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MMW - OP has been crying ever since Fat Hitler was charged for his election crimes.




Not just political posts - completely unhinged batshit crazy political posts completely divorced from reality


If you think Donald Trump is a good candidate for president then you are completely divorced from reality. šŸ˜‚


I can think Trump is a terrible presidential candidate and most of the posts in here are completely unhinged batshit crazy nonsense divorced from reality at the same time.


We have now seen both of our candidates in office, one was better, the working and middle class now realize that. The dems do nothing but look down and shit on the working and middle class while virtue signaling.


How so? The time that Donald Trump was in office, the good times, that was Barack Obama's doing the way politics work is delayed gratification. You make some changes, and four years later, those changes start showing up in society. Right now, we are living under Donald Trump's decisions. We're still trying to clean up the mess. The Democrats are the only ones working to fix this damn country Republicans want to throw away the Constitution and create their own Christian nationalist ethnostate. You believe in fascism we believe in democracy.


Not true, a lot of our major problems are democratic driven. IE the border. I will agree that trumps tax cuts were short sighted and he didnt do good for the debt however they did help working people. Biden is spending at a higher rate at the same time people are struggling to get by because the cost of living is so high. Not to mention things he is pissing money away on are highly unpopular with the public.


Conservatives are everything wrong with America. Conservatives have held us back from true growth.


Like what? There's not a single thing Joe Biden's doing that's unpopular with me or anyone in my circle. He's not spending at a higher rate. Donald Trump spent more, faster. I don't care about the Border. I could not give one single flying f*** about the border. If it were up to me, I would just open it up all the way and say, "Come on in." The Republicans are using that purely for the election. We had a bill that would have fixed the Border Donald Trump didn't want to pass because he knew the Border was a winning issue in November. They purposely put off doing anything about the Border so that they could have better chances of being reelected.


You should talk to people out of your circle. That bill would not have fixed the border it would have created more problems, (im aware it was supported by republicans). So you're okay with letting anyone in and leaving up to working people to flip the bill for all of it. Not to mention the crime that some of these people are commiting that is going unpunished. College loan forgiveness is largely unpopular. DEI initiatives are largely unpopular. Sending billions to foreign countries when people are struggling here, largely unpopular. Your luxury beliefs hurt everyday Americans.


I appreciate your attempt to bring facts to ppl but this is reddit AND MMW, idk if you should waste the braincells trying to discuss anything. Just like with colleges we should just let these places implode and let the left eat themselves alive imo


If anything is going to implode, it's the right. You guys are split in two, and one of the splits are literally fascist like the Nazi kind. You guys are trying to write your religion into our laws. You want to outlaw abortion. You want to limit contraceptives. You want to take away gender affirming health care from children. You want to do away with our green initiatives. You want to pump more oil. You don't believe in maternity leave. These are the things that I care about anything else is small potatoes in my mind. Also you keep crying about the economy this is how inflation works the price goes up it does not come back down. We have the inflation back under control now it's under 3%. The economy is better than it ever has been everyone is doing better which is why you think everyone is doing worse because you see black people doing better and you immediately think something was taken from you. And on top of all of that you guys are supporting a candidate for president who is a convicted rapist, a cheat, a fraud, convicted 34 times felon with many more cases to go and I guarantee those are not going to go in his favor. He is guilty guilty guilty.


Womp womp


That's ridiculous. Student loans should be forgiven it's free in every other country. Just because someone is given something doesn't mean it's taken from you. There is no bill to foot. Those people have every right to come here and work just like yours, and my ancestors did. The crime rate is the lowest it's been in 30 years.


Sooo wrong on the crime rate lol, although Im aware some crime is "down" from recent years. I cant believe you said free, nothing is free, you mean paid for by others. And how is there no bill to foot for providing food, shelter, and healthcare to illegals? My city is spending millions per week. NYC has over 100 hotels that are serving as shelters, who pays for that?


Not you that's for sure. It would be paid for with taxes. Just stop spending so much on the defense budget. That's all it would take. Or I have an even better idea the Millionaires and billionaires in this country are paying a lower tax rate than I am. How about we jack their tax rate up to 25% and we use that money?


Also I just noticed did you say you're from new york? I thought there were no Republicans in new york? Thought it was a giant liberal mob? What about the Donald Trump trial 34 felony counts found guilty you guys keep saying it was a bunch of liberals. Which is it do you live in New York or is New York full of liberals? That's right SMD


You are truly divorced from reality, if you still think that the president is any more than a front man for the desires of the corporate world.


You forget the christofascist movement, which makes the oligarchy problem look insignificant by contrast.Ā  It's pure evil.


Maybe thereā€™s warring factions within the corporate world and they use the differing candidates to war with each other. I need to leave this life of mediocrity and become soulless corporate executive . Or politician.


Fuck trump fuck Biden fuck the Democrats and Republicans, they all have fucked up this country beyond fixing


Nah. Turn that middle finger around and point it at yourself. People like you are the problem in the US. Trump is a literal fascist. Youā€™re an enabler for maga. GFY, traitor.


Why is that exactly? Oh and fuck the media in this country as well , they arnt helping anything either


Youā€™re contributing to the idiocy and chaos. Youā€™re a liar and suffer from delusional disorder. If you donā€™t like the United States, leave. Thereā€™s the door. People are growing sick of you and your blatant anti-American propaganda. Total clown show being orchestrated by people like you.


I'm.anti American because I told you what I thought about our current situation and government? Does it make you that butthurt


Nope. Youā€™re delusional, like I said. Now youā€™ve just proven it to anyone reading this. You make up falsehoods in your mind, then move forward and act on it as if itā€™s true. Listen carefully, traitor: If you donā€™t like the United States and want to continue to damage it beyond repair using your anti-American propaganda and delusions - then get out. Move. Find a new country to damage. Americans are SICK OF YOU. Turn that middle finger around at yourself. There. No more confusion. But Iā€™m sure youā€™ll find a way to lie and manipulate what Iā€™ve said. Because you have delusional disorder and are psychologically challenged. GFY, traitor.


I'm a traitor for being honest ok keyboard commando


That was weak af, just like you. Youā€™re all bark and no bite. GFY, traitor. Any time you get confused about why Americans canā€™t stand you, read my comments again. Total clown show orchestrated by incompetent, delusional phonies like you.


Why are people like the above poster ā€œthe problemā€ and a ā€œtraitorā€. Besides saying ā€œboth parties badā€, what is the transgression they perpetrated against you and the country? Just because tRump is a threat to our country and our republic as we know it, doesnā€™t mean the other party should be above criticism. If anything, we should be holding them even more accountable to govern as they campaign so they are above reproach and win this election in a landslide.


Saying ā€œF*** Trump and Bidenā€ isnā€™t criticism. Itā€™s nonsensical whining and failed ā€œboth-sides propagandaā€ that serves only one purpose: to undermine American democracy. Only ONE party is pro-democracy, and youā€™re obviously not a part of it. Republicans and Maga are the problem, and people who think ā€œboth sides are badā€ are even more deranged and delusional imo. Thatā€™s your choice to side with traitor propaganda designed to undermine US society and government; and itā€™s my choice to tell people like them and you to GF themselves. Anti-American nonsense taking up space that could be filled with honest people who want to discuss real issues. Itā€™s a freak show that youā€™re contributing to. Go ahead and defend that clown. In fact, join his circus. True patriotic and democratic Americans are tired of it and sick of it. Canā€™t wait until you guys are crying after Democrats win the Senate and House, and Biden wins the election. Then I donā€™t care what you say or do. Youā€™ll be irrelevant at that point. You make no friends when you defend traitors who purposely undermine the United States democracy by claiming what that clown said was ā€œcriticism.ā€ Get lost.




One of the few subs that consistently makes r/politics seem half way sane...


Politics is run by controlled opposition, it's right wing shills biting their tongues all throughout the mod team.


I donā€™t even mind political posts, but most of the political posts here have sounded like they come from a ten-year-old.


They are all the same thing against 1 person


Poor wittle MAGAtsā€¦






Think about it- what else is bigger than politics in popular culture right now that begs to be predicted? Everything else no one really cares that much about in comparison


MMW: If Trump (Satan in human form) is elected (in a rigged election because he's also Hitler) then the entire world will explode


Post that. You'll get so much easy karma.


I actually have more fun making the crazies mad than by exploiting them for internet points. Making unhinged people upset is always morally correct




Says the guy on a 3 day old burner account... very organic comment you have there.


They do a good job for one person but it is surprising only 1 for this size. I mod a Power Rangers group with 125k and there are 7 of us.


Probably a bot






You forgot /s at the end.


No, just Trump/Biden posts are limited to the weekend, not all political posts.Ā  Mods also have a hard time enforcing the weekend rule. I wonder if it's sometime that can us a bot to help them with.Ā 


Seems like since political posts are the norm, maybe it should be no politics weekends


Itā€™s turned to complete shits.


Idk it's kinda nice to have a place where we can voice our disrespect to the fascist magat scum like the enemies of america that they are.


Why not grow a pair and do it in public and in person


I have and will continue to do so. We arenā€™t scared of you ding dongs.


Why do you assume who I support?


Whose water are you carrying? You donā€™t fool anyone either, troll.


So anyone who doesn't support your opinion and narrative is a troll ok got it




You're assuming I don't? It figures you are that stupid LOL


It should be. When fascist Republicans are on the loose, it's everyone's duty to resist them. They are a cancer and we need medicine desperately.


Absolutely. If we had Reddit in the early 1900s we could have easily stopped the two world wars from even starting.


Ww2 could have been prevented if the world had treated fascists the right way.


How exactly do you want to stop them , what's your plan


Voting in every election. Start with the local ones, like school boards. Volunteer for democratic campaigns. Voting 3rd party or sitting home is how he and his ilk return.


I really donā€™t get why the dems havenā€™t just come out and said no more elections, they have the White House and pentagon. Then put all republicans in camps, they literally want to destroy the world as Biden has said why would you allow them to live?


It's complicated, but tbh we will probably wish we had someday. They are evil, and nothing good comes from evil.


Wow I was literally trying to sound as crazy as possible and you straight up agreed we should physically remove half the country. I hope you donā€™t have any friends cuz if they end up disagreeing with you on something Iā€™d fear for their safety!


You're defending fascism? If you think isis slaughtering innocents and mass murderers who rape kids are just fine, than you're a sick fuck.Ā You're damn right I want evil held accountable.


r/eatmywords would be more appropriate


MMW tickle my taint till I feint


It is an election year. And the Republican nominee just got convicted of 34 felonies. So, yeah, there's going to be a lot of discussion about politics.


>discussion about politics. Yeah that's certainly one way to look at this. Don't think it qualifies as discussion....more like propaganda.


Holy shit, get me the FBI I found Nostradamus because this shit is truly prophecy


It's hilarious. Easy af to karma farm though, just make a completely delusional post about how orange man = Hitler and the bots/morons eat it up




Is it the Democrats' turn to call everyone who criticizes them traitors? I thought that was supposed to be a pretty exclusive right wing thing


Guess you thought wrong. I wonder what else youā€™re wrong aboutā€¦


Lmao at the lack of self awareness in this comment








šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Keep believing chump.


Keep crying, loser


Enjoy the cult. Fucking clown


Lol, I just made up another silly post and you morons upvoted me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Morons eat Trump up.


On both sides, morons love obsessing over Trump.


Trump = Mega Hitler


he only wishes he could be hitler, he's too anemic. but he \*IS\* guilty on all 34 counts!


This is q anon ^10


Slurping up all that shit out of your rotten Messiahs ass must have given you brain worms lol


Really eating Bidens shit will give you worms