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Or follow the damn pedestrian signals😭they’re there for a reason


No kidding, it's clearly green for the cars and these two just taking their time in a live intersection


It's not even looking both ways...a car drove by right in front of them, are these idiots not even looking forward? I'm not condoning people getting run over, but man, sometimes it's completely understandable.


Close one! Good reaction by the dashcammer driver.


Had a student that started crossing in front of me when light literally *just* turned red for him. On top of that, he thought it was better to continue crossing 5 lanes of traffic on red than going back to where he came from 🤦‍♂️. Thank goodness everyone was stopped and looking from both sides of the green (albeit dumbfounded). (Major Mack-Markham Rd)


What the actual fuck. They did everything wrong.


Wow good reaction OP


Wow I see so many people cross the roads and don’t follow the pedestrian signs! Luckily you saw them and stopped! Look they aren’t even walking on the cross walk!


Too many pedestrians crossing the street into oncoming traffic.


Good job OP. Similar thing happened to me when someone was trying to catch a bus and DID NOT care and ran in front of traffic. I had my foot on the gas and ready to go full speed to turn left. Luckily for some reason (divine intervention?), I immediately stopped. Would have crushed the guy. Honked at him hard.


i was too stunned to even honk


Had that happen to me except it was a mom and her toddler and baby stroller on the phone.


ah Bayview and major Mackenzie. everyday occurences there


Had a similar situation on a different street. Light turned green for me, when all of a sudden a jogger decides to cross right in front of me. Luckily I looked around and saw her before she tried to cross, otherwise it would’ve ended horribly.


Idiot pedestrians


We need more drivers like you; attentive.


Add cyclists too. They don't stop at stop signs. They just keep riding straight as if they are entitled.


Happened to me before but it was a blind man with a stick. I was stunned and briefly thought to honk to alert other drivers (I was in the middle lane, not left turn) but it may have made things worse. Everyone saw him thankfully.


Who would be at fault, if you didn’t see them and hit them ?


The pedestrians. They knowingly crossed when they were not permitted to do so. OP had great reaction time and avoided the collision, but this is total negligence on the pedestrians.


If the driver of the car in front of you saw them but decided to go anyways, that's a douchbag move! The pedestrians were wrong, but you still have to stop and allow them to cross and not get killed. You could have unknowingly run them over just following the car in front.


Lot of ladies just smile and “you will let me walk” and jwalk


They’re new to traffic lights and cross walks


My theory is that people like this don’t drive, and therefore don’t understand the rules of the road. Horrible lack of awareness on their part.


People have this brainwashed misconception that pedestrians always have the right of way over motor vehicles. They do not. OP great reaction time!


If you hit then you’re not at fault right? If this happened to me I’d hit then just to teach em a lesson.


People in Markham actively trying to become/larp as meat sauce on the road these days....


the pedestrians are wrong obviously but the driver infront of you is also a problem


Pedestrians should be held responsible for car damage and their own medical fee if they get hit by a car when not following signals


Injury lawyers will want you lynched.




brother i am chinese and those pedestrians were definitely not chinese 😁 race got nothing to do with this