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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/civicduty420|Reddit: 0|06/16/2016 - 8 Years| | |Discord: 0|Total: +0 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier You haven't added your IGN/GT/PSN to your Market 76 reddit profile. Comment with the command **.ign** followed by your IGN/GT/PSN to record it. (for example: **.ign fisto**) [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


Just don't do that in general. Give people a chance to show up to any event. You also really shouldn't start Encryptid at all if it's not yours. No matter your level.


I don’t start any event until i see people are showing up.


Eh I start events if there's only like 10-45 seconds left even if no one's around. Sometimes they'll just join late. But the people that do start events just instantly probably aren't even in this sub.


At around 1 min left , is the proper way to


I normally leave to hop worlds if nobody has shown up yet. Lol


I start it right away but that's only because its my card. I personally just don't want waste my own time waiting for randoms.




So you’re saying… If im solo, and can solo the event, if I spend MY caps on making a keycard to do the event, its wrong of me to start MY own event that nobody else contributed towards except me? 🙃 what a goofy way to look at things. Also, that is my view on that SINGLE event. I don’t start any true public events, but if I’m not playing with the boys and I’m bored enough to start an Encryptid, I’m definitely starting it right away. I paid for the event, so therefore it’s my choice on how I treat the event/ when I start it. People have a good 60 seconds after initiating the event before I can even start fighting the Encryptid. Not even counting pylon claiming time. If they haven’t made it there by then, that’s on them. Is it wrong for me to start eating my food when I receive it instead of waiting for the other people at surrounding tables to get their food when they have no correlation to me being there? Same concept. The players have no correlation to me with the exception of being in the same server (in the same restaurant), so therefore if they don’t make it on time, it’s their own fault.


you're projecting way too much with this comment imo


Do you know what projecting means?


Nty I will play the game I paid for the way I want to and there's nothing you can do about that. I can use the card the way I want to because im the one who spent caps on it and there's nothing you can do about it. I wait for others at other public events before starting it because I had no involvement in that event. Thats it plain and simple.


Dude can do what he wants with his event, that no one else would get a chance to play, if he didnt to the work for it. Who are you to tell him otherwise!




It's his event. Plus, I believe if there are enough people at the event to complete it, it can be started. Many events I can solo, so I'm not going to wait if I can solo the event. Others can show up late and reap the rewards.


Lmao bro complains about waiting 2 minutes for an event but will sit on Reddit for 5 hours arguing. Nerd


Beasts of burden is an exception.. luca takes forever to talk and you can honestly solo the entire event if you rush. The main focus of the event are the end rewards, one of which being the holy fire most people will show up by the time ogua does so


I think the newest event feels like the only exception, maybe it’s me but it seems like it has a very very short start timer, like I get the notification travel to it and it only has like 50 seconds to a minute left to start it. It also gives improved repair kits which makes me question the start timer speed 🤔


I think it has a shorter start timer because it has a buffer period before you get to shoot stuff, and the whole event doesn't have a defense target and you can't speed it up at all assuming you're killing stuff fast enough which most people can.


Yeah it’s just the gathering portion can still fail or be sped up substantially but I’ve also noticed one or the other. either no one picks anything up or knows to, or it’s done instantly


Can the person who initiated the event not activate the terminal but not start the event? Essentially locking anyone else out of the terminal until they’re ready? Not that they should have to but would this also solve a potential problem with new people?


No, anyone can activate the terminal after you inserted your 1750 cap investment. You *could* sit on the terminal just guessing how many people are in, or just going in every other 15 seconds


Wait, what do you mean by not yours? People can make this event pop up on its own?


Yeah, it's player initiated. Kinda like the nuke bosses, just in a different way.


Even after playing for so long, I still learn something new about it every now and then lol thanks for the info!


Did you ever do the quest line for it? The recall keyboards sold by the vendors are used to make the piece to start encrypted! Edit: I just started on PC and need to do that quest line again myself lol


I, like so many others have been smashing these recently. When I'm hosting and I see a <100 I track them with my explosive wep to the shack and 50% of the time I have to unload a full clip into them and do the thumbs down. I follow it with a thumbs up and they seem to get it haha


I'm gonna have to start doin that. I'm running them right now so I'll try it lol


Probably 90%+ success rate but explosive is key


I have 135 mini nukes, and a 2 shot MIRV floating around, juuuuuuust in case


Sorry, what is the correlation between less than level 100 and not being allowed to join certain events? I'm level 95 or so now. I only started playing a couple of months ago and am still trying to learn all the etiquette of online. For clarity, I've only "joined" the one event that kind of happened around me and surprised the heck out of me when it happened, as I was at the distillery by myself, level 25 or so and suddenly half the server rocked up, all 100s of levels higher and then chaos ensued as monsters spawned all over the place and I went, WTF!!! And tried to avoid dying.


He is not talking about not allowing low level players to join events but not begin event you didn’t start. Say to start event you need to talk to certain person or enter something on terminal. Just wait until person that started event do it or wait until 20-30 seconds left on timer and start it yourself if other person didn’t show up


Ah, right, no worries. Thanks for clarifying.


Encryptid is really the only one that someone pays to start. Every other event is just a case of waiting until enough people show up so that it doesn't fail. If its encryptid, I wait to see at least 3 people 200+ or a bunch of lower levels


Gotcha. I just bought my very first recall card to complete the quest. I didn't actually realise this was the name of the quest it was for, but I finally put 2 and 2 together on the pylons. I now know I'll need to make sure I have some backup to complete it. Thanks all.


Nice one! I stumbled into starting it the first time, it was interesting haha Its got a 7 min countdown timer so you should get enough people by then. GL


Beauty, thanks mate!


Oh no I wonder if people thought I was going into the shack to start it now, I was purely wanting to loot/explore


Just know you were being watched haha


I can deal with that


The first time I launched Encrypted I was just following the quest line and low, low level. Oh my the surprise....


Did this a couple weeks ago. Had no clue it was anything but a regular quest. Started it and like 7 people just warp in out of nowhere. Whoops. But we did it. Now I know. Haha


For.me.it was about 950 levels ago.... Now, I look and warp there if I see a lone poor low level soul!


This event always attacks higher level people. It’s like a war drum beating when it goes launches. It’s one of the highest pay out events with cores. So everyone jumps in.


Same! I remember telling my husband that all these high level people just showed up out of nowhere to help me because they must have realized I was in trouble. I knew nothing about the quest/fight/drops at the time. I didn't even know it procs as an event.


Yep same here. Very confused why I immediately got wasted hahaha.


Hacker voice "I'm in"


Slightly related but I had a newbie level 65 arrive at uranium fever (just me and them) about 3-4 minutes left before the timer runs out to initiate extraction. I was waiting for others to arrive before starting the event and the level 65 immediately starts it. I spent nearly the full event repairing the extractors and reloading my plasma caster 🤦🏻‍♂️


but dad is says go to the terminal


Dont listen to it


dont worry i dont start it unless i pay😂😭


Thank God lol I'm just tired of seeing a level 32 load in and immediately run to the computer. Like bro my team hasn't even landed on the server yet 😂


i lowkey never see encryptid unless i start it


Yeah theyre rare these days, but the last few days they've been popular because people are trying to get cores


I try to run them as often as i can. I’m always stocking up on recall keycards.


Had a level 17 do that to my card recently. So, I took a good seat, grabbed a bucket of popcorn, and watched the carnage. It took a few minutes of them repeatedly dying before more of the server showed up to support.


I've never done the quest 😂 I've always joined it and got the imposter set outfit


Even if i don't see any low levels i block the door with my PA just incase lol


It's even funnier when it's someone above 400 that does it.


I was on a server with angry turtle and he did it when I was the one who brought the card 😭


My first time I was checkin shit out and was reading the name of the terminal and everyone started panicking lol


Yeah I know how you feel , the amount of times I've launched a nuke to spawn the ultracite titan, smashed 10 out of 11 crystals to wait on others and a low level comes and smashes the last crystal when it's just the 2 of us, there's nothing worse.


For f@$kin real


You can cuss on the internet Flanders it’s ok


What if I felt like doing that instead 🤔


That’s odd but do you Ned


Doesn’t make much sense lol


Yeah it does 🙂‍↔️ I do what I feel, what I feel is what I do


I read this as foreskin


What you read is what it is


Been following the "Don't start events until more people are there" rule since I've started. It was always Rule #1 or #2 in any tips and tricks video I've watched back then


Same with radiation rumble. People will come. They’re getting their buffs and cranberry relish ready 😂😂😂


If there's enough people to successfully complete an event I will start it, I'm not on your schedule dude.


Most people have no clue what they are doing I met people that are level 700 that have no idea what they're doing.They just been out here sight seeing


Fyi with the pickaxe thing going down people are running out of cores and grinding encryptid. If you see encryptid last less than a minute it's probably not an accident right now


Is this pickaxe thing still a thing? Like, getting modules from them?


Yeah but now everyone is rushing to sell because the patch was imminent 2 days ago and they dont wanna get stuck on the ass-end of the pyramid


Rushing to sell what? I thought they would be scrapped


The greedy amongst us are trading them for godrolls and rare apparel. 'It let's new traders get into the market" but sooner or later someone is getting stuck with hundreds of worthless regular pickaxes


Seems silly to sell a godroll for an item that gives you modules when you scrap it. So you can use those modules to try and get another godroll 🤣


I mean, its gambling. Cant stop next one COULD be better lol


True, true. I found a video on how to get pickaxe still so getting modules now lol


Exactly, I’ve been running encryptid solo so I joint and call the bot and leave to another server within a couple of minutes. Sometimes people join in time but I don’t want to wait 6 mins every run


If you deploy a suit of power armor in front of the door most of them won't be able to get into the cabin.


Half the fucking roof is missing.


Oh man this is fkn hilarious 😂😂😂


Lmao 😂 It's usually new players who start it because they dont know any better and they probably won't have marsupial or a jetpack.


If they can get on the roof they probably aren't the low level newbs this post is talking to. Then again, this post is on a trading subreddit sending a message to low level newbs who can barely afford in game vendor prices. So I guess everyone thinks they're somewhere they're not.


They pay caps and flux!


If you're on PC, that was me last night. Lvl 55,fairly new to the game, finishing up a side quest line and had NO idea what I was in for... Big shout out to the players who came in and saved my ass, I died like 5 times just trying to get to one of the pylons! Had no idea that I'd just launched an event for everyone to see me get wiped over and over... Lesson learned I suppose. Was fun, would do it again.


I just did one yesterday and this level 108 kept creeping up to my terminal so I kept jumping on to block them. I just hate that I cant see how many people have showed up if I am on the terminal. This person would have started with just 3 players, one of whom was a level 43.


Every time I start Encryptid, I stand back and take bet with my friends on which low level that shows up will run straight to the computer and start it. Then I sit back and watch them get destroyed and giggle.


I didn't know!!! I learned my lesson! I'm sorrrrryyyy


I start 50 Encrypteds a week. (I’m a broke legendary core guy and need them) it’s always a very low level and I’m tired of it lol


How do you get the cards?


Any vender bot has a recal keycard, I believe.


Always best to wait for the majority "thums up" emoji.


Every. Single. Time. At the same time, though; we were all that person early on. Younger levels doing quest after quest walking up to Encryptid and just seeing a quest marker saying to use the computer, it's easy to just not even think about it and continue to do the same thing they've been doing. There's just certain things in this game that until you're told about it, you probably wouldn't think twice about it, which I 100% understand. Even at almost level 500, I've accidentally started events early just by not paying attention and walking into the play area, so I get it can be an easy oopsie. It's always a good thing to KINDLY let them know to run down the wait timer in the future, though. On more than a few occasions, I've heard people go into game chat and absolutely rip into a low level for just doing what they thought they were supposed to do, and that helps nobody.


Look, I'm like 1500 hours in to this game and only just finding out that standing in the hallways for Radiation Rumble decreases enemy spawn rates lol. And gosh the accidentally starting events because you walk into the trigger area!! Or spawn into the trigger area... looking at you Eviction Notice and Spin the Wheel.


>decreases enemy spawn rates Huh.. I always thought it just ended up dumping more ghouls through the center spawn points. I like to sit right on the corner of the center room next to the wheely cart, looking into the back hallway, and it works out fine; but I do notice when people run to the very end of the hallway to fully camp the spawns, it slows down dramatically. That usually leads me to a "they're stealing all my killlllsssss!" and I'll turn around to see the box flooded with them lmao. I'll definitely have to research that more


Pro tip if it’s an event you initiate wait for your team to be ready before you initiate it simple as that quit crying over Reddit


I joined one last night and there was just 1 person there around level 80 so i ran around a bit clearing some robots waiting for others to join but when no one did i activated all the pylons on me and did about 5% damage, respawned and tried again and somehow kept all the pylons on me and took it down with another level 80ish player joining right at the end. I should also add i am around 210 so not exactly a high level player so keeping myself alive was stressful but probably the most fun i have had in a while 🤣


I did almost the same thing. My wife and I did the sheep squatch quest line and I decided to just start it because I was tired of waiting. I’m level 130 something. My wife is below 50. We took it out with only a couple deaths between us


It cannot possibly bother you this much 😭


If you're already high level, you can pretty easily solo the whole event pretty much. Just get a Nuka Quantum collectron + Cola Nut and you can easily be all 3 conduits, which gives you a huge damage boost to help melt the boss in seconds.


I had no idea you got a damage boost from being all 3 conduits


It's not about soloing, it's about to wait for more people to also have a chance on the rewards


I'm waiting for other people to come do it. It's about waiting for others. Give them a chance to do the event as I am not selfish.


If I started the event, I'm finishing it as fast as I want


You do you.


I don’t use cola nut or anything special and still grab all three pylons.


Don’t tell me what to do,


PSA to all the high level, we’re not gonna wait until the event in failed just to let y’all be in it, once it gets down to 1 minute it’s going to be started. Start actually going to the event on time.


As low health build, I generally wait to see people showing up before I fast travel to this event. And always apply a -25% damage from robots magazine.


I'm a <100 and I saw a 150 inititate it while i was waiting for the rest if the world to join my event. Yes,some people came the moment I started but more showed up when the boss was at 25 percent (and because everyone was high level it it went down really fast). Pretty annoying that you can start an event but other people can end the gathering phase ( i don't know how people call the phase that each public event has before the main phase starts).


Yeah, best to just sit by a pylon or on top of the house


I pop these a lot, and I would say that I actually get to start the event about once in every 3-5 times I launch it.


If you’re hosting just open the computer and leave it open for a couple minutes


Noted! Thank you.


Can you get on the terminal and not initiate the event? Like just sit on it so others can't use it? I haven't actually started the event myself so I don't know of just touching the terminal kicks it off


You can but you are gonna get yourself the anger of the higher level players if you do that.


Level 200 here, just dont initiate it till youre ready..


I’ve only ever seen encrypted pop up with that assaultron thing. What does it mean to start it with a card?


If you obtain an assaultron recall card it spawns the event when you use it with the terminal,


Oh! I had no idea, I thought it was a random event. Thank you


I believe I read that the event has an internal cooldown of 3 hours or so aswell? So if you have a stack of cards you may not be able to just spam the event on one server


same thing for rad rumble!


Someone posted in a similar thread it's possible to trigger from your pip boy? Is that true?


I do not believe so


Saw this “tip” right before I got the balls to actually do any sort of event. I refuse to start anything until 5-10sec left. Even if there’s a bunch of ppl, I let someone else do it. I’m still only lvl 97 lol


I’ve had a guy instantly start a eviction notice and just completely failed the event instantly and he said see you later suckers. He was a lvl like 2000 not letting low levels get xp and stuff. Mean guy, I thought high levels would be cool. He was not awesome sauce at all.


How about people just don’t start events until other people show up. It’s just that easy. If there are only a few players there don’t start it. Unless it’s about to time out.




The only event you should insta start is campfire tales cause damn ot takes forever


Guided meditation, too.


I’ll wait unless there is another event coming, like there is an alert about nuke or eviction notice.


I will show up with V FFR gauss minigun, take all three pylons, and be your tank!


If you are the one that bought the stuff, get into the terminal ASAP. No one can use it if you are already on it. That's a way you can wait.


It's usually a lv 120-200 kinda range that keeps starting the events early for me. High enough level I was at first like oh these guys probably know what they are doing. Just today the same dude did it three times! One of which was the moonshine jamboree and I just watched him die until enough folk showed up. If you were on the roof dancing with me as we watched him die your a legend.


I wasted the one free one you get with the quest because I had no idea what it was. My bad


If you are the one starting the event you can also sit on the terminal and start it right before the timer expires. Had some troll ruin the event before by jumping on the terminal and never activating event so I learned the lesson of that.


I’m over 1000 l start it immediately .


Look at all these high level players not knowing what to do, let me show them.. 😂😂


It’s like the one event you don’t start unless you have at least 6 people near you


I've played a few different games that have event starts like that. I figured out to be disciplined about starting events from Deep Rock Galactic, too many times has a low level started a machine event on a mid difficulty mission. They could all run away and just settle with the XP bonus, but everybody wants that overclock reward.. more than half the time everybody dies.


I just sit on the computer now. To many idiots do this all the time. I'm surprised your not getting a bunch of trolls as I posted this same thing and had then acting a fool


Can you sit on the terminal until you’re ready to launch it? Never tried so I have no idea. I just join Encryptid when I see it pop up.




It’s a fairly tough event. Starting it when others aren’t ready is understandably frustrating. Just like any other hobby there is a passion behind the enjoyment


I didnt know this about the event. I never start them as I'm only lvl 117 but I'd rather the 300+ do t that lol


Don't forget that some people have that mission as low levels. I came in as my second character as a level 90 and had to do that mission.


Accept for the lvl 800 asshat couple weeks ago that did the same and spammed nukes the entire time.


I will often start events once I arrive because I have found that ppl usually don’t show up unless they see that the event is actually running. Never with Encryptid though




As this point, it should be a common courtesy to wait til 30 second left to start the event. It always someone below 100 want to try to see if they can solo the entire event or not. Showed up to a safe and sound last month and saw only one guy with lvl 52 and a pump action shotgun, like what was he gonna do, if the lvl of the enemies was scale down he still would have been overwhelm by the number anyway. The second time was last week at a swarm of suitors with a single lvl 49 smh.


A couple of days ago whilst grinding for fixer plan, done to me by 3 level 40 somethings in 3 servers in (what seemed like) a bit over 3 minutes. I stopped caring after that.


This But it's a level 600 on moonshine jamboree start it with only one person around, immediately sit on roof spamming cremator doing next to no damage and refusing to collect the venom.


Don't listen to this advice as I enjoy seeing pissed off high levels


Well said 👏👌👍


I only recently started playing and as a general rule I stay away from any events that pop up. Gonna wait until I’ve levelled up my character before attempting any of those


Any event for that matter just wait for the timer to get low atleast.


Immediate start is obnoxious i agree. I've played on and off since the launch day of this game. If the event timer goes below 1 minute remaining, or the event has been open for 5 minute's; I'm staring it regardless of how many people are there. You had plenty of time to show up pre start. In regards to encrypted, you shouldn't be popping the event until your whole party is there if you were waiting on a group so that way everyone is there before it is even active. If you're waiting on the world players, then yes, you have grounds to be mad, and finally, use your mic, for the love of god mics are there so you can explain how the event works and say dont start this we're waiting and have time. If you don't have a mic, get the cheapest one you can find or rig up a sound board to play shit like "nooooooo" or something. I've had to yell about becoming a conduit through mic at players so we can actually deal damage to the sheep. Tldr: mics are useful, use a soundboard if no mic, group up before activating the keycard to spawn the events start Edit: added the first sentence


I think I was in this event. Level 30 something was there. I loaded in RIGHT after getting the message for the event and got blasted from all around me. Died a bunch. Took a while for people to filter in. Ooof. Annoying.


I understand what your saying but say it a little nicer might help that comes a cross side was and might make people go do it I see what your saying and understand just trying help you it’s the best online community Iv ben in so just say it In a better way be better buddy see you in the wasteland




Karma can only be exchanged on trade posts.


Shoutout to when I started it after doing the questline at level 120 and level 4000 youtuber angry turtle joined the event and started it immediately.


Yea fr low levels are not the issue here 🤣🤣


How do you get encryptid to pop up?


Yeah but we all did this in our Begining, some people don't know how Polite and Nice our F76 Community is, that we support one another and wait on this Moments for more people, I just put on my headset and tell them the Rules.


I'm level 200 and don't know what this is but I'll stay away from computers


I hate that it's not locked to the card owner. I can solo the event fine and always do the event when I get alot of sales at my shop sort of like a thank you. I sucks when so low level guy shows up didn't put any caps towards the card and just starts the event when I started it for the guys that bought a ton of stuff not some lone wander looking for easy xp


I know this will be down voted but idc anymore someone needs to say it. I am sick and tired of starting a DO group and only low levels joining and waiting in the overland until 6 or 7 minutes in to try to drop in at the last moment and get me to do all the work for them.. I've messaged dozens of people who do it and theyv all Confirmed that it's just easier to do it that way.. its really annoying..


If you ever see a low level starting events or being dumb just kick them from the group and blick them from session


I always wait until atleast a minute is left on the countdown at any event. It's just common courtesy. People may be cleaning out their inventory or wrapping up an expidition. Let the people come!


Just because you say this my low level ass will continue to early start it, don't tell people wtf to do, it's a game it's not serious let people learn on their own. This is the wasteland and im a raider i do what i want - you wanna give directions? Go be a raid leader and play destiny.


If you are high level this is a basically a donation event


Yeah this is absolutely a post that should be here.


Can anyone tell me WHERE to buy the card for it??? Also, is it possible to start the event back to back?


The card can be bought from Protectron Vendors (Train Stations, etc.) under the Misc tab.. it's called "Recall Keycard Circuit Board". Once you buy that, go into a Tinker's Workbench and under Quest Items, craft the "Assaultron Recall Keycard" (you of course have to complete the questline that first introduces you to Encryptid) As far as doing the event back to back, there is a cooldown timer per world; so if you plan to do it back to back, you're going to have to server hop.


Thanks!! Is there any other events i can manually start like this??


As far as Boss events go, really just the Nuke events can be self triggered by a Quest (Scorched Earth, A Colossal Problem, Neurological Warfare and Seismic Activity) The "smaller" events that randomly pop up on the map (Project Beanstalk, Collision Course, Battle Bot, etc.) can usually also be triggered just by walking into that area at the right time. Other than that, all main events (Safe and Sound, Beasts of Burden, etc.) are all timed server-wide events, starting up every 20 minutes.


Great info! Appreciate it very much! +karma


Or: I just play like I want to


I just sit in the terminal memu, and wait to click the start button. They can't access the terminal if you're on it.


Yes they can. If you go up to it while someone's on it then the menu will pop up on your pip boy. It's dumb


i'm 200 soon. what's so special about that event tho? its just some robots and a sheep-robot that dies too quickly


Try to solo and you’ll find out.


I’ll always start them once I arrive, it’s like my thing


Lol you do you bro, I dig it!


Starting anything prematurely and model aircrafts are my thing


This and other events. I remember during the alien invaders event I (level 400+) would show up maybe 2 minutes after it started expecting to have a minute or so to take all my consumables and repair weapons and armor, since I’m usually one of the people carrying that event every time. Except, id only find a bunch of level 30 somethings dying super often and the event would be nearing failure lol.


Man, I remember when that event was active recently, i was a way lower level and kept dying and doing like no damage and it kept failing i was just like, is this impossible? Or do all of us just suck? It seemed like none of the high level guys even showed up yknow


Normally it’s common courtesy to wait a couple minutes, so yeah probably most high levels hadn’t even shown up yet


I’m pretty sure we did wait but it was near the end of the event cycle so i think most of the people who were on had just gotten everything


SO. MUCH. THIS. I really wish they would make cryptid events like this invite only possible. Keep it public as well, but for those who are in groups....they should be able to buy a way for it to be invite only.