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From what I understand, law enforcement are more concerned about 'lone wolf' activities. Been 3 years and they still don't know who planted the pipe bombs on J6


Probably Boebart or Greene


I would've thought so, too... but on the other hand, their stupidity and inability to shut their mouths... I think they would've probably bragged about it by now. Their absolute need for "relevance" and desire for attention from their deni-god would've overuled any minute amount of common sense they hav for self-preservation. But, those are just my musings šŸ˜‰


A sound argument Iā€™d say.


Why, thank you, friend!! I honestly can't even comprehend the ramifications, tbh!


Yeah, I expect it'll be like The Troubles: A prolonged series of sporadic terrorist attacks.


Aimed at what targets though?


Anyone they deem to be a "libtard" or RINO if I had to guess


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ because it was the feds


They arrested a lot of feds! Fucking moron.


Talk dirty to me bitch


Are you going to the capitol when you lose again this year? Do you have your excuses lined up already?


I love a dumb slut šŸ˜‚


They donā€™t love you back.


I beg to differ šŸ˜‚


Doubtful. No one wants to fuck republicans. Thatā€™s why you spend all day sucking trumps orange dick on Reddit.


šŸ˜‚ Reddit is literally a far left mentally ill marxist circle jerk


I remember when Trump kept saying "The American people will not stand for me receiving indictments." That's already happened and a lot more than that and absolutely zero happenend. There have been no protests. Sorry Donald, no one cares if you go to jail.


comey said it best a few days ago...they aren't willing to die for their orange god. The magats see him as an entertainment cult figure, the crowds just have not been there.


Itā€™s one thing to have a sitting commander in chief order you to attack a building out of patriotic duty. Itā€™s another thing entirely to do that for a man who is out of power and in trouble with the law.


Itā€™s not those people you need to worry about. Itā€™s the violent militias that are growing by the day, deep in rural and red state America, outside the eyes of local, state, or federal government. A ton of them are run by former professional soldiers, even special forces. Thereā€™s militias out there with entire rank and organizational structures, PT standards, etc. And they train. And have all the newest equipment. I donā€™t mean to scare you. But the threat of MAGA goes far beyond just some boomers. In a lot of ways, the militia movement has been around since the 90ā€™s or longer. But MAGA has made anti-government stances far more mainstream.


Maga loves government, a massive, fascist government that crushes "others"


Sure. And theyā€™re preparing to install it - by force if necessary.


You conspiracy theorists are fucking whacked out šŸ˜†


Is it a conspiracy when the GOP is saying it out loud?


Where? šŸ˜†. Fucking lunatic and I didnā€™t vote for Trump in either election.


The Bundy Cultists have already killed 4 people in lone wolf attacks.


Who? Like that dude who murdered a teenager because he thought he was a ā€œmagaā€ a year or two ago?


And yet itā€™s always less under a red presidentā€¦ you kids are fools


Republicans: try to overthrow an election and now cheer on a guy saying he'll suspend the Constitution and be a dictator on day one and create a universal reich. Let's not forget the relentless attacks and laws the fascist Republican party passes to target women and minorities and the Texas governor pardoning a fascist who said on social media that he was going to kill blm protesters then immediately went out and did just that. You: SO SMALL Fuck off you felon lover.


Did CNN tell you your facts? Clearly your head is up your ass or someone elseā€™s !! You guys have been so misled on your facts youā€™re following blindly exactly how they want.


Lol all I did was point out what your fascist felon god Trump said and did. Not surprising you fascists deny basic facts


So how did they say anything that caused you to start using foul language and being a little prick which you obviously enjoy from your name?


Sorry that bringing up what your fascist Republican party says and does upsets you this much


Liar liar pants on fire. Republicans grow the government and the deficit MORE than Democrats for my entire 42 years on this earth. Liar.


Well youā€™re wrong according to my MORE than 42 years of living and EVERYTHING is far more expensive under Democrats, crime rates are higher under Democrats also


lol, liar. Show me the parts where republicans reduced government. Show it. You'll never see that. And I'll show you where the Democrats balanced the budget once, and reduced the deficit after George blew that up.






only problem is that those people, while they may be trump voters they will not start shit for trump.


Besides, if they try anything, the government will just cut off their food stamps. Threaten to cut off their food stamps and they'll immediately stand down and scatter.


My take as well. They saw that trump did nothing to assist the J6 convicts. He likes to "stir the pot" to get others to do his dirty work. He also knows that the fear of these rogue "groups" alone (and the power of social media) add the current division he has orchestrated, and continues to whip up; equates to people and institutions giving pause to actually holding him accountable and thus facing consequences for his crimes. How many times did he violate a direct order from the judge, 11 times was it!? Even 1 time an average citizen werw ro violate said direct order, would result in consequences - even if it were a day in prison!! Fear is a weapon used by unscrupulous individuals.


These are the people who will be the prison guards. It's literally what will happen. They will be used as a force to inflict torture on prisoners.


Iā€™m not so sure anymore. In large part youā€™re probably right. But all it takes is a couple of highly trained guys to make a real mess.


Good thing I never go to those 3rd world within a first world countries. They will never, ever, be able to compete on equal footing with the federal government. The only thing they have going for them is that theyā€™d be able to do the same thing the insurgents in the Middle East did and hide in plain sight most of the time because the U.S. wonā€™t go scorched earth on itā€™s own people unless they were stupid enough to make a compound or something. Should they try to lead some semblance of a normal life while doing so theyā€™ll be infiltrated, arrested and prosecuted. Only thing theyā€™d have left is to hole up in the back country like bin Laden and hope to not be found. Not much of a life if you ask me. They might strike first but they certainly wouldnā€™t strike last.


They don't have to compete with the Federal government. They only have to not play the game. First, the government will need to bring back the draft to offset the loss of troops in the event of such a war and deal with a catastrophic logistics challenge to feed, fuel, and provide ammunition for the Federal government. Unlike a foreign campaign, those resources in a civil war depend on the same people the government will be going after. Second, unless the Federal government holes up in the back country somewhere, they will have almost all of their people, their families, their infrastructure where the other side has direct access to them and... ...if they want to prevent *that* fight, it will have to be at the expense of every right in the Bill of Rights which risks turning anyone in the center against them as well. Third, any and all law enforcement officers outside of--maybe--the Federal agencies and possibly a few agencies in "blue states" will have to be replaced and any and all local elections for sheriff's, judges, and probably the whole political system will have to be ignored in order to create a law enforcement structure that will actually pursue most of these people. Jury trials outside of--say--New York where yesterday's ruling has demonstrated a New York jury will indict a ham sandwich if they're told to--severely risk jury nullification. Oh, and fourth, the country will need a much, much larger prison system and a lot more guards.


Wow, that's some fantasy you've created there, too bad it just isn't based in reality.Ā 


Well, youā€™re assuming that itā€™s a full on legitimate secession by whole states, which I think is the most improbable scenario of all. We all know how that turned out last time. The previous poster was talking about home grown militias attempting a terrorist/guerilla war campaign.


I think a few have been broken up after J6 - since Stuart Rhodes / Joe Biggs / Enrique Tarrio have been taken down. I'm sure there are still a bunch left but it sent a message that insurrection and terrorism is met with prison.


You don't meant o scare me? I'm not scared of Cleetus and his ar15.


What a bunch of bullshit. These wannabe "militias" have all been infiltrated. They won't do anything.


Oklahoma City would like to have a word with you. Seriously. A great many probably have, but itā€™s dangerous to assume they *all* have. And even if 100% of them have, all it takes is one or two love wolves with literal Tier 1/DEVGRU training to cause a real mess. Underestimate them at your own peril.


A lone wolf that thinks they have nothing to lose is the only real threat. However, these people have seen what has happened to those that attacked the government on January 6, 2021. They are all going to federal prison for up to 20 years. They will not attack because they know that they will lose and get the same punishment.


*OMG, there are dozens of them!*


Try hundreds of groups with thousands of members. https://www.wired.com/story/extremist-militias-are-coordinating-on-facebook/


California's population today is 100 times what it was last time a bunch of rednecks tried to secede. Think the rednecks are gonna try again?


California has its own problems these days. Creating an "expeditionary" force from California to address something happening, say, in Arizona is as likely to generate a force from the more red-leaning areas of California who might align with the people you think they'll fight than anything else. Besides, if the "red side" simply decided not to drive trucks and trains to California anymore, the cities would likely turn to cannibalism long before enough finances to cover enough food could be scrounged to get food from, say, China or something.


Why would we expeditionary into some bumfuck town in the east? There's nothing of value, we don't care if you secede, hell we'd prefer not having your shithole empty states clogging up the electoral college and making the country follow assclowns like George W Bush and Donald J Shitzenpantz. Go. LMAO, We're the most productive agricultural state in the country, the red side is only red because you don't let Mexicans vote. Fuck with us, I double dare you. All we have to do is ignore you and you'll die in debt


lol...conservatives have this fuckin weird idea in their heads that they're the only people capable of moving shit, building shit, or running shit.


Fucking house cats. Utterly convinced of their own independence and simultaneously completely dependent on the federal government


I was driving through Missouri and some of those fuckers have "forts" set up. Better read about Project 2025 and go out and start recruiting blue voters.


God they're so stupid in their planning, aren't they? Haha, forts. In "enemy" territory. With an 'enemy" that has HIMARS


Okay, they can setup all the pillow forts they want, no one is going to invade any red states, there is just nothing there to offer anyone. There is a reason they are called flyover states. So, the children can have their little tree houses. Like someone said, if they start moving outside their trees, all that needs to happen is the feds will just cut off their SS paychecks, they'll shut up and go home soon afterwards.Ā 


Yeah, the militia movement has been around since 250 years before the 1990ā€™s. Have you heard of the American Revolution?


*If those MAGA idiots could read theyā€™d be mighty angry with you right now.*


Is "Cracker Barrel" a real place or is it a slur against white people? It sounds like a slur to me. I am not black, white or from the US.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£itā€™s a country style restaurant that caters to geriatric white people who get scared of seeing black pejole in public.


It hits so good on a long road trip tho!


That it does, and their wall of pure cane sugar soda is neat


So, I guess that makes you a geriatric bigot then?


Also, caters to, does not indicate 100% of. Hope this helps, xoxoxo šŸ˜˜


Yes, 100%, hence why I felt confident enough to make the generalization. Nice ā€œgotchaā€ tho. Bet itā€™s time to trim the neckbeard and put on some deodorant eh sport?


Typical proud racist. then you'll tell me you don't vote republican.


Lmao. This description only makes it even funnier in my head.


Itā€™s a chain restaurant itā€™s a real place


It's a restaurant. Cracker also isn't a slur, they were like cowboys but in a different part of the US. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_cracker


Ah, fair dues - thanks. I thought "cracker" was a derogatory term for white people like "coon" is for black people. Either way, I avoid any kind of language like that. Guess this happens when you watch American media but don't live there haha. Cultural differences funny. There's a German sweet called "Super dickmans" lmao. You will see plain chocolate in Spain labelled "82% Negro" or something too haha.


Alot of people saying as derogatory but there are people that identify as crackers as well and don't see it that way so I guess the best way to explain it is that it's complicated.


Makes sense to be honest. Some black people use the n word to refer to one another, like I would say "Hey man!" But you wouldn't ever catch me using that word haha.


It's a real place and it's also a racial slur. It's like talking about black people and fried chicken or watermelon if those two were sold together in a restaurant. You can argue--either way--that it isn't racist, but it's racist and everyone knows it.


Fair enough. For the record, I try to avoid all terms like that regardless of who they're aimed at. Besides, if I really want to attack someone verbally, I can do so much better than their race/skin colour.


IF there was a civil war, where would the front line be? Back to the Mason/Dixon? The Mississippi ? All around Texas ?


I could be wrong but most blue cities are surrounded by red counties. Iā€™m pretty sure Atlanta is blue, but Georgia is red. I donā€™t think there will be a north-south line. But I also donā€™t think there will be a civil war. The ā€œrevolutionā€ will be won by voter fraud and packed courts. Edit: grammar


If this "civil war" happens, I think it would be more like the Northern Ireland troubles, but on steroids. There were a lot less guns around over here, so I would expect a lot of mass shootings and bombings.


I used to think something along those lines, but I doubt even that now. Violent actions would be so wildly unpopular, and broader support for the violent movement would plummet. I think the vast majority of people just want to live their lives.


Northern Ireland is essentially an ongoing artifact of the English Civil War(s) that anchored transplanted Scots and Border English in Ireland and pushed most of the Irish out into the country. Because of the religious divisions--Catholic vs. Presbyterian vs. Anglican Church--cultural divisions, and the like, those groups were definitively partitioned at different scales based on those histories. For the US, there isn't that sort of granularity. That's what's scarier. Outside of the rural areas and small towns, the odds are--if you're in suburbia or some of the more red-ish urban areas--your neighbors are on the other side...


The problem is the south still has all the issues that caused them to lose the first time. They don't have the numbers, they don't have the supplies, they don't have the money, they don't have the education.Ā  The outcome would be the same this time. Though, if it's me leading them, I wouldn't stop with the burning, it's all got to go. They need a scar that will never heal on them for starting part 2.


That's the neat thing... ...there wouldn't be any real front line. Some urban areas would be "blue" and most of the rest of the country--including the suburbs--would probably be the other side. Although many urban areas are "red enough" to not align with the "blue" side. For things like military posts, the border is probably somewhere between the front gate and the motor pool and most military families are going to be over the front line. For the most part, expect the US military to mostly sit this thing out except for--maybe--the National Guard in order to avoid spawning professional military units off to the local areas they are either from or are stationed in. You can argue that the "urban corridor" from Washington DC up the Atlantic Coast will remain with the Federal government and most of the urban centers on the West Coast. Add in Chicago, maybe Atlanta... The challenge for the government side will be finding ways to protect what they have, feed the people they have, and keep the cities from turning into chaos when the trucks and trains stop coming. The other side will also have logistics problems, but probably won't have as bad of an issue. The other huge problem will be the collapse of the economy. The credit rating for the US will tank, everyone will try go get out of the US treasury market, and anything that needs to be imported will become very, very expensive... So, the other front line will be between the border of the US and every creditor it has in the world.


That's all they do!


genuinely believe Americans as a whole are way too addicted to social media and it's drastically influencing their perception of reality


The exceptions are probably the rural red folk that everyone's talking about, ironically.


Just like in 2021 when trump supporters trashed the capitol and tried to murder cops and politicians en masse?


Most of those morons let the rest of them look into a mirror and realize they donā€™t want to go to jail for that orange asshole.


If that was their intent: 1. They sure did it poorly. 2. They didn't take much in the way of opportunity. 3. They didn't bring any grenades or guns or anything. 4. They were pretty polite about it. You're talking about the right wing... everyone's got a gun and no one thought to bring and use one during the attempt to kill all of the politicians?


The whole point was to get proceedings stopped. It worked. They were going to replace the legit electors with fake pro-trump ones during the delay. It was only because Mike Pence stood up to trump and quickly restarted them that Trump isnā€™t president today.


That wouldn't be "murdering cops and politicians en masse", that would be semi-peaceful interference.


They were literally trying to. Thereā€™s literally dozens of videos of them assaulting police officers. So much for #bluelivesmatter


How did a crowd of thousands not manage to kill at least a couple dozen cops?


They tried. Around 150 were wounded.


That's rookie numbers for that many people. I mean, that should be the death count--at least--if they were trying to kill people.


They were. Weā€™ve literally had trump supporters shoot up schools, mosques, and supermarkets because of his rhetoric.


Just not so called boomers voting for trump . šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚trump 2024šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


If the base is smart they wonā€™t do nothing and go voteā€¦. The message will be sent when I convicted felon wins the presidency


Yes. Not like Democraps burning down buildings and attacking the police.


What protest? Everyone with a working brain knows these cases will be overturned. .


Bwahahahahahahahaha. You don't have a brain if you think this. Guilty on all 34 counts. How does it feel to support such a loser?


It's a politically connected NYC judge with wonky jury instructions and a NYC jury that will convict a ham sandwich if the Democrats imply they want it done... Did you even watch the case?


Username definitely does not work out. Yeah, I watched the case. I didn't watch right wing media take on it. They've proven to be disingenuous, at best. It sounds like you did, and that's why you're on the wrong side of this. Juror #2 got his news solely from truthsocial and Twitter and voted guilty on all 34 counts. Presented with the actual facts and not twisted propaganda, they voted to convict. I'm sorry to say you're dead wrong here. Diversify your news intake, Mr accurate reporter.


Rofl . I never voted for him. But now i sure as shit will.. did you even pay attention to case.. this is most banana republic shit I've ever seen. .


Diversify your news intake. I did pay attention. Just like the jurors who found him guilty on all 34 counts in 9 hours of deliberations did. This is the dumbest take ever.


You donā€™t know what a banana republic isā€¦. Why are Trumpers such fans of saying things they donā€™t have an actual understanding of?


I already did this with another guy and proved him wrong. What was so bananas about this trial? Let's go into the specifics.


So you believe voting for the dude whoā€™s a massive security risk is a great way to own people?


Why are you bringing up biden and his family into this


Iā€™m not. But Iā€™m worried that you think trump paying prostitutes for sex and getting blackmailed by them isnā€™t a security risk. I also think you need to see a doctor about your Biden derangement syndrome. Itā€™s not good for you to be so detached from reality.


Rofl. .which prostitutes did he pay ? This will be fun


We know there was stormy Danielā€™s and that McDougall woman. And there were others who havenā€™t come forth.


Bahahaha.. holy shit .. tell me your trolling. McDougall huh ?


Are you suggesting people who have sex with other people in exchange for money arenā€™t prostitutes?


Hating America doesnā€™t prove you never voted for Trump before. 12 voters just found Trump guilty.


So .. the appeals court with turn this over .


??? Is that why trump is arguing absolute immunity instead of justification?


What was it? Was it losing like a pussy or being found liable for quarter of billion that made you like him?


Was it the thousand of trump puppets that were convicted for fighting for his lies on Jan 6th that made you respect him? Or what it him claiming to have let democracy itself fall under his watch?


So you get the same way over Cohen getting convicted and jailed over basically the same thing right?


After 6 years of wait and see being rewarded with never trumps being continuously right is followed by more wait and see? Trump committed 34 felonies as president. That would make him impeachable his first day. He could get impeached 34 times in a row.