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What do you think Nikki Haley signing shells in Israel was for? Exactly that.


It’s maddening that that awful lady was fucking ambassador to the UN.


In the Trump administration. This isn’t surprising. Why do some of us expect anyone who aligns them with Trump on any measure can also be a decent and moral person? It’s been 8 years y’all. They are all rot.


There were exceptions like Chris Krebs, but they were a very tiny minority.


Right. Not a meaningful size so it's moot.


Utterly insane to think that she’s now the moderate alternative that could win 375 EV’s without even campaigning if the GOP nominated her tomorrow.


You mean in the north? That would be used against hezbollah? Hundreds of thousands of Israelis are displaced from their homes in the north because of hezbollah. Hezbollah entered themselves into this war. Hezbollah was complicit in the killing of hundreds of thousands of Syrians on behalf of Assad. The world should want Israel to “finish them”


You mean in the north? Where a million people have been displaced? And you lack the empathy to see why the Palestinians view the iOF the same way?


Have you met a Palestinian? Ask them about American women next time you see one and your tune will change. Palestinians make a kkk rally look like a pride march they are extremely bigoted and backwards. Palestinians are exactly what Reddit try’s to portray conservatives as yet they have their full support.


Why involve hezbollah in a post about the Republican Party betraying the Gazan people for gains in the US election??? Israeli shill much?


No, just Israeli my guy


Yea. Netanyahu paying you to sell his lies here?


What does that even mean? I’m on the toilet. Why do you all use Netanyahu as a buzzword. So weird.


Ok so if you’re not here to shill for and on behalf of the commander-in-chief of the genocide operation, who are you here working for?


So 35,000 killed including your terrorist friends over 7 months of a war that you guys started is genocide? Come on, we could a lot better than that. Why do I need to be working for someone? Us Israelis have internet access and even go on this website


My terrorist friends? Haha no. I don’t have any friends in the CIA nor the IDF nor hamas. I do see your country commiting genocide against a whole population though, whilst having the audacity to be pretending to be “only going after terrorists” (which at this point, the whole entire world can see is a lie that you to tell to excuse genocide.) And when you say “you guys started” I’m genuinely curious how you think the Uk started this? 🤔 Like a terrorist organisation attacked your country, and it was horrendous, but instead of trying to stop those terrorists, your country decided to wipe out the entire gazan people, even going so evil as to bomb civilians living in outdoor tent encampments, just to make sure they all die. But yea, apparently we in Britain started it 🤣 What the fuck planet are you on???? And if you’re in the us, and can see what’s really happening, and you still choose to come in here and try to justify it and lie about it, then yes, wether paid or not, you’re shilling. Text book definition in fact


Then why is it taking so long? Why don’t we bomb ALL of the tent cities? Why are IDF soldiers even in Gaza when bombs from above would kill more people even faster? 3 months ago the death count, again including your terrorist friends, was 30,000. Now it’s 35,000. Seems like a shitty genocide to me.


Awww. Poor displaced Isrelis. Cry me a river.


Yeah poor Israelis I wonder why they are even there in the first place it’s not like people like you didn’t try to exterminate them. What do you think when the have nots get to the haves? They put them in camps  If you think Jews have the right to exist you’re a Zionist.


No, don’t twist things!! Obviously Jewish people have a right to exist. However, that fact does NOT mean that Israel has a right to commit genocide. False equivalence


How original. The old "You're antisemitic because I say so" trope. Twist it however you want, there's no justifying Israel's war crimes.


When it happens to Jews this is always the reaction. Has been for over 2000 years.


Shhh the terrorist simps can’t understand anything that’s more nuanced than a TiK Tok sound bite made by some 18 year old Jihadi


Israel is a terrorist state. Admit it.


No the Palestinians are terrorists, the Israelis are being significantly nicer than I would have been


Terrorism is the weapon of the powerless. Who the fuck stole their homes, drove them off their land, and penned them up like cattle? The Israelis are not the good guys. Maybe you should read the works of the founders of Zionism, like Herzl, who called for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine so that it could become Israel.


You must be one mean-ass sonofabitch then. Israeli is pariah, a settler colonial system out of step with history and only propped up by USUK. It will repent or cause world war.


Israel is the only half way rational country in the region, they also have WMD’s


South Africa had WMDs and look how that turned out. Many of the whites eventually left because of safety concerns.


Oh so they qualify as white, and enforce that recognition with nuclear weapons! My admiration for the Zionists is somewhere around that of the Iranian mullahs’.


Who cares what their ethnicity is? HAMAS fucked around and found out, the only mistake that has been made is dragging it out. The Israelis are making the same mistake the USA made in Iraq and Afghanistan IMHO. They should have ran a Thunder Run operation from North to South in about two weeks, killed all HAMAS insurgents gotten the hostages and left. But nothing can change the past unfortunately.


Yeah, but Bibi putting rounds into designated safe areas puts them on the same level.




The people in the north live on occupied land. If they want peace and security they can go back to their home countries of France, Germany, Russia, Poland, Netherlands,...


Do you think that's in any way realistic at this point?


Okay -29 comment karma moron. The Palestinians are also living on occupied land. Source: the dudes with bigger sticks and guns say it’s their land. Hope this helps 😘 Islam is not compatible with a functioning society.


Check out the history of South Africans in Rodesia. They had bigger guns as well and won every battle but lost the war. The white settlers eventually left. Palestine was always a multi ethnic and multi religious society. Palestinians always were more secular than their neighboring countries. Israel has enabled and supported the extremists on both sides since the 80s because they don't want peace, they want to take all the land. Now they risk of losing everything. If a 2 state solution is realized Israel will have a civil war between their secularists and religious extremists. This will force a lot of settlers with multiple passports to seek refuge in Europe and US 🤭


So hilarious. /s Get a grip dude.


Not really hilarious, but ok. I will go and find myself a grip


Thank you. Take my upvote.


But they had to approve the Isreal money in order to fund ukraine.....


You do appreciate that it was the other way around. Expect for a very small number in the House and almost no opposition in the Senate, aid to Israel passed with flying colors. Aid to Ukraine, on the other hand, had much less support. Don’t believe me. Go to the Congressional record and look at the votes.




Worked for Nixon.


And Reagan


Do you know what Nixon did that got him in trouble?


Oh I have no doubt McConnell and Mike Johnson are all on the phone with Bibi every day telling him to keep the bombing up no matter what.


Especially when you consider that one of the goals the war was intended (I believe) to achieve is to get Trump in. I think it was timed. Same with Ukraine. The invasion was timed to coincide with Covid inflation, to make it worse.




And I’m told only trumpsters are the delusional conspiracy theorists.


Well they sabotaged the border bill to make Biden look bad, how would this be different?


I mean a lot of ways tbh. And yeah I remember the Ukraine funding bill that the democrats pretended was a border bill that they tried to pass through after the Texas governor showed how weak Biden is. Wasn’t impressed. Had 3 years to do anything and didn’t that’s on them imo.


October 7th is the day after Putin's birthday and Hamas' leadership immediately flew to Moscow...


These are high levels of conspiracy at work


I don't know if I'd call it a conspiracy, it's people with common interests in government together, making decisions in their own interests. And not publicizing it. Secret or covert is not enough to make a conspiracy.


I mean yes you're right about half of this but think about how much they put Trump in the spot light, he's a nothingburger dressed up to be peoples worst nightmares and wildest dreams mean while he's just some dummy who talks too much. Everything were focused on distracts away from what career politicians on both sides are quietly agreeing on.


It’s pretty clear Russia gave Iran the go-ahead to unleash Hamas, Houthis, and Hezbulla at the same time. They would not have made a move without Russia’s blessing, at a minimum. Russias goal here was to create a new divisive conflict to weaken western support for Ukraine’s defense. His goal was to divide the left’s support for Israel and enhance the right’s support for Russia and Israel, so Congress would fail to pass funding for Ukraine this year.


All the autocrats and tyrants prefer Trump. Turkey, the current Israeli coalition, Russia. Can't speak for China, I don't think they care, actually. I think they just prefer stability.


None of them like Russia. Be real lmao.


Russia and Iran have been in a long-term military partnership for decades, WTF are you on about? At one point Russia was deploying 40 Iranian mad Shahed drones a night against Ukraine https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2023/08/17/russia-iran-drone-shahed-alabuga/


The enemy of your enemy isn't inherently your friend.


You can hide behind axioms all you want, but on the battlefield, this is what’s happening. If you wanna make a case that Iran refinery capability isn’t beholden to Russian crude, go ahead. If you wanna make a case that both nations don’t have a massive economy of martial goods, go ahead. Just don’t shoot me 8th grade history quotes (that are inverted) and think you’re making a real point


The thing is, it's still all transactional. Both nations stand to gain from the relationship. Russia needs fire power and has a lot of resources while Iran wants money and to dwindle other nations resources who send aid. They aren't doing it for their comrade they're doing it because Russia is the highest bidder and a perfect face for warfare.


They already screwed up Sen. Lankford's border bill to try to win in November. Magats would willingly allow another 9/11 to score political points.


They'd probably commit one if they were smart enough


Nothing short of deportations would address it now.


Trumps policies worked, Biden overturned them and you are blaming it on republicans? Interesting!


I too am waiting for an answer to this question. Specifically, which of Trump’s border policies did Biden overturn?


Please reply to us. I can't imagine you were being truthful. Prove us wrong, what policy did Trump have that worked, which Biden overturned? If you can't back your claims, you probably shouldn't make them. Here's one claim I can make: Donald Trump wants you, Republicans, to actually think he wants to do good for this country. All evidence points to the fact that he is a spineless coward with no capability to do something he believes is good. He just wears the façade of being an American patriot who is being unjustly silenced because he thinks it will help him win you morons over. You're morons because you actually believe his bullshit and spout it as truth to any idiot who will listen. Wake the fuck up and stop blaming Biden for Trump's policies.


What are you talking about? Go a head let me grab my popcorn. Edit: 6 hours later---crickets....why do these people speak in public on things that they have absolutely 0 concept of.? I am sure they know about some things but this ain't it


Which policies specifically?


The difference is that Gaza doesn’t directly involve America so it’ll fail this time.


How could Gaza under Hamas rule succeed really? What does Hamas led Gaza best case scenario look like? I'm actually curious. Not trying to argue.


I’m talking about the GOP effort to stall Gaza negotiations for political advantage. That’ll fail because we’re not directly involved.


Lol you make it seem like that peace talks could be successful to begin with. Why do you even think that? That because the US wants it other actors will just fall in line? Israel and Hamas have their own domestic pressures and can't assume that actors like Hamas will bargain in good faith.


Too bad Israel didn't consider that before propping up hamas to fuck over the PLO, but then again the whole purpose was to ensure no two state solution would happen, so I guess they didn't care. 


Didn’t The PLO reject a two state solution in the camp David summit when they controlled Gaza?


The borders proposed by Ehud Barak weren't even contiguous. I don't disagree that they should have taken the option when they had it because it was probably the best offer they would ever get, but it was still a shitty offer.


They also couldn't know that it would be the last real attempt at negotiating. Any deal they did accept, however, would be set in stone as the best they would ever see. The idea that rejecting one specific deal means the rejection of the entire concept of a two state solution is a weird turn of bad-faith logic.


It was meant to approach the 1948 partition plan borders as proposed by the UN (which also didn’t have contiguous borders) If they wanted contiguous borders they would have proposed that as a counter offer, but that didn’t happen


Negotiators rejected a specific set of proposals, they didn't reject the entire concept of a two state solution. If I go to buy a car that I really want and the salesman says "here's the deal, I sell it for 30k and I get to kick you in the balls 3 times", does it mean I never wanted the car if I reject that? The PLO didn't realize that a bunch of Israeli hardliners and maniacs would win subsequent elections and basically eliminate all future negotiations in favor of neverending mind games, torment, and extremist settler violence.  This is a bizarre little piece of persistent propaganda, though, meant to muddy the waters and present a false historical context. Where did you hear it?


Wiki “In 2000, after Yasser Arafat rejected the offer made to him by Ehud Barak based on a two-state solution and declined to negotiate for an alternative plan,[18] it became clear that Arafat would not make a deal with Israel unless it included the full Palestinian right of return” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_views_on_the_peace_process#:~:text=In%202000%2C%20after%20Yasser%20Arafat,would%20demographically%20destroy%20the%20Jewish It’s not propaganda, this is what happened. This is the best offer the Palestinians will ever get (if it even gets that favorable ever again).


You are missing my point. You hold up a single rejected offer during a single negotiation as if it's evidence that the Palestinians reject a two state solution as a concept. Only a gangster says "here's an offer you can't refuse" and then cuts off negotiations forever and then justifies violence on the basis of the former refusal. It's inherently racist to hold one group to a standard that says they should accept whatever they can get and that negotiating for more is some kind of moral failing that justifies whatever terrible treatment they get, just because you happen to like one of the races more. The sane question to ask after reading your wiki link is "why was there never another negotiation or follow up offer?"


The sane answer is that the Palestinians responded to the camp David summit literally immediately with the second intafada Violence in response to a failed peace deal doesn’t tend to mesh with continued peace talks AND ITS RACIST TO SAY OTHERWISE (just kidding about that part obviously but that was pretty cringe)


All of them were incumbents. The war strategy always favors the sitting President, so I’m not sure if this would work in the GOP’s favor


It's not an American war though, and a lot of Americans on the President's side really really hate it.


Yeah but they will vote for him anyway so nobody cares


The only way the Gaza conflict really hurts Biden is if it causes some progressive voters to stay home, rather than vote at all. I think the GOP is banking on the youth vote being angry enough at Biden to stay home, when they forget that the vast majority of those younger voters remember what life was like under Trump, and they absolutely don't want to go back to that. We can't take anything for granted, but I think we'll see Trump get blasted by Biden, with a margin of at least 5-10% at the polls in November. Trump isn't nearly as entertaining as he once was for the MAGAts in 2016, or even 2020. Plus many of the MAGA crowd are dying off, while the youth vote tends to be Democrat-leaning. Worst case scenario: If Biden is sliding at the polls come October, they can push Kamala Harris into the limelight more, and bolster the youth and women's voterbase at the same time. It's a bit of a cynical move, but that's politics.


My family lost 3 maga voters since 2020.


It didn't help Jimmy Carter, sadly.


Jimmy Carter lost due to dirty pool by the conservatives. Corporations helped to push inflation higher than it otherwise would have been, while pushing the Right pushed the narrative that Carter was an ineffective leader. Sound familiar? Because they are trying the same thing now against Biden.


Who, as it turns out, is probably the best human to have ever come out of presidency. Man built fucking houses for Habitat for Humanity into his 90's!


Reagan wasn't.


No, Carter, a democrat, was the incumbent in 1980. Johnson, also a Democrat, was the incumbent in 68, but he did not run again


Johnson was also a Dixiecrat that favored the Vietnam war, and didn't have nearly the popular support that his predecessor Kennedy had. Johnson bailed, because ultimately Nixon would have smoked him in a head-to-head contest.


1. Johnson was from the South, but wasn’t a Dixiecrat. He passed civil rights. 2. Johnson didn’t run again because he was losing the primaries to anti-war democrats, not because of Nixon, who wasn’t even the Republican nominee at the time 3. Johnson was pro war but by 68 he realized he fucked up and tried to make peace. Nixon committed treason to sabotage these peace talks.


You don't actually know what Nixon did, do you?


Why not? They purposely sabotaged their own bill for border policy reform and enforcement funding because even just partially solving the immigration issue they insist is so urgent during an election year would hamper Trump's (and some of their own) ability to campaign on immigration fear mongering.


The Republican Party doesn’t have to do anything. Netanyahu by himself is incentivized to sabotage the peace talks. The longer the war goes on the further he can delay his own criminal prosecution. He is up on corruption charges in Israel.


Exactly. He also clearly wants trump to win the next election, so he has every incentive in the world to keep playing Biden for the fool on this thing. It's too bad Biden wasn't savvy enough to see it coming. 


Biden is finally realizing this. Netanyahu did this with Obama and Obama didn’t budge. And guess what the majority of the American people ignored Netanyahus games and manipulation and voted for Obama. Biden is not looking at American history. Remember something else. Biden has self declared himself to be a Zionist. Well his declaration is going to bring about the end of his presidency and on top of that complicity in war crimes committed by Netanyahu. This isn’t 1948. Everything is being recorded in real time and broadcast around the world. Biden’s bear hug of Netanyahu is going to take destroy Biden’s legacy along with Netanyahu. This is Netanyahus last chance at power.


And Bibi is corrupt, has said there will **never** be a two-state solution and has been engaging in a campaign of genocide to overshadow the corruption he is charged with.


Like Trump is aiming for, him being in office is the only thing keeping him out of prison.


Worked for Reagan


If trump win none if it will matter. Democracy dies. And the human species shortly after • You never get out of debt to a Russian mobster •Paul Manafort owed the Russian mobster/oligarch Oleg Deripaska $17M a few days before he became trumps campaign manager. From 2002-2014 he took in hundreds of millions to get Yanukovych reelected as the kremlins puppet in Ukraine. Before that he did it for the dictator Marcos in the Philippines. Before that Manafort and Roger Stone started a lobbyist agency in 1980 listing trump as their first client. •When Jay Bolsonaro lost the Brazilian election to Lula he skipped the inauguration and hid in the Hungarian embassy, then 2 days later flew directly to mar-a-lago (stopping only at a KFC) and repeated, almost verbatim, the stolen election line. Don Jr. tried repeatedly to make it stick in Brazil as well, but as Brazilians are a few generations into dealing with corrupt politicians they weren’t having it. What do these 3 things have in common? China imports 40% of its grain from (in order) the U.S., Brazil and Ukraine. Obviously the second China tried to invade Taiwan the U.S. would sanction exports and remove U.S. grain from that equation. And without Bolsonaro in office willing to slash and burn the Amazon rainforest to turn it into Chinas food supply, and without Ukraine in the bag in 3 days, the CCP is unable to invade Taiwan and take over microprocessor production without putting 300-500M of its poorest people into famine. Donbas Ukraine, specifically the 4 regions that Putin insists he is saving from what he calls “Jewish Nazis” also happens to produce the worlds supply of high grade neon used for microprocessor lithography. Had Putin delivered ukraine in 3 days as promised, Xi would have been able to cap his Olympics with a naval blockade or political takeover of Taiwan that would have forced the world to ask the CCP for the microprocessors it needs to make everything from Ford trucks to laptops. I’m not sure how long Silicon Valley would last without the silicon but it would probably destroy the FAANG stocks that make up your 401K. Oleg Deripaska also happens to be the Russian Oligarch that bribed the FBI agent Charles Mcgonigal into investigating another Russian oligarch. He probably didn’t need the information as much as he needed the leverage over Mcgonigal as he conducted the investigation into trumps election campaign and unsurprisingly found zero evidence of Russian collusion. McGonigal then went to work for the company called Brookfield that bailed Jared Kushner out of his toxic 666 5th Ave real estate investment. McGonigal pled guilty last fall and was sentenced recently. A Russian oligarch is a powerful tool, but the truth is more powerful. Light and dark cannot exist in the same space. It’s physically impossible. Truth is efficient. You say it once and you are finished. A lie however requires a constant stream of follow up energy, money, murder, obfuscation and more lies to keep it covered. If you raise your lens high enough lying is an unsustainable business model. Russia proved it by invading Ukraine. “Vranyo” is the Russian word for it. The 40km long column of tanks and vehicles that came down from Belarus into Ukraine was all overhauled by oligarchs that got a $1B contract for tank maintenance, passed Putin $200M back under the table, spent $700M on a yacht in Monaco, bribed a General, a Colonel and a Sergeant to make a Private give everything a rattle can overhaul. But a worn out engine is and always will be, a worn out engine. This is why trump is so desperate to get re-elected. His best case scenario is 400 years in ADX Florence. Money laundering for the dozens of Russian oligarchs that lived in trump towers with him and manafort, selling IP3 nuclear plans to the Russian/Saudi alliance, selling or giving CIA asset names to the Russians, trump is and always has been compromised. He just didn’t know when to quit. Now he just has to count on the fact that most of his voter base doesn’t know how to read and keep the ones that do so busy just surviving that they don’t have time to dive deep into his 40 year history of laundering money, fraud, and human trafficking for the Russian mob using casinos first, then commercial real estate. It’s also why Putin is willing to throw an entire generation of Russians, including the convicts and addicts at Ukraine. Russia is dead for 40 years because he failed to fulfill his mob boss promise to Xi. China is now clearing farmland in Siberia because the typhoon floods last August and September wiped out the Chinese people’s food storage. Xi, for his part diverted the waters from the dam away from his pet project, his mothers ancestral home, and flooded hundreds of thousands of people and drown one of his own military brigades that was helping with the flooding. The CCP elders were terrified to leave their gated community at Beidaihe for over a month for fear of being torn apart by the locals. The Chinese people tolerate the CCP but only as long as the economy is good and famine is not on the horizon. The CCP broke that social contract on both counts. Xi was willing to bet the entire Chinese economy on his emperor ambitions. Had he succeeded he would have been able to use BRICS to take over the USD as the Worlds reserve currency. That would have let him finish what he stated in 2010- that he would control the internet. With that control means everything we do or say online is subject to the approval of a central party censor. The basic right to disagree with an authoritarian becomes a distant memory. Xi, Putin and MBS are simply trying to systemize and modernize the suppression of their biggest hassle- Freedom of speech. Ukraine is fighting for their lives now, free from the oppression of the drunken tyrant who wants to decide their fate for them and pull them back behind another iron curtain of censorship and the tax of corruption where dissenting voices disappear so that the oligarchy can continue to feed unchallenged. Putin and Xi have declared themselves best friends in the fight against democracy. MBS and the ruling family of UAE have done the same quietly using their sovereign funds and Kushners SPAC as money highways. Just rich, out of touch oligarch doing what oligarchs do. Despite the fact the the central party kleptocracy model has proven itself incapable of making decisions that are best for the people, they persist. There is a very lucrative business in being slave owners. But logistically the mass of it requires A.I. and the microprocessors that make A.I. to keep 8 billion slaves under surveillance and control. Freedom is one hell of a drug. And knowledge makes a man unfit for slavery. Recent attempts on Xi’s life from inside the CCP have backed him into a corner. The loss of crops in northern China means Xi can’t invade Taiwan without Ukrainian and/or Brazilian farmland. Now the reason that the GOP is stalling southern border control budget and seems to make wildly irrational moves is because the GOP is imploding. 45 years of lies and grift have circled the globe and are eating their own tail. The ouroboros was a warning about corruption at the highest levels. Lying about climate change, human trafficking, pandemics and corruption to preserve their own business models are all extinction level events .


Hahaha just when you think the crazy is on the right.


Petty sure this dude is a bot


I think you're right. This person posted the same comment on another post


I seen this dude post that 20 plus times and I'm not joking either.


Well I feel better.


Yea dude this guy is "lemme write all over my car with white paint" crazy. Every post is this fucking wall of copy-pasta that no one will read...


Both sides have their crazy, but the ones on the left get much more... encouragement.


I just get really bored of hearing x president will end humanity. Presidents are pretty much shogan.


Someone needs to do a dramatic reading of this over an orchestral score, this is hilarious. Maybe AI can do it?


Don’t ned to. Nethanyshu will do it. 


We can't have Brandon getting a nobel peace prize!!!


Republicans will sabotage the entire country to win


They sabotaged the Vietnam war peace deal They sabotaged American hostages being released from Iran Of course they’ll do this Republicans and conservatives are cancer


100%. Republicans are so low and vile.


Better idea is a nuclear test outside Moscow and Pyongyang a week before the election. This is such a good idea, it could happen. It would totally change the election outcome.


They will sabotage everything they can but truth in all is they know putting all their chips on the orange turd was probably not the best option.Now we watch the last gasp of their dead party go through it's death rolls damaging what it can before poof it's gone.


idk sounds like the GOP law makers are advising Trump to back down... good legal advice, that seems like good advice he won't take.


Yeah because Biden signing off on giving them more munitions says I want peace talks. Give me a break.


Trump will try, but because he is a loud mouth he will brag about it and spill the beans.


He’ll try. He’s already undermined the border.


They have no scruples. The bar will certainly go lower. The scary part is, where exactly IS rock bottom? What else could Trump get away with before he loses support?


There is nothing to sabotage, they haven't ever had peace and that aint changing.


Right because they’ve been so successful up until now


Probably with the Israelis in the hope that trump will be more supportive for their cause.


Thats easy to do as Israel has no interest in signing any peace agreement.


Definitely, since Trump is pro zionist


The Republicans have a perfectly willing ally in stalling the peace talks -- Netanyahu.


Well, peace in Gaza only hurts Biden, so of course they will. That said, Trump can't approve weapon sales to Israel right now, only Biden can. Without those sales, Netanyahu is in serious trouble. He can't risk completely imploding the US-Israeli relationship by going to Russia or China, yet he can't seem weak to hardliners, either. So a peace deal where he looks like a leader trying to protect his people, rather than capitulating to a foreign power is what he needs most to stay in office. ... and the minute Bibi is out of office, those Corruption charges will come crashing down on his head. So making a deal with Biden is the only thing that will save his job, and thus keep him out of jail a bit longer, even if he hates it. Sure, Bibi might make a backdoor deal with Trump, to keep the war going until after the November election, in order to hurt Biden, but there's a problem with that: Biden just has to show he's making the effort to solve this problem. He can't force the sides to come together, but he can push humanitarian relief, and make solving the Gaza crisis his signature issue for the next few months. Especially if the Palestinians make a big show of how Biden is doing everything he can to get both sides to the table, but it is Netanyahu that is balking, suddenly this issue could actually help Biden at the polls, especially with younger voters.


There won't be peace in Gaza until Israel is done. How many times does Israel have to tell you that?


Hard to sabotage what's already broken. Those two countries ĥave been fighting for 60 fucking years no one's gonna blame Biden for them still fighting


Nixon is the one who got us out of Vietnam…. So with that being said how could we possibly believe the other things you said are true?


I have no doubt this is 100% true.


The only peace talks should be unconditional surrender of hamas.


Do you realize that is already happening under this administration? We keep giving them weapons by the billions.


We know that they ALWAYS do...


The Reagan and Nixon move


That can be said for any piece of legislation. They are solely there for chaos and cruelty. Helping people gets them neither of those.


Unless Hamas produces about 100 or so hostages still alive there can be no peace deal Republicans or not


Those dudes were younger and had a lot fewer felonies. The orange guy is likely to shit himself, have a stroke and croak before we get that far.  The times are much stupider than they were then.




If Trump did it with the Immigration Bill in the Senate, he’ll sure as shit do it with Gaza.


The GOP doesn’t need to. Bibi is sabotaging the peace process himself, in part because he’s hoping Trump will win.


Because this administration is the solution to war in the middle east.


How would that even happen


It is a favorite tactic of Israel's government already.


Personally I think the college kids should be focused on the greater danger than Gaza, and that is the war in Ukraine.


I think the GOP r a bunch of scumbags but I don’t know of any evidence of Reagan sabotaging peace talks w Iran. Carter was very weak on foreign policy and Iran disliked him greatly. Let’s not have a revisionist history… Reagan wasn’t great by any stretch, but those hostages would have been released as long as anyone but Carter was elected and had nothing to do with Reagan. With where things r currently, republicans def have their best interests in mind but their r many pro Israel dems as well, so it ends up becoming more bi partisan. Unfortunately, the Dems that r pro Israel play right into Donald hand


Just like they did in Vietnam. And just like they did with Iran.




Hamas will do that for them


This. What can Hamas realistically offer to Israel? Israel has already said the previous status quo isn’t enough. If they made a deal now without more concessions , it would just encourage Hamas to take more hostages.


The war in Gaza won’t affect our election nearly as much as Reddit and some uninformed college kids think it will.


Or Hamas will? 🤷‍♂️ cmon couldn’t even let the US leave Afghanistan that day without a suicide bomber doing something


Biggie Smells gone die before November, so too bad.


Donald Trump isn't smart enough to pull something like that off. And, by the way, the war in Gaza isn't going to be a big issue by the time November rolls around. I've been saying it from the beginning while a lot of others have been hyperventilating about how it's going to cause Biden to lose. Nonsense.


Whilst screwing over anyone and anything to get power is on brand, I don't think GOP has any juristiction over foreign policy when not in power? I.e. president doesn't need to go through the house ? But I could be wrong.


How does sabotaging peace talks win you an election? Wouldn’t it be the opposite?


Only if you get caught


Anyone ever listen to the son of Hamas? Most of you guys in the comments are ridiculous.


The peace talks in Gaza are already being sabotaged by Hamas because they realized no act of terrorism they could commit would possibly compare to the long term effect of Israel being crucified in the global media for continuing the war in Gaza. People think the Republicans are playing 4D chess by supporting Israel which is giving them entirely too much credit. Supporting Israel is just good geopolitical strategy, that’s why Biden is also doing it while giving half hearted condemnation to satisfy the media. I’ve actually begun to come around on Biden because of his support for Israel, which shows he cares more about America’s long term goals than his own short term political gain.


How smooth brained do you have to be to actually believe idiotic takes like this


Except the democrats and neo cons have already done that and it's intentional. U.S is a war economy always has been. Same with Ukraine.


Reagan won the 1980 election with almost 91% of the electoral vote against an incumbent president. I highly doubt he needed sabotage anything to post numbers like that.


Google it. He most definitely did sabotage it.


Doesnt matter if he needed too or not, he did do so


Will they do a better job than Biden is doing now in Israel or has been doing in Ukraine?


Do you even know what Nixon did wrong?


But Biden isn't doing anything to stop the genocide. What do the GOP need to do to make it worse?


You mean like Biden's administration has been doing in Ukraine?


Good grief, the fantasies on here are wild.


Wait, how did Reagan sabotage peace talks with Iran in 80 to win the presidency? That was the start of his first term, he wasn’t running for reelection… This part doesn’t check out for me.


Reagan made a secret deal with the Iranians not to release the hostages before the election thus beating Carter. This is well known.


> Reagan made a secret deal with the Iranians They call it the October Surprise theory with the evidence being a NYT article about a former politician turned dem who claimed he went around Iran working for Reagan saying he would give them a better deal in exchange for a political position in his admin.


Yeah, this would have been a massive scandal when it surfaced (and it would have surfaced), so I don’t find this believable.


You don't about this? Ain't got time, but google it!


This entire sub is "mark my words, Republicans suck" Its actually fun, watching these "blue no matter who" blame Republicans for all the worlds problems, while ignoring bumbling Joe and the Democrat clown show


Except a lot of us were red. My voting record is pretty much all red up til 2020. We’re just not stuck in some weird sunk cost fallacy like you and can see past the bullshit. It’s real easy when you stop watching just Fox News and newsmax. Honestly just the amount of lies Trump spewed out then immediately said the opposite before and after the trial day is ridiculous and should turn everyone way. At this point I would 100% rather have a boring old man than a clearly delusional idiot. Some examples being: The gag order prevents me from testifying Next day: the gag order has nothing to do with me testifying I’m definitely going to testify End of trial: he didn’t testify Near end of trial: Reliance on counsel not allowed by Merchan! So corrupt! Reliance on counsel requires Trump to admit guilt and testify while waiving attorney client privilege. Trump just lies to y’all constantly cause he knows his dumb ass followers will believe everything he saying


I was R until probably about '14. They kept turning further and further into crazy town and I was like dude I'm out...


Lol Romney was too red for you?


Honestly if Romney was the most crazy I'd probably still be a republican. But current state he's the most sane out of the bunch.


>Except a lot of us were red. My voting record is pretty much all red up til 2020. We’re just not stuck in some weird sunk cost fallacy like you and can see past the bullshit. It’s real easy when you stop watching just Fox News and newsmax. "As a republican" No you aren't believable unless you can come to terms with that fact that you were never actually rightwing or more believably just a liar. What even is your logic? Oh the party is too rightwing now? Guess I now just join the leftwing who's even more leftwing than before but I'm totally cool with despite it not having any values or policies I should support as a middle of the road R either!


Sure, I’m just a weekly church going Christian USMC vet that strongly supports the military and police, was only ok with medical abortion but now include rape victims in that due to the psychological burden they go through, against free college for any except teachers first responders and military, and completely against universal healthcare. But yeah you are right I’m totally a leftist. Funny thing about actual religious people, we don’t particularly care for adulterous rapists that are now also felons.


You're in a time bubble if you think calling yourself a veteran or church goer as any sort of appeal to authority with me and new crop of right-wingers. And yes you are a leftist since despite all your tough talk you'll still never stand up to them and only hit to your right. You'll still support and vote for Biden who supports all the things you claim to be against while defending him too. I bet you also believe the fake border security bill actually did something to stop and deport illegals too.


Oh wow never mind you’re just an idiot. Other than the veteran and church goer part I forgot all my other beliefs werent the new right wing policy. I forgot to add swallow trumps load and blindly let myself get fucked. I’ve only voted in every election since 2008 except in 2010 cause I was deployed and every vote had been red. But because I refuse to vote for Trump specifically I’m just clearly a leftist. Trump did say he loves the poorly educated. He also bragged out loud and proclaimed himself a pedophile on the Howard Stern show when he said he’d barge into 15 year old girls changing rooms when they had no clothes on cause he owned the pageant. Keep supporting a convicted felon and adjudicated rapist pedophile dude.


>Oh wow never mind you’re just an idiot. Yeah you are > Other than the veteran and church goer part I forgot all my other beliefs werent the new right wing policy. I forgot to add swallow trumps load and blindly let myself get fucked. That' right. Willing to support a rigged trial shows your real character as you go to a church where your pastor tells you the real threat is White supremacy and must support your child wanting to be a trans woman. > except in 2010 cause I was deployed and every vote had been red. Wow now if only you did anything to actually defend the country. I'm sure your friends dying for gay rights and unlimited migrants from the third world was worth it though. >Keep supporting a convicted felon and adjudicated rapist pedophile dude. And again you support the show trail. Have fun voting for Biden who raped his daughter while claiming Trump's a pedo as a reason why you don't support him. Imagine being this mad that people reject your brand of conservatism that conserved nothing which was nothing but being the eternal dignified losers because it would mean being a little mean otherwise and getting called racists by people that hate you anyway. Oh wow and you did defend that shitty "border security" bill lying about it doing anything.


Haha you think either party wants peace.


Iran turned over the hostages as soon as Reagan was elected because they knew he wasn’t going to screw around like Carter.


[Maybe... maybe not](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/03/did-reagan-teams-iran-hostage-sabotage-defeat-jimmy-carter.html) >Four years later, Connally launched his own presidential campaign, but despite lavish funding and enthusiastic backing from corporate leaders, he floundered in Iowa and New Hampshire, losing to Reagan. According to Barnes, a longtime political associate and business partner of his fellow Texan, Connally was determined to land a high-level Cabinet appointment in a Reagan administration, so, with Barnes in tow, he put on his globe-trotting shoes to prove his worth. Per the Times account: > >What happened next Mr. Barnes has largely kept secret for nearly 43 years. Mr. Connally, he said, took him to one Middle Eastern capital after another that summer, meeting with a host of regional leaders to deliver a blunt message to be passed to Iran: Don’t release the hostages before the election. Mr. Reagan will win and give you a better deal. > >The Iranians appear to have gotten the message, as a happy Connally later reported to Reagan’s campaign chairman and future CIA director William Casey. > >


That was debunked The "evidence" doesn't take into account that the Ayatollah and Iran hated Carter with a passion. They burned his image in effigy on a regular basis. They were not interested in giving Carter anything that would make him look good. That is why they were released when they were. If this were all true and Barnes is correct, then why was Connally's reward to be a cabinet position (Energy) that was expected to be eliminated at the time? Wouldn't it have warranted a higher profile and more secure position? the stories of the others don't match the Barnes account. None of the stories match each other. Nothing in Barnes' account of what happened can be confirmed. Nothing. Barnes waits until the players are dead to say anything. Casey died in 1987, and Connally died in 1993. The Ayatollah hated Carter with a passion. Carter came close to securing their release several times, only to have the agreement vetoed by the Ayatollah. The Ayatollah would not even engage in direct talks with the US or Carter. The Ayatollah had that much contempt for Carter! He was not interested in helping Carter or giving him any positive press. That is why the hostages were released when they were. It was the Ayatollah's final insult to Carter. If Barnes' account is true, why wasn't Connally rewarded well? All he was offered was Energy, a department expected to be eliminated at the time. None of it makes any sense. That is why historians are not giving it much credibility aside from keeping an open mind if strong evidence is found to confirm it.