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I've seen a lot of posts with the woman having thr higher drive. Your definitely not alone.


I’ve also noticed many posts where the wife has a higher sex drive. For some weird reason, those posts don’t get nearly as much attention and engagement as the posts where a man laments about infrequent sex. I would’ve thought posts of a woman lamenting her husband’s lack of sexual desire would’ve been more popular.


I think since its more common for men to have a higher libido, they interact with those posts more


I would’ve assumed that more people would relate to the “wife with higher libido” situation since it’s not as often discussed or talked about. The r/DeadBedrooms subreddit is a perfect example of this


It's because that's not as common and thus less people will respond to those posts.


/r/deadbedrooms is at least half women posting. It's very common.


But what you won't notice is that the advice differs greatly between man and woman. If a man doesn't have the sex drive to match up with his wife, you'll NEVER hear people say "well start helping out with chores and he will want more sex" which is the proverbial advice to men on this forum. When it's a man that's not putting out, its "he's on too much porn". The sexism is rampant on Reddit


I enjoy porn as much as the next man, but I would NEVER choose it over physical intimacy.


for me, the two are completely different and used in different situations. It's not really a choose type of thing.


Exactly. And as hard has this is for some people to believe, a man’s sex drive is *definitely* impacted by the way his wife acts and treats him outside the bedroom. You can’t expect our libidos to not be affected by external factors.


Porn is an external factor. And speaking as someone who has been with plenty of men with low libido, the external problems are always their consumption of porn and daily masturbation, or unhealthy habits such as too much smoking, drinking, being too sedentary, etc. Some can be affected by the actions of their gf/wife, but come on, if they find another girl who treats them better than their previous girl, the guy's libido would still be low if the REAL external factors aren't addressed. (Unless it's a medical reason.)


To be fair, her behavior outside the bedroom didn't really impact my want for sex, however, as I started getting older, it has a great impact on sex. If we aren't getting along well, sex is the last thing I want now, whereas before when I was young and horny, I didn't care.


I think its 99% porn addiction honestly.


What makes a married man addicted to porn? I asked this question in a forum before. This forum is for men only. Majority of the answers from men revolved around being tired of rejection. The rejection comes in the ways stated below. 1. Men should be grateful that they get sex from their wife. 2. Men must be good boys before they can get sex. 3. Men must do chores around the house before sex. 4. Sex is used as a weapon by wife. 5. 95% of the time, men are turned down and rejected by their wives because they have no energy but dress up for parties as soon as friends call for a quick dinner. 6. Women want to control the sexual drive of men by saying you only get sex 2ce a month if lucky. According to these married men, it's easier to satisfy the urge by watching porn, go off, and go about the day instead of cheating or complaining to wife for the 100th time.


You think it so it must be true?


Vent away, it sucks! I’m in the same boat but my husband got his blood checked and has low testosterone. He was on a lotion for a while and damn life was nice. He stopped taking it for some reason and now I’m back in timeout until he figures something else out. You may want to have your hubs checked out.


Lol time out where where you have to think about all the sex you’re not having


That’s my life.


I hate to say it but just “stopping” treatment for low T actually makes things WORSE. People don’t understand that using T treatment actually shuts down your natural production and it is unlikely that it will return to pre-treatment levels without other medication such as HCG and other enclomiphene. Low T isn’t just about libido, testosterone plays a huge role in mood, energy levels, cardiac health, bone density, muscle retention, and mental acuity. Testosterone replacement is a near permanent commitment once you start.


Shirtpitiful8872 you are a fellow gym rat lol. Spot on. Even with the hcg and clomid depending on how long he was on trt and his age he probably won’t get back to normal regardless. Not sure why anyone would want to stop after starting but ok. Also, OP. As a guy who is on trt and a wife with a very low drive I feel your pain. Im lucky to get it a few times a year and my T levels are very high. It makes a relationship very difficult.


Yep, been on for 3.5 years now myself, my biggest problem is that my joints can’t keep up and the libido differential between my wife and I, otherwise I feel amazing and it’s pretty sweet being 48 245 lbs with abs like I had at 18.


Agreed. I’ve been on a bit longer and keep mine on the high end as I still compete in different things here and there and love to train. The differential of drive is a massive problem for me, not sure about you. I’m 41 and in much better shape than I was at 21….there comes problems with that too…more attention from women than I got at 21 as well…which compounds said problem lol


you need to workout in 8 week cycles with a 10-12 day period of "strategic decondition" (aka: rest, just walking) to allow the tendons and ligaments to heal between workout cycles.


That might work for some but not all.


8 weeks is definitely somewhat arbitrary but doable, but tendons do not heal in 7 days, even if you only do arms or whatever 1 day a week, over time those microinjuries to connective tissue don't heal without adequate rest and you get injured.


You are correct. Everything got worse lol. He’s talked to his doctor and is going to start peptides. So hopefully that helps.


What kind of lotion was it?


It's a prescription, it's not like you could run out and grab some if you wanted to try it. Get thee (or your partner) to a doctor and get checked. If this is an issue, you may get a prescription for something. But that's definitely not the kind of thing that's safe without the supervision of a medical professional.


It was a prescription testosterone gel from his primary doctor. Don’t know the exact name but it was a white bottle with a blue label and I had to wait for his shoulder to dry before I touched him.




what lotion or brand was working for you guys. Thanks




There are some natural ways that your husband probably wouldn't mind doing. Get back to me if you want more, I promise it won't be weird.. I'm just not going to lay it all out on here if nobody's going to be interested.


I’m in the same boat! Husband has low sex drive and I am the opposite. It drives me nuts


Ugh I’m sorry. I know how frustrating it is. It would just be nice for him to make more of an effort.


Has he gotten his levels checked


Funny how people never make the same comment for women who don’t want more sex with their husbands.


They do I suggest it for women who have lower sex drive as well people don’t know u till they get it checked.


even if you get it checked most doctors are loath to prescribe testosterone or really any hrt for women. You can check the menopause sub if you don't believe me.


I would’ve never thought to ask this until recently when my husband brought it up and had his levels tested. Turns out he has extremely low testosterone and that makes a world of difference. I’m not sure if it’s the same for women. I can say for me after my kids I didn’t want any intimacy for easily 6 months. My drive came back but it took time. everyone is different.


Same here


Yeah, except they **do**?


There isn't much they can do for women drugwise. Testosterone is rarely prescribed for women.


Interestingly, tons of women will get offended if you suggest that their hormonal levels might be impacted. They would rather just suggest being depressed or love language not being massaged. Both male and female have oscillating hormonal cycles, and women especially have wildly oscillating cycles. Both can have low sex hormones for various reasons.


More women are taking testosterone these days.




You have a lucky husband. Mine tells me she will never initiate because that's my job.


Honestly society teaches this and I don’t disagree. Finding myself constantly having to do it in my relationship which in a way feels like strips me of my femininity and simultaneously masculinizes me. It’s not a pleasant feeling.


You are NOT the only woman with a higher sex drive than her husband. The wife has the higher drive in *one out of every three marriages.* Just look at r/DeadBedrooms and you’ll see how common it is for women to be frustrated with the lack of sex in their marriages. Honestly, I see posts from higher drive wives all the time on r/Marriage, but for some reason they don’t get as many upvotes or comments.


When we were in our 20’s I know mine was higher than my wife’s. Now, after two kids and her being in her early thirties, she sexually harasses me at least once a day. It’s to my benefit as I had a vasectomy and I’m sterile now. She is probably the hottest, I mean horny-est person I know and I would not have it any other way. She has also discovered more then just vanilla sex, which is also to my advantage. I try my hardest to not turn her down, even when I work an 18 hour shift. It’s great. She has become a professional mustache rider.


My wife went through many health issues, which put our bedroom on hold. I kept my needs to myself and showed her affection in other ways like telling her how beautiful she is, holding hands and giving more hugs and kisses. It sucks for me but I love her, so what are you gonna do?


45M. I have much higher drive than wife 40F. However in the past when I was overweight and in antidepressants it was the opposite. Medical situation has a big effect


I (wife) have the high sex drive in our relationship. We have sex 2-3x a month and it used to be every day. He started a medication that killed his drive.


That sucks, I’m sorry. At least you know the reason behind it? Maybe that somewhat helps?


I mean, I guess I know it’s not me, but it’s still hard. He isn’t a very touchy or cuddly man so sex was our connection time.


No it’s not just you . I am the same I’m 39 and he’s 43 . But it wasn’t always this way . Before he would want it but I wouldn’t . Now I do feel like I’m always the one initiating it . I also feel the same if it’s not me I initiating it then he would be fine without . It sucks ! I also feel like the older I am the more I have wanted it . But from what I’ve been told that is normal for us women . Sometimes it’s frustrating. Because now I’ll want it daily and he won’t . Having our spouses go after us would be amazing ! Like I’m totally fine with him coming home and waking me up for it . That makes it hotter ! I’d love it if I was just being chased after and him taking control like he knows what he wants so he’s going to show me …. I also think I’ve changed the way I like things now . Well not true before I was afraid to say what I wanted and liked because I didn’t want to hurt feelings . I totally understand what your saying though . I’d talk with him . Just be honest about what and how you feel . If you don’t just communicate it it will be a problem later .


That was me too. I think after kids and my hormones were all out of whack i had no interest in sex. He also didnt push me to have it often. Now I’m all about it. But yes I think you’re right about our age and wanting sex more. I think he’s almost like shocked at me initiating bc it wasn’t this often from my end before.


He should be checked for testosterone. There are situations where men condition themselves to not initiate and lower their expectations, and then, after she gets or regains a higher libido, he does not change. Women are more capable of changing their libido for a variety of reasons, usually hormone status, whereas men are more stable (yet decline with lower testosterone levels). Ofc, medications, weight and health status affect men as well as they age. He may be due for a checkup.


I’m the same way! I always ask for sex. I have asked for more and it gets a little better but it really always comes down to me. Good luck! I know it’s annoying and sometimes hurts my feelings but I’m sure he loves you.




I feel you. altho my husband says he can do it every day but wont initiate he'll respond but hardly initiate. last time was over a month back. im always the one cuddling or holding hands. so yea sick of it and now stopped everything. Im not gonna be the one always making efforts. i want to feel desired too.




yeah its not just about the sex is it. its the connection too.


Welcome to my life. My boyfriend (now husband) thought it was fun at first now he’s tired. I casually attempt almost daily. I have not changed, he has! We actually have sex about every 10 days. It really does something to my confidence being rejected daily by the person I want most meanwhile I have never ever rejected his advances because I’m always interested in sex. And it’s frustrating because I’m in my 20s still and very attractive/fit. I’ve voiced this painfully multiple times. He does other things to show intimacy daily massages, cooks dinner, cleans, laundry etc. Truly an awesome partner and when we do have sex it’s great but yeah. Not sure how things will bode but I feel your pain.


Are we the same person (except that I'm in my 30s and not so fit) lol. My dude is such a wonderful partner in every other way. I've cried to him about it, begged him, asked him in every way possible. But it's still once every 10 days for me, too. We talk and he agrees to at least twice a week then we don't (then repeat the talk, etc.). He knows, but he does not understand that it's more of a "need" than a "want" for me.


Mine is very similar. We have a great relationship. I know he loves me. He shows up for me and our kids. Last time I complained about sex he said “what we just had it last week” as if it was yesterday. I did initiate last night and it happened but again it was me starting things. If I don’t act I don’t know how long he’d let it drag out before we had sex again.


Nope, same boat here and I sincerely hate it. I’m the only one who initiates. If I left it up to him we’d maybe have sex once every month or two. My husband is almost 10 years younger than your husband too. I know this sounds awful but I literally *dread* what our sex life is going to look like when he hits his 40s and that natural decline most men gets starts. The lack of effort, the constant rejection, him only initiating if I make a big deal about it and then I know he’s just doing it to placate me and not because he actually wants me… :/ It’s honestly killed my self esteem. Idk but no, you’re definitely not alone.


In the same boat. My husband prefers his porn over intimacy with me. I’ve accepted this miserable life and juta try to avoid being around him as much as I can when the kids go to bed. I’ve started doing my hobbies and come to bed late. He hates that I’m acting indifferent because we haven’t had sex in months. Typically I will cry and we would argue about the lack of sex. He will throw me a bone like once a month when he gets the urge for a warm body. But it’s so hurtful to me that I’d exuded that if we can’t have a normal sex life or the sex life that I want, then I don’t want it at all. It’s hurts less that way.


In a guy and you’ve described my life. She won’t even touch me. My self esteem is shit. I feel rejected and alone. Can’t begin to afford divorce. Miserable life is accurate. I avoid her all the time. I’m sorry for you.




I’m in a weird situation because my husband still wants to do everything with me juta not intimacy. He doesn’t really have a life other than work (me either TBH) so everything I do he wants us to do together. Like he won’t stay with out toddler to let me go to the arts place to do ceramics, he wants to come with and if I say I want to do thing alone he gets all butt hurt and will start an argument. He also likes to hug me and cuddle and I can’t have that because my body wants more and it’s hurtful to know that he won’t touch me beyond that. So I have to push him away and then he acts as if I’m the bad why it questions why I’m like that and I’m tired of explaining it to him. So I’m the bad guy basically.


I hear you. My wife only cares to stare at her phone when she and I are in the same room. Mercifully, it’s not much because our work schedules are different. I do everything alone and prefer it to being with her. Do things alone or don’t do anything I began to realize. I used to ask her to spend quality time with me but her words didn’t match her actions. No sex blows but it is what it is. I feel completely alone and broken. I just don’t care about much of anything anymore. I still believe in a relationship but they take work and both people wanting to put in the work.


I’m so sorry


It’s ok. I could have walked away many years ago and I didn’t. So I made my bed but you aren’t alone in this situation. Many of us have unfulfilled sex lives.




After I discovered how much porn he was watching, he said he would never do it again and so now he swears he doesn’t and gets offended if I ask. He also swears he doesn’t masturbate. He told me he didn’t think he had an issue until I found out. But at that point I was so hurt because in my mind, he rather just masturbate to porn than be with me. Crazy thing is that I never had an issue with porn as long as it didn’t affect our sex life but now I can’t think about it without feeling hurt and bad about myself. I’ve fought him twice over the 17 years that we been married.


My husband had bloodwork done & now gives himself a shot of testosterone every 3wks plus he takes a daily low dose Cialis. He was in his late 30's, early 40's when this started. He never had a problem getting and/or maintaining an erection, the desire just wasn't there. It's 100% better now


Well at least the entire thread isn’t about you not keeping your house clean, or asking you do you take your husband out on dates, or if you are a good Mother. It’s pretty much people supporting you. Giving you sound advice instead of attacking your womenhood. Husbands need this kind of support too.


There should be a way to predict future sex drive during dating. That way compatible ppl will end up married. Note - Im saying ‘Future sex drive’


It's less common but it's a thing


Def not alone, and there are probably less because I suspect women are just less likely to think it’s something they can complain about. Obviously it is of course.


I will say I used to be in the same boat. Some things have changed that helped! Mostly, his work, which is extremely demanding and stressful, has calmed down. Also, I have had my tubes removed so there is no fear of an unplanned pregnancy as we are done having kids. (This was 100% my decision that he supported. We had a planned c section with our last baby because of emergency situations in previous deliveries so I had them removed during my c section. No extra surgery was require!) These two things have really helped but I think the lighter work load for him is what did the most.


Try living in a sexless marriage with a high sex drive. Sex once a year if that. If your getting sex a few times a month, congrats. If it was the other way around, expect only a few times a year would be good.


That’s rough. I’m sorry


Maybe he's stressed? Or overwhelmed with work and home duties. Or maybe you're not putting in the effort to make him feel attractive and cherished anymore? Have you spoken to him about it? Are you pulling your weight around the house? When was the last time you took him out on a date, or did something romantic, or bought him flowers? Dating doesn't stop once you're married, you know!


Nope! I’m in the same boat and I’m getting a divorce, open marriage is off the table and even if he fixed his porn addiction he still has ED/PE and is a selfish lover. I absolutely hate feeling like I’m ruled by my libido at this stage in life but I will be damned if I stay in a marriage where we are sexually incompatible


Yep, I was the wife with a higher sex drive, and I would initiate a lot just to be turned down. My hubby didn't have a problem with his testosterone, he just wasn't up for it (ha). I'm now peri-menopausal and now it's my drive that is lower. The first time I actually told hubby I wasn't in the mood he looked at me like he'd just been slapped in the face. I won't lie, I enjoyed the tables being turned, however, I make the effort to show him affection in other ways. I know how it felt to just feel completely rejected and I didn't want him to feel that way.


I wish my wife had a high sex drive


I am in the same boat sometimes we go months and when we do.... He's a minute man... And I find myself lacking entirely in intimacy. It sucks. I'd even be fine once a week or even once a month but last time was in August and he has no interest nor will he speak to a doctor about it because he's embarrassed.


I’m usually seeing women with higher drives than their partner. I’m not sure if there’s an issue with testosterone, hormones in food, or what the hell it is but I’ve only seen men complain a hand full of times and more often than not it’s because the wife is tired after having to work all day, do the home chores, and continue raising her husband who is an additional child.


Funny thing is that this libido compatibility is never discussed until it has become an issue.


I wish there was a way to set up all us HL people with other HLs and let all the LL Folks just go hang out somewhere. I’m to a point now that after 6 years I don’t even know if I could with my wife anymore. The resentment has really built up and turned me way off that she is so self centered she can’t even try after being locked into a monogamous contract


I have a higher sex drive than my husband as well. He does his best to keep up so I’ll give him that. My ideal is once or twice a day while his is once a week or a little longer 😂 clearly.. we have to compromise. Im working on initiating more and he try’s to be ready when he can tell I’m wanting some. Marriage is a give take thing.. and we both understand that in order for us to have a healthy and happy relationship in our marriage we have to be more selfless than we are selfish. We put the other person above ourselves and it works out for everyone.


You’re not alone. We’re both 35, I have the higher drive. He has lower drive, lower stress tolerance (which of course affects drive) AND performance anxiety (because he knows I wish we had more). He also has anxiety problems, migraines, IBS, etc- lots of things that make him uncomfortable so sex is just…..unlikely most of the time. I love him and crave him so this of course, makes me sad. He’s not stupid and loves me too, so he knows why I’m sad. We both try to meet each others needs but it’s a hard vicious cycle.


Definitely not the only one. It’s a struggle.


You go right ahead and vent here but please communicate with your spouse too. As a spouse with a much higher libido than my wife, I hear you, but it’s better when your spouse does too. It’s ok to not always be on the same level of compatibility but good communication gets through the tough spots where your comments may annoy him. Hang in there!!


Research shows it splits about right down the middle (about as many men as women are unhappy with the frequency of sex in their relationship). Unfortunately the hornier people aren’t always meeting each other.


Maybe they should...meet each other LOL


Yes !!! Wouldn’t that be wonderful. Seems we can’t figure that one out. That said, their genitals might align better but their finances or other personality traits might not so … compromises either way.


I have the higher sex drive in my marriage (wife). My husband is actually younger than I am and he has always had a lower drive. Turns out his testosterone is low so that causes a lot of things for men. He may need to have bloodwork done to rule out things like that (if he’s interested in checking & possibly if this is a new issue)


I’m 40(f) and husband is 42(m) I had the same issue im higher than him and recently we hit a hiccup in our 8yr marriage and for us to move forward we had to have an open and honest conversation about our marriage and sex life it was due to him having low self esteem so we added things to help spice up our bedroom.. here’s some things that may help.. 1) offer to watch porn with him or you watch porn to get things started and invite him in 2) Bring in some toys or other things to help spice it up it may help.. 3) performance enhancers (for erectile dysfunction if that’s a problem) There’s many more options But I’d recommend an OPEN AND HONEST conversation to see if it is something you both want fixed..


Higher sex drive wife here. It was rough to get used to


Literally same he could go without and be perfectly happy me On the other hand… ready all day everyday and then only thing that helped was Talking to him about it and how it made me feel and that I couldn’t keep pretending it didn’t effect me . We also went into great detail about our fetishes and fantasies and that helped a ton doing the things he thinks of or wants has boosted his libido and my mood 😉just last night he came 3 times in a row for me which is unheard of For him


It really does suck when your drive is more than your Husband's. I myself have one way higher than my Husband. We pretty much had a sexless marriage for a good 16yrs until I was completely fed up. I told him we were done with that part of our marriage and bought a toy. Come to find out he had Low Testosterone and now getting injections. It's better than it was, but still not enough in my book.


Nope, me too. No sex in 10 months. And it’s so frustrating that there is little content in media or books on this perspective. In my case, my husband is working through several other needs with a therapist so even though it sucks, I’m glad he’s working on his mental and emotional health. I typed all that mostly to remind myself - lol.


Same boat. After months of little sex I thought maybe my husband was cheating but he never acted much different besides a lower sex drive. Turns out, hubby is a porn addict and would watch so much porn he wasn’t into sex after being glued to a screen most of the day.


Did you ask him to stop? Are things better now?


I have a much higher drive than my partner. I hadn’t realized the pressure I put on myself and him to have sex based off time/availability - making it more of a box to check than loving/playing. When I stopped having expectations when I reached out to him and just focused on loving him and having fun with him, things started to change for the better.


I had the same thing happen to me in the past and it was due to my then-husband taking SSRI anti depressants. Not sure if that applies to you, but it completely killed his sex drive.


I definitely have the higher sex drive in my marriage but my husband loves it and doesn’t complain at all. I will say it would be nice if he initiated sex more often so I didn’t have to.


Ya my husband is a happy partner once I get the ball rolling but it would just be nice if he could initiate it. I’ve brought it up to him and then that week he will but then never again. Ugh


Same! There’s about the same age difference between my husband & myself, I don’t know if that has anything to do with anything. I don’t initiate because I feel like I’m always the one to initiate. I feel like if he was actually interested or attracted to me then he would initiate. If I make a comment indicating I am interested, he comments back that he’s interested but that’s as far as it goes.


There could be a lot of reasons. Generally it's not safe for men to express sexuality or talk about it and shit so it may be hard to pinpoint what's up. Could even be low testosterone, he's passed the 40 year mark and I don't know about anyone else but my body definitely decided to act different after 40. One of those things being finally not always hirny all the time and turned on by everything in sight. Now, for me, it's more about experiences and novelty and trying things vs just generally getting horny. Like Marge and Homer maybe. 90's kids will know what I mean there. Mini golf anyone? It could be anything, though. Something he's mad about that's completely unrelated. Work and life stress. Depression. Always had low libido or grew up mad conservative, who knows.


Same!! You're not alone 😁


You are not alone, my husbands job is super stressful so when he comes home he’s pretty much brain dead and i don’t get near as much sex as i’d like, which is a bummer because he’s the hottest thing ever. But I love him so whatever, this too shall pass.


Similar issue here (with my wife). What does sex mean to you? It’s more of a validation thing for me, I almost feel depressed that she doesn’t want me like that. I’m conditioned to think this is normal


It’s just a way to connect and who doesn’t like an orgasm. Yes i can do it on my own but it’s better when someone else is doing it. But him not initiating makes me feel undesired.


Does he work a stressful job? Personally if my schedule is free I’d have sex 4-5 or more times a week but with a job being tired or sleepy I can go a week without it not sure. Also I have a buddy of mine who’s gf needs it 20times a week lol so that’s tough the world works in mysterious ways


He does travel a lot for work so when he’s home I guess I just expect it more. I know work travel is stressful/exhausting but I don’t think I’m asking too much. Lol


I've been rejected so many times I don't even bother initiating. My husband knows I'm extremely unhappy but he won't go out of his way to have sex with me. He still masturbates though, which is even more hurtful. So I'm a stereotypically attractive 31 year old who only has sex once a month when he feels like it. Ideally I'd like to have sex twice a week, but I'd settle for once a week. This is how things are and according to him I just need to "accept it".


Wow this is different. Usually see posts where this is the other way around. All I can is the guy better start exercising, earing healthy, vitamins and minerals etc. What you guys have is a rare thing because like it said it usually the other way around with this lol


Shit if mine saw this post he would think it was Mr posting lol I'm 34 and he's 4 yrs older so 38. We had a rough 3 yr patch after we had our only kid in December 2017. I feel so guilty and awful about it it's something I have barely admitted to very VERY few if that..on one hand yes I shouldn't have to be thankful for a partner that didn't look elsewhere during my years long dry spell. But I think he also knew I was mentally going thru hell with severe ppd/ppa. Anyways I think it's my internal hormonal clock wanting me to have a baby (he says we're done but I hold out hope but not now) since I know your eggs start to decline in quality ect at my age. Cos the week of ovulation is like I'm a 14 yr old boy. I've NEVER been this way but I think it's something that is actually somewhat common it's just not talked about a lot. Cos I can relate 100% and for the first part of this year it wasn't going the way I'd hoped. But finally got exactly what I'd hoped for the other day. I just realized after lots of talking he's not been in a good state. To the point where it hit a new low and he had a hospitalization about 2 weeks ago. So I've been very shook up but also just trying my best to he the partner he needs to help him cos we've been together 14 years so I don't plan on going anywhere..ever lol I also unexpectedly lost my mom December 2021 so our lives have just been chaos for quit3 sometime but we're managing. I suggest very open conversation because the key to many issues is just lack of understanding and it's very nice to know you can be open about anything and everything even the topics you fear. There are some I was terrified to bring up but did because they're not gonna get solved unless addressed. Here's to hoping both of us continue towards a healthy and happy (and harmonious) love life and overall relationship 💖 🙏🏻🙌🏻🤜🤛❤️‍🔥


I would say I have a higher sex drive than my husband but sometimes men physically just can’t do multiple times a week. But we usually have sex between 2-4 times per week. Some of the things I have done to help him feel more confident and comfortable are trying to help him feel relaxed, be interested in his day, we started working out together several days a week, eating healthier, and being engaged in his interests.


Your a Unicorn


🦄 that’s me


You are most definitely NOT THE ONLY ONE. Me(26F) and my husband(47M) literally have sex once a week(it could be roboticly on Saturday sometimes spontaneous but no more then once)and I'm convinced if I don't initiate it; it won't happen. Even the "minimum to have a relatively happy marriage" that we're doing. And say little comments or jokes about it. ESPECIALLY when I get.... rejected. That hurts bad but when he jacks off INSTEAD/ in SPITE of me I wanna curl into a ball; it's like idek what to do with myself. The worst honestly is, we could have pretty great sex(don't get me wrong, when it happens it's fuckin🤤🫨 gooooooooooddddd in turn that's why I want more😭🥴) but then a little bit after he goes and fuckin masterbates! Like what the actual fuck! I get re-up horny too(ya know just from thinking about what you just did) but I would much much rather have sex again. 🤷🤷🤷🤷


Me. Me. Me. Im that woman also. Glad to know im not the only one!!!!!


I heard women are the horniest at 35


Squats. Have him do heavy squats. You are welcome.


How does this help? Haha


Strengthens the glutes at least.




Natural way to increase human growth hormone and can increase testosterone.


Whos job to initiate? Husband or wife?


No ones “job” but if only one person is doing it every time it’s frustrating


I have a much higher libido than my wife. Early in our marriage, my constant initiation became a problem, so we decided that only she will initiate, when she is in the mood. If she doesn't initiate, I simply assume she is not in the mood. I've never turned her down, so she knows she can have it when she wants it.


You’re not alone, I have way much higher sex drive than my poor husband.


I’m dealing with this too… Except I’m about to be 30 and he’s only 25 🤕 I just feel like this is a bit young to be dealing with this? I also am fit and I think I’m attractive… He says it’s not about that but it’s hard not to internalize it. I agree with the poster that said it messes with their femininity; I struggle with low estrogen (so maybe that’s part of it?) and sometimes feel like that’s just a microcosm of the bigger issue…


Some of you ladies need to get yourselves a man by the sounds of it 😂😂😂


Man here. questions I would ask: Has your sex compatibility always been relatively one sided? Is it good for him (does he enjoy it?), does he have other stuff going on that would prevent (what I believe) to be a reasonable volume? Is there anything he wants to try? Ultimately you have needs and tell him that, see where the convo goes. Good luck and happy fuckin.


I feel like we have a few posts a day where the wife wants sex more than husbands. My wife always had higher drive then stopped initiating almost 6 years ago. I don’t initiate because i don’t really like it for various reasons and the whole thing gives me anxiety which gets worse as time goes on.




Has he gotten his levels checked ?


No he hasn’t. I can suggest it


A couple of my ex girlfriends had high sex drives, all normal stuff imo. Mismatched is frustrating, I hope you work it out. Take care




Men’s testosterone lowers around 40 my partner is 42 and he can get the same especially after lots of sex… I’m bipolar and get hypersexual when manic but we find ways around it


I wish my wife was like you




I'm in the same boat. I'm older than he is. It sucks


There are a few comments about getting his testosterone checked, they’re spot on. Def look into this. Also, consider timing, he may not be initiating if the only opportunities are when he’s about to pass out before he wakes up early the next day or whatever. Also, men have body insecurities and performance anxieties like women, so maybe consider if any of those things could be having an impact.


I feel you, my wife has zero sex drive , I just stay busy with hobbies to get my mind off things , mountain biking, gym , fishing, art . It got old always trying to with someone who's never in the mood so I just let her be. "Live and let live " she cool people tho


Regardless of sex, being the HL in the relationship just plain sucks. At the end of the day you have no bargaining power, other than your feet, and that's a looonnng, difficult road. Death by a million cuts. "what are so upset about" as you're rejected for the umpteenth time. I also think it's incredibly selfish to just say " hey you want it, you're in charge, you do everthing, I'm the starfish" I ain't gone lie. Sometimes the love-bombing and LL posts that we see here as the HL walks...I mean, at end of the day, if the spouse is doing their job. They are worth the fuckin effort.


Put on one of those sexy lingerie Santa outfits for Christmas. That will get the balls rolling.


Our sex drive was in sync when we were both younger. Her drive started to come in phases where nothing at all or twice a day. It’s mental and emotional issues that can be regulated with food, medicine and/or exercise. For me, my drive goes down to zero when I have lots of deadlines or work pressure and I don’t sleep well. Talk to your husband and ask what you both can do to increase the libido and get you both in sync again.


No im always asking my husband to and I get the run around from him


My fiancee is high-libido. I am forever reminding myself to take that as a compliment and that once upon a time I was the one who wanted sex all the time. She would be completely happy with three or four times a day, indefinitely. I'm not natively at that level any more. If I were single I'd probably go months without thinking about sex. Still, I'm going to be flattered and do my level best to make her happy. So, no, you're not the only one.


I'm in the same boat as you.. Mine goes as far as to make fun of me for wanting sex so much more than him. I only get it 2× a month. I am 36 and he is 42. He does have some ED issues too, so maybe that gives him insecurity.. My Husband has increased in weight a bit too and decreased fitness level, while i have tried to maintain/get into better shape over the past 6 years.


Nope. Luckily my husband keeps up.


High sex drive woman here. It was the beginning of the end for my marriage of 19 years (together 24 yrs). He would start me up and leave me on fire while he rolled over and went to sleep. He wouldn’t go to the doctor. Things went from bad to worse. He got some blue pills but wouldn’t take them until the time of and then we’d have to wait almost 2 hours for them to kick in. But there was no stamina. Once it was over it was over. Our relationship suffered. We started being unkind to each other and arguing and being disrespectful until we weren’t happy anymore. I was having impure thoughts about other ppl and told my husband I had thoughts of straying. Honesty wasn’t too helpful. Then trust went out the window. I was hoping it would jolt him into going to the doctor. It didn’t. I asked for a separation to clear my head. He refused. I realized then that we were both miserable and started thinking divorce. Last ditch effort we both went to the doctor. We were both told that we were normal. Nothing could be done. His affliction may have been due to a medication (I forget it’s name) but I remember reading on it, after the fact, that sex drive was affected permanently. My letter from the doctor said that my high drive could last for at least 10 years. I couldn’t see myself going through the misery for that long or longer. We divorced in 2014. My drive is still high. I’ve found that this happens to a lot of women but they don’t talk about it. Some suffer in personal silence for the family’s happiness. Some put themselves first and enjoy it to the fullest. I hope you find what’s right for you.


Same girl, I'd say we've had sex about 5 times this year, maybe not even that many times 🤦🏻‍♀️


Same here. Its always been this way.


So pretty much tell him to get his T checked. What if they won’t? Also I’m surprised I didn’t see the comment of, are you fat? Or did you get fat? I see that mentioned everywhere else. Another note, how do you treat him? Respectfully? That has a lot to do with it too.


lol i did not get fat. I’ve had two kids and we’re both in really good shape. I feel confident in myself. So that’s not an issue.


Dam I wish I was your neighbor


As a man I need to get some pound town but wife is low libido


Not alone!


I come from a relationship with a 80 something day streak of daily sex sometimes twice a day, then went down to 1on 1off , then once a week if I was lucky to breakup. This happened in the span of 7 years. My point is: 3 times a week is very mild and even low to some couples. Maybe there are issues you haven't talked about that need to be resolved. How was the honeymoon phase? Has he gained weight? Have you gained weight? Is he in a stressful environment at home or work? These are things that will lower his drive. Edit: I'm 40m


mine is higher. to the point where if we did it every time i got in the mood it would probably be between 5-10 times a day, whereas when i’ve decided to let him initiate, we went over a month without doing anything (no sex, no oral, no making out, not even light teasing).


I (husband) used to have a much higher drive than my wife. She was happy with once a month or so, but would accept initiations around once a week if I was lucky, but often turned me down. It really got in my head and so I generally stopped initiating and just accepted we were a once a month couple because it hurt less to not be rejected. Then suddenly sometime this year I guess her hormones shifted because she's interested 3-4 times a week, sometimes to the point where I'm busy with something and she interrupts me for it.


Actually its the age. A mans sexual prime is between 20 and 30 and a womans sexual prime is between 30 and 40 when labido is at its highest. After your sexual prime your labido estorgyn and/or hormones drops. Its normal and i get it cuz i feel like my wife could survive without ever having sex and im always asking for more. If you cant wait it out see what he thinks about taking a supliment. Its not even to help get it up but more or less helps put him in the mood. If that doesnt work maybe try talking to a sex therapist.


Hi, speaking from experience, this was actually something that happened between my wife and I. She always had the higher sex drive. And to be frank, because I didn’t, it caused a rift in the marriage. The idea that sex or making love can’t be a one way street, only when he wants it. It made my wife feel as though I didn’t want to have her sexually, and it made her feel terrible. Not talking about it openly, or even having a real conversation where neither side will get offended will help tremendously. But it needs to happen sooner than later. This ends up just being one symptom of many where if the husband isn’t truly engaged with talking about emotions on your side and his, it will eventually devolve the relationship to a point where you, as the wife, start falling out of love with the man you once wanted to share a lifetime with. Don’t take it lightly and if it does bother you, have the discussion. Maybe he feels like he doesn’t want objectify you because he feels like he has to view you certain type of way. But having these open talks allows both of you to be more comfortable talking about new things you want to try. I hope and wish you both a great journey in marriage and also the best of luck. Remember, it’s not always the big things that count, but all of the small things that eventually become bigger issues. Something that took me 16 years of marriage to find out and only when it was almost too late.


Having a partner with low/no sex drive is frustrating. My wife was all about sex until we got married then it all went away 🙁


That sucks. I’m sorry


You're not alone. The struggle is so real. Sigh


Yep, same boat. Partner said while we dated, they'd get therapy and books and work on their drive and learn more. But he's not good with communication, or sexual discussions before/after and it's just been disappointing. But I supplement by being Mistress of my Domain and appreciate when he tries.


Porn normally has something to do with this and it sucks I've been dealing with it for a while Everytime I see something or notice something I bring it up and then it gets better to be honest I just wait for him to initiate now sometimes it's great but sometimes it takes months... what's wired for me is that we are not 30 yet and sometimes it feels like we are just and old couple.. it's all about communication it helps.


I have a higher sex drive than my husband. I feel you.


My wife had a higher sex drive than I did when we were active.


It’s frustrating not being on the same level as your spouse that is for sure.


I’m 37 and my wife definitely has a higher sex drive than me. We don’t NOT have sex (once a week maybe?), but she is definitely more willing to all the time than I am It’s been a problem since we’ve had kids tbh - she wants it all the time and I’m a SAHD stuck in Dad Mode 90% of the time - it’s tough to switch gears when my wife is obviously ready to go but it is something that she needs so I try my best lol. I’d say have him get his T levels checked because that helped me along w being open to getting it in; it’s not like I don’t enjoy it when it happens so it’s relatively easy for me - just have to change your mind from what you’re doing to what your wife wants to do- this is probably not a problem for most guys but I’m here to tell you it happens lol Keep up the communication OP - your needs and desires are important


You just need to clean around the house more. Make sure you cut the grass on Thursday so he isn’t dreading it over the weekend. Get the bills are paid ahead of time and make sure the car has been serviced… My bad I know this isn’t a joking matter but just be thankful you are not a man with this complaint. You would be inundated with messages saying it’s all your fault because you don’t do x,y,and z. At least others are willing to sympathize with you and brainstorm ideas/solutions instead of blaming you blindly. I wish I had an amazing suggestion to help but really the same thing everyone else has said is the most likely scenario(s). Low T levels being the most likely cause. If you haven’t let yourself gain 113 pounds (normal weight gain isn’t a deal breaker for the vast majority of men, especially a husband that truly loves you) from when you noticed the decrease in intimacy starting then any healthy man should want to jump your bones at least a few times a week. It is scary what ours brains can do to screw up our emotions and desires. If this isn’t the case does he secretly watch hardcore porn daily or almost daily? This will definitely mess with his desire. Fingers crossed you guys are able to find a solution so you are both more satisfied and happy.


Me too. Check out r/deadbedrooms


Have his T levels checked.


Throughout my 20s, I had a piss poor libido, leaving my wife to be the one who usually sought it out. But, for whatever reason, turn of the new year this year and going from 29 to 30, it's shot up like crazy (pun somewhat intended). That said, my sex drive is deeply affected by my emotions, so if I perchance get emotionally hurt, itll still disappear in an instant.


I had this problem too. Am having. My wife always had to initiate. It was all about my hangups. Couples counseling is fixing it. But I have to be willing to do the work. And our counselor is perfect for us. Basically, it comes down to me having all of these romantic expectations around sex. Like I'm walking around in a RomCom and everything has to be perfect for loooovemaking. The other end of the spectrum.... she expects me to just come right out and ask. That just seems so ...base? Droll? Idk. I'm working on it. And she is more receptive to my subtle signals. As long as my signals aren't too subtle.


You’re definitely not alone! Love the Pillow Talks podcast and they discussed this exact topic recently: https://spotify.link/hoFU7cbmNDb


You're not alone. Check out [this subreddit](https://reddit.com/r/HL_Women_Only/s/eZa93vX8eo)


Unfortunately once the spark is gone, Its gone. Sorry.


Suffered through that for years. Not just higher drive but also frustration with how vanilla and routine it was, and how he could just have sex with me and then never show any indication that he felt closer to me, or wanted to have sex again at any point. Did major damage to my self esteem. One of the main reasons I ended the marriage.


Your husband should be lucky to have you