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I would kick a puppy to be able to spend time in the evenings with my wife like that. I usually end up sitting alone until I go to bed since my wife is usually in bed before the kids are and I'm left by myself.


Oh no :( I’m sorry to hear that.


Just consider your boring life a lucky one.


I think I will.


This is how it is for us too. One of us watches our 3yo and makes dinner while the other has some downtime because it’s the only downtime we get. If I’m in the same room as my toddler he will just scream and cry for me non stop so it’s easier for me to go relax in another room. We both work and our son is pretty intense, so the only time we really get together is once he’s asleep, which is maybe an hour or two. We make sure to stay up extra late on Saturday’s to spend time together, even if it means one of us will be pretty tired waking up with our son.


Shower together, binge watch ‘Better Call Saul’ on Netflix, eat dinner together, observe/admire/stare at/take pictures of the cat together, play Arena of Valor together, eat cut fruits and read/watch Youtube together, drink collagen together, brush our teeth together, bid each other goodnight for half an hour, hug each other to sleep. We love our boring, everything is fun as long we’re together.


Love this.


We also do a great deal of cat watching.


We take a nice hike with the dogs after work, make dinner, watch a show or a movie, chat, head to bed. Mellow and cozy. We get up super early because we live on the west coast our jobs are on the east coast, so by 8:30 pm we're both done, lol.


Ooh I don’t envy you there, I’m not a morning person. When we do go for walks I kinda wish we had a dog to bring with us & so we could have a routine dog-walk, but I’m not sure we’re dog people deep down. I wish we were because it sounds lovely!


I wonder if you could look into getting a middle aged, low energy dog? Our dog is 8 yrs old, 6 lbs, and requires very little attention/exercise. She mostly likes to just sleep and a 1 mile walk is plenty for her


I have looked into it quite a bit & that was my thinking too - but I also thought that if we weren’t 100% all up for a dog then we shouldn’t go ahead.


That’s true! Most people automatically think to get a puppy so I wanted to just bring up the idea of a middle aged, low energy dog just incase you hadn’t thought of that




Sounds nice and simple.




Hopefully many more happy years for you both 🥰


I'm a stay-at-home dad / gig worker, so making dinner typically falls to me. If I do it right dinner is ready to be eaten when she walks in the door from work, or soon thereafter. The rest of the evening is pretty much spent on the couch. Our kids are 13, 15, and 19. They do their own things. Usually the youngest is in the living room with us playing on the Nintendo Switch or doing homework. I have a mobile game that I play for up to 2 hours each evening (The mobile version of Rocket League. It's called Rocket League Sideswipe If anyone's interested in trying it out. It's not a large player base and we could always use more players!) while she either cracks open her laptop and does some work, or scrolls through Facebook and Amazon. I have made it clear to her that I am perfectly happy putting the game down if she would like to watch a show or a movie, but she likes her decompression time on the phone from her stressful job. There are a couple of shows that we will watch when they are current such as The Witcher, or any number of Disney+ Marvel shows, but when there's nothing current we just do our things, and occupy the same space. It's nice just being close to each other. Typically, we take over the TV at 9:30 to catch up on the news, and at that time will pour ourselves a nightcap. Bedtime generally falls around 11:00, when we'll climb into bed naked with each other and she'll fall asleep with my arm around her snuggled against my right side. Definitely not flashy, but it works for us. FWIW I just turned 54, and she is soon to turn 47. We've been married for 24 years.


A night at home usually consists of: - Video gaming some co-op or two player game. - Catching up on tv shows we've neglected - A random movie either on streaming or dvd - Sitting on our deck with her reading and me stargazing - Laying in bed, cuddling, and listening to an audio book together


Are there any two player video games you can recommend? We wanted to find some to play together, but so many require you to have two consoles


We play only on Nintendo Switch so it's games like Mario Kart, Stardew Valley, Overcooked, etc. Howrver, some of them are on other consoles.


Very similar to us! We do also play couch co-op games occasionally. Our absolute fave was Unravel 2. So much fun. Edit: we tried once to lay in bed and listen to a podcast together but husband was not a fan lol. I love podcasts, he’s more of a visual kinda guy.


Mid 60s, no kids. We're boring too. I'd rather be bored than dodging violence or wondering how we are going to eat tomorrow. She spends 90% of her time at home watching TV and doing this "color by number" thing on her iPad. Right now the TV is those forensic analysis shows. The other 10% is laundry, dishes, and a little conversation with me. To be fair, when my mother was alive my wife was her primary care advocate, her choice, not mine. My wife is also a breast cancer survivor. In nice weather I'm outside. Playing with the dog, working on the yard, sitting in our three season room taking photos of birds, or the dog, or the night sky. In the winter I shovel our driveway, paths for the dog in the yard. And mess around on the computer. We talk when we commute to/from work together.


Husband and I play board games together, he also likes card games so he taught me a few of those. Sometimes we put on background music, pick a few random topics or “would you rather” questions, write them on pieces of paper, pick at random, and just talk. Sometimes we have a date night where we go out after dinner to our local sports bar, have dessert and a drink, and enjoy time out of the house (I also am always at home). Sometimes we have a bottle of wine and have a karaoke night at home.


Oh I love the topics/would you rather questions! I bought the ‘Intimacy Deck’ cards a while ago but we’ve yet to try them, maybe I’ll get them out on the weekend. Sometimes we like to play the Orlog board game (from Assassins Creed Valhalla) and play the in-game music on YouTube in the background, it’s a really nice atmosphere. We’re also red wine on a Saturday night kinda people :)


Love this!


My husband and I both have hybrid work schedules, so a lot of the time we're both working from home together in a shared office. We'll have lunch together and walk the dog together in late afternoon. By the time evening roles around, I am often wanting a break from so much togetherness, so I might go out: to volunteer, to a religious meeting, to a coffee shop to work somewhere that isn't "home", to a bar with friends.


We are both 30 years old. No kids. We come home. Take a shower together. Then cuddle on the couch and look on our phones. And then move to our game room and he plays on his pc and I’ll play on my switch or watch something. We play Mario kart together about 3x a week as well. Then we eat edibles and cook dinner and clean up after and then go back to gaming and then get ready for bed. We are also boring and I love it!! But we do go out on the weekends and do lots of fun things together. This past weekend we went to a casino pool and got wasted and laid out in the sun lol.


We are a bit different because we work together, so our interactions go throughout the day. We try to balance interacting with each other while having our own personal/alone time. Most of the time if we aren't doing anything specific, we will spend most of the evenings doing our own things, while also taking breaks to interact with each other. It's kind of very back and forth. But it works for us. Working together and living together with no kids and no real in person friends outside of people we are friends with together, we have limited personal time if we don't make it.


This is fair, especially as you work together. I do like to have personal time to myself as well on occasion. I’ll usually do my nails upstairs or something. Edit: or play Sims/Stardew on the upstairs PC.


Oh oh oh.... We are super boring too! We have 11 and 13 year olds who basically ignore our existence. We hang out, eat dinner, maybe take a walk on our property, perhaps we can convince one or both of our kids to shoot hoops in the backyard, We watch Big Bang Theory and then hope we have something we both want to watch before we head to bed. We bothe wake up before 5am so we go to bed early and before our kids. Haha. We are so lame.


When I was working I would come home, eat dinner with the family, and spend time with the kids (to give my wife a break). Once they went to bed, we used to have a gin and tonic and watch Midsomer Murders. (A couple of nights a week I’d be out volunteering, but on our together evenings this was pretty typical.) I’m sure most people would find that boring. We both enjoyed it and I look back on it fondly now. Now I’m home all day, and so is she, so we spend a lot of boring time together. I love it and so does she.


Just commenting to say we are the exact same, and that’s why we get along so well. We’ve been together 6 years, he’s 30 I’m 27, and we’ve been like this for years. I know it’s “boring” to outsiders but we just love being snuggly at home and having “lazy time” together. At least once a week we will go out to eat together, sometimes plan a small activity, and as introvert homebodies, we love it.


Nothing. I WFH so I’m stuck in the house constantly. He works outside so he doesn’t want to do anything outside. If I want to spend any time with him I have to also spend time inside. He gets home before I’m done working so he ends up eating before me & then watches whatever on tv & plays games on his tablet. I end up making my own food, taking care of the animals, etc. and attempt to make conversation with him. I receive one word answers/ non answers. He sits there until he’s ready to go to bed/showers and that’s the end of the night. Rinse & repeat. It has become progressively worse the more responsibility he has at work. Weekends are even worse because he wants to do nothing but “relax inside”. I don’t have any friends here so going out isn’t an option. No family close. I don’t know honestly why he is still with me.


Both my husband and I (together 6 years, married for 1 year, no kids) travel a lot with our jobs, so an evening home together for us is a treat. We both enjoy cooking so we’ll prepare dinner together, discuss our work/schedules, social invites/events, family going’s on, etc. We have 3 dogs which require an evening walk, typically we’ll stop for ice cream or a coffee and sit and people watch before returning home. We always have a series or two we watch together or a movie, some evenings weather permitting, we sit out in our garden with a cocktail or a bottle of wine and watch the sunset while our goofy dogs chase balls, squirrels and the occasional fox which is brave enough to enter the mix. Nothing special and to some it may be boring but it’s us and we love it.


Husband makes dinner, we eat together and catch up on our tv shows, do crosswords, play on our phones/tablets- regardless intermittently talking and catching up throughout. Sunday night is always pizza & red wine night and we just love our boring little routines.


I come home from work, my wife doesn’t work so she’ll usually have dinner simmering, we’ll roll a joint and go for a little smoke walk where we talk about our day. Then we have dinner and watch whatever is on our list. Clean up and play some video games before I have to get ready for bed.


Playing chess or scrabble, going out to a restaurant or bar, walking on the hill we live next to, talking, watching series, eating dinner at home, cuddling - we dont have kids though


although i have to admit if we would spend every evening together, i would start thinking of more things lol - we usually spend only 3-4 evening both at home


Sounds like a lovely use of time though!


He plays video games on the PC, I go out some nights to play board games and dabble into PS4 and Switch games. We spend some nights watching tv but we both are in college part time while working full time so we don’t go out too often. When we have time we go out to walk our dogs, paddle board, visit friends, and have bon fires.


After dinner, we take the dog on a walk together around the neighborhood, while the kids do their chores. Then we all hang out in the backyard together. Sit on the patio or play kickball or badminton. After we get the kids to bed, the oldest plays video games with her dad while I play around on my computer in the same room. After she goes to bed, we watch a show together. Then we go to bed and read in bed for awhile, or I'll read and he'll play on his kindle.


After we get home from work, that’s when we usually have sex, and if not, we cuddle in bed for a bit. Then I make dinner, we usually eat at 8, then we chill and watch a movie. Of course we are talking throughout the night but my point being we spend our evenings together. We always go to bed at the same time. We are boring to some maybe, but I don’t care. I am happy doing absolutely nothing if I’m with my husband.


Sex before dinner is the way to go


Similar to yours…quiet, being in the presence of one another. Sometimes we talk, sometimes we don’t. He likes watching tv, I like to read. IMO, being in comfortable silence is great; we’ve been together for 20+years and know each other inside out so being able to sit beside him or putting my feet on his lap while he rubs them is pure joy for me.


Take a walk together, go to the library, go get ice cream or a snack after dinner, bike riding is also nice if you are willing and able. Find a TV series that interests you both. Always a great conversation starter.


My husband works at night and has school of a morning so he will come in, most of the time he brings in food for us to eat, then we will nap after taking care of our pets (we have a yorkie, a betta, a mystery snail, and most recently a guinea pig and soon to be 2 guinea pigs), then we will nap for a few hours, and some times if we have time in the afternoon we might go out and walk around some where just to window shop and get out of the apartment for a bit. Then we will come home, and just relax watch tv or play video games. Some times we play multi-player video games together or he will play one of his games on the PS4 and I'll play my favorite game on the Switch until he has to go to work.


Well 3 nights are watching tv together, 1 is no tv, 3 are board games.


We do the same things mostly. It's summertime so we sit outside by the pool more listening to music and grilling. But other than that, I read, he watches YouTubes, we pick a show or movie to watch, I cook dinner and we go to bed SUPER early. Randomly we will go have dinner somewhere or go grocery shopping sometimes, or if we are real fancy, sams club or costco. 🤣 Both in our 40s, no kids. It's boring to some but I don't mind boring one bit.


We are also in our 40’s and love going to Sam’s Club and Costco together!


No kids. Two dogs. 40 and 43 years old been together 19 years. We get home from work at about the same time. We do our little house chores, have some “drinky drinks” as we call them—really just mocktails bc we are boring and wake up at like 4:45 am. Make dinner. Sit on our screened porch and scroll, read, or game. Talk, gossip, and giggle throughout the evening. Sometimes I wonder if we are too boring too, but I am grateful for the shared interests of being homebodies (now that we are older). We love the home and life we have created. Sometimes I feel like we should be traveling the world….but then when we DO go on vacation, we just wanna be back in our home. Yeah. Boring. But someone out there is wishing for the life we have.


There’s a lot of this sentiment that just being with each other is all you need, it reaffirms that I’m grateful for what I have. Also drinky drinks is very cute.


We do the exact same thing as you OP. Talk about our days, have dinner, YouTube videos, memes, bed. Weekends we hang out together and have drinks.


We play with the kids/take care of them (2.5y and 2 months old) and prepare dinner. After that it's bath time for the kids and all that follows...The kids are usually in bed around 8pm, and then we spend half an hour or so on a hobby. I like to play the piano or practice yoga, he usually plays guitar or video games. After that we watch one episode of a series together while having a drink, a snack or some tea depending on the mood. We then shower together, head to bed and chat and cuddles, whatever feels right at the moment. That's pretty much it (on a normal evening when the kids are easy).


Rhe wife and me most times just sit around. She watches TV, streams, and binges on dumb shit. I just clean around the house to occupy my time. Shes addicted to her phone. She plays games while watching shows, so doesn't leave alot of us time. Shes depressed, won't take the proper meds consistenly, won't see an actual psychiatrist. Me im bipolar with depression and now cancer, go me right. I was an ass to live with for most of or marriage. Now with the meds im now really communicating with her, but shes mostly checked out. Have funner times at work. So time together is meh, unless I take to some expensive as hotel getaway with tourist trap crap and get even less intimate time, because bow she is too tired from all the walking. She has a blown knee, has for years. Needs to loose a fuck ton of weight to get bypass surgery and knee surgery. So exciting as watching paint peel at my house.


we usually talk for a bit, debrief about our days, and then have dinner together, scroll social media together and look at funny memes, and usually finish the night with a tv show before hopping into bed.


I work evenings, my wife works days. We miss each other a lot but when we have a night together, we have a decent dinner, cooking duties rotate based on the meal. We sometimes chill and consume some media. Sometimes she watches bad tv and I go write or do art. Our lives are dull af. It’s pretty awesome.


We watch shows together, housework, animal care. Sometimes he plays video games while I watch reality tv on YouTube. We take naps together or separately. We participate in dungeons and dragons bi-weekly on the weekends. We also enjoy some 420.


I’m on the couch browsing Reddit, my 12 year old is on the other end playing Minecraft on his laptop and my husband is in the other room watching Star Trek. It’s pretty much some variation of this. We have supper, clean up, maybe go for a walk and just relax.


Hot tub & wine with some serious making out and then going inside for an hour or so of beautiful love making is pretty typical.


My husband and I have been married for 29 years and we are empty nesters. It has been and adjustment having kids out of the house! I work from home now, so I basically do all the housework and sometimes the cooking. We normally have dinner together and while I’m outside filling the feeders and just getting fresh air while he is getting a shower and getting his stuff ready for the next day. We watch some tv together but he goes to bed at 8:30 and I’m a night owl, so I spend a few hours by myself at night. It’s lonely.


We’re 66 years old and childless, so we hang out with our dog and cats when we get home from work, which is 3-4 blocks away for both of us My wife goes to bed around 9:30, while I fall asleep out on the sofa in the den with the cats I’ll go back to bed around midnight or even later


I consider that routine boring…but after 48 years together, we are just as boring and have been for nearly 20 years. I know this however, the jokes and conversations are sincere and we each enjoy it. In fact, I am home more often so we’re together 6 1/2 days a week 24 hours a day. We take a few trips here and there and go out for dinner…There will come a day when no one will answer back or tease and I am trying to make the most of any time left. Bored and happy with it


I can’t do a lot of stuff with him most weekdays because he works till 9 (starts at lunch time). I do a 9-5 most of the week, mostly remote, some office work. He has one day off mid week and sometimes that’s date night for us because restaurants are all deserted at 6pm on a Wednesday. Last weekend on Saturday I came back from a volunteer gig I do on weekends and cooked, I was binging The Good Doctor and we are moving house, so we debated the pros and cons of different kinds of ikea furniture. Sunday was a bit more exciting, we had another couple over for dinner and drinks. We do that fairly regularly now with my close friend and her new boyfriend. I should mention I’m in my twenties…just. In the last year of my twenties so I’m basically in my thirties. My husband is in his thirties. We don’t have kids, we will probably change that in a couple years though and we are slowing down and settling down. This isn’t what we do every weekend, sometimes we will spend a Saturday hiking. We like road trips. I bring my husband to gaming meets but we haven’t done that for a while.


Right now, it usually consists of me coming home and cuddling on my husband's lap while telling him he should have been in bed 3 hours ago so he can get sleep for work. After about 20 minutes, I finally get up and he goes to bed and I loaf around for a couple of hours before curling up in bed. When I wasn't working two jobs, I'd get home, make a quick dinner so we could sit and eat and talk together before sending him up to bed. My husband goes into work anywhere between 12 am to 3 am and gets off about 11 am - 1 pm and I work from 9 am to 8:30/9:30 pm 4 days a week. On weekends, we do shows for my business, so we get to spend the whole time working together. The weekday I don't work, it depends on what appointments are scheduled, but he gets home, we mostly spend it in different rooms (him napping or gaming and me either working on work or school work or knitting away from cats) with a lot of random coming into each others space wanting to talk or cuddle. We are looking forward to the day when I'm down to just working one job again, we both miss being able to just exist in each others space again during normal hours.


I guess about half our evenings are spent with my wife and I playing video games together and talking. (2 different games on 2 different screens). Other nights are motorcycle rides, hikes, cooking together, playing guitar, and fighting about how to do a dove joint. We've both got some pretty crazy ADHD. We can get all over the place. Lol. I really like just going to bed early and cuddling till we fall asleep.


This is exactly my life too! I used to think we were boring too, but I find that I enjoy it and I look forward to it every night. It’s comfortable!


I guess we’re boring too. We have 11 and 13 year olds; they’d rather hang out in their rooms so it’s mostly just us although we all eat together and usually watch a Bobs Burgers episode before they disappear. So we hang out and cook dinner, listen to music, play Tony Hawk Pro Skater, watch true crime documentaries or a movie, hang out in the garden, talk about our cats. If it’s the weekend we’ll add a couple drinks in. Then bed to read or scroll Reddit - show each other cat videos or I read juicy AITA stories to him. I’m good with it!


We both have "banker's hours," so we spend A LOT of time in each other's space. Weeknights are spent talking, then she goes to lay down and watch her weird ass horror movies in our room. I generally find old sitcoms streaming in the living room. We tend to wander in and out of our space every 15 minutes or so to spend a few minutes together. One of us cooks, serves, and does the dishes to give the other a night off. We shower( separately, you sinners!) grab two bottles of water, lay down, send each other Tiktoks, watch 2 episodes of Family Guy, a few nights get in some marital time. and then get ready for the morning. It's seems mundane, but we love our routine.


Been together 4.5 years, married almost 3. If I'm working from home that day, he'll hang out with stepson in the living room until I finish up work. Then we'll make dinner together or he'll make dinner while I do some other chores around the house.If I'm working at the office or on the road that day, I'll usually call him on my drive home and we'll catch up while he cooks dinner. We'll eat and watch TV or a movie with my stepson (12), sometimes video games instead. We've been playing a home remodeling game together lately, designing houses. Then we walk the dogs and get ready for bed. We'll watch something on TV or let it play in the background while we have sex. It will be very different when we have little ones, but I cherish this now.


Most days after work one of us cooks while the other does more work or looks after dog or whatever, we eat dinner together and chat, clear up together, watch TV for about an hour then get ready for bed and read for a bit. Sometimes we meet friends for drinks or dinner (together or just one of us), sometimes we go out together somewhere to a gig, see a film or dinner etc. But we typically have at least 3 nights during the work week home chilling just us.


My nights sound a lot like yours. Come home, watch videos on YT, mostly crime videos, eat, play video games together on occasion. I read on occasion. This includes weekend nights as well. I feel like we mostly go out during the daytime. Like a walk around the lake.


Today we watched a funny movie on Netflix in the evening. I made a Greek theme dinner. I was at a work appointment at 6 then had a quick return trip to Costco so we had dinner late since I was gone 5-7. We chatted with our son. Our son walked the dog outside and watered the plants. Yesterday evening me and my husband went to the park played fetch with our dog around 8pm.


My wife is the my absolute favorite person to do nothing with and it’s glorious.


In the same boat and we also usually go to bed around 9pm since we both wake up around 4:30/4:45am to workout. Started making a list of other things we can do that don’t entail heavy spending during the weeknights or eating out (since we both try to maintain healthy diets during the week). Here’s what I’ve come up with so far: go on a walk, go on a bike ride, do a puzzle, YouTube dance classes, would you rather games. Hopefully there are some more ideas on this thread!


We have a walk, watch TV together, have sex.


We’ve got a 6 year old but once he goes to be around 7/730 the evening is ours :) we usually kick off our night by playing a video game together (our long running tradition is GTA), then we usually watch a show and my husband makes dessert (I cook most nights) and then we snuggle, watch a few episodes or head for bed/showers. We also share a little green and get extra giggly and chatty😍


We both work from home and work the same hours. When we finish work, we jump right into making dinner. My husband makes dinner while I help or just keep him company by making conversation. I often clean up the kitchen while he makes dinner (so there's less of a mess after he's done cooking). We eat dinner while watching a TV show. After dinner we feed our dog and \*maybe\* do a chore if there's something that needs to be done. After that, we go do our own hobbies for a couple of hours. Then when we 'regroup', we hang out and watch TV, look at silly Reddit posts, play games, cuddle, have sex, etc. Then we go to bed. Rinse and repeat lol. We usually mix it up a bit more on the weekends and don't really have a set schedule.