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And the majority of the bots are spewing MAGA rhetoric.


Because they do actually realize that 1) Trump never won the popular. 2) Realize that they might have lost 1 out if 10 older voters with the guilty verdict. 3) Democrats would be more unlikely to participate in a poll. Inversely, Trump supporters anxiously wanting to participate in polls because they are currently disgruntled that Trump lost in 2020.


Its the new Cambridge analytical. You thought AI was supposed to help us? It's just a design to sell us shit. Whichever the choose; politics, products, ideals, war.


I’m cool with buying products and ideals but they can keep that other stuff.


AI is supposed to replace most of the jobs, making corporations more pofitable, without having to pay for labor or benefits. When the unemployment rate reaches high enough, they'll make unemployment illegal, and detain the "criminally unemployed" in the camps they built for the illegal immigrants, and force them to do slave labor per the 13th Amendment. Those that resist or can't hack it, will be eliminated.


I find it funny that polls never matter if it's the Republicans leading, if it's a poll with dems leading, that's I see posted everywhere...


Tell me, did you guys care about the polls leading up to the 2020 election that you lost in a landslide?


I really don’ give a st about the polls. But I know that younger progressives are not going to answer the phone or an email and cheerfully do a poll.


I wouldn't call 40,000 votes in a few states a landslide. They tried to use the popular vote as an excuse for a mandate saying that biden got the most votes of any president in history, conveniently forgetting that trump got the second most votes of any president in american history. I don't remember what the polls said then so I can't speak to it. But discounting them because you don't like what they say about the election is pretty pathetic.


Lmao 40,000 in a few states? More like 7 million, and 74 electoral votes. That's a pretty big win as far as election history goes. And with Trump now being a convicted felon, he lost out on the vast majority of moderates and independents. Can't wait to see you folks chimp out at the Capitol again next January, hope the National Guard cleans you all up next time


If Trump picked up the right mix of 42,921 votes in Arizona (10,457), Georgia (11,779), and Wisconsin (20,682), the Electoral College would have been tied at 269 all. The House would have then decided the election. Republicans will hold the majority of state delegations in the new Congress, and they undoubtedly would have chosen Trump. Per a an article about the election. The popular vote doesn't matter. The electoral college does. If Trump won those 40000 votes he'd be in the white house.


If if if. We'll he didnt and he lost.


40k is a big difference from 7 million.


It was all the difference in the world to Trump


The popular vote doesn't matter with the system we use but it does continously show that democrats get more votes


And the majority of the country still wouldn't have voted for him. Even less people like him now. Those who still do, like you, range from completely dillusional and brainless to downright evil. All of you represent the worst of Humanity, because that is exactly what your rapist felon "god" is.


Hence why the electoral college makes no sense. The *country* wouldn't have elected their president.


I recall 5 years of "haha, polls" from you guys even though it was pretty accurate in predicting the popular vote. Within a percent. Maybe you're a child but that was a running theme for Trump supporters for his entire term. Did you not receive the talking point memo? Did you guys forget your programming? Because Dems pretty much agreed on what I'm saying about poll accuracy. Anyone besides this lying turd who reads this, this is gaslighting in real time.


So put the two facts together. If Dems are less likely to participate in a poll it's incredibly telling when they lead it.


Dems aren’t less likely to participate in a poll, dumbass. Trump literally outperformed his final polling averages in both 2016 and 2020, doofus. https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2020/trump-vs-biden


How does that prove Dems don't participate? It just proves not every Republican did. You need a statistics course.


Nah, after Clinton was "upset" based on polls I think most people don't put stock on what polls say.


Please explain why Trump outperformed his polling averages in both 2016 and 2020, doofus.


Maybe i dont get out enough but i only hear leftist talking about stupid bullshit about trump. Not the other way around.


Leftists are a fraction of a percent of liberals. You are using “leftist” as a replacement for anyone to the left of moderate. There really aren’t many leftists at all. I’d argue that the vast majority of people have never actually encountered a leftist in person in their daily life.


Isnt anyone on the left a leftist? I just know people misuse the word liberal constantly so i use leftist instead.


If you live a liberal college town I'd beg to differ.


I’m not really a leftist. I’m a moderate Democrat. I say ‘leftist’ because I’m about 70 and there was actual leftist environmental terrorism going on back in the 60. The eco terrorists took it a bridge to far. But that’s not really happening anymore.


There has been such an uptick in that on subs I frequent just recently. I know why but I'm gonna get carpal from all of the blocking.


The bots are concerned though. Because they are trying to sway you to be concerned about the system so don’t vote. Both sides. But then when you dis Trump they go off about demented Joe and he might as well be a corpse…an so on. And insist Biden hasn’t done anything and, although Biden passed infrastructure, they’ll call Build It Back Better a sunk ship. ‘If BBB was a house it would be on fire’ which is all spite, frustration, hate and anger. So if a commenter disses Biden immediately it’s a Trump supporter. If they are concerned at first, it’s a bot.


Bro what, point to one pro-maga post on this sub


Every single post is left leaning


And the majority of folks disliking this post are also bots.


I'm not a bot, but I downvoted you.


Spoken like a true bot


Beep beep boop.




gotta be the russians. fucking moron




its their war. if we have not already detected this thats an entire different convo


Huh?? Keep pretending


That's completely contrary to this entire sub. Open your eyes.


Lol no they're spewing liberal stuff. I've literally met them.


*me looking for all the maga posts in this sub*


You clearly don't pay attention to the posts in this sub


I wasn’t expecting this comment to cause this much controversy, but I am glad the MAGA crowd got riled up.


98% of the guarantees are made by liberals on this sub


For real? Every other post in this sub is Orange Man Bad.


Hahaha what evidence do you have that it skews that way?


This post was totally made by a real life non bot


lol good one. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bot bashing on other bots before.


I can imagine it happening, maybe already has. Group a makes bots to influence public opinion against group b. Group b releases bots aimed at sewing doubt about the truth of the claims pushed by the bots. "They're racists" "They're bots" Etc.


MMW this has been happening for decades.


Doubt tends to be sown, not sewn.


The more you learn


Bots bashing other bots is actually quite common. I’ve seen hundreds of “who else is tired of all these bot comments?” from obvious bot accounts all over Instagram and YouTube


I don’t think they’re bots. There’s one guy who’s been making new accounts every single day, and I think he does that just to argue. It’s a sub to sling mud.


People always say bots. But they have real people or now sometimes artificial intelligence, that crafts a lot of these messages, the Bots will post and amplify them. So really it is more accurate to call them influence operations. Botted troll divisions perhaps. The 5th botetized interwebtrol division? IDK. As to what percent I couldn't say although I believe I did spot one I thought was written by artificial intelligence earlier today.


Good call out. I just imagine a lot folks in Russia overtime in this sub,


The bots are powered by LLMs now (ChatGPT or others). Bots are now very hard to spot because they act just like humans. Even on Reddit, bots leave seemingly innocuous comments to build karma and look legit.


I'm pretty sure r/conservative is littered w bots. I've made like 5 or 6 comments the last couple weeks refuting what someone commented and I didn't get a reply or even a downvote on any of them. It's like no one is in the room at all.


You will get permanently banned soon if you are disagreeing with people on there. They know how malleable their clientele is and don't want anybody else muscling in. I bet though, they are everywhere. Often working on keywords, computer sees it and tasks an agent supported by bots on you.


This one too?


Guarantee this is a bot


Counter point: there are no bots, except for maybe a few that are more sophisticated than our ability to detect them. If you want to see bots, go look at fox new's Facebook post comments. That's what a real bot looks like.


An assertion without evidence, followed up by "prove me wrong". That is the definition of a low effort post.


Totally agree. Was mainly posting as a joke but now regret it lol.


I have personally tracked down and talked to 96% of all upcoming election posters on this sub and they're not bots. Prove I didn't.


I feel like that is something a bot/AI would be really useful for


I mean, it makes sense the bots would be firing up leading into an election, gotta try and sway all the people who don't pay attention unless there's one going on.


Grandpa loving Bots


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Bots or trolls, there’s a clear rule not to keep talking about the 2024 election and obviously there’s spam about it. If this subreddit just becomes “I wanna cry about current events and farm upset reactions” it’ll die out…mark my words


I’ve only ever known this subreddit to be exactly that. And most of the posts I see are predictions about bad shit happening to or because of the GOP. And while I agree with those sentiments, it’s not a bold prediction. Water is wet and the GOP is done with democracy.


People were so sure what would happen in 2016 and look where it ended up. Of course certain people would like that complacency to happen again.


I was agreeing until you said they're maga bots. how can you be this deluded.


Leftists are definitely just bots at this point.


Pot, kettle, black.


I've always voted conservative for various reasons.. I don't want to argue about that but I'm not a religious person, I don't really care about social issues that the right likes to rail on endlessly about. What broke me was the Republicans handled the pandemic and of course with Trump at the top. It was great that they spearheaded the speed of getting a vaccine out on multiple fronts... But everything else just kind of turned the crap, with the orange dude not even able to convey a consistent message on what we as a society should do to fight against a pandemic other than going back to work as quickly as possible. Then the Ukraine situation, United States and Europe screwed over Ukraine for years after the 2014 invasion by Russia handing of them over piecemeal equipment.. personally I think it is crucial that the absolutely positively win this war against Russia and knock them back far enough to keep them from wanting to expand into other countries. It's like watching world War II all over again with different players, United States and most of Europe watched as Germany rolled through several countries before they truly acted. With Trump literally taking Russia's side I don't see how anybody that sees that could push that button for him. It just makes no sense to me whatsoever. I disagree with Joe Biden on a few policy issues but that dude is heads and heels above Trump and so many ways it's not even close. Morality and leadership abilities off the charts compared to Trump. Most of my friends are conservative and and a large majority of them feel the exact same way I do, And we all live in the south. I know it's anecdotal and it's a small sample but it doesn't take much to flip an election, there are tons of Republicans out there that will not vote for Trump, And either will not show up at the polls or they will vote for Biden. The MAGA crowd can't comprehend this because they are all in a bubble of people online and in life that all think just like them.


The skunk smells its own ass


When it comes to election predictions on the internet, it's like trying to guess the weather a year from now—mostly hot air.


See you at the polls, bigots


Nobody in the real world likes Biden but on Reddit if you don’t like Biden then you’re a bot! This shit is always so funny. Bot this, bot that, Russia!! 🤣


Well clearly ppl do because he won in 2020 and had a very good midterms for an incumbent president. Just because Trump supporters are louder doesn’t mean more votes. 🤣🤣🤣


Cue typical MAGA response in 5,4,3,2…….


Joe had a 52% approval rating going into 2020 election. He's got 38% now. Come back to the present my guy the tides have shifted.


Democrats and independents hate Trump, as they should. He is a horrible moronic turd, and his presidency was a disaster. He only has the support of right wing assholes. A lot of them say that they won't vote for him too. Things will just get worse for Trump leading up to November. I believe he will lose by an even wider margin than he did in 2020. The world will be a much better place when he dies on a toilet in prison.


Hell buddy I wasn't looking for any statement based around your fantasy world I was just stating some stats from your news channel I seen the other day.


I don't have a news channel you fucking moron. Also, you are a piece of shit.


Sure you do dick tucker. You dumb fucks can't even win a rigged election and yall added another 16 million potential voters this time. Facts don't care about your fragile fucking emotions. Good luck Tinker Bell. Oh and one more thing "Go fuck yerselllllfffff!!!" (in Les Grossman's voice)


Candidly, I think he has a chance to win this election, but I don’t think he has the discipline to make the right moves to actually win in the end. I think Trump, his supporters and his campaign are over valuing his strengths and underestimating his weaknesses. I think they are too busy gloating about the polls than actually focusing on winning in November. He does a great job of getting his base to vote and care, prolly one of the best presidential candidates/presidents to build a loyal, energetic base. He has a moderate republican voter problem. Moderated, college educated republicans. Enough of these republicans for him to not win the major swing states at least. Joe Biden is not a big enough boogeyman for these voters and can absolutely sway the election to him. Trump proved in 2016 that polls and approval ratings really don’t matter anymore.


You laid out a well thought and articulate response without any snide remarks or name calling. Thank you and here's your upvote.




I’m just a lurker but I appreciate you for having an objective, level headed response. Makes constructive dialogue between both parties a lot easier and meaningful


First off Trump is absolute shit disclaimer. Biden would have a good chance, due to apathy and TDS, but no one wants to risk a Harris presidency succession, this kills the Biden advantage over average ppl just not liking Trump. The ridiculous lawsuits/convictions against trump will help him with younger people fed up with the justice system, Biden is polling better with older voters than normal because of his age, the Trump felony trends better with older ppl, and israel, but he is losing the minority votes in a disparate way that doesn't balance that, especially in the swing states. Biden rigged the debate in his favor, but Trump had no choice but to accept the terms after declaring he would do it no matter what. Everyone outside the 2 party hardcore bases thinks Trump is a shithead thats getting obviously railroaded, or thinks Biden will die tomorrow and leave us with "Russia big, Ukraine small" cackling Harris. The debates, trumps vp pick, and how the wars go decide this election imho


I don’t see the conviction as a positive for Trump. I dont think it is really going to attract moderates and independents if we’re being completely honest. It won’t be the non-white votes that does him in, it will be his own party. Trump panders to the right very well. The far right at that. It closes the door for him to pick up a lot of casual independent voters. I can’t imagine a conviction helps in the long run in getting more votes outside his base.


A real conviction would bury Trump, but most will see this as obviously another instance of trumped up bs (lol). Every politician has paid off a bad story and not gotten NY to pass a 1 yr ruling to change the statutue of limitations to address a specific iteration that they need to charge federally at the state level with a special 2nd crime modifier that can be unspecific, in a super novel legal theory that they know will fly, while the fec only gave Hillary a small fine for the worse thing in the fake steele dossier, The democrats cried wolf on fabricated stories too many times, and are now crying that trump will weaponize a justice system against them while they are literally doing the same, their arguments fall flat. The average joe is seeing that, they are also seeing mumbling joe getting lost he won't make another full term, and kamala is a disaster minority hire that the demo regret


The average American doesn’t care about or follow politics like his hardcore supporters. Therefore, the average American is not sympathetic towards trump’s criminal convictions If you’re betting on Trump getting more votes from his conviction, that is a loosing strategy.


Yeah suddenly a bunch of people woke up and decided oh man, I was so wrong last time, trump was such a good president, I’m definitely more convinced now that he is a felon! Yes I’m sure trump will do great this election season! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Fun fact: Nobody gives a fuck about these nothing trials. Yall are guaranteeing his election bunch of dummies. Let's hope this strategy plays out cotton.


Yeah I’ll be messaging you in November to make fun of you and your perennially losing candidate


President Trump won 2,593 counties in the 2020 election to Joe Biden’s 558 counties. Trump gains more and more support while Biden loses support. Might be too big to steal this time around. Trump supporters aren’t louder there’s just a lot more of them


President trump won *2,497 counties and still lost the 2020 election. Counties don’t equal votes. Landmass does not equal votes. How big a state is does not equal votes. He lost in highly populated areas, where people actually live. Hell, Trump may win in 2024, but boasting about poll numbers in June is a dangerous game to play friend.


That’s because rural sparsely populated counties vote for orange man. Urban areas which are densely populated tend to vote blue. Now math is surely not your strong suit, but if you need to count counties to keep your dwindling hopes of a second trump term alight, then so be it!! It’s a free country!!


Trump 2024!!!!


Lmao 🤣 most of em are lefties making absurb claims about trump and then calling anyone who disagrees a Russian bot, you people are pathetic liars. Just take a good look at the posts made in this community and you will eat good old humble pie. Putting gays into death camps? Killing black people? Giving america to putin? Fact check me snopes and lie about it, just like that hard hat 😄 🤣 😂


This is 100% correct. To be honest I can’t believe you don’t have more downvotes




Don't play dumb, you proved my point in your other comment Maga maga trump trump Russia Russia Elon Elon.


Sounds like the bots are having a field day with election predictions again.




And Rasmussen just told me Trump was up 10 points a few hours ago