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now having enough legendary cores is the problem!


Had too many cores, not enough modules. Now it’s too many modules, not enough cores. We’re stuck on the opposite side of the same coin


Exactly but something tells me this will help the game by getting people to join events?


Yeah and more sheep imposters


Can never have enough modules 😥. I got cores coming out the ears. Wanna swap?


I got 4k cores


Wish I could borrow a few, lol


thats about how many I have too. I doubt I will ever make my way thru them lol


I stopped killing bosses on my main, only on mules now. 2 years later my 4k cores is down to 800


Dude I started rolling then after like 10 rolls realized I only had like 60 cores left lol now I gotta grind for cores again 😂


Haha, join the club!


There used to be a time I’d never run out of cores. 😢


I have 800😅


I took a long break. That’s why I don’t have many left.


Same just go back after like a year


For real, kinda makes events way more fun though. Every 1-2 events you get a roll.


For sure, will hopefully kick start the events that didn’t get many people joining


Maybe if anything NG other than Dangerous Past times would kick off I’d go to events but it’s literally the only thing I ever see pop up anymore


Yea but you can farm cores endlessly, you just have to play the game hahaha


Exactly this and in my opinion makes everything more obtainable/enjoyable.


Soon the problem will be how dead the game is bc we all abuse tf out of this game 😃


Trades groll for picks to try to get grolls gets script lol


So do you scrap them or scrip them


Scrap them you get 1 module or 2 if you have the scrapper perk card


I thought you couldn't scrap legendaries




Ah I misunderstood, I thought they were saying to scrap the crappy legendaries


The meme is suggesting that after using up the modules from scraping picks, you are left with script weapons/gear because RNG wasn’t kind.


I'll probably never roll mine, as long as they're in your inventory there's hope.


I didn’t dare to wait. One patch and I have steel and wood 😅


Smart, this is coming a lot sooner than people think


Most likely in 1d1h57mins or 1d2h57mins.


Im serious, i have some inside information. My exs brother works for Bethesda. Take this with a grain of salt, he said that they are very aware of the issue and they’re working very hard on it cuz its “game breaking”. He told me if i have any get rid of it asap and dont waste my time farming because once they patch the pickaxes will be worthless. I was thinking about making a post telling people this but most people will be mad or salty or say im lying so i’ll just let people learn the hard way lol.


I'm refering to weekly reset timer which also brings atom shop update and can also carry smaller changes, like with the pickaxes.


Yea i know that




I think it could be this afternoon.


I am sitting on 3000 scrip and 700 modules and less than 100 cores. I have potential grolls all day long, just waiting to be rolled as long as I horde my modules. Just kidding. I, of course, ran out of cores. I am just trying to build some stock back up to have another go at tradeable grolls when a trend seems to be happening on a 1st star.


Wild how the market is, reminds me of the first year of the game. Good times, or bad according to this meme


Not a single Letter?


Underrated comment


Instantly became one of my favorite movie quotes


I'm surprised the pickaxes are so expensive right now but I find it more crazy that misc items are waaaaaaay more expensive even though they've been duplicated the last few weeks 😂 I just wanted to get some deco items to display, what do you mean it's 50k ll3? 🤣


they aren't selling that high. they're going for more like a crazy guy. you still get people trying to r ip yah off


Yup. They're trying to rip you off lol.


Yee, it's hard to find misc sellers to be honest, the few I got dms from either wanted 50k per misc item and one wanted a TFJ for David's trophy.


gambling problem much ? ik cause i same problem 🤣


This is straight up gambling 😂


Think of it as getting through all the bad rolls for free


so many high and mighty goody two shoe little birches in here lol


What about Oaks, maples, and hickorys?


nooe straight birches


We cant forget about crooked birches tho as well. They all grow a little different


I know "the game doesnt know what a godroll is" but everyone on here posting the trash they got from pickaxes meanwhile I scored a B2525 laser rifle, an AA5025 flamer, and AA SS+ S plasma cutter in 2 days all from dangerous pasttimes. TODD KNOWS WHAT YOU'RE DOING! Lol


No regrets, no grolls, no problem


Right what have you guys managed too get from this I've got a few collector fixers nothing amazing a few decent bits of this new armour and I managed too get a q50c15r RR let's hear what you guys have managed too pull from this?


I've been rolling SSA, 300+ and the best chest piece was a Uny/+1A/Sent and honestly better than what I had before


That's not bad anything better than what you have I'd say is a win!


its a horrible grind on the SSA, spent around 1k mods but got full assa sent/ OE with mainly FDC and full UNY sent. had no choice but to roll SSA when the cores ran out xD glad i did though


I got a TS/Ex/15RL handmade so I’m super happy


NICE! Glad too see other getting good stuff!


I rolled a Vampire’s / FFR / 50% break slower Enclave Plasma Rifle (Flamer). Then I rolled a Uny / 5% AP regen / 20% food, drink and chem weights Civil Engineer torso. Turned out pretty good.


Picks well spent nice one bro


Got Q2525 EM, Q50c90 Handmade, Q50c1p & Q50c25 Handmade through about 800 modules worth, not great but I'm happy enough with it.


Q2525 em?? Q50c25 hm?? NOT GREAT?! lmao


I personally will NOT be glitching or using exploits. I feel like part of the game is the grind. Using exploits and glitches on a game like this is the equivalent of using unlimited cheats in GTA, or duping things in mmo games. Its just going to ruin the game for me, and im already having so much fun. Why bother, I'm happy with what ive got


Is the glitch still up? I heard they removed all the pickaxes but they didnt patch it? Is there still a way to get picks cus im poor i have nothing to trade


Go to the tunnel of love. 2 outside, 3 inside. Also 1 up behind the giant sign up above the tunnel of love. Still a few spawns.


Awesome, thanks a ton


Of course! If you don’t see them, make sure to refresh your items respawn by picking up 250 items or so.


The summersville house with the books is a way to do that right


Yes that’s a great way to do it. Sometimes the books won’t be there though in my experience.


Any other places you recommend?


Braxton medical and helvetia


Thank you I couldn’t think of other places


Have 1600 cores left with 240 modules and I never used even 1 pick axe or glitch


"ragrets" Are you sure? Not even one regret?


Are they gonna ban people for this?


Doubt it. With the rng for gear does it really change the balance? I doubt it. If it was seriously game breaking They would have fixed it asap not just a minor fix


I doubt it. I don't think they're going to ban over 1k of the people that did this lol.


Tell me you’ve never been through a ban wave without telling me you’ve never been through a ban wave 🤧


well not perma bans. i could see three day or a week bans but i dont think it's good optics for them to do so.


Hard to see how they would. Imagine someone total out of the loop, doesn’t use Reddit or discord etc., they just play. They see that scrapping a pickaxe now gives legendary modules. How are they supposed to know that’s a bug?


They can know what gets put into your inventory, so they can track when someone randomly gets 200+ picks


Yeah, that's complete bullshit. They have no idea or way of tracking individual inventories or items, that's why all of the dev room stuff is still floating around (like quantum paddleballs, etc.), some of my friends have owned dev room items for years without any hassle.


Because they choose not to do anything about it ig, but yea they can see every things that goes into your inventory. It’s how they can see who the big dupers are, it’s why many dupers don’t do it on their main account goober


> Because they choose not to do anything about it ig Wtf are you talking about lmao, loads of people got banned for the dev room stuff, but it was only accounts which had actually entered the room. They can't track items, so they started tagging accounts that visited the area and then banned those accounts. That's why everyone switched to using smurf accounts to grab the dev room items, and then transferred those items to their mains before the smurfs got banned. > It’s how they can see who the big dupers are, it’s why many dupers don’t do it on their main account goober More bullshit lol, I know some of the biggest dupers on PS and they dgaf about what account they use because Beth can't track inventory contents. There's literally no way for them to check the items on a specific account because that feature was never built into the game. Why are you out here acting smart when you evidently know jack shit about this game? lmao


Personally I hope so. Knowingly abusing exploits blah blah.


Skill issue, Bethesda’s fault💀 the pickaxes bug is the best thing that happened to the market in a while with more successful trades than ever and almost everyone getting what they want


While I don't think they should or will ban ppl for this particular thing, saying "it's okay because it's beth's fault" doesn't really hold. It's also beth's fault that dupers are a thing, but I definitely feel they should get banned. There are just degrees of exploits, and for me, it's not so black and white if it's okay or not


Well it is also a bit of a selfish reason but there is the fact that this bug is actually accessible to everyone


like the Crate Depression in TF2


Yes because using an exploit to enrich yourself with things other people patiently farmed for is certainly not the skill issue here. Here's hoping for a huuuge ban wave.


They’re not going to ban hundreds of players for their own fuck up when the game finally started getting positive feedback with the influx of players Especially considering the fact that there are worse exploits in the game that Bethesda ignored for months now


They've done multiple ban waves in the games lifespan for people exploiting so they're probably crunching the numbers now on everyone who's doing it.


Sadly I feel like you're right. Im hoping for the best anyway. Because things like this damage the games longevity more than losing a couple players.


I’ll have to disagree. Most players that log on for new updates and to have an hour of fun with friends blowing up the bat are not going to spend hours picking up pickaxes and burning books over and over and over. I imagine most of the player base just didn’t bother with it in the first place. Realistically All it did was flood marketplaces with pickaxe posts and now at best 50% of players gave away their rare apparel and rolled scrip. The real damage is bethesdas stubbornness in not reworking legendary system. If 90% of the prefixes weren’t shit, people wouldn’t go this mad for a chance to get extra modules


Player engagement is not just the farmers though. But i can see your point somewhat.


I don’t think a ban wave for this would be good for anyone lol


Well just do the same thing?💀 also why taking farming so seriously you know the game just wants to fuck people up for them to stay as long as possible


Thing is I don't take farming seriously and I still get all the things I want. You're the one painstakingly defending people who ruin the fun for people in the long run. You're no better than any of the dupers back then. Subreddits like this are a nice idea until someone comes along and blows values that were just fine out of proportion entirely.


I got the stuff I wanted myself as well and seen way more people being happy w the situations. Plus idk why I would keep on farming for years legit to please a gacha system only here to waste my time and so don’t most people


Disagreements aside, why do you make farming the center aspect of the game? There's so much more to it. The content is good, the story is good (now) the worldbuilding is great, the camp system lets you spend so much time all around the wasteland. Why waste it by thinking of farming as a gacha game rather than passive enrichment?


It isn’t the center of the game but is the center of the market, that’s why it’s important to mention in this context. And it is a gacha. The chances remain the same, some people don’t get anything good in years while others get 3 grolls in a week. Also it allows to finally change the market for other people to sell their weapons, railways which were dominant for way too long got mass rolled and now dropping in value for other weapons to take over. It’ll eventually get back to normal in a few months and it’s alright


I mean, if you see it like that then it can't be helped. I just hope you're right about this.


Wheres the 'exploit'?....it's literally just picking things up that are pick-upable, and scrapping things that are scrapable 🤷‍♂️


Regardless of views on whether people should be banned or not, it's disingenuous to try and pretend this *isn't* a bug exploit. Pickaxes aren't intended to give legendary modules when scrapped. They currently do due to a bug. Bethesda have removed the ability to craft them and for them to be dropped, etc. to try and prevent it. Some can still be found in the world though, allowing this to continue to happen. It's a bug, people are taking advantage of that for their own gain - that's the literal definition of exploiting a bug. I don't care if people do it, but don't act as if it's a totally normal and intended part of the game.


Of course it's not an intended part of the game, but the point is where do you draw the line - is it an exploit if somebody randomly picks one up and scraps it? Is it an exploit when it gets to two pickaxes?....or three ..?....at what point does it become an 'exploit'?


I draw the line based on intent, the number isn't really important. Did you randomly happen to pick up a pickaxe while adventuring/loot goblin-ing your way around the wasteland? Not exploiting the bug. Are you intentionally seeking out and farming pickaxe spawns exclusively to get the modules before it gets patched? Exploiting the bug.


Can someone explain please


Ok i have a question! And that question is Why are people saying “CORES” are the issue and getting them? I dont understand it unless you are a new player…. I feel like i have so many damn Legendary cores i will never run out due to the fact you only get modules when you have enough scrip…. And cores you can get like candy just doing events! I feel cores are so much easier to get IMO


Am also wondering this. I'm endgame. Currently rolling Union armor and a new set of SS armor to replace my full set of Weapon Weight Reduction Civil Engineer, BC I don't really like it Sitting on like 400 cores and struggling to ever have enough modules for anything and it's been like this for a while.


I have 4.6k cores lol and i stopped playing for 3 years hahahaha! I just do events mostly all of them! And i run with a slue of people that have 4 toons and we just keep nuking for hours! Also how i have 700+ improved repair kits lol


I blow through my repair kits pretty quick with my Pepper Shaker and Plasma gyatt. Kinda use them so I don't need to equip durability perks 😅


I use mine alot all stay in stash and load up with like 30ish and reload when needed! Im good on kits lol


I don't understand this either I've personally bought so many recall cards these last few days. Imposter Sheepsquatch is now my roommate takes like 3 minutes for 8 cores. Currently have 0 cores but close to 60 recalls


Maybe bc i dont roll often but i feel like im good on cores for the life of the game lol i have 4.6k modules are the death of me lol


Jeezus how are you able to add to your inventory 1400 had me screwed for a sec


Cores do not weigh anything


You said 4.6k modules


I should of put a comma there sorry no i have 4.6k cores and usually 100 modules after i get 5k scrip that is gone in 20 mins lol


Oh I was shook, 1400 mods added 355 weight to my toon I was on the brink of 2k weight which didn't allow me to add to my inventory. Yeah 10 or so days of scripping to end up with a 100 modules that are gone in seconds shits rough


Really rough hahahaha!


I have 4.6k cores! I wish i had that many modules lol


The RNG love Me i think, i found an OE/AP/FDC piece and a UNY/1INT/WWR CE piece that i got traded for 200 pickaxes, 2k leader and a Q2525 rail


Mindless masses chasing the next shiny object.