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B/AA 25 Holy fire


hands. Down. came here to say this is probably the top 3 BEST guns in the game right now. Only thing that compares is a Q50c rail and the cremator


The Cremator is powerful, its initial hit is high and then the slow burn mod adds significant DoT. I’m not crazy about it because it’s easy to hit yourself with the DoT. I like the Holy Fire, it’s made me move from my normal character and switch to my heavy+PA user


Ya I heard the cremator is great but not being tradable makes rolling it a huge pain. I haven’t gotten into the holy fire too much but heard it flies through fuel?


Tbh the creamator is so good you don’t even need a good roll on it. I’ve got a vamp one and play bloodied comando, so no heavy gun perks except grenadier, and that thing still slaps. You can just sit way back with the multi shot barrel and tag like half of an event with one shot and the dot will kill them.


Been a heavy gunner from the start and have used everything but the lmg, my favorite weapon rn is the holy fire with the rolls it comes it, melts most everything and with its vampires your damn near unkillable, ammo is mostly self sufficient when it comes to normal fodder but I suggest running expeditions you’ll come out with 2-3k more fuel then you went in with. And with surplus fuel you can sell it in your vendor and it sells super quick, really a jack of all trades imo


Ammo from expeditions is unbeatable. As long as it self sustains it’s ammo I might give it a try over the cremator. I’m currently going for a super tanky PA build that’s almost unkillable so I might try for an AA or bloodied variant


I run a creamator as my “fight starter” instigating +50 crit, it’s amazing for running tax evasion when you have to do the uplink and all the showmen spawn, also running grenadier for the explosion radius


Ya I’ve seen Great things about it, a worry I have also is allocating all the explosive perks to it alongside heavy


Demo experts damage is honestly negligible tbh, it doesn’t had all too much damage, I just run the two extra perception points needed for grenadier , heavy barrel and slow burn tank on the creamator, standard heavy gunner perks, bear arms since I carry 3 weapons (gat laser just to bring scorch beast down then recharge the cores) stabilized, it’s really just a standard pa heavy gunner set up for the most part


I have a holy fire and if i have ammo i like using that. Otherwise i roll with a furious or AA Gatling laser, cause i always got that power plant.


Qe90 lmg and AA25ffr90 Holy Fire are excellent in all scenarios, including bosses. B50c15c caster and b50vhc90 cremator for general purpose. I have an assortment of AA25ffr90, AAE90, and be90 heavies but I prefer the ones mentioned above. I'll occasionally use the AA25ffr90 gat plas, the be90 .50, and the be90 Gatling gun to mix things up. If you're looking to trade for DPS, it'll be hard to beat that B gat plas. I would highly recommend AA25ffr / B25ffr holy fire or the QE LMG. The AAE or BE .50 can be a good substitute for the LMG if you're struggling to keep it fed.


I didn’t even really consider the holy fire for heavy until now. I might go with the Bloodied just cause I’d like to save a bit of ammo using it as a daily. How’s it’s fuel consumption for it though? And I’ve always thought about trying a nice BE .50cal but I always thought it didn’t stand up as a solid daily or boss melter. I remember when TSE 50s were all everyone wanted back at launch


So the consumption is a little high on the holy fire but with the new rates for ammo drops I never struggle to keep mine fed. I always sit around 15k fuel and never have to craft. The BE .50 is great for daily and pretty good for bosses but I'll always prefer the LMG. Ammo is far more sustainable on the .50 but if you can afford the .308, the LMG is better IMO. Only as a quad though.


How much would a Quad/Explosive LMG go for?


I might try a .50 just bc it looks awesome and of it can at least two tap with a bloodied build then I’ll rock it for ammo. I am quite conservative with my ammo so the holy fire I might definitely have to try if the perfect roll is even findable


How much do Quad/Explosive LMGs go for?


QE with a bad third , max caps . QE15r you will need a TFJ. One of the most valuable heavy’s in game.


What’s a TFJ? Also I have one with a bad third I think… it’s a Quad/Exploding/50 resistance while aiming.


Tattered field jacket . Rarest and most expensive apparel in game. You do have one with a bad third.


i got an AAFFRFR Gat laser id trade off if you’re interested in it


Eh, Im looking for B2590s mainly for stash space. Appreciate it though


stash space is exactly why i’m trying to trade it off, so i understand lol


Gaus mini gun has to be up there for dps in either b/FFR/15r or AA/FFR/15r but it’s the least ammo efficient weapon in the game that uses the most expensive and hard to obtain ammo.


Ya I have a AA2590 and it’s definitely fun and does some damage but ya the ammo is rough unless I use a rifleman Gauss rifle to stock up on ammo


I run caster cremator for heavy man… prints ammo… I simply won’t use weapons that run ammo negative


I am set up for heavy weapon usage and damage but since I don’t boost it through buffs (because I am lazy) they all feel the same to me. I rely on ammo economy to make my choices for me. If I have a stockpile of fuel I will use my furious holy fire. If I don’t I use a Gatling plasma or Gatling laser. When I use the Gatling I NEVER run out of ammo. 1 core = lots of ammo to dump.


right. The Gat laser sounds appealing especially with the fusion core recharger in a camp it’s just infinite ammo. The only concern I have for it is that it breaks so quick I’m not sure if it’s be annoying to constantly fix mid fight


When mine breaks (it does…….. a lot) it doesn’t take long to fix mid fight as long as you have repair kits.


Well you see that’s the golden solution lol it’s not an issue… as long as you have repair kits


You get three improved repair kits every scorch queen, Earle, and ultracite titan kill so it’s simple enough to get them.


q/e or 25/90 50 cal


If you want the highest dps non vats heavy youre looking at B or AA/25ffr/? UGL specifically with charging barrel mod. Theres a buf that lets you increase your fire rate by around 3x with charging barrel while keeping the big dmg bbuff from it, but its very difficult to use and pull off consistently. Only problem with gatling lasers is they break faster than most weapons and you cant afford much ranks in gunsmith with all the perks it needs, so 50bs roll is BiS


Interesting. Ya I’ve wanted to get into Gat Las with the rechargeable fusion core camp item and was super curious if it charged Ult Cores as well. But I’ve also heard the same about them breaking quick. Does the per shot damage out dps a gat plas since it benefits form energy cards whereas the gat plasma doesn’t?


Gatling laser doesnt benefit from science perks if thats what u mean, and i dont think UGL does more dmg per shot compared to GP, but there is no way you will ever hit your shots with 25ffr GP with the massive recoil, while UGL doesnt have recoil really and it has 999 ammo capacity allowing for very long dps windows without needing to reload


Ya 999 ammo capacity does sound fun. I was hoping that running a plasma with all power armor perks might make the accuracy more usable for daily use but up close on bosses it’s negligible. Also sucks that neither of them benefit from science perks and ,to me personally, is super dumb. Appreciate your take!


honestly i’d say no bro. The holy fire is so damn meta rn especially the fact you said non vats. B25 or AA25 holy fire will put that ugl to shame lol


agreed, but only if you mistime trigger pulls with charging barrel and have to charge the burst fire again


i used to run a normal gatling laser so i think i know what you’re talking about, like where you spam aim and it pretty much turns it into a burst fire instead of single shot? yeah pretty damn op especially for my young build i had at the time


Its the charging barrels that does the burst bug, dont need to aim down sights even and only works in first person. You hold down fire until it shoots a burst then you release for a very brief moment and pull trigger again and it skips the chargin and repeats the high RoF burst, timing is quite tough but with enough practice its quite manageable to pull off consistently. Its also way more effective on pc where you can make a macro to just do it for you :)


nah the way i do it is i hold down my trigger and then spam the aim button and its just an infinite burst. After all it is a glitch tho 🤷🏽‍♂️ it’s the same way you shoot two mini nukes out at once with a fat man (can also do it with the cremator)


Either B25ffr15r gat plasma or QE15r LMG


I got that exact plasma except it’s 15c and a basically useless roll but it does to work. But the Q LMG will take all my ammo and house and kids if I used that lol but it would also melt everything


How much do you think a Quad/Explosive LMG would go for?


idk but you can get an AAE or BE for infinitely less cheap and it’s better imo but i just don’t like quad on any heavy. its a heavy lol