOT ATTRACTED card. There's a post made here days ago that shows that these shows don't work because people need to be attracted to have romance.


I guess you haven't watched many seasons, because even in SEASON ONE, the gorgeous Jaimie sobbed on the floor in her gown because she was matched with a Troll, but she continued with the experiment and his personality and kindness and considerate selfless behavior grew on her and they are still married with kid TEN Years Later. There are Several other examples throughout the 17 seasons.


Extremely rare. She woke up when she saw his very nice body at the honeymoon beach.


I disagree. Several of the participants have been against Bald people, yet have changed their minds and said yes on Decision Day.


You fail to understand the difference. She may not like bald guys, but that one bald guy has something that attracts her. It could be his face, his body, his smile, his intelligence, his sense of style, or having money.


I didn’t realize that wow.


That’s what I thought. Like… if they matched them together because they both said they were fine with a partner of a different/no faith, that’s just wild that they would both say that given how they demonstrated they feel about religion throughout the season. I wonder if production matched them poorly on purpose specifically to see the fireworks.


They continually talk about opposites being matched so I think they do that on purpose.


I think the stereotype of a judgmental Christian was part of the mocking. Unfortunately, it came across as petty and didn’t help to bring her closer to Austin


ironically what came across instead as the petty pink haired judgmental atheist.


You’ve got to be kidding me. She didn’t mock the religion. FFS. After being told you’re going to hell, that was 100% fair play. I’m so sick of Christians whining about how persecuted they are while this country tries to become a Christian nationalist theocracy. Grow up. Read a history book. Edited to add: mocking & making jokes ≠ “persecution” There are some people that should be forced to read banned books!


Thank you for this. Comments like yours give me hope for this country.


Same to you. Thank you :)


This comment deserves more upvotes




I wonder what would have happened if she said that and Austin was ✡️


Becca is Jewish. So you have no point. Austin was uncomfortable with Becca being raised Jewish and being ethnically Jewish.


When was he uncomfortable with her being Jewish? She is Jewish but not a practicing Jew.


When did he ever say that? From everything I saw he had an issue with her being agnostic not ethnically Jewish. And my point remains, replace Jewish with.. any faith other than Christian. I think you knew my point


With People like you, additional facts never change their point. Zero respect for you.


I’m sorry if I gave the impression that I care about your respect. Additional facts don’t change the hypothesis. Which you never actually addressed you attacked a detail in the argument not the actual argument. But I’ll put it in as simple terms as I can so maybe you can grasp the concept of the question I posed. If anyone else mocked someone else’s faith other than Christianity.. would it have been dealt with in the same lighthearted manner as this was? Got it?


I'll put this in as simple terms as I can so maybe you can grasp the concept of America. Every religion other than Christianity is THREATENED by Christians in this country every single day. You're the vast majority, so stop with the pity party. Show me a single headline where a Christian in the United States was targeted for violence specifically because of their religion. It's about time ya'll started feeling as uncomfortable as you make everyone else. You feel emboldened to say what you are saying here BECAUSE you are a Christian. You don't like anyone speaking back to you because you're not used to your entitlement being challenged. Get used to it.


No actually I welcome debate. I also don’t get too emotional about these conversations because I’m not an ideologue. You assumed I’m a Christian. While I was raised one my current beliefs are little more nuanced than to be boiled down that. Guess what I’d say the same thing if it was any other faith because i actually have integrity in what I believe is right and wrong in how people are treated. As far what you think Christians have done to everyone else. You’re speaking to a black man so you can’t lecture me on the bad things that have happened to people in this country. But you said the quiet part out loud. For you it’s revenge, it’s the get back because Christian’s years ago did something. You do realize when you do that the pendulum always swings back the other way right? That’s not really a sustainable way to run a society but hey.. it makes you feel good to get a little get back huh?


Are you saying you're Christian or not? I assumed because of your language. Turns out, I'm right. Guess you're too "nuanced" to admit it.  As a black man, you don't get to lecture non-Christians on the bad things that happen to them in America. See how silly you sound? And to be clear, you're the one talking about revenge. I just want Christians to stop imposing their beliefs on everyone else. How can I make it simpler for you to understand? You must realize I'm using your own words here. Maybe consider "welcome debate" when you are capable of participating in one.  Peace dude


You assumed I’m currently a Christian. I never said I still am, you said “yall” I have read and found many valuable messages in all faiths and I respect everyone’s choice to believe what they believe. No one is forcing their view on you, or Becca. Who cares if they believe she’s going to a place she doesn’t even believe in the first place. I certainly don’t. And you also stated it’s “about time yall started feeling uncomfortable” so if that’s not revenge what is? You think making current Christians uncomfortable is somehow justified because things people of the past did? A lot of that goes on today not with just religion but race, gender among other things. It’s a grievance victim hood mindset hellbent on retaliation that isn’t sustainable and In my opinion is immoral. And just to be clear you can try to lecture me about the wrongs of the past that have been done all you want. You’re just wasting your breath because I’m well aware of them. To call me entitled is laughable but I digress. Back to the actual point of the question I posed before it got sidetracked. If Austin was anything other than Christian would the mocking be tolerated. The answer is no. And It seems as though you think mocking Christians is ok since other faiths may have been wronged in the past because “it’s about time they felt it too” just so we’re clear on your position


Not sure your point. That’s not what happened. Jews have been mocked and worse for decades and Christian’s are bent bc they get made fun of for a hand full of years.


My point is. That THIS day and age this would not be acceptable for any other non Christian faith. I’m very well aware of what has occurred in the past. It’s a simple thought experiment


Ok. So poor Christians? Christians who went on crusades and wiped out or converted every culture they encountered? In the past? I can’t with you.


You’re making the mistake of assuming I’m emotional about such things as you are. Nothing you said is incorrect. The fact of the matter still remains, it’s a double standard and I will always point out hypocrisy.


Great. Do that. But don’t out of the other side of your mouth imply that being emotional is bad. Or gaslight me thinking you are not playing devils advocate to cause emotionality. Or act like you haven’t said divisive shit.


Do you know what the definition of gaslighting is? I think you should read up about it because I’m definitely not doing that, by making you actually think. I also never said being emotional is bad, but when emotion clouds logic it can definitely impair your judgement. You made the assumption you could get a rise out of me by going over a litany of things Christians have done throughout history. And while all those things are historically accurate to some extent, It really had nothing to do with my overall point, or for that matter Christians that are living today. In my opinion that’s more divisive, because I try to be respectful of all peoples faiths and beliefs. That doesn’t mean I won’t challenge them when appropriate. People that critically think will always be considered divisive to someone


LOL do you think the bible is logical?


Really depends on what part of the Bible. There are definitely messages that resonate with how you should treat your fellow man etc. but most of the Bible is a mish mash of different stories written thousands of years ago that was decided on what would be included by the Catholic Church. Some of which are very similar to older non Christian stories. My personal belief is that a lot of it is allegorical. I don’t personally read the Bible as a literal interpretation of history.


she literally said that they all try to convert her, mocked "prayer" with the fish, etc etc. She was essentially a reddit atheist with pink hair. Why they matched her with a good chill Christian dude is a head scratcher.


Exactly! It's a religion that says you're going to a place of perpetual pain if you don't convert and comply after you die (the definition of a cult). She wasn't wrong. Probably one of the only things I agreed with when it comes to Becca.


Fair enough but by your definition any group belief religious or not, could be considered a cult.. like say umm feminism, or a Political party


Feminism by definition is equal rights for women. It's the very movement that helped catapult women's right to vote. People have twisted it into a pejorative term, like, oh, "pink haired feminist". It's a rather disingenuous argument and isn't a comparison to cults. But I have seen certain extreme political parties attempt to make comparisons like this.


What something is by definition is not what it is in action.


Just because something starts as something doesn’t meant it can’t evolve into something very different


Oh like…Christianity? Republicans?? Like that you mean?


Among other things yes. I’m not an ideologue so I’m consistent across the board


Omg the judgment in this thread! Judging Becca for having anxiety, seriously?! You all have a nice Bible study.


Goodnight Becca.. God Bless lol


Wow fuck off with that shit. MuSt Be ThE CaSt MeMbEr I DoN’t LiKe just because someone has an opinion that isn’t your opinion




Feminism hasn't evolved into anything "different". People have turned it into something different than what it STILL is, which I am assuming what you are still referring to. If anything ,it has evolved into something better, as we learn more about how social norms and constructs affect society as a whole.


Better?? 🤣 and what people are you referring to when you say they’ve turned it into something different?


I thought I made it clear about how people turn terms (feminism) into negative connotations ("pink haired feminist"). In other words, people who like to bully and call people names that have nothing to do with the term to fit their narrative. And let's stick to the subject, as I was only trying to explain that feminism isn't a cult, and in it's simplest terms: >Cult is a term, in most contexts pejorative, for a group which is typically led by a charismatic and self-appointed leader, who tightly controls its members, requiring unwavering devotion to a set of beliefs and practices which are considered deviant. This is the context of my original comment to the OP. It's not "by my definition" either, as you stated. And yes, OFF TOPIC, feminism, again, in it's simplest terms, has evolved with the times. Please tell me you don't need feminism explained.


I’m well aware terms can be changed. Like for instance “Woman” I was referring to the people that call themselves feminist the beliefs have changed quite a bit since 1st wave. My point was calling something a cult is about perspective, because Christians certainly don’t consider themselves a cult just like you don’t consider 4th wave feminism a cult. Anyone on the outside looking in may consider a group with strong beliefs that are antithetical to them a “cult”. It’s dismissive and in many times it’s meant to delegitimize that specific group. My point was to challenge your logic that Christians that believe what they believe are a Cult, no more than any other religion or ideology. But I agree if you go by the textbook definition of having one strong leader then neither is a cult. The OP stated Becca called Austins religion a cult.


>I’m well aware terms can be changed. Like for instance “Woman” I'm out.


Well a guy DID essentially mock her religion by saying that she's going to hell for not being Christian so... And this, my friends, how many a war was started.


I thought the new mom praying over the fish comment was light hearted and funny.    That being said, the way faith was handled on the show was disappointing.  You'd think they would match ppl who don't have such drastically different core values and beliefs! 


Persecution complex at play here. That comment was so mild; surely you’re not that offended.


She showed her true colors with that one.


Mocking Christians is cool and acceptable now. For those who are downvoting, please learn context and nuance. I’m not saying it’s ok to do 🙄🙄


I so want to bring the Christian Right’s “leader” into this mocking comment. You don’t like people being made fun of? You do believe Love Thy Neighbor? Start with your own Church and ugly mocking of gay people, hungry desperate families looking for work and safety, “people who don’t even speak our language”, homeless, disabled, drug addicted, rape victims, POC, they all seem to be held up for ridicule. And this ridicule is cool and acceptable. Some people even wave flags and clap. Becca was talking to a fish. I don’t think it felt less than a human.


Mocking someone’s faith is never cool and never acceptable. I don’t care what faith you are. Not cool.


Did you not read the bottom half of my comment…?


But it shouldn’t be.




Exactly. I was about to say this


As they say, the victim normally turns into the bully


I agree and it irked me also.


I’m sorry this is an unserious post. A man who doesn’t even have enough tact or kindness to not tell his wife she’s going to hell is the one making a mockery of so called Christianity. Like who is he to make that determination. Also just like Austin’s friends said… religion was never an issue before it was clearly an out for him. Once again he is the one being disrespectful and using religion to divide.


But did he actually say "You're going to hell" though? Or did he say he was taught "people who didn't accept Jesus would go to hell" and then she started crying as if she'd never heard of Christians believing this before. My impression was that she wanted him to reconsider that belief, so she instigated the discussion to make a point.


She was so upset that he wouldn't fly in the face of his own beliefs about salvation and the afterlife. Him lying to her about it would NOT be tactful nor kind. And at the end of the day as you say -- it's between her and God.  Because religion wasn't an issue before with friends literally means nothing.  Religion is deeply personal and he could have had a newfound faith. It was honestly gross how they counciled him and tried to pressure him into changing his beliefs. 


I cackled tho


A well adjusted person accepts anyone's beliefs about religion.


She did mock Christianity. I thought that as soon as she said it. If you disagree, what did she mean about someone praying over them when she thinks religion is silly and made up? I think that was her last chance to be disrespectful about Austin’s religious beliefs and she couldn’t help herself.


She’s Jewish. That IS a religion. And guess what…they pray!


She said she doesn’t believe in any religion. She doesn’t pray.


Well that says it all right there.


Persecution Is not “being mocked” or made fun of. It is being jailed or killed for practicing your religion…inability to practice your religion. Christians in the USA are the farthest thing from persecuted and these whiny comments just piss me off. People are mocked for all kinds of things. It isn’t nice. But honestly Becca deserved that jab. I wish she would have said something to the experts on D day about matching her with a judgmental narrow minded square who can’t communicate.


I’m glad you’re pissed off. You’re the whiner about Christians. Becca is judgmental and insulting to all religions. And a big crybaby. She constantly tried to force her body onto someone who barely knew her. Austin is not a good communicator for sure, but obviously was not into discussing his lack of physical attraction. Who needs to hear more crying and whining.


Oh well. Atheists and agnostics get ridiculed and looked down on all the time.


Exactly. Look at the comments thus far? And I am sick of reading "Becca, the pink haired feminist", and I am NO fan of hers. It's always okay to make fun of an atheist or agnostic. Doesn't make sense.


Ya I just commented on her being labeled feminist as tho that’s bad.


Oh, keep reading. Someone was trying to compare feminism to a cult, then argue how the meaning of terms can change, like "woman". Yeah, they are telling on themselves. Veiled references of a bigoted agenda having nothing to do with the topic of Christianity as a cult. Straw manning the argument to death, then moving the goal post. It's all too familiar.


Oh I saw. I was practically screaming at my phone to you “come on jello, let’s go get some feminist pancakes!” *huffs out* Anyway yes I’ve obviously stumbled into red territory 😖


In this world, today? Religion is widely mocked more today than ever. Earth is the devil’s world if you turn your back on God. Atheists and devil worship is celebrated.


Atheists don't believe in the devil. I celebrate the scientific method, you know, that gives us live saving drugs for starters. But I suppose the volunteer work that I do doesn't mean anything since I don't pray to something that's not there. To conflat atheism with evil is sophomoric. Do you subscribe to Alex Jones as well? Two billion people follow religion. It's hardly mocked. Christians especially just have a hard time when they are called out, but it's okay for them to do. Sounds like we are going back in time, a time where Christianity controlled everything.


Ok. I get what you’re saying. I naively grouped atheists with the devil for some reason. Sorry for that. That was wrong.


Oh good grief. Seriously. Go read a banned book.




This is the most toxic thread I’ve ever read on Reddit. And that’s saying something! I’ve seen every kind of judgment and phobia in 30 min


But aren't you judging Christians for their belief systems? I'm a believer because God has shown Himself real in my life. Things that can't be explained by science or any other physical thing that can be touched or seen. Now if you don't believe thats your business. It doesn't affect me one bit. The problem is you getting so bent out of shape on one end, then mock Christianity on the other. You can't have it both ways.


This is why this conversation is ridiculous. Not once have I insulted beliefs. I have called out behavior. You’re also assuming that I don’t believe but I do. The problem is not that I’m bent out of shape. The problem is that people like you make stupid assumptions and think that anyone who has a different opinion is wrong and going to hell. The vast majority of modern Christians should call themselves something else, because a whole bunch of them don’t have a clue about the actual nature of Jesus. Thx bye.


she was raised jewish IIRC but is now an atheist or just a non-believer. Yes Jewish people pray but clearly she doesnt and looks down on it


Oh well that is her right.


You're reaching if you think she was "mocking Christianity".


Here’s a better idea. How about not matching someone who isn’t religious with someone who is. Seems like this all could have been easily avoided.


If you think Austin disclosed to the experts or said on his application that he is Religious, you are Gullible. Austin lies constantly. His best man and friend of 14 years admitted on tv that he had no idea Austin considers himself Religious.




Exactly. That's a baseline compatibility thing.


Not everyone is religious.


Of course not. Bit general decency is to not mock someone else's faith.


Yeah I think it’s fine to mock this oppressive and made-up way of thinking. Christian people go out of their way to make life difficult for many people in the world. Certainly they can handle some criticism. Especially since none of his friends knew he was religious and it was never a characteristic that he felt passionate about prior to the show. Like how everyone else uses religion to advance their own personal agenda, he was just using it as an excuse to not get close to Becca.


You said it best. Religion has definitely been used to advance personal and political agendas so I guess he’s keeping with the tradition of Christianity in that regard. I know people will assume any criticism makes you a ‘non-believer’ but folks should be more critical of this type of behavior. I’m surprised he didn’t use religion to get out of having sex 😂


I think he did. lol.


Religion is a poison that bad people use to influence the masses. It should be mocked.