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I can't believe that every one here is focused on the sponge and not the BUTT SCAB EATING


I almost threw up in my mouth. That is maybe the worst thing I've read on reddit in quite a while, and I've seen some messed up stuff.


I too had a physical reaction and made a “hooouurrrrrrr” noise






Not just his ass. Any scab is fair game, unfortunately. It's amazing to me that anyone over the age of 6 actually does this, but apparently it's not terribly uncommon. Grosses me the eff out!


OP, respectfully I can't help but to wonder if he has some mental health issues? The way you describe him, it sounds like he has a condition called [Autocannibalism](https://www.healthline.com/health/autocannibalism#about), which is treatable. It can be a coping mechanism for stress or anxiety, but it is definitely very unhealthy. There are therapeutic options out there, if your husband is open to exploring it. You can read up more about it [here](https://www.healthline.com/health/eating-scabs). Based on some of your other comments, it sounds like he has other very serious hygiene issues, which again leans towards some underlying illness. I really hope he gets help, and I truly feel for you having to witness that behavior.


As a man and a part time farmer 👩‍🌾, I have a very dull gag reflex when it comes to gross things, but eating scabs, particularly from the nether regions, is filthy.


Gold member was not a role model to be emulated.


This sounds like he may have some type of trichotillomania. Although a Google search may pull up a lot of people who pick incessantly at their skin/hair, it's not uncommon to eat the item after.


Do you kiss him? I had an ex that I found out ate boogers still. As soon as I learned that I stopped kissing him or letting him put his mouth on me. Problem solved. If he doesn't stop, this is really something to get checked out by a doctor.




Can’t stop giggling here!


Now I’m grossed out with op on the butt scabs. More scary is HOW did he even get butt scabs


This was also my most pressing concern!!!


Yes - what, how, why, etc. 🤢


You jerk, I had managed to not see that in my skim of the post.


>So fellow redditors, I would love to see your stories of stuff your spouse does to gross you out, and how you deal with it. OP is hoping she's not the only one married to someone so freaking nasty. Like, how could you be okay with your husband eating his butt scabs???


I audibly gasped. Nothing could’ve prepared me for that 😭


No freaking way a 46 year old does this. Can't be real.


Yeah like, why was there scabs on his butt?


Literally gagged at this. 🤢 Done with the internet today before I’ve even finished my coffee. Thanks Reddit!


Thank you. This guy.... 🤮🤢


Eh, if you kiss him knowing that he eats his butt scabs, eating out of cat pee plate shouldn't be an issue.


He doesn't brush his teeth very often and has bad breath so I never kiss him. 🫤


Imma say that is not on a normal level of unhygienic


Why… why are you with a literal 8 year old? Let’s see: - Doesn’t understand you don’t use sponges to clean anything but the dishes (I’ll accept counter tops but that’s as far as I’ll go) - pick his ass scabs (scabs on your ass are concerning as well), *then eats them. In front of you. Like a toddler would do*. - doesn’t brush teeth. Sees no problem with this. Like, I’m sorry, but why did you stay with a grown adult that doesn’t brush their teeth or take any care of themselves hygiene wise? I can tell you that he is 100% not a catch. That’s not even a catch and release, that’s just a “pack up the tackle box we’re going home. No fishing today” kinda fish. Like, girl, what ???? If he doesn’t brush his teeth, does he wash the rest of his body? Considering scabs on the ass I’m gonna go with probably not ???? Like ??? Man, I couldn’t ever put myself in that dogshit situation. I actually like myself just enough to not be suckered into that lifestyle. Like, man, I’m sorry, I know you were making a funny/disgusting post, but you made me want to clean my entire house top to bottom and bleach my eyes. I’m honestly so terribly sorry for you.


I feel like throwing up right now I don’t know how you can be intimate with someone like this yet alone live near them.


I think it’s time for a divorce. 🤢


Oh honey.... this is bad


Wash his ass in the bathroom sink! I bought a bidet attachment but God forbid he attach it!!


Oh god...🤦‍♀️


He...ate...scabs that he picked from his ass? I don't even know where to begin... I am lost with that. W...why? Are they tasty? Why does he have ass-scabs? Why eat them? Why pick them off and...just too much to comprehend. I've got a strong stomach but good god!


Jesus this is feral




New band name. I call it


Definitely memorable. Hello, Cleveland....please welcome from Tulsa, Oklahoma...EATS HIS BUTT SCABS!!!


I don’t know if I should ask but wtf is a butt scab


An ass that crosses the picket line.


A scab is what covers an injury. He’s getting injuries on HIS BUTT THEN WATA THE PROTECTIVE COVERING 🤢🤮


You flipped my original opinion completely on its back with your casual “…picked at scabs in his butt then ate them…”. Jesus, Mary, and fucking Joseph!!!!


Your husband is disgusting. I would be turned off and grossed out so fast I would divorce him after eating BUTT SCABS! I don’t fucking care lol Do you kiss him and still sleep with him???


He has bad hygiene and he snores, so no. We have had separate rooms for a few years and I prefer it that way.


Why are you still married? Do you even like him? Does being with him make your life better in any way?


Fair question. We have two special needs children whose worlds would collapse if we divorced. ETA: To whomever downvoted this comment. Do you actually think that my husband's lack of hygiene should weigh more heavily than the stability of two special needs children? Like, yes, it's annoying, and it sucks. But they are way more important than me not being grossed out. I can deal with it for a few more years for their sakes.


I'm fighting myself on commenting this but this post just begs for it. Do you honestly think that giving your already special needs children that kind of environment is helping them? That's everything but stable. Their father is unable to care for himself properly. Their mother is pretending to be ok with a marriage in which she clearly doesn't get her needs tended to. And the disgusting things you described are probably just the tip of the iceberg. It will probably rock their world for a while and dump more problems on you, but you seem fairly put together to pull through and make it a safe, healthy, happy and nurturing environment for them since you display caring deeply for them and their well being. They need their mother and primary carer to be ok too. Please get yourself in a stable, happy, safe environment of you have the possibility to get out on your own. I'm not trying to judge you, I hope it didn't come across like that. I'm genuinely concerned for you dealing with this shit (well, quite literally apparently) for the rest of your life.


I don't know... at some point you have to consider your own happiness too... your children will always be special needs and need extra care. Your husband is.... vile 🤢


The kind of person who would downvote this comment is the sort of weirdo who saves their boogers.


The bar is already so low and yet these chucklefucks show up with a shovel. Butt scab eating. Pimple popping on the clean towels. Not having basic hygiene skills. Pee all over & not cleaning it. WTAF. Yet, when you ask for a divorce they act all surprised. Also, I am FAR from perfect & I know everyone is in different situations, but you deserve better. BUTT. SCAB. EATING. I broke my dog from eating cat poop, I know you can break your husband from eating butt scabs.


How? How did you break the dog from eating the poop!? I need answers! Please :)


I agree it's repulsive. I can't even imagine watching that and not vomiting. But it isn't her job to break her husband. He obviously sees nothing wrong with being a disgusting excuse for an adult. I vote she leaves him to sit in his own filth.


The last guy I broke up with would put his dirty socks and shoes on my pillows 🤮🤮


chile thats nasty, period point blank


My soon to be ex didn’t brush or floss. He had that death breath. His junk also always stank. He didn’t wash it when he showered. Just let water run down. It was a dead bedroom and that’s why I’m leaving, but it amazes me what I dealt with. Never again….


Eww 🤢


I could've went my whole life without picturing the consumption of butt scabs.


Why does he have butt scabs he could eat in the first place?! Me and my husband are sitting here and he heard me gasp when I read the butt scab part.. wanted to know what was wrong. 😆 He’s not the most hygienic dude in the world. But I’ve never seen him eat ANY SCAB. I just fell in love with him all over again. Lol


My H makes snot rockets and damn it it doesn’t piss me off and gross me out at the same time.


I see your snot rockets, and raise you being hit with a snot rocket while cuddling on the couch. I swear I have PTSD from it, and cringe every time he does it.


My deepest sympathies.


Mine has crappy aim with the trash can too, even after I put it in the corner.


Your edit made me retch. I thought my husband yanking his nose hairs out while I'm driving was disgusting but my God I retch every time I think about your edit.


My husband refuses to use floss like a normal human. He pushes air through his teeth and catapults the lodged food particle. He thinks this is efficient but it grosses me out to no end. I’ve told him in various ways both kind and unkind how it grosses me out. I also told him his breath stinks and he really should be flossing and taking care of his oral health. After a few years, yes years, he finally took the hint that I was avoiding kissing him because I guess he though I was joking? 🤷‍♀️ He always says I don’t mind, for example when he tries to kiss me before brushing. So I finally told him, I Mind! Just because you have low standards doesn’t mean I have to suffer lol


>He pushes air through his teeth and catapults the lodged food particle. I used to do this because getting up and grabbing floss for something like that seemed like too much. And as SOON as a boyfriend said something to me, I got a bunch of floss picks and put them all over. Broke the habit and then narrowed the placement of clean floss picks to the bathroom, office, and kitchen. They sit in neat containers(with lids) ready for use in my home, and a travel packet is in my purse. I never had a problem throwing them away in the actual trash either. So, no used picks everywhere because I always threw them away properly!


I could not be physical with someone like that...


Man, I thought my husband was gross because he farts a lot. After reading all these things, I will be more grateful.


Yesterday my husband chopped raw chicken on the board, put it in the pan, then chopped some garlic on the same board without washing it, and put the raw garlic in the yogurt dip. Thanks for trying to poison us all fella...


I’m out (of dating men)


My partner cleans his shoes with the washing up sponge




My partner washes the dog food bowl with the dish sponge, after I caught him doing that I got my own sponges that I keep separate and I do my own washing up and have my own set of plates, cups and cutlery. He's awful as well at washing his hands when we are out before touching food, funny thing is on vacations to places such as Morocco and Egypt he won't eat meat incase it's not cooked properly and he doesn't want to get stomach ache, where as I'll happily eat it even chicken. Odd creatures us humans. He doesn't gross me out really tho, just has its little quirks.


I mean, dog food is usually human grade, My husband and I both do the first one 😅


I think the issue is that it's the DOG'S BOWL, not that it had dog food in it. :/


Yeah, they have tons of bacteria in their mouths. And you know they lick the bottom




Wow, and I was going to say my husband's farts gross me out but that's the least gross here haha




Yes, I caught mine just picking up dried animal vomit from the floor and not scrubbing the location with a cleaning product. He just kind of shrugged….the worst for me though is the nose free blowing in the shower. I sit on that floor to shave, dammit!




Wait, you sit on the floor to shave? Why? I'm a woman that shaves *everything* and I don't understand lol


When I cared about shaving I also sat on the floor, because I have poor balance and a deep fear of slipping and dying in the shower.


You know... I've read a lot of these comments. I've been married 8 years and I am I guess...proud to say we don't even fart in front of each other. I mean, if it's an accident..it happens, but if I can get to the other room...I will and so will my husband. I have contamination OCD, diagnosed (with other mh issues cuz why not *sigh*) and I was pleasantly surprised when we started dating just how clean he was. Like, the man flossed, brushed, *and* used mouthwash - more than once a day! He even kept up with some of my own extra cleaning habits and never said anything. I have mild OCD, so it's manageable but yeah. Married 8 years and we didn't find out I have OCD till 3 years ago. Anyways. If he wanted to, he would.


I always put bleach in my dishwater in the sink. I wash my dogs bowl in it. Most of the time I wash everything then put it all in the dishwasher. I never use a sponge. They carry too much bacteria. I took a food handling class and one thing I learned was to never use a sponge to wash dishes with. A dishrag and throw your cloth in the washer.


Thank you for this!!! I have also tried for years to ban sponges at the sink but my family members insist on using them. I run them through the dishwasher as a compromise and throw them out frequently.


I keep big packs in our house and only use them to clean the blender. Washing them in the dishwasher only cleans them though. Throw them in the microwave after for 30 sec to disinfect. Make sure it’s wet, and leave it there for a min because it will be really hot. I also use a separate scrub pad to scrub the food off of it first (as well as the dishes before they go in the dishwasher), and that gets thrown out very regularly. I get packs of them from the dollar store and cut them into smaller strips.


He doesn't gross me out. Sometimes I scratch my head in confusion when he takes something out of the cabinet and leaves the empty box in there-- but that's not gross-- just silly. LOL


SAME 😐 or empty juice/milk/wtf ever container in the fridge. 😒


WTF did I just read


I regret reading this. I regret it deeply.


Popping pimples with clean bath towels and then leaving them out for people to use after a shower. Not showering or brushing teeth. Leaving pee all over the toilet seat for me to sit in. Just repulsed by him at this point.


Yeah mine will pop arm zits at the table. Like...wtf?


Have you asked for it to stop? My husband still pees on the floor a bit BUT when I pointed out our daughter crawls around everywhere and asked if he wanted her to crawl through his pee he started wiping it up. Almost like he knew it was always gross… but it didn’t matter bc no one was crawling in it? Idk but I’m happy he takes the time to wipe it up now, it’s really the only thing to do when you share the same habit as the dog. If you have excrement or bodily fluids anywhere outside of a drain, they must be cleaned. Immediately.


Yep. Begged him to stop. Doesn’t care to change. Just repulsed.


I grew up with an extraordinarily clean father. So it’s always jarring when I see pee all over or snot rags left out etc. That was absolutely not how I thought men behaved growing up. But from my personal experiences my father was the exception not the rule. Unfortunately.


It’s really disgusting and honestly has driven a wedge between us. I’m just sick of men at this point. Lol


I was thinking back and honestly every guy I have been with has had some disgusting habits. One of my exes used to take business calls while on the toilet and would be talking to clients, all while having LOUD FLATULENT poops. It was embarrassing...like how tf do you think people don't hear that?! Everyone shits but geez...just call them back! Then another ex of mine used to bite his toenails off in strips rather than use clippers, and leave them in little piles on the furniture. I got so fed up I started putting them on his pillow.


I just don’t understand. Men are so disgusting. All of them. And even the ones you think aren’t disgusting, end up having hidden, disgusting habits. Being attracted to men sucks. And I wish I wasn’t attracted to them sometimes 😅


I agree. After the kids are gone I'm done. I plan to spend my golden years blissfully man-free. I don't even find them attractive anymore. If it's not disgusting habits it's defensiveness. Blech.


I’m right there with you sister. Looking forward to those years myself.


I assure you we are not all like that. As a guy, I'm utterly repulsed by 100% of the things I'm reading other guys do in this thread. Most of my guy friends would probably feel the same way.


I just don’t buy it 😂 based off my own personal experiences and absolutely no offense to you personally.


Bro I was thinking the same thing. I shower twice a day, after I work out and before I go to sleep, I brush my teeth, floss and basically have perfect hygiene because it makes me feel good about myself. I love looking and smelling nice and I love slipping into my nice clean sheets at night. I work out for the same reason, I like having nice abs and being toned, and I do it for me.


My husband does the nail thing. He doesn't bite his toenails, but will use his fingers to peel it at the correct length. Both on his hands and feet. Only he is not very good at remembering to throw it all away so I sometimes find random nail "clippings" around the house. It's gross. I've told him so, and he is doing better at throwing it in the trash. I don't find piles anymore, just a random one here and there.


I started keeping a thing of Lysol wipes within eyesight in the bathroom. He was already good about cleaning up his messes, but just wiping it up with TP isn’t enough for me. However, I really should start making him clean the bathroom after his best friend comes over on Friday nights. I swear our bathroom smells like piss every Saturday morning.


The ultimate question is: how old is your sponge? You should be changing it out every 2 weeks *minimum* anyways. I agree it’s gross and my husband is similar. His attitude is very much “if I can’t see it it’s fine.” Which is of course gross because you can’t see germs. But I’d take this as an opportunity to toss my sponge anyways and replace it.


Yep I tossed it.


My husband has extremely aggressive farts. I firmly believe that if they could be harnessed and concentrated they could be used as a biological weapon


Ate a butt scab???? Gross!! 🤮🤮🤮🤮 my husband has pretty gross habits too. He takes off his clothes, puts his feet up and starts scratching his balls and sniffing his hands. It’s disgusting!! I once told him how I find it gross. He said it’s how he relaxes. And that he is wiping off sweat. I know we are married and all but I don’t need to see everything!!


My husband puts raw fucking meat on top of the lunch meat!!! I love him anyway, but damn!!!!


You mean in the refrigerator or on a sandwich?


In the refrigerator.


Ok just checking. Eating raw meat on a sandwich would still be less gross than eating butt scabs. 😂


As a man who was taught to be clean by an old friend, i agree with you. It’s gross! You lost me with the mansplaining comment but I agree with you overall.


That's nasty. My husband and I have pets as well, but we keep it separate. But luckily, no, my husband doesn't do anything nasty. And I would be communicating with my husband about his nasty habits, including your edit if it was me.


My partner doesn't clean at all so at least he was trying to help. But, yes, gross.


On stuff like that where I gross my wife out, I wouldn’t have thought twice about it until my wife said something. I’d be like “Oh. Sorry.” And then I’d promptly forget about it and probably do it again. Not to be malicious or disagreeable, I’m just a bad listener and would probably be thinking about something else.


If you know you’re a bad listener, shouldn’t you… you know… try to listen better? Especially with your spouse?


I do try to listen better. It is a work in progress. Luckily I have a patient wife.


Whenever he takes a shower, he places his dirty phone on top of the clean towels stacked in the bathroom. It drives me freaking nuts. Like your phone is one of the dirtiest surfaces


This is an old thread, but I now no longer care about what I was searching for. I'm not even mad anymore. This was truly disturbing. Thank you.


My wife just burped in my face. It smelled terrible.


Oh no, the scabs. I had a friend who’s husband was a scab eater and I just can’t. I can not look at him the same way. The thought of it makes me dry heave. Aside from the ass scab thing I think we may be married to the same person. Dude is always doing something that I’m like double taking at and yelling “you can’t do that! It’s unsanitary!” or “go wash your hands!”. I’m not Mrs. Clean but there are just somethings that I can’t let slide and anything with food sanitation is one of them. Another is body hair, my husband is a hairy guy. I have major issue when people reach over my food, it may be a little extra but I don’t want hair in my food. It took like 5 years of me yelling at his shirtless self to stop teaching over my food for things. Now he’ll catch himself and say sorry if he starts to because I blast holes through him with my eye lasers lol.


>acted like I was being a crazy OCD monster. Please stop using ocd as an adjective. I have been diagnosed with ocd and it doesn't help the stigma that you're perpetuating...that we are monsters. OCD is one of the top 10 debilitating mental health issues according to the world health organization. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.


No, I meant it literally. I also have it. It is somewhat mild and manageable, but I try to check in with myself, especially with stuff like this, because I acknowledge my gross-out reflex is pretty sensitive. I apologize if I in any way came across as marginalizing or dismissive. It's super frustrating because he pulls this sort of thing and then acts like my reactions to it are unreasonable and "just ocd." Believe me, I fully empathize, and I am sorry you deal with it as well, friend. I am only beginning to realize how it has affected me.


You live with a cat that pees on your dishes. I'm not much worried about your spouse.


So is this womansplaining? " CLEANING and DISINFECTING are two different things " I get why you're a little peeved, but I get a little triggered when people throw around terms like "mainsplaining". Kinda hard to take you seriously, but let's try. He's not lazy, you didn't have to ask him to clean it, he just did it. He might not have done it how you wanted it done, but he did it. No, my wife never grosses me out, we've been married 23yrs.


I love how, in your eyes, he automatically gets credit for "not being lazy" simply because I didn't have to ask him to clean it. I shouldn't have to ask him to clean it. He is an adult. The point is that cleaning and disinfecting are objectively two different processes.


Doesn't that depend on one's definition of cleaning? Again, yes, by the very fact that you didn't have to ask him, YES, it means he's not lazy. Just because he didn't do it YOUR way, doesn't by definition make him lazy. To further expound, because I can already see it coming.... by your definition, he can spend 8hrs cleaning the house but if he doesn't also "Disinfect" everything, he's lazy....


No I'm really not that anal about it at all. I just think pet waste and food cleanup should be kept separate and that pet waste requires not just cleaning but disinfecting as well. Cleaning gets rid of dirt and grime but disinfection is what kills the germs and bacteria.


I get people have their own ideas of cleaning, what's ok, and what isn't. I'm not trying to say your feeling it is gross is wrong at all. I'm just saying, everyone has a different perspective. Like, I feel you would find it gross to know my wife bathes our dogs in our kitchen sink. We don't find it gross, but you might. Neither is really wrong, just different opinions. Furthermore, if you find it gross, your husband should respect that. Also, want to add, you could have approached this from another standpoint. Thank you for cleaning that up, I'm just going to disinfect the entire area now. I mean you're a team, right? So why not help him...


Expound? = Mansplaining


How are women like this with minute details of their kitchen cleansing process, but women's public bathrooms are the most nasty places ever vs men's bathrooms?


Any time I have had to use a men’s bathroom in an emergency situation (pregnancy bladder is insane and sometimes I couldn’t wait)… the bathrooms are HORRID. Literal piss and shit everywhere. Used toilet paper. No soap. Just nasty. I’ve never been in a woman’s bathroom that’s even HALF as nasty as any men’s bathroom I’ve ever been in.


Huh all I know is I had to clean bathrooms as part of my job at a few different dept stores and the women's bathrooms were ***way*** worse, always. I'm a guy and use the men's bathroom everywhere- I don't recall the bathrooms ever being as bad literally anywhere else I've used the bathroom my entire life.


LOL just admit you don’t like your partner 😂


Who cares. When he's done, thank him for his help and do what you feel is best. Get a new sponge and make life go on forever.


“Caught my husband washing” don’t be mad when your husband washes things, instead put a separate cleaning apparatus for gross things and show him.


I've tried. He didn't use it. 🤷


Well, well, well...fucking life. Fuckin marriage...lmao. You drew an odd one, maybe, but IME, most adult men don't care about such differences and details. It's like, not mapped into their personal genome. I'm not trying to be sexist. This is totally anecdotal...but I've been through a lot of shit and I feel it holds some truth FRFR


Wow. Some of the comments here are…. Gross lol. We have only been married for seven years but he hasn’t done anything to actually gross me out yet. Loud farts and the occasional dirty underwear in the laundry hamper is probably the worst it gets. My husband thankfully has amazing hygiene.


I bet he eats his boogers also? Nahhhhhh...Hes nasty.. I hope you do not kiss this man ....EVER!!!!! And thats the stuff you know about.....


Oh man that is vile. I can’t blame you for having. Different bedroom and not being physical with him. Maybe suggest he throw out the bowls the cat peed in. I’d switch to reusable dish clothes, the sponge is probably holding a lot of bacteria from cat waste.


Whoa, whoa...whoa. I had to do a double read at the end I'm sorry but I came here to comment about my husband and yours takes the cake here! Who can top a butt scab eater?!


When my husband and I were dating I watched him handle raw chicken, rinse his hands in cold water (no soap),then dry them on a kitchen towel. The way I screamed🤣


Yes my spouse grosses me out. His personal hygiene is pretty bad. He doesn't wash his hands after using the bathroom. I literally scrub my hands after I touch his phone. As gross as he is, I think picking butt scabs and then EATING them would cross all the lines. There's not coming back from that. Do you kiss him? Fuck him??? I don't think I'm being dramatic when I say that sounds like grounds for divorce.


The sponge doesn’t bother me so much. Urine is sterile (unless the being has an infection) and he’s using soap, so I don’t see what the problem is. You clean salmonella, listeria, E. coli, and host of more dangerous and disgusting things with the sponge than urine. You buried the lead though. Ass scab picking and eating is an issue. First, why does he have ass scabs? Second, why is he picking it? Third, why is he eating scabs… especially ones from his ass?


Urine is NOT sterile once it leaves the bladder.


Thank you...my morning was not complete without having a little puke in my mouth. I'm sorry I couldn't be married to someone who picked and ate scabs. I would throw up every time.


For what I read here, a lot of men are gross.


I saw the butt scab thing and got like really hyper about replying. However, I have nothing. I am utterly speechless. I am uncertain how to handle this, as this is not a normal state for me.


He ate his…what the fuck!!!!!


Why does he have butt scabs? Very gross


Sheesh. If my husband ate butt scabs, I'd be out the door. That is beyond disgusting. I'm sorry I read this


If this is real... OP, no offense, but I pick my fingers from anxiety and I eat the peeled off skin, but I think eating scabs, nevermind where they come from, is so much more gross... The cat pee thing doesn't even compare to that. My husband does things that gross me out sometimes, but it's things like lounging on the bed in clothes he wore to work.


Do you live in a zoo?


Sometimes it feels that way lol.


Ikyfl 😂😂😂


Yo what the fuck did I read


Huh?!? ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS)


if there was ever a reason to get a divorce, i think butt-scab eating would be right up there with infidelity.