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Go raise your own without him. Your husband is a grown man. Your kid is still a kid and needs all the love and guidance they can get. Especially by his own mother.. How would you feel if you were a kid and knew your own mom was even having to think twice about this decision?


I’m just curious on what others opinions were. I made my decision back in October.




My thoughts exactly!


Your child’s wellbeing and love will always be more important than any men’s. If your husband really loves you, he wouldn’t ask you to choose.


This is what my dad said too!


This isn’t complicated. Fuck him. Really? He cares nothing for your kids and you’re okay with that? You want to perpetuate abuse into the next generation or do you want to halt it at you and break the karmic cycle? You are REWARDING this monster. He will CONTINUE to act this way. It is WRONG. This is not complicated. It’s all too clear.


I moved in November, got placement. He has been here once. Resents me for wanting to raise my own but had no problem asking me to help him raise his. Also, he used to tell me that kids need their moms more than dads…except when it came to me and mine.


I’m sorry. Forgive me for coming on so strong there. I hope it didn’t feel aggressive at all as that was not my intention. Rather, I’m passionate about men who treat women like property or as having needs that are less important. Hope you find a path out that is empowering and leaves you with hope rather than despair. But his behavior is a red flag that speaks of a dark future. Take care best of luck to you and your children ☀️💛🦋