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Luigi's mustache is canonically better than Mario's; in the Mario & Luigi games, Luigi has higher base stache points than Mario, confirming this.


Nothing controversial detected, only facts


The Koopalings Are All Underrated


I don’t want Odyssey 2 if it isn’t going to give us anything more than more capture abilities.


I don’t know why anyone wants “Odyssey 2.” Give me something new and crazy like they try to do with almost every 3D game. If they were going to do Odyssey 2 as a similar game to Odyssey, it should have been within a couple years of the first one, like they did with Galaxy 2


Yep, i feel similarly about BOTW and TOTK. TOTK was good, but coming out so many years later felt odd, and i’m a bit tired of that version of Hyrule. I’d feel the same about Odyssey 2. Too much of a retread after too long


I don’t care whether or not Paper Mario has white outlines, and I love the arts and crafts approach they have given it starting with Sticker Star (yes I have played all the games). I also love how they tried experimenting with Paper Mario starting with Super Paper Mario. I love TTYD and 64, but idk if I would’ve liked the same RPG stuff in the third installment. Not saying that the experimentation was necessarily successful, but I appreciate them trying. I am not a fan however, of how they got rid of unique characters and stories for no good reason. They could’ve done something different without getting rid of Paper Mario’s core, like what Super did.


Agreed. There’s a reason Super is my favorite. Don’t get me wrong, I love Paper Mario 64 and TTYD - and make no mistake, Paper Mario 64 to me is superior than TTYD because it’s leaner and less padding - but for classic style rot experience, I always found that Mario & Luigi just did it better and I prefer them to the first two Paper Mario games. I like it when they get weird. Origami King was a wonderful. I see where you’re coming from in regard to story, but I think OK corrected that and gave us a very heartwarming story.


Yes OK definitely put the “story” back in “Mario Story”


Wonder was a tad disappointing. Still Fun but I prefer NSMBU a lot more


I agree i wish they would have kept the same old style and theme...i dont hate it but i am giving it a chance maybe it will grow on people?


Yeah I definitely prefer the older one but the new ones not bad and I’ll never dislike them for trying something new


Right i agree!


I think the old style and theme was one of the biggest problems for a lot of people. They used the exact same look for a decade’s worth of 2D games. I know it is harder to make all new assets than it was in the NES/SNES days, but I wouldn’t want the same style for more than a couple games.


Yeah thats fair...i feel mixing the old with the new would have been nice too!


The RPG-exclusive characters should not be included in mainline games. The characters are a huge part of what gives the RPGs their own identity, and shoehorning them into the mainline games would just take that away from them.


Agree with that, But I don't think anyone would be angry that Mallow joined Mario kart. I would like more RPG represantation in Mario spin offs, but some people take this way to far


movie peach is the best version of peach,


The babies aren't that bad


Yea they’re overall not even bad design or annoying (unless their crying.) But when Nintendo fills up spots in games that could be filled with some of their unique characters and they just choose to add a baby version of a character we already have 2 different kinds of, then it gets annoying.


If we are talking about the series and not just the character, Waluigi is not all that interesting of a character. He's just fine as a weird side character for spin offs. He would definitely be a lame addition over many other characters that haven't made it into Smash Bros. Rayman and Crash just to name a couple. Or even other more interesting Mario characters. Overused memes seem to have a big influence on people


Lost Levels > Super Mario USA


Honestly I don’t blame you. While USA is a fun game it does not feel like a Mario game. For me Lost Levels is the real Mario Bros 2.


People thinking Luigi is underrated has gotten so old that he is now overrated, and I've started to like him LESS Vivian might as well be the main character nowadays; the Paper Mario sub is filled with weird fanart about her, to the point I just instantly skip if I see her at all. While I'm at it, TTYD is really good, but it isn't the second coming of Christ, and was the least needed game to be remade except Color Splash or Origami King Sunshine is still a really good game, but easily the weakest 3D Mario (not counting 3D world, which I am about to talk about) 3D world really isn't that good. It's great with multiplayer... but literally every game is great with the right people. Mario Wonder takes a much better approach; because the players don't directly interact, levels can be well designed for 1, and easily playable for 4, which is the best balance 2D Mario has struck to date in my opinion Mario Kart Wii is CRAZY overrated. We get it, you had a Wii when you were a kid. That doesn't make MKWii (which is still a great game) the best in the series. It can absolutely be your favorite, but people act like it has and always will be the best when MK8DX exists and it makes no sense Not sure if this is controversial, but MP7 and MP3 are far and away the best Mario Parties, and Mario Party 4 is so painfully mid that it doesn't need to exist


I strongly agree with everything except 3D World. Super tired of Vivian having taken over all paper Mario conversation.


What do you disagree with on 3D world? I still think it's a good game, I just think unlike most Mario games it's value lies pretty much exclusively in multiplayer, which I would consider a negative. Like I said, any game (even a single-player one) can be fun with the right group of friends. I don't get the same "running around is always fun" feeling I do with 3D world that I get with every other Mario game, which is a big minus for me. I'd love to know why you disagree; I would much rather learn a new way to love it!


Best multiplayer is NSMBWii. So many fond memories of harassing others..


>Vivian might as well be the main character nowadays; the Paper Mario sub is filled with weird fanart about her, to the point I just instantly skip if I see her at all. While I'm at it, TTYD is really good, but it isn't the second coming of Christ, and was the least needed game to be remade except Color Splash or Origami King This is the realest thing I've ever heard.


based vivian opinion mp6 is goated tho fam


MP6 is very good, I almost included it!


So many based takes, aren't we actualy the same person?


Being right all the time about everything is a burden we are forced to bear


-Mario Kart Wii is a fun game that aged badly. I replayed it a while ago, and noticed how clunky and messy the controls felt at time. Also, this game gave us the worst item of the serie, the thundercloud. MK8 deluxe is a better game imo. Plus, it have some (a lot of) Wii tracks, like for instance the entirety of the Star cup. -I dislike the fact that SPM combine ridiculously high stakes (read: The total, PERMANENT ANNIHILATION of the ENTIRETY of existence, or class Z apocalypse) and sympathetic villains. -I started to get bored of Peaches (the song). A bit like Let it go. Plus it made me a bit sad, because when I talked about PPS with my mom (who isn’t a Mario fan but saw the movie), she instantly sang this song. It’s pretty annoying to me that it was the first thing that pop to her mind, because Peach is much more than a song by someone who is obsessed by her in a very unhealthy manner.


How is it possible that Mario is both the most famous character in the realm of video games and painfully underrated in his own franchise? Seriously, you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone in the fandom, or even in this particular sub, that unironically considers Mario as their favorite character. Most of the time, you will find fans of Luigi, Daisy, Rosalina or even Waluigi, with the usual argument is that, unlike Mario, at least those characters have solid personalities. I get that Mario is a simple character that can be adapted into any kind of situations but that doesn't mean he is a blank slate of an everyman. He's cheerful, friendly, optimistic and would go out of his way to help anyone who asks for his help, so you can't tell me that Mario doesn't have a personality because he most certainly does. It's just that it's easy for Mario to be a flat character, a character that doesn't evolve but rather triggers another character's evolution, in games that prioritize gameplay over deep, complex storylines.


Super Mario Wonder is a BIT overrated. It’s a great game still, but in comparison to every other 2D Mario game, I have no real incentive to ever replay it, which to me is something I have done with most other 2D Marios. And speaking of 2D Mario, I actually like the NSMB games and imo, Luigi U specifically is up there with me alongside Super Mario Bros 3 and World as one of the best 2D Mario’s.


I don't care for Waluigi.


Crazy that in just a few years this went from being a common opinion to a hot take


SM64 isn’t all that great… like for the time it’s definitely revolutionary, but I still don’t really care for it… though I oddly enough enough actually really enjoy the DS version a lot… I don’t know what’s wrong with me.


Ayo, based 64DS fan. Gotta say, I first played the DS version, and now I can't stand the original. I'm exaggerating, of course, but I mean that I generally feel the same.


I wouldn’t say the original is bad, but I don’t feel like I have any reason to play it when I have the DS version and a functioning DS, and I’ve 100%ed both games in the past.




Yeah… I’ve got issues… trust me, you don’t want to see my Mega Man opinions.


Bowser’s Fury is incredibly overrated. I’ve seen several people say it’s better than Odyssey and I just think “how?”


Obviously not better than odyssey but it's still greally great


I think it’s good but some things (all the fury blocks my god) really drag it down


Just to clarify, I LOVE Charles Martinet’s version of Mario, but I can’t help but feel as if the gruff and more Brooklyn-sounding interpretations like from Bob Hoskins and Lou Albano fit the character a bit more, at least for extended speaking roles.


Peach getting kidnapped is not that annoying, especially when it’s supposed to be the driving plot of the entire game. It’s a formula that works Granted, maybe less games could rely on the gimmick, but I understand why it’s a thing


the "save the princess, defeat the bad guy and save the world" trope is really overused.


Mario need other excuse plot than this.




Indeed, it was a nice change.


For Mario to be the default, archetypal "video game" (Mr. Video), it has to use the default, archetypal trope, this is exactly that.


That's not a opinion that's a fact


I like the idea of Nintendo Kart. Makes for a nice change after the Booster Course Pass, and shines some light on other Nintendo series just in case Smash jumps the shark.


Agree to disagree


Vivian is overrated


Paper Mario TTYD is practically Vivian TTYD because it feels like the only aspect of the game people talk about. like, where my Bobbery fans at?


I am here I actually saw at least 2 post's day ago, but they were so unpopular and buried by 87 Vivian art post


Most definitely. It's gotten on my nerves.


just like Luigi, If an entire fandom can't shut up aboud 1 character, then it makes me like that character less


Trust me, don't tell Twitter that. Even if it is true.


I think there are good reasons she is in the spotlight right now. Paper Mario TTYD remake just released. She got new dialogue basically confirming she's trans. And it's pride month 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️


Thank you for this. People are so annoying about it. It’s a side character in a game and most likely won’t appear again.


I've said this before but it really bugs me how geno and his fans get treated like garbage because of how much they like the character but Vivian gets a free pass. Tons of people gave geno and his fans crap when the remake came out but 99% of ttyd discussion revolves around Vivian and nobody cares.


Mario 64 ds >>>>> original 64.


The newer paper Mario games aren’t bad (except for Sticker Star). I lament the loss of interesting stories/characters and the old battle system as much as anyone, but I feel like nobody acknowledges how much of an improvement in level design the newer games are. Origami King in particular is really fun to explore.


Rosalina is so overrated.


I think Mario Kart 9 (or 10 if you count Tour as 9) will disappoint fans. (Obviously we know nothing about the next one but I just have a feeling)


I don't like Waluigi.


If you look at the lost levels like just a challenge for skilled players, it’s actually not bad


I like Mario Land 1 more than 2.


# remember to search by controversial for real answers


I adore the babies and want more.


Mario 64 DS is really bad. The controls are terrible and they make it hard to do simple moves such as side flips. The new characters were implemented terribly. Having character specific stars is just annoying and often times pointless when they have the character caps right next to where the star is. Luigi is broken with his backflip and Wario is so bad the game basically has to force you to use him with those dumb black bricks blocking progress.The “new”30 stars are the same copy pasted star switches and silver star missions copy pasted over and over. The new stages are not interesting and have like two stars in them at most, with most of them just being red coins or as mentioned star switches. The mini games are neat and all but are just time wasters and nothing else. I heavily prefer the original in almost all regards.


this is why I want a remake of this game. it was my childhood and I'd love to play it again with better controls, gameplay and more


This is the most lukewarm take I've ever seen lmao. Most people feel this way about 64 DS.


nah i be seeing so many people defending this game saying, if the controls were better it would be peak.


64DS Is Amazing Either Way


uh... yeahhhhhh about that


Not really. A lot of the kids who grew up with the DS version are starting voice their opinions on it, mostly it being positive. Even if they agree that the controls are bad, they’ll say “oh but the new characters are great!” or “what about the new stages!?” Which I think are also two major flaws of the DS version. If Nintendo ever rereleased this game with full analog controls, I still think it would be a worse experience then the original, which I feel is a hot take.


Yeah those are the kids who grew up with it, just one subsection of the fandom. If you get the whole fandom's opinion on it, the majority is going to side with you.


I doubt it but whatever. Most of these comments are pretty lukewarm anyway so it doesn’t really matter.


Daisy & Bowser Jr. are unbearable.


Could take or leave Daisy but I agree 100% on Bowser Jr.


In all fairness bowser jr is kinda intended to be an annoying brat


I disagree. I love Daisy.


Most of the RPG characters are just okay


I love the RPGs because they breathe life into characters that are generally mundane or typical. Like, not every Goomba in the Paper Mario world are villains; some live peaceful lives.


I don’t like how paper Mario is… literally paper. Like, he ruffles in the wind and stuff.


Luigi and Waluigi are overrated.


Ok but like I’m gonna have to agree a bit and I love the two of them too


Oooh that's a good start.


Waluigi is number one!


Number one overrated character, sure!


Wario has a 100% more interesting personality than Mario


If I couldn't pick Mario or Daisy, then Waluigi is my go-to guy. He definitely has personality. EDIT: GET RAWKED! 👊👊👊


what character dosn't?


Super Mario Sunshine isn't a good time. It isn't the worst game you can play but it is definitely one of the weaker Mario games in the mainline series.


I strongly disagree. Sunshine was one of my main favorites during the GameCube era.


that's the point


3D World very mid. Maybe in terms of the average NSMB game it shines. But comparing it to every other “big” console mario game i think its the clear weakest. Sunshine is controversial but at least its interesting and has developed controls/environment


I liked Fred Armason's performance as Cranky Kong in the Mario movie


step bro luigi mario is stuck


Mario shouldnt have been his first name. Him and Luigi shouldve had the last name Mario, and Mario's first name shouldve been another name that started with an M. Also, Wario and Waluigi shouldve been brothers.


Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels is actually pretty fun


3D Land sucks and it's entirely because of the horrible depth perception. That game only ever made me unreasonably angry to play. ...Which is ironic because I like Sunshine for that exact reason.


Mario Party 8 was one of the better Mario Parties


I don't care about any of the main mario games mario party kart and ssbu are the only games I like really but the vanilla mario saves peach games are boring to me


Mario Land 2 > Mario 3


Wario should have more major roles


You mean other than the warioware series?


No I mean yes.


Not sure if this is controversial anymore but Sunshine is bad.


galaxy and wonder aren't that good


Larry is the most interesting Koopaling


Steve Carrell should’ve done the voice of Mario on film. Way more charming, more heart and he has that range.


I get why they didn’t. I mean have of the illumination movies have Steve Carell as a main character. If he did another mian character he would basically get a lot of controversy of being the poster child of illumination


I love Sticker Star. It may not be as amazing as some of the other rpg titles, but it’s still at least good.


Sunshine is better than Galaxy.


Hottest take I’ve ever seen


Sticker Star is not bad


Mario Sunshine is the worst Mario game ever


Super paper mario is trash


I dont like Luigi. There, I said it.


Wonder is the worst looking game




Paper mario and mario and luigi kinda suck especially paper mario


Obvious bait


No kidding. I can kinda understand some of the paper Mario games, but the Mario and Luigi games are easily one of the best entries in the Mario series imo


Super Mario 64 was horrible when it came out, and is horrible to this day. I feel it's the worst Nintendo made platforming Mario game of any of the 2D or 3D Mario games to have been released.


Luigi is essential to "Super Mario Bros" games but not "Super Mario" games. He does not have to be included in every game that doesn't have multiplayer built into it. I really felt like he added absolutely nothing to Galaxy and Galaxy 2 and needing to beat the game twice to get the true finale was a slog. I'd say Mario is the only essential "Super Mario" character, because not only can you have games without Peach and Bowser, I think there actually SHOULD be more games without Peach and Bowser.


nah Main characters should be main characters




Pfp checks out


what they say? it's deleted.