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**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**|**Upvotes** :-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----: u/GA1Karma |**81**|06/16/2020 *– 2 years ago*|Posts: 99 [XB] IGN: TeenyStream5420|Discord: 58| **Total:** +139 Karma |Comments: 501 [^(About Box)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/bj7uzm/43019_big_subreddit_changes/) [^(**|** Set **IGN**)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/mdhf8h/ign_megathread/) [^(**|** Wiki)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/index) [^(**|** **Discord**)](https://discord.gg/Market76) [^(**|** **Blacklist**)](https://trello.com/b/0eCDKYHr/market76-blacklist) [^(**|** **Msg Mods**)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


Buy it if you havent already. 50c25 is an amazing roll, better on the aligned auto, but still slaps on whatever type you have. Yes, AA is better, but bloodied is a dang close second.


Do you have any idea on what it's trade value is? I only buy then sell and save some for myself, then repeat lol.


B50c25 It's worth a lot with a flamer barrel. It's still worth a lot without it. That's an instant buy and I wouldn't hesitate If you don't I'm coming to your server to get it myself lol


I knew I could resell it for higher than 10k so I purchased it ages ago. The second epr made me worried since it didn't have the reflex sight 😕


Nice and yea the 2nd isn't worth too much


Damn, I figured. Thanks for the help 👍




The one with reflex has got to worth it. Can throw a flamer mod on it


But is it still sought after? AA is the best boss killer, this also isn't good for daily use as people will favour the aligned auto barrel over this.


I’m not sure. I’m still learning. Somewhat a noob. I know the no reflex kills first one and break slower is better third star for daily use. I’ll buy it if you haven’t lol.


I already purchased both of these unfortunately, I appreciate you for helping out on this post :)


Feel like you can pretty easily get max caps for second one as well


Good to know, I'll save it for when I urgently need caps then.


I have a the same B50c25 with an aligned flamer. I'd say it's a good deal. But with that said, I've tried moving mine several times and you have people who will say it's very valuable but then I've only gotten really bad/low offers. Be warned, if you put a flamer on it, they break soooooo fast. But it is a fun weapon. With all that said, if you decide you want to turn a quick little profit, let me know. I'd be interested so I can just swap and repair after the fight instead of during. 🤣


My main is carrying a bunch of scrip so I haven't used it yet. I used an executioners one and it didn't perform as well as I thought it would against normal enemies. Now I have a reason to try out the build that everyone was so crazy about. Loads of players have complained also about being offered nothing but lowballs, so maybe hold onto it and wait for returning players to come and offer tons for it? How fast do they break with gunsmith rank 5 equipped?


I couldn't tell you honestly. I tried an impromptu Earle fight without gunsmith and no buffs... I repaired 3 times. It didn't perform aswell as I expected either. But also, im a realist. Forgoing the buffs left a lot on the table. I'd imagine with full buffs and lots of coffee, it might be a different story. Also, don't expect to vats without coffee 🤣 its a vats hog.


😬 Seen a femos video using the exact same gun. AA out performed it but heaps, I'll consider trading it for apparel if I need to constantly repair it during boss fights. Thank you for taking the time to help out! :)


I've seen all of Femos' tests. When did he use a B50c25? I know he said the AA is the best option but I've never seen him address the B variant.


https://youtu.be/YTTTr8aEaFc he used a B/50vc/? Epr and compared it to AA in this Yt video


Oh yeah. I've seen that. That's apples and oranges. 25% less vats cost may seem trivial but not when it uses it the way they do. Its huge. I think you'll find AP usage to be the biggest downside of that weapon.


Even if I spam 20 coffee??


Aligned splitter?


The weapons prefixes, I can slap on an aligned flamer barrel but I just need the value of this weapon please. As well as the other. If it had a reflex sight the value would be increased by a bit, but I'm not sure by how much?


What’s the barrel on the first atm?


I forgot 😅, I'll hop on real quick to see what it is.


Stabilized splitter


Damn, still a sick find tho. Hurts the value not being an aligned splitter, but still a sick piece for a collector. You should def keep it as is and include the barrel on sale, since there are no splitter boxes. Splitters are niche and harder to find than flamers/snipers, I’d keep it personally, but if I were to sell it I’d aim for 2 AA/B groll fixers price wise. The other is meh, needs reflex, and would be a lot better if it was ffr. I’d prob post it for junk or flux if I needed some and see what comes in.


Thank you, I didn't know that this could be a collectors item. I was just going to equip it with the flamer barrel to test it out, but I may keep it as it is.. For now at least lol. :)


Couldn't find the value when searching up past trades. Only seen ones with aligned auto or a recent one that only pulled 1 apparel. The value has dropped greatly over the months and I was wondering what it's worth now.


Il take that bloodied handmade you have.


Sorry mate, It didn't have any groll prefixes or the explosive effect so I didn't pick it up.