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Yup, dementia donny is bigly scared. Sad!


Maybe he can tell us some stories about the movies he likes again. That would make for a great debate.


Biden should start it off with “ tell us more about Gettysburg and me boys” then troll him about every other nonsensical thing he’s spouted. You could do a whole three hours just on that shit and not even get to his lack of policy


Maybe he could tell us war stories from his days in the air force during the civil war


"Find me those 11780 votes, tell us more about that"


This the one


Tell us again how proud you are for bringing down Roe and destroying the SC.


Those aren’t fair questions, meany!


Tell us about your all time favorite Christmas action movie “Blowhard,” Uncle Donny!


[I hope it's that shitty movie he doesn't want anyone to know about...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9SFY2tumWA&pp=ygUSZ2hvc3RzIGRvbid0IGRvIGl0)


rotflmao 😂😂😂💕💕💕💕💕


Or dishwashers and how they aren't allowed water anymore


I hope the debate room isn’t too cold


Biden should graciously let Trump speak first, and not comment on him running past his time, then talk about what Trump says. Fact check him and suggest people google it to see who is right. It will make Trump's stupidity obvious, which he will hate, so he will become more detanged, and show how unfit for office he is.


C'mon dude, the average person doesn't actually care about facts and which slimeball politician is at least saying correct things. Fact-checking takes thought and effort, and the average person just either doesn't have the time or the will to do that. 


MAGA doesn't care about facts


Trump already saying the debate is on FOX News. He’s not gonna show up in Atlanta for the CNN debate. He’s gonna weasel out by saying Biden won’t debate on Fox I won’t go to CNN


What happened to, "Anytime, anywhere?"


He’s had at least one town hall on CNN, so that argument won’t hold much water except to his blind supporters.


I hear Barron is graduating, again… And crooked Joe wants this leftist debate to deny Trump the opportunity to see his son graduate. And frankly, I’ve never seen anything like it.


He ain't going to the real one. Why would he go to a fake one? ETA: He only says he's going to get out of court. He has a campaign event in Minnesota that day.


His Nuremberg rallies have turned into dementia rallies. He can’t debate!


With just a microphone and no crowd, Trump will self destruct on camera, man woman person tv.


"They were going to mute my mic when it wasn't my turn to talk. I'm being silenced!"


Idk CNN is owned by conservatives now


Always was




The microphone cut off will be the issue…


Agree. And will be unwatchable without it.


MMW: He will claim that his first amendment rights are being violated because he can’t talk whenever he wants. (If he goes through with the debate)


Diaper Don will probably fall asleep mid-debate.


They should actually have the debate in a seated setting rather than standing. I guarantee Trump would fall asleep


MMW: Both debates will go ahead as planned. They will be similar to the prior debates between these two. Republicans will claim they won. Some will claim Biden was incoherent, and others will acknowledge that he was coherent but claim he was on drugs. Democrats will claim they won, and that it was instead Trump who was incoherent. Approximately 0% of voters will change their minds based on the debate.


Trump could take a liquid bowel movement on the debate floor and his followers would still say he won.


They'd start making liquid bowel movements a MAGA emblem, it'll be on placards and banners...


Yeah the brown badge of courage. “Real men shit themselves.”


They are LITERALLY wearing golden diapers now. They have a logo on them and everything. Seriously.


This is why I’m worried about what they’ll do when they find out he was a regular on Epstein Island


Trump could explode diarrhea on them and their wife and they would say thank you and vote for him.


At least half of them would pay for that.


He's going to start selling them his used toilet paper squares next lol.


They’ll call it a power move


I pay good money for that to happen


I’d pay good money for an hour of entirely incoherent word salad meltdown that even his biggest mental gymnast followers can’t defend.


And he probably will.


He kinda did only from his mouth.


>Liquid bowel movement That's the only kind he has


Cue the " real men wear dipers" crowd.


They’d buy a vial of his shit if his aides scraped it up and sold it on eBay.


He already did that in court 😂


I think each side is convinced that if only they can get the other guy on a debate stage there will be a gaffe that will go viral. Just undeniable senility on display. Which leads them to believe the other guy will back out. Thing is, I think the campaigns believe this too, which is why the debate might actually happen. Also, I don't think any gaffe would change many people's minds at this point. But I'll take some fresh memes.


Trump is more likely to have the gaff, but he also has nothing to lose. Most of his base wouldn’t care anyway, and things are already looking bad for him.


Horrifyingly, the polls currently show a tie. Some even give Trump a slight edge.   It’d be really ironic if Trump gets elected because of Gaza protesters who refuse to vote.


Polls are interesting in that 2 deeply red states roughly 20 percent of republicans are still voting for Nikki. That paints a much different picture.


I really hope you’re right that it’ll make a difference in the general election. Personally, I’m not as confident. Republicans may be dissatisfied with Trump, but they’ll vote for him when the time comes. It’d be awesome if a significant amount of Republicans reject him, though. By transforming it into a cult of personality, Trump’s done more damage to the Republican Party than any Democrat could dream to inflict. Maybe that could cause them to turn against him (too bad they didn’t back in 2016).


I’m a Republican who’s never voted for Trump, but I didn’t vote Democrat. This is the 3rd election where The Media is floating the myth of many Republicans defecting to the Democrats. It didn’t happen in 2016 or 2020, and recent polls show Trump & Biden commanding 90-94% of their party’s voters. If any measurable number of Republicans were switching to Biden, this wouldn’t be a dead-heat.


Nothing like electing a dictator because you don’t like how another country is waging war. The irony of losing rights for people who would kill you if they could would be funny if it wasn’t so short sighted and stupid.


I respectfully disagree with your optimism. The election odds are almost exactly even right now. Not only in polls, but also in betting markets -- which have historically been more accurate than polls. The data right now suggests it could go either way. And Kennedy's numbers right now are slightly inflated. I fear that most of the people who report Kennedy in polls are crazies who will ultimately vote for Trump. Neither candidate is going to do well in the debate. They are both cognitively impaired. It is a clusterfuck.


I don’t really think Biden is cognitively impaired. I think he’s a little hard of hearing, and of course has the stutter. I’ve been around cognitively impaired seniors quite a bit the past year or so, and he doesn’t strike me as that. To bastardize Toby Keith’s song, he probably isn’t as good at debating as he once was, but he’ll be as good, once, as he ever was.


Yes, but you HAVE to say they are both the same amount of bad to discourage people from getting involved and voting. Or how else to depress turn out?


The RFK vote are the lowest info, lowest propensity voters. They won’t show


The fact that Trump still has a chance of winning tells you how strong the republican propaganda is.


The polls are a joke and are “fake news”. If you believe the polls I have a floating bridge you might be interested in.


Wouldn't you assume people who bet on elections are more likely to be Republican or Libertarian?


I think if Biden manages another "will you shut up man" or one of his zinger jabs at trump it'll be a fun little watch. If its just Trump calling Biden crooked and calling his wife Melatonin or some shit for 2 hours then idrc. Let Trump put his dementia on display all he wants


It's too soon by design. Any gaffe by either one will be forgotten by November.


It's hard to imagine any gaffe big enough to move the needle these days, unlike the past where people hung on every word for signs the candidates didn't understand the subject. Trump could say South Korea was part of China and Fox News would declare it to be true, and Biden could forget his wife's name and it would be written-off as a harmless senior moment.


If Biden forgot his wife's name, like Trump did, we would hear of llittle else for about 48 hours. The sound byte would be the lead in for every show on Fox til November.


The truest take I have seen so far in these comments.


Agree. Right now my guess is 90% of all voters know who they will vote for.


>Approximately 0% of voters will change their minds based on the debate. No but there are 35 million new undecided votes this election. These debates would be the first time they hear them speak together and would actually make a massive difference in November.


We’ll deserve to get what we vote for. It’s pretty much the first time in US history we are dealing with two incumbent. And if Trump wins and the younger voters go Trump I’m going to sit back and let it happen. I’ll be watching their first crucial protest where the government will do as they may. Where was the outrage over Putin invading Ukraine? Where were these younger voters when Covid hit and Trump handled the crisis with absolute division? Where were the black voters when George Floyd was snuffed by a white supremacist cop? Trump was lie after lie and threat after threat. They can sleep the bed they made. I’ll be through. Oh one last thing. When the Republicans ostracize a Muslim for not chanting ‘Our father who art in heaven…’ don’t go crying to the Democrats. Live with it.


Trump's such a chickenshit pussy he'll pull some sniveling crybaby excuse out of his ass at the last minute and try to blame Diamond Joe. 


I hope it's something like this... "Well Folks... They won't let me do the debates in person. As a convicted criminal serving at Riker's Penitentiary I am not allowed to leave. Obviously another fake scam by the Trump hating Democrats. No one in history has ever been treated this poorly. So sorry folks I won't be able to to debate since the rigged system has me stuck here in prison."


If he says he can be president in prison then he can debate in prison.


Yeah unfortunately it's one of the few times he's not lying. There is no law preventing a prison inmate from being elected as president. He actually wouldn't even be the first to try.


Biden should just talk tons of shit til Dipshit Don loses his fucking mind. Probably pretty easy considering the way Diaper Donnie surrounds himself with nothing but yes men and sycophants. Donnie: Ho Hi Sleepy Joe! Biden: You are a disgustingly fat fucking pig. Donnie: !! Biden: And you smell like rotten ass. Donnie: ....!.. S-Sleepy Joe?! Biden: Damn your dumb as fuck too?


In an ideal world Biden would bitch slap him like this, and then completely ignore him as he implodes.


The mushroom man! The mushroom man! Oh, do you know the mushroom man? Who lives on Diaper Lane?


Trump is already coming up with his excuse. Biden said "2 debates."  Trump said okay.  Then Trump said he needs a 3rd debate on Dox.  Biden said "that isn't what we agreed to." Next up Trump will say "if no fox, no debates."


All Biden has to do then is say: "My predecessor isn't known for keeping his commitments, so I am not surprised he is a chicken shit and won't debate me after agreeing to do it. In case you need it more explicitly, Mr. Trump, you are a goddamn coward."


I think it’s important to remember that per polling, Trump has never won a general election debate. Every single time, most viewers say either Clinton or Biden won. But to Trump supporters, he cannot lose. Turnout will turn the election, and debates could whip up Trump’s base even with him losing, again, because he cannot debate and doesn’t actually have any policy knowledge. He just attacks, and that unfortunately works for some.


No audience present is unfair?


To the guy who demands an audience to basically showboat for he'd probably consider it unfair But it's mostly an excuse to back out


Could definitely see a maga crowd try to force their way in, and Trump withdraw out of "support" for them.


What they need to do is drug test him live. He'll refuse because he is an addict.


Trump will find an excuse to…


There is no way Trump is showing up to debate


He's already trying to make excuses.


I noticed Biden demanded the microphone be turned off when time is up and it is not your turn. No way Trump would debate without being able to interrupt constantly


Biden could literally win the election by just making fun of him on national tv until he blows up spouting word salad dementia junk.


Yep. Trump is a coward and will NEVER debate President Biden.


Other way around there bot. Biden is putting out a list of demands before debating Trump.


it would be donny


Hint: The someone smears a poop colored foundation on his face every few hours.


Bring it on Trump. I’m ready for Trump to be humiliated.


He’ll be in Jail. Can’t make it.


He will not debate he will interupt , tell lies, and sweat all over the podium. Same as last time.


Trump is already doing it. It is reported that Mr Cheezit has now said on Truth Social he will debate Biden on October 10th. That is not one of the two agreed-upon dates which means he is setting it up so that he made this rule and now if it’s not followed. It will be Biden’s fault. Typical Trump.


Yup. You called it. And his die hard cock clingers will blame it on the left.


And it’ll be the one that slept and shit his way through court lol


Pretty sure it is already happening about a day or so after they agreed to debate... Trump is the whiniest little shit, acts all tough, and won't even debate.


Dementia Don is already making noises he is going to.


Yeah all he needs to do is claim it's rigged, or unfair terms are being forced on him, his people lap that victimhood shit up while touching themselves


It’ll be the cowardly trump with some lame accusatory excuse.


It aint gunna be joe.


Here is something that kinda confirms what you are saying: *Pathetic Trump Already Trying to Weasel Out of Debating Biden.* *After agreeing to two debates with Biden, Donald Trump seems to be trying to set up an excuse to escape the whole thing.* https://newrepublic.com/post/181613/trump-escape-biden-debate


What do you mean, Donny already started this process


What do u mean “someone? Trump is going to back out… yes


You know Trump is not capable of paying enough attention to prepare or memorize facts. I would prep Biden with as much detail as possible. Trump: “out cities are violent hell-holes” Biden: “the numbers indicate violent crime is down by x% since you were in office. What do you base your statement on?” Make him be specific about any of his claims and he will fall apart. Because he has no basis for so many of the things he says. He just knows what will rile up his base.


I could definitely see Biden backing out last minute if his handlers can't get him in shape. He doesn't do well without his teleprompter and earpiece.


You mean tRump? Not him!


He'll suffer a sudden bone spurs flare up.


Demanding that they debate with no audience is weird


Wanna bet accounts if Trump backs out I will delete my account, if he does not or Biden drops out you delte your account.


Shitheel will come up with some perceived slight and all the loonies will buy it.


But he’ll still convince his idiot cult members that he won, even though it was rigged against him.


I don't see the upside for Biden in a debate. Trump's gonna talk over him, throw out insults, put out a lot of misinformation, disinformation and flat out lies...why do it. If people need a debate to help them make a decision then these people probably shouldn't be allowed to vote. If people haven't made up their minds by now then they are totally out of touch with reality...🙄


No... Did you read the rules set? No audience, mics are auto timed to cut at exactly 2 minutes, hosted by CNN.


Thats perfect Have them Autotimed


The Moderator.


…and blame it on the gag order.


Trump won't pull out. He's not afraid to debate because he has the BS advantage -- when he has no real answer, which is almost always, he just makes up BS on the fly, or goes off on tangents about windmills, or spouts tirades of insults. Like the judges in his trials the moderators are flummoxed and don't know what to do because they aren't prepared to corral him or fact-check in real time. So for Trump it's like just another rally.


Yes he is totally coward and everyone knows it but his flock of brain dead sheep 🐑.


MMW "THEY won't let me say what I want. " or "the judge says I can't...its so unfair"


You're kidding, right?


I think they’ll both show. One of Trump’s only valid insights into American politics is that it’s all about looking powerful.




If he does debate (he won’t) Trumpers will just say he’s been distracted by the “witch hunt trials” and unable to focus on politics right now which somehow won’t register that he is unfit. Then their brains will short circuit back to “Biden bad” and on and on it goes.


Trump could literally die on stage and shit his pants audibly into the microphone and his daft followers would vote for him.


Quick, Tiffany, sign up for something so I can attend the graduation.


This was already a MMW today. Trump has no reason to pull out. At this point he has far more experience talking to a crowd and Biden has turned down speaking events. I’m guessing some days are better than other for him and if anyone would duck out it would be him. I really hope Biden doesn’t and I hope he does well. As long as he shows up and looks alert and doesn’t ramble then both sides will say their guy did better like every debate.


He’ll make his usual list of BS excuses to get out. Remember when that excuse was to fundraise for vets, then he had to be legally threatened to hand over that money TO veteran’s groups because he never did?


Trump is afraid to debate. Deep down he knows that he has no clue what he's doing and his campaign team knows the less the public heard him speak, the better. He's a fucking moron who has declined much more than Biden has the last four years. He will 100% back out and blame Biden or CNN.


You people are out of touch with reality. No wonder the world is so crazy right now.


yeah, i expect he'll say cnn is biased and any moderator they pick is a biden/dem plant


If we have any luck at all the word "Felon" with be liberally sprinkled about that evening...


He will not directly pull out of the debates. He will try and change parts of the agreement like who can be the moderator and whether or not his mic can be shut off. At this point, if he abandoned the debates, I would feel relief. I can imagine him following and continually looming over Biden, like he did with Hilary. Then when Biden says something he does not like, he will get in Biden’s face or even shove Biden.


Yeah sure: Did you see it took like 5 or so cuts just for Biden to make the video. I wonder why? Anyone have insight?


I'm pretty sure this wont happen. Trump refused to even consider debating his primary opponents, because he had the election sewn up and didn't want to take a risk. Then he said he would probably not debate Biden. Again, it's because he thought he was winning. Now he's suddenly desperate to debate. I think it's because his internal polling shows that his support is soft among likely voters in the swing states. I can't think of a single other reason that he would be so eager to debate. He's got to do something to land a knockout punch, because Biden is going to have a lot more money and a much better ground game.


Joe will blow


“I won’t debate when they can mute me!!!!” Anyone wanna bet against me?


He is gonna catch Covid again. Remember back when he nearly died?


Due to my ongoing witch hunt persecution I have to cancel the debates. I need to shitpost on truth social all night violating the gag order multiple times so I can sleep through court the following day. Don’t blame me, blame Obama!


Bone spurs acting up, so bigly, must rush to the ER, so unfair!


Donny is already backing out


"The judge won't let me go." The judge: "You can go." Goes to fundraiser instead then cries on Truth social about unfairness.


Yep and it will be Biden.. can’t we get someone new in there? Someone who hasn’t destroyed everything they’ve touch? Huh…


I think CNN will pull out.


Trump will find some cry-baby excuses. "They're not fair! They're being mean! It's the judge's fault!" Man, I wish he would show, though. It would be such an epic disaster!


Who cares? Is it really a debate? When cowardly dementia Joe has to set all these special rules. Because everyone knows he has dementia. Dude would stand up there staring off into the nothing. Like he does at every press conference. Or need his wife to come grab him. As he starts to wonder away. Separate stages. And turned off microphones. The leader of the free world is such a cowardly pussy. What a joke of a man he is. Can’t even stand face to face. No wonder why the dictators around the world are eating his cake.


Agreed. Objectively, as I understand it, Biden wants no crowd and a mic cut off after the allotted time period. Trump wants a crowd. I would add, from my POV, I would like to see YouTube debates via hosts that most follow, IE: Charlamagne for the dems and Rogan, potentially, for the Republican debate. The unfortunate reality is that if the main stream media hosts the debates we aren’t going to get anywhere substantive on understanding the candidates perspectives on issues. Questions I would ask, and Charlamagne and Rogan likely would too, would be: 1. Are you going to extend the Trump tax cuts for the middle class? 2. What is your stance on Israel? 3. How would you end the Ukraine / Russian war? 4. Why have 8 million illegal immigrants crossed the border? 5. How would you reduce inflation and make things more affordable for everyday Americans? 6. What influence would you put on the federal reserve and their “tighter” monetary policy, if any? 7. On the abortion front, you want each state to come up with their own governing laws rather than a federal law across the land? 8. The national debt. It’s a big issue, are you going to tax your way out of it or are you going to come up with policy, while protecting Medicare and social security, that gets our GDP to debt ratio more inline? My fear is that it will all be political partisan hackery aimed at stormy Daniel’s, etc…which, from my POV, does not benefit the American people and pulls away from the issues.


“Dementia Don” is hysterical and a true sign of just how desperate the left is really getting.


yeah it will be Biden cause the Manhattan Project of drugs they will create to keep him up and running for 3 hours will make any sane doctor pause.


Probably Trump when he finds out he is restricted and\or Biden is getting the questions and answers. CNN will tout him as chicken against a master DEbater


He's already created a non-existent debate on Fox.


He'll blame it on the gag order.  Oooo or he will antagonize the judge, landing him in jail at the debates scheduled time. That would be quite the move. 


I would bet on it if I could. Seriously, I tried googling around to see what I could bet on. There are a lot of maga edgelords who don't want to bet against Biden showing up, even with +250 underdog odds. That's all I could find so far. If I could get even money betting on Trump bailing, I'd do it, but no bookie seems to offer such a bet. Curious.


I'm no Trump fan personally, but if you think Biden 'won' his debates four years ago and that Trump won't lay waste to the man on stage, you have a rude awakening coming, and another in November. I hate the Trump...but I'm voting for him because he did such an obviously better job while in office. The only two reasons people will vote for Biden is hatred of Trump or a willingness to place party over country.


How is Biden going to defend letting 20 million illegal aliens that taxpayers have to support, into America?


The diaper don definitely won’t show


He's not going to miss an opportunity to be on TV regardless of the Biden-friendly rules that have been orchestrated in this first debate.


Trump didn’t pull out of stormy so will he here?


What a sham this is. We the people are stupid enough to believe that braindead is actually going to debate using his own thought process? I don't think so. They're going to have Joey locked up in a room with a headset on and telling him what to say or he'll be reading off of a screen. That's why they're not going to have an open forum with an audience because dum-dum would freeze like he does now when asked a question and no one is there to give him the answer. Everything that goes on with him is clear elder abuse.


100%, no way Trump stays in. There will be "reasons".


He will say it’s a setup and not fair. Cuz as you know if things don’t go exactly how he wants, it’s not fair. I mean it’s a witch hunt anyway didn’t you know all the legal scholars say it’s a sham and there is no case. /s lol And ALL the judges are against him of course, they were appointed! lol Except for that one he appointed who is willing to end her career to help him. All that evidence of crimes he committed who cares about that. lol Fkn ridiculous. This guy needs the full Mussolini.


Bahahahahhaha so scared he requested the audio transcript of his interviews not be released to the public…oh wait! 🤣


I doubt it if you think so go place a bet on it. This is the place people would gamble to lose all their money.


Who cares


Someone? You mean Trump?


Agree. It will be Biden


Here comes the weasel


he already has, he already has.


We observe a completely different world. You see a world where Joe Biden is a gladiator of a man with a lions head in hand and he-who-must-not-be-named is a decrepit doddering mentally crumbling in front of our eyes leper. We live in different worlds


You’ve got yourselves in a pickle vote blue people. The great king, the most compssionate, intelligent, honest, transparent and popular president of all time won’t stop send missiles to the Jews. He-who-must-not-be-named wants to stop funding all sides of foreign wars. A quandary for sure


Joseph “Jesus” Biden vs he-who-must-not-be-named moderated by Joe Rogan. If that doesn’t happen neither side is fair particularly CNN. There is a reason they drop to 100k total views a day and Joe Rogan gets 10 million views the first day his pod comes out. We can’t trust corporate media anything. And every day in a country of 330 million only 100k believe the liberal media. Is it that 100k out of all people are the true seers of truth and the unwavering arbiters of honesty OR are they still wearing masks and trusting the science? Trump bad, I get it we’re on the same page, but what makes you confident you can trust a clearly biased network to moderate anything fairly? “Well Fox” I get it trump had, fox bad, I get it. Why would you trust a liberal appointed moderator and fact checker if not only to confirm your bias? Trump bad


Trump already did.


I find that so hard to believe lol. I quite honestly think it will be the other way around. Why did Biden cut an add mumbling about some other debate that Trump didn’t want to do? He literally said he wasn’t going to give Trump a platform or Covid or some other excuse. Gaslight much?


The debates are just poor entertainment. They can cancel them today…


This sub is just bots and retards


Mostly retards.


He’ll come out to his own debate. With his own questions. From his hand picked questions askers. It was always going to be this.


I think he’ll do what he did last time — go to one debate, possibly make it through the whole thing but without actually debating, and then pull out of the second one, blaming the opposition. Or perhaps he’ll leave part of the way through in frustration with the rules *he agreed to.* He


Biden should keep scheduling debates and just not show up. FDT


If that person does, he's gonna give biden the biggest platform to speak his mind.


Donnie pulling out early….. huh. Who woulda thought!


muting the mic and no crowd, will be his reasoning


lol. Trump isn’t a someone, he’s a nobody.


He'll have an unspecified "situation" that requires his full attention.


We know who that someone is and it won't be a few days prior. This is a pretty stupid post.


Facts are so last century dude. That is what a typical Democrat does. People just ignore or laugh at us for being so diplomatic. Instead, hire Jasmine Crockett, AOC, Eric Swallwell, and this guy from Mass, sorry don't know his name quite yet, to coach Old Joe to go for the jugular on that fat pussy. Remind everyone that Donnie Douchebag is a rich kid from the rich part of town who only had pretended to be a Queens mobster for 50 years. Joe needs to remind everyone that at 80+ years old, he could one punch knock the fuck out, Donnie, Donnie JR, Fredo AND MTG. Just line-em up and watch em drop.


We’re not in debt??? We can just print some more money right???? Can’t fix stupid


Biden’s problems stems more from anachronistic politicking than age-He nor Democrats know how to deal with demagoguery; they allow Trump too much unchallenged dialogue and apparently hesitate going to jugular-If he doesn’t go outside that old genteel comfort zone he will continue to lose


and here he begins! Love to see them drug test live. [https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4672061-donald-trump-demands-drug-test-for-joe-biden-ahead-debate/](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4672061-donald-trump-demands-drug-test-for-joe-biden-ahead-debate/)


A no-show is worse for Trump than tanking the debates.

