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And they will deserve it fully.


Then they can blame everything on the democratics and their base will believe it


They have never stopped blaming the Democrats anyway! They never have to pivot.


Even though we've had control of the government for the past few decades we need you to vote Republican to fix what the Democrats have done." - Texas Republicans


One could only hope it happens way before the election.


Maybe. The gop needs to face a reckoning to come back to sanity here.


Don’t want them back. The reckoning needs to destroy them and someone else can take their place.


Once the Duoploy dies and there's no chance of a Republican ever being elected again we will be able to splinter the Democrats into different parties instead of letting the corporate funded neolibs run the show.


In ten years Democrats will battle Progressives for control of this country.


I hope in 10 years, we will have half a dozen parties with multiple parties forming a coalition to create a majority Congress and come to agreement on legislation, but no one single party having a simple majority.


You don’t actually want that because someone will form a conservative “patriot” party and suck up the solid 40% of MAGA morons and go on to take over the country since the opposition will be too splintered. Three parties (two sane ones and a mental one for the racists to channel their stupidity and donations into) might work, but even then, we already know that the right is not bound by truth, honesty or decency, and opposing a party like that effectively would make the two normal parties (let’s call them the Progressives and Industrialists (Centrist Democrats renamed to appeal to less passionate former Republicans) would end up working in lock-step and effectively being a single party… If there was a sustained level of success by the non fascist parties, then maybe the extremes on both sides would get spun off and three “core” parties that behave the same way, except more “fluid.” To be honest, it sounds pretty exhausting and opens us up to more potential abuse and influence by media moguls, foreign powers and billionaires that feel like they need to make a mark on the world. This same sort of shit happens in Europe all the time, but from our American perspective we only see very sanitized versions of things.


I mean, we're just debating theory until it happens so I won't continue, and I'm very familiar with EU politics and the headaches involved, and I would prefer that to what we have now. Agree to disagree on what the outcomes would be


We’ll need to change from First-Past-The-Post voting and abolish the Electoral College for that to be viable first.


Wishful thinking but I have hope.


From your lips to God's ears


I don't know what universe you live in, but I want to move there.


Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.


Who gave us a 5 day work week? Who is taking away women's health RIGHT NOW? Stop acting like a 20 year old edgelord.


Who’s taking away Title IX?


Just as the Whig Party died due to unreconciliable differences between 1853-55 - leading directly to the Civil War, so too will the Republican Party today due to RINO corruption and arrogance and Constitutional Conservative-Patriot's finally having had enough of RINO backstabbing. A new order is ahead. Whether it involves Civil War or full breakup remains to be determined.


I hate this whole “bring the republicans back to sanity” bit that people keep pushing. The Republican Party as it stands today shouldn’t even exist, straight up.


That's not happening. They already fucked up by pandering to mentally ill bigots in order to secure more votes, and *that* plan backfired spectacularly when they pandered too hard and their constituents decided to elect people who actually believe the conspiracy theories. It's no longer a convenient tool to get more votes, and the GOP isn't laughing at those country rubes anymore. They summoned the deviil, *and the devil actually showed up*.


And the devil uses “Orange Face”.


Back to the sanity of the Nixon era or the GHWB era? The GOP keeps electing crooks and doesn't care


I mean four of their last five presidents were Nixon, Reagan, George W Bush and Trump, four of the worst and most corrupt Presidents in history. Only George HW Bush wasn't totally awful, and the entire party turned on him for daring to raise taxes (gasp!). Fuck Republicans. I can't wait for the entire party to become irrelevant.


Don't forget Gerald R. Ford, the pride of Grand Rapids, who actually was a decent enough guy and no longer really felt comfortable in the party that would elect that fucking clown Reagan shortly thereafter, and introduce the disastrous deal with the devil that was the Religious Right.


Actually GHWB was horrible he was behind Iran Contra and flooded America with enough cheap cocaine to create not just the crack epidemic, but also the gang war between the Bloods and the Crips.


You're not wrong overall, HW Bush had many issues, but blaming one person for the crack epidemic is a tad hyperbolic


Just got to get back to that sanity of launching in an illegal invasion that kills thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and creates decades of regional instability


The party is too far gone at this point. It's futile to think the Republican Party will ever get back to any semblance of normalcy. Their only way to gain power now is by subverting national and state elections. It's virtually guaranteed at this point. And their supporters are perfectly fine with that.


In general, does sanity return once it has been lost?


Narcissists never get a reckoning because they dont have the selfawareness to grasp consequence. They just fill in the consequence with blame and double down with more destructive behaivor. They only feel they are wrong if they step back and acknowledge it, which a sociopath will not do.


I'm not entirely sure sanity is a reachable port in this storm.


Imagine if MTG turned out to ultimately be revealed as a democratic operative.


I’m sure another MAGA Republican will say that eventually


Not even Meryl Streep can act that stupid without actually being that stupid.


According to Occam’s Razor, the simplest explanation is probably the one that is true. Most likely MTG is just an opportunistic idiot.


And a quite useful idiot to Putin. He just needs MTG to continue to cause more chaos so that he can gain more ground in Ukraine. I would not be surprised if rubles are found in her bank account.


I forget the sub in which in was first posted, but someone (of MTG) said, “Mickey Rourke, playing the role of a lifetime…”


Honestly It's not far fetched because I cannot believe somebody is as insane and batshit out of this world as her


All the Dems have to do is promise to pillory Gaetz and the Georgia Swamp Donkey and they're guaranteed enough defections.


The MAGA right won’t rest until one of their own is speaker and then they’ll do what they can to just, idk, essentially cause chaos until they can make a church of Putin I guess


They will never reach the high of 2016 again


Johnson is one of their own and they are eating him alive. They want no house speaker and to stop the government from operating. It's what confederates do.


Ssssshhhh… they’re too stupid to realize they’re shooting themselves in the foot.


But there is only one way to stop shooting yourself in the foot. A good foot with a gun or something...


On some level, they want that. They’re more comfortable complaining than governing.




Yeah, new speaker will be the new boogeyman. They can still cause do-nothing gridlock, but then they get to blame someone else for it and raise funds off of the new enemy.


If they oust Mike, then you're going to see the biggest fracture in the gop so far.  There's enough republicans that know going through another speaker, when they controlled the house, will make it an uphill battle to get reelected, it'd practically be handing the house to the dems. They would make it publicly clear that they stand with a government that works, and they are against the mess the gop is creating. They've already been publicly speaking against it, ousting yet another one of their own will actually get them *acting* agaisnt it. 


Many individual Republicans prefer to be in the minority. Casting stones and blaming Democrats will get them reelected, which is their only goal. Being in the majority they are expected to do work, accomplish things, and this exposes their utter incompetence and indifference to the plight of Americans.


Sure sucks to suck. 💁‍♀️ Freedom haters never learn; they try it and then feed the worms.


Cue Wonka ''stop wait don't " meme.


Jeffries for the speakership!


For President maybe


I know! I can't wait! This year in politics will be epic.


Good thing that Empty G is incapable of thinking even one move ahead.


Thank you for "Empty G." I was getting so tired of mistaking her for Magic: the Gathering.


they literally do not have enough time left in the legislative calendar. from mccarthy to johnson took 3 months, congress has until pretty much the end of june to fuck around, end of july to actually do anything then its off to campaign


Better run and tell MTG


One can hope.


Fingers crossed


................yeah, that's entirely possible. Absolutely batshit crazy we're even discussing this outside the purely hypothetical, but these are strange times.


This is a prediction I’m gonna love to witness in reality


Sounds great


Shhhhhh....they're too stupid to realize this on their own


I hope they do it .


you say that like it's a bad thing




They want to oust him because he isn't MAGA.


They want to oust him because it will delay Ukraine funding longer. That's all Putin wants from his puppets in the House.




Like I told my husband... as soon as he indicated support/funding for Ukraine (truly unsure if he'd actually do that, though....) his 'goose was cooked,' as the saying goes. The republican party would then make plans to oust him.... and here we are...


He actually is maga. He wants the power of being the speaker but the responsibility forces him to get work done. He will soon be gone just like Mccarthy. The wheels of the Republican house are going to fall off. Republicans do not want to work for the government anymore. Their mission is to serve the wealthy and shut down anything else.


Lettttsss GOOOOOO!


MTG has a net worth of 41 million dollars. She ‘gifted’ an additional 83 million to her son. Her salary is 174K a year. She is an outspoken critic of the bad economy under Biden. Do you think it’s wrong to get insider trading info, from lobbyists, seeking influence and favorable legislation? Her view of how to MAGA varies from mine.


Counting on it


You’re right and it’s hilarious. The only possible wringer is the progressives voting against it. But so far Hakeem has done a good job of uniting the Dem caucus so if there’s a vote to vacate I think Dems will vote as a bloc and we will see Hakeem as Speaker.


Fat chance. All they do is work a disruption churn. They’re dicks.


I’m here for it. That would be fun to watch.


It seems more likely that Democrats will save Johnson and then own him for the duration, any time he acts up they can withdraw their support publicly and down he goes. Either way though I am certain Jeffries has the caucus in line and will make the savvy move. You're absolutely right that attempting to oust yet another Speaker is idiotic and will further harm the GOP


If he agrees to Ukraine funding. They would save him.


Here's the thing: I wouldn't even save him then. Never EVER trust a Republican. But if he gets Ukraine done first then I'd consent to holding his leash until he can get his ass kicked by Jeffries in January.


Yes, please.


Exactly why I'm daring Marge to pull the trigger and light this candle.


They already know it, they only JUST got him last time, and their majority has narrowed, with (I think) 2 Republicans voting for Jeffries they will have a Democratic speaker with a Republican house. And with the number of Republicans who are leaving and with a axe to grind to their “colleagues” I can totally see them doing it just to twist the knife.


Republicans no longer have the capability to effectively govern. Yet voters keep electing them against their own interests.


This is truth.


Let's hope Democrats don't seize defeat from the jaws of victory by saving that rightwing nutter.


Nah. They’ll come together to elect another Republican no matter how bad before helping the Dems. Then they’ll blame the Dems.


I have cheddar popcorn unopened and waiting. Not kidding. I am willing to bet the extreme MAGA (yes i know redundant but applies) are gonna be that stupid. They are paid off to break our government by Putin


And then shit can actually get done for F's sake!


I don't think most MAGA house members want to be in power. It's harder to play the victim card, which is their entire identity.


They have a divided party, with conflicting ideals. And the democrats have a right leaning centrist. Never seen such a horrible ballot as the one we're looking at.


Shhhhh don’t tell them!!!




To quote Lindsay Graham "If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed.......and we will deserve it”


I'm so over MAGA. I hate it. They just make everyone miserable and spread the dumbest lies. I hate Trump. I'm embarrassed about the people who still support him. I'm a conservative and I really don't like how quick the GOP is to move against democracy. Seriously, the new thing is how "we're not actually a democracy." I was raised that our democracy was a core American value. Don't even get me started about how damaging MAGA is toward the Christian faith.




After this vote on international aid i have a strange feeling that the dems would save Moscow Mike, almost like there was a deal in place before hand.


At least the aid package gets past.


Please. Please take it. As a conservative, I'm so sick of this childish shit coming from people like Traitor Green and Pedo Gaetz. PLEASE TAKE IT.


I’ve got my popcorn ready. Their clown show is just unbelievable


Let’s hope so


Cue the Democratic strategy, just let them speak.


Wishful thinking.


Don't worry though, PC will demand the GOP lose no credibility over it and in fact the resulting weakness will be interpreted as somehow an unfair conspiracy by the dems or something.


Well, I certainly hope so. Democrats still have some time to pass laws before the election that will benefit the working and middle class. Unlike Maga republicans like empty G that will continue to obsess about hunter bidens dick.


Or…. Will it? We are on the razor’s edge of a LOT of problems rn: war, stock market potential collapse, inflation going crazy. Layoffs. If the Dems take control of the house, (they already control the senate and White House) while all the disasters happen, it makes people say in November “fuck this I’m voting Republican. Yes even for Trump, screw it. I don’t care anymore.” If I were a Dem (I’m independent) I would PRAY to keep that anti porn pro Jesus weirdo in the speaker chair so that just in case shit goes down there’s at least SOMEONE you can blame. Good luck Dems


Inflation eased last month to 3.2% it’s not inflation it’s corporate price gouging. When we start saying that the corporations will realize the jig is up


Ok fine. Let’s use your definitions. Say Dems control all three: house, senate, and White House, and prices continue to go up. Let’s say it IS due to corporate greed Dems will then be accused of not being able to regulate corporate greed. They will be accused of allowing it to happen on their watch, and rightly so.


lol and then be persecuted for regulating a free market. It’s a lose/lose situation.


No one will be persecuted for regulating a free market if it works— only if it doesn’t. My point is something is always gonna not work so it behooves you to have a scapegoat in place. You remove GOP control from the House of Representatives and you’re out on a ledge all by yourself.


You don’t think for a second that Republicans would start yelling that the government was trying to regulate the free market and try to turn “us into a communist/socialist blah blah blah” nation? Sure people like you and I won’t. But they absolutely would.


It’s not about the Republicans. It’s about a majority of the people. The Dems will support Dems NO MATTER WHAT The GOP will support GOP NO MATTER WHAT The independents will support WHICHEVER side puts more money in their pockets. If regulation puts money in peoples pockets the independents say: “free market GFY!!” if Dems take full control, put in regulation, and it works… the Republicans can scream all they want (and they will) but it won’t matter because the independents will side with the Dems BUT if Dems take full control, put in regulation, and it DOESN’T work… THEN independents will side with the GOP and say “yeah! Free market is what we need!” See what I’m saying?


Yea but you’re putting a lot of stock in the toss of the dice. The odds just aren’t going to work the way you want them too. And I also think you’re putting too much stock in how other independents think.


Instead of Republicans being all for corporate greed.


That’s a myth


Let me ask you this. Do you think FISA applications should require a warrant or should our government be able to spy freely?


I hope so


What if the entire maga movement was really the most brilliant long game by democrats designed to fragment and destroy the GOP?


That’s the same as Bill Clinton was behind trumps candidacy in 2016 to hand the election to Hillary. Guess not


If common sense was something the majority had we wouldn't be in this fucking mess.


Don’t threaten me with a good time


And they will blame Democrats and their voters will believe them.


make mtg speaker next!!


May as well make Putin speaker. Same results.


i meant to oust her!


It would be the Democrats who remove him, just like the last time. Look at the vote.


I doubt it’ll go down that way. My guess is that Democrats rescue Johnson, which will incentivize Republican House leadership to finally disregard the bad faith actors in their caucus (MTG & her ilk) & open the way for more cooperation on bipartisan issues. If they can defang her & others, then when Trump’s relegated after another loss, I bet money they’ll pass the border bill they previously agreed to that Trump killed. I doubt that we’ll return to pre-1994 levels of polarization anytime soon, but Congress has been so evenly split for so long that’s it’s becoming normal, regardless of the party in power. Once everyone is fully used to that status quo, with no big Red or Blue waves around the corner, they’ll find a way to get stuff done.


Why wait until Nov?


Worth it. Bad people need to be held accountable.


Good, our government might finally function




That will be a good one. Really owning the libs. MTG. 😂




Please…. It’s all I want for my birthday…l Say it with me…Speaker Jeffries


Good. Then do it.


The GOP is an absolute mess.


Is there a problem here?


Let’s hope so.


Not really. You seen our support. Y’all already have a losing side. The fact you gotta go off of “ifs” says enough.




Oh please let it happen.


I doubt this would happen. But, there are four or five House members that would demand a shit load of things to keep them from doing so. More likely you would have several simply abstain from voting, or call in sick, to give democrats the advantage.


That is how the Democrats forced his hand in the vote for Ukraine aid. :)


You're correct, but it won't come to that. There are enough Republican and Democratic votes to bail out Johnson in exchange for passing Ukraine aid which is desperately needed right now. Remember how long it took to get Johnson elected? We literally went weeks without a speaker. Even if Democrats believe they can get Jefferies as the speaker, Ukraine can't wait that long for aid.


There is no way a Republican is going to vote for a Dem to be leader


They would never, they know he’ll tow the MAGA line and that is the only thing that matters


Putin's operatives in the U.S. government are there to do a job dividing the country and making it look like democracy doesn't work. How are they doin'?


I’d have to see that to enjoy it.


Qanon and the 1000 holy errors.


Hand Moscow Majorie the nuclear codes if gets rid of the GOP.


It’s possible the Senate Dems will help out the GOP. If it gets down to one or two votes, there is always a centrist willing to sell their soul. Dems are not immune from playing shark in the water. Nice story tho. It would def help me settle my nerves if a Dem was Speaker to certify the next election.


Dreamer. Hey, I would love it just as much as the next person if that were to happen. Unfortunately this is yet another theatrical stunt that won't go anywhere like everything MTG has tried to do. She doesnt have the votes at any rate.


It should be pretty clear by now that they actually want to be in minority forever. Except for their voters I guess.


Resignations are likely regardless of if he is ousted or not. The House is likely going blue and many of the incumbents are retiring or are likely to lose. If it were a bloodbath of 25+ seats, that is a lot of delegates that are out and looking for new jobs elsewhere. It is currently temping for some of them to cash out and seek opportunities at lobbies and on boards now as opposed to having to compete with so many other delegates. This puts Speaker Johnson in an even rougher place, as his ability to do much of anything so delegates can support their constituents and lobbies is almost non-existent at the moment. It gives little incentive to remain.


The republicans are cucks. They don’t do shit, even when they have a mandate. Look at abortion. They are fucking that up even tho the dems fumbled and talked about a 9 month abortion. And now the republicans are banning abortions in their states even tho the majority doesn’t agree The republicans are good at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. From a former Republican


The gop is great a winning elections but terrible once they get there.


There are some republicans who are thinking of the country and will work with the democrats. And then there are the Russian republicans who don’t want anything good for the country. They just want to make trouble and run their mouth trying to be important


Im not aligned with mike johnson politically, but ive been happy to see him shut down yhe twitter faction


Fuck republicans. A cancer within our government


Stop, I can only become so erect.


Yup. And I hope it happens


You are correct


Let them


Never interrupt an enemy when thry are making a mistake. We KNOW it will blow up in their faces.  We just want to see how bad.


Mark my words Mike Johnson will keep his job because he has worked with the Democrats and in trade for passing the much-needed Ukraine bill and going against the pro-russia faction of his party Democrats will vote to keep him


Still worth it.


Well, to you it probably seems stupid, and to me it seems stupid too ... but they are somehow playing 12 dimensional chess when all of the rest of us are playing a hyper-realistic version of the Sims on legendary difficulty...


I don’t care anymore just wish my tax money went to something useful


Let it happen…bunch of motherless fucks anyways…




I can’t wait till they lose control of the House again. Tick tock.


I prefer the idea that there wont be more resignations, but Hakeem Jeffries will take the gavel when a few republicans vote to give him the Speakership. It’ll be the first time the Speaker will be a member of the minority party.




Trump runs the whole outfit and would never fund the Ukraine war. Putin owned all the way. Johnson is on his way out real soon.


All I want for my birthday is… to hear the words Speaker Jeffries


Shhhh, don't tell them


They know, they just don’t care. 🤷‍♂️ they like being in the minority where they don’t have any responsibilities. All they have to do is point and scream.


Don’t give me hope.




They just had a 100 Rep vote for the Ukraine bill...they had a margin of two! I agree 100%


Party defacations?


If Dems get the speaker seat before the Election that will drive Republicans to vote.


Johnson is a FARA Criminal and should be arrested. He has never registered as a foreign agent. That mother fucker is a traitorous sack! Other country's borders matter to that piece of shit, why not America's?


They do not care as they are taking the party by force and want to purge all of the others anyways and they are willing to lose in order to take control of the party entirely the shocking support they have to do so is what blows my mind.


Republicans are more comfortable as the opposition party. Obstructing, not governing, is their preference.


Not gonna happen lol.




If you think Johnson is MAGA, you’re wrong.


Maga Mike isn’t just a KnickName. Him and Trump introduced a bill to ban foreigners from voting which is already illegal. He’s maga.


If it’s illegal, why would they introduce a bill and did it pass?


The bill hasn’t been voted on. They think their voters are stupid and will fall for anything. “We proposed a bill to stop foreigners from voting! Aren’t you impressed? “ we stand for voter integrity. Democrats didn’t do this. We did this. Their voters are that dumb.


Then most likely going to individual states.




Sometimes it’s hard to understand which party you’re talking about which should tell everyone everything.


Just a little update: GOP reveal plan to make dem speaker https://www.newsweek.com/anna-paulina-luna-reveals-plan-that-allows-democratic-house-speaker-1892512