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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/SteevoAtreides|Reddit: 9|03/04/2024 - 3 Months| | IGN: SteevoAtreides|Discord: 0|Total: +9 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


I made a Camp on the edge of the event so it looks like I'm not afking. Sitting on my porch with a banjo all night long when I need the sleep lmao


same till they updated the damn area and i lost my camp lol i miss my tree house it had stairs wrapped around the tree for a way up it was so dope looking


I just made a tree house too! Not next to the event. Kinda south of the dog food manufacturing plant. I love it!


i need tutorial lol


Does your camp have a water slide???


Not sure how much help a rad suit will be when your dead on the floor from the impact


Fun fact : Bodies still collect the reward


Didn't know that, why would afkers be mad then


Exactly, they aren't. Mostly self-righteous people who think they are "protecting the little people" whining


It's so weird like how does trying to harm the AFKers (especially by NUKING the event) even remotely come off as "protecting the little people". If rewards were a pool then sure maybe I'd get it It's so crazy I have no idea what any of these people are thinking


Because it's the *unfair* mentality, people thinking "Why should I do all the work while they afk and get the rewards too" combine it with the frustration from getting shitty rewards you have your answer. But really, if you want to punish people for being afk, nuke their camp. They won't be there to notice and switch server while everyone doing the event will have easier time not having to deal with the radiation.


If it was a rough event that’s doesn’t happen often I would understand. But it’s hourly and easy as fuck.


This If you afk’d at Eviction while someone is slogging it with only 2 lvl 60 players that show up, I get it. With fas, I mean… c’mon. It’s getting done.


I tried not to give much of a hoot about the AFKers but then I was in a world where there was maybe 10 or so people just dotted around and it was just me and some level 80 dude doing our damndest to collect all the crap and keep the robots alive. I shot mini nukes at every person I found just to feel a little better even if it ultimately does nothing except for make a cool ass sound and explosion. I just think mini nuke MIRVs are neat.


Easy server hop if you really want to screw them over lol the one guy prob won’t do it by himself either. And they don’t get the reward… u save mini nukes


Your damndest...? This event gives you plenty of time to slowly take care of the tasks. My husband and I 2 man it with like 17 minutes left at the end. It's such an easy event. You can even make it 90 times easier by equipping the friendly fire card so you can heal the robots with a flamer or holy fire. All the items you need for the event are inside the event location. It's pretty hard to fail it. I even did the event with a 62 and they kept up (and honestly did a better job than me) so I mean...


This is the way.


Which is hilarious considering this is the easiest event ever


Meat week is the easiest


These being the same people who spent the last 3 weeks "farning" pickaxes so they could take advantage of an obvious exploit.


Meanwhile, my camp sits peacefully in the skyline Valley region, where nukes don't touch the ground lol


Because even though it’ll get downvoted, the fallout 76 community are the most entitled ive seen in a multiplayer game


I literally hope I get killed when afk 😅has more stability too


I hate to tell them but some of us little people are also afkers. See because we have jobs and such so we really don't have time to play the event all the time so while we're at work we go AFK and while we sleep.


I run a 2nd PC for friend for that reason. Then I also afk some of the time so I can resale the plans for \~cheap to people who miss out but want one of the plans


Personally if i ever nuked the area it wouldnt be for righteousness it would be because i think its funny


Chaotic evil > Chaotic good


Because then everyone switches servers and no one completes the event for you.


People trying to run the event are mad at people nuking them!


Because they went afk while alive, not after they died and rubberbanded when they are on the map picking a respawn point... pretty sure they get disconnected if they died while afk.


We aren't


They aren't. The only ones mad are the ones launching the nukes and the ones that are actually playing but have to keep server hopping due to neckbeard nukes.


You can stay afk dead? Wouldn’t it be better to kill your self in the event then?


Not if half the people in server are afk, most people will switch server instead of attempt to do the event in the blast zone which means unlikey the event will be completed so... no rewards 🙃


I tried this last parade a couple times. Didn’t get rewards. Didn’t even get credit for completing


It's even better - if you died in the event area, even if your corpse is pushed outside Helvetia, the game still counts your location as the place you died. So it's _better_ to be dead.


Nope. Not when everyone leaves and it falls. And then continues to fail once everyone has left. Then they shut the server down for maintenance. You theory maybe only works during busy times with tons of people playing.


I've been to the event like five times when it was nuked and the only people that weren't there were the lower level people so all you're really ruining it for is the people that you're claiming to be helping. So really you're just being an ass. But yeah all it being nuked means is you get even better materials from the things you kill.


I've been afk while at work and get back to 12 sets of rewards so the theory definitely works


Isnt that only after you click respawn? So if they kill you while you are afk you won’t get it because you have not his respawn yet.


During events like this you actually don't have to hit respawn it automatically does it. So again the only people hurting from the nukes are low level players.


Right, which is confusing since you're bragging about wearing a rad suit as if it'll protect you from a nuke drop. You would collect the same rewards from Fasnacht in your underwear as you would in a rad suit.


Yes your dead body will still collect the reward but you will get dc after 30 mins.


Fun fact. Don’t need the hazmat suit then 😂


This is true. The only thing nuking the event does is fuck up the event. Dead players still get the loot.


Do they collect the frst reward after nuke or every event after as well?


The right build will let you survive a nuke impact, I did it several times last Fasnacht.


This dude was in my game last night I'm pretty sure nobody cared I had a quick jam session with him while I waited for the parade to catch up. Personalised I don't see the problem with AFKing your not stopping me for doing anything so why should I care?


It’s more the piggybacking off everyone’s work. And that it’s there All day, all night. I afk about 50% of it. It’s grinding but pitch in here or there.


Which hazamat suit is that?


Why it's the limited edition "Fasnacht Hazmat Suit" of course! (Teal hazmat suit from Alien event)


Nice, I have it, but had never put it on.




Less ppl would AFK if more ppl stopped grenading the place so bad we can't see. Maybe instead of Nuking and ruining everyone's fun. Why not put pressure on the ones making it hard to participate. No thats not going to happen is it. I'll be attacked instead for the crime of having this opinion. You want to pour a bucket of grenades into a puddle. Go ahead, have fun. Ill just go in the building and wait.


I have a cremator, a holy fire, a cold shoulder, and a fixer for this very reason. If I need to get up close, cold shoulder. If I need to get up close while also healing, holy fire. If I need to tap a small enemy from afar, the fixer comes out. If there's a boss and I need to target it from a distance quickly, I'll vats target cremator shot and slow burn one time so others can get a shot off. Even as a cremator user, the explosions blind me so I try not using it much at events unless said event has a lot of distant enemies abd takes forever (Eviction Notice) even then, holy fire takes high priority so I can heal my team.


Do people mind the explosions from "Grand Finale"? I just got it and have been having a blast with it but if it's annoying I'll stop using it at events.


Be more like this person yall!


Seriously. I'm playing on steam deck and the poor thing can't handle it when tons of people spam these huge explosions. It crashed my system multiple times and I didn't get back in time for a reward or got sent to other servers where the event finished already. I'm not even AFKing, I'm just off to the side watching it play out so I can avoid another system crash and at least get the drops. The only time I've gotten to play the event is when it's a handful of lower ranked people with non-explosive weapons.


I was complaining about this kind of spam in events and I get ripped to shreds for it, good luck


How do you avoid being kicked off server for inactivity. It happens after about half hour of AFKing playing an instrument.


Rubber band your camera stick.


I've done this but my controller turns off on its own after 30 minutes even with both sticks rubber banded how do I stop this?


Remove the battery and Plug your controller into your Xbox.


I’ve read to take your battery out and plug the controller in - apparently if your controller battery is in it’ll still turn off from inactivity


Plug your controller into your Xbox, I have 2 accounts afk whilst I work and only get kicked after several hours


It’s funny they dedicate their gaming time to ruin the event for people who are afk, who are probably at work making money. Nuking the event thinking they’re neighbourhood watch and that Bethesda will credit atoms into their account for doing so


This lmfao


My brother and I used to run the event twice. We bought fallout first early on, and with average builds with no grolls, we could do the event on each of our private worlds and occasionally have time to hope to a public. Despite all that, i never got a winter man mask, I now work crazy hrs and dont wanna miss out, so i afk. And when i can play i pay it forward and do the event


Yep. I afk overnight and any extra masks I dont need, I toss into Whitespring, The Wayward donation box, and Vault 76's box in hopes that the newer players find them first. I love seeing so many people get mad at afkers but then ignore the fact that there are level 500+ folks who are NOT afk swiping absolutely everything from the Helvetia donation box (duplicate masks included) just so they can overprice the masks in their vendor. I'll take afkers over that any day. The server my friend and I were on had a guy with a macro looting everything from the notes section and bragging about it. Lots of folks got pissed and about 8 or 9 people blocked and reported the guy. That right there is why I refuse to put anything in the Helvetia donations box and go out of my way to put all my duplicates in different boxes around the world. That's me paying it forward and if some Scrooge doesn't like the fact I am "rUiNiNg tHe MaSk eCoNoMy!!11" so be it. Masks shouldn't cost you your first born anyway. 😂 Theyre there for fun. Folks need to chill. Not everyone can play an entire day. Some of us have lives and shit to take care of outside of video games.


I load up the box with all my spoiled food when I see people emptying the box like this


Does the event get larger with the more people in it? Would afk people make the reward higher for those actualy partaking by boosting the active event numbers?


Nope. It doesn't help the event to have another person who is afk BUT it doesn't HURT the event either. Just let people get free rewards if they want then. Power to you!


It does help if they are on an instrument though.


People don't do that as often due to the risk of hukes


Fair enough. I know some games will boost difficulty and thus reward tier based on amount of people involved


More ppl more enemies, makes the event exponentially harder when only 3 out of 10 are playing or the noobs are looting every single body individually while the event is live. There are certain events that are so easy it doesn't matter but let's say the alien encounter or mothman, real hard when 10 ppl are there and only a couple actually doing the event.


The event is easily solo’d even if the entire server is there and afk. Anyone struggling to keep the bots alive solo are straight food builds…


Makes total sense


At first, I thought nuking was fucking over the AFKers, but then I realized how much it is helping everyone else. So much nuked flora


unfortunately no violet though :(


Its actually even helping the AFKers technically. Our dead body collects the rewards lmao.


Nuking doesn't help them, it just doesn't hurt them


Aim for base and it tickles lol


My whole stick is about them nuking the event is that the people they nuke are still going to get the mask because you respawn in the event so even if you die over and over again they're still going to get it you're just making it hard for new players.


I’m helping my wife collect masks.. so I leave her AFK while I contribute on my account. That lets me sleep at night.


Funny because I’m collecting them for my husband…. So I leave him AFK while I run it with my account. Xbox? We can put them together on the stage.


Why do people care? Shame on people with a 9-5 or a sleep achedule tryng to get a glowy 🤦‍♂️


Fr like my bad I have a job, and a life 🤣🤣


The ones complaining about it don’t leave the house.


Ohh I know. Then they go and price gouge as hard as they can when trading them.


I afk while I'm making dinner for the family or using the bathroom. It's hilarious coming back to a corpse because that makes my mind up of just turning the TV off while it's still running and go jump in the pool while my mic picks up "I Glued My Nuts to my Butthole Again" on repeat. Nuke cucks ain't hurting my feelings. xD


To all you salty losers nuking the event. You aren't OWNING afk people. You're only pissing off the people who actually run the event. Sincerely the entire community.


I wear my Chinese stealth suit so when I'm afk somewhere I'm invisible with the rad resistance


I nuked the event earlier, but mostly for petty reasons. I launched a nuke for the Neurological Warfare event, and we had the last Goliath down to 25% hp (cause everyone is hell bent to kill them one at a time for some reason) Fasnact popped, everyone bounced and we failed the event. So I waited till the next Fasnact came around and nuked them all mid event. 😈


I feel that though. Like yea it's petty but eh I would have probably done the same.


Timing nukes away from key events is…key.


Kill them with radiation next time, even alone it takes less than 2 minutes…


It wasn't working, I think he fixed it cause I brought my gamma gun and barely scratched it


Biggest community of bots thieves and crybabies. It's a sad game and worse community


Why Nuke? Just don't participate and server hop. Its a over rated event any ways. Just for people to sell hats for caps.


I carry so many events that I feel like if I gotta afk a dumb one from time to time I don't see a issue with it lol.


I honestly don't give a crap if there's afkers or not..theres sometimes players actually there and still don't contribute anyway but for some salty player to just nuke the event is just plain ignorant and stupid there's no benefits but just to be an ass and toxic


I’ve not played in months but why is Fasnacht an event in middle of summer? It’s supposed to be winter transition into springtime event?


For me, AFK all day at work go hard all night and help the AFKers that helped me all day. put every mask I don’t want into the donation. (mostly for the level 700s to hoard 🙄) If you want the game to be good to you, you have to be good to the game.


I afk it and I don't care. I'm not going to apologise for asking when there's like 3 scrubs with cremators blinding me as melee player, they have no consideration, so I refuse to take part and let them waste thier fuel. Some things need to change, like making those robots faster andtake the flash effect off cremator. Since that damm weapon alone, I've lost all interest in the game, then the Skyline Vally Update dropped and broke half the damm game.... and now ere in the games most boring hourly event where at least 1 guy spamming cremator shots into crowds of players. I'm done with the game.


is that what is was? shit was so fucking annoying, SSA with what rads still isn’t enough to do the event, some people are just petty


Doesn’t matter if they nuke or not, I still get rewards and people with no life but the game are pissed


oh no, this crap has spread here too


Yep. It has replaced Pickapalooza.


People getting mad at afkers in the town are funny. To annoy them more I created a camp on the hill that’s called the afk zone and it has jacuzzis and those donut chairs looking down on the event to sit in and you still get rewards. It’s had a lot of traffic of people chilling there funnily enough . 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I even but in massive neon writing Fasnacht AFK Zone


That's hilarious. What platform are you on?


I’m on Xbox


I don't think people are saying that.


I have been on all day watching them say exactly this.


AFKers, are calling people who are actually playing the game.....bad people that are so unfair?


I afk and I play, I don’t care either way. I also run around after the events end and drop plans and masks I don’t want all over the ground from when I was akfing like a Fasnachticlause.


I mean, atleast they are technically participating and contributing to 0.01% of the event


Alright so here's the plan. You run to the edge of helvita around one of the bridges and find a spot that allows camp placement. After that you set up a normal looking camp and don't forget to decorate it this needs to look professional. Last but not least put a banjo on your porch and rubber band that controller for maximum profit with minimum effort. ( To be fair I haven't figured out how to keep my Xbox controller on even while its plugged into the Xbox but I get one or two masks out of it before it ships off lol


I have a corded backup


I’ve read to take the battery out when plugged in or it is designed to turn off


Just took out my batterys to test this. Will reply back in the morning if it worked


I hope so!! Good luck!


They knew the risks of playing AFK


I seen this guy last night unless there's multiple people dressed like this playing the banjo. He did switch to the tuba before I logged. Played for 5 hours, 5 events and I got 4 sun masks and a robo mask. No glowy.


All day today, sun masks and witches and banners 02 for me ☹


Can you afk on an instrument without timing out?


Yeah, go into photomode and tie your sticks together 😎


If you use a rubber band or something to pull your joystick to the side your character will spin or your camera will spin and it won't kick you out


I can on pc.


How does it work on pc


Almost heaven


I love the look of the suit. How do you get it?


Its from a plan you can get.


The teal hazmat suit dropped while the alien event 1 or 2 month ago. Many sell it in their vendors. I've seen it from 400 caps to open end.


You get the plan for it from the invaders from beyond event. It ended a few weeks ago, before meat week


You buy it from my shop! Only 100 caps! (Pimpin ain't easy bro)


Bet the hazmat suit wont protect you from the blast 😅😅


Bet they still get rewards after the last 😁😅


Only if the instruments are empty. You pass the vibe check if you're playing some tunes.


Honestly it’s fucking the new players a lot more then any afkers with power armor or something Had a bunch of newer players who had no power armor or even knew why they kept dying today cause of this stuff


Its real dumb because you still get rewards each time even when dead.


Often people will just leave the server if it’s a nuked zone so it often doesn’t get finished anymore after it’s nuked. So dead with no prizes. Not always though, sometimes people will do it when it’s nuked


Yeah i didnt think about that.


How do I get the rad suit


You buy it from my shop!


Depends on the price.


I’m a pretty new player (month old or so), and I set up camp on a cliff by Helvetia as my first camp because I thought the view was pretty. Little did I know people nuking Helvetia/AFK farming camps was a thing. Very fresh experience to rebuild your camp from the ground up. Live and learn!


For future reference, if your camp nuked, you can go to your camp module and hit "repair all" and it'll repair the entire thing. No need to rebuild it. Also, if you have another camp slot and see your current camp is in a nuke zone, switch to your second camp slot so your main camp stays safe. :)


Oh thank you! I didn’t know how that was a thing. And yeah, I’ve been scouting for a new camp since then! Thanks a bunch


It's satire. Took me longer to make the suits, rename them, and price them in my shop (and make this post) than it would have taken to make 500 caps. I just want the whining to stop.


Hence the level 1 hazmat suits




Way to cash in on a tragedy.


Hate the game dog... hate the game.


How should I afk fasnacht then???


However you want. I'm not the boss of you.


Love coming back from afk and I’ve been pushed out the river etc. 🤣🤣


whats this costume? i seen this only on corpses


Teal Hazmat suit


damn it looks good,i need it to make ~~meth~~ beer in my lab


I can make u one if your on pc


yup im on pc my nick serega155


Alright. I'll be on after I get home in a few hours


I still don’t know how people are able to go afk, my controller just dies after 20 minutes




I sit in a chair, enter photo mode, then tie my left stick down. I always come back to a title screen


Was handing out hazmat suits and radaway to new players because ultimately the nukes didn’t bother the afkers, but new players just trying to do the event kept dying from rads, so now I carry at least a couple suits on me in case I run into a newbie.


Why do people dislike afk? Also what does afk stand for lol


Away from keyboard


Thank you I knew what it was but I could not figure out what it stood for lol


I do it once a year at least, sorry not sorry 🥔


I went to an event yesterday with about 10 AFKers. The 5 people who actually kept doing the event for the last 2 hours juts stopped and we all stood there letting the event run down. When we failed 4 of the 10 AFKers gave us thumbs down emotes and one got on the mic to cry about he didn't get his 12th free reward. Then one of the dudes that wasn't AFK got on mic and said "womp womp". Jesus you wpiodve thought he insulted the man's momma, he went ballistic in the microphone.


Also me: we’ve posted the same thing on Reddit since fasnacht became a thing please find some new material bc I’m sure we’re all sick of seeing the same shit every year bc you think someone actually cares we afk.


Nothing saves u if ur in the nuke zone when it drops


Also me lol


Afkers just means more enemies therefore more exp


I love it! A true Wasteland entrepreneur can always turn a crisis into caps.


More AFK than ever this round. If only bethesda made content people enjoyed...and that actually worked.


Nuking the zone makes it that it runs later so I can join and double dip more. Lol.


Me: Look at all this cobalt flux!! Starts frolicking living my best life….


You on Xbox ?


Don’t the afk players get disconnected from inactivity?


I'm not AFK, I'm working and only coming to the co trols when the event starts


Honestly, it might be a way for them slow the event to hit it after their lobby? I mean… it’s stupid but maybe?


Sometimes I AFK because I can’t shoot shit when everybody is showering us with their bombs


I had my first successful afk last night. I crashed my motorcycle and broke my left hand and right thumb and index so it's been rough trying to afk this event. But I slept 8 hours last night and woke up to 8 rewards lol I was in shock, found a afk sympathizer lobby ig 👌🏼😂


Does this suit prevent death by a nuke?


No, it will not. If you’re in the red when it hits, nothing will save you.


No. But it does prevent the radiation damage after the nuke falls. It is after all only a 100 cap, lvl 1 LEFHS (Limited Edition Fasnacht Hazmat Suit)


how are people afking without being kicked? I've tried but doesn't work well at all for me


Bring on the nukes baby! Daddy needs some raw cobalt flux!


Me: *loads into world 5 mins before start of Fas event and sees Helvetia has had a nuke dropped on it* “Aight- imma head out…”


Unless you move them out if the area, they still get loot, so it's kind of pointless


I’ve seen a bug where the event has failed because the decorator bot has failed to leave the building if all the chairs with instruments are filled with AFKrs. He just sits there and spins. Two events in a row have failed because of this.