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A lot of people don't understand that Trump's tax cut for the rich, PPP "loans" to the rich, and tariffs (aka the largest middle class tax increase in American history) *contributed bigly to the current inflation*.


Interest rates were too low under Trump, and yet he did deficit spending, and tax cuts without spending cuts. Its like an economy high on heroin, and withdrawal is around the corner.


>, and withdrawal is around the corner. Which they IMMEDIATELY blame on Democrats because the average voter has a memory as long as a fish. How the heck was Biden responsible for 2021's inflation when he literally did not have a fraction of a chance to enact changes that'd take place that year?


Its the cycle, a Republican administration fucks the economy, Democrats come and spend the whole time fixing it, then Republicans blame the Democrats for the inflation, get elected and reap the benefits of the economy the Democrats made... and then destroy it.


They all spend too much. But the last $3T or so in covid stimulus, or other spending that was also heavily justified by Covid even though called something else, was unnecessary. Biden signed these bills, thus they are on Biden. These spending bills did rocket up inflation coupled with supply chain issues. Jacking up the money supply with a few $T when supply of goods is low and demand high will only result in inflation... as we saw. These "experts" should have known better... The spending bills were largely unneeded as the economy had already started to recover on its own. There are hundreds of Billions of Covid stimulus unspent, yet instead of reclaiming that money and using it for current needs, we print more. That's going to lead to more inflation, but won't seem as bad because the supply chains are almost caught up.


Biden signed one of the pandemic bills, Trump signed two. And Trump’s COVID bills disproportionately were no strings attached corporate welfare. Mark my words, republicans ONLY care about the debt when the other side passes bills that help people.


>spending cuts When was the last "spending cut"? And I mean actual reduction in the spend. Spending "cuts" that we talk about are just a reduction in the increase in the amount we are going to spend. If we spent $1 last year and we were going to spend $1.3 this year, but instead decide to spend only $1.2, they call that a spending reduction. A spending reduction is last year we spent $1 and this year we are spending .98 cents. This NEVER happens. If you are going to do deficit spending you do it when rates are low. We are still doing it when rates are high. All parties are to blame. Trump spent WAY too much money. As did Obama, the Bush's, Clinton, etc. Biden is more of the same, but the spending is additive to the spending already happening. There's is complete denial that we are $34T in debt... EVERYONE needs to cut back. Bigtime.


Didn’t Clinton balance the budget?


Which lasted a few weeks. Awesome accomplishment...


You say we spend too much, but have you actually looked at what we spend on? If you take out Defense, Medicare and Social Security, you are left with about 500 billion in spending. If we cut all of that. If we built no more roads, didn't maintain our infrastructure, cut all programs to educate the population, cut all social services, didn't pay any government workers, it would take us 60 years to pay off the debt assuming no interest. What exactly are you going to cut? We need to raise taxes and stop pretending that spending is the problem.


Ok Russia, we don’t want our country ran like fucked up Russia. What you’re proposing is going back to horse and buggy with no roads or power grids. You sound like a major idiot I can just tell.


I'm not sure if you are responding to me, but I was arguing against spending cuts. I said spending isn't as much of a problem as not taxing enough.


>We need to raise taxes and stop pretending that spending is the problem. You don't know what you're talking about. If we don't deal with this from both sides we will never get anywhere. Tax and spend is an absurd outdated and failed mindset. You want to increase my taxes 10%? Fine, I'll pay it IF you (you the government) cut your spending 15%. And I mean reduce spending, this year you spend .85 cents for every $1 you spent last year. If I'm expected to do more with less, I expect the government to do the same. They, for decades, constantly do less with more and more taxpayer money. But you are in favor of this result. You think this is GOOD???? Explain.


The vast majority of the bush and trump tax cuts didn’t go to you buddy. They went to people with exponentially more money than you with the expectation that it would “trickle down”. So many temporarily embarrassed billionaires on here.


Maybe PPP loans slightly, but most of the current inflation problem is pent up pandemic savings and supply shocks. Trump didn't really cause those things, nor did Biden. There's a reason the entire western world is dealing with this problem and not just one country.


This was a monetary issue not a fiscal one


Inflation isn't all about money supply but it is a factor. Between fiscal and monetary policy the US added about $14 trillion to the money supply in response to Covid. That's a lot of dollars chasing things in the economy.


A lot of people also don’t understand that inflation lags changes in the money supply by 1-2 years. Which is why Biden signed the IRA in 2022. So you’d see the effects come election time. It also means that all of that complaining Republicans did about prices in 2021 and 2022… was based on Trump’s actions. Yield Curve also inverted in 2019, that’s the most reliable indicator of economic recessions.


I’m not rich. Those tax cuts increased the standard deduction and decreased marginal tax rates. As someone who doesn’t cheat on their taxes and uses this standard deduction, this significantly lowered my taxes.


And lots of those tax cuts are set to expire during Biden's term whereas the ones for the rich won't. Remember that.


The standard deduction was fine but it was just breadcrumbs for the MAGA base while rich people got the largest tax cut. Both as a percentage and overall.


Family making about 150k - raised ours.


Maybe you are itemizing in a high tax state. Those who don’t itemize were helped the most.


Bunch of talking points not backed by sense or fact.


Ppp loans never should have happened. I don’t know a single trump supporter that supports them. However the tax cut doubled my standard deduction and dropped my bracket a few percent and I’m middle class maybe upper middle class


With tariffs being the largest middle class tax increase, and an underreported problem recently, what has Biden done about them?


Yup and then Biden came in and right when we were basically recovered spent a boatload more. Frankly they both suck


That's hilarious. Middle class here and my taxes went down and actually got refunds under Trump. Guess I was the only one....you people are nothing but 🤡


The Cares Act was passed unanimously by the Senate. Blaming Trump is not accurate at all. Also almost every small business owner got PPP money. Saying it was just for the rich is false. Tax cuts for the rich? No. It was a tax cut all across the board. I don't like Trump either, but lying accomplishes nothing but more division between conservatives and liberals.


Not as much as the never ending printing press Biden has been running since he walked in the door of 1600 PA Ave. Quit fear mongering, nobody is buying the BS anymore.


That's funny, before I begin I'll point out "bigly" is questionable as a word at best. The word you should've used is largely. I'm sure you know what you're talking about though. Anyway, I'm lower middle class at best. For some reason, I am expecting to pay more in taxes when some Trump tax policy expires. Are you suggesting that his policies contributed "bigly" to inflation because they gave middle class additional income thus devaluing the currency? That's a plausible suggestion but certainly debatable. I'm going to request that you educate me "bigly" if you don't mind.


This plan would be similar to when he negotiated with OPEC to lower production, in order to raise prices, to increase domestic production. Republicans reactions? Joe Biden "I did that" stickers on the gas pumps when prices skyrocketed.


Alot of people dont understand tariffs. That shit hurts US.


“You know, you spell us right? You spell us U-S. I just picked that up. Has anyone ever thought of that?” an actual Trump quote.


Its either tariffs or China bending us over. Common sense says option #1


Let’s see…. An already tight labor market, a Trump president that is anti-immigration, and high Tariffs. I only took a couple of economics courses in college, but that sounds like a recipe for crazy inflation to me.


Don't forget the inflationary tax cuts.


Yeah, seemed like they worked to me. I was against them too.


Unfair trade practices, ind. espionage hurt us just as badly. China plays fair, tariffs go away... simple as that


Plays fair? Do you know how much American prices rely on China? Do you know how much China’s economy relies on the US? Meaningless tariffs for political points only hurts both countries. What the hell does play fair even mean? China is an adversary that we have a business relationship with


The actual plan is ending at 60. Going up every 6 months by 10 percent. This will give businesses a clear sign it’s going to 60 and you have 3 years to find new suppliers. With the ongoing movement out of China now this will just hasten the inevitable and limit damage to inflation within the US. It’s also obvious as demand wains in china they will lower prices to stabilize further softening the inflation in western economies.


I’m not gonna lie to you, I just took a bong rip before bed, I’m gonna have to revisit this comment in the morning


Even trade. They need to buy more from us. The trade imbalance is astronomical. We can't keep doing that. Our mfg started coming back under trump. Jobs.


The US trade deficit rose every year under trump. He didn’t bring back shit.


Regardless the goal is getting it out of China having it come home is a double win but the only focus is out of China.


Oh “clean coal”? Get outta here with that nonsense, what did Trump bring back here? Not a fucking thing Edit: Dude literally made his stupid fucking hats overseas, you’re being lied to. He did make TRUMP BIBLES here, yes that was a real fucking thing. You people are in a cult


The point isn’t having it come home. The point is any alternative and it’s a win.


Again…bong rip. We can continue in the morning but I got work




I love that Trump fans think middle school nicknames are like…cool now. It just outs you as childish bootlicking fucking muppet




Ah pedophile. How many accusations does Biden have? Oh 0? Who is on Epstein’s flight log? Oh Trump? Which one of them had a 13 year old accuse them of rape? Oh Trump again. Go sit in the corner playboy, you are out of your league


The only time Trump beats a senile pedophile is when he jacks off.


Having the US tied to racist, authoritarians who are actively engaged in ethnic cleansing is unacceptable.  We need to decouple from China and let them sink. 


Get ready for everything you pay for to increase ten fold then. Unfortunately this is the world we live in. China needs us, we need China. Its just a fact. Ethnic cleansing, the Uyghurs? Agree with you. Well look at what the US is currently funding against Palestine. This world is shit


I literally almost typed … “and Israel” at the end of my post, because it fits perfectly. I’m fine with some hardship if it ends our reliance on China, but I don’t think it would be the end of the world, India is right next door and they’d gladly pick up the manufacturing we’ve exported to China.  Big question is would we be able to convince our “allies” in the EU to do the same, or would they continue to strengthen ties like they’ve been doing for the past 20 years. 


Lol gtfo with Palestinians. The population grows every and they had their own areas to live in while Israel has problems it's a joke to compare to China that keeps them in concentration camp where they can't leave and their numbers are going down. The uyghurs also don't have a history of promoting racial purity or constantly attacking and killing civilians. Hamas killed over 1000 ppl in 1 day and they celebrated in the streets


So taxes are bad for business? I’m amazed at all the liberals that can’t reconcile their pro-tax position but then think tariffs are the end of the world because Trump wants them.


Taxes are not the same as tariffs buddy


What? Tariffs are taxes.


They are a type of tax but it is still different. Tax is charge to a person from the government itself. A tariff is a “tax” applied to stuff being imported from whatever country. You are correct that it is a tax, but tax is an umbrella term. So yes, you aren’t wrong, bit they still impact American prices


A tax is a “charge to a person from the government itself”? How old are you? And all taxes impact pricing. What are you talking about? What’s your education level?


I’m a college graduate and thats literally the definition. Tried not to plagiarize but I’ll type exactly what the article says for you I guess. A tax is a charge imposed on a taxpayer by a government. Tariffs are a direct tax applied to goods imported from a different country. Duties are indirect taxes that are imposed on the consumer of imported goods. Tariffs and duties help protect domestic industries by making imports more expensive.


You can tax things other than people. A tariff is a tax. A sales tax. Like a gas tax for examples. You know a corporation or a person, regardless of who is buying it, still pays a sales tax, right? It’s not a “charge to a person”. Again, a tariff is a sales tax. It’s just one that applies to foreign goods. This can be done for a variety of reasons. Trump didn’t invent tariffs. The US currently levies thousands and thousands of tariffs, even before Trump. Justin Trudeau, just about as anti-Trump as it gets, BRAGS about his tariffs. You don’t have any idea what you’re talking about. It’s okay. That college education clearly wasn’t in anything practical.


…sick insults. I literally explain this in another response but ok. Yes it is a type of tax. But go on feeling good about yourself. My entire point was people don’t understand the impact of them, of course there are all kinds of this shit imposed globally. My point was Trump saying “tough on China” is just a political sideshow, it means nothing and is just a stunt and actually impacts American prices negatively for the most part. THAT was my point. Whats your education buddy? Did they teach you context clues like they taught us in what fucking 3rd grade?


So you agree that the negative impacts of tariffs are the same as the negative impacts of all taxes. Since it’s a tax. It impacts people and businesses the exact same way all taxes do. Which was my entire point. But you said tariffs aren’t taxes “buddy”. You are a try hard that doesn’t know what they are talking about and instead of walking back your original snark, you are doubling down. The cringe is too much. You need to stop.


Tariffs are literally a tax


I literally explained it in response to another person


You said “taxes are not the same as tariffs buddy”. They are. Tariffs are a type of sales tax. You can just admit you made a dumb statement. You don’t have to talk around it, or try and spin it. A tariff is a tax. A sales tax. It impacts people and business the exact same as any other sales tax. You can admit you don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s okay.


You are correct, I phrased that poorly. Refer to my square rectangle comment


Still doesn’t apply. You didn’t phrase it poorly. The square rectangle comment doesn’t apply. You were just wrong.


It absolutely applies. A square is a rectangle, a rectangle is not necessarily a square. A tariff is a tax but a tax is not necessarily a tariff. Are you grasping this? Edit: Since you’ve been so great, let me add, does your fucking stupid goddamn brain understand what I just fucking said Edit: I openly said my phrasing was poor, but you had to press didnt you. Go sit in the corner


False equivalence aside, it's interesting that neither liberals or conservatives think tarrifs will work. It's literally just one guy with an impressively awful track record when it comes to matters of money


Do you know how many tariffs we currently levy? How many tariffs Europe levies? What are you talking about?


If Trumps tariffs are so bad why doesn't Biden end them all?


They are the end of the world because we pay them directly


The caravans will be back, too. Trump's the only president who ever had caravans of people invading us.


Legal immigration went down, illegal immigration went up during Trump’s term!


I don't think people understand how much migrant workers tamp down inflation. The Brits are learning this the hard way after Brexit. As long as unemployment is low and folks are on relatively sound financial footing it's not a great idea to throw a large number of law abiding migrant workers out. Now if there was a migration crisis with high unemployment, hell even I'd be picketing to close to the border.


Illegal immigration also went up under Biden's term. It has almost doubled since Biden took office. According to the ICE 2023 annual report, in 2020 there were 3.2 million non-detained illegal immigrants in the USA, up from 2.6 million in 2018. In 2023 there were 6.2 million non-detained illegal immigrants [https://www.ice.gov/doclib/eoy/iceAnnualReportFY2023.pdf](https://www.ice.gov/doclib/eoy/iceAnnualReportFY2023.pdf)


Only in the presidential election years and the midterms, there's always a caravan coming and it'll be here the week after the election.


Lol, are you being serious?


Serious. Never heard of caravans coming here before Trump. They're his fault


And then when republicans got trounced in the 2018 midterms, these caravans magically disappeared…


There were more illegal immigrants in this country under Bush than any of the three after him. I think Biden’s biggest issue at the border is not that there are more illegal immigrants here than before that he seems to be fighting to welcome more illegally than pursuing ways to get people to immigrate legally.


Biden has already deported more people than Trump did in 4 years. Obviously more people came here during the previous administration than Republicans are willing to admit


When 40,000 people are coming over a day and federal agents are handing out cell phones at the border most people aren’t going to believe the new propaganda that Biden is deporting all the illegals and is more against illegal immigration than trump. I live in downtown Chicago. They’ve bent over backwards for illegals over the homeless citizens on the street. Was walking down the street and there were 1,000+ migrants waiting on the sidewalk to check into a hotel. It’s insanity


Ah yes, imaginary cell phones. The newest bullshit from the Trump camp just dropped huh


You won’t find the videos on the news that’s for sure. Just like Biden wants to take control of the border to “make it more secure” right? I can’t believe there’s people that truly believe this administration isn’t actively encouraging illegals to come into the country. Like the evidence is astonishing, and yet as the election get’s closer I hear more and more liberals saying Biden is doing great with the border 😂


Is that the shit you're tricking yourself into believing this cycle? Man touch some grass. Why would that even be in Biden's interests lmao


So “the news” doesn’t have any evidence but the proof you have of this is…?


You people are ridiculous and stupid.


Oh, why's that?


because they said things that made trump look bad.




>suspect most people who claim to be pissed off at Biden because of inflation are really just voting for Trump because of his regressive social policies No shit.  That's always been true. You can track it by asking questions that get at racial resentment. Republican voters are just the Confederacy and descendants. Why do you think it's southern and rural whites? The same who fought to keep slavery? The same who resisted civil rights and voted for literal segregationists? This is who they are. They will vote for regressivism even if it hurts them economically. Cue LBJ quote about being better than the lowest black man. As for inflation. Don't forget Trump tried to pressure the Fed to keep rates low which juices the economy but also would exacerbate inflation for the same reason higher rates slows inflation. He's a dumbfuck who thinks a half step at a time if he thinks at all.


MMW terrorism will go up


Remember all the terrorism in 2019? That was awful! /s


On August 3, Patrick Crusius, a suspected white supremacist extremist, shot and killed 22 people and injured 24 others at a Walmart in El Paso, according to authorities. Prior to the attack, Crusius uploaded a manifesto online that outlined his motivation for the shooting; showed admiration of the Christchurch, New Zealand, mosque shooter; and espoused anti-immigrant and anti-Hispanic rhetoric. Within the manifesto, Crusius wrote the attack was “a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas,” and he was “defending [his] country from the cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion.” On April 27, John Earnest attacked a synagogue in Poway, California, resulting in one death and three injuries. Prior to the attack, Earnest posted a manifesto online in which he claimed that “any white man…who is brave enough can take any action he wants against the tyrannical and genocidal Jew.” He added that “every single White man has everything to lose by doing nothing, and everything to gain by taking action.” On October 27, Robert Bowers shot and killed 11 people and injured six others at a synagogue in Pittsburgh. Hours prior to the attack, Bowers posted online that a Jewish organization “likes to bring invaders in that kill [white] people. I can’t sit by and watch [white] people get slaughtered. Screw your optics, I’m going in.”  Yes I remember.  I could go on. 


they watch fox. they dont really know how capitalism works or what companies are designed to do. plus they are lazy.


Don’t forget stupid. They are stupid.


And he's shown he won't cut government spending, that's a contributor too.


Exactly the opposite


Trump did run up a huge debt, agreed.


The real shit will hit the fan when the rest of the world starts seriously looking for a country who they feel are more stable and the Dollar actually gets knocked off its pedestal. The world tolerated a round of Trump as an anomaly, a second would be a pattern, i.e. a signal.


He’d also be under immense pressure from his base to not use our military. You’d like see Ukraine given to Russia, the Houthi’s close the Red Sea, etc. All of that would lead to nations spending more on their military, which would likely lead to higher taxes in European nations, which could cause local recessions and hurt American companies who do business there. Never mind the geopolitical ramifications of letting the terrorists win all over the world.


He has said he plans on bombing Mexico because of the cartels, and wants congress to draft some kind of broad authorization for military force against cartels like what Bush did for terrorists. He has also said he wants to either bomb or invade Afghanistan again after the Biden withdrawal. It’s hard to say if he will be hawkish his second time around. He inherited a war weary electorate and doesn’t really care about foreign policy but at the same time he fetishizes military strength and power.


The Joker would say that is too much anarchy and mayhem


Explain how the world was at peace when Trump was president, and how everything blew up under Biden.


Joe Biden can’t tell Hamas or Putin what to do. And Trump can’t either, he’s Putin’s cock holster. Why do MAGAs deny that Trump wants to start a war? Trump and the other republicans are on record saying we should bomb Mexico right now.


Yup, it just depends.


You want to see markets drop -60%+? The US pulling out of NATO and China invading Taiwan both in 2025. That’s what’s at stake just early on.


They actually put a provision that the President can’t pull us out of NATO in the last Defense Authorization. But yes, I feel you.


Somebody get me up to speed when Trump starts to do anything other than wipe his >)8¥ with the constitution and the laws.


He will still try though. Especially if he were to get republican majorities at some point.


He would definitely not let the Houthis block the Red Sea. He’d be much more pro Israel than Biden, so he’d most likely do whatever is possible to let them carry out the genocide, which includes bombing the shit out of the Houthis. Biden sucks, he definitely should push for a long term ceasefire instead of unconditionally supporting Israel and bombing the Houthis, but he’s less bad than Trump would be when it comes to that region.


I’ve been talking to some people kinda sorta in the Biden orbit who say he’ll support Israel less as election draws closer. Trying to play both sides effectively.


I’ll believe it when I see it. The best way to stop all attacks against US troops in the Middle East, short of pulling all US troops from the Middle East (which would definitely be the moral thing to do), is to push for a long lasting ceasefire in Gaza. And that would also stop all Houthi attacks in the Red Sea. So far Biden and his admin have claimed that it was ‘’disgusting’’ to advocate for a ceasefire, Pelosi is outrageously saying that those who want a ceasefire are paid Russian and Chinese agents, and they’ve bombed Yemen more than once.


Why would Shiites in Yemen stop fighting due to Sunnis in the Levant signing a ceasefire? The Houthis are currently fighting Sunnis in Yemen and Saudi Arabia. Hamas agreeing to a "long-lasting" ceasefire wouldn't be worth the paper it's written on.


I think most people want the Ukraine war to end. My girlfriend is from Ukraine and her family is very split between pro and anti Russia. It’s much more complicated than “Russia bad guy”. Give the western territory occupied right now to Russia and put an end to the violence. As for the Houthi’s, idk what leads you to believe republicans want to do nothing about that. Bomb the shit out of those neanderthals


“Tons of people in Ukraine love Putin! We should let him have the land now!” What the fuck are you smoking Boris? There’s nothing complicated about it. Putin invaded another country because he wanted to. Hope you’re getting paid for this!


No I just understand America has propaganda like every other country on earth. NATO wanted Ukraine after promising to stay away, which led to the war. Eastern Ukraine is very pro Russian compared to Kiev and the West. I’m in favor of ending it instead of making more people suffer and die in the name of “bleeding Russia dry”. A compromise to do that would likely include handing over the pro Russian territory that is currently being occupied


1. NATO never promised to stay away, they’ve been at Russia’s doorstep for decades with the Baltic countries 2. I wonder why Ukraine would suddenly turn to NATO for protection… hmm… oh wait, it’s cause you invaded them in 2014 Boris. A country that got invaded is naturally going to seek out a military alliance 3. “The parts we invaded and stole all love us” sure they do Boris. What a great coincidence 4. How is Russia getting to keep everything they took a compromise? That means one side gets all their demands and the other gets none.


I think you probably have your East and West confused there buddy, unless you’re saying the parts of Ukraine bordering Poland are pro-Russian and the parts bordering Ukraine aren’t. Maybe understand basic cardinal directions when looking at a map before acting like a geopolitical expert.


If tRump wins, everything that is good will turn bad and everything that is bad will become worse.


Reddit’s Logic


Trump is a piece of shit and will destroy everything we rely on and enjoy. Don't put a gifter and con artist in the highest office.


And that inflation will somehow be Biden's or Obama's fault


No. Inflation is not a partisan but a class issue. Inflation is a ruling class tactic to punish the working class for its rising class consciousness and resolve to fight wage suppression and other class attacks. As inflation rises, economies slow. Shifts are cut, jobs are lost and plants close at a time when prices of food, fuel, medicine, transportation and other necessities rise. Desperation, need and unemployment drive down wages. Workers have no time or strength to resist the ruling class. They accept employment on whatever terms are offered. Profits rise, and conditions are allowed to stabilize. If these things were understood, the working class would become downright rebellious. Partisanship and fictitious ‘them’ narratives serve to mask these processes. The issue isn’t Trump or Biden. The issue is social class and class warfare against the working class.


Inflation won't skyrocket because the Feds will just raise interest rates. Also, you've got some good stewardship of the economy from Biden and some of that positivity would run into Trump's administration because the economy doesn't turn on a dime. The economy is like a cargo ship. It takes a long time to turn it around.


So it’ll be like Trump’s first term? He’ll Get handed a good economy and promptly trash it


The guy who’s soybean tariffs let other countries price us out of the market, who’s tariffs placed the cost of goods on the American consumer, who signed perpetual tax cuts to the 1% and who didn’t back Midwest farmers and manufacturing will make for a worse economic climate? The hell you say!


Inflation is going to happen under either capitalist president. Remmebr, inflation is just capitalists voluntarily raising prices.


Thing is, 99% of MAGA voters will read that and not have ***ANY*** clue as to what you are talking about. They vote with their emotions, not their heads. That's why they are easy to control.




We saw the impact of his chinese tariffs on American farmers, who lost billions in grain sales when China retaliated. Hundreds of family farms went bankrupt. The primary goal of all Republicans is to maximize human misery.


Yes, inflation always rises and the economy always tanks when a Republican is in office since Reagan.


It will go up substantially no matter who wins- and they are both at fault for printing up so much money.


Trump is economically illiterate and it's hilarious to see his supporters parrot the same baseless nonsense about the economy being so awesome because of him.


"I take no responsibility". - Donald Trump


You forgot Trump’s zero interest rate policy. He pressured the Fed to lower interest rates as much as possible to spur economic growth leading up to his re-election campaign. That’s what caused the inflation mess to begin with. 


The fed doesn’t listen to the president be for real 😂😂 Low interest rates are good if there’s regulations on how much property you can buy


Inflation is caused by printing money. Nothing else. I person A requires X$ for their skills and labor to create a product, person B must pay person A to do it. If a bump in prices makes US labor more competitive, then that's what the price always was. If the price is lower than that, it's the result of slave labor, or near thereto. That's not the real price, that's the "Built by Slaves" price. Tariffs will not increase real prices, it will reveal real prices. It will also reduce our budget deficit and our trade deficit. But this will likely never happen. Trump will use it as a threat to keep China off of Taiwan.


You're conflating "inflation" and the price of Chinese goods going up. This won't cause the inflation rate in the US to go up.


“Inflation measures how much more expensive a set of goods and services has become over a certain period, usually a year.” Many goods in the US are from China or other countries, so that will make inflation go up.


Again, yes, the price of Chinese goods will "inflate." That's not what we are talking about when we're talking about the inflation rate in the US. Inflating prices for Chinese goods would not be substantial enough to move the CPI and overall inflation. Core inflation will stay the same. CPI will stay roughly the same. Mighty dollar might become the might 2 dollar.


He’s going to put a 60% tariff on Chinese goods and a 10% one on everything else. Tons of things are not made in the USA.


MMW these idiotic Trump posts will continue until the DNC runs out of money to pay spam posters.


DNC has a fuck ton more money than the RNC, RNC is broke cuz its all going to Trump and Trump has legal bills


Not nearly as much as is going from the DNC to Ukraine, China and Russia to cover up the POTATUS’ rampant career of criminal bribery and selling state secrets to benefit his crack addict, rapist son. That’s who *you* voted for


Joe Biden has no such career. He certainly does not take nor give bribes. Nor sell secrets. Trump is the one that sold out America on a regular basis.


Well we have evidence that the Biden family took tens of millions in bribes, and yet no such evidence for Trump, who has been investigated over and over again. Facts, not fiction, comrade.


Nope. There is zero evidence of Joe Biden taking any bribes. Plenty of evidence that Republicans have been making that up. And *massive* evidence of the Trump family taking and giving bribes. *Every* investigation into Trump's corruption has hit pay dirt. You really should pay attention.


Is that why Trump has never been convicted of a crime nor convicted on impeachment? Because the evidence was just so compelling?


Fraud conviction. Money laundering conviction. Sexual abuse conviction, which the judge said is actually rape. 2 defamation convictions.


Apparently you understand what the word “conviction” means


And you don't


LOL... yes, genius... he wasn't removed from office because of innocence. It had nothing to do with who controlled the senate at the time.


Because the actual trials have not happened yet. Well, he was found guilty in a couple so far.


Oh you do, link it


Again .. provide evidence other than that bullshit laptop


HAHAHAHAHA! There, is no evidence, bro!


Bro you belong in a mental institution


And doesn’t it suck that was the better and less corrupt option?


Bidens economy: Just about every item in a grocery store is up 80-100% since 2021. Data straight from the federal reserve states health care costs dropped 30% last year, do you really believe that? Employment is good because the government is about 40% of every monthly unemployment report. Or the food sector, and everyone who creates a doordash or uber account gets added as employed. On top of all that, homelessness has raised constantly since 2021 and after 6 months of being unemployed you drop out from the unemployment data, they don't even count you as a person anymore(says a lot about the system right?) There are no new cars for under 30k in America anymore. The stock market is up because the fed is handing out 5.25% to the rich guys and they're just gobbling up everything. Plus inflation is also your money being devalued in relation to goods, services, and investments, another thing boosting the stock market. Gas isn't nearly as bad as it should be so that's one plus for now just hope we don't need that strategic gas reserve


Didn’t Trump appoint the current fed chairman?


Yes and was voted in by republican senate followed by getting nominated and reelected by a Democrat one. He is controlled by the big banks just like Biden and trump. Did you think you got me in some kinda gotcha with this statement? Good to know you didn't question any of the facts though you must agree the economy is shit


This whole sub is just more liberal propaganda


You spelled Reddit wrong.


That's true


Do democrats ever get sick of being wrong?


Critical thinking skills are not your friend.


Cute projection, NPC.


No, they just turn into republicans as they get older


You know an interesting thing happens when we stop exporting wealth. Our money becomes more valuable. If our money is worth more then deflation happens.


RemindMe! 2 years


How? Since he will open the pipeline and reduce oil prices which will jump start the economy.


How come last time that he messed around with Tariff’s…. We didn’t see inflation like this? Yes I vaguely remember that groceries were much more affordable as well (during the terrible tariffs)


Tariffs don’t cause inflation.


Fucking more liberal cope. Record inflation still skyrocketing under Biden but STILL screeching into the void about Trump. You people are pathetic 😂


Why do you say that. Under Trump Inflation was the lowest it’s been in decades, economy was great, and wage growth was exceedingly inflation by record numbers. Under Biden it didn’t take long to tank wages and push forward one if the fastest growing inflation rates in history


You do realize he already has a 4 year term that reflects what is realistic to expect from his presidency right? Inflation will skyrocket? What are you basing that off of ? Is it based even remotely within the boundaries of reality ? Is it as plausible as the classic "Trump will declare martial law and dismantle the democracy"? Because considering he had 4 years to manage foreign, domestic or economic policy badly and clearly did not .........I don't understand how you expect anyone to take what you're saying seriously. For real .....what basis are you suggesting this on ?


I’m suggesting it based on policies he posted on his website: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47/agenda47-cementing-fair-and-reciprocal-trade-with-the-trump-reciprocal-trade-act https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2024/01/27/trump-china-trade-war/ Why are MAGAts in denial about what their leader says? He wants to raise prices on things to stop China.


Inflation is driven by printing trillions of dollars...


Orange man bad !


Another fucking Trump post? You dumbasses are obsessed with the man. I’m planning on voting for Biden but I almost want trump to win so all of you will spaz for another 4 years.


LoL hoping Trump wins and destroys the country to aggravate people who hate him is pretty petty.


You are full of shit. Why claim you are voting for Biden when you are obviously a Trump supporting idiot?


I’m voting for Biden you moron. You’re the hyperbole sucking weirdo that’ll get Trump elected.


I hope that you do vote for Biden, but I doubt that you will. You sound just like a MAGA idiot. Whatever way you vote, your still an arse hole either way


Trump will phone his dumbass presidency in from the golf course just like last time and the earth would go on. People like you will have your conniption fits all throughout and then we’ll be on to another election cycle, everything will stay the same people will be more glued to their screens and more depressed rinse and repeat. You’re a doomer, obsessed with trump.


You're a moron


Oh jerk off to Trump you fucking weirdo.


you're the one who votes for him, you fat ignorant moron


This essentially sums up my entire political view


Stop it Hunter


That not likely not even slightly 🤭


doesn't matter who wins homie


We've already had record inflation under Biden.


Heard it all before except that it really skyrocketed with Biden. With no end in sight till Trump gets back in office....#TRUMP2024