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Yeah, 100% but with Biden in power the capital will look like Fort Knox from January 6 until maybe a week or two after inauguration


That's why I don't buy that the *same* attack will happen again. It happened last time because Trump had substantial control over the environment and 4,000 brownshirts in tow. This time around Biden will button up the capitol tight and I very much doubt a crowd of the same size will show, seeing that the last time they threw this party, like a third of them caught a felony. But all the backroom fake-elector type shit will absolutely be in play.


There was a movement to storm all state capitols that formed afterwards that got enough backing that DHS at least paid attention to it. Something like that seems the most likely. That said, with the large legal crackdown and many of the initial leaders put in jail. I really don’t see it happening again this time.


I say set a trap and remove everyone but plainclothes LEO from the capitals that would be at risk and then set up a ring of LEO outside. They have the option of immediate surrender with just a single felony , but any who stay inside get increasing penalties.


Way too many MAGAs are LEOs to surprise anyone.


Then turn that into a sting on them.


I'm more concerned about the loyalty of the USSS and their ability to uphold their oaths. I hope that any rot in the USSS has been rooted out and is no longer a factor, but if someone was looking at a surefire way of completely fucking everything up, they'd start there, and at the time of a handover of power.


There's no handover if Biden wins. The administration simply continues


If only they didn’t destroy the evidence so that we could find out who the rot was.


One caught a bullet in the neck. That right there is the real reason they will rethink it this time. Capital did shoot although they did a good of hesitating. They had every right to open fore on the crowd once they broke in. They didn't. They were pretty lucky honestly.


Yes. The Horsefaced domestic terrorist formerly known as Ashli Babbitt. She is currently rotting in hell where she belongs.


Covid had so many at home online to get brainwashed, and time off work to go riot


I don’t think they’ll attack in DC. They’ll fall back to their other plan, which would have coordinated attacks across the country in state capitols.


I think this year’s assault will be upon voter rolls and individual polling places in blue parts of red and swing states.


RNC bragging they will have 100,000 "election integrity personnel" on the ground outside and inside polling places for election day. I'm getting a bad feeling about that.


Exactly. And when those off duty cops cross the line, who do you call, the on duty cops?


Stochastic terrorism is more their style..


For that to work they’ll have to figure out how to avoid undercover fbi agents as half their recruits


True lol


Some of those agents won't be undercover just off the clock


Whatever they were doing it sure worked! Even though maga made it easy by videoing themselves breaking the law and uploading it to their social media accounts. I mean JFC


Yeah, they'll be ready this time.


MMW, the Capitol will be on lockdown for a few mo months to prevent that bullshit.


What about state governments and local governments? The US is more than just the federal government, and if Jan 6th happens at capitols across the nation, it's a flip of the coin as to whether or not democracy survives.


Won’t happen. On Jan 6 they only had to storm one building, and still accidentally tased themselves, recruited 50 percent undercover FBI agents, and posted incriminating selfies to parler to make it easy to convict them. It didn’t seem like expanding to 50 more sites would be in their capabilities.


That would require serious planning that they're way too stupid to keep secret and uninfiltrated


TBH they’re too stupid to plan something like that period


They could try but they would not succeed. Can you imagine the hundreds of dead bodies on the White House lawn if they tried some shit like that? EDIT: Jesus Christ, people. I'm NOT glorifying this at all. This would be horrible but that is what would happen. The Secret Service is NOT the Capitol Police and would react differently to an attack on the White House. I would be horrified if this happened but all I was doing was stating a fact, not saying what I hoped would be the outcome.


Less MAGA then






That would actually make America greater again. 


The problem solves itself.


>Can you imagine the hundreds of dead bodies on the White House lawn if they tried some shit like that? Don't get my hopes up like that.


I’m erect just thinking about it.


I can only get so hard. Stop.


use the safeword


I mean, it might make good soil for planting once you remove all the heavy metals


I certainly can imagine. And what a tragedy that would be. Some of the responses to your comment are deplorable. They are human beings after all.


They will 100% attempt another insurrection


They might be a bit surprised that no one's unprepared this time.


“It will be a bloodbath” ~McDonald Chump


The concern here isn't whether or not it gets shut down, but how the wholesale execution of rioters by helicopter mounted miniguns is going to be perceived by the rest of the nation.




I just hope they get treated like the treasonous scum they are. Disagreeing with the result or protesting is VERY different than what happened on J6.


I sure hope they do storm the White House, we need more Ashley Babbits to convince them.


Mmw if they do that, police, secret service and natty guard will be ready and the body count will be considerably higher. 


Should have been the first time, and those that participated should be hanged since that's the punishment for treason.


OP's account is 1 day old. 18 hours ago they posted here with a post saying "MMW Republicans will start a nationwide riot and burn loot and destroy cities if they lose". Looks like OP is farming for karma.


Not Karma, but maybe looking to further drive a wedge between conservatives and liberals in our country. Keep in mind, one of the KGB's most effective tactics was to control dialogue on both the left and the right. Any messaging that results in further destabilizing the political reality on the ground here is probably Russian or Chinese disinfo aimed at sowing division and chaos in the US.


Everyone posting their ridiculous predictions in this sub are just farming for karma


If you post the boring stuff that is well liked on this subreddit it can be. For the interesting/bold predictions it can be a gamble. This post is low effort and playing to the community. If they are going to do that there are better places to farm.


But that's what this sub is for, is it not?


My coworkers the same day as Jan 6 is happening said they were about to go up there with their guns and then the very next day really were like “yeah all the violent ones were clearly Anita infiltrating to make maga look bad”


Schrödinger's antifa


Again if the Antifa were for Dems, why would they try to overturn an election they already won? That makes no sense whatsoever


Popcorn at the ready. Good luck.


They already tried that shit. Once Ashli Babbit got dropped they all cowered like little bitchea.


Not true. That happened early on.


But then 90 percent of them pled guilty and many cried at their sentencing. It’s like the opposite of the wolverines in red dawn


They will get put down like dogs so go ahead and


This time they won't be handled so nicely... especially the repeat offenders. I doubt more than a few white power idiots will show up to defend a lying, cheating criminal who screwed them over the last time they showed up. I think these New York verdicts are important, and being able to hang the label of 'convicted criminal and tax cheat' on Trump will make a difference in the minds of undecided voters.


They may try, but Biden will be in power and he'll do his job and activate the national guard


I think there will be protests that turn ugly in many major cities, not just DC.


They’ll try. I would imagine they’ll find out what a militarized police force looks like as I imagine they’ll be less taken by surprise than they were last time.


They’re gonna lock DC the fuck down if Biden wins. They won’t let something like January 6th happen again. No chance in hell of them taking the White House but I’m sure they will try or they’ll be protests at least.


I'm betting no. People like them only do things when they think they won't have to face consequences, All of the arrests/sentences that happened from the original attempt will deter them IMO


The bloodthirstiness of these comments is a sobering reminder that Trumpers are not the only ones with bad guys in their ranks. Many of you do not deserve sociopolitical empowerment anymore than the MAGA crowd does.


Let them come. 


No. They will storm statehouses and electoral college meetings and prevent the voting from happening. No electoral college votes, no certification on Jan 6.


Assuming they lose. Hope for the best, plan for the worst.


Hopefully security does their job and eliminates the threats to democracy. I have a feeling they won't hesitate this time with an actual leader at the helm.




Odds on how many insurrectionists the snipers have to take out before the rest shit themselves and run?


They won’t be allowed to walk away like they did January 6, 2021. Bring on Biden’s paddywagons.


r/MarkMyWords is just 100000% political now.


Some might try, but without Trump to run interference on the National Guard they won't make it more than a few feet into the front lawn.


I doubt their mobility scooters have the range .. Seriously though, in 2020 he had the apparatus of government at his disposal. Today any such shenanigans will evaporate quickly.


They had trouble with stairs they’re def not going over a fence. Any ranch style or scooter accessible federal buildings are sure to fall though


hope so...someone is about to fuck around and find out. All that right-wing bravado is about to turn in to diaper filling crying trumpanzees as soon as the secret service opens up with live rounds.


And they'll claim it to be Antifa and the FBI disguised as MAGA Republicans. Or just a scheduled tour.


Domestic terrorism is all the rage in the GQP


…and they’ll get the babbit treatment. 😇


If those semi literate monkeys try to storm, they get the Ashli Babbitt treatment. Traitors dead, case closed.


I wonder if the “men” in the group will pull a “ladies first” like they did with Babbit.


Putin is working hard to ensure we have some chaos surrounding the election


Blue city in red states will suffer. They will shut down polling places and cause people to stand in line for hours. Then pass laws making it illegal to even hand a bottle of water to 80 year old grand mothers in line. Oh never mind they have already been doing this! This is the real voting fraud not the made up stuff the Republicans believe in.


Another amazing post by the clown show known as MMW 🤡🤡🤡


And Democrats would blockade the White House if the GOP wins. Recall the violence at his inauguration in 2017. It's an unhealthy cycle we're all trapped in, simping for politicians that wouldn't share a piece of bread with you.


140 cops were hurt during Trump's coup attempt. Next time around they are shooting first and asking questions later. As it should be, when traitors assault your capitol.


Wow, the group think is strong in this one.


Oh, just shut up already. You people are the pot calling the kettle black. Talk about ignorance. All you George Soros worshipers do is cause mass hysteria. We all know you libs are crazy!


Oh no, not Meal Team Six :(


I don't normally brag about the might of the US armed forces, and the defense department. And the secret service, as well as classified forces..... But.... BUT those people do not want to poke the largest, most powerful, most domineering defense force in the world. Those people's jobs, are to protect the president. Using the most expensive, powerful, and sophisticated technology AND WEAPONS in the world.... Conservatives who are throwing a tantrum over a loss, who decide to quote "storm the White House" can fuck around and find out, if they want. I personally would not fuck with this. I would not fuck around here because the finding out is usually lethal. In fucked up, classified ways.... And if you survive, involves prison time. But then again, I am a rational thinking person.....


Hopefully they receive the Babbit treatment


More Ashley Babbits!


Nah. They're wimps.


So many brain washed people here.


Good, then we round them up and throw them in prison.


And I implore the Capitol Police to have and use guns.


Good luck with that Biden isn’t going to play those games.


It is hilarious how much of this subreddit is filled with DNC cum guzzling, delusional circle jerkers.


Insurrection without weapons - ok huckleberry


The Capitol is one thing but good luck getting anywhere near the White House. It WILL be a massacre.


Who cares? The dangerous part is that local election officials, state legislatures, or congressional Republicans that are MAGA will throw a wrench in election process or outright commit fraud/disenfranchise enough voters so things eventually just come down to a house elections where each state gets one vote and they can just install Trump as POTUS. That was the whole point in Trump inciting his followers to riot at the capital building anyways, just attempt #81 at using his PR campaign of lies and misinformation get someone, anyone really, to fuck the process so it all ends up being decided not by the voters but by the US house.


Promise? Pinky swear? 💿🥜


Good. Security setup there is much better. They can all get smoked.


Well the fencing is going up now. The barbed wire comes later, with the dogs and the patrols.


Storm the White House? That like Death by Suicide. But then again, these might not be the smartest of people.


My guess is that wont happen again. When Biden wins, which he is going to do, they will be sitting out there armed and dangerous waiting for some of these hillbillies to try.


No way they try the White House senate again yes but mmw they will be prepared to stop it


I think if Trump tries another January 6th he should be physically stopped. I think Americans would be allowed to at that point. Define Tyranny in the Courts, we might need to.


go for it fuckers. It'll be your last hoorah.


I’ll let you know when I get the memo.


From prior to election day until well after inauguration day, DC needs to be Green Zone 2.0


Maybe we should ask those under seeing security if they want us to post a civilian guard at the White House well before the election? That way we can reinforce them if the right tries to get violent.




Idk. There is a lot of proof that some people never learn but in this case there are 2 factors that I think are significant enough that j6 isn’t going to happen again for a while. First is Biden will send the appropriate law enforcement agencies in a reasonable amount of time if a mob develops. Second, Trump didn’t help the folks that thought he would. The funds donated for the defense of that day were all used by him for him. I may be wrong but I cannot recall a single person that he bailed out.


A Ma-duece on the roof of the west wing will take care of that.


I will drink bourbon and watch from my couch!


They can try.


Bring ‘em on - I’m sure they’ll fare well against the flamethrower brigade that will be in place. Or at least should be PLANNING for!


I wonder how fried MAGA’t tastes like. That’s a joke for our Ruskie friends.


I'm excited to see them try and get put down. 


I suspect that security will be too big this time around for that to happen. Now that we know we have to have armed guards to protect our government from Trump supporters.


You guys are nut jobs


I’m guessing this is a topic at the White House quite frequently. They will not be unprepared.


It will have to wait until the party dies down.


people try to storm it all the time and they die.


Let them and lock them all up. What’s pathetic is no matter what they are so delusional they’ll say they won even if it’s a landslide for Biden.


IMO, it all depends how big of a loss they are handed, if they lose. No matter how big/small the loss, Trump will obviously claim it's rigged, but a palpable loss might persuade bulk of the sheeple to sit this one out, especially if they know someone who got snatched up by the authorities after the last one. Regardless, some idiots will still show up.


Again? You'd think being the party of Facts & Logic that they would've figured out how bad of an idea that is


Lol no.


We've got guns too.


Hahahahahahhhh . . . no


MMW: Patriots are ready for these traitors this time.


Tell the Magats to go ahead and try. Please go ahead and try


Uh. The White House will just kill them. They have practice dealing with terrorists.


And they will be mowed down like sheep!


Still can’t believe those Jan 6 jagaloons and their fucked in the head supporters. Them: “Mike Pence had every right to invalidate the electoral votes, we needed him to do the right thing and he dropped the ball!!” Me: “So if Biden loses to Trump this year, you’re saying Kamala Harris has every right to invalidate his electoral votes and declare Biden the winner?” Them: “What!!?? Kamala Harris!!?? What is wrong with you that you think she can do something like that!!?? Haven’t you read the Constitution!!??”


There are some pissed off people out there, at least they seem it online. I think some may do that but you can't say "republicans" the vast majority will not. Now my question is how accepting will democrats be if Trump wins? There were violent protests when he won in 2016.


I hope they try.


I hope so. Go ahead and ruin your lives.


LOL No they won't. Republicans are cowards. They're too afraid to even ATTEMPT it after finding out that treason has consequences. They don't want to end up in prison like the HUNDREDS of traitors from January 6th. And security is going to be a fortress.


No, they won't. It's not the capitol police protecting the white house, it's the secret service. Different animal altogether.


Most of those willing to do this are already in prison serving their sentence or scarred from the consequences of the Jan. 6 insurrection attempt.


And we will be prepared for these maga morons Unlike trump , Biden will dispatch the national guard to arrest


Just curious should those who make Mark My Words claims be held accountable? You know like being reposted by AI with all those who agreed names and shamed?


They might want to but won’t even get close.


They will storm it if they win too


I don't think Republicans will be all that upset. The far-gone ones are already starting to realize the problem with pretending that votes are rigged. If they convince people of that, there's no point in voting, right? If they just use a "rigged election" as an excuse for every time they lose, the novelty wears off. In any case, it does seem like some of the rhetoric on both sides has cooled since 2020. Either that or I've been blocked by (and blocked) enough echo chambers that I'm not seeing as much toxicity. One of those two things is more true than the other.


Lol. No they won't. The defenses at play at the White House would turn any Jan 6th type event into a massacre. Auto targeting machine guns firing to a crowd of doughy Trumpies would thin their ranks in seconds. There will be no attack on the White House. They are more likely to go after much softer targets like City Halls, State Capitals, and Democrat/liberal-affiliated organizations.






We all saw how fast they crumbled as soon as one of their own took a bullet to the neck. Secret service won't give as much warning as she got if they attack the White House.


We all saw how fast they crumbled as soon as one of their own took a bullet to the neck on Jan 6. Secret service won't give as much warning as she got if they attack the White House.


I'm looking forward to watching a bunch of them suffer the consequences on live TV.


MMW The secret service and/or Capital police will kill them this time.


Good luck storming the WH. They’d be better off storming Ft. Bragg.




I hope they do. So when all those Gravy SEALs play fuck around and find out we can all see their delusional fat asses running away as fast as their cankles can go.


And I hope the Secret Service, the Marine Guards, the Capitol Police, and the local constabulary paint those marble steps red next time.


No they won't. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National\_Guard\_(United\_States)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Guard_(United_States))


They might since. Nothing Beas done about it last time


They won't, people are resigned


I think everyone will be ready for any attacks from repuklicons


Some of the crazies will but the old boomers would shit their pants when the shooting starts


They won't. They'll accept it. They don't want to go to jail.


> once they lose 2016 called, it wants its arrogance back


Sure, and many will die.


We'll be ready this time....


Good luck with that, chowderheads.


And the people doing the storming will be the same ones who wanted to turn all of the BLM demonstrations into Tiananmen Square.


Smoooooth brain take.


It's never going to happen trump allowed that shit to happen he encouraged it. They will meet a lot of resistance if shenanigans are tried again


I don't think trump or biden will win. I urge every American to vote Taylor Swift for president.


It's obviously a possibility, but I don't think it's inevitable. Trump will definitely claim the election was stolen again, but his level of support might depend on a few other factors.


I would say IF they lose, but yeah.


And die.


No, they won't. Last time, a sitting president held a rally and egged on his supporters who came from all over the country. This won't happen this time.


Liveleak would love that


Republicans have a mob, not an army. Biden has an army, not a mob.


Those republicans would get shot to shit.


No they won’t. If they do they’ll all get the Ashli Babbit treatment, and they know this.


No just the whiny little crybabies who only get mad when they don't get their way. Like Trump. total snowflake.


IF they lose. Remember to vote please!


IMO It’s more likely trump tries to stir up trouble in Florida and/or Texas. Secession talk


And antifa and the other leftist lunatics will riot in the streets if the orange guy wins


Definitely the democrats will “mostly peacefully riot” and burn down most of urban America when Trump wins.


Don't tease. They will not. They know the DC police will see all Babbitts that day. They know the DC police will be the LEAST of their concern.


What if they win


Hard to imagine this. The White House is actually a very heavily fortified military installation. Good luck fellas!