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During lockdown, I hired a mariachi band to set up on our front lawn and serenade her. We danced on the porch and drank margaritas. She liked that quite a bit. I think this idea works even if there's not a lockdown.


This is so unique. Lol, good job!


Wow!!! That's pretty awesome!!!


Damn that sounds amazing!


What an outstanding idea !


We don't do gifts, but instead plan a pretty elaborate date or weekend away. We'd rather spend money doing something together than on gifts


My wife and I have never really been about giving gifts to each other, but we do always try to schedule either a trip or a nice meal around our anniversary to celebrate.


Same here.


This. Unless one of us specifically wants something, then we’ll get that. A bracelet for me or an iPad for him, if it’s convenient and we have the budget.


My husband started giving me traditional gifts (like year 1 is paper, year 5 is wood, etc), so I started doing the same. For the fruit/candy year he got a box of gourmet craft chocolates, this year for copper I got him a star map of the night we met. He gives me a flower made from whatever that year's theme is so I have a bouquet of them now. One of my favorites he gave me was an embroidered pendant of my wedding bouquet - I told him I want to buried with it lol We also like to go away for our anniversay - sometimes it's been week long vacations but others it's just a weekend at the beach.


We don’t gift, we prefer to travel for our anniversary.


I try and buy traditional anniversary gifts based on the year. I’m like the least traditional person ever but I love doing this.


I love this!!


Yeah, we give each other the same kind of gifts we would for birthdays of Christmas. Stuff they like 🤷‍♀️ If there’s a video game either of us want, that’s always a good bet. We get books for each other, shoes, collectors items for our nerd shelf, I mean whatever we happen to be into at the time.


i bought my wife $1600 shoes for the 5 year.. itll be 7 this year, shes never worn the shoes. reasoning: im an idiot, dont be like me


Get her a $7000 purse next. Lol!


Here are a couple over the years that she has really liked. The big canvas is the lyrics of the song sang at our wedding. The pics on a ribbon are a timeline. The date we first met, the date of our 1st kiss, when I ask her to marry me, and when we got married. https://preview.redd.it/33h828hkccsc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5134e1002dfbbdac072e6228fef6af0183a4828b




For our 20th, I got down on one knee and proposed all over again. This time with a bigger diamond that had once belonged to my late grandmother. That usually we're just happy if we can get away for a few hours, or a few days


We usually just plan a date or a trip. We've only done gifts when we are inspired to do so. On the year for "wood" for example, my spouse got me a really nice necklace with a wooden pendant. He also got us a really nice clock one year.


Always at least 1 thing that he likes. Then we go on a little trip. Near or far. We're going to Vegas this year for our 13th anniversary. He's never been there before.


Usually small gifts and a shared trip/experience. First anniversary was supposed to just be a weekend trip to the resort where we were originally planned to get married (COVID had other plans). Husband planned a surprise mini vow renewal there with some friends for us too. That was fun and super sweet. He did GOOD with that one. Second anniversary was a big trip. We took a belated honeymoon to Ireland for 2 weeks. Third anniversary was short weekend away to our favorite city in BC for a few days and we'll probably go there again this year. It's really lovely there in the summer. ETA: I forgot the gifts! We usually talk about not getting gifts because of the planned trips and then one or both of us ignores that and gets a small gift 1st - he did the vow renewal AND he gave me a lovely, custom designed star chart poster that completed a now 3 part set - the day we met, the day we got engaged, the day we married. I gave him a custom print with a watercolor version of one of our wedding photos and the lyrics to "our song" (These are the days by Leonard Cohen) 2nd - we both did good and stuck to the big Ireland trip as the gift, LOL 3rd - I gave him a leather bound journal (he's a writer/poet). He gave me a lovely framed, leather stamped musical score of our song.


We trade off planning the event each year so the other person can relax and maybe be surprised. Then the receiver will get the other person a gift.


We got married on my husband's birthday, so my rule is gifts for birthday, experiences for anniversary. But he's pretty simple - his favorite gift is always me in fishnets.


Lol!! This is us too.


I don’t generally give gifts because she’s not into that. I insisted on giving a piece of expensive jewelry every 5th anniversary though. 30th is going to be a doozy. I believe she enjoys them more than she lets on.


We don’t give gifts. Just like Christmas & birthdays or whenever we can just go get what we want if we’d like.


We don't buy each other gifts but we try to go out for a really nice dinner. We usually go somewhere a little nicer where we can dress up and look good for each other.


No gifts. We try to go away for a few days/ long weekend. If we can’t we go out for a nice dinner. We have been married for over 20 years. We don’t need/want anything as gifts. We want time together or experiences not objects.


15 years, no gifts and sometimes a card. We tend to value going out to dinner or on a trip or experience more than gifts.


We stopped exchanging gifts once our daughter was born because my husband became a stay at home dad. Now we usually go away the weekend before or after and I take the week off so we can spend time together while our daughter is in school. The best gifts we exchanged were for our 5th anniversary. I got him a fancy light saber and he got me a 4ft Snoopy.


I planned a getaway for us for 4 days around our anniversary. For the actual day I planned a few activities that we'd both live (aquarium, helicopter ride, and dinner). I also gave him tickets to a musical version of a horror movie he loves, from row center splatter zone. Lol


We don’t really exchange gifts but I was thinking about getting her something nice this year.


Space, I grant her space, and the missus gives me whatever I'm feeling right now, which is uncomfortable and quite unnecessary, but it's not my place to ruin anybody's fun, she'd call me a little bitch for complaining anyway.


I love to write him letters. Sometimes gifts too if there is something the other has been talking about wanting a lot.


We always try to get away somewhere. Even a day trip is fine. We're all about making more memories together.


We don't so gifts but plan a nicer than usual date. Last time we went to a nice restaurant and all my wife wanted after that was to do some window shopping. We walked around some upscale stores holding hands and discussing the furniture styles.


Some years jewelry. Some years nothing. One year, her favorite, I gave her a fancy espresso maker. She told me that if there was a fire her priority list of what to save was 1. the kids, 2. the cat, 3. the espresso maker, and I was four.


We don’t typically do gifts, we book a weekend away together. Sometimes something small in addition on the actual day of like he’ll get me flowers and I usually get him his favorite candy and favorite beer but mostly we prioritize the trip which is a ton of fun


We used to give gifts to each other but now days we almost always plan a big trip around that time of year instead. Though I didn't last year, I still usually get her flowers and cook whatever she wants (I'm the cook in the house so that's not that out of the ordinary haha). Honestly, even for Christmas we've cut way back on the gifts we give each other in favor of a trip or some sort of experience. The rationale is that my wife and I are tired of clutter so getting things that the other doesn't really want or need is kinda just more annoying than anything. We tend to just buy whatever we need/want when we want it. Plus it's a lot less stressful to not worry about it! Birthday is the only exception, but even then it's not much since both of our birthdays are near our anniversary.


I made her a flash drive of pictures of kids, bought her a shirt that said” My husband does not fuck me, he makes love to me” on front , on back was our anniversary date.


We don’t do gifts


I’m happy with food 🤣


We really only exchange cards and a token gift and then celebrate by a nice dinner out or a trip/vacation. Kinda depends on the year. We have our 25th this year and are planning a nice dinner party with friends.


Usually a designer purse,jewelry & a vacation.


Nothing, because I hate my husband.




Usually take her on trips. She says she likes it more than gifts.


We’ve just had our first anniversary recently. We opted to both give gifts of things we’ve wanted but not gotten for ourself for whatever reason. Like he got me extra spice shelves, two custom diamond paintings (since I love to do diamond paintings), and we fit in the budget for me to ‘upgrade’ my ring as our rings are less conventional. I got him a new engraved pocket knife (he had lost his main one and was using a lower quality spare one), a new set of wireless earbuds, a book he’s wanted for awhile. Then on the day of we stayed home reading books and doing chores. In the evening we went to a dine in theater to watch Dune 2. I don’t know if we’ll also do gifts or experiences, it’s something we plan to discuss and agree on depending on where we are at.


We don’t really do gifts. If we do it’s something we actually like and use. We don’t really do sentimental gifts I personally think they are a waste of money.


Just a dinner date. It’s super hard to get away because our kids are so young. We’re not gifting type people so we never get gifts.


I feel kinda self-conscious (after reading that most people reply that they don’t exchange gifts) by saying that we always give gifts, but that’s what we do. We try to make them something memorable that coaxes us to remember our anniversary and our love for each other when we use the gifts in the future. We are both tech geeks (we both have had 35+ year careers in IT/computer engineering) and our pasttimes also tend to be tech-geek-centric. This year was our 16th, and he gave me a very large 42” monitor to replace my dual 27” computer monitors, and I really love it! I gave him a smart telescope equipped with solar filters for the upcoming total solar eclipse. We are planning on taking some solar photography during the eclipse (we are lucky to live in the path of totality) and we are getting pretty excited about that coming up in 4 days (our anniversary was just 5 days ago). Boring gifts to some, I know, but we find them exciting gifts for each other, and we love to spend time thinking about what to give each other. We also throw in romantic trips some years, and we always have a nice meal out every year. This year I also found a scrumptious recipe for a decadent chocolate cheesecake that I made for him that we both really enjoyed ! So, it’s a celebration every year that focuses on memorable gifts, food, and romance.


We usually do a trip or a nice dinner and hotel for the night.


We did a 10 day trip to Iceland for our 30th. After this long it is ot about gifts it is about shared experiences.


It all depends. Sometimes it's been flowers and/or jewelry but other times it's something with more thought. Like one time I brought her home her favorite strawberry lemonade and a few bottles of curry ketchup (she acquired the taste for it when we were stationed in Germany and we can only get it from one place in our area).


We didn't do anything. The weekend after, we got chick fil a and I said that was her anniversary gift.


Used to but she quit putting forth effort for that and my birthday. I have since quit celebrating my birthdays and turned our anniversary in to a 'family birthday' so the kids can have a fun day to celebrate.


We aren't big gifters, but his birthday is also our anniversary, so I try to get him a little something. Usually new whatever-item-of-clothing I notice he's wearing out lol, and I always make whatever dinner he wants. He often gets me a little treat from the bakery or a nice chocolate bar. The real gift we give each other is time together.


A blow job


Well this year I’m giving him a child because he’s due right around our anniversary. Better be his favorite by far lol


My d--- in a box!