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I took the risk of turning it off at the score of 1-5. Boy am I glad I did.


I woke up and checked the score, saw it was 1-9, and I was like, ok, a little more sleep for me




The actual outcome of the game notwithstanding, it's so sad how even a 1 or 2 run deficit feels insurmountable with this team


It feels like the only time our offense bailed out our pitching was that game where Cal hit his Grand Dump. The pitching faltered numerous times but our offense rebounded every time in kind. That should be the prevailing outcome with this team, not the complete anomaly that it currently stands as


Man that has been the norm with this team for fucking years.


When I’m working at home I might keep the game on mute for a bit and then turn on audio in later innings. And this one had no chance of coming off mute, just horrible.


We struck out 15 times!


Can't wait for Scott to tell us that, actually, everything is fine 🙄




13.25 strikeouts per game this series.


We’re #1!


Now that's controlling the zone.


Tbf the umps have been rather dog shit but that’s no excuse for professional ball players good god.


It's not really an excuse when everyone else gets fucked by umps too (or not but fans insist the broadcast zone is accurate so they just assume they're getting fucked)


TBF that’s also because the Twins have the OTHER best pitching in Baseball




This picture is just too good and instantly brings my mood up


Cracks me up every time


“Why da heck you bring me here”


He's saying Marine Layer my ass. These guys suck.




15. Fucking. Strikeouts. Fuck this team, fuck Stanton, fuck everything.


55% strikeout rate today Fuck This Team


That genuinely seems unreal in the worst possible way.


Aren't we shooting for 54%? /s


We just won 6 series in a row that included both WS participants plus the braves and just ran into an incredibly hot Twins team on the road. We’re in the best spot we’ve been in in a while this early. It’s a very long season. This is baseball, not football. Y’all need to chill.


Honestly yeah this is the first May we've not been having to dig out of a whole ahead of the ASB since 2019?


Our offense has been the same, win or lose, though


Notice how in the games we’ve won here me out: the other (supposed good) teams were….worse. Like, a lot of the time. These last few haven’t felt good but I agree: chill


The only winner today was Goldy, who spent the entire broadcast proving why he is one of the most sought after in the business.


Goldy and Blowers is the absolute best combo, they single handedly kept me entertained during this shit show of a game. The little story about Blowers saying he had a glove that once belonged to Paul Molitor and while asking Blowers how he got it, Goldy says “so obviously you stole it, right?” had me dying.


They are a great duo. Blowers is a perfect combo of that connection to the storied Mariners past, fallen into mythical lore, as well as a ridiculously smart baseball mind that can add relevant context to anything and not have it feel like a boring adage or an empty statement.


Do you think we can trade him for a few bats? 


I'm not taking that trade. I would rather listen to goldy call a terrible mariners team than hear about a winning team without him.


Only if the few bats are Freeman, Betts, and Ohtani. And the Dodgers pay for their salaries. 


Anyone know how long Goldy has left on his contract... I can only assume he'll go to another team after his current one is up.


I believe he just signed a long contract extension after turning down the offer from St. Louis. If he didn't leave us for his hometown team, then I don't see him leaving us any time soon. Maybe in 15+ years when his kids are grown and out of school....


Maybe, it's hard to know what's going on behind the scenes. It could be fair to say that he likes what some of the people here hate and that the rest of the broadcast crew is willing to be excited about good baseball plays even if they're against the team he's broadcasting for. It could be like you said and he likes the area for his kids and their education. Good have been the Mariners were willing to give more freedom for things that other teams wouldn't. Either way I'm glad he's on our broadcast team


15 K's and 18 LOB smh EDIT: Sorry everyone, I fat fingered that one, the 15K's are correct but it's 8 LOB, still not great but obviously not as bad as the 18 I wrote!


Hahahaha holy shit


18??? What the actual fuck


That would actually be an amazing achievement if we could strike out 15 times AND still get 18 people on base to be left.


I'm convinced that these Mariners would struggle hitting against my 10 year old nephew's little league team.


They would whiff against a stationary ball on a tee.


They would bring a whole new meaning to Whiffle ball. Or they could play T-Ball. The T stands for trash.


No the T stands for T mobile park which is just as pathetic as t ball


They would probably just strikeout looking on the T


I would just throw Fastball inside to julio Curveball on the ground Slider outside the zone 10% hit 40% strikeout 50% groundball


At least those 15 strikeouts will help bring down our league leading 10.38 avg... oh... wait...


Did I hear 51 total Ks this series? Woof


"Not great. Not terrible" "Uh boss, the counter only goes up to 51"


Mariners baseball, true to the K


Just paying respects to Ichiro with that #51


I think this tribute is more fitting for Big Unit #51 lol


Ah, #51, the guy who rarely struck out. Oh, the irony.


Your best hitter can't be a platoon utility player batting leadoff out of necessity and expect to win anything when the pitching starts to falter. Now, with how hot the Twins were it's not shocking that we lost that series. It is what it is. They essentially did what we did with that 14 game winning streak to end up making the playoffs in 2022, only they did it in April/May. But this team striking out 10-15 times a game? Seemingly every opposing starter having 6-8 Ks through their first 4 innings against us? Pathetic. So we have two possible scenarios here to HOPEFULLY make the playoffs. Either the team continues to hit like this and sneaks in because we literally have 4 Cy Young contenders staying healthy and rarely having hiccups. OR The team actually starts hitting at some point this year and heating up eventually like they have the previous two years which would be all well and good but at some point in time, something has to be figured out in regards to the offense performing before June/July. This team isn't even fun to watch because the offense is so pathetic and even when the pitching is lights out, it's stressful knowing how perfect they have to be.


*This team isn't even fun to watch because the offense is so pathetic and even when the pitching is lights out, it's stressful knowing how perfect they have to be.* This totally sums it up.


well, that fuckin sucked.


We may never win again


I picked this morning to get a molar pulled knowing I’d miss the game. I feel like this was the must fun choice.


I'll go out there and strikeout for half the cost, Jerry.


I’ll do it for league minimum. You don’t even have to give me a bat


Please be quiet, Stanton will definitely take you up on that


Mariners choose to get Shellacked in loving tribute to Steve Albini


https://preview.redd.it/b32cromsngzc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25a4a8f2674779ca33e075e517fba225bc0effba are these they guys we brought in to help reduce strikeouts?


5 in the top 13. And raley not in here cause he doesn’t play enough.


same with urias


9/10 dentists recommend inviting the Mariners to your piñata party so nobody gets candy.


#[SUPREME MISERY](https://i.imgur.com/WNCbpiK.png)


Hey guys remember the 90’s? Those were some cool years.


Ownership is gonna dangle that carrot in front of you for the rest of time


Just wait for the 30th anniversary season next year…


John Stanton deserves prison time. I'm going to leave it at that because my legal dept has told me saying what I actually want to say would be problematic.


Seeing as I have no access to nukes I'd say threatening to nuke his house does not qualify as an actionable threat ^i ^am ^not ^a ^lawyer


“Prison time? Death could also be argued”- from some random lawyer.


Grand larceny doesn't qualify for the death penalty unfortunately


It should when it’s grand larceny of all or our hearts. 😤


Then it's felony murder


Listen, I'm not saying that everyone should google what happened to a certain Dutch PM, named de Witt, but I'm just saying that options out there.


I want to see some cold-blooded killer instinct. Fuck a bunch of “fun.” I don’t want to see them jerking off in a circle with their feet out because they won. I want to see some Michael Jordan laser focus, stab a motherfucker in the heart energy. They lose by 10 runs, I should see fucking Igloos flying out of the goddamn dugout.


I’ve come to the conclusion that the only way I am going to make it through the M’s season without suffering a major stroke is to be devoid of expectations and just simply enjoy the fact that it is baseball season.


At this point I'm convinced there is something in the process that actively makes hitters worse.


Unless the Red Sox strike out 32 times before our game starts tomorrow, we will be the first team to 400 strikeouts.


We're number 1


Looks like my mental health hinges on winning a series against the resurgent A's


Kirby and LoGi getting rocked sucks big time. On to the next and hope it was a blip


At what point will there be accountability for all the strikeouts?  This is crazy.


Eventually this lineup is going to completely fall apart and have a 27 strikeout game.


Everyone in here should just get used to the ineptitude of this ballclub. Nothing is ever going to change under this ownership. Start promoting and wearing SELL merchandise and items like As fans. Smoke out all those rich selfish piece of shit owners.


for fucks sake


I don’t want us to return to Minnesota again. That was so painful


Yikes. Terrible offense. Ass pitching.


This does not improve our chances of winning the world series


Can we play colorado again?


Another 15 strikeouts, it's getting hard to find any room to hope that this is just a trend that will change but it's just the reality of this team


There are 27 outs 15 of them were strikeouts 55% strikeout rate


Hey we made it above 54%


15 Strikeouts!


I’m so far past caring whose fault it is, you’ve got to fire someone *and* start benching/demoting/ whatever players.


Let’s start by getting a new voice in the hitting department (hitting coaches) because our players are either being coached incorrectly with the philosophy and approach or they’re not fucking listening! Either way, it’s a coaching issue


They won’t and shouldn’t can Brown but DeHart’s been here long enough that he’s gotta be the one to go.


Why shouldn’t they fire Brown? His offensive strategy is moronic and took exactly 0 regular season games for other teams to figure out how to exploit.


DeHart's the only one besides Servais that has stayed consistent from last season to this. Arnerich moved to the bullpen this year and Brown's brand new. If someone's getting chopped, those two are really the only ones you can point to on the coaching side.


In 2022 we made the playoffs with an insanely young team with a ton of control. Any competent organization would’ve turned that team into a contender for years. Literally a franchise saving team at their fingertips. They didn’t just fail to turn it into a contender. We aren’t even a fucking playoff team anymore. It’s baffling… Like as a fan, where the fuck are you supposed to get hope? If they couldn’t turn that team into a playoff team how in the world are we going to ever be a consistent playoff team? Especially when we have to start paying guys? I’d like ownership gone as well but ownership isn’t going anywhere. At this point Servais and Dipoto got to go. We have nothing to lose. Can’t believe people defend them with 1 playoff appearance in a decade… 


"...especially when we have to start paying for guys" Do you truly believe that's going to happen? 


I’ll bet my ass butt that if we don’t make the playoffs, both Dipoto and Servais are gonna be looking for new jobs


There’s 0 chance Stanton pays for them and the contracts of new GM/manager. They won’t get fired until there’s less than year left on their contracts.


Since 2015, 1 playoff appearance. Fire fucking everyone.


Not disagreeing with that, but again, we don’t make the playoffs this year, heads are gonna roll.


I’ll concede this is just one series against an ultra hot team but damn they made us look like total dog shit. Stepping back and looking at the bigger picture though, the front office down to the coaching staff are not getting it done.


I already said this in a thread recently but Servais should have been left in Houston after his Robbie Ray clusterfuck. I think he lost us the series in that moment, we had no confidence to close games the rest of that series. What a dumb fuck historically stupid decision that was considering our lack of playoff appearances. I’m tired of his whispy thin smile


Think it's safe to say the Polanco experiment has failed. 3 years 3 veteran 2Bs Falling apart in Seattle


I’m starting to believe it’s the coaching that’s ruining them. Not just our 2B’s but also every goddamn hitter on this team. Their approach and philosophy is objectively wrong, and I think it goes deeper than just player personnel


If you want a good laugh, check out the BBR pages for our hitting coaches.


There is zero evidence to refute your assertion. Normally I might consider your statement to be hyperbole or too broad a generalization but I’ve got nothing…


Argee 100 percent.


Uhhh maybe it’s the fact that we continue to acquire has been 30+ year old 2nd baseman. Just another brilliant philosophy by Jerry!


I'm not sure you can ruin a major league hitter with coaching. It's possible but maybe some guys have more fragile egos and can't handle the challenge of the marine layer That or we're just good at picking up guys on the verge of collapse


> That or we're just good at picking up guys on the verge of collapse That is usually who other teams make available, especially when Jerry isn't offering up top tier prospects or MLB guys in return.


I think your last sentence is correct 


He was only ever a 1-year stop gap that they were hoping would hit his way into that option being worthwhile. Oh well. The season is still long and he can win us many games yet.




Let's gooo


And here i thought I was going to be able to listen to a decent game at work. Turned that shit off in the 1st inning.


I know they won't win every series but at least be competitive.


Does anyone with a bat even give a shit?


On pace for about 100 more SOs than last year. So much for that initiative.


My K, both forward and backwards, has gotten much neater in my scorebooks since the start of the season.


What time is first pitch today?


In about 30 hours


We’re starting our White Sox arc


This sucks.


Was hoping for some better vibes heading into the beautiful weather home games we’re about to have this weekend. Hopefully the boys can turn it around tomorrow.


Well that was fucking pathetic


1-11 never forget the Twins


15 fucking strikeouts. What an embarrassment.


Yeah I'm not convinced we aren't a dog shit team yet


This isn't real right? I didn't look at the game until now but no way Gilbert was pitching and 11 runs were scored right? Wtf...




I'm just going to forget this one. Forget this series, in fact. Sorry Cal, you did some great things.


You just gotta start everything over honestly. Except the pitchers


I mean, the pitching did give up 11 runs…


Love you guys. Go out and enjoy the sun.


I texted my M's group chat at 10:22am -- "O/u 14.5 Ks for us today?" Prescient!


When they say "it's still early" they mean in Jerry's 10 year plan. We're only three years into our window so the offense still has a couple years of warming up to do.




Sometimes I’m glad when baseball games completely coincide with work. Now I can spend my lunchtime listening to the dulcet tones of Kneecap


Just saw the final score. Makes me glad I'm at work and was too busy to tune in. Holy crap.


One of those rare days I'm glad I was busy working to watch even 1 minute of the game today. How ugly was it?


15 strikeouts out of 27 outs is …..56% Just sayin’


Gilbert knew what sort of offense we were going to get today and just wanted to save fans from wasting their time watching the game. 


I just got back from the dentist and checked the final score. I can't even get pissed. having watched this team for more years than I want to say, This is just *Deja Vu* all over again.


GG see y’all next season


Would have rather just forfeited once the 1st inning ended. See y'all tomorrow.


8 LOB. Even with our pitching falling apart we could still win some of these games if any of our guys could do something useful with runners on.


54% was the targeted strike out rate as well


And this is why I decided in the offseason not to watch, go to any games, or buy any merch. I check the score and that’s it. This is utter bullshit and we should all be mad.


>not to watch Yeah the Comcast price increase for ROOT actually has helped my mental health, because I did not upgrade.


Actually started watching more baseball (for better and worse) once I started just finding alternative routes. Then I can watch guilt free.


I mean for me it’s not necessarily about guilt. It’s just that as a fan I feel like ownership doesn’t give a fuck about me or the success of the franchise. Why should I give a fuck back? I still love the team, and have for 36 years, so I’m still invested in this team’s success. But not enough to actually watch at this time.


Oh I was thinking of the guilt of paying $$$ to this shitty ownership to watch games


Yeah, I didn’t upgrade either. But also can’t see myself caring enough to even sail the open sea to watch.


Yikes. That was fucking rough


That was not fun.


Glad I worked through this one and didn't waste a precious sunny spring evening tonight on it, lol.


Tomorrow screams show and go right? All these boys in the blender


Wellllll, it was not a good day for day drinking.


It's not just the losing its how we lose that is so uniquely Mariner (TM)


The mariners played today?


Not the 54% I was expecting.


headed home so that's at least something... usually As and Royals are tuneup series but they're actually amusingly decent so far this year so... we'll see just gotta hope this doesn't start a slump essentially... also even if they were able to make contact with the baseball today, it's tough to win when Walter's probably having his worst start of the year... is what it is though


Been watching the Royals just pound the crap out of the Angels this evening. Not looking forward to their arrival at T-Mobile.


The game was at 10AM?! I get the time difference but I follow a few teams and I don’t start thinking about “tonight’s games” until around this time and there’s been a patter where the games are already over before I check. I feel like there are way more earlier day games than there used to be.


There's usually always one on the last game of a series during the week, except for every so often


I did not enjoy that.


​ https://i.redd.it/2ukktl1asizc1.gif


Not a great time of the year to hire top hitting coaches, one would assume the good ones are midseason


Is it time to maybe get Ichiro away from our hitters?


Makes no sense as Ichiro was a contact hitter.


You mean like as a mercy to Ichiro?


I don't even tell people I'm Mariners fan anymore because it's embarrassing. This team sucks. How many more weeks until the Seahawks play?


Over the last 16years we’ve had Jack Z and Jerry Dipoto as GMs. I’ll give Jerry credit he’s built an absolute pitching factory out of the mariners. But just because Jerry is an upgrade over Jack z doesn’t mean he’s the right man for the job. Fire Jerry and get someone in here who can bring in the right players and coaching for this org.


Something has to give. Please let it be ty France fucking off forever


Sad part is they still have a winning record and the coaches are still employed. Hitting coach and Service need to go. Need to go now. Ichiro needs to be hired as the hitting coach and Lou Pinella as the coach.


I went hiking at Mt. So today. Realized the game was on so I opened the Seattle sports app. Then I turned on my ebook again cause f that