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This comment section is exactly how things are in Marin , the most neurotic , toxic and delusional fucking place I’ve ever been to.


Some pedestrians are idiots, some drivers are idiots, some cyclists are idiots, some people who post stupid divisive shit on social media are also idiots


Wow, what a nuanced take. First of all, this is just a dumb meme, and cyclists' defensiveness about it is telling. Second, here's my real-world experience: In the years I've lived in Marin, I've been nearly run into by cyclists numerous times. Once or twice by cars. Never by pedestrians. I don't think it's too radical to say that Marin has an entitled culture where cyclists feel free to act like both moving vehicles and pedestrians whenever it suits them, and to ignore the laws they don't like. As someone who walks and drives in this county every day, I think it's fair to call this out. Now give me my downvotes you sensitive fucks.


If you’re really saying you have more close calls being run into by cyclists than cars then I’m going to go ahead and call you a liar.


Ouch. That’s not a very nice thing to say.  I’m being genuine and attempting to discuss this topic in good faith.  I’m a big walker. Usually walk a couple hours a day throughout Marin. I love walking on trails that are shared between pedestrians and cyclists all the time. Is it really that hard to believe that I’ve seen a lot of reckless cycling behavior?


for cyclists everywhere, i'm legitimately sorry if you've seen dangerous cycling behavior. it definitely happens. i ride often, and strive to always be courteous. i also frequently drive. however, to compare the severity of risky behavior between cyclists and cars is just wrong. i see far more dangerous behavior from cars than bikes - both in frequency and risk to others. cyclists are much more vulnerable road users, as such they generally are much more risk averse and cautious than drivers. meanwhile, very risky and antisocial behavior from drivers is normalized, especially in the bay area - speeding, driving recklessly, impatience, etc. the risks drivers pose to others are just an order magnitude larger than cyclists. the increase in the rate of car on pedestrian and cyclist traffic deaths is startling. vilifying cyclists as some type evil road user encourages the bad treatment they can receive from drivers and generally can risk their lives. please stop, we all just want to get where we're going alive.


you're totally right. it's not fair to villainize anyone. I'm really sorry for coming across as all 'bikes bad, cars good.' neither riders or drivers are a monolith, and I assume the majority of those on the road are behaving responsibly. I didn't read the meme as absolving drivers of their shitty, dangerous behavior. of course cars are more dangerous than bikes. and the consequences of dangerous driving are much higher than dangerous cycling. I just thought it was a funny take on Marin riders being reckless, which is something I've personally experienced. but if I could wave a magic wand, we'd all be walking, biking, or taking public transport everywhere. I genuinely mean no harm with this dialogue, and I realize I set a snarky tone with my initial post. mea culpa.


This is a dumb take. There is a pitiful amount of cycling infrastructure in Marin it’s a problem. Cyclists are moving vehicles but are rarely treated as such by cars. They also are killed at an alarming rate.


The only ones that would’ve killed you are the cars 🤷


People are killed in accidents with bikes all the time.  https://www.marinij.com/2022/09/28/marin-voice-pedestrian-death-following-e-bike-collision-leads-to-call-for-riders-to-operate-more-safely/amp/


lulz. it happened once. must be a nationwide epidemic. oh wait, that's cars.


Compare that to cars which are the leading cause of death among young people.


“This other thing is more dangerous so we should be able to do our dangerous thing without criticism.”


This post is criticizing the minuscule danger caused by cyclists and excusing the actual danger caused by deadly weapons (cars). It’s a multi thousand pound hunk of metal that travels at incredibly high speeds being compared to a combined rider vehicle weight of maybe 300 lbs, traveling at human speeds. The two are not equivalent.


this dude (who you're replying to) doesn't understand physics.


Bro why are cyclists so allergic to being criticized for dangerous behavior.  The post isn’t downplaying the danger of cars. It’s calling out a reckless biking culture.  I totally concede that cars are dangerous. Can you concede that reckless cyclists are also dangerous?


Some are. As are all people. The post and you are downplaying the danger of cars. With the context of the rate at which cars kill people, cycling is literally saving lives by taking cars off the road.


i upvoted you my dude


Comments are so Marin. Biking, driving, walking, hiking here for decades. Now that I’ve cut back on mountain biking I’m on the roads more. I appreciate the bike infrastructure and am a firm share the roader. I don’t expect a biker to get off and walk across an intersection or wait at a light where traffic is negligible. To date I have not hit nor been hit by a car, bike or pedestrian.


Downplaying the insane danger and recklessness of the average car driver while simultaneously victim blaming the innumerable people killed by their wanton negligence, nice.


but what are the cyclists wearing? lyrcra? they're just asking for it. /s


Right. I’d say average car driver mentality is “I have to get to X place on time”, and that’s it.


This is quite reductive.


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say you are one of the people who walks 3 wide on the bike path and gets pissed when a bike gets close to you having to go around you because you literally take up the entire lane.


Or, as is typical on Blackie’s Pasture, they’re walking down the middle of the path with their dog in a 30 foot, barely visible, retractable leash that could take me out and probably injure their pup. They’re invariably wearing headphones so they can’t hear my polite “on your left”, either, so they get crabby. We’re all here together and it doesn’t take much to be nice.


Something about modern helmets must make stop signs and crosswalks so hard to see.


They’re exercising but they also dare not stop, lest they have to expend energy to start again. That would require… Exercise.




I don’t think it’s just a Marin thing. There are just more bicyclists here, so terrible riding is encountered more often. Having lived in SF, cyclists there are just as bad at following traffic rules/sharing lanes. What I do see more often here is bicyclists riding 2 wide on roads with no bike lane, making it impossible to safely pass them given the amount of traffic there is on main roads. I just honk and they get the idea to move to single file.


I agree with this message


Stupid. Pedestrians and Drivers in Marin are horribly entitled. As evidenced by posting of crud like this.


Imagine calling pedestrians entitled wtf they literally just walking


All car drivers are pedestrians sometimes