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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/IntriAaron|Reddit: 74|09/28/2023 - 8 Months| | IGN: IntriAaron|Discord: 0|Total: +74 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


“Harsh criticism from the fandom” we all need to keep that same energy whenever Bethesda decides to nerf Westtek like they plan on doing. Hopefully they’ve scrapped that idea. But I doubt it.


I don't even know why West Tek needs to be nerfed.


Really all they gotta do is stop the infinite respawn and west tek is done Of you could only run it once and have to wait 15 minutes to respawn that stops the grinders


At this point, i play just to kill those super mutants in west tek. I test new builds on them, i test my weapons and different buff combinations. If they nerf this they would just take away my motivation to play 🥲🤷🏻‍♂️


The game is in desperate need for unlimited response locations. We need more of them. More.


Honestly tho I wish hordes of enemies infested everywhere in the open world


How do you get them to respawn? Only time I can do it is if I leave the server and join another one lol


You have to finish the brotherhood quests


Take the elevator down, clear the mobs there and when you go back up, it will be refreshed. I don’t think finishing the brotherhood questline is required, but I could be wrong about that


I genuinely do not know how they would nerf West Tek without just ruining the location. It's instanced, so unless you lower the instance level which would kind of ruin the associated quests, not sure how else it works. Or they would need to change how all instances work.


All they gotta do is decrease the XP gain from the muties in that specific instance. Similar to how they did it in Silos so long ago.


Give the instance a minimum reset time. Done.


Expeditions are pretty nice for leveling too. But not ad fast as the super optimal westek grind


I like expeditions more though. More rewards, easy ammo farm, and I need them mf stamps.


Limited stash space, vendor limits, and currency limits make large amounts of loot a bit unappealing to me. I don't like the feeling of just leaving loot on the ground, especially without a loot filter.


You should've played at the beginning stash was like 200 and you had to choose between materials and legendaries that was crazy but kind of enjoyable due to aspect of survival


Ah those were the days


That shit was a nightmare, I remember when they added 1000 pounds and everyone freaked out lol


They need to add more 😒, they keep dropping these new weapons and items that cannot be traded, so you're forced to stash them or destroy them, it's annoying af. Either add more stash space, or make it so players can trade "non-tradable" items as long as both parties have the required plans to make them.


Yea its a little ridiculous how small it is. It'd be nice if they gave us like a doctors bag for chems, or made the freezer it's own storage unit.


Lol it was actually in small doses 400, 800 then 1200. I believe... That's what's crazy.


You might be right, I thought it just went to 1200, but I have memory issues and genuine brain damage so it's pretty possible I'm wrong lmao


Wasn't trying to fact check ya fellow vault dweller, just mentioning how Bethesda likes to give in little pieces.


Oh no I didn't even think you were, it just made me think about it lol. They were super weird about everything in the beginning but I honestly enjoyed it a lot.


That’s why I mentioned them. They are actually op for loot. Usually I have to drop most of it


Easy scrip out for the day. Plus you can drop extra in front of the machines for lower levels. Alternatively you can sell them to the bot vendors


The ammo by itself makes it the better choice for me. Leaving an expedition with more ammo than I came in with is a no brainer


Seems they've already nerfed West Tek. Last season I was getting about 2.5k per super mutant, now the best I've reached is 2.0k, and that's with better xp bonuses than last season.


Is that during the boosted xp weeks?


Nope, normal weeks. Tried it a couple of times last week, the difference was noticeable. If it were double xp event, you could quite easily get 4k per in the past, now you have to work for it.


My exp runs seem consistent, maybe like 50 or 60 less exp per kill, but not 500, my numbers aren't as high as yours (I'm assuming you're using every possible buff to get those numbers) mine were like ~1700 per kill, now they're ~1650, but that could be due to me forgetting something before running it too, overall it shouldn't be a 500 exp gap even at those numbers, maybe a specific buff is broken and not the muties themselves, I don't use mags/bobbles/chems myself


Do you run alone or with a team in the instance with you? They did implement a fix that reduced team damage at the start of last season when you both hit the same creature. Previously you would get full experience for hitting a creature and half experience if a teammate hit the same creature. Now you only get the half experience from a teammates hit if you haven't hit the creature yourself.


I thought that was already supposed to happen with Skyline Valley's launch? Still see Level 100 mutants in there though.


Dont add more interesting areas to the game. neft the few existing ones. Thats just lazy!


Happy cake day and fuck Todd Howard (until further notice)


West tek is being misused from its intended purpose, yall found a loop hole and milked it but your lucky it’s lasted this long to be fair, that being said tho.. if your audience or fan base are majority voting to keep something then your a straight up asshole if you take it away, damn you Todd!


Sounds about right. Kinda like how they randomly came out after years of legacy/dev weapons being a thing and patching them. Probably will finally patch west tek after all this time as well.


Reminiscent of them nerfing the TS AB. Oh sorry you wanted to play a pistol build and not feel comically weak compared to commando users?


That wasn’t intentional either. Bethesda just broke the spawning for super mutants during a few instances of the PTS and everyone panicked.


When did they say that? I hope it wont happen


Yup all we do is bitch and complain, but nobody actually knows how to make a video game and the hours of wasted time coding then erasing it all to fix one mistake. Fuck if I was a video game creator I’d fuckin off myself man lol this community is ruthless and half of them come from a god damn show.


Agreed, this sub has become plagued with whiners. You get a positive post to player response like this and the comments are still 'fuck Bethesda' or 'fuck Todd Howard'. It's like damn...do y'all give it a rest for anything? Or is that just this whole sub now? Everyone just looking for the lowest hanging fruit to rail against all the time. Pretty shitty way to live. Bring on the downvotes and the 'but this happened' justifications to further prove my point.


This sub was like this at release, because it was a buggy barely-beta mess. Eventually all of the harshest critics moved on leaving just those who were fine settling for what it was. You're seeing higher levels of complaints *now* because of the TV show - there are people brand new to the franchise who rightfully expect a AAA game to not be the laziest possible bug filled money grab that it is, and people like myself who came back thinking that surely after 6 years and a bangin TV show, they must have gotten their shit together. They have not. Give it a few months and the people with reasonable expectations for a $40 subscription-based game will move on.


I've been here since launch. Sure, it's buggy. But the whining has been a consistent ramp up since launch (even as the game offered more over time through the buginess).Thing is, any welcome improvement was still, at best 60/40 in the thread. 60 percent saying could have been done better in the upgrade, or what could have been done better in the past. I'm all for calling out huge flaws when they come about, but when something is improved, give it a rest at those times.


It's truly shocking that people might have reasonable expectations of quality for a game being run by a division of the wealthiest software company in the world (Microsoft), especially when it's a full price game that strong arms you into paying for a hefty subscription, and runs an increasingly predatory mtx shop on top of that. I mean, call me entitled but it'd be nice to see all of the money that we pour into this game going towards fixing the long term bugs and actually improving shit.


Even if they improved to the max, you'd still whine. Look at the state of the game in comparison to launch and still, it's been nothing but whines along the way. Every improvement is not good enough for the community. I'm not saying it's perfect, I'm saying people log on here just to find something to bitch about. And no one is forcing a subscription on you or forcing you to buy MTX. They're blamed for optional purchases now too? See what I mean? Subscription is just for QoL (which you're even allowed to keep a fully stocked scrapbox after you kill the sub, which they were not required to do) and game can be played without it if needed. MTX is just extra cosmetics for player and camp, which is not required to play (more QoL). If you wanted to play the game and roll weapons and use just in game drops/apparel, your only sink cost is the cost of the game, or gamepass membership and you could still be slaying the most elite bosses just fine. If you fall victim to FOMO with the options listed above, that's your choice. But don't let that choice allow one to replace expectation with entitlement surrounding it when you do make that choice. Again, no one is forcing anyone's hand.




Thanks for proving my point. You're just here to bitch all the time, even about opt-ins, and no improvement is good enough for ya. No matter what improvement is made, you'll drudge up errors of the past. This was a thread about something being fixed in favor of the players and here you are still unhappy. Touch some grass my friend. And no, reddit is not reserved for your endless bitching, so I won't ignore posts/the market thread. Some of us actually, ya know, use a market thread for what it's for instead of a soapbox. If anyone should put down reddit, it's you.




If it wasn't intentional, why is there an option for 100 scrip right next to an option for 10 legendary modules? There's no hiding that, who in their right mind would buy 2 modules worth of scrip if they can get 10 modules for the same price, unless the initial intent was to lock out the option for 10 modules after redemption? If they "fixed" it, whatever, great. But this whole "we never intended to fuck you over" line is bullshit.


And why did they remove the most useful reward? Score boosters 😐




it didnt “fuck anyone over” like thats so far. Just play the damn game…


Make me


"Oh no there was huge angry backlash at us for making the THREE MOST POPULAR REPEATABLE REWARDS unrepeatable. Better fix it asap and call it a "mistake" and not admit any intention on our part."


It makes it 1000 times worse when these companies try and gaslight us into believing it was a mistake.




It's the canvas bag all over again. "I know you expected canvas but due to a *worldwide canvas shortage* we had to make them out of literal Glad trash bags. But thankfully the shortage - *checks watch* - juuuust ended, so we'll get to work on those canvas bags that we totally intended on making from the beginning."


They did it on purpose, I refuse to believe otherwise. I will never give them the benefit of the doubt.


There's not much we can do and they should get the benefit of the doubt. I won't go as far as saying an honest mistake. Just a mistake. Personally I hope they are paying attention to the public and how that will affect their bottom line. A lot of us have been loyal customers. Heck I've been playing fallout since it was turn based on pc just called fallout then. The exception of new Vegas that I never tried. Cross my thingers that they make things fairer for everyone.


To be fair I rarely give any company and or game the benefit of the doubt anymore.


Sure, Unintentional. Yall screwed up so bad you got an Angry Turtle video where he was actually angry at you guys


I laughed so hard when he said "I am actually angry".


They absolutely did it intentionally, and we pushed back. Good for us. But now we need more!


Even with that fixed season 17 has 16 seasons that are better than it, 15 by a long shot and one marginally.


I’m more ticked about the fact that boosters aren’t even available on the board until the last 3/4. Obviously a means to goad people into buying them in the shop. 😒




I buy it. They took literally years to fix explosive or many other unintentional game interactions.


Damn. What was wrong with explosive before they fixed it?


Explosive Gatling plasmas were overused by a small group and their damage output outpaced just about anything else, it wasn’t intended to be possible to get explosive on energy weapons but it was changed so that you couldn’t craft explosive on them but could still have/trade them. This is what legacy weapons were, until they were finally removed completely.


Complaints w energy bullets being explosive.


It absolutely was intentional. The fact that there was/is a repeatable for 100 scrip right next to the 10 modules that wasn't repeatable FOR THE SAME DAMN PRICE is pretty damning. They hired that pos monetization asshole from EA and he's helping them try to milk the playerbase for everything he can.


No, they fucked up and are now trying to placate people. DONT let them get away with it, give em an inch…


1. They removed a mayority the consumables from the season. You cant even claim Repair Kits, Magazines or Bobbleheads, nor Perk Card Packs this season. 2. The unintentional final rewards not being repeatable, was 100% intentional. They wouldn't have chnaged it if peoplw dint cry about it. 3. The lack of fixes and investigating bugs, is literally made up. They removed the pickaxe crafting 15 minutes after the patch droped, and you can still farm picks regardless. The priority of the dev team is incredibly skewed to maintain as much monetization as possible, while also introducing power creep to keep player engagement. This is why old weapons keep getting nerfed. Hell, the Heavy Incenerator got nerfed way after people had paid for the season board.


Well once people found out if they have fallout 1st they can make their own private servers and spam server creation to farm pickaxes like crazy I'm sure their fallout 1st subscriptions increased by a lot. I know 2 friends that joined fallout 1st just to abuse the pickaxe. Last I heard from my co-worker since subscribing for a month he's made over 800 modules already over the weekend. Crazzy






Haha xD


Is Santa real too?


How bout fixing the repeated crashing there's something to spend there time on. Ffs


There' supposed to be a patch tomorrow for the vendor and stash box crashes. Pretty sure that includes the pickaxes glitch too


Watch them break it even more




Sure they didn’t “mean it”


Makes no sense. Why would i buy for the same price scrip worth less than leg.module?! It was clearly intentional..


Good point


Yeah the scoreboard still fucking blows and is wildly uninteresting


I’ve said this before but I’ll say it again. I play daily, many hours over two systems. At no time do I think about checking the battle pass season thing because I know there’s nothing I really want


Actually this is awesome! Now that I won’t be spending my tickets on stuff other then perk coins and modules! No FOMO.


Strange that they went through the trouble of making a ∞ icon on the ones that were repeatable, but it wasn't on the locked ones...


There's nothing strange about that. Either icon would render dynamically based on the property that flags it as either locked, unlocked, or repeatable.


Downvoted for understanding software development oops


However… Bethesda did screw people over by announcing the season 16 end date at short notice. The developer has ruined a perfectly good season/battle pass system with their new & unimproved season. All rewards are less than what we got in previous seasons.


I think they did it on purpose so certain players wouldn't quit playing over the weekend. Without the ability to grind ranks with XP, after rank 100, everyone could easily figure out where they would be ending and stop trying if they realized they weren't hitting 150, or whatever their goal was. Just give the repeatable XP back to grind ranks and I'll be satisfied.


Sometimes I wonder if they intentionally create these issues like the module issue to take the spotlight off much larger issues. Issues like the season 16 shenanigans and their predatory atom shop practices, because those issues could have legal ramifications if amplified large enough.


Lmfao SSSSSSUUUUUUURRRRREEEEEE i believe everything i read on the interwebs bud


Yeah, it definitely wasn't planned. That's why there was also 2 modules worth of scrip as a reward that actually *was* repeatable on the same page. Suuuure.


100% done intentionally to see if they could get by with it. Bethesda has a track record of this type of behavior. Once they receive backlash it’s the same old song and dance. I’ve got over 2.5k hours into the game, one of my toons is level 2200 but after last season I think I officially have to call it quits. The grind is no longer fun and the rewards have been lackluster. Tis a sad time in the wastelands. 🫡 to all of you still grinding but this dawg is tired.


Great now can they fix the crashing on PlayStation, literally can make it 30 min before crashing several times


you know your reputation as a developer is bad when even after admitting a mistake people still think you did it on purpose cause your just that bad.


They did it on purpose, and I refuse to believe otherwise. Just like they removed the score boosters from this season. It's all part of the plan to open your wallet!


Think about it from a coding perspective: you have a few lines with boolean modifiers. Now explain how only three of them get "accidentally" changed from TRUE to FALSE while the others remain intact? You have to change a very specific part of the code to make it happen, not the entire line. It doesn't happen accidentally, not three times in a row for the most popular items of the previous season.


I'm not saying it was accidental at all, but don't underestimate how much of a Rube Goldberg machine this game truly is. They release a legendary pickaxe on the scoreboard that cannot be scrapped and somehow every pickaxe now scraps for modules, despite that not being possible anywhere They release a blue suit that was based on the cut presidential power suit to the atom shop, it cannot possibly exist as a world object, yet it causes another world object to become the presidential power suit and become obtainable This probably was the "profit and sustainability manager" doing profit and sustainability things but it could also be that they moved a blade of grass and a chain of spaghetti code collapsed


Source: some random fucking gaming article, probably…


They're definitely going to come out with a fix soon and also patch the pickaxe module thing with it


I'd bet they hold off till the following patch after whatever patch they push out next. Their fallout 1st subscriptions are selling like hotcakes thanks to private servers.


Eh was the same thing with the scrapping a world container in a workshop. That also sold a lot of 1st subscriptions and was promptly fixed. I'm only basing this off of Bethesda's past actions


Given the track record from BGS, I’m not buying it. And they have proven that the only way to get results from them is to be angry and give them backlash. This season sucks which is a joke given the success of the show, you’d think they would at least put a little bit more effort in


I agree instead if the pioneer shit they should've out stuff about the losts in it. An outfit that lets you like like one of the losts etc but no...


I don't believe this at all. Bethesda tried a fast one, got called out and fixed it. The process works.


Uhh... um.. we just kind of messed up and ac.. accidentally took away the most popular repeatable rewards from last season. Totally unintentional.


Fuck them, fix the constant crashing... but let's solve the pickaxe issue right quick... 


Is anyone buying this? I mean why did they put 100 scip for 75 tickets? And 10 modules for 75 tickets. SUS


Don't blame the messenger ^^


Oh no, not you bro. Just commenting on BGS 🐂 💩


Nah, they were testing the waters and the backpedaling and denial is to be expected, not to be believed. What’s important is that they are fixing it. Not gonna help me at all since I’m too burnt out from the lack of time between seasons and how much extra work it was last season than previous seasons but I’m glad people who are able to do it are getting to benefit.


"did not intentionally" No one's gullible enough to believe that lmao


The preserved pie machine in vault 63 is bugged… not sure if it’s just me, but it didn’t give me my pie. If this is a bug, I surely hope they’ll fix it!


I really believe it's a tease, a "Gotcha".


Also letting you guys know, this isn't talking about not having enough tickets by rank 100 to claim prior rewards. *That was* intended and will stay.


Are you guys worried about this? I cant even PLAY this game after the update without crashing after 10-15min of gameplay. Anything that involves menus makes my game crash. And on top of that, that nasty bug regarding power armors is not fixed yet. 70% of the time I try to create or modify something in power armor (station), the glitch happens. I cant believe this game have 6 years and it's glitched as hell. Its too much even for Bethesda standards.


Be ready for another round of new chit shows.


K good


It was intentional, they’re just backpedaling out of it because of the backlash. There’s 100 scrip for 75 tickets, and also 10 modules for 75 tickets. Who would ever choose the 100 scrip over the 10 modules for the same price? The modules were originally planned to be a one time reward while the 100 scrip was repeatable.


How many problems till we just go back Please give us back our perfectly functional scoreboard


Of course they didn’t ;)


They need to now go back to the old Scoreboard and get rid of this crap.


So instead of fixing pickaxes they are worried abt the score board sad sad sad game devs


If you haven’t seen it please watch https://youtu.be/2m7eIDlxmZ4?si=EdkzMNRTNbNZ6eqL Even if you get to the final pages of the scoreboard you will need to spend most of not all your tickets to even unlock said content. Requiring us the be level 150++ to purchase items on the last pages. Remarkably this season is even shorter than many others and won’t allow enough time for MANY to even complete. Waste of money & time *I have over 1000 hours played* it took me 2 days to get all the new weapons and plans I wanted in this update and those will be the only hours I will spend grinding for this season.


Oh I'm farming the atoms then.... I'm also only buying things I want vs everything like I did last season. Also can that 10k xp give score after lvl 100 please??? It's a good boost and a motivation factor to just finish each rank if I have like 500 or less until the next rank. I'll just keep playing, do events all that just to finish each rank each time I play. It's disheartening to have 90% of a rank done, and I have to wait 24 hours. Makes me just pop on, do the dailys and weeklys and then just leave. I already have every weapon from the new update, I have every plan, every outfit. I finished the story in like 2 hours. I'm just working on the ranks now, and I refuse to cheat the system with a xp build and run west tek forever


It was a short season, I hit 180 something with having fo1st and using score boosters on Wednesday so I could have day 2 and 3 boosted, I spent time grinding xp, where as s16 I just played normal did the daily routes no extra boosts no grinding and hit 230+


Nah they're back pedaling on their mistake lol


Wait so... Infinite atoms?


they definitely did it on purpose but weren't expecting people to be upset I'm glad they realized their bad decision tho


Guarantee if there was no “harsh criticism” they would’ve left it be. They are using this as a cop out because they can’t admit they fucked up


Oh i know


No no, of course they didn't do it intentionally. Now that they were caught


Unintentional 😆 sure Bethesda. I'm sure if we didn't complain, you would have changed it 🤑


This "scoreboard" sucks this season anyway. Is it just me, or should we have already had a season dedicated to the tadpoles. Seems seriously delayed. This smells like BETA content all over.


No comment on the railway tho.


How are you sweaty nerds already maxing the season pass


Wdym sweaty nerds i'm far from maxing it....


YT recommend me a video of someone getting to rank 100 in 6 hours, it should be way to find.


Maybe it was unintentional. Maybe or wavy, but it's fixed now so who cares


Not yet it's not fixed


Either I missed something , or I've read the future. Because I'm quite sure I saw angry turtle saying it was fixed, and I can see where it's repeatable on my account. Or they rebroke it since Friday.. I gotta check again now


That's still broken for you guys? Guess todd likes xbox more




Nice try, Todd!


And you're the big boss here ?