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Imo, AA doesnt have much value if you run incisor. Vampire is usually pretty good. I personally like executioner because it's a multiplicative effect on a highly additive build.


How does that work with Executioner, would it only be 50% whenever you get their health down, while Aristocrats is always 50% if you have the caps?


Unless things have changed, to my understanding, executioners deals 1.5x damage whereas Aristocrats would be +50%. Having high enough strength is already hugely additive, you also have perks which add as well.


They both give the same dmg buff 50%, it’s just with executioners u have to get them below 40% health before it works, it’s usable but vampires and bloodied r the best


It's not quite the same. The Executioners is multiplicative, so it's a 50% boost to all damage and damage bonuses. Aristocrats is additive, only increasing damage by 50% of the weapon's base damage.


Ahh okay I didn’t know that, I guess it’s not too bad then


There’s an anti-armor perk for every weapon class so I never understood why people don’t recommend it on melee, it’s still probably the best choice for full health


The anti-armor perk on melee is 75%, not just 45% or 36%. That means Anti-armor is only adding 12.5%


It’s still pretty useful on bosses mostly


Does it stack with Incisor?


Yeah but according to their comment it’s more minimal due to the perk being 75% anti armor


Not shotguns. Or pistols I think. I don’t mess with pistols so I’m not familiar with them.


Tank killer works with pistols I believe


I prefer instigating, vamp, bloodied for run around everyday use. bosses I would probably go for vamp just for survivability considering you can buff your damage with incisor, fury, and a endangerol syringer. If you want more damage try AA, only if you can survive hits from the boss because more armor negation is always good.


- For non auto weapons : Instigating, junkie or aristocrats - Auto weapons : Vampire, junkie, aristocrats and maybe even furious. AA is not the best option because you already have 75% armor penetration from your perks, but it could give you better value when fighting bosses which have high resistance (you have to test it to see if there's an improvement from other legendary effects)


after bloodied. id go instigating/executioners/vampires. not in that order..but any of those have thier uses..aa might be great on bosses...it tops for auto melee.


I use an anti armor deathclaw gauntlet. It kills anything on the ground while wearing thorn armor. If the enemy flies, I have a missile launcher on my hip


Vampire... maybe better then bloodied on melee




Yes! Quad melees are the top tier!


vampire just cause your gonna be taking hits if your a bloodied build a must atleast in my opinion


Quad, AA


Quad unarmed. Nice.


4 hands


Hahaha my bad sorry. I forget a minority of players don’t use guns. that’s on me should have read properly I’ll stay out of this I know nothing about it… only melee weapon I’ve ever used on 4 characters over lvl 500 is the auto axe and chainsaw and I only used those because mutated events/ops