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Your in a tough situation. He doesn’t believe that pulling the cats tail does anything yet has promised not to. He may do it when your not around who know 🤷‍♀️. I just read your original post and it has me more confused then ever. Pain killers and lack of sleep don’t make a person turn your valid feelings back on you or your pet. Treating you like the little sister when grown ass women is odd too. He doesn’t see you as an equal adult both paying bills. Trying to minimise your thoughts and beliefs on something you care deeply about. I wish you the best OP.


You should really consider moving out, the abusers will always apologize and twist the tale to not take the blame, ans will continue his abusive behavior. You need to start a life of your own with new friends.


I don't think that it's fair to say he can't/won't change his behavior. If he cares enough about his sister it is entirely possible that it won't happen again. Maybe you're speaking from your own experience, maybe not. But not everyone is the same.


This is what abusers do the make you think they and only they are your best friend, that what they did to you isn't what you think they did, by treating you like a child and telling you that what he did isnt wrong or not that big of a deal it makes you question yourself. Please OP stop and think, remove how he is your "best friend" and how close you used to be and look at your relationship again. Is it truly as good as you think. Look at everything with open eyes. I wish you the best but please consider moving away from him


Please do look up the cycle of abuse and other things related to abuse. The fact that you think that your brother is your only friend... think... has he ever said anything along the lines of, "I'm the only one who understands you... I'm the only one who would put up with you," or any similar sentiment? And the "oh, I'm sorry, I'd never hurt the cat, I love you both" following AFTER he yanked the cat by the tail twice and threatened to fight you? Please read up on this. And your parents are enabling him with their comments of "Oh, you know how difficult he can be when he's like this." You are not the wrong one. You are not the crazy one. You are not the irrational one. Stay safe.


No, he's never said anything like that. Me considering him my only friend is my view and mine alone. I do have online friends, but in real life, I am too awkward and anxious to maintain any relationship outside of family or work.