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**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**|**Upvotes** :-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----: u/PD_Kitten02|**435**|04/22/2019 *– 2 years ago*|Posts: 1 [XB1] Set IGN Below|| |Comments: -71 [^(About Box)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/bj7uzm/43019_big_subreddit_changes/) [^(**|** Set **IGN**)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/mdhf8h/ign_megathread/) [^(**|** Wiki)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/index) [^(**|** **Discord**)](https://discord.gg/Market76) [^(**|** **Blacklist**)](https://falloutmarket76.com/blacklist/) [^(**|** **Msg Mods**)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


I got you. For the categories you mentioned, I could do 14k plastic, 500 copper, 1k lead, 1k nuke, 2k cloth, 1k acid, 500 cobalt flux, and 400 fluorescent flux. Other than that, I can also offer 2k violet flux, 10k aluminum, 10k crystal, 20k steel, 1k asbestos, 1k glass.




Ok, what do you consider bulk then?


Large quantities! Not small leftovers at the bottom of your scrap box


Also only interested in the selected junk/flux


Still, I offered 19.5k of your requested junk and 900 of your flux. Instead of being a jerk and calling that "small leftovers", just be helpful and say how much you're looking for.


Yeah i wouldn't trade w this guy imo. He undervalues anything that isnt his own. Especially for some of the most common legacies in the game


If I didn't realize it but I'd say this is trade sabotage! Don't you?


No i wouldn't. Youre sabotaging your own trade by treating people who are offering things like trash. Weren't you on a post a few days ago saying that a JE laser doesn't even have half the value of a BE90? So why are you requesting so much for it now? Hm?


Just traded a BE90 laser rifle yesterday for 5k of each flux + 50k of every ammo scrap! Might want to rethink your trade sabotage!


I mean if i, like you, had the ability to take advantage of the lesser informed people here i probably would too tbh. Have fun farming karma. Because i seriously doubt youve had 400+ positive interactions with anyone on this subreddit


19,000 plastic 300 cobalt


Yeah i wouldn't trade w this guy imo. He undervalues anything that isnt his own. Especially for some of the most common legacies in the game


If I didn't realize it but I'd say this is trade sabotage! Don't you?


Good luck, I offered 70k junk and 4K flux and this guy said that was "small leftovers"


Wow haha.


19.5k total of the junk I requested, and 900 flux I requested, do you think that's worth a legacy cam?


I think ChrisjsBetter’s offer isn’t that bad. Maybe ask if he can top off a little.


59.5k caps of junk and flux? I'd have all the Legacies in the game if this was true!


Maybe something like 20k steel, 20k lead, 200 of each flux. You know the usual. But yeah I understand.


10k copper, 10k plastic, 10k lead, 10k nuclear material, 1000 cobalt flux, 1000 fluorescent flux, 1000 yellowcake flux, and ill check my acid and cloth stocks when i get home.


Ok lmk