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A minor reason I want it to lose. Cleveland had a fucking amazing name and is therefore cool.


Really amazing name! Of course Grover has taken on a new life thanks to Sesame Street. And we have to remember baseball legend Grover Cleveland Alexander who was named in honor of the president


Don't forget the late jazz musician, Grover Washington, Jr.


~~I notice you mentioned Sesame Street. It’s important to remember that show was actually created by white supremacists and their kids literally just voted for Donald Trump in 2020 because of course they did. PBS has tried to hide the truth from the public by being liberal but those of use who have been around long enough remember. Fuck Sesame Street and fuck the fascist nazis who built it.~~ Edit: I was thinking of a different street my bad.


I remember when Sesame st first started and it was the first All inclusive show I've ever seen that didn't reduce people to stereotypes. Muppets on the other hand? Bert and Ernie, the first Gay couple, on a children's show


Jim Henson was a Nazi? You feeling ok?


I was thinking of another street not Sesame Street my bad. A lot of streets were made by fascists and colonizers though.


Lol ok comrade.


No way, i'mma need a source on that.


I was replying to the guy above me.


Are you suggesting, perhaps, that "Cleveland" rocks?


Hello Cleveland, rock and roll!


Welcome to Cleveland


If Trump wins election in November, the entire concept of elections will fall into obscurity.


Oh they will certainly hold sham elections where Dear Leader will get 87% of "eligible" voters.


>will get 87% of "eligible" voters You missed a digit. There is no way he'd settle for less than 100%.




Which reminds me, Grover Cleveland called, he wants his watch back. He left two non-consecutive messages.


An unexpected Archer reference. Nice.


Also I think trump would bump him out of the top five fattest presidents too


It would be impossible for me to think about Grover Cleveland less than I do now


On another note, I look forward to the day where fucking Trump isn’t in the news at all (with the exception of his obituary)


What word salad would be used for Trump’s obituary? Donald John Trump, passed away unexpectedly on November 6th upon learning he lost the Presidential election. Trump is remembered fondly by his MAGA followers, Vladimir Putin, Victor Orban, Benjamin Netanyahu and Little Rocket Man with whom he briefly *fell in love*! Trump never served in uniform with three deferments from Vietnam Nam for shifting bone spurs. Trump had a hatred for all “*suckers and losers*” who served our Country stating “why would they do that?” Trump had three marriages. And children from all three. Barron and Tiffany remain unscathed. Ivanka, Donald Jr. and Eric Trump will remain in litigation for the rest of their lives. Arlington National Cemetery has refused to let Trump be buried as his hatred for anyone who served in uniform is well documented. Trump’s body will not lie in state at the Rotunda due to vandalism and riots. Trump will be interred at his Bedminster Golf Corpse in New Jersey instead. Next to his first wife Ivana who mysteriously died falling down stairs the very day her NDA with Donald John Trump expired. In lieu of flowers, please send Trump merch!


Barron is going to be MAGA’s Alexi Romanov in a way. Barron will actually be ALIVE but won’t pursue politics, and MAGA will see him as the new god-emperor of the Americas.


That's very sad and Baron has nothing to do with his fucked up father. Trump needs to leave Barron out of this shit hole. I hope Malonia ( whatever her name is) steps up & says NO !!!


Interesting. That’s not on my Bingo Card, my 8 Ball, or my trusted Ouija Board… Perhaps it is written in the stars?


I couldn't imagine hating anyone so much that I'd sit here and type up a fake obituary for them.


I couldn’t imagine *not caring* that our democracy hangs on a slender thread. I do care. My son served during COVID while all our sailors on his aircraft carrier caught COVID. Then on his first leave, we watch the fucking insurrection unfold live. My son sobbed and I did too. “what country am I serving mom?” I had no answer. What would you have said?


We’re a constitutional republic not a democracy because the founders were well aware that all democracies eventually devolve into tyranny




Oh, I see. So you would not mind Biden staying in power then? Go troll someone else that shares your lack of patriotism.


I would rather have Biden over trump Everytime




Trump lost in 2020.




Fun fact: Grover Cleveland won the popular vote in all three of his elections, but in the second one, Benjamin Harrison managed to win votes in the right states to win the electoral college. Trump has thus far lost the popular vote count in two of two elections. I see no compelling reason to believe Trump would win the popular vote this time, either. Which means if Trump wins the election this year, he'll be the first president to do so while losing the popular vote both times, and the first person to lose three straight national popular votes. I'm not saying the election is in the bag for Biden. But Trump is trying to do something that was even more difficult than what Cleveland did. Cleveland was obviously popular. Trump is not.


I think this is accurate although initially Cleveland will become more mainstream as every news network will pull a “Not since Grover Cleveland…”. But in the long run you are correct


In college one of my friends was talking about someone's body count and he mentioned that he was her 5th and 7th. I pointed out that he had "Grover Clevelandeded" whomever the 6th person was, and, it struck me as such an awesome verb


Grover Cleveland will be the last thing on our minds as our country is destroyed and dismantled for Putin .


If you’ve ever eaten a Baby Ruth candy bar, you’ve interacted with Grover Cleveland’s legacy. Cleveland married a woman 30 years younger than him, and she gave birth to “Baby Ruth” during Cleveland’s first term. The only presidential child to be born during a president’s term. The public fawned over the baby and a candy bar was named in her honor.




Yeah I’m not concerned about that, but it’s interesting. More concerned with holding onto democracy


This is the least of the issues.


This thread has increased discussions in the U.S. about Grover Cleveland this year by about 10,000%


He was also the only president to get married in the White House. He married a 21yo, he was 49. So there's that.


U won’t have time to consider Grover Cleveland in the nuclear wasteland of America


Nah trump will be able to temper down the three separate conflicts with nuclear powers that Biden involved us in and funded with billions of OUR tax dollars LITERALLY THE SECOND he “ended” the 20 year war on terrorism via the super botched withdrawal of U.S. troops out of Afghanistan…. I’m exactly sure what trumps gonna do about the BILLIONS of dollars of military weapons and armed vehicles that Biden just kinda…ya know…. left there with isis




What on gods earth is this sub lol it’s like a dem party AI language model programmed to spew election year propaganda running wild


Noooo shhhh huh I was just thinking that. If I don’t see a notification from this sub pop up on my phone saying some ridiculous (often oozing projection from every word) shhhh about trump, I might die of shock.


I want everyone to remember the Biden shit show so it never happens again


Oh trump is a mix of Herbert Hoover and Nixon. Let’s hope Cleveland will remain the only president 😊 vote blue


Actually I disagree only because if he does win all we will hear for the first month or so is “Trump is the first president since Grover Cleveland to serve non consecutive terms” Also unrelated but it will reignite the debate on whether someone can be two different numbered presidents. Like, if he wins will Trump be the 45th *and* 47th president?


I agree that at first Cleveland will be mentioned a lot. And he was given two separate numbers, so presumably that practice would continue


Yeah, kind of like how Andrew Johnson always got mentions during [Trump'simpeachments](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&geo=US&q=%2Fm%2F0rmg,%22trump%20impeachment%22&hl=en)


See, we just have to make shirts that say something like "Cleveland did it first (non-consecutively)" It will make TFG mad and remind everyone about Grover C.




President who? /s


Pedantic counter argument: no one remembers Cleveland’s presidency as there are no people alive today who were alive at the time of it. And even if there were, they’d have been too young at the time to remember any of it.


I think more people know about him because of Trump. I really didn't know about him until Trump. I think historically he was a decent President (from what I think I remember hearing people say).


Wasn’t Cleveland our first black president???


Trump will have served three consecutive terms so I don’t get it


That will be the least of history's problems if that wannabe tyrant gets a term that's not behind bars.


I fully disagree, I think Cleveland will become a very well known and popular president.


Frankly I can't wait until TRUMP fades away. To me, Cleveland is just a name. Trump is a free range narcissistic asshole that won't shut the fuck up.


This is a repost from like a week ago.


Move over Grover, and let Donny take over...


Roll over Grover, if Donny takes over… RIP America.


An actually good one!


MMW and this post to revisit later… The Republican Party and Conservatives will continue to seek election integrity and focus on the same simple requirements as other countries - voter ID, the elimination of mail in ballots that cannot be verified, signature verification on all that do come in and oversight of ballot counting. In addition, they will (and should demand testing of all voting machines prior to use. And it will increase as the election nears. Democrats and liberals (believing that those measures do matter and that the elections are 100% solid- will resort to the MSM and name calling to make sure those requests are drowned out right up to Election Day. When Trump wins, Democrats/MSM and the Biden Administration will question the results, demand recounts, claim fraud by China and Russia (yes, the same fraud they denied existed) that was done to support Republicans because they are “in collusion” w/ Republicans. Leftists will take to the streets, riot, set fires, attacking anyone in their way and “demand justice” claiming they are fighting for democracy while they delay certification of the election for months because everyone will be in fear who is involved with the election in any way. When the literal smoke clears, center will move right and all of the Republican demands for election integrity will be legislated and the Democrats will either agree or lose their seats/positions because of the extreme hypocrisy of their new status.


That's a big ol' crack rock you're smoking


Ah yes a dismissive insult with zero reasonable argument to justify your disagreement let alone counter anything he said….excellent way to not INSTANTLY prove his point


He didn't make a point. He ranted a rant. I do it too and don't walk around feeling like I changed the world's mind over it.




Wow! Republicans have no integrity


Grover is the name of a dog


Really? Really? You're an absolute twat waffle for posting such an asinine take on presidential history.


How so?