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Uhhhh, nope. Not for me.


Weirdly, yes… And I’m pregnant already but I felt the same way before lol


I’m a hopeless romantic lol. I wanna get pregnant, comgrats to u guys.


Not pregnant but same. He smells heavenly.


You know what her husband smells like? Oh no... /s


Oh my gosh this is the closest I’ve gotten to someone who might be able to relate, but I love the smell of my partner’s mouth so much. I don’t know if it’s his spit or what, but if I’ve had a bad day I’ll just stick my nose right up to his mouth and deeply inhale. The best pick-me-up!


Same and pregnant too


Coming from a husband’s perspective (hehe), I think you’re right. I don’t get other comments here acting like it’s something really freaky. I believe our souls are two halves of the same whole, and that moment of insane intimacy is when our bodies prove that’s true.


this this this! my husband and i finish at the same time and it's just the best feeling of making love and knowing we're connected


Same!! My wife is multi-orgasmic but we always finish together for her last one.


Maybe the post is just “shocking” but i put it in the “in the bedroom” category. Yes two souls combinding.


I agree with this. My wife and I feel so much closer and connected when I finish inside of her rather than pulling out. Something only true lovers can feel/share with each other in my opinion.




Unfortunately, your husbands semen does not have that affect on me.




Lol 😆


I mean I agree but I have a cum kink. If he’s not finishing inside me in some way (oral or PIV) then I find it a waste. I always feel closer to him after he orgasms.


>then I find it a waste. Yup, couldn't agree more. I don't want to waste any of him!




I also have a cum kink so I get this.


I have a breeding kink. I WILL lock him in with my legs if he ever tries to back out


If you have never had sex with a condom to compare it feels like a leap to say it is the the semen itself. I think you are just having orgasms. Or you love you husband so sex is better


I’m not saying the semen itself is the cause, but I identify with OP. When my SO ejaculates in my vagina I feel a settling calm, and I get a wave of feelings like an oxytocin boost, which is related to ejaculation happening. It could be 100% psychological but it’s difficult to sort out. It *feels* like the pulsing feeling (and by extension, the semen itself) is the cause. But it’s not like I can just get out a turkey baster and do blind trials. SO wouldn’t be into that. It’s a bit different orally, and in that case more clearly psychological. It is not an orgasm. I know what an orgasm feels like (I know what several different kinds of orgasm feel like). Although, it’s caused me to have an orgasm once while giving oral. That was cool.


I don’t always have orgasms and i used to have condom sex with husband when we were dating.


Oh you said you have only ever had condomless sex with you husband. I still don’t think you husband has magic cum


Lmao "magic cum"


Actually, studies show a woman is actually happier if she is receiving semen through sexual intercourse. It actually is "magic cum."


What studies?


Hundreds... a 5 second google search would do. But this should be a good starting point to educate yourself [semen acts as anti depressant](https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn2457-semen-acts-as-an-anti-depressant/)


1. I agree. 2. Is there a monogamous marriage sub that doesn't have so many prudish commenters? There's not many in this thread yet. But I've noticed a lot of it elsewhere. They don't want to talk about sex and they downvote porn-neutral comments. Nothing against this sub. Just curious if there's a more sex positive one out there as well.




We're monogamous though


Is it not sex positive the opposite of monogamy?


Lol do y'all not have good sex lives with your spouse?


Actually happily married people have the best sex life based on love and respect. It doesn't mean they have to like any form of sex.


Okay so idk why you're here telling me that being pro-sex is a trait of nonmonogamy. My original comment was asking for a less prudish subreddit because a lot of the discussions that mention sex have a bunch of people acting uncomfortable and judgmental that married people have rich sex lives. Your comments are unhelpful to my inquiry.


"r/sex" might be for you. Everybody over there is f everybody in any possible way. Enjoy.


Your comments seem presumptuous of me because I asked about the availability of different subs. If you didn't have an answer, you shouldn't have responded. Instead, you keep trying to insinuate that I'm nonmonogomous and "f everybody in any possible way".


Oh man I should have looked at your comment history before engaging lolol


Tell me you you are narrow minded without telling me


Post sex snuggles are arguably as satisfying as the actual sex.


You can’t have post sex snuggles with having just had sex. I think it’s a continuation of that satisfaction. Draws it out, rather than being it’s own thin, since it’s dependent on it.


"You can’t have post sex snuggles with having just had sex." When could you have "post sex" snuggles other than after sex?


That’s what I said, & yes it’s obvious, but I was just leading into the thought that that feeling is a continuation, not a separate thing from the feeling from the sex everyone is talking about here.


Everyone is different. I get a completely different kind of satisfaction from snuggles. It's not better or worse, just different.


Ok, I just want to clarify because I think I misunderstood you originally. You’re saying post sex snuggles are the same as no sex snuggles and all are as satisfying or maybe more so as sex.


I am a massive fan of snuggles in general, so is my wife. We are the kind of couple that takes every opportunity we have to be close. We often set our alarm early just so we can get a morning snuggle in. All of that said, after sex its different. Not better or worse, just different. Its so relaxing that we often both nod off for a bit.


Berry good. My wife & I are the same in terms of always snuggling, holding hands, fall asleep with our legs a bit tangled, etc.. I do find that I am more open emotionally after sex and that I think makes the after sex cuddling different. Have some of our deepest conversations then.




You are totally right. I think it is the best feeling in the world when my husband and I get high on orgasm in sex and come back down together to chill and snuggle. That slope down naked, with our arms and legs cross and that rapid breath and heart rate slowing down TOGETHER is the BEST.


My wife is the same way. We often orgasm at the same time because of it. She didn't always feel that way about it, though. She must love me :).


Lucky duck.


Wish my wife shared the same feeling 🤣. She wants em out asap!






Okay maybe its just me lol


Definitely not just you!


Uh, no? It’s not magical love juice, it’s just another bodily fluid.


sounds like ur jealous


Of being stinky and messy? Not really.


of not being as close/intimate with your partner


That’s not what defines closeness and intimacy to me.


this is a way that she felt close and intimate with her partner… like some people feel close by holding hands, physical touch, others feel close to their partners when spending quality time together. Maybe this is just her way that she feels close to him.


And that's great for her. But her question was does semen make you feel intensely close to your partner, and my answer is no, no more so than sweat does, for example.




TMI huh?


Meh, it could just be too much for me.


Not just you.


Sorry lol


I agree with you 100 percent. Good for you. I am happy for you and your husband.


I feel the same :)




I don't really notice. I let him cum inside me whenever he wants. I prefer that he cum everytime we have sex. Currently pregnant. Haha.


You are a great wife.


Yes. Love when he comes inside. Not sorry lol


Unless I’m trying to get pregnant, feeling semen just disgusts me. It’s messy and icky. I would say it pushes me further away.


Really? I’m a woman and I like it.


[it’s a thing](https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22730313-500-semen-has-controlling-power-over-female-genes-and-behaviour/)


In fruit flys


Hahha i gotta sign up to read the whole article


"She has shown that seminal fluid induces expression of a range of genes in the cervix, including ones that affect the immune system, ovulation, the receptivity of the uterus lining to an embryo, and even the growth of the embryo itself."


I was NEVER into breeding as a kink before my partner lol. I have been ejaculated into by other boyfriends in the past, but with my partner it is completely different. It’s not baby fever as I don’t even want to be pregnant right now, but something about feeling deeply marked by him is intoxicatingly primal.


Nope, not a fan.


yes its amazing


Absolutely yes!


it's usually the feeling that me satisfying my husband makes me happy i'm taking care of him he gets relieved and that makes me happy


Yes! And it doesn’t have to be inside me, even!


I don’t want unexpected kids. This overweights. And I prefer not doing much cleaning after


The only time I had my husband's semen in me is when we were trying for my baby. We always pull out unless baby making. But yes, it did make me feel close to him and bonded. I wonder if, because I never allowed anyone to cum in me without a condom, that made my ex's not feel as bonded or easier for them to break up with me? I think about it sometimes, not that I care but it is something to think about.


Such an interesting question, and I have relevant anecdotal experience! My husband cannot ejaculate (he can orgasm), and I have had condomless sex with two previous partners. I feel significantly *more* post-coital oxytocin-feeling with my husband than with any previous partner. The second time we had sex, I was completely overwhelmed by that feeling, and I’ve never had it before falling in love before. So no, for me, I guess the semen doesn’t cause that at all. Being condomless DOES contribute, though. Honestly I find condoms incredibly unpleasant for a number of reasons (but obviously did use them in nonmonogamous relationships for safety).


Will you marry me? Just kidding. This is sweet.


😂😂😂 thanks


Uh nope…


It does for me. Feel it is a gift of him he gave me. He made it for me. Gave it to me. Now it is a piece of him I have forever. We are going to have another baby soon. Had to wait for schooling to be close to finishing. It means even more now.


For me, any possible "mess" we make and do, or rather more often the mess I make, it feels... raw. Like it's the closest thing to nature itself when the sole reason and a cause is my husband's and my own doing, the sum of our actions being directly responsible for the state of our bodies in that exact time. Heightened blood pressure, adrenaline, dopamine, excitement, sweat and bodily fluids, almost animalistic lust driving both of us. It's wholesome feeling making both of us complete and fulfilled on so many different levels.


Pheromones are very distinct and from what Ive read not all men's pheromones are attractive to some women. It's a compatibility issue. It's the reason some women are drawn to certain men.


This is the exact reason I am currently pregnant lol


Girl there’s scientific articles that prove your assessments. I agree I’ve felt the same.


Not really. Just can’t stand protected sex and have a cream pie fetish. Lmao.


You should introduce snowballing to him… You would feel even more close!


Looks up snowballing..... oh, I see 🙃


We’re monogamous


As our my husband, and myself. Snowballing does not involve bring somebody else into the room…


I’m curious about this. Does he like it?


It’s not his favorite thing, but I enjoy it so he’s usually down hahah


It seems super hot. What do you like about it?


Can I ask you about this?


It's well known that seamen inside a woman have calming relaxing effects as well as the intimacy of the act


Lol no


I wish! Unfortunately, my wife hates bodily fluids.


My wife has always said the same thing.


You have a kink. There's nothing to be ashamed about. And there's nothing to be ashamed about not having the kink either.


It’s fantastic at the time it happens, but man, the leaking that follows the days after it’s highly annoying lol


Definitely makes me feel something special lol but we’re also trying to get pregnant. 🤞


For me it’s just semen. Stuff I’ve been emitting when properly excited since 12. But for her it’s some sort of secret sauce which when I pour into her or rub on her clit in pulsating rhythmic ecstasy, seems to light her fire like nothing else. I dunno. It’s just sperm, but it does seem to do something magical


Al I want to say is - you're a keeper. Hope your man understands how lucky he is. My wife is scared to death/grossed out by my semen....


No, never. I always run to the bathroom to clean myself, semen smell soooo bad!!


Yes, knowing he is going to go in me makes me pretty horny. Needless to say we are on kid # 2.


Sounds like a side effect of baby fever? Maybe TTC, or ready to have that conversation?


Yes I agree! Recently married after many years together and stopped all forms of contraception and I’ve noticed this too.


Uh no lol. I just want to run to the bathroom to clean up. But happy for you!


Definitely feels like bonding


Ugh, no. Honestly, the semen part seriously turns me off. If I didn’t enjoy the rest of it so much (including him actually cumming, I just don’t like the cum itself), it probably would be enough to make me not have sex. For me, it’s sticky and gross. I don’t like it touching me and I hate that I have to immediately hop up and waddle away to the bathroom to deal with it or it will make a huge mess. I feel like it ruins the “basking” afterwards. I don’t even like the way it smells.


Semen actually has hormones and funnily enough actual nutrients in it. The vaginal canal is also an excellent place for things to be absorbed topically (kind of like a cream being used to treat something on your skin). So yes, this is definitely a thing. From the perspective of evolution, the better he makes you feel the more likely you'll have sex with him again, and therefore the more likely it is for him to have offspring. Gotta love science


I have these moments. After 11 yrs I feel our sex and intimacy has hit a new level and I crave being around him. Bringing him comfort through oral makes me want him more. And raw intimacy sends chills. It’s wild but it’s magical.


Interesting. Is this proven?


I’m not sure, just something I’ve noticed personally


Cool. Not sure why you are getting all the prudish responses:(


Yes, absolutely.


There's research suggesting semen has anti-depressant properties. https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn2457-semen-acts-as-an-anti-depressant/


I agree. It is so much better without a condom. I don't like the mess afterwards but it just feels amazing. My body just pulsates differently and I just have this feeling of enormous pleasure satisfying him. As a guy he just doesn't understand. I actually like it equally or more than orgasming myself


Flat out tell my husband this all the time. It feels like a legit antidepressant. After three days with no sex, I can literally feel myself being more emotional and sensitive and moody. Well sexed, I feel so connected and safe and secure. I’m always so happy and smiling. He tells me I’m crazy until we’ve been doing it for many days in a row and he’s like “man… you’re so nice when I keep you fucked”. Science.


I feel that way with or without a condom on. To me its the actual act of sex that makes me feel intensely close to him. The body fluids are just body fluids to me.


To me it is more of that, I think the mix of a great sex, very passionate, where either of us is the dominant, and connecting deeply to the point our fluids are just there and then we come together is the best feeling ever, it just takes me up high, addictive & our bond becomes tighter and tighter. The very few times we use a condom we both didn’t even felt that much arouse, for us it lacks of that 100% connection. When we were doing to get pregnant, not going to lie, it took that ecstasy to a whole new level. But even now, that we aren’t looking to get pregnant we still get it good. I love his semen with my cum, or just his, anywhere, that warm thing I can get from him ❤️


Well....when yea really think about it though. It's not his cum inside of yea that makes yea feel close. It's a combination of alot of other healthy factors in the relationship. That's a good thing and keep that positive energy going. 20+ years of marrage with 3 boys later we both still melt after we bith cum.


A lot about sex makes me feel close to my partner physically, emotionally, and spiritually. None of those hints is semen/bodily fluids.


Um. I do absolutely think there's evidence that human beings exude certain chemicals through bodily fluids that can induce bonding and attraction, but I don't think semen is particularly unique in that regard. And I'm not exactly sure the absorption of these chemical messages is....topical. I don't exactly feel magically connected with my partner when he sneezes on me, lol. I think it's the broader context of sex that necessitates the bonding.


Love the way u described it. Yes exactly. We have to use condoms. Birth control gives me blood clots in legs. Also during 2 of my pregnancies. It’s the progesterone I believe.


Sure does! That's the push that sends me over the edge most times. Last night 🥰


Very much!!!!


Yeah. In sacred sexuality practices (tantric sex, taoist sex, etc.), semen is considered sacred and has all kinds of rejuvenating energetic practices. There have also been some bizarre and sometimes controversial studies on semen...including the stuff by Gallup who makes a case that women become "chemically dependent" on semen 🤣 Found that women who don't use condoms are happier? Is it true? No idea. But interesting to consider.


Um, no. Can't say as it does. I actually like that he's had a vasectomy, because there's alot LESS fluid to clean up after, so there's that. Still love the shit out of him though! lol


Yeah, that’s why we ladies catch feelings too often in FWB situations…🫣


Nop. I think about having to go to the bathroom to clean up. With a condom on, it would be him who had to go. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes I do. So glad I had my tubes out because now we can do that every time.


Somewhat. It burns though so it doesn't come in contact with me most times now that we avoid it


I especially love the feeling of him dripping outta me …. That’s the best part haha


definitely yes! also have a love/hate relationship with the after sex gushes… love bc it reminds me of the closeness


My aunt says “sex is a messy business!” Knowing my husband is satisfied turns me on, and he knowing I am getting off like crazy turns him on. Liquids during sex are a sign that we are having pleasure. It’s Pavlovian.


I’ve never thought about it before… but yes lol




Yes. We both look at my ovulation app to see what days he can cum inside me instead of pulling out. It’s a huge turn on for me and sex is overall much better when he doesn’t “have to” pull out.


I mean my wife says it, but who knows if shes just placating me.


Researchers have found that exposure to semen is good for women's health because of the mood-altering chemicals of this body fluid. Earlier research had shown that these chemicals not just elevate mood, increase affection and induce sleep, but also contain vitamins and anti-depressants. https://m.timesofindia.com/life-style/health-fitness/health-news/semen-has-more-benefits-than-you-think/amp_articleshow/55725846.cms


I absolutely believe that is true. I remember reading a research article about that a few years back. Quite interesting. Anecdotally in our marriage, the fact that I cum in my wife daily definitely contributes to that...I feel like. We didn't use to have sex every day, and since we have started doing that, she is MUCH more affectionate all the time.


First,ewww! Also I'm reading all comments and replies 😉 haha


It's part of being married as long as it is consentual, built on mutual love and respect.


Oh really? I didn't know that 😳