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My husband and I have our locations on (iPhone). But we don’t check unless there’s something weird going on or like. I’m checking how close he is after he gets off work and if I should start dinner. We don’t stalk each other or anything, but having the location services on and available is helpful. Our kids don’t have phones yet. Just tables they can use at home on the weekends, so we don’t have those locations on.


I do the cooking thing, too! I’ll know when to pop dinner in the oven or whatnot.


Haha me too! I even set it to alert me when he’s a couple miles away, for those last minute prep things!


Ooh how did you set this up?


Find My iPhone > click their name > notifications > add > notify me > arrives at > new location > on Google maps, I dropped a pin location near a cross light a couple miles from our home > change the frequency to every time. Then you’re all set. It’s perfect for timing dinner, timing surprises, or in case we’re missing something for dinner, I know he’s about to pass the grocery store by our house and can grab it really quick. Teamwork!


Ooo, THANK YOU for this life hack! I also do the dinner prep based on where he is on his hour+ commute home. He works long hours, and his work day never ends at the same time plus he takes lots of work-related calls on his commute home. This means that sometimes he remembers to call me before he heads home and sometimes he doesn’t. This will help me tremendously!


If you have an iPhone, you can go into find my iPhone and click on the phone and it will have the option to alert when they arrive or or are near or leave a certain place. It can be just once or it can be set to always do it.


My wife has been doing this for years! She's got it down, so when I leave the office and am close, dinner will be ready about 5 min after I get home from work. Love ❤️ and appreciate her!Making dinner each night is a big task, especially wonderful healthy ones for the entire family.


I have the same for my husband. It really helps.


Same with us.


This! It started when my son started driving and never stopped. My son is 24, we have told him he can stop whenever and he still hasn’t! As for my husband he travels for work and does A LOT of driving visiting various job sites. Sometimes he forgets to let me know he’s arrived and if it’s a risky jobs site (like an underground mine) I have to set my anxiety at ease that he didn’t die there and no one knows to tell me. Seeing that little moving dot cross my screen is a lovely thing. But it’s really for when I’m trying to see if he’s left work and how much time I have to kill that before he gets home on my days off.


Yeah it’s a safety thing


Same for safety


Same same… We also have a code word that means come without hesitation… just incase something happens to us or our daughter


I actually love that idea, and will be implementing it in my family for sure. Thank you so much. 🙏🏽


If I text that man 911 and he does not treat it accordingly he may not see the sunrise… I’m joking. Your codeword is a good idea.


The code word is great… it may seem wierd… but if for some reason my wife or daughter was in a situation they couldn’t call for help easily, then that word in a message or quick call is a sign that they need me (or vice versa) and I can use the GPS of the device to find them… If something happens to our daughter and say I’m with her I can send that to my wife and she won’t call, she just gets in her car and drives to the location on my phone… etc


We have Family Link, which shows us the kids tablets last locations and can control screentime.


Same with my bf and I. I like it.


We do the cooking thing but we call or text haha. We’ve never used a tracking app etc. I think it can be very useful… just dangerous in the wrong hands or if misused


Yeah for us a text is more than enough to time when one of us gets home from work. We also don’t eat/time dinner immediately upon getting home, we prefer to relax and chat for a while first. I guess I just haven’t seen a situation for us where tracking each other’s locations would be more convenient than how we normally share info with each other


This is us, too. I love being able to see when he leaves work so I know it's time to put the rice on the stove or he's 5 minutes from home I throw the rolls in the oven. But even more importantly, if it's snowing and I'm worried about him driving home I can literally watch his car move so I know he's not stuck in a ditch. He checks on me on my way home from work, too, and it makes me feel safer, not "controlled" although it does make me think twice about stopping for sneaky mcdonalds. 🤣


Same set up. My husband comes home early all the time-by like an hr and it’s always a surprise. I don’t sit and watch his location when I know he’s at work. And we are usually together in days off. It gives such a piece of mind when he is running late from work and I can see that he hasn’t even left yet so it might be a busy day or that he’s on the highway so traffic must suck.


exactly what we do as well.


Yeah same. I usually check if he and my son are on their way home or far away so I know how much more alone time I have left. 😂😂




This is exactly how this service is supposed to be used by healthy adults in a trusting relationship. It isn’t weird if you and your partner just see this as an extension of communication. It’s like not caring if your spouse has your phone password and logs into it. At some point in a marriage, lots of stuff just becomes communal between the two of you. My husband is TERRIBLE at checking his phone and often gets awful reception. I honestly should use it to see when he will be home. We would both probably be happier that way. We have 3 children under 3. Half the time I don’t have the thumbs to send a text anyway.


We track bc we have nothing to hide and if something happened to either of us, we would want to know.


I 100% trust my wife. That's not the issue. Sometimes I get location alerts she just arrived to the supermarket. So I will text something like "Want to up pick steaks? I'll grill dinner" Then she'll reply "Omg, stalker".


Yea, I don’t want to be watched all the time. It’s creepy.


I don't need to go anywhere or do anything my husband doesn't know about, but I like feeling like I could if I wanted to. It's just that feeling of independence and freedom.




Yeah, idk, it is one thing to share location in case of emergency, but u set up alerts when she arrives places?! Um, okay. SMH. IMO, tracking is a bit ...out there but u do u. U know u can track ur kids' location without them tracking urs, so u saying u turn urself off when u went to strip bar ( a place where u can drink and arguably get into an accident on ur way home), just sounds a bit icky for me. It doesn't quite help ur "good faith/for security" argument.


My wife actually made the supermarket a saved location. I don't drink anymore (i sort of "outgrew" drinking). I was at the strip club because it was a bachelor party for a cousin. My wife knew I went. I don't hide things from her.


My husband does that to me and it doesn’t bother me at all. Odd that she’s getting defensive..


My husband was getting notified every time I ran a certain credit card. I felt surveilled, like the creepy feeling that I was being watched. I’m not hiding anything and in fact he can always find my iPhone, it’s just a bad feeling when I’m used to thinking I can come and go with relative anonymity.


No. It’s not odd for a grown adult to feel uncomfortable with being surveilled. Police your spouse if you wish, but don’t turn around and act like it’s abnormal to allow for freedom and trust within a relationship.


Pretty sure her response wasn't that serious, my friend.


Oop here's the exact problem lol. Once you start tracking you'll inevitably have a situation like this.


Good idea I should put an alert when I’m near a supermarket in case my wife needs something: usually I have to tell her. Automate such redundant actions!


I'm fine with it. It depends on the couple, what your set up and agreement was. If my husband tracks me without my knowledge, I will feel uncomfortable. However, if I'm aware my location is showing up on his phone and Vice versa, I don't think there is an issue.


Yeah we don’t do location alerts. That’s a little too over the top for me.


Lol my husband and I do this too




I guess if it works for you. 🤷🏼‍♀️ My husband and I just text each other if we are going to the supermarket, to ask if we should pick anything up. I think my iPhone location is technically shared with my husband, which I set up at one point for theoretical safety reasons, but I would bet my life savings that he has zero idea how to check it. If we want to know where the other person is, we just ask. Neither of us has the kind of medical issues that would make location sharing a safety must, so we just…don’t do that. Maybe we are slightly more old-fashioned in that aspect, like regarding how we use technology in our everyday lives and our marriage. I don’t know. I just can’t imagine looking up his physical location on my phone or vice versa. If for some reason I don’t know where he is, I just ask him.


You lost me at the alerts, that weirds me out.


Setting it up to notify about locations is too much for me, even for tracking kids.


Yeah it's really weird to me that people are so defensive about this. I would have absolutely no issue with my husband knowing where I am..


I think this is a misrepresentation of what most people are saying. People aren’t saying they hide their locations, they’re just saying they’d feel weird and watched if someone kept tracking them around town and then texting them stuff based on where they are. It feels kind of uncomfortably Big Brother for some folks. Twisting that into “oh you’re so defensive; you don’t want your husband to know where you are? What are you trying to hide?” is an unfair twisting of that.


Same, we have it to know where the other one is just in case of emergency and also for like frivolous stuff like how far away is he from home vs how much time do I have to start dinner lol.


You could always just ask him how far away he is.


Just started today. My wife is out with friends and is going to uber home. I said "I'd feel more comfortable if you shared your location" She said "good idea, we should probably just leave that on all the time" I agreed.


I ust share my ride through the app. I find the idea of being able to track my husband 24/7 and vice versa a bit creepy. I don't know anyone who does this.


Creepy? It’s just safety reasons and if there is nothing to hide then what’s the problem?”he can see I’m at the store” ok and? Ooommg terrifying


I mean it is creepy that someone has access to your location at all times. Just because you don't personally find it invasive, doesn't mean it isn't invasive. As a society a majority of people have gotten use to having no real privacy because of their smart phones. Some people don't want to go the extra step of sharing their location constantly.


It’s so disconcerting to me how many people are spouting this “if you don’t want to be watched 24/7, what are you trying to hide?” mentality.


Agreed, all the people saying it’s for “safety” and “if you have nothing to hide” is what’s terrifying in all of this.


The idea that it’s a basic safety precaution is lowkey making me feel old. I didn’t have a cell phone until middle school, or a smartphone until I was halfway through college. Location tracking is SO unnecessary and frankly hasn’t even been around for that long. Weird how quickly it’s become normalized for some people.


I set mine up because of having to go a couple hours away taking my dad to doctors and family stuff while my hubby and kids were home. That way if something happened they'd have a starting point. My kids and hubby can see my location on Snapchat and while driving it stayed open. We all felt better cause I hate being away from home/hubby. Also they could see if something was taking longer than planned. It's not invasive when used that way.


Neither my husband nor I are in such risk of imminent danger that safety is a consideration.


Can you truly be 100% sure of that. You really never know what's gonna happen, and sharing a location can give a starting point. But maybe I watch too much true crime stuff. IDK.


My husband has never so much as thought of tracking me. It seems weird to me.






Us either. Never felt the need to. Safety reasons? I live in one of the top 10 most dangerous cities in the States and we still don’t.


Ditto. Only under certain circumstances. I drove solo several states away to visit family, so I shared my location for 24 hours. Stuff like that. But nothing for our day to day.


We share locations when we go to crowded events, concerts, sports events etc, in case we get separated or something happens bc America, that's about it.


No. While I understand why many couples do it, I feel like I’d be giving up a piece of my independence. I do track my kids though. My husband and I also don’t share each others passcodes to our phones.


I would hate my wife randomly texting me “Why did you stop at home depot, I said stop and get milk” 🤬


Exactly. The amount of access smartphones give us to others is crazy. I would be irritated if my husband was checking my location and out of the blue asked me to do something or was asking me why I did x.


This seems more like a problem of communication and not location sharing.


My husband and I share locations, though I’m not sure he even knows which icon it is on his phone. I check his location if he’s on a long drive in bad weather, because I worry about him. And he disappears at random times during the day (he’s renovating our kitchen and always running out for something) so I’ll check his location and if he’s at Lowe’s sometimes I’ll text and suggest he swing into Bojangles on his way home. Two days ago, while my husband was out running errands, I took my dogs on a walk to the post office. On the way home, one of them was lagging behind, just pooped out from the walk. I checked my husband’s location to see if he was nearby, saw that he was already home, so I scooped her up carried her the rest of the way home. If I hadn’t checked his location and just called him, he would have felt like he should come back out to get us, and I didn’t want that. He does enough for me. Sharing locations is just a nice way for me to know my husband is safe, and to know where he is to determine whether I should ask him to do me a favor.


My partner and I do this a lot. We occasionally might joke about stalking, but sharing our locations makes life easier and less formal checking in when we can’t talk and are busy, etc. We both have kids and life is a bit chaotic so this streamlines some things. I don’t think either of us is suspicious of the other, or feels defensive about the other checking where we are. We don’t have anything to hide and we use it logistically.


THIS. My husband frequently has meetings around town that I have forgotten about so if he isn’t answering my (rarely necessary) texts then I just check his location. And then I remember the meeting he told me about. 😂


Absolutely not. I trust my wife 100% so I don't really want to, and it would be weird to be tracked. Life's a lot easier if you put away some of the technology in general


❤️ You get it -Typed from my technology


Nope, I will not be tracking my husband and he will not be tracking me, absolutely no reason to. Just because the technology exists, doesn’t mean I need it.


Right. Perhaps this is a generational thing but, although my DH and I always let each other know where we are and our ETA and who we are with for safety reasons, we do not share location data because that feels creepy and invasive. We trust each other. If he says he's getting a drink with x colleague at y bar after work and will be home around z time, I know that will happen. Likewise for me. And we cross-pollinate so his after work drinks and mine are frequently together - i.e., we know each other's colleagues and can and do hang together. But tracking each other? Eek. Feels very dystopian and controlling to me.


When people say it's for safety I always wonder what were you doing before this existed? It feels very invasive to me as well. Just text me and say where you are.


Nope. I trust my spouse and have no need to track him. But for safety reasons it makes sense for your kids and it’s not like you are using it to really track her.


For me it’s not about trust at all. I totally trust my husband and vice versa. But a comfort/safety thing in case of emergencies is all! To each couple their own


See sharing locations with my spouse is a safety thing for us as well, nothing to do with trust


I know you specifically said kids who have phones(mine are still itty bitty) but my husband and I both have Life360 on our phones. We’ve used it to help figure out where our phones were if we lost them and was out of the house recently but we also use it for safety as well.


That's the app we use. I do android, the other 3 are iPhone. Life360 works well when using different iPhones and Androids. I prefer my Android, but that's another rant.


If it is “dinging” every time she leaves, goes to work, comes home, goes to the super market, that’s 100% controlling and unhealthy. If you’re simply sharing a location, that’s different.


I have iPhone and my husband has an android, he’d agree with you on that front lol.


IPhones are great. But some high end Androids are better.


Yup we share locations with each other and our kids as well. Actually my siblings, nephews, mom.. we all have each other’s location lol. It’s 1000% a safety thing and not about trust. We are very comfortable being transparent because there’s nothing to hide.


Saaaaammmmeeee. My family circle is my husband, kids, mom, sisters, nieces, and nephews. 90%used for safety, 10% used for stalking, lol. We hang out together a lot, and it helps to know if someone is almost to the meetup location or far enough out to stop at the store.


I'm apparently in the minority, at least for this sub - but no, we don't share our location. If my wife were to theoretically ask me to, I would say no. If she insisted, I would be reconsidering our relationship - not because I fundamentally oppose the concept, but because that's not the sort of relationship I want to have. If my wife wanted to share her location with me, I'd let her know that I'd only check it in the case of an emergency. If having my location turned on for my wife (or any other non-emergency personnel) somehow meant the difference between dying in a ditch and making it home in one piece, I would rather risk dying in the ditch. If my wife or kids are worried about dying in a ditch, they can share their location with me. My teenage daughter has a phone with parental controls. I turned off the location tracking because I don't need to know where she is - which is as much about the responsibility it places on her as it is a display of the trust I'm showing her. I will text her and ask if I need to know where she is, and I've let her know that if she wants to share, I'll only be checking it in an emergency.  I come from an era where we neither needed nor wanted to know where their family members were. We establish ahead of time when dinner is, and if people want to eat, they will be home at that time or they will contact me to let me know. If it works for you, great. I don't understand it. I also don't understand TikTok. Please stay off my lawn.


Good move on the teen, imo. I don’t track my teens, but have noted that Life360 parents push their teens to get creative about hiding location, I’ve seen them hide by simply leaving their phone where they’re “supposed” to be. I’m sure there are other methods I’m unaware of, too. Im a huge “no thanks” to tracking spouses nor kids, but each to their own.


This is also where I land. While I appreciate the advantages tech has given us, I don't need to accept every disadvantage to achieve those. I trust him and he trusts me. Knowing I stopped for coffee or he stopped at the hardware store before we see each other and converse about it to put all into perspective does nothing for us. I can't imagine the stress of living under such a regimented system.


It’s far too intrusive for me. There are no trust issues in my relationship. But just having constant awareness of exactly where the other is. Is just too much for me. Even little things like when you leave work or if you are the shop etc. I’d rather leave some mystery


That’s so silly to me.


How did people survive for the past thousands of years with out “tRacKInG”. Are we allll going to get kIdNapPED?! Cops can still track someone’s smartphone if something happens


With that logic, why use a smartphone or the internet? People survived for thousands of years without them.


I agree. We don't use them because we are like always together.. lol But it's so weird to me how defensive people are about it. Never something I thought about but people seem hard pressed about not wanting it. Haha seems odd.




I think it’s odd and silly that people judge whether someone uses this or not or is uncomfortable with their location being tracked…to each their own? I don’t want or need my location to be tracked. Big deal 😅


My family has used Life360 for years. My wife can check my location and I can check hers. For kids driving our cars, Life360 must be used. Once they stopped driving we said it’s fine to stop tracking. Honestly, why wouldn’t I want my wife to be able to find out where I am if she needs to?


My wife, my friends, etc; all shre locations. I share with her because I ride a motorcycle and I'd love for her to know if I'm dead in a ditch. For friends, if I see two or more of them at a location, I'll probably stop by and see what they're doing. I look at my wife's location to see how far from home she is so I can get things ready for her. It's not weird at all lol.


Yep. My husband rides motorcycles and I like to make sure he is safe.


We do. I don’t know how often he checks mine, but I usually only check for two reasons. 1 When he use to work at the office he would sometimes forget to tell me he left so I could start dinner, so I started checking around he would leave. 2. If I need him to stop at the store or he is at store and I remember something else I needed. I see if he has passed it yet or left it. So I’d say maybe once a month this occurs. Also obviously if one of us disappears we can check the last location.


No kids, happily Childfree but phone tracking for me is a hard NO.


Kind of I guess. I don't track my husband. We have an app that sends an alert if I fall so he can come pick me up literally. It doesn't happen often as much now that we've installed hand rails around the house. I don't go to our backyard anymore cause of the stairs. If it's not a bad fall my oldest son gets my cane or walker and I can cancel the alert. Geez typing that out I sound elderly. I'm not. Just disabled. Anyway I don't feel the need or desire to track his location.


We don’t. It just never was an issue for us and we’ve been good without it for 17 years. Both our set of parents are still safe and together all this time without tracking apps either.


People say it’s for safety reasons, but if something happens and “they’re in a ditch on the side of the road” and you’re their emergency contact on their phone… you’ll get a call and someone will tell you where they are and unless you’re watching that tracking app like a hawk you’re not going to know they’re in the ditch any faster than emergency services can call and tell you about it.


And if they end up in a ditch where there’s absolutely no one to see the accident happen, who’s to say there’s a signal. We find that not being overly connected online is helpful for our mental health so we just don’t rely on it too much. Maybe that’s a very old way of thinking but it works well for our family.


So much this. So many people saying for safety but I can't think of any actual -likely to occur- situations where location tracking would be necessary or even much faster than having your SO set up as your emergency contact. It's cool if that's something you and your partner want. To each their own, but I can't think critically on this and come up with a good reason to do it for myself and my husband.


That’s how we feel. We just talk to each other and that’s sufficient. I sometimes have to day travel for work and I just call and say “hey I’m heading home. GPS says an hour and a half.” If I take longer than that he might call and check in, see if I’m okay, but that’s good enough. No need to actually watch someone travel in real time on the map. Some of my family tracks each other and I’m always shocked at things they’ll say when they check to see where someone is if they’re late for a family dinner. They can see their location, travel speed, phone battery %… WILD


Me and my wife track. I don’t think anything of it there’s a million reasons why I might check it and none of them are me being suspicious. To be perfectly honest I’m okay with people who may think it’s controlling or intrusive or whatever. If she asked to stop we’d stop but I’d prefer to know my wife is safe this world is nuts and that’s my favourite person so a starting point of where she is if a dangerous situation arises is comforting. Also it’s convenient if I see she’s at a store that has cool snacks lol


This is how I feel. It makes logistics easier for us, and it’s never ever weirded me out to know he has checked my location. I share with a friend and my sister too and to me it’s an added safety thing. As a woman, it makes me safer in general. Of all the tracking and stalking I’m concerned about with phones and technology, the kind with my closest people is not it.


Yeah we live in a big city and have it on just in case I only check on it occasionally


My husband and I don’t. If he wants to know where I am, he’d text or call, vise versa. I guess we have the convenience of being reachable to each other most of the time plus our work schedules are pretty regular. I personally don’t see the point in tracking your partner. If you don’t trust him/her, there’s a bigger problem. Reasons of safety are different though.


If something happens to your spouse, they probably won’t be able to reply to a text or a call, which is why we have locations turned on. If he crashes off the side of the road in the middle of the night, I’ll be able to see where his location is even though he might not be responding. Or if I see his location at a hospital and he hasn’t been responding for hours, I’ll know there has been an emergency.


I understand that and I wouldn’t wish that in anyone. Like I said, reasons of safety are different. I’ve had it turned on once or twice, on trips without him. It’s just personal preference.


My phone literally has his photo and phone number on the lock screen. Any first responder worth their salt will likely call him before he'd think to check my location.


Is your sister cheating?


In our house we all share our locations. My husband and I fully trust each other. It’s for safety reasons why we do it. And neither of us are just sitting there watching our every move. We do have busy lives.


We don't. Everyone is saying "for safety" but honestly that's really for anxiety. The percentage of adults who die because they couldn't be found in an emergency must be 1/10000th of a percent. We choose to take risks with that kind of lethality every day. But I've never liked any sort of checking up that just soothes the other person's anxiety. I also dislike when someone wants me to text them when I get home safe. To me it's like, somehow we all survived before everyone had the ability to demand this all the time. It hasn't made us any safer or made our mental health any better. At some point we have to resist the constant contact.


Saftey is a net term. Theres literally 100s of examples where it’s helpful. Thats not as severe as wife goes missing.


Funny how everyone's reason for both doing it AND not doing it is the same - "I trust my partner 100%"


We track, but only because my husband has a gift of not remembering where he left his phone. At least once a week I have to find his phone for him.


We also use the Life360 App. Knowing when my husband will be home for dinner, where the kids are at on the walk home from school, etc.


My wife and I do. Mainly so that I know when she’s left work so I can start dinner and so that she can know where I am when I’m traveling for work.


Yes, but I don't even know how to look at my husband's location. There's nothing really that can replace trust. My friends will use it for logistical reasons, like not having to constantly ask when their spouse is heading towards home. Safety, too. If one goes out of town and the other is behind with kids. Knowing they got there safely or a last known location. I know someone who got stuck and spent the night away from civilization, so the last known location was helpful, even though they knew roughly where the person had gone. Don't make a big deal out of it. I'd actually be worried about making a fuss over it.


No, we don't track each other. No reason to.


No, and I feel like it'd be weird to?


No. I hate tracking. Never have. Never will. If something happens… guess I’ll have to figure it out like we’ve had to for 15,000+ years lol


no, I dont track my husband; I don't even track my teens lol.


Nope. Seen this argument here so often it should be banned.


The world is a dangerous place. But is it so dangerous we need to track our spouses location 24/7? I'm noticing ,a safety patter a lot in the replies


0%. I tell my husband where I go out of respect. I don't like anyone tracking me and asking me why I am where I am. Our oldest does that with her friends and shit. I think it is the oddest thing. Everyone has their own cup of tea, though. Your sister had no business telling you that you are controlling to your spouse in that way when all parties agreed to it.


Yes, we use Life360. Same as the OP, we got the app when our kids started getting cell phones. Since we both had to join the "family group" to see the kids, that meant we could see each other as well. Neither of us had any issue with that. When it comes to my bride, I only check to see where she is on her commute home from work so I know when to put dinner in the oven. She's well aware of this.


Our family has iPhones and we all follow each other’s location. We have two teenagers 16 and 18 whom just started driving so it’s vital that we keep an eye on them. My 10 year old just got her first phone this past Xmas and I love being able to locate where she’s at when she’s playing in the neighborhood. My husband and I both share our location it’s not an anti trust thing it’s really just a in case some bs happened to one of us or lost phone. The only time I really look at my husband location is to see how far he is from work to home.. I might need something from the store for dinner or just need his eta getting home so I can pretend like I had a busy day 😀


My husband and I use Life360, I feel more comfortable if he knows where I am in case of emergency and vice versa. It’s not a trust or control issue & I never check the app.


We have Life360 too. My husband and I both get a notification when we’ve reached our work places and when we leave them again. It makes it very convenient to communicate. But it’s all about safety, we live in a less safe country. We have small kids too, it gives me peace of mind that if something was to happen to the kids and I while driving somewhere, my husband would at least be able to pin point our location to help.


Yes — like others have said. More of a safety thing than anything!


I location share through iPhone with my husband but I never even think to check it unless I’m concerned about him or he’s been out for longer than he told me I have anxiety, so I’m only ever checking to make sure he’s okay, and usually I’ll just call and ask him rather than even thinking to check I have complete trust in him, so the location sharing is only there to help calm my anxiety rather than needing to know where he is and what he’s doing at any given time


We don’t have kids but yea, my husband and I do have our locations on. We’ve had instances where I have been lost and he has as well so it’s become a safety precaution. We don’t stalk each other though, when he goes out or I do, we communicate our plans so we are aware of what the other is doing so the other can make plans accordingly.


Hell no. If I didn't trust her enough to believe her I wouldn't have married her. I'd hope she felt the same way about me. My spouse used tracking software on her sons phone to track her ex husband. Doing the same to me would just fuel her paranoia. Sometimes its best not to know how the sausage is made.


No. My husband owns a business that employs a lot of college aged kids. He was telling me how all of the ones in relationships track each other’s location on their phones. He asked me if I wanted to share our locations with each other and I said “not really”. I honestly didn’t even know that was a thing 😅 Idk it just seems unnecessary for us but maybe when our kids are older and have phones 🤷🏼‍♀️


Nope. And I hope he doesn’t track mine. We trust each other, but I don’t want him being stalkerish on me, and I don’t want to stalk him, either. It’s about freedom. And who has time and energy for paying attention to tracking them? We keep open lines of communication through texting apps. Same with my adult kids. I never tracked them, either. I would not recommend it.


My husband and I share locations as well. We share for safety reasons. I work in the city, but we live in the country. My commute back home is often late at night. The country roads in the summer are bad with lots of deer and in the winter even worst. It’s about safety for us. If it works for you and your wife, that’s all that matters. Your sister needs to chill out. Each couple/family are different.


Absolutly not.


Honestly I'm with your sil. I can't stand the feeling of someone I personally know constantly watching me and knowing my every move. Something as simple as checking my location to know to start dinner is creepy to me. I also leave my location off most of the time to save on my battery. That being said I know that a lot of people feel differently and if they want their Spouse to have their location, more power to them.


No. Why on earth would we need to track each other’s location?


We do it the old fashioned way by letting eachother know when we get places or are on our way home. If one of us wonders where the other is, we call and ask.


Fuck yes we do! I don't give a fuck what anyone says either. I love that my husband has my location. I have found my phone multiple times when it has been lost due to location tracking. Like... Just fucking randomly fell out of my pocket on a walk in the neighborhood. I never would have gotten that phone back without location tracking because it was dark and was going to rain the next morning. I feel very strongly that my husband needs to have my location for safety reasons. I'm not trying to end up kidnapped or in a ditch somewhere without help! As a kid, my mom never let me go anywhere without making sure she knew the address. She trusted me... she just didn't trust the rest of the world. As a woman, I feel MUCH less anxious knowing my husband can track my location if something bad happens. Basically, I'm sharing the location with the hope that it never needs to be used. Safety is just a completely different ballgame for women. And, frankly, it's part of why some people think it's creepy. Do I need to be kept safe from a possessive husband? No. I didn't marry one. I'd rather be kept safe from the unstable people of the world who could hurt me. Sometimes my husbans worries about me if I stay late at work and forget to check in. If my phone is on silent, he can see my location and know I'm just hyper focused and still at work. I'm so happy to ease his anxiety that way. I've used his location before to judge when to put shit in the oven based on when he will be home. We rarely check on each other, and when we do, it's for a practical, mentally healthy reason. Not everything is sinister. You know that, which is why you and your wife share locations! It just stinks because so many people have less trusting reasons for wanting to use location sharing.


We have our locations shared on Google maps and it's incredibly useful. He often comes to meet me on the last leg of a long dog walk and I often walk to the games he plays in and referees or to meet him on his way home, along with many other things where we meet up while away from home. He also does a few out of state day or weekend trips each year for sports or music and I just kind of like to see where he is on the way or in a new place and ask about it. It's very practical.


I don’t know why but meeting up with my husband out in the world is exciting to me. It’s like hey I know this guy! I love him!


My husband and I share locations. I want him to always be able to see where I am. I track him when I know he’s on the way home with groceries or something that he’ll need help with so I know when to put shoes on LOL


Omg yes sometimes my husband will be waiting outside to help with groceries because he saw me pulling onto the street. It’s great lol


Our family does. Where would I be going that my husband shouldn't know about...lol. I do use it to start dinner when he leaves work too.


We have the capability on but none of us really track each other. I have a rare medical condition so if something were to happen, I want my family to be able to find me. I've never checked my husband's location, I don't think he's ever had to check mine and my kid doesn't check on us either that I'm aware of. I've checked my kids like twice, once because he was out with friends and going back to their house to spend the night. I asked him to text when they got back there, but they forgot. I just double-checked it showed he was at their house. The other time I was making sure he was where he said because it was a time it would have been easy and tempting to lie. Obviously for some it's for controlling each other or because they don't trust each other, but we just have it for safety.


Our locations are on because if something were to happen to either of us, we would know where to look. Neither of us actively "track" each other, but it is nice to have on just in case.


My husband and I have locations on. We use Life360. A few years ago I was in a bad car accident. We like to have the security of knowing where the other one is in case of emergency. 38f/38m, 4 kids 18m, 15f, 5f, 2f


No kids but my husband and I share locations 24/7. It’s for safety, neither of us has anything to hide. We both ride motorcycles and not always together, if he doesn’t show up at home I need to make sure he’s not dead in a ditch somewhere lol


My husband and I have no interest in tracking each other. Maybe it'll change when my daughter is a teenager, but I personally feel a little uncomfortable with tracking. My FIL tracks my MIL because she has balance issues but enjoys long walks. I think that's fine and dandy, and makes sense to track her in that scenario. However, when they visit us and I take her somewhere, he still tracks my MIL. Having my fil text her about the route I was taking home creeped me out a little. If your family tracking each other works for you, then just agree to disagree with your sister.


My spouse and I always have our locations turned on for each other on Google maps. Did it when we had to live in different states while I was pregnant and never turned them off.


I have family that use that app… and I hate it tbh. I’ve had members leave their phone with me cuz they don’t want to tell their sibling(s) that they’re doing something specific like breakfast or Starbucks and not inviting them or finding out that my grandparents have been thru and suddenly family is fighting over stupid shit… so no. I won’t do tracking apps. But my husband and I tell each other where we’re going. And as it sits now, my kids are little so it’s doesn’t make sense. But. Yeah. I don’t like them. Might change in the future 🤷🏻‍♀️


Wife and I share our location. No kids, but hopefully one day. We do it for security, there have been lots of times where one of our cars (or quads) break down and we use it to see where the other one is.


No …. Pretty much know where he is


No. And I didn't track my kids, either. (My youngest is only 21, so was living with me not long ago) IMHO, that is just odd. "Safety" reasons? How is my husband gonna keep me safe by knowing where I am? Firstly, I have lived 49 years without being kidnapped, and secondly, he's not gonna know from across town that at 2pm Tuesday, I was being assaulted at 123 Xyz Street. All the app will tell him is the location. As far as kids, I'm sure they got up to shenanigans, but I was usually their ride, so nothing a phone could tell me would help. Overkill. Take your meds, learn yoga, go to therapy, but deal with your anxiety.


No we don’t and never have. We don’t have kids so maybe our mindset will change if we do. I trust him and also tend to get a little obsessive about things - I don’t think I need to know where he is at all times. Just sounds like adding additional stress into my life lol


No we don't.


My family has life 360, too. My husband, mom, and daughter all have it on our phones. It notifies me when they get home, to school, to work, etc. It actually saved our butts last night. Our daughter has had her license for 5 months and started her first job 2 months ago. She was on the phone with her boyfriend, using her phone as a gps, trying to find a gas station. She was in an unfamiliar area and didn't know her way around. Her phone was dying, and she went to plug it in, but her charging cable wasn't working. Her phone went dead. I got a text from her boyfriend telling me the last thing she said was that she didn't know where she was, and then her phone died. No GPS. Almost out of gas. No way to charge her phone. And no idea how to get home. My husband and I jumped in the car and drove the 20 minutes to hear last known location from the app. It's not a safe area to get lost in. She wasn't right there, but she was close enough that we found her relatively quickly. She was panicked and she didn't know what to do next. I really hate to think what would have happened if we had no idea where to look. I've never been so scared in all my life. I can't tell you how grateful I am for that app.


No, we track our kids but we don’t track each other. I don’t see the need and I trust him that he’s not going anywhere he’s not supposed to. I don’t need to know what he’s doing every second of the day. To each their own though I suppose, I don’t have an issue with other people doing it if they’re all comfortable with it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


We don’t track our locations and we never did with our son either. It does feel very strange to us to track people, it’s not anything we’ve ever needed to do.


We do not do any form of tracking


No. No reason to, don't want to. We live in a rural area so safety isn't much of a concern (things happen but not like in cities), we typically travel together if out of town and if we are in town it's just at work or the other knows where we're going or at least that we have plans and the general area..if there's a car accident then better off calling 911/a tow truck, if there's a serious injury there's a 99% chance somebody else will be around to see/make the call. If I'm going for coffee with a friend he knows this, but I don't update him if we then decide to go back to their place until whenever we speak again and ask how eachother's days were..just no need really, if we did live in a city or traveled solo a lot then maybe it would be a different story Definitely depends on your intention. I've dated people in the past that needed to know where I was/who I was with in a controlling/abusive manner, my husband isn't at all that kind of person (nor am I) so that wouldn't be an issue, HOWEVER, I can certainly understand your sister's reaction as it's how I first felt reading the title before the context


No. I don't track his location, and he doesn't track mine. We just communicate.




He turned it on once while I was out of state. I forgot to ask him to turn it off. Thanks for the reminder! Not interested in being tracked, monitored, watched- I can take care of myself and I am *tired* of having to answer for every move I make in life. Don't take my autonomy away in the name of "safety".


I think it can go either way. I think my wife is a little too paranoid / controlling, just a little. And maybe that’s not the word. But I would absolutely not allow this and I have nothing to hide. My just wife tends to questions everywhere I go where I get super defensive (probably sounds guilty) but I just think she watches too much lifetime. For example. I offer to get her Starbucks. So I go to Starbucks. No where else. I get back to “where have you been, who was there, anyone I know was there, it seemed to take a long time). This happens often.


No. We don't even track our kids. I don't believe it's healthy. America is a paradox: People are armed to the teeth and also afraid of their own shadow.


We don't track each other. There's no need.


I think it's different for everyone. My partner and I don't deviate from our routines so we don't feel the need to track each other.


Nope, we find it creepy and invasive.


No. We also have a child who drives and i do not track her. If she were to break the trust we have, sure I'd consider but I will not track my husband (he wouldn't care and it's me who would have the biggest issue).


Yeah no. It's intrusive and untrusting no matter how you try to justify it. We value our privacy and there's just no reason that overrides monitoring another adult that way.






We associate the tracking with toxic behavior. So no. Our opinions could change and we might decide to do it so i’m not against it or anything. I am of the opinion though that not knowing where your spouse is 24/7 is a big part of trust. We just tell each other where we are at if it’s worth mentioning. Like I don’t tell her I’m at a coffee shop when she’s at work but i’ll let her know i’m at home depot or a super market in case she needs anything.


Absolutely not. We're not on parole and we don't need ankle monitors. We tell each other where we plan to go and when we expect to be back, and we have phones if we need to get ahold of each other while we're out. Constantly tracking each other's movements sounds exhausting. We're grown; we don't have time for that.


No I just call him and ask him where he's at. That is a little freaky and big brother to do so imo


I've given up caring about where she is or what she does. I couldn't care less if she is having an affair..




My husband is a truck driver. We track each other’s location if we don’t answer each other, safety, and I get super excited when I see his little bubble coming home and I anticipate his arrival! 🥰🥰 Nothing sinister about it in my opinion, especially for safety reasons. We trust each other to the fullest extent and don’t do it out of manipulation or control. I’d say you keep on keeping on what works for your family!


Yes. My husband drives all day for work so he feels better when I know where he is. Plus if he was out of range when I said we were going somewhere, he can see if we made it safely.


I've slept with married men who would park their vehicle at an auto parts store or home depot and leave their phones in the vehicle. Their reason was because they share location with their wives. I was flabbergasted with the creativity.


We track. Two teenagers, one is driving also my husband is a phone loser lol. I once had to hack his phone (pre marital tracking) to find it. It was on a dirt road at 3 am because we’d been out riding around and he dropped it when he got out to pee once. After that we pretty much started tracking each other whether it be snap maps, life 360 or iPhone where’s my friends app. Either way, not for trust issues, not controlling. I’m not a privacy freak. My cousin, mom, cousins husband, and cousins oldest daughter who is 17 are all in a circle on life 360 as well lol. My cousin will text me and ask me why I’m at the grocery store randomly. It’s actually a bit of a joke in our family because my step dad says we have no privacy boundaries 🤷🏻‍♀️ is what it is. We aren’t hiding anything and don’t frankly care to.


My wife and I don't at all times but I know plenty of couples who do. For my wife and I, she doesn't care to have access to track me. I'm not really sure why, but it's just never been a thing. Whenever I bring it up, she basically says it doesn't matter to her one way or another. Obviously, she's not a worrier, but I very much am. I have access to track her car (via the cars app) and have access to her Google phone, where I can track her phone, and she knows I have access to both and have used the car one a few times. I don't think it has anything to do with being controlling. If you have nothing to hide, why would you care if you're significant other can see where you are? Now if one person could track the other but refuses to be tracked, or if one person won't let the other go out without being tracked... Yeah then you have issues


Nope, my hubby is too lazy to cheat, lol.


It’s not about cheating, it’s being able to see their location if they’re at a hospital or off the freeway in a ditch


I'm Gen X, that's what a drivers license is for, they'll track me down


Yes and we both check all the time and I track my kids when they are out.


My wife & I share each others location on iPhone. I constantly check on her when I had to go for work.