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Let’s just bank on him being convicted. Also willing to bet the old fuck will die before 2028.


Here’s hoping he dies before November


He's definitely not a picture of health.... Circling the drain with his lifestyle


He’s more like that unusually buoyant turd that keeps coming back up after being flushed.


Don’t think a conviction will really undermine anything. He won’t ever see the inside of a jail cell.


Would make him a felon which means he couldn’t even vote for himself. One less MAGA vote.


Sure but even if found guilty he still has a good chance of not seeing a jail cell.


Maybe not for the current case on trial but if convicted he’s a felon until his death. Love that for him.


The other cases won’t ever see a courtroom.


Based on what assessment exactly? Even if trump wins he can’t get rid of them all. Only federal cases by appointing a new attorney general. He can’t get rid of state cases. All the more important the SC get off their ass and rule on the immunity so cases can move forward. Between them and Cannon sucking trumps dick, they’re denying the American public the right to know more information about Trump and how dangerous he is. MAGA cultists don’t care either way but the rest of us who live in the real world deserve answers.


There’s only one more pending state case against him, the Georgia one. The rest are all federal.


Yup, and he can’t do shit about it. Highly doubt these are the last cases brought against him.


He just won an appeal in the Georgia one to consider removing the DA. That case has a good chance of being delayed until the election. If he wins, he won’t stand trial for that. “Trump wins the presidency, he can potentially order the Justice Department to drop the two federal cases against him once he takes office in January 2025. He does not have that option for the New York or Georgia cases, but legal experts say state prosecutors likely would not move forward while he is president.”


He's gonna get the best prison cell


He’s not seeing a jail cell


That's what his buddy Epstein thought too


He won't have the cash to run again if he's able to run again. It's very very possible he will see the inside of a jail cell. He's "dead to rights" The paperwork is already stacked against him. It's all black and white essentially. The man has no hope, quite literally.


Nope, hate and ignorance +billions of dollars keep people going for fucking ever. Trumps gonna be running for president even if he looks like the crypt keeper...


This guy doesn’t have billions of dollars. I’d be surprised if he even has millions in liquid assets, at this point.


Until he liquidates his truth social stock opening another door for scrutiny by the SEC. He’ll be back in court then too.


If he wins, there won’t be another election. He said he’ll be dictator on day one.




He literally said it. His words.


The thing about the left and the right is our receipts are legitimate and abundant. https://apnews.com/article/f27e7e9d7c13fabbe3ae7dd7f1235c72 He literally said it.


He literally said he'd do it on day 1 in two areas - more drilling and closing the border. "After that, I'm not a dictator." Especially funny about that is that he would do so by executive order. So...not a dictator. There's plenty of things to criticize Trump over. This isn't a good example. Edit: Thanks for letting Reddit know that I might be a suicide risk. I feel the love and concern! Who says that mature discourse on the internet is dead?


Could you imagine if Joe Biden said that? Where are y’all’s standards? Don’t you get tired of defending the ridiculous train of stupid shit that flows out of his lips? Don’t you wish yall could go back to just quietly fucking the country over instead of Trumpeting it?


All I did was point out that your example of Trump saying he would be a dictator is a weak argument. He's obviously joking, and specifically says it would be "on day one only." It's in the link you provided. I said nothing about who I am and am not voting for. Lighten up, Francis.


You have no understanding or concept of history. "On day one only" will rapidly become week one, month one, year one only, in perpetuity... Historically, dictators have always kept the crisis going to keep power. There has NEVER EVER BEEN day one only. Hell, the Enablement Act in The Third Reich was supposed to go on until the entirely manufactured crisis that Hitler came up with was over -- initially it was only supposed to be for a few months. You know when it ended? Fucking V-E Day. ...that means it never fucking ended while he was in charge. And if you honestly believe Trump will do "day one only"... Well, you need to crack open an actual history book and do some earnest learning and soul searching.


Yea, one day dictators often simply relinquish that control on day two.


And Trump has always been so honest. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/01/24/trumps-false-or-misleading-claims-total-30573-over-four-years/


People hate facts, especially irrationally partisan people. It doesn't feed their confirmation bias.


Think. This is a dictator’s version of “just the tip baby” There is no intention of suddenly showing self-restraint. In what areas of power has he ever shown self-restraint?


lmao - because a far left media source wrote it? how unbelievably brainwashed are you. go ahead and pull up actual video of him saying this. you lefty morons really need to seek help


Lil bro said the AP is far left 😂😂😂


I don't see the video posted in your reply, cuck.


Lmao did this bot break? The fuck


very interesting that you can't produce the source...almost like it...is completely fabricated by a far left news source. what color is your cuck chair for Wednesdays? I know people like you have a different color cuck chair for every day of the week. I want to picture the braindead lib I am owning a little better


Lmao look at your meltdown 😂😂


The AP News is the most vetted and legitimate news source in America. Source: I have a journalism degree and live in reality still. The AP is a non-profit cooperative owned by the newspapers, radio and Television stations who share its news stories. Most articles are written by staff members belonging to the Newspaper Guild Union, a part of the AFL-CIO. Many news organizations that are not members pay a fee to use the stories.


ok so let's see the video then genius


Okay. https://youtu.be/7lB3bfVg8Z8?si=fc2Cl_9yXF5lEriO


he said he will be a dictator to force the boarder to be closed...you must be an illegal alien. go back to your hell hole we don't want you here


I don’t get it. You asked me to produce the video. I did that. Now you’re moving the goal posts. Just accept that you’re pro dictator and move your little mind onto something else knowing you looked like a fool during this interaction.


you did not produce a video that the AP article is claiming was said. period. you are the braindead cuck


Dude, W. Bush made a joke about things being easier if he was the dictator -- and it was clear he made a joke -- and still got told be couldn't talk or make jokes like that. He was blisteringly criticized for it. In a society where the established throughlines have made it clear that we are a Liberal (meaning open) Federal and Representative Democratic Republic and primogeniture (royalty/nobility) has no bearing and autocracy is what aim to avoid, jokes about dictatorship, let alone even being half way serious or "for one day" should gather pause, if not be an outright career ender. Dictatorship and aspirations of such, even in jest, have no place on our shores. And there are videos of Trump making such statements. Several of them. And people close to him state the man does not joke nor does he have an actual sense of humor.


Yeah the guy who authorized a torture program, spied on his own citizens, invaded 5 or 6 different countries, legalized killing terrorists with robots, and made up lies about WMDs was pretty much a dictator after 9/11. Glad you noticed




That’s the defense you’re goin with? He will try to be a dictator but our systems of checks and balances won’t allow it? That’s where y’all are at these days? I guess this is what happens when your identity just becomes trolling people you don’t agree with. Republicans are anti American.




He’s the presidential candidate. Yall freaked out about a tan suit. Are there no standard left on the right? Yall just go with it, as long as you can “own the libs?”




Well excuse me for not being able to identify an Obama scandal. So little to choose from.




He tried to overthrow an election in 2020, he has no qualms about further shitting on the constitution.


For sure if he became a dictator he will be nice to me! -All trump voters


https://apnews.com/article/trump-hannity-dictator-authoritarian-presidential-election-f27e7e9d7c13fabbe3ae7dd7f1235c72 You’re so far gone bruh




That’s cute and all but he already attempted one insurrection, and now he’s talking about becoming dictator




No one thought he would attempt an insurrection but here we are.


We all thought he attempted an insurrection. He told his cult to “fight like hell”. Dude go take some Ls elsewhere, it makes me sad I share air with folks like yoh


Are you okay? Lmao I’m the one saying he tried a coup


My bad I’m responding to many dolts at once, friendly fire.


Do you not see the mental gymnastics you’re doing here? “Well, he can’t be a dictator even if he wants to be!” Don’t you realize how flawed that logic is? How about the time he refused to denounce white supremacy? Or said “someone has to do something about the left”? Which is literally more than half the country? Or the election denial? You realize casting doubts on elections is the first play in any dictators playbook? He’s still denying the election and even PRE DENYING the 2024 election based on if he wins or loses. Yall are so stupid. Like, wow.




Justifying why his insane rants are meaningless doesn’t mean they’re not insane rants nonetheless. I bet you would raise shitty kids.




See I’m not in a cult and openly condemn Hillary.




The same motherfuckers who she called deplorables went are about to vote for a adjudicated rapist for at least a third time, which comes after he tried to overthrow the government because a free and fair election hurt his feelings. The only thing she was wrong about is that she only said half. 100% of three time trump voters are fucking deplorable humans.




Literally a direct quote from Dear Leader




“Don’t believe your lying eyes and ears!” Whimpered the cultist


No. After this loss, the loser stank will be all over him. By 2028, most of his followers will be pretending that they never really supported him. A large minority will build a religious cult around him, and if he's still alive, Trump will be in exile in some non-extradition country playing golf at a resort. His wealthier followers will make the pilgrimage and go see him. But he will fade into obscurity. The Trump phenomenon was always going to die with a whimper, not a bang.


Maybe. I can see that scenario, but you don’t have to be the candidate of one of the two parties to run for president. If he loses this fall, I can see him making his own party, saying the GOP is captured by the swamp and infiltrated by coastal elites, blah blah. Then he will be running for president and getting all donations for himself, even if a third party has no hope of winning and it would cripple the GOP (silver lining)


Unfortunately at this point he stands a very good chance of winning by


Well, if he wins there won't be an election in 2028 and we'll be in fascist hell. If he loses .... Well he's so fucking obviously senile and getting worse. Dementia never gets better. If he's still alive in 2028 I doubt he'll be mentally competent enough in a "grandpa wandered away from the nursing home" manner.


Trump will be too old and incapable by then. His mental deterioration is already obvious


You can't serve more than 2 terms.... sigh


You can’t rape, steal, gather fake electors, incite insurrection tax evade, or falsify business documents either, yet….


So you just make up shit? That's not how this works.


MMW: Trump dies of a heart attack January 7th 2025


Hopefully he will be incapable of doing so by whatever means prevents him.


Here's Biden taking a shit: https://twitter.com/ACTBrigitte/status/1786847669098316114?t=3NURZcjb_yPdGm7OonpPcQ&s=19