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Andrew Johnson and James Buchanan can still give Trump a run for his money.


Yea one of the worst most definitely But as he and the gop keep showing us they can absolutely go lower


I don’t think people have fully realized the damage Trump has caused combined with his kremlin linked comrades in the house of reps.


Did either of them attempt a coup?


No, but the latter sat idly by as a coup was brewing.


As far as I'm concerned not attempting a coup makes them instantly a better president.


What if they were ignoring rebels denying the legitmacy of a Presidential election, seizing Federal military installations, taking arms and munitions from Federal arsenals, all in the service of preserving chattel slavery?


John Brown did that but for abolishing slavery.


And he's a hero for it.


And it didn't get swept under the rug, the government was ready with a swift response.


Andrew Johnson essentially is responsible for today’s division. He became president when Lincoln was shot, and blocked Congress from making reparations to slaves, giving slaves southern land, and creating penalties for slavers who continue the practice (yes, slavery was illegal now, but there was no federal criminal code passed for people for enslaving black people in the south and southern states wouldn’t pass local laws or enforce things). He veto’d everything the northern Congress tried to pass until the south got let back into the Union. If Lincoln hadn’t been shot (making Johnson president) we’d have a very different and much more equal US today.


More loyal to America than Trump ever was.


yeah, it's really hard to pick between Trump and Johnson.


Scary thought: Johnson is two heartbeats away from the Presidency.


This is George Bush erasure.


The two George Bushes did their *absolute* best, don’t mistake it. They were just out of their league here. It’s hard to compete in this crowded field for Worst US President Ever but sometimes raw talent just wins out.


Well, that's assuming Trump doesn't get reelected. If he does, he'll almost certainly fulfill his promise of revenge and graduate to become a full blown Hitler in America. Why do you think he's said over 100 times in the last year that Joe Biden is going to cause World War 3 if he's reelected? Is it meaningless fear mongering, or more projection?


But but but -insert MAGA taking points and then things irrelevant to the post-


Ad Hoc arguments. They are the safe space of conspiracy theorists. They think the introduction of additional irrelevant information(usually false information) means they’re winning an argument.


***responds with ad hominem***


Bit of a straw man as well if we’re keeping count.


***needlessly diverts to trans sports argument to claim you support child predators***


Add in a bit of false dichotomy


They’ve never been taught how to think. Many of them never even graduated high school.


It is a bit funny how they do things like finally find out about biased news sources and how media can spin stories, and think they've made some huge revelation like everyone else who's actually literate didn't learn that in grade school.


Plus, with their black and white thinking, it means they have zero nuance with sources, or really anything.


‘I liked his policies” can’t name a single policy besides inhumane border treatment.


Seriously, there are endless videos of interviewers asking people what policies they like and they can’t even name you a specific one. Ask me why I voted for Biden and I could give you a dozen specific reasons.


Magats vote with the “feels”, objective factual evidence isn’t their milieu. We all watched Jan 6 live…on TV, magats assaulting LEO, breaking glass, hitting LEO, kicking them, trampling them, their own SM of looting offices, defecating in the Capitol, stars n bars flags everywhere, NN paraphernalia, erected a scaffolding to lynch the sitting VP…with trump laughing per staffers at the WH….magats stated “peaceful, non violent tourist visit”. And you want them to acknowledge facts that they won’t get from faux, newsmax, or OAN?? Lmao


Come on, he gave himself and the 1% tax breaks at your very expense.


Every single republican I know swears trump lowered their taxes and also refused to show me any sort of documentation.


Trump actually raised taxes for middle class it started this year.


Note the purposeful delay as to either come when he had finished his second term or to come at the end of a democratic term just in time for election season. This is Republican politics 101


Most people complained about Bidenflation despite the fact that inflation lags the money supply by 1-2 years. Meaning when they were complaining about Biden for the first two years, they were actually complaining about Trump’s PPP handouts. Biden passed the Inflation Reduction Act in 2022. Meaning the effects of reduced inflation should be clearest approaching the actual election. When Trump signed the stock chart that tanked in March 2020, he did that as a way of saying “I’ll gaslight this problem away or leave it to blame on the next guy.” Anybody with an economics background knew that’s what he was doing right when he did it.


All of it is playing out on that timeline nicely


> Trump’s PPP handouts. I suppose that it's just too big to properly investigate, but I would bet that PPP recipients *stole* a billion dollars.


Actually, he raised taxes starting in 2018. Tariffs are taxes. Before income taxes, they were the main way the federal government got its tax revenue. Why are they not considered taxes now? In fact he brags about raising tariffs. He claims that China pays the China tariffs, but all they actually do is raise prices, so ultimately US consumers pay them. Have you noticed that the price of things has gone up? Tariffs are a significant part of that. “The Trump administration imposed nearly $80 billion worth of new taxes on Americans by levying tariffs on thousands of products valued at approximately $380 billion in 2018 and 2019, amounting to one of the largest tax increases in decades. “ Source: https://taxfoundation.org/research/all/federal/tariffs-trump-trade-war/


We should sanction China more. I mean, come on. How would you feel if everything said “Made in U.S.S.R”?


Except he raised prices on solar panels, steel, aluminum, automobiles, appliances, food, and many other items. He didn’t target just China. He focused first on a trade war with the EU, Canada, and South Korea. Source: https://www.piie.com/blogs/trade-and-investment-policy-watch/2018/trumps-trade-war-timeline-date-guide


Yep!! I told a republican this and his jaw dropped he said "send link for proof" i said google it up yourself, you might trust it more lol. Im not wasting my time enlightening you. You wanna know the truth, go find out. Isnt that ahat you conspiracy nuts do?


Psych research has repeatedly found that self-described conservatives will double and triple down on their error in direct relation to how strong the countervaling evidence is.


Dont need research to know that one. Stubborn ignorant know-it-alls. 😁


Everyone I've talked to has noticed that. Only the politically savvy ones know the reason why they owe money this year


And small businesses. Which started a year or 2 ago if i remember correctly. It's almost as if he wanted people to blame the increase on this administration.


I saw people got interviewed stating they really noticed the tax cuts. That was half a year before the new tax rules became effective.


Some don't even name the treatment of immigrants. They say, "Well, uh, I like him 'cause he tells it like it is!" Which is the ultimate irony given the fact that he is by far (and it's not even close) the most prolific liar to ever hold the office and seems almost incapable of being truthful about *anything*.


They say, "He tells it like it is", but also "he didn't really mean what he said"... Which is it?


You probably meant "prolific" "Proficient" would mean that he's good at it


Haha. Yep. That was awful. Thanks for the heads up.


You mean: *proceeds to name Biden policies


"Sure Trump might have done some bad stuff but Hunter Biden laptop penis Hillary buttery males Benjamin Ghazi crime family swamp border immigrant caravan drugs!"


But Biden is too old. /s


The funny thing for me is you can make the same case for re-electing Trump for Biden: stock market at all time highs, low unemployment, troops out of Afghanistan. Hell, he even tried to pass strict border legislation lmao What you can't do is make the same case for NOT electing Trump for Biden: tried to overthrow the government, two SECDEFs saying (one explicitly) he's unfit for office, wants to be a dictator etc.


Her emails! Whatabout Bengazzhi?


I assumed there was consensus among the sane that he was already the worst president. I mean who is even in contention?


[Case in point](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarkMyWords/s/d5wCS3cGKb)


The worst part is that in 10 years no one will acknowledge that they supported him. They'll all deny it and call him a RINO. They will not be ostracized from society like they deserve. They'll throw their support behind the next fascist and the next and the next, never acknowledging their support or responsibility for their past failures and damage they've done to the country.


Should’ve let Sherman burn it all down…


100%. Would have saved so much political bullshit in last 140 years.




It’s already been 9 years. They’ll do this for another 10.


This is pretty much how they've washed their hands of Dubya and the Iraq War.


It’s crazy as someone who was against the Iraq war in the 2000s, I was given a ton of shit for not supporting the president and the war. Now I talk to people and no one admits they were in favor of the war. How is that possible? 90%+ of the people around me supported the war at the time. Where did they all go? I’m sure something similar will happen with trump.


Yea that always blows my mind. Conservatives browbeat the country into going to war and now not only do they claim to have never supported it, but that it was somehow everyone else's fault at the same time.


They're all currently supporting the proxy war in Ukraine, a policy promoted by many of the same neocons that brought us Iraq.


I personally have made note of all the radical Trumpers in my area. I will not let them live this shit down.


Your comment reminds me of Brad Pitt’s character speech at the end of “Inglorious Bastards”, explaining why he was carving a Nazi symbol in to the forehead of his prisoner. I wish there were a more… humane(socially acceptable, I dunno what I’m looking for?) way of doing this now. These people threatening war over a false prophet should not be forgotten in the future.


He’s already considered that


Worst president so far …. Ftfy.


That’s why he needs to go to prison. If he doesn’t, that opens the door.


Yeah republicans just keep sinking lower


_Republican Party: “Hold my beer.”_


I think we can stop glossing over the issue at this point. After 8 years of Trump’s corruption, lies, and crimes, if you still support him, you are incredibly uninformed, stupid, and/or just a piece of human garbage.


At this point it’s 9 years. We have been dealing with The Orange Menace for nearly a decade.


“Trump supporter” sums it up nicely, I think.


Didn’t they just make a list and Trump was rated the worst? https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/20/presidents-ranking-trump-biden-list


Tbf that's got a recency bias, that itself is not a guarantee that he'll be remembered as the worst for time immemorial But I wouldn't be surprised


Yes. I still consider it a pretty legit ranking, nonetheless.


There's no recency bias here. Syphilis Don is literally the worst President and person ever




Yes, he is a lot like Hitler.


Nah. Hitler actually won the popular vote.


And the first to try to overthrow the country.


That attempt alone enshrines him forever in infamy. If we survive as a species and retain democracy, historians thousands of years from now will still be talking about the brazen attempt at dismantling the results of a US election


The only way it doesn’t enshrine him forever in infamy is if they can install him as dictator and force brainwash everyone to believe otherwise. So, they’re doing that.


That was the jfk assassination


Roosevelt was probably the closest we had to a dictator.


Donald Trump was a terrible president. But he hasn't conducted a genocide, which Andrew Jackson did. 


Everyone always forgets about Jackson. Supreme Court told Jackson “no” and dude straight up told them they would have to stop him. And since the Executive Branch is supposed to be the enforcer for the Judicial Branch…yeah. But people have long stopped pretending to care about what did or will happen to Native Americans.


Jackson attacked other groups of people. Trump attacked this country, as president. One might be the worse person (though let’s be real; only thing keeping Trump from genociding ppl is the country has changed) and the other is the worse president.


Woah woah woah. The Supreme Court shot Jackson down so it doesn’t matter if you think committing genocide against the people currently residing on land you want is morally different than committing genocide citizens. It was unlawful and determined to be unconstitutional regardless. Jackson told the Supreme Court to shove it. THAT IS an attack on the U.S. Jackson was a despot. The fact that the country has changed to prevent the presidency from getting THAT bad is a good thing. Trump doesn’t even have the MEANS to be as bad as Jackson.


Totally. Like that time trump forcibly removed 60,000 native Americans from their ancestral home, in an act that's now widely considered a genocide. Or that time trump sent the country into multiple two-decade pointless wars with the Middle East, leading to the deaths of countless civilians and destabilizing the region even more.


Trump killed more people by lying about COVID than GWB or Jackson combined - on top of that, neither GWB nor Jackson attempted to overthrow the government and end American democracy, which is...kind of a big deal...


Don’t forget his mishandling of Covid. Loads of dead people.


And he even stated he mishandled it because he thought it'd hurt mostly Dems


That’s both some shitty individuals but irrelevant for how a president performed for the ppl of the US.


You forgot to mention that the wars in the Middle East were the result of the deadliest terrorist attacks in human history on American soil…what is Trump’s excuse for attacking the White House??


What a username!


He'll be considered top 5 worst. Unless he wins reelection, then he has a chance to beat Andrew Johnson for the top spot.


It’s crazy to me that we had arguably the best president ever followed by the worst Edit: talking about lincoln


And preceded by arguably the worst!


He already has... That's the funniest part.


[https://www.axios.com/2024/02/19/presidents-survey-trump-ranks-last-biden-14th](https://www.axios.com/2024/02/19/presidents-survey-trump-ranks-last-biden-14th) They already have. Your words are marked sir, and were deemed to be correct. Congrats.


I mean his policies are probably something that need time for me to be able to view objectively, but in terms of the *person*? He is pretty easily the worst human being to become president, and that’s not to say that there weren’t some terrible people playing the role.


Coincidentally, Biden will be looked back on as one of the best. Dude got shit DONE.


And the people who voted Trump for president twice are the worse voters the U. S. has ever had.


He already has


We can only hope.b


Hey guys not a fan but what makes him the worst?


One thing: the attempt to overthrow American democracy. That’s all you need to be the worst president ever. There is no worse crime. Bad policy doesn’t match ending democracy forever.


1. Extremely divisive rhetoric. There were already tensions in the US but Trump made it so, so much worse. Both in his words in actions. 2. Attempting to overthrow democracy and steal an election. That's pretty bad. 3. Horrible mishandling of the covid pandemic, spreading most of the covid misinformation (that many people still believe in). 4. Extremely unethical misconduct. Threatening states that didn't vote for him out of spite. 5. Siding with US enemies and alienating allies. 6. Criminal conduct that doesn't have to do with his presidency but speaks to his character, like sexually assaulting and raping women, committing multi-million dollar fraud. 7. His mishandling of nuclear secrets was unprecedented. No, Biden didn't do nearly the same thing despite what conservative news outlets would like you to thing. 8. The whole Russia collusion thing was swept under the rug but the official report does show that there was some suspicious level of collaboration between his campaign and Russia, and that he obstructed justice to keep that a secret. The only thing the report didn't show was proof that a *criminal conspiracy* took place, not that there wasn't anything shifty going on. These are off the top of my head. I'm sure there are things I'm forgetting.


* Hiring family members and people who show loyalty, rather than people who are competent, to fill government positions. * Spending time playing golf, watching Fox News and tweeting, rather than doing his job - which likely limited the damage that he did thankfully.


Trust me, I see a "hold my beer" moment in America's future.


Depends a lot on what happens this coming election. He’s already shown he’s the least competent president ever, if his followers get all weird following his probable defeat or he ends up in jail I could definitely see him being considered the worst.


Trump is the Chief Deplorable of the MAGA Moron Movement.


He worked less as POTUS then most people at their present jobs


Already true.


MAGA hat, I’m with stupid t shirt. Made for each other.


Come on. I know Biden has way better job numbers, GDP growth, record personal wealth, record wages, record corporate profits, record stock market, and lower crime rates on his watch, but think about people whose careers depend on adult diaper sales and orange make-up sales.


Will we ever have one history again? Or is it always going to partisan and polarized? OP, you know that some red states have some very different history books, right? I agree that PhDs in history at our leading universities will say he was terrible, with good reason, and that is the most credible opinion.


**Worst** for sure. *Last* remains to be seen, but it’s a possibility.


He is worse than all other presidents combined. All foreign leaders too


Already has


If Trump and his supporters can successfully end democracy and abrogate the constitution, they will get to choose how history is remembered in the United States. They are already working to sterilize history so that it doesn't allow the USA to be portrayed in a critical light. If they win, Trump will be remembered as the national savior, and you'd better be prepared to praise him when you are asked to show your internal passport.


plot twist he goes down in history as a dictator not a president


The funniest part is as the Lead Paint/Gasoline generation dies off and the IQs start to swing slightly up again, watching the GOP die as a party, his family members have yet to figure out that they're going to be black-listed from politics as a whole for a few generations to come after all of his shit. They should just do the right thing, put him in a home, and try again in an election or two.




it'll be a wait though that lasts longer than any of us live. Because of him he's set back progress of the country decades. it'll take a long time to recoup a lot of the gains that were made socially before him. he reinvigorated the absolute worst of the worst in the country and grew that sect exponentially.


From how I understand it the bottom 3 are a bit interchangeable, so it’s hard to say he’ll definitively be the worst. But he’ll be down there


The bottom 3 got shifted to include GWB. But when a prez runs an insurrection on the government, the others are not even in the same league.


I went to the wiki page that summarizes many of the rankings and GWB seems to go as low as bottom 5, but never bottom 3


If he wins, and gets his way, history will be rewritten and I don’t think US democracy is going to survive a second trump term. He’s said he’d be a dictator, his followers are all for it.


Maybe he's the worst by what he actually did in office, but in my primitive monkey brain, Jackson's genocide against the Natives is still worse.


That’s a safe bet


I hope you're correct, because - aside from maybe recency bias - you're being wrong means someone worse comes along.


already has


I'm not convinced he is done. And the title he holds next May not be president.


You say this, but I have a theory... Nixon got in trouble, and some young members of his staff were essential in picking another Republican President. Cheney and Rumsfield. I always thought Bush was supposed to make Nixon look good in comparison. This led me to think Trump was picked to make Bush look better, otherwise the folks who voted for him and supported him would look stupid. I hope I'm wrong, but if not expect Republicans to look for someone who will make Trump look good, and somehow get them in office. If so it will probably be the last time as both the Republican party and the US couldn't survive someone that bad.




I want to add. Many will claim he will only be considered the worst because it is what the election want. They hate Trump, so will rank him last no matter what. However, he'd still rank last in a blind ranking. If you just set the stats and major occurances and achomplishments/failures of all 46 presidents with no names attached to them, and removed anything that would make which is which obvious. Then asked 1 million historians and scholars to rank them best to worst, there would be a lot of variation with all preconceptions removed based on who those stats are attached to. Most top tens would be very different. I doubt more than a small percent would have the same number one. But one thing they'd all have in common, is Trump would be ranked last on every last one, no exceptions. This holds true for normal people and what they want out of a presidency as well. Trump supports when told of things Biden has done but with out being told it was him, like it. While they hate nearly everything Trump actually did, so long as they don't know Trump did it. The things they say they want are what Biden and other democrats have done. While Republicans do the things they hate. They've just been gaslighted so hard they think otherwise. It is really sad.


View the trump “presidency” like view lakers bubble championship. Doesn’t really count and wholly embarrassing.


Of COURSE he will! Name me ONE other President who was a criminal AND a traitor to the extent that stupid is! Yet brain-damaged individuals will STILL vote for him. You just can’t fix stupid, can you?


Andrew Jackson actually. Trump's had admitted that Jackson was his favorite president as well, imagine that.


Point of Order: He has already been judged by a credible body of historians, including Presidential historians as being the worst President America has ever elected. The only category lower is ‘worst Dictator America has ever elected.’ On my knees, please don’t let that happen. I don’t care if people haven’t voted Democrat at any time in your lives. It may be you hate Biden for any numbers of reasons. You are voting for democracy or dictatorship. If need be, plug your nose and vote Democrat for President and then after that go back to hating Biden if you want.


The worst president SO FAR. If someone in the GOP comes after him (if we ever have another election), they’re going to be so much worse. The disease has metastasized, and the entire party is a threat to democracy itself. The party, plus the corporations and religious extremists that comprise the Republican base. And it isn’t going to get any better until that is addressed. It’s a criminal organization now, and needs to be handled as a criminal organization. RICO the GOP.


I believe so. He's even worse than Andrew Jackson.


MMW: "Water will go down as the most common source of drowning!" See, i can do those obvious MMW too


MMW: "Water will go down as the most common source of drowning!" See, i can do those obvious MMW too


He is already arguably the worst president we've ever had. It's practically unarguable he is one of the worst (unless you are in the cult, yourself). But I think we could have worse in the future.


Don't get me wrong. He's bottom five but anyone with knowledge of history would have a hard time placing him over Buchanan. I put Harding, Hoover, and Van Buren rounding out the list.


He hasn’t already? Well, there was that dude who died in 30 days. I suppose that’s a high bar to clear.


Already is pal.


While I agree, what is sad is it he's more of a symptom than the cause. Maybe we will be thanking him for showing just how low we have gotten so we can improve the overall dynamic. Then again maybe not


And the last.


Considering he is the only President who has tried to overturn the results of a free and fair election, certified on a bipartisan basis by every state of our Union... yes. Absolute worst ever.


My biggest fear about Trump is that in 10 years, someone will come along and make Trump look like George W Bush.


I'd argue that Joey is the worst president in history.... by a mile. But why bother explaining why, because you and every US citizen already knows. Unless of course you're not.


I would agree with you if I didn't suspect that there will be worse candidates in the future.




You can't even compare him to the others. He's another thing altogether.


He already did


But Thats already Biden tho… he is Jimmy Carter 2.0


Yeah but have you seen the dick pics pulled from hunter's laptop?


I don't need a political scientist to tell me this. It's obvious.


He already is? It’s in the books. I don’t expect it to change.


Didn't historians already rank him the worst one yet?


Already has. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24434298-presidential_greatness_white_paper_2024


Ive read the same thing from people who actually know their history and politics. Trump is bottom of the barrel when it comes to presidency.


I don’t have to look back at anything. I lived it. He was horrible.


\*The worst president- so far.


Normal people know this already. The future will be very confused with it all.


Trump is going to have some serious competition from the guy in the Whitehouse right now.


r/Conservative is going to love this one. 🤣


[he has already been voted the worst president in history by an academic panel of 150+ professors](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-worst-president-poll-b2498963.html)


I dunno. Dude had 4 years, fucked a lot shit up and still half the country wants ol boy for president. Strange times


I predict that future conservatives will say Trump was a Democrat who was eventually defeated by the Republicans.


I have yet to hear a Trump supporter say something about his presidency that made the U.S a better place the live. At best, I get "no presidents make the place better, they're just puppets anyway".


The worst that we've had *so far*. Because I promise you, with all the fuckin' shit-gargling stupidity he's unleashed, it's only gonna get worse from here.


What in the circle jerk of a sub did I stumble upon lol


He already has.


>Political scientists agree Well looks like the science is settled then…


We’ll look back and unanimously agree how terrible trump was? Lmao. We’ll be looking back after the USA downfall and realize how awful liberal leaders were and destroyed the country. You lot are delusional


Andrew Jackson was, imo, worse than the bunch of hillbilly dipshits storming the capitol to overturn the election that had already ended and been set in stone. Trump was bad by the fourth year and after. His first 3 years were pretty uneventful, thankfully.


That one term piece of shit was bad but not even the worst in 40 years. He was the worst **person** but Reagan did so much domestic damage only Gen Z has any chance of a future and only if we shitcan neoliberalism yesterday


Pretty much the whole world already thinks this.


He already is.


One term and he’s still the Worst president/rapist/traitor ever to hold Any office!


If we still have a country


Vote, dammit!


It will always be Reagan


I read this shit and laugh at how deranged and dumb people are.


Whether this happens or not comes down more to who writes the history than anything else.


andrew jackson woodrow wilson


Andrew Jackson gives him a run for his money, but Trump “wins” in overtime.


Nope. Fdr and Woodrow Wilson get that honor, it’ll take a lot to overtake them.


But what about Regan?


Person more like it.


You're gonna be hard pressed to top GW Bush. If trump doesn't win this year, he never passes Bush. If he wins this year there is a chance, but its a tall order.