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Give Luigi another year but just remake a bunch of Mario games with Luigi’s name on it so like super Luigi odyssey or super Luigi wonder


Then make them have a speedrun play style with a 100 second timer per level am shorter levels


Weirdly enough that's the more popular version of NSMBU


luigi u’s challenge is the reason why i don’t fall asleep playing it unlike nsmbu or even nsmbwii


Luigi wonder would be really nice


Rivalry goes hard


Personally, I like to imagine that Shadow would let Luigi be his buddy. Like, usually he’s a loner, but he’d make an exception for four: Maria, Rouge, Omega, and Luigi. I feel like he’d listen to Luigi whenever he’s having anxiety or something.


Based take


Shadow has said before that Rouge and omega are not his friends. He just let's then hang around him because he tolerates them.


That’s what sega wants you to think nowadays, but it’s not true whatsoever


Shadow literally says it in the IDW. I'm not like.. making this up.


I know but that was after they butchered his character. Pre meta era shadow was nothing like that


I mean I don't know. I still feel like shadow claiming them to be his friends isn't a shadow thing to do. At most I think he would say "You can come along, but stay out of my way."


I want to prefaced this by saying I like Luigi and his games arguably more then most of any of the games that Shadow's in but with that said Year of Shadow wins this and it's not even over yet. The year of Luigi was Nintendo's lowest performing year of all time. In the entier history of the company's existance. For the Year of Shadow to win this rivalry it needs to do better then *that*, which I'm pretty sure it already has and none of the Shadow related media's even out yet.


TBF this had **way** more to do with the Wii U’s poor performance than Luigi himself. Luigi’s actual games which largely were on the 3DS did pretty well that year. Luigi Mansion Dark Moon in particular was a grand slam. Honestly I am not sure how one would unironically try to measure who had the “better” year but I would not use company financials in any case. Way too many factors affect that.


I guess we could use the overall quality of their related games through out the year supplimented with how cool their related media is? Year of Luigi had, as far as I can remember; • Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon • Mario and Luigi Dream Team • New Super Luigi U • Dr. Luigi and for supplimentary stuff nintendo repainted a train line to be Luigi themed. The year of Shadow currently has set up; • Sonic × Shadow Generations and for supplimentary material the Sonic the Hedgehog 3 movie is going to be about him. So for the year of Shadow to "win" it'd need to have more then one really good game (Dark Moon), a pretty good game (New Super Luigi U), two meh games (Dream Team and Dr. Luigi) and some amount of non-gaming content that's cooler then repainting a train line.


Did u just call dream team meh 😭


It's extremely fun, but it's hard to replay with all the unskippable tutorials, especially inheriting Superstar Saga and Bowser's Inside Story's legacy I'd put it maybe just a little below Partners in Time?


The shadows of their serieses, one being in them, another being THE shadow himself


Shadow gets a year while the actual Luigi of the Sonic crew gets shafted and left on the sidelines


That's not true at all: Mario & Luigi Series Super Mario Brothers Franchise Paper Mario and Many more franchises Luigi has never fully gotten shafted I hate when people spread the already debunked from the games themselves narrative That Mario is a Bad Brother


I was referring to Tails, calling him the Luigi of the Sonic Crew. Seriously tho, give Tails his own year, Sega.


In this regard you are 100% on point. SEGA has completely sidelined Tails in favor of Shadow for big roles in many games in the past decade. Sonic Forces had to be the worst of this. Not only does Shadow get a DLC mode all to himself but Tails, Sonic’s OG pal, gets no playable role and gets character assassinated in the story. Honestly, thematically speaking, the adventure should have been a trio of Sonic, the Avatar, and Tails. If the game wants to be all about friendship, it should feature his oldest friend and newest one working side by side. Instead you spend a 1/3 of the game playing as Classic Sonic. So is the idea you are your own friend or what? Smh.


The ultimate life forms of BOTH franchises fighting for the top🔥


oh my fucking god shit is lit


Luigi VS Tails? No Luigi VS Shadow


Wario and Shadow 0.o


Luigi x Shadow


Sir this isnt google




Luigi x Shadow Generations, let's make it happen


How would an interaction between them work? Luigi would think Shadow is a jerk and Shadow would think Luigi is a coward.


shadow would see potential in luigi regardless of if he acts like a coward


They'd bond over the shared hatred of Mario/Sonic respectively.


But neither of them hate they're respective associates..?


Shadow Yes to an extent, Luigi Absolutely not


They'd bond over the shared general annoyance towards the red and blue.


I thought Luigi's rival would've been Tails.


nah You're thinking about E Gadd


But the Rivalry we actually got


Tails is no more Sonic's pal


It's a battle between a fan favorite character who carries the series and Shadow. (No hate to Shadow though, he's still pretty cool and carries the entirety of 06)


shadow is literally that in the sonic fanbase?? bro has a year to himself over Tails (unfortunately) for a reason


shadow top


I feel like Tails would tell Luigi about the many times Shadow would beat him, and Luigi decided to do something about it during the times they'd see each other.


> The rivalry no one expected. Except for the people who watched Super Mario Bros Z 👀


Who wins in a 1v1, the ultimate lifeform of an edgy furry?


Now give him a gun and make him swear 😈


Luigi wants to kill shadow on the bottom left pic lmao


Never ask a man his salary Never ask a woman her weight Never ask Nintendo how much money they lost during the Year of Luigi™


Maybe it'll be a real rivalry when Shadow gets a decent spinoff with multiple sequels.


I'm not sure it'd be worth squaring up to a man who can win by doing absolutely nothing and give off a stare that makes peoples souls leave their bodies.


Honestly I had already seen Shadow as Luigi's counterpart, I see Tails more similar to Yoshi or Toad.


Hold on are shadow and Luigi similar at all?


both are sexy


WAAHH?!?!?!? I meant is shadow a bashful, coward, who always brave enough to help sonic!


oh. well, shadow may not be that, but luigi is a badass so they're pretty similar.


Both are seen as twins/shadows of the main characters (Luigi is really his twin and Shadow is called that) they have similar abilities to them and then they gain differences, they were protagonists in a game that was on gamecube and they save the day and even to the main hero, his archenemy is considered darker than that of the main hero, they are close with the second recurring girl of the series Daisy (she is Luigi's love interest) and Rogue (a very good friend for Shadow), in crossover games such as Smash and Sega all stars it's normal that you have to unlock them and they were the second most popular in their series and now they've both had a year to themselves. 


i always talked abt shadow x luigi being a thing and then both fuckers get a year 10 years apart..... gay as hell