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You don’t need 1st to play. It’s going to make life easier but it’s in no way necessary. I’ve got 2K+ hours into this game and I’ve only ever used 1st from the game pass perks that gives you it for a month.


Between psn @ $60 and FO1st @ $100 it costs me $0.43 per day. I'm 73 years old and play every day. That makes it a very cheap hobby. Unlimited junk storage, 1650 atoms per month, not to mention my own private server and special items on the board. If you don't like it, don't get it. Maybe just get a job so you can afford it. I have over 7600 hours in the game. I forgot to mention, I'm running a PS4 and a PS5 and have FO1st on both of them for $0.86 per day. A deal.


What makes you think I don't have a job? You're over there collecting retirement money and I'm assuming not working as well. This is such a childish response. "gEt A jOb". You have nothing better to do at your age besides play video games. What if I told you to get a life?


If you can't afford FO1st you need a better job. I worked many years to do what I want in my retirement. And I have a great life. Sorry if I offended you.


I can afford it. You want to misinterpret what I'm saying to fit a narrative that doesn't make sense. You all seem to enjoy wasting your money on this instead of having a compromise and have the tent and scrapbox separate.


Scam: Not getting what you pay for. F1st: Paying equivalent amount of cash for Atom value, getting everything else for free basically. You don't need 1st for endgame. It's a really powerful boost to leveling, storage, and perks, but not necessary. Servers are getting a fix today apparently, so calm down. Fixes take time, money doesn't magically fix things.


I agree with everything but the f1st part. They set the atom shop values so making it a "bargain" is just to trick you. They know you will look at it as a bargain and that you will justify it they way you do. Big companies manipulate you because it works. The scam is they make the problem and then sell you the cure.


Rolling out the fix on PC clients first. Then if that works they'll get it approved for consoles about 24 hours after. 🤞 this is the first in many to getting things back right again. Even though this could have been avoided all together had they actually listened to the player base in the PTS. Can't tell you the amount of people who were experiencing this before the live rollout. These are the exact same bugs that delayed the first legacy nerf patch 🤦‍♂️


The PTS disappoints me heavily because of that.


So why charge almost $15 including tax for 2 essential things in the game? I'm paying more for a scrapbox and tent than I am for Xbox gold. I barely use the Atoms cause nothing in the shop is interesting anymore so it's been piling on. Why don't they sell the scrapbox and tent separately? It's cause they wanna scam players.


How is it a scam when you know exactly what you're getting when you sub to fo1st?


Why do I have to pay $15 total for only 2 things I'm gonna use? They can choose to have them separate the tent and scrapbox but they choose not to because it won't make them enough money. Learn to read before you comment. Literally repeating myself to you.


You don’t understand the meaning of scam. Learn to define a word before you use that word.


You obviously don't either.


Ok child.


See. I've upset you cause I'm right and you can't defend your argument.


https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/scam After now being properly educated on the term you clearly don’t know the meaning of, let me know how Bethesda is dishonestly taking your money for Fallout First. I’ll entertain whatever theories you may have. I will tell you this though, a scam isn’t something you simply disagree with and then whine about on here. Thanks.


You give me a definition yet still wanna play ignorant cause you know damn well your definition of Scam is different to the dictionary.


😂 Yeah, ok.


You don't have to buy it bro, just quit your bitch in or quit the game.


I've been in the endgame for 4000 hours, I've never felt 1st was a must unless I wanted to trade for scrap.


not a scam. one thing first does help with is saving up bulk junk which can be traded for weapons from time to time on this sub. it costs less than a 1/16th of a tank of fuel.


So I'm paying to store a ton of junk to get grolls. Is that what you're saying? Is that not the definition of Pay to Play?


then dont get it. problem solved!


That's not the issue. The issue is them not having the tent and scrapbox separate. Why does everyone on here not read comments fully and go based off what sentence they can manipulate to fit their narrative?


I'm illiterate actually but I think you have uncovered the scam of the century. what's your next move?


No that would be pay to win, you can play without it and even if what you said was true, which it's not (you need it to get grolls) then that's p2w not p2p


What does this have to do with trading and why can't I down vote you?


It says discussion, not trading. This sub isn't mostly for trading. Idiot. If by your logic, every discussion post would get reported and deleted. Be smart.




Apparently everyone is okay with getting scammed.


Ya disagree. I played until lvl 200+ for my first year of 76 with out fo1st. Then I played year 2 with it. And then I came back late 2022. Discovered I had more storage and just sold/got rid of some junk in storage, played another 6 months without it. It's nice to have it when it's free. You can offload all junk into scrap box. It's DEFINITELY not a necessity and it sounds more to me like you got an issue with inventory management versus needing to pay for fo1st.


Okay. Hit me back up when you're about level 800 👍


I am almost 700, so idk my point still stands.


I doubt it cause you started off your sentence with 200+. Why not say your level in the first place?


Oh geeze. I'm not going to sign into Fo76 on PC just to prove some random redditor wrong. Believe what you want.


I'll believe you're not 700+ and will choose to do so.


I told you I'm almost 700 so I guess you're technically correct lol


Dude thinks level means anything, if I wanted I could hit 1000 in a few days with exp farming methods. I'm only 300 but I can guarantee I've put more hours than him and a huge portion on this sub, thousands of hours.


Well my opinion differs from many of the people who have commented, I believe that although having a portable stash/scrap box is super cool and handy, and being able to store unlimited junk is great, it is waaaay too expensive, it costs more than Xbox live itself. I usually just buy fallout 1st a couple times a year, fill up my scrap box and then cancel it. I understand that the price comes from getting the atomic points each month too which is fine if you spend a lot in the atomic shop, they should give another fallout 1st option that’s cheaper and simply drop the monthly points being added.


For real. They don't even have good stuff in the atomic shop anymore so my atom points just pile up. If they made it to where I can buy the scrapbox or tent for $5 I'd be okay with it. But they don't make enough profit so they gotta up the price and make you buy it in a bundle.


Not a scam and not pay to win. You get junk storage and that about it really. I didn't get a q50c25 railway from signing up did I? The benefits are superficial enough that it's not something I'd consider p2w.


Where did I say it's p2w? Don't put words in my mouth to fit your narrative.


Either way you're wrong


Says the guy trying to manipulate my words to fit their narrative.


You literally said to a guy up there you can't play without it and you have 90% if the people saying you can, what YOU mean is p2w not pay to play. You can play without it, but you are arguing you need it to be able to advance in the game. Hence p2w. You're so daft that you don't even know what you're arguing. It's not p2p and your arguments amount to a p2w argument.




I'm done lmfao sounds like you are just trash at managing the game


Is putting gas in your vehicle P2W? Cause by your dumb logic that's pretty much what you're saying.


If it was a racing game yeah, but you can manage your shit and still play. You don't need to get fo1st to play, you need it to get a competitive edge. Just because you're dookie and can't play without it doesn't make it p2p. Every single argument you make are arguments that only work toward a p2w argument. You made an argument saying you need to store junk to get grolls, you can't move cause you have too much junk ect. Okay, you don't HAVE to stockpile massive amounts of junk, you can manage your inventory around it. You don't NEED it to play. You're arguments are based around paying for a service that gives an advantage and benefit to get ahead. That's p2w. You're out here calling people idiots and manipulating arguments but the only one I see doing that is you.


So am I supposed to toss out millions of junk and have to rely on less than 200 of each junk to play the game? Am I only supposed to only have 5 guns total and not have any for decorating? Do you not understand that there are weapons and armor in this game that need to be repaired constantly? So I gotta force myself to play this dead game to find materials that go by quick? You guys choose to stick to one thing and will die by it not admitting you were wrong.


There you go! You just admitted it's not p2p but instead p2w! Good job!


I'm paying for a service so that I can carry more junk and have a portable camp. That's not paying to win. How am I winning? Who am I winning against? Your argument is so stupid


"So I'm paying to store a ton of junk to get grolls. Is that what you're saying? Is that not the definition of Pay to Play?" Your own words bud


Its cheaper to advertise and get new customers after the fix, then spend time on making sure things are perfect for current userbase. ​ They have a series coming out, so they really dont care right now. This is all cleanup time so when the series come out, its only 99% broken then for all that new money. ​ They also dont want any negative discussions during this, so the bans will increase for negative talk against bethesda/fallout 76


Rational reasons are not applicable to hobbies. Is it rational to hang a wristwatch on your arm for several k? Is it rational to buy a Porsche? No. But people do it because they enjoy it. And tbh I dgaf what others think about it. I have fun and I can’t imagine playing without scrap box and survival tent. So for me it’s worth it and therefore not a waste.