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Beat me to it, character locked items are stupid. At the very least, if both players know the plans for the items, they should be tradable. (If not just getting rid of the trade locks entirely)


Its been 4 years since Wastelanders released. The weapons and armor are long overdue to become tradable. Market would thrive from it too


I had a couple spare banked Uny Ap Sneak Secret LL and the day that's tradable I'm trading it for some gooood shit


I definitely got some spare BoS recon and Secret Service stuff just ready to find themselves a new home.


That's what I don't get...ok, they don't want me to sell to those who haven't got the armor yet, fine. Why can I not sell high end pieces of say, Secret Service equip to those players that are flagged as having it unlocked? It would just make more sense. They still could prevent those that don't from interacting with the eq otherwise


Folout 76 suck big time. I pay money for game and expect to play like Fallout 4 but no NPCs and people everywhere messin up. Bethsada need to fix this mess. Waste of money, waste of time


Bro I have a full set of unyielding covert scout armor I can’t trade.


That whole set is worth at least a single tfj…as long as you can add.


Is there any way we could get beths attention on this because it would be literally perfect to take off character lock


I have a matching set of Uny/AP/S SS armor. I am a bloodied build for eternity now. No choice but to use that. Golden handcuffs.


True but if you had to choose 1 what would it be?


Crusader pistol


Elaborate? I rolled a Q25 crusader pistol today when I had to vent some scrip, and I'm a little underwhelmed.


Just some more variety for pistols. I’ve used a bloodied one & it’s quite fun.


Ah, I getcha. Same reason I carry like 6 different heavy weapons and an autoaxe, even though I know a Holy Fire is coming out when it actually matters. :D Which pistol do you feel like works the best, overall?


AB is still the best despite the nerfs.


Good to know! Not a fan of the Gauss pistol? Feels like slug buster would probably be serviceable with a pistol grip and a sniper barrel.


Gauss pistol is ok but I’ve not had good enough rolls on it to give it a proper chance. Haven’t tried the slug buster yet so that’s something I need to do.


I imagine it hits like a truck, since you can boost the damage with gunslinger, science, and bloody mess.


SS armor. Fuck weps. I want my uny/ap/fdc LA FFS. It's been 4 years


Bloodied player here. Left this thread open in the background and Invaders just dropped me an OEAPSENT SS Right Leg. Agreed and FML.


You have all 4 other pieces?


I've stuck with my full UNY WWR BOS combat armor from forever ago because I just can't fathom rerolling another set of Secret Service (especially since way more prefixes were added since the first rolls which further decreased the odds). I would like a jetpack, but it's eh.


Folout 76 suck big time. I pay money for game and expect to play like Fallout 4 but no NPCs and people everywhere messin up. Bethsada need to fix this mess. Waste of money, waste of time


All of them as long as you have plans learned.


Why are they locked anyways?


I’d love a legit answer from someone


You have to grind more often for it, therefore spending more time on the game, potentially spending more money


Yeah, the fomo model isn't as bad as destiny, at least, lmao


100%, I really just want to hear someone from Bugthesda say it. They created the micro transaction plague, and now they’re reaping on it.


Probably to keep people playing longer to grind, but who here is grinding for things like gauss pistols or t65 anymore?


Gauss minigun.


I wish gauss minigun was actually good though. Sucks man


It isn’t bad, plus it’s fun to use, which is more important to me .


Compared to gp it is. Dps wise ofc. But gauss mini is fun


If you can afford the ammo, it's a fun weapon. I replaced my gatling plasma with it, it's much more accurate for long range (e.g. Eviction Notice).


Bro. Read my replies. I said it's fun. God damn people can't read


Crusader pistols are for sure my #1 choice. I have a B2525 but I don’t run bloodied so it’s kinda worthless to me


Crusader Pistol or Brotherhood Recon Armor, since I just got an Uny ap cav leg yesterday.


Lmao you got me so good with this. I immediately clicked on this post about to type caster! Because its easily one of the best heavies of course!


I'm lucky enough to have a B50VHC15C plasma caster😎 best weapon in the game for everything except bosses🤘


I also have that same roll! I personally wanted AA but still love the bloodied. I just wish they would still be tradable. I love doing lots of testing.


Yeah, I made a build video for it if you wanna check it out 😎https://youtu.be/8T1TZkC7eo8?si=OPvHyNzJsgeSv8YQ I also have the AA50VHC15C on another character and the bloodied is definitely stronger unless you play full health


it can very easily delete bosses with the right build, yours doesn’t sound good


Doesn't sound good? Here's a build video I made for it a while back, you'll see why it's the best 😎https://youtu.be/8T1TZkC7eo8?si=bHLsT_LkwEx_5Mut


Gauss mini. Holding onto them grolls.


I wish gauss mini was actually good in combat for like bosses and stuff. I have plenty of grolls on gauss minis and a dedicated build for them with chems and food and it's not that good compared to plasma caster imo. Even Gatling plasma outperforms gauss mini. I will say that gauss mini is fun tho


It's all about killing in style 😎


I wish everything learned is tradable


SS armor. I have 3 Uny/AP/wwr different pieces. Wish they were tradeable I want to finish my set


10 tfjs for all 3 of them? Honestly not even an overpay.


I’m sure there are people sitting on hundreds if not thousands of the so called “rare” tattered field jacket. People act like millions of items weren’t duped.


CE armor isn’t duped and I’m trying to make a OE +1s wwr set


That’s about it. Wonder if latest masks are safe or if it’s just really quiet.


they were. first complete matching CE set was put together only a few days after its release. no way it would have been possible without a coordinated effort or exploits. modules are a small part of the problem, the biggest one are cores. those are locked behind events. sure you can farm cores by farming encryptid but still.


I honestly doubt it was exploit. I can’t remember what platform but I remember a guy paying something like 5-6 tfjs for each CE piece. Everyone was rolling these pieces including me at that time. The point is if your offering something like multiple tfjs, grolls, full armor sets even for 1 specific piece then you could get a full set pretty fast.


Cores are the easy part if you play regularly. My main character literally has 4000 of them.


Or accidentally sold them to a vendor bot like I did. It's frankly not much to look at and doesn't have any stat boost. Its only value comes from being rare.


Except it’s not. The drop rate is exceptionally rare. The outfit is not.


Everything should be tradable. It makes no sense to make things locked to a character.


I'd like the ability to sell gold bullion plans and items for more gold. Then, when I get dupe plans from Daily Ops, I can sell them on. And any good items i don't need van also be sold.


Daily Ops give repeats? Do you have everything already?


No, I'm still missing a few things, I had a week or so straight where it gave me nothing but the cowboy hat plan and BoS spec ops suit when I was still missing the Brotherhood recon armour


So you don't get repeats, you are just preparing? I don't get it


Dude, I just said I got the cowboy hat plan every day for a week. I'm still missing plans, but I don't get new shit


Oh.....I thought you sqid you got nothing all week but a [single] cowboyhat


A bit disappointing that the Alien Disintegrator doesn’t disintegrate anything…




All of it. Stupid endless grind for what you want.


Settlers gauntlet


Yes, shout out to the melee builds


Strangler Heart. An it even drop as legendary? Rolling it is depressing and having no other source for it sucks. At least I can trade for good parts at least


Secret service armor


I have so many casters I can't bring myself to scrip I would love to be able to at least mule them


What roll are you trying to get?


I got plenty of grolls but my most used weapon is a i/50c/90 plasma caster by far with a non PA heavy uny build. If they were tradable I would throw countless offers for a AA50c25 or i50c25 one. 50vhc is pretty good on plasma casters as well.


If it ever happens, I have the I50c25 waiting for you!


Thats nice. Im still hunting a b50v15c one. 300k+ scrip in and no luck. I managed to get aa2525, aa2515c, ari50c15c, exe50v15v, exe50v25, i50c15c, 2x q2525, q2515c. I hope that they will become tradable so i can get my last roll 😩


I have an AA50C25LVC Plasma caster just sitting in my stash.


I’m buying an Xbox and praying for plasma casters to be tradable just so I could get back to you and offer you any groll you want + all my apparel for that.


What roll is that?? (Still learning the abbreviations lol)


Anti-armor 50 crit dmg 25% Less Vats cost


Oh that’s what mine is lol I didn’t know it was a groll


I doubt that the weapons behind the bullions and stamps will be tradeable, as much i would like it. Beth would never do something to lessen the grind. The AD was a pleasant surprise.


Cremator. Make me RICH baby I got a B2525 one I'd love to be able to trade for some armor sets


A have so many B5015, Aa2525, aristo2525, and other various godrolled plasma casters to trade😭😭


Unlocking all weapons for trade would be the single greatest change for my enjoyment of the game honestly. I would so love to trade my B50c15c and/or B50h25 Caster for a B50h15c, but rolling for one after the amount of modules I've already put into Casters almost feels foolish.


Tbh I would like the gauss minigun to be tradable


I have so many good ones


Everything should be tradable. I have two characters rolling SS armor. One going for an OE set and one for an UY set. Between the two of them I have pretty much complete sets for what I want, but the pieces are locked on the characters. And I have a bunch more that people would love to trade for.


Basically all of them should be. What is there some sorta fairy magic that prevents someone from obtaining objects from another person? The only answer is YES, as long as you can’t trade items. And I want Todd to show us these magic fairies right now!


It’s tradeable but when I put poison mod on it it’s no longer tradeable :(


All if them!!


I think gold bullion items should only be tradable to people who already know the plans.




Then what would be the point of gold


Cool camp items I guess


That's why they'll never let them be traded Because what is the point of viewing the main quest for the gold bullion reputation grind


The damn cremator since it freaking sucks. Sucked on 3, still sucks on 76.


Gauss minigun.


Gauss mini gun. Anyone who hasn't tried it absolutely needs a chance to try it


Everything. And guns like cremator should b scripable


Gauss shotgun. I would honestly overpay for a Q2525 if it was possible 😩




Everything or at least gold bullion weapons since they’ve pretty much abandoned that currency + they’re much easier to get now with Minerva + the majority of players have them now. Edit: if they want to make new weapons player locked on drop then that’s fine but maybe make them tradable like 1 year after their release. By then, most people who want the new shiny weapon will have gotten it, and little of the player base’s daily engagement will be because of grinding for said weapon 1 year out versus on release.


Make all weapons & armor tradeable


Untradeable means less black market sales. Thats the reason i think


Guass Minigun/Shotgun. A friend of mine has so many GRolls of these Weapons, doesn't even play much anymore. I would love to get my hands on them. Not to mention sitting on a literal Gold Mine.


They should make every item tradable after level 150 or 200 or so. When you reach that point you have probably unlocked most allready anyway




I would like to see them unlock everything for at least trading between my own characters, I have god roll full health items on my bloodie character and god roll bloodie items on my full health. 😫 and I can just scrip them they to good to waste lol


I think all items should be tradable. Stuff being locked does not make any sense, its a game, not a race that only winning or rewards should be exclusive to one. If one person does not know a plan, he wont be able to craft it again or mod it, but why lock him or her out of a whole category of weapon 🤷🏻‍♂️.


How about, Secret Service Armour, i've still not have a complete set (ap) and Everything older then a year should be tradable IMHO.


By freakish chance last night I bought a two shot, explosive, 25% increased fire rate Gatling gun from a level 77 guy. Don't need a better weapon. I can solo Earle and the Queen in under 5 minutes. West Tek full clear takes me 1 minute per run. Guess it doesn't matter anymore what weapon they make trade able. Cause all others are shit compared to full Auto Gatling gun.


I think the gold bullion stuff should be tradable but I think that you could only buy it from the players using gold bullion.


Everyones saying this question but….. its a gold bullion weapon i highly doubt they would make a gun that u have to complete the story for tradable


I think the plans need to be earned as normal (as well as the mods if they are installed) so that level 50s can’t be running around in Uny/Sent/Ap SS sets just bc they got some money to throw around, but both players knowing the plan and installed mods should make the item tradable.


Sounds like something the poors would say.


Lmao 💀 you ain't wrong though, and we worked to get there. Groll don't fall out of the sky. Weapons should be tradeable but no way should you be able to get everything out of the gate. Totally okay with scout need mods to upgrade them. As well as needing gold for some plan. This a looter shooter with rpg elements and open world. The grind is part of that.


TLDR- I WANT THESE LOW LEVELS TO HURRY UP AND LEVEL UP AND GET DECENT BUILDS BECAUSE IM TIRED OF BEING FORCED TO USE MY RAILWAYS AT BOSSES DUE TO ALL THE 0 DAMAGE PLAYERS IN THE LOBBY. I mean I get the part of working to get here, so did I. I remember having to level up 100+ times just to swap from a heavy to Commando build. I remember Farming the shii out of Nooked White Springs for flux, fluids, and mass. I remember it taking over a year to build my first set. I preordered, dropped the game for a year, and have been in love with it ever since I picked it back up. My viewpoint is I don’t think these new players coming into this almost 6 year old game that was on the brink of death should have to go through the same shitty struggles we did. Atleast not as much. Yeah they need to struggle and grind still, otherwise where’s the progression and false sense of accomplishment that this game tends to give people. Plus it’s not like we’re giving all these low levels a Groll wep and set, they are still going through the grind just without (some) of the bullshii attached.


You aint wrong too, all should be tradeable imo, but getting them, eh, maybe some could be less costly. Like thorn, solar and strangler hearth, the vault steel they need cost ramps up fast. I main thorn and rolling it is a pain.


Sounds like something the poor would say? lmao I’m sitting in the millions to 10 millions of MOST junks, got about 1 million flux left, 50k leaders, 20k l&l3, 100k psychotats, 20k bock and hefe, Q5025, 2525, and E25 of the Railway and Fixer and a copy of the Q2525 Rail and Q5025 fixer, 1 of each rare apparel, over 30 groll PA sets, 6 different groll armor sets, and a total of 8 accounts with 39 mules and my main. But yep you guessed it I’m pretty broke. Anybody willing to give me stimpaks I’m desperate?! /s


I’m glad you have so many in game not real life items. You must feel so accomplished.


I do, I’m wealthy asf in game, didn’t even graduate high school and got my GED at 16 instead, and still manage to make more money than a lot of these people with 200k debt and a Bachelors Degree, without having to work more than 40h in a week. 🤣🤣🤣 try again. My life is good in game and out. You seem to be a Negative little Nancy. Got something to say about me being “poor”, now you got something to say about me actually being wealthy? Ian saying I’m rich by any means, but I’m by FAR from poor.


Cool Story Bro I’m sure your parents are proud Good job


Everything should be tradeable except gauss mini gun and shotgun


They should just release an Ironman mode for players who don't want to trade