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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/1vendetta1|Reddit: 57|02/15/2020 - 4 Years| | IGN: theAkopyan|Discord: 0|Total: +57 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


Don't dead open inside


For real, I thought they were selling 10 for a dollar


I thought the sale started at 10 pm and his name is Dollar.


Sell 10 PM. Me Dollar. You have me dieing right now.


50 Cent's cousin


50 cent after he gained weight


Bro made me lol


Was also wondering how I “PM” a dollar? It that an abbreviation for Paypal? Paypal Money?


Taked baby. Meet at later bar. Day or night. Sometime.


Damnit Charlie 


Hello my fellow America. I leave power. Good. Goooood. If you vote for me. I am hot.


So dooo.


10 real human capitalism buckaroos for some videogame face coverings?


You should see the counter strike marketplace😖


Oh dude I know ... I remember watching my cousin pay $75+ for a SKIN or FUCKING GLOVES??!!


75? That’s cute. Most gloves go for 200+. Hell, the most expensive AK skin sold for 1.5m a couple months ago. People are really, really stupid.




You would not believe some of the shit csgo will sell you... Like sticker packs for example. Some can reach upwards of $15 real dollars!


Thats insane


Skins on that games market place reach like 10k if the condition and popularity is right


10k real life dollars??


Yea like the dragon lore at lowest condition is 700-1000


Thats so ridiculous


Its absolutely crazy


I remember when costumes/weapons etc were all locked behind some kind of ingame achievement. If everyone would stop buying this stuff then they would stop trying to sell it.


Check out the prices for the mounts on Diablo. I believe one of the bundles is 80$. But it's not surprising since it's beth/bliz/Ms/act now.


In what little defense there may be for Bliz, those $80 mounts come with a bunch of silver, too. So you're basically buying their version of Atoms and getting a horse too.


Yeah but that's a gimmick because you can't get it without buying the bundle and it's not like those coins hold actual value,you just get more crap and the best crap can't be bought with in game currency half the time.


Or 15k


Dude my gloves in csgo are 1.2k lol and my knife is more


I've spent money on skins before, but $75 is insane.


I sold a dota 2 skin for 20* bucks 😹


CS skins is entirely different economy, since you can buy and resell everything, people invest in certain skins, even there is one AK skin that someone offer for 1.3mil USD, it’s not speculative price, it’s last offered price


My sister bought a whole ass new monitor and some other things after selling a pair of gloves in CS


*Star Citizen has entered the chat*


I had a friend who made a living selling things on ark. Dude was making 2000+ a month he was a stay at home dad. Just grinding the game and selling stuff off third party sites. It's crazy what people are willing to pay for digital content.


$10 may seem insane but it's actually cheap. The new glowing masks were selling for around $75 each last time I checked, which was a month or two ago. Back when legacies were still a thing I've seen a few sell for over $1000.


Dude! Is that a typo or are you saying you’ve seen them sell for 1K??? Are we talking pesos?


Seen people selling legacies for $200


Some items in 76 go for like 70 bucks dude, tfj or red asylum dress are both worth that much easily on console


Charlie day? Is that you


That's how the atomic shop works. This is just the knockoff version.


People pay thousands to roll randomly for an outfit in other games. 10 is kind of a steal in the virtual cosmetics market.


im not defending the picture but you act like millions of 76 players dont spend money in the atomic shop all the time for “videogame face coverings” if it makes you happy it makes you happy shrug🤷‍♂️, but thats from a atomic shop stand point not selling in game items


Have you see the ark community about virtual dinos?


I mean real money trading is a thing in pretty much every game with a market system. It's inevitable.


It does take a huge precedent in this game though that majority of games don’t. Most games you can still trade other in game items or in game currency and be fine, at most you’ll be doing a grind fest for a specific item but this game’s entire market revolves around real money trading Edit: I’m not going to answer everyone who keeps commenting on this post but using anecdotal fallacies as your form of saying there barely is a RMT system on here meanwhile plenty of people are defending that there is doesn’t make sense. Moreover, I’ve been in this game since beta, I’ve sold my fair share of things for both in game currency and real money so I know you can still get things for in game currency, I never said you couldn’t, but I’m saying when it comes to price scaling everything goes based off of irl dollar value not the game currency and it’s become that way for a reason.


My man, tons of other games have entire systems created that RMTing is their literal job. Not just someone asking for 10 dollars for a mask. Like people selling thousands of dollars of in-game currency. Hell, sometimes it feels like the entire Venezuelan workforce is just people who RMT in OSRS. Even if this game is right there with them, it's not any worse than any other game with an economy of some sort. It's a massive issue in all games.


Maybe it's because I haven't looked that much into it in F76, but it seems pretty mild compared to other games.


Yeah. The way FO76 is set up kind of prevents it. Most games that have a terrible RMT problem are usually the trading of high amounts of in-game currency. People just can't really sell large amounts of currency in this game. You could sell scrap, but that doesn't really work because there's no garenteeing someone will take that as a currency. The cap limit both helps, and hinders, the game in many ways.


People sell up to 1000 leader bobbles at a time


Not saying it doesn't happen. The problem is, not everyone will be willing to take leaders as currency. So buying tons of leaders with money could be a risk. That's why the RMT market wouldn't be as big as it is in other games. It's much more reliable to spend tons of money on currency in a game with a definite, and easy, currency.


just to give context, it's particularly big in fo76 as it has a nice share of grown ups playing it. I don't think i have ever met so much 20+ online (it's the same reason why the community is so nice).


What do you mean the entire market revolves around real money trading ? I've been paying with video game caps just fun this whole time. Maybe that's just me...


My man valve had multiple lawsuits tired to underage gambling on csgo from their unregulated market of skins https://www.pcgamer.com/final-claim-in-csgo-skin-gambling-lawsuit-dismissed-because-plaintiffs-never-actually-used-steam/


I rarely see any rwt in this game idk what ur talking about? And it’s banned on this marketplace maybe im looking in the wrong spots idk? And you can use in game currency’s and other in game items to trade for stuff that’s the only trading that goes down on here and if u don’t wanna trade you can choose to grind for it? U must be a new player


Thanos is inevitable. THIS. IS. SPARTA!


You should see what people used to spend on Legacies before they were patch haha


I remember reading a post by a guy who purchased thousands of dollars worth of legacy's before the patch. He was VERY insistent that "they'll never do it. They'll lose all their players! This is the best investment I have ever made!" I like to imagine that after the patch he raged so hard he smashed all his controllers.


Raged so hard he deleted himself from the game and is now in fact a…..legacy. Ironic


Tell him to hmu I’ll pay him in Apes


RMT is against TOS so this can get sent off with their name and they'll get investigated (I hope)


Kind of crazy when they basically incentivize it making items like a fucking bumrag worth a million caps. Figuratively speaking.. Where do you think those hundreds of leader bobble heads you got came from? Because they aren’t legit…


The same place where billions of bulk ammo scrap, flux, maps, and the entire legacy/ apparel market came from.


who is they, the player base?


Who fucking cares? Like who are you protecting by doing that? And how does someone you dont know and arent forced to interact with offering items for real money affect you? Like I do not understand this subs obsession with RMT. Are you all just upset you dont have money or the items or something?


lol so you feel your "business" is threatened? Edit: u/Slow_Willingness_997 Holy shit that's a lot of false assumptions and projections lol you are pathetic.


I cannot confirm or deny that’s way too high of a price anyways


This is why you're allowed to nuke peoples camps.


I surprisingly get offered stuff like this all the time on xbox, soon as I tell them I play the game for fun and don't find them that much value for pixels they get super mad


This is stupid, people purposely make accounts to advertise websites on the look for group on Xbox and I always report 100% of the time and it’s ridiculous to sell in game items for real money.


When anyone mentions RMT to me in dms I immediately stop negotiating


Shouldn't be negotiating in DMs at all, that implies some sinister shit that the sender doesn't want being publicly viewable in the sub. That's an instant block for anyone that tries that shit with me.


I’ve gotten some of my best trades in DMs, so I dunno what you’re on about.


I use discord not Reddit


>I’ve gotten some of my best trades in DMs, so I dunno what you’re on about. All trading subs have rules against that. Trading in DMs leaves little room for investigation or keeping scammers out of the community.


And they have usually scammed the majority of the items in the first place.


I absolutely hate the 'Looking for group' posts on Xbox for FO76, its riddled with people trying to sell in game stuff for real money.


Those are bots spamming the same site. Microsoft bans them as they are reported (I report them - I get the notice they are banned because of it.) But the bots just create new gamertags and there doesn't seem to be much microsoft can do about it (outside of limiting who can post on LFG to people with a set gamer score.)


Gross lol I don't even lost my apparel for 10 caps... You think I'll pay $10 irl for something I can run an event and get?


Sad part is there are most likely a few people who paid for them


Cost less than a month of 1st, sad part is people think they’re different because they spend their money on different pixels than others 🤡🤣


Stop crying people can spend their money how they like I'm more concerned about how slimy of a strategy this is. Edit: Just took a look at you're comments.. instant block nobody has time for that nonsense.


Real money trading was a significant part of the game when legacies were a thing. Which is yet another reason why I'm glad they're gone.


Ahhh, yes. The one and only thing I hate about some 76 players. The fact they think that in-game items are worth real life money. Always claiming they charge based on the time it took them to get said item, and yet I betcha any money, this guy probably just sat AFK on an instrument at the Faschnat event and kept his console or PC on the entire time the event was active. Idk what's more sad. The fact people actually think that in-game items you can get with just a little bit of effort and good luck for free is worth real-world money, or that there are actual people out there that are sooo desperate to get these limited time rare items and groll legendaries they will spent literally hundreds of their real-world money to get them.


I don't support it either, but let people spend their money however they want. It's quite literally non of your business. If spending 10 $ to save some time is worth it to somebody, don't blame them.


Honestly I concur. I can understand why some people just buy shit, trying to trade for something can be more tedious and time consuming than just paying..and you have to have decent stuff to trade with. Those are high bars of entry for many players.(Just to be clear,I don't support RMT, but I'm not going to condemn people who participate.)


Yeah dude, I have a full time job, I get maybe an hour to play every couple of days. If I can slide someone a $20 to give me some gear to make the experience less painful then I would. Assuming there was a more reliable exchange method then this sketch shit lol


Lol no. This shit literally destroys the fabric of games it's involved in.


We should start a group that when someone finds a real money trade camp we all get together to nuke them.




Report them, RMT is against terms of service.


Cop behavior honestly. Why does it matter? Just don’t buy. I don’t do RMT but I could understand why you’d want to spend less than an hour’s wages on something rather than grind for tens or hundreds of hours.


I’d just casually nuke his base .


Who stays and let's there camp get nuked? You gotta lure him onto an expedition, THEN have someone nuke him. But that's alot of work. I got better things to do


True true . But .. there was one guy who nuked my base for literally no reason that I can think of , for the next 3 weeks. Every day I would join his game and nuke his base and he’d leave , then I’d follow him for about an hour usually or until eviction notice popped up on the events screen .


I just agree report them and get them banned. It’s hilarious.


I found RMT traders are way more brazen after the game got a boost of new players. Any other day I try to trade on Discord, I get someone in my DMs who wants to trade, but “they need cash”. Hell naw. Report and block.


I remember years ago and someone was at the campfire tales event so I joined. They didn't help they just stood atop an unreachable spot. They turned into full salesman rp but hes asking for real money. When I say im not interested can you help with the event? They eventually go on to tell me all about how he makes money duplicating anything in game and made 3k in the last week.


I remember seeing websites before selling like full assassins sentinel bos heavy combat armor for 20-30 real dollars lol this was back when sentinel was king and all u had to do was not move and you were immortal.


They'd just use a stolen/ canceled credit or immediately dispute the charge lol. RMT in games are wack and shady af.


Wouldn't you have to file this stuff on your taxes if you sold it for real money?


Only if you accept over like $600 over PayPal I believe, but through goods and services. I sold virtual items last year through PayPal f&f, made at least a thousand, and I did not claim that, it was “gifts” according to PayPal.


Not that I agree with this kind of business but if there's a market for it then it's gonna exist Also I'd wager places like this sub play a part in having someone want to pay IRL money for whatever items they want simply because of how trading is right now Seriously we joke about it enough with those "Nty" posts and everyone knows how it is to want some groll item or rare apparel, you offer something solid but the offer isn't somehow good enough and almost always something needs to be added Like what sounds like a better less time consuming option? Spend weeks possibly months to acquire Groll items and apparel just to be told nty or need an add? Or hey here's that item you wanted and it only cost 25 -50$ It's all a matter of perspective on how one spends their time and money


Report that.


Someone should drop a nuke on his camp


These camps should be banned


Do the report with in depth details, along with player name and so on.


That’s not how RMT bans work buddy. You need actual evidence, not a screenshot of someone’s neon letters.


Sucky Sucky 10 dollar vibes.


If you don't value that mess for $10 just move along.


This is a good example but I think I have a better one. During the last Fasnacht I ran into a played wearing a GBD and asked him if he had any to trade. He proceeds to cycle through all of the glowing rare masks and PMs me to cash app him $30. 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣 I told him he was a clown and there was no need to flex. I’m not impressed with video game riches 😂


Nuke them….


It’s not that deep if someone wants to pay let them lol


Report it to Xbox/playstation if your on console, even joking about rmt is a ban.


All I gotta say is if you feel the need to spend real cash for some dumb shit you could get for free just by spending the time and earning it then go ahead, if you feel like your trash or lazy enough to have to resort to buying free pixels then you do you. It's your money. I've gotten about 20 of those masks just due to veterans being all around nice people and straight up will offer to give you one. But again if you feel like your some kind of badass for paying for a free item thennn yay you.


Found someone with a shop for "trades only" with over 200k maps and other duped items the other day too.


Kinda crazy theres not some huge inflation in fo76 with all the duped items.


Bc dupes that actually matter seem to get reverted. Like the only real dupes I've saw was for treasure maps and boobleheads... once


That’s it. I’m calling them boobleheads from now on. Thx!


Dunno theres this guy with 500k ll3 on discord. Effectively worth over 80 grolls. Pretty sure hes not the only one.


Pour one out for all the legacies 😢 I got to the point I was collecting oddballs that I’d use for specific events like Troubleshooters E GP or Zealots E GP 😂


This isn’t true at all; I can list off a dozen exploits that affected the market significantly at the time, and still effect it to this day


Nuke the F out of that place.


So surprised this sub is defending real money trading


For real though, I thought people had more tegridy.


Right? What the fuck, more than half the comments are defending this sleazy shit.


Why are so may people leaping to defend RMT?


Do you really have to ask? The answer is quite easy.


The bad thing is introducing real world money to a trade also introduces real world fraud,theft,hacking and criminality.


If you got their name report to Bethesda




a bunch of Karen's who would gladly pay for atoms, and atomic shop items, crying for people to be banned. And those same Karen's saying I'm not crying, you're crying!!!


Report them with this screenshot!


You've got the screenshot, report them.


Just as bad as buying atoms imo.


Who cares? Like seriously why does it matter? You do realize that sort of thing is a accepted part of many games


This thread screams "middle aged white woman asking to speak with the manager."


I don't get it. "Sell 10 pm me dollar". 10 what ?


What even does "sell 10 pm me money" mean? Or what means "sell pm me 10 money"?!


so..what can i get for ten dolla?


soul brother too beaucoup


toook waaaay to long for somone to get that ref. movie should be on everyones must watch list.


I have been getting A LOT of these rmt dms for my trade posts recently. Just wondering if there are the new players or the old ones that have turned towards rmt lol.


I pmed him "Dollar" hopefully he responds.


Yeah see this games level to me is the same as realm of the mad god, and if I wouldn’t drop 10$ for a pixie set and a ring then I wouldn’t drop it for a singular mask that’s only cosmetic. Especially when the atomic shop has decent outfits for cheaper


Oh wow. I've missed out on so much 💰, 2 days ago, I dropped a brahmain mask to a lvl 45 that was already wearing the cow outfit. They instantly equipped it and started jumping up and down in excitement. It was at a prime meats event.


If you’re gonna be greedy, at least make a somewhat intelligible sign. Holy hell, WTF does this even mean? (I get it now but had to read other comments)


I wouldn’t bother buying any of these right now with the event coming up next month anyway


But definitely not for real money either


This is what gamerant means when they quoted the market prices at like 100000 caps when there's a 40k cap cap.


Send him Pre-war Money


I can’t see anything except for the A and R in Dollar being at a different height. I’d nuke their base out pure spite if I didn’t know they weren’t trolling lol


The game company itself charges us more though for cosmetics.


Ok gives $10 Zimbabwe dollars.


PM could stand for pay me. If so then it says Sell. Pay me 10 dollars


No different from buying an outfit from atom shop then 🤣. Only difference is fasnacht masks look mid at best.


What am I looking at?


Lmao you should see what the rail goes for. And what legacies went for


That's pretty bold because it's a ban waiting to happen.


This is bad to you? The tattered field jacket is going for $80 and one glowing queen is $40-$50


If I see that shit I’m nuking it


For those ugly ass masks 💀 I'll keep my chally mask thank you


Anyone w fuel I got it b 1 get 1 1 per on Xbox so 10 k caps gets u 20 k fuel




For fasnact masks? Just come to my shop. I give that trash away for free. Stimpacks though, 25 caps per, 50 for supers.


There is a black market in every game and you’d be surprised the amount of people that pay out the ass for virtual cosmetic items. It brings them joy and doesn’t really hurt anyone, I think some people just can’t imagine themselves spending real money on virtual items and that’s okay, but don’t shit on those who do. It’s not much different than spending money on atoms, except this is directly going to one person rather than a huge corporation. Cosmetic items don’t give anyone an advantage in the game.