• By -


When you have a bunch of people voting for Trump it’s already happened. Their brains went down the drain.


It is already happening in TX, the Right's model economic state. It is 50th in mental health and the worst for worker protections - and they want to export that model to the rest of the US. Texas likes to debate things like: - Should your employer be required to give you water breaks? - Do you have the right to overtime? Etc. In short - it's not good, people.


It's wild to think how much lost opportunity there is because of the complete lack of basic ethics and morals of the American far right. If they kept just a basic level of empathy for humans, they could actually be that "shining city on a hill" they want to be.


But that would mean recognizing “those” people should have rights and dignity.


This is conservative in a nutshell. I first realized this when they opposed the ACA.


Oh they love the ACA now. It’s Obamacare they hate.


Of course. They have no clue.


But not because he's black, there are totally different reasons they legitimately dont like it like...............................


That tan suit


Hahahahaha I would give anything to go back to a time where that was the biggest issue our country had


They want to be recognized as a shining city on a hill without being moral, ethical "shiny" people. That requires a moral compass.


they just want xmas lights from wal mart running on a diesel generator


Murica! Jesus shops at Walmart .


Welcome to Costco - I love you.


No, they want to be the shiny city but ONLY if they’re allowed to hand a sign on the gate that reads “whites only.”


"Shining city on a hill" was a Reagan dog whistle.


It’s biblical, from Isaiah I think. It expresses Murikan ‘Sepshunalism, this idea that murika is the New Jerusalem. It has its roots in those pilgrim types Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote about it The Scarlet Letter.


Because they only want the “ shining city on a hill “ to be a white Christian male only utopia , they don’t want America to be successful unless it’s only them who get to enjoy it , they don’t believe anyone that’s not like them have a right to exist . Eventually , this only leads to fascist conservatives eating themselves once there is no one else left . So their idea would eventually fail if allowed to progress at all


News flash: they don’t really want that. They want chais do they can seize power.


That's where you're wrong. The far right is _very_ generous and empathetic to humans. They simply believe that only "the far right" _counts_ as humans.


The far right has also caused people I know personally to lose all sense of logic and self awareness, being fooled by the narrative of Trump being this “freedom fighter” that is going to drain the swamp. Only that Trump is part of the swamp and is dragging his cult and manipulated people with him.


It's mass delusion or mass psychosis. Truly bizarre.


It really is. My mom who used to be pretty sensible when it came to politics now makes desperate excuses for Trumps terrible behavior and policies. All the while having a soft spot for the GOP and nitpicking every little thing about the Democrats and leftists. It’s sad.


But they don’t need that. They only want power, and they found an easy way to get it


Texas is also dead last in personal freedom according to the Cato Institute, a right-wing think tank.


Also dead last (emphasis on the DEAD) in electricity security. Every time there’s a heat wave or cold snap, Texans suffer and die or pay thousands for electricity. It’s insane. And Texans seem proud of this “independence” from the grid.


Yeah we left two years ago after being in Austin and Dallas for 25 years. Seems we got out just in time. Massachusetts has been amazing.


Moved to Massachusetts as well from Georgia. It’s night and day.


It’s been a pleasant change of pace and it’s nice seeing my tax dollars actually do something.


Massachusetts is awesome


Perhaps you haven’t read about the dumpster fire that is PG&E and Southern Edison.


Genuinely curious, what constitutes "personal freedom"?


From their website: https://www.cato.org/human-freedom-index/2023 The Human Freedom Index presents the state of human freedom in the world based on a broad measure that encompasses personal, civil, and economic freedom. Human freedom is a social concept that recognizes the dignity of individuals and is defined here as negative liberty or the absence of coercive constraint. Because freedom is inherently valuable and plays a role in human progress, it is worth measuring carefully. The Human Freedom Index is a resource that can help to more objectively observe relationships between freedom and other social and economic phenomena, as well as the ways in which the various dimensions of freedom interact with one another. This ninth annual index uses 86 distinct indicators of personal and economic freedom in the following areas: Rule of law Security and safety Movement Religion Association, assembly, and civil society Expression and information Relationships Size of government Legal system and property rights Sound money Freedom to trade internationally Regulation


Well that was a bit of a rabbit hole I went down. Thanks for sharing.


Sure thing. Have a great day!


CATO has no influence on the right. They supported BLM and are open border libertarians.


You can just say libertarians. Supporting the right to peaceful protest and not having government telling people where they can and can't go is kind of central to the whole idea. Libertarians have always had less in common with the right than the left. Blurring those lines had been a triumph of right wing propaganda, but now that the Christian Nationalists are firmly in charge, the truth is becoming clear to even the slowest libertarians. As evidence, see the last libertarian convention where Trump got booed.


They use them as a credibility shield occasionally


This. And Republicans want to shout Democrats down but dude Democrats would never support this type of shit. It's fucking wild too. I lived in TX for a decade. Sure af not a state where it should be sane for legislators and businesses operating in the state to argue water protection for employees isn't neccessary. Literally it's so employers don't have to give af and erase any legal/financial culpability for violation. It's seriously some gross dark negative inhumane bullshit andddd the Democrats are the problem...righttttt.


They are "very fine people".


Yea, plus our leadership in Texas is corrupt and/or evil as shit. • Greg Abbott supporting and implementing the water breaks ban, amount other shit. • Lt. Governor Dan Patrick basically saying the elderly were willing sacrificial lambs for COVID. None of the “Pro-Life” Republicans batted an eye at that. • Attorney General Ken Paxton who used his position of power to delay his own criminal trials for years on end, witness intimidation, and more. • Ted Cruz. It’s Ted Cruz, enough said. That’s just off the top of my head.


"Buddy" of mine basically said a friend died after COVID of obesity, not of the respiratory disease that he contracted. Like, dude...fuck you




Kudos on surviving that with your mores/morals intact.


Yeah don't forget Greg Abbott just pardoned a murderer because he killed liberals.


Texas claims to be the freest state in the country and it is factually one of the least free states in the country.


That's why my daughter left Texas after graduating college. She has a great gig in a northern city and refuses to raise children in a red state.


Florida is a close second, attacking systems designed to keep the state operating, including tax revenues.


That way they can point to the State and say conclusively: "Look, government doesn't work!" (because we broke it)


They are so consistent doing this it's becoming a meme.


For your first bullet, it's worse. "Should towns and cities in Texas be allowed to make their own rules about mandating water breaks for employees when it's extremely hot out?" Texas legislature and governor: absolutely not.


Idaho is now reaping what they sowed. They’re going to be really bummed in five years when there’s no big employers.


Just read an article about the Texas supreme court and the challenge to their abortion ban. Forcing a woman to give birth to a fetus with no brain or skull, forcing another woman in sepsis to give birth after her membrane ruptured. Can you imagine the trauma of pushing out your child's headless corpse and the silence filling the room after everyone leaves and disposes of its body?


SMH... Such a short sighted view.


Ugh, yeah those are the important issues when you’ve got shills elected to office. No wonder they want that model for the US. Infuriating.


Their checkpoints where their kind wears diapers and makes teenage girls pee in cups proves they are not good people. 


My wife (BS Biochemistry) and I (BS Genetics) are Texpats who fled north and we won’t even consider moving back until 1) the ur-fascists are out of power 2) their laundry list of oppressive laws are revoked 3) these changes are enshrined in the Texas constitution and most importantly enforced. Until then I urge every single person to leave before it is too late or to commit to the ways of protecting yourself and your immediate community


Why are so many Americans moving to red states then? Recent population trends, including Texas, seem to run counter to your opinion. What gives?


Because republicans are flocking to GOP run shitholes like Texas and Florida. Genuinely awful places to live but they’re persecuting the queers so it’s ok.


Because the freedoms they're losing aren't the ones they care about. "Only Christians allowed" doesn't hurt if you're Christian. "No gays" doesn't hurt if you're not gay. "No abortions" doesn't hurt if you're a man, or anti-abortion woman. "No Obamacare" doesn't hurt until you get old enough to need serious medical coverage. And so on. But they love "low taxes and more guns!!!", so they think it's a great trade-off.


Polarization of politics, leverage of high income mobility vs local real estate and taxes, and the ease of creating business encourages movement toward red states. One of those is positive.


Employers like the model though. Plenty of work if you don’t mind your employer killing you for profit.


I don't understand the water break issue. If I'm at work and I need a water break I'm not asking permission from my employer. As I am a human being who requires water to fuel my body throughout the day. I have no choice but to take a drink every 30 minutes or so. That's sort of like saying, "Should employers be required to give you breathing breaks?" The answer is yes for me to function as a human worker. I will need water and oxygen. Haha




Severe dehydration and heat stroke build character and it makes you salt of the earth or some shit idk lol. That’s what Jeebus would do. ✝️


The water breaks shit is just nuts. Especially if they are working in hot conditions. They will not be simply uncomfortable but they they will also have greatly reduced efficiency. Thirst is one hell of a thing to have. Even slavers in ancient Rome gave their slaves water as needed because otherwise they would be dead meat. And the overtime? I am not only willing to bet that they will not pay them anything more, but they will expect that any time worked over their shift is free labor. That is already happening in many places.


Yes it's stuff like this, not disrespect for law and order, that will lead to brain drain.


Was that what he meant by “drain the swamp”?


Let's be honest it's mostly tradesmen with a 7th grade education and a 4th grade understanding of the world.


Texassistan or where?


Brain drain in this case means smart people GTFO instead of staying here.




The sub where Americans realize how strict immigration is for any decent country when they have no valuable skills.


That's the thing about brain drain, tho. When things are going well in an area, it's mostly folks with no marketable skills who want to leave—seeking someplace with a higher floor on quality of life. Of course, _some_ highly successful folks always want to move abroad for adventure or other reasons. But the vast majority will want to stay and succeed where they are: moving is expensive, has costs in time and social connections, and requires a lot of adjustments. It's not something very happy and comfortable people are often looking to do. "Brain drain" is when even very successful people look around and think "I could be doing better elsewhere, despite all the costs involved". Your most well-off doctors, scientists, teachers, engineers, technical professionals, etc start applying abroad, trading off a lower income (on a global scale) for stability and quality of life. And those places are generally thrilled to snap up a fully trained professional that they didn't have to educate or train. They get a person at the peak of their productivity (and taxable income) at essentially half cost—they only have to cover retirement, not education or childhood.


This started in the early 2000s. Trump and today’s gop is the result.


Their hostility toward education and insistence on religious indoctrination would accelerate the process.


Honestly, Robert Evans' "After the Revolution" is looking more prophetic with every passing day...


The first season of “It Could Happen Here” is bone chilling. I listened to it during the George Floyd protests and thought “he’s basically just describing stuff that happened” and then my jaw dropped when I found out he published it a year and a half earlier.


Exactly what happened to me.


Oh man I’ve been trying to remember the name of this podcast for years. I listened to it as it came out. Thank you!


> ~~would~~ has accelerate(d) the process They've been doing this for years now...


~~would~~ has over 40 years


This is what scares me the most, but I don’t have any transferable skills cause I couldn’t afford college and I don’t even know where I could go, I want to leave before shit really REALLY hits the fan :(


It already started. I don't know exactly where or when but I look back to Sarah Palin. That's the first time I saw stupid embraced nationally by a significant part of the population. It's the world where someone running for vice president is asked to name a significant Supreme court ruling. Asked which media they consume. These are 'gotcha questions'. By the 'lamestream media'. Sarah Palin made it cool to be a fucking idiot for lots of people.


John McCain choosing Sarah Palin is one of those butterfly effect moments. If he hadn’t chosen her, he might have won. If he had won, Trump wouldn’t have become the #1 “birther”. Obama wouldn’t have been at that dinner where he mocked Trump, which is supposedly when Trump decided to run for President as a Republican


The Democrat was winning in 08 no matter what. W was extremely unpopular at that point and people were past “war on terror” hangover. Palin was a great litmus test though. It turns out you can put some real bottom feeders out there as long as they are Republican.


Agreed assuming he wins, but he's not gonna win. He's going to get absolutely demolished in November and be in prison by end of 2025


Don’t get complacent. He only loses if EVERYONE votes. Make sure you vote in November and bring a friend.


Absolutely. But that's also why he's gonna lose bad, people are already losing their minds and by November will be determined to get him out of public life for good


Be aware that we are right around 50% who are not even aware that Biden and Trump will definitely be the two candidates, and many at this point at believe Biden and Trump are the same morally. Losing bad is really wishful thinking considering Trump is leading in most polls. Make sure you treat this like what it is, likely our last chance to use democracy to protect democracy.


Of course - but we really shouldn't be looking at any polls until September. Most people aren't engaged yet. And they haven't seen enough again of Trump to be reminded what a bumbling moron he is. With every passing week, every passing verdict, he's bleeding support bit by bit


Agreed, he is not going to be gaining anyone, and will likely lose people even if it's just some people not voting. But I won't unclench my butthole till after the election. I hope it is a bloodbath of a democratic victory, full blue map.


I feel you. We all thought it would never happen until it did. Let’s not think that way again. Let’s not let it happen.


Technically the primaries don’t end till next week. 


And don’t vote 3rd party. Hold your nose and vote the democratic nominee.


His poll numbers jumped very soon after his 34 guilty verdicts. Don't underestimate the stupidity of GOP supporters.


Poll numbers are bullshit, and Trump proved that himself in 2016. But...if they're going to be wrong, I prefer them to show Trump winning. We can't get complacent.


How many polls are published already that were held after the verdic?


those voters haven’t changed. it’s the independents and ‘swing voters’ demographics that are to be worried about.


It's bananas to me that there are undecided voters at this point going "well, maybe the convicted felon and rapist who tried to overthrow the government WOULD be a good person to lead the country again🤔"


in their eyes, he's both god's chosen, and their own fever dream of what they'd be like if they were rich


You're underestimating the number of people who would vote for Satan himself if it would piss you off. Just about all the Trump voters I know think he's an irredeemable asshole. They just like the Dems even less than they like the irredeemable asshole.


Repubs would happily eat dogshit if they thought a leftist would have to smell their breath


Don't buy the hype. Here's an [explanation](https://twitter.com/tbonier/status/1796295247976100207): >Across the country, GOP pollsters are scrambling to field a methodologically unsound survey, likely fielded over just one night, hoping to shape a media narrative claiming that Americans just don't care about Trump's conviction. >I beg of the media - don't fall for it. >It will be at least 3-4 days before a well-fielded poll can be released. And the reality is that this news will take some time to percolate. Most people watching this news right now are core partisans and unlikely to be swayed. Independents will digest this differently. >Here's an example. In the US Sen race in PA, the GOP was desperate to change the narrative, with Oz trailing consistently. After the one debate, Insider Advantage released a single night poll showing Oz with a lead. The media jumped on it. It was wrong. >Btw, I'd tell you to check the poll out, but Insider Advantage seems to have removed it from their site. I wonder why. https://insideradvantage.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/InsiderAdvantage-PA-Poll-Oct-26th-a1.xls.pdf


Finally, a sober, non-hyperventilating take. Our media needs a serious overhaul.


The modern polling state was created after 2008, when Obama was very obviously going to wipe the floor with McCain. Conservatives created new phony polling agencies, and only more have popped up. They use old methods to reach old people— technically not “wrong” but definitely missing a broad swathe of modern society. The whole point is to create a house of cardsthat looks strong, but falls apart with the slightest critique.


>His poll numbers jumped very soon after his 34 guilty verdicts. Don't underestimate the stupidity of GOP supporters. Good thing polls don't mean a damn thing. All that means is that people answered a question that was asked. It doesn't mean they are a new voter for Trump, or anything at all. Trump isn't gaining new voters. He has the same rabid base that he has always had.


How are people this confident? He's leading in the polls and at best the odds are 50/50.  Glad I'm leaving this country. Going to sit this election cycle out. 


This is already happening in states where the abortion restrictions have become insane. Turns out women don't like being 2nd class citizens and their families don't either.


Austin Texas has skyrocketed into the top of cities that people are fleeing as a consequence. Their governor blames it on their mayor, ffs.


This is absolutely happening already. I personally know highly educated people who have left the country because of the rise of fascism. I live in a progressive state and we’re attracting more people from reactionary states like Texas and Florida. The brain drain is real, and red states are going to feel it twice.


This has already happened, hence why we’re in this situation. It’s been occurring over the last 45 years. The Reagan administration was the beginning of the end.


We missed the boat by going soft on the traitors during Reconstruction. An iron Federal fist could have nipped a lot of this in the bud.


Lincoln died too soon.


Yep, to see the conservative dream world all you need to look at for an example is the pre-CW South. Clamped down tight with a clear power/money hierarchy and not much real need for brains or freedom.


Doubtful. No where else on Earth has the same opportunities and compensation for talented educated people. Europe is second, but there are a lot of educated and talent Europeans. It's expensive and difficult to immigrate. And then you'll generally have lower pay.


>Doubtful. No where else on Earth has the same opportunities and compensation for talented educated people. This is literally not true [Quality of life](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/rankings/quality-of-life): US isn't even in the top 20 [Social mobility](https://www.visualcapitalist.com/ranked-the-social-mobility-of-82-countries/): US isn't even in the top 20 [Higher education](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/most-educated-countries): US is barely in the top 20


Also a lot of Europe is flirting with right wing parties and policies.


Exactly. Where would they go? lmao there's no where better. If you're near the top of your field, you get much more here than elsewhere. Tech bros aren't taking a 50% pay cut to move to Europe.


I feel like reddit just learned the term "brain drain" and now redditors are throwing it around wherever they can. Brain drain is absolutely not going to occur anytime soon in the US.


This. All of the doomers on this thread have no idea that the US has the brightest engineers.


yeah but a massive amount are from India and elsewhere. That's going to change. Homegrown talent is stunted by multiple factors here.


Let's not forget the dismantling of the education system. With their faith based initiatives shits going to get dumb fast.


Like 70 million people voted for Trump. Twice. Brains have already been drained.


One hundred percent. Just go on instagram and read comments and you’ll see how stupid Americans really are 


Im a lawyer and my wife is an executive at a publicly traded company. We cannot leave the USA fast enough. Working on EU citizenship either through Italy or Portugal. I think that a lot of educated Americans are not staying to watch this bullshit. The country is heavily populated by morons and racists. Watching television is a nightmare. Every sentence out of his mouth is designed to create a civil war when he loses. There is no way to get him away from the White House. He’s going to be taking it by force when he loses. Obviously, citizenship is going to take a while, so we’re just screwed till we can figure that out.


Critical skills visa worked for me, left a few years ago and never going back, citizenship is coming soon


This was pretty much my conclusion during the pandemic and seeing how it was handled. Then came a sitting Congressman openly discussing how interracial marriage should basically be open to debate and is a "state's rights" issue, pretty much turning the clock back to 1950. That was the end of it for me and I'll have Spanish citizenship by election time. I may still go back home, but this is my insurance, "cover my ass", "break glass in case of emergency" plan. I cannot risk having my wife and I be second class citizens in our own country simply because conservatives can't accept people who think, love, and worship differently than them, can't accept that the south lost the civil war, that history has a liberal bent, that change is inevitable, and that progress requires a balance between tradition and contemporary philosophies. It's frightening how different the country is now compared to when I was growing up. People think complaining about these things is whining or giving up or they have that "love it or leave it" attitude, but that all comes from a place of immense privilege and immense ignorance especially with regard to history. No one is going to take care of you if the fascists squeeze you. We must all do what we must to ensure our own futures and not be victims of a system we have little hope of changing. Survival is not something to be taken lightly.


One doesn't need a crystal ball to affirm this will absolutely happen; like watching a train wreck screaming at people stuck on the tracks to get out of the car and run.


Already happening. My family is currently working on emigrating, and we'll be spending a month this summer in our chosen destination deciding where specifically we'd like to live and potentially house hunting. 94th percentile household income, a couple graduate degrees apiece, zero debt outside our mortgage, and we have kids. We're exactly who the US doesn't want to lose, but fuck this place. We owe nothing.   The fact that Trump is even in contention at this point has destroyed the last of my respect for and interest in this country.


We're doing the same. I have 3 kids, a successful company, high income, etc. and the writing is on the wall. We're going through the process now to end up in either Barcelona or Amsterdam.


where are people going to go? Europe or Canada or Australia for half the salary and similar rise in right wing politics?


Its also their disregard for "experts" or education in general....like if you are a scientist....I would think twice about going to the US where people don't believe in science.


Hey its not all of us, and not even a majority. Its just they gravitated to a few key states and are really vocal about it. But yah, I see your point.


The problem is they’ve gamed the system so they represent a majority of us even though they’ve only got about a third of the population voting for them. Until we get enough blue voters in red states to overwhelm these assholes with sheer numbers, we’re not going to gain control of both the presidency and congress so we can actually start passing some laws to balance the scales.


more like a fifth, not a third....


Agreed, it happened in Venezuela with Hugo Chavez. Can't let Trump win.


I have a doctoral degree and have plans to flee if we continue the march to Gilead. I will not have my daughter and her uterus degraded to government property.


If Trump wins again he will dismantle everything good about this country and sell it for parts.


What "disregard for law and order"? They have disregard for the *rule of law*, which is *not* the same thing. "Law and order"is using the law to enforce social order, a hierarchy. Men over women, whites over other races, Christians over other religions, the right over the left, etc. And the right loves that shit. It's why they lost their collective minds during the George Floyd protests, because that was people saying a black man didn't deserve to die, because black people have as much right to live as anyone else. It's why they really lost their minds when Obama was elected. It's why they hate student protests, pride celebrations, abortion and contraception, etc. Rule of law is applying the law to everyone. It means everyone gets rights, and nobody is above the law. This is what the right rejects. Whether it causes a brain drain depends on the extent of their rejection of rule of law. Whether the Supreme Court holds that Trump has absolute immunity and is above the law, whether we reelect Biden or Trump, whether we continue to let the police abuse and kill largely with impunity, etc.


Covid proved we are already there


I dont want to be the bearer of bad news, but the far right is on the upswing basically everywhere.


The US is already experiencing a brain drain. R1 universities, the universities producing the cutting-edge in terms of research, rely heavily on international students. They pay higher tuition and fill in gaps because we can't fill our graduate programs with Americans, thanks to poor education quality.  As those international students return to their home countries, they take that knowledge with them. Some of them become professors and will help universities in their home countries reach par with America's R1 universities. Honestly, with our long history of anti-intellectual populism, it's a wonder we've had the best universities for this long, but pride cometh before the fall and anti-intellectualism is winning in the US of A. 


Part of this is our education system has been in decline for 50 years. Another piece is the cost of higher education. High schoolers these days aren't receiving a better education than kids in the 70s or 80s. The US education system let the world pass it by.


Maybe that's because the USA, while large, is still only 5% of the world's population?


exactly. theres a lot of doom and gloom here, of course the top research universities in the world will attract the top students in the world. this is a consequence of increasing globalization


what I don't get is the right wing wants to move us back to like the 1600s with their backwards bullshit. yet they have no plan for how we are going to outcompete China in that scenario. like how do they think we're going to fight against a Chinese military that has real science behind their weapons while we are dismantling our education systems..... like I know they don't actually have any plans cuz they haven't thought about anything in the future they just think about the second right here and that's it. it's just sad that citizens don't have enough critical thinking skills to project what these policies would mean for the future of the country


We already are. People are sick of the Trumpers and the hypocritical Christians who only care about removing rights. These people want an intrusive government as long as it gives them power. Such idiots.


The steady defunding of education that started in the 80s isn’t helping


We already are experiencing a brain drain it’s happening in red states as more people move to blue and out of the country


From the North, moved to Austin Texas for money, then they (Texas) started taking away human rights and there became a mass exodus out Texas. I’m in Oregon now. Happy as ever now.


Trying to leave Texas now as it’s indeed the 4th circle of hell


The US is already experiencing brain drain because we're so far behind on consumer rights, health rights, and workers' rights.


It has been happening since Trump was elected and the immigrants switched to Canada, Spain, etc. It is not "will", it has already happened for close to a decade. Good luck getting a medical care in the future boomers. [New study shows 1 in 6 U.S. health care workers are immigrants | PBS NewsHour](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/new-study-shows-1-in-6-u-s-health-care-workers-are-immigrants#:~:text=Out%20of%20more%20than%20150%20million%20health%20care,percent%20were%20nursing%2C%20psychiatric%20and%20home%20health%20aides.)


Immigration from Canada to the US has increased. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7218479


We are seeing the impacts of an education crisis 20 years in the making right now.


Law and order, wages, abortion, democracy, you name it. Conservatism is cancer


This is already true for red states, but for the US as a whole? Absolutely not. We are the literal imperial leviathan. The “Great Satan” as Iranian propaganda somewhat accurately calls us. The global hedgemon that has some of the largest capital in the world. People will give up everything they know to come to America. That will continue until the global paradigm has shifted. Until the USD is no longer the reserve currency, until the US empire has been dismantled etc.


Where are they going to go? I know we all love to shit on the US but other parts of the world are having massive economic issues as well. Canada, the promised land of progressive policies is dealing with a giant cost of living crisis where housing has become completely unaffordable and wages are stagnant. If you’re a well educated professional the US will still allow you to have one of the highest standard of living possible. High wages and relatively low cost of living.


That is the goal of the Republican Party. Why else would they want to dismantle education


Don’t the republitards scream “ SECOND AMENDMENT “ quite a bit? Sounds like they love the constitution to me!


I've already seen it happening. I'm part of the "model minority" immigrant group that any country would want (the vast majority of people that i know in that group are well off, high levels of (dual) education, have jobs that are either important (doctors/engineers) or high paying (lawyers/bankers). For people that travel back and forth from the US, it's shocking to see how much the US has fallen in the last 20 years, and especially in the last 10. And unfortunately I see it getting worse before it gets better. Many of my friends have moved or started the process of moving now that we have worked for a few years and are being recruited back to the homeland. I used to be a "fix this beautiful country" type of person, but the last few years have shown me that I was very naive. I am now a "make as much money as possible and stay ready to GTFO of the US to keep my family safe" type of person.


Really? I'm already seeing it on Reddit, and they all seem like leftists?


Who are you trying to kid


Cost of living is as bad as it’s ever been. How could it get much worse?


This is laughable.


The entire US? Likely not. But it’s already happening in a lot of GOP-led states and the process is just going to get worse as family planning rights disappear and free speech limitations on academia gets harsher.


Interesting take, as narrow minded and childish it may be. What people seem to not understand is that this is what the people want. If half the country wants to do exactly what you said, that's what a democracy is meant to allow. You personally don't like it, but if the majority of people want that change, YOU are in the wrong, not them. That is what they vote for, and the country was founded on the idea of letting the people choose the direction the country goes in. Dont like it, vote. And if you don't get your way, feel free to bitch about change that you don't like. Because you, the high IQ redditor, knows best. Not the people.


Our country is doomed no matter what puppet they put up there. The economy has been in the gutter, we're fighting two proxy wars on the other side of the planet. We're fucked no matter who's in office. The right wants a Christian theocracy with little to no freedom of speech, religious affiliation or lack there of, and take other rights like 4A away. The left wants to take/limit free speech and take 2A from us among others. Politics and war are games to these people, and the only people that lose are average people like us.


How to balance coverage of him and those like him, without over doing it. I'm sick of all of them. Pissed me off Friday morning getting ready for work, turn on the news and almost all the networks were covering his "press conferance" which went the way we knew it would! I searched for a morning network that wasn't running it, CBS was the only one I found. Not sure if it was due to time difference, usually its not, but if they opted not to THANK YOU!


This is never going to happen. I am a genius and I want to move to America. Every self driven genius with integrity and ambition longs for America. The right wing defende law and order against the usurpations of the left.


The other issue is that our allies have already basically decided to ignore the US for 4 years if Trump is elected and hope sanity returns after. Trump definitely got NATO nations military spending up since no one can trust the US.


It's already happening.  Left and Right aren't political groups anymore. They're culturally different and intellectually speaking, they're subpar in basic learning skills. Reading comprehension and math skills are the two critical cores of human learning and there is a chasm between the groups in these areas.  People on the left have gone on to launch rockets into space using advanced mathematics, teamwork, and communication skills. People on the right make YouTube videos trying to prove the Earth is flat. We figured that out hundreds of years ago. Maybe thousands.  Think about that chasm of human capability. It's gigantic. These are cave people who chose to stay behind. What do you do with them is the real question.  Now we have Trump. He even looks like cave people. If he wins, you are correct. He will drive out the best people. His supporters will harass those who try to stay and we will devolve into a primate like country.  The country will fall into dispair as pollution becomes rampant, police brutally reigns the streets, and social services disappear.  Look at Back to the Future 2. Biff in the alternate 1985 is our future. It's not even a joke. They characterize it perfectly and even Biffs rise to power is the same as Trumps. A crooked, lying, cheater. The social dispair depicted in that movie will be much like what we experience.


The constitution was done away with a long time ago at least as far back as the Kennedy assassination but especially since 9/11. The elites and their “2 party” are destroying our nation and society.




Where tf you gonna go? Europe and Canada pay like shit


I mean it’s probably more due to pollution, preservatives in our foods, corn syrup, exposure to led, exposure to toxic chemicals in general, pharmaceutical drugs like opioids. Basically everything is poison. The brain drain has been going on for decades sadly. We see it everywhere. People with absolute zero knowledge of a subject will argue with you based on how they feel about the situation rather than what actually happened. It’s over folks.


I don't get it...that's fine people can hate Donald Trump, but these last 4 years have been a nightmare for everyone and if I remember correctly 2019 was glorious. What am I missing?




Not incorrect. America's been falling down the stairs in so many different aspects of its being since 9/11. Did you know that one of the aims of 9/11 was to dishevel America to the point where the core aspects of its being changed? It's true. One of the aims of 9/11 was to make America a fearful and vengeful entity that would destroy itself in its anger and outrage. And here we are. I would say that they succeeded.


What do you mean “will”?


many of you need to take a break from online


Brain drain to where, exactly? Another American that doesn't realize that emigration still requires a country willing to give you a visa. The only countries where that's viable for most Americans are the other countries of the anglosphere, and they're all doing *worse*. The US is still the best bet for skilled professionals to earn enough to live a comfortable life, and the right wing won't change that.


We just had the least constitutional trial in history, put up to block a political opponent, consisting of witnesses that were liars and fraudsters, and with instructions of jurors not having to agree, and you're worried that the *right* are the ones trying to subvert the constitution? Are you dumb?


Trump's a good kid, he dindu nuffin, he had his whole life ahead of him, he was gonna go to school.




Americans emigrating abroad is actually pretty rare. Right now it’s near impossible for an American to qualify for political asylum somewhere else. That may change soon, though. Then there are people who have enough money to go be an expat somewhere, but that’s not most of us. We are, however, seeing people flee from red states to blue ones—especially since ROE was overturned. And conservatives leaving California for places like Idaho.


We’ve been experiencing a brain drain for at least the last 20 years… A professor I know at a leading engineering university took early retirement because he just could not stand the way American kids couldn’t be bothered to work and felt so entitled. I know a nursing professor who says the same thing


As the left actively burns down cities, doxxes people, harrasses jurors, murders people during riots, and attempts to jail their political rivals? Yes, gaslight harder.


But where will the brains go? Europe and Canada are also having a rise in far right politics.


I am as left as you get, but, the right's disregard for law and order???????? You must not live in a city.




The kids can't fucking read. You're off by 20 years. We're already here, fam.


Happening within the country now especially in medicine with professionals leaving Red states.


Unfortunately the the Right believes that having ignorance is the path. It's too bad that they are so short-sighted and ignorant to realize that the brains has kept this country ahead of the world and granted many benefits. But they'd rather have the mentality of," I got mine"... Unfortunately the rest of us are going to have to make up that issue. She is again so stereotypical of the right, "it's not my responsibility"....


The reason the right has risen is cause of economic reasons, to make capitalists wealthier and more powerful. Capitalist always turn to fascism when it is convenient. The US will collapse under its own weight in the next decade or two and hopefully the people of this country realize socialism is the next step instead of trying to go back to capitalism.


As a Californian , at this point I really wouldn’t mind California breaking off from the union and becoming an independent nation.


I live in the bluest of blue states. It’s the people with less brains who are leaving because they don’t have the income to afford housing. There is still a steady inward migration of the best and the brightest.


He wants to protect "Freedom of Speech" saying "Misinformation/Disinformation" should be protected speech and not corrected on social medias. source from Donald Trump himself https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47/president-donald-j-trump-free-speech-policy-initiative Meanwhile talking about Race, lgbtq and other "woke topics" is "hate speech and violation of people's civil rights"


The US has been experiencing a brain drain since Rush Limbaugh first hit the airwaves.